Township (Taiwan)

Last updated

Townships [1] are the third-level administrative subdivisions of counties of the Republic of China (Taiwan), along with county-administered cities. [2] After World War II, the townships were established from the following conversions on the Japanese administrative divisions:


Divisions before 1945Divisions after 1945
Name Kanji Japanese
TowngaikeUrban townshipzhèntìn
VillagechngRural townshipxiānghiong
Aboriginal areas蕃地banchihoan-tēMountain indigenous township山地鄉shāndì xiāngsoaⁿ-tē hiong

Although local laws do not enforce strict standards for classifying them, generally urban townships have a larger population and more business and industry than rural townships, but not to the extent of county-administered cities. Under townships, there is also the village as the base/fourth level of administration.

As of 2022, there are in all 184 townships, including 38 urban townships, 122 rural townships and 24 mountain indigenous townships. 174 townships with 35 urban and 118 rural townships are located in Taiwan Province and 10 townships with 3 urban and 4 rural townships are located in Fujian Province. Penghu and Lienchiang are the only two counties that do not have urban townships.

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Rural townships
Mountain indigenous township
Urban townships
County-administered cities
Mountain indigenous districts of municipalities
Provincial cities
Special municipalities Cities townships and mountain districts of Taiwan.svg
  Rural townships
  Mountain indigenous township
  Urban townships
  Mountain indigenous districts of municipalities

Statistics of townships

Taiwan Province

SubdivisionsTypes of TownshipsCounty
SubdivisionsTypes of Townships
Changhua 2246180 Nantou 112462
Chiayi 2162131 Penghu 15050
Hsinchu 112372 Pingtung 1323218
Hualien 112273 Taitung 115285
Yilan 111362 Yunlin 1195140
Miaoli 2165101Total141743811524

Fujian Province

SubdivisionsTypes of Townships
Kinmen 06330
Lienchiang 04040

List of townships by county

Su'ao, an urban township in Yilan County. Neipi Port of Su Ao, Yilan County, Taiwan.jpg
Su'ao, an urban township in Yilan County.
Kanding, a rural township in Pingtung County. Xing Chai Lian Che Kan Ding She Wei Lu Qiao  (27477384625).jpg
Kanding, a rural township in Pingtung County.
Jianshi, a mountain indigenous township in Hsinchu County. Smangus.jpg
Jianshi, a mountain indigenous township in Hsinchu County.

Township names are now transliterated using the Hanyu Pinyin romanization system without tone marks. The county names do not necessarily use Hanyu Pinyin or special case such as Lukang. [3]

Colors indicate the common language status of Formosan languages, Hakka or Matsu dialect within each division.

NameChinese Hànyǔ Pīnyīn Taiwanese
Formosan or othersCountyType
Luodong 羅東鎮LuódōngLô-tongLò-tûngRutung Kavalan Yilan Urban
Su'ao 蘇澳鎮Sū'àoSo·-ÒSû-o Yilan Urban
Toucheng 頭城鎮TóuchéngThâu-siâⁿThèu-sàng Yilan Urban
Jiaoxi 礁溪鄉JiāoxīTa-kheChiâu-hâi Yilan Rural
Zhuangwei 壯圍鄉ZhuàngwéiChòng-ûiChong-vì Yilan Rural
Yuanshan 員山鄉YuánshānÎⁿ-soaⁿYèn-sân Yilan Rural
Dongshan 冬山鄉DōngshānTang-soaⁿTûng-sân Yilan Rural
Wujie 五結鄉WǔjiéGō·-kiatŃg-kiet Yilan Rural
Sanxing 三星鄉SānxīngSaⁿ-chheⁿ/chhiⁿSâm-sên Yilan Rural
Datong 大同鄉DàtóngTāi-tôngThai-thùngMinnao Atayal Yilan Mountain indigenous
Nan'ao 南澳鄉Nán'àoLâm-òNàm-oKbbu' Atayal Yilan Mountain indigenous
Guanxi 關西鎮GuānxiKoan-seKûan-sî Atayal Hsinchu Urban
Xinpu 新埔鎮XīnpǔSin-po͘Sîn-phû Hsinchu Urban
Zhudong 竹東鎮ZhúdōngTek-tangChuk-tûng Hsinchu Urban
Hukou 湖口鄉HúkǒuÔ͘-kháuFù-khiéu Hsinchu Rural
Hengshan 橫山鄉HéngshānHoâiⁿ-sanVàng-sân Hsinchu Rural
Xinfeng 新豐鄉XīnfēngSin-hongSîn-fûng Hsinchu Rural
Qionglin 芎林鄉QiōnglínKhiông-nâKhiûng-lìm Hsinchu Rural
Baoshan 寶山鄉BǎoshānPó-sanPó-sân Hsinchu Rural
Beipu 北埔鄉BěipǔPak-po͘Pet-phû Hsinchu Rural
Emei 峨眉鄉ÉméiGô-bîNgô-mì Hsinchu Rural
Jianshi 尖石鄉JiānshíChiam-chio̍hChiâm-sa̍kNahuy Atayal Hsinchu Mountain indigenous
Wufeng 五峰鄉WǔfēngNgó͘-hongŃg-fûngTatoba' Atayal, Saisiyat Hsinchu Mountain indigenous
Yuanli 苑裡鎮YuànlǐOán-líYen-lî Miaoli Urban
Tongxiao 通霄鎮TōngxiāoThong-siauThûng-sêu Miaoli Urban
Zhunan 竹南鎮ZhúnánTek-lâmChuk-nàm Miaoli Urban
Houlong 後龍鎮HòulóngĀu-lângHeu-liùng Miaoli Urban
Zhuolan 卓蘭鎮ZhuólánTah-lânCho̍k-làn Miaoli Urban
Dahu 大湖鄉DàhúTōa-ô͘Thai-fù Miaoli Rural
Gongguan 公館鄉GōngguǎnKong-koánKûng-kón Miaoli Rural
Tongluo 銅鑼鄉TóngluóTâng-lôThùng-lò Miaoli Rural
Nanzhuang 南庄鄉NánzhuāngLâm-chngNàm-chông Miaoli Rural
Touwu 頭屋鄉TóuwūThâu-okThèu-vuk Miaoli Rural
Sanyi 三義鄉SānyìSam-gīSâm-ngi Miaoli Rural
Xihu 西湖鄉XīhúSe-ô͘Sî-fù Miaoli Rural
Zaoqiao 造橋鄉ZàoqiáoChō-kiôCho-khièu Miaoli Rural
Sanwan 三灣鄉SānwānSam-oanSâm-vân Miaoli Rural
Shitan 獅潭鄉ShītánSai-thâmSṳ̂-thàn Miaoli Rural
Tai'an 泰安鄉Tài'ānThài-anThai-ônTaian Atayal Miaoli Mountain indigenous
Lukang 鹿港鎮LùgǎngLo̍k-kángLu̍k-kóng Changhua Urban
Hemei 和美鎮HéměiHô-bíFò-mî Changhua Urban
Beidou 北斗鎮BěidǒuPó-táuPet-téu Changhua Urban
Xihu 溪湖鎮XīhúKhe-ô͘Hâi-fù Changhua Urban
Tianzhong 田中鎮TiánzhōngTiân-tiongThièn-chûng Changhua Urban
Erlin 二林鎮ÈrlínJī-lîmNgi-lìm Changhua Urban
Xianxi 線西鄉XiànxiSoàⁿ-saiSien-sî Changhua Rural
Shengang 伸港鄉ShēngǎngSin-kángChhûn-kóng Changhua Rural
Fuxing 福興鄉FúxīngHok-hengFuk-hîn Changhua Rural
Xiushui 秀水鄉XiùshuǐSiù-chúiSiu-súi Changhua Rural
Huatan 花壇鄉HuātánHoe-toâⁿFâ-thàn Changhua Rural
Fenyuan 芬園鄉FēnyuánHun-hn̂gFûn-yèn Changhua Rural
Dacun 大村鄉DàcūnTāi-chhoanThai-chhûn Changhua Rural
Puyan 埔鹽鄉PǔyánPo͘-iâmPhû-yàm Changhua Rural
Puxin 埔心鄉PǔxīnPo͘-simPhû-sîm Changhua Rural
Yongjing 永靖鄉YǒngjìngÉng-chēngYún-chhìn Changhua Rural
Shetou 社頭鄉ShètóuSiā-thâuSa-thèu Changhua Rural
Ershui 二水鄉ÈrshuǐJī-chúiNgi-súi Changhua Rural
Tianwei 田尾鄉TiánwěiChhân-boéThièn-mî Changhua Rural
Pitou 埤頭鄉PítóuPi-thâuPhî-thèu Changhua Rural
Fangyuan 芳苑鄉FāngyuànHong-oánFông-yen Changhua Rural
Dacheng 大城鄉DàchéngToā-siâⁿThai-sàng Changhua Rural
Zhutang 竹塘鄉ZhútángTek-tn̂gChuk-thòng Changhua Rural
Xizhou 溪州鄉XīzhōuKhe-chiuHâi-chû Changhua Rural
Puli 埔里鎮PǔlǐPo͘-líPhû-lî Nantou Urban
Caotun 草屯鎮CǎotúnChháu-tūnChhó-thùn Nantou Urban
Zhushan 竹山鎮ZhúshānTek-sanChuk-sân Nantou Urban
Jiji 集集鎮JíjíChi̍p-chi̍pSi̍p-si̍p Nantou Urban
Mingjian 名間鄉MíngjiānBêng-kanMiàng-kiên Nantou Rural
Lugu 鹿谷鄉LùgǔLo̍k-kokLu̍k-kuk Nantou Rural
Zhongliao 中寮鄉ZhōngliáoTiong-liâuChûng-liàu Nantou Rural
Yuchi 魚池鄉YúchíHî-tîǸg-chhṳ̀Qabizay Thao Nantou Rural
Guoxing 國姓鄉GuóxìngKok-sèngKoet-siang Nantou Rural
Shuili 水里鄉ShuǐlǐChúi-líSúi-lî Nantou Rural
Xinyi 信義鄉XìnyìSìn-gīSin-ngiNehunpu-siang Bunun Nantou Mountain indigenous
Ren'ai 仁愛鄉Rén'àiJîn-àiYìn-oiParan Atayal, Bunun, Seediq Nantou Mountain indigenous
Dounan 斗南鎮DòunánTáu-lâmTéu-nàm Yunlin Urban
Huwei 虎尾鎮HǔwěiHó͘-bóeFú-mî Yunlin Urban
Xiluo 西螺鎮XīluóSai-lêSî-lô Yunlin Urban
Tuku 土庫鎮TǔkùThô͘-khò͘Thú-khù Yunlin Urban
Beigang 北港鎮BěigǎngPak-kángPet-kóng Yunlin Urban
Gukeng 古坑鄉GǔkēngKó͘-kheⁿKú-hâng Yunlin Rural
Dapi 大埤鄉DàpíTōa-piThai-phî Yunlin Rural
Citong 莿桐鄉CìtóngChhì-tôngChhṳ̀-thùng Yunlin Rural
Linnei 林內鄉LínnèiNâ-lāiLìm-nui Yunlin Rural
Erlun 二崙鄉ÈrlúnJī-lūnNgi-lûn Yunlin Rural
Lunbei 崙背鄉LúnbèiLūn-pòeLûn-poi Yunlin Rural
Mailiao 麥寮鄉MàiliáoBe̍h-liâuMa̍k-liàu Yunlin Rural
Dongshi 東勢鄉DōngshìTang-sìTûng-sṳ Yunlin Rural
Baozhong 褒忠鄉BāozhōngPo-tiongPô-chûng Yunlin Rural
Taixi 臺西鄉TáixīTâi-seThòi-sî Yunlin Rural
Yuanchang 元長鄉YuánzhǎngGoân-chiángNgièn-chhòng Yunlin Rural
Sihu 四湖鄉SìhúSì-ô͘Si-fù Yunlin Rural
Kouhu 口湖鄉KǒuhúKháu-ô͘Khiéu-fù Yunlin Rural
Shuilin 水林鄉ShuǐlínChúi-nâSúi-lìm Yunlin Rural
Budai 布袋鎮BùdàiPò͘-tēPu-thoi Chiayi Urban
Dalin 大林鎮DàlínTōa-nâThai-lìm Chiayi Urban
Minxiong 民雄鄉MínxióngBîn-hiôngMìn-hiùng Chiayi Rural
Xikou 溪口鄉XīkǒuKhe-kháuHâi-khiéu Chiayi Rural
Xingang 新港鄉XīngǎngSin-kángSîn-kóng Chiayi Rural
Lioujiao 六腳鄉LiùjiǎoLa̍k-khaLiuk-kiok Chiayi Rural
Dongshi 東石鄉DōngshíTang-chio̍hTûng-sa̍k Chiayi Rural
Yizhu 義竹鄉YìzhúGī-tekNgi-chuk Chiayi Rural
Lucao 鹿草鄉LùcǎoLok-chháuLu̍k-chhó Chiayi Rural
Shuishang 水上鄉ShuǐshàngChhúi-siāngSúi-song Chiayi Rural
Zhongpu 中埔鄉ZhōngpǔTiong-po͘Chûng-phû Chiayi Rural
Zhuqi 竹崎鄉ZhúqíTek-kiāChuk-khì Chiayi Rural
Meishan 梅山鄉MéishānBôe-sanMòi-sân Chiayi Rural
Fanlu 番路鄉FānlùHoan-lō͘Fân-lu Chiayi Rural
Dapu 大埔鄉DàpǔTōa-po͘Thai-phû Chiayi Rural
Alishan 阿里山鄉ĀlǐshānA-lí-sanÂ-lî-sânPsoseongana Tsou Chiayi Mountain Indigenous
Chaozhou 潮州鎮CháozhōuTiô-chiuChhèu-chû Pingtung Urban
Donggang 東港鎮DōnggǎngTang-kángTûng-kóng Pingtung Urban
Hengchun 恆春鎮HéngchūnHêng-chhunHèn-chhûn Pingtung Urban
Wandan 萬丹鄉WàndānBān-tanVan-tân Pingtung Rural
Changzhi 長治鄉ChángzhìTióng-tīChhòng-chhṳ Pingtung Rural
Linluo 麟洛鄉LínluòLîn-lo̍kLìm-lo̍k Pingtung Rural
Jiuru 九如鄉JiǔrúKíu-jûKiú-yì Pingtung Rural
Ligang 里港鄉LǐgǎngLí-kángLî-kóng Pingtung Rural
Yanpu 鹽埔鄉YánpǔIâm-po͘Yâm-phû Pingtung Rural
Gaoshu 高樹鄉GāoshùKo-chhiūKô-su Pingtung Rural
Wanluan 萬巒鄉WànluánBān-loânVan-lòng Pingtung Rural
Neipu 內埔鄉NèipǔLāi-po͘Lui-phû Pingtung Rural
Zhutian 竹田鄉ZhútiánTek-chhânChuk-thièn Pingtung Rural
Xinpi 新埤鄉XīnpíSin-piSîn-phî Pingtung Rural
Fangliao 枋寮鄉FāngliáoPang-liâuPiông-liàu Pingtung Rural
Xinyuan 新園鄉XīnyuánSin-hn̂gSîn-yèn Pingtung Rural
Kanding 崁頂鄉KǎndǐngKhàm-téngKham-táng Pingtung Rural
Linbian 林邊鄉LínbiānNâ-piⁿLìm-piên Pingtung Rural
Nanzhou 南州鄉NánzhōuLâm-chiuNàm-chû Pingtung Rural
Jiadong 佳冬鄉JiādōngKa-tangKâ-tûng Pingtung Rural
Liuqiu 琉球鄉LiúqiúLiû-khiûLiù-khiùLamay Pingtung Rural
Checheng 車城鄉ChēchéngChhia-siâⁿChhâ-sàng Pingtung Rural
Manzhou 滿州鄉MǎnzhōuBóan-chiuMân-chûManutsuru Paiwan Pingtung Rural
Fangshan 枋山鄉FāngshānPang-soaⁿPiông-sân Pingtung Rural
Sandimen 三地門鄉SāndìménSoaⁿ-tē-mn̂gSâm-thi-mùnTimur Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Wutai 霧臺鄉WùtáiBū-tâiVu-thòiVedai Rukai Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Majia 瑪家鄉MǎjiāMá-kaMâ-kâMakazayazaya Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Taiwu 泰武鄉TàiwǔThài-búThai-vúKlaljuc Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Laiyi 來義鄉LáiyìLâi-gīLòi-ngiRai Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Chunri 春日鄉ChūnrìChhun-ji̍tChhûn-ngitKasugagu Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Shizi 獅子鄉ShīzǐSai-chúSṳ̂-éSisigu Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Mudan 牡丹鄉MǔdānBó͘-tanMéu-tânSinvaudjan Paiwan Pingtung Mountain Indigenous
Chenggong 成功鎮ChénggōngSêng-kongSṳ̀n-kûngMadawdaw Amis Taitung Urban
Guanshan 關山鎮GuānshānKoan-sanKûan-sânKinalaungan Bunun Taitung Urban
Beinan 卑南鄉BēinánPi-lâmPî-nàmPuyuma Amis, Puyuma , Pinang Rukai Taitung Rural
Dawu 大武鄉DàwǔTāi-búThai-vúPalangoe Paiwan Taitung Rural
Taimali 太麻里鄉TàimálǐThài-mâ-líThai-mà-lîTjavualji Amis&Paiwan Taitung Rural
Donghe 東河鄉DōnghéTong-hôTûng-hòFafukod Amis Taitung Rural
Changbin 長濱鄉ChángbīnTn̂g-pinChhòng-pînKakacawan Amis Taitung Rural
Luye 鹿野鄉LùyěLo̍k-iáLu̍k-yâ Amis Taitung Rural
Chishang 池上鄉ChíshàngTî-siōngChhṳ̀-songFanaw Amis Taitung Rural
Lüdao 綠島鄉LǜdǎoLe̍k-tóLiu̍k-tóSanasay Amis , Jitanasey Yami Taitung Rural
Yanping 延平鄉YánpíngIân-pêngYèn-phìnInpiing Bunun Taitung Mountain indigenous
Haiduan 海端鄉HǎiduānHái-toaⁿHói-tônHaitutuan Bunun Taitung Mountain indigenous
Daren 達仁鄉DárénTa̍t-jînTha̍t-yìnTadren Paiwan Taitung Mountain indigenous
Jinfeng 金峰鄉JīnfēngKim-hongKîm-fûngKinzang Paiwan Taitung Mountain indigenous
Lanyu 蘭嶼鄉LányǔLân-sūLàn-yíPonso no Tao Yami Taitung Mountain indigenous
Fenglin 鳳林鎮FènglínHōng-lîmFung-lìmMarlimu Amis Hualien Urban
Yuli 玉里鎮YùlǐGio̍k-líNgiu̍k-lîPosko Amis Hualien Urban
Xincheng 新城鄉XīnchéngSin-siâⁿSîn-sàngSinjiyu Truku , Takidis Amis Hualien Rural
Ji'an 吉安鄉Jí'ānKiat-anKit-ônCikasuan Amis Hualien Rural
Shoufeng 壽豐鄉ShòufēngSiū-hongSu-fûngCiamengan Amis Hualien Rural
Guangfu 光復鄉GuāngfùKong-ho̍kKông-fu̍kFata'an Amis Hualien Rural
Fengbin 豐濱鄉FēngbīnHong-pinFûng-pînFakon Amis , Bakung Kavalan Hualien Rural
Ruisui 瑞穗鄉RuìsuìSūi-sūiLui-suiKohkoh Amis Hualien Rural
Fuli 富里鄉FùlǐHù-líFu-lîKongpo Amis Hualien Rural
Xiulin 秀林鄉XiùlínSiù-lîmSiu-lìmBsuring Truku Hualien Mountain Indigenous
Wanrong 萬榮鄉WànróngBān-êngVan-yùngMalibasi Truku Hualien Mountain Indigenous
Zhuoxi 卓溪鄉ZhuóxīToh-kheCho̍k-hâiTakkei Bunun Hualien Mountain Indigenous
Huxi 湖西鄉HúxīÔ͘-saiFù-sî Penghu Rural
Baisha 白沙鄉BáishāPe̍h-soaPha̍k-sâ Penghu Rural
Xiyu 西嶼鄉XīyǔSai-sūSî-yí Penghu Rural
Wang'an 望安鄉Wàng'ānBāng-oaⁿMong-ôn Penghu Rural
Cimei 七美鄉QīměiChhit-bíChhit-mî Penghu Rural
Jincheng 金城鎮JīnchéngKim-siâⁿKîm-sàng Kinmen Urban
Jinhu 金湖鎮JīnhúKim-ô·Kîm-fù Kinmen Urban
Jinsha 金沙鎮JīnshāKim-soaⁿKîm-sâ Kinmen Urban
Jinning 金寧鄉JīnníngKim-lêngKîm-nèn Kinmen Rural
Lieyu 烈嶼鄉LièyǔLia̍t-sūLie̍t-yí Kinmen Rural
Wuqiu 烏坵鄉WūqiūO·-kiuVû-hiuO-ku Wuqiu Kinmen Rural
Nangan 南竿鄉NángānLâm-kanNàm-kônNàng-găng Matsu Lienchiang Rural
Beigan 北竿鄉BěigānPak-kanPet-kônBáe̤k-găng Matsu Lienchiang Rural
Juguang 莒光鄉JǔguāngKí-kongKí-kóngGṳ̄-guŏng Matsu Lienchiang Rural
Dongyin 東引鄉DōngyǐnTang-ínTûng-yínDĕ̤ng-īng Matsu Lienchiang Rural

See also

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A prefecture-level city or prefectural city is an administrative division of the People's Republic of China (PRC), ranking below a province and above a county in China's administrative structure.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Provincial city (Taiwan)</span> Type of administrative division of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

An autonomous municipality, county-level city or city, previously provincial city, is a de jure second-level administrative division unit in the Republic of China (Taiwan).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">County-administered city</span> Administrative division of Taiwan

A county-administered city is a third-level administrative division in the Republic of China (Taiwan) below a county, which in turn is below of a province. Under the administrative structure of the ROC, it is at the same level as a township or a district. Such cities are under the jurisdiction of counties. It is also the lowest-level city in Taiwan, below a city and a special municipality. There are 14 county-administered cities currently under ROC control.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">District (China)</span> Administrative division in China

The term district, in the context of China, is used to refer to several unrelated political divisions in both ancient and modern China.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hsinchu County</span> County in Taiwan Province, Republic of China

Hsinchu County is a county in north-western Taiwan. The population of the county is mainly Hakka; with a Taiwanese aboriginal minority in the southeastern part of the county. Zhubei is the county seat, where the government office and county office is located. A portion of the Hsinchu Science Park is located in Hsinchu County.

There are many romanization systems used in Taiwan. The first Chinese language romanization system in Taiwan, Pe̍h-ōe-jī, was developed for Taiwanese by Presbyterian missionaries and has been promoted by the indigenous Presbyterian Churches since the 19th century. Pe̍h-ōe-jī is also the first written system of Taiwanese Hokkien; a similar system for Hakka was also developed at that time. During the period of Japanese rule, the promotion of roman writing systems was suppressed under the Dōka and Kōminka policy. After World War II, Taiwan was handed over from Japan to the Republic of China in 1945. The romanization of Mandarin Chinese was also introduced to Taiwan as official or semi-official standard.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jiasian District</span> District in Southern Taiwan, Taiwan

Jiasian District is a rural district in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Located far from the coast, the township is regarded as a gateway to Taiwan's Central Mountain Range.

Districts are administrative subdivisions of Taiwan's special municipalities of the second level and provincial cities of the third level formerly under its provinces. There are two types of district in the administrative scheme:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Counties of Taiwan</span> One of the administrative divisions of Taiwan

A county, constitutionally known as a hsien, is a de jure second-level administrative division unit in the Republic of China (Taiwan). Under the administrative structure of Taiwan, it is with the same level of a provincial city.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Special municipality (Taiwan)</span> Administrative division of Taiwan

Special municipality, historically known as Yuan-controlled municipality, is a first-level administrative division unit in Taiwan. It is the highest level of the country's administrative structure and is equivalent to a province. After the suspension of the provincial governments of 2018, the special municipalities along with provincial cities and counties have all governed directly under the central government.

Villages are the basic level administrative subdivisions of the Republic of China, under townships, county-administered cities or districts. There are two types of villages depending on the divisions it belongs to.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">County-level divisions of China</span> Third-level administrative divisions of China

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is divided into 2,854 county-level divisions which rank below prefectures/provinces and above townships as the third-level administrative division in the country. Of these, 2,842 are located in territory controlled by the PRC, while 172 are located in land controlled by the Republic of China (ROC).


  1. 中文譯音使用原則修正說明 (PDF) (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 21 March 2011. Retrieved 23 July 2019. 「鄉鎮」之英譯「Township」。
  2. "Local governments". Office of the President Republic of China (Taiwan). Retrieved 4 December 2020.
  3. "Glossary of Names for Admin Divisions" (PDF). Taiwan Geographic Names Information Systems. The Ministry of Interior of ROC. Retrieved 6 June 2015.[ permanent dead link ]