Ultrafast scanning electron microscopy

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Ultrafast scanning electron microscopy (UFSEM) combines two microscopic modalities, Pump-probe microscopy and Scanning electron microscope, to gather temporal and spatial resolution phenomena. The technique uses ultrashort laser pulses for pump excitation of the material and the sample response will be detected by an Everhart-Thornley detector. Acquiring data depends mainly on formation of images by raster scan mode after pumping with short laser pulse at different delay times. The characterization of the output image will be done through the temporal resolution aspect.[ clarification needed ] Thus, the idea is to exploit the shorter DeBroglie wavelength in respect to the photons which has great impact to increase the resolution about 1 nm. [1] That technique is an up-to-date approach to study the dynamic of charge on material surfaces.


Time resolved in scanning electron spectroscopy

Ernst Ruska was a pioneer German scholar who won the Nobel prize in 1986 for his work on the development of an electron microscope in 1933 in collaboration with Max Knoll. [2] Nowadays, electron microscopy is miscellaneous used tool due to enhancement not only the spatial resolution respect to the optical microscope but also high imaging contrast and remarkable sensitivity due to the fact that the robustness of electrons impact on the matter in comparison with photons.[ clarification needed ]} Proceeding from that concept, the technology of ultrafast scanning electron microscopy has been modified by assistance of Ultrashort pulse laser which allows the scientists to investigate material dynamic in short and ultra-short scale of time. There was an early attempt to initiate this technique by Larry D.Flesner in a US patent in 1990, he incorporated the scanning electron microscopy and modulated light to study semiconductor surface photovoltaic in both time and space scale. [3] Nowadays, pump-probe microscopy has been improved after Ahmed Zewail's discovery of femtosecond time scale for chemical reaction and has awarded the Nobel Prize for his historical discovery. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Scanning electron microscopy

Illustration shows the phenomena that occur from the interaction of highly energetic electrons with matter, also depicting the pear shape interaction volume which is typically observed in this type of interactions. Electron Interaction with Matter.svg
Illustration shows the phenomena that occur from the interaction of highly energetic electrons with matter, also depicting the pear shape interaction volume which is typically observed in this type of interactions.

Scanning electron microscopy is a powerful technique for mapping of sample surface topography and material content in very wide range metal, semiconductor even organic samples in a vacuum or low-pressure environment. [9] The principle depends on scanning the specimen with a beam of electrons a few nanometers in size. If the thickness of the sample is within few micrometers, the electron beam will be completely attenuated by interaction with electrons or atoms of the specimen. The interaction of an electron with the specimen may be elastic or inelastic. In the first case, there is low loss of energy, and the electrons may be backscattered out of the specimen. [10] In the inelastic interaction process, low-energy electrons are ejected with energies up to about 30 KeV. The shown picture summarizes all kinds of possible interactions and their related depth to the sample. For example, x-rays may be generated from some depth or an Auger electron may be generated close to the surface. Specific detectors are used to detect the type of energy emitted and convert its intensity to an electronic signal. The final image, acquired and reconstructed by raster scan mode contains no colour information and is usually presented in presented in grayscale. Since secondary electrons have an energy less than 50 eV it only provides information from within a few nanometres of the surface.[ citation needed ]

Pump probe microscopy

Pump-probe techniques in physics.

Pump-probe microscopy phenomenon, widely known as transient absorption microscopy, is a sort of nonlinear process starting by excitation of the material by very short pulse laser beam (pump), which induces internal transition. [11] A probe beam follows the pump beam to trace the progress that has been done inside the material also in very short time. In reality, that response could be changed by manipulating the time delay between pump and probe and by this way the concept of Time-resolved spectroscopy will be used to trace dynamic process evolution as a function of time. [12] Nowadays, the appreciated impact to reach high progress in that phenomenon is directly coming from the nonlinear optics. [13] There are many ways for nonlinear process interaction, for example second-harmonic generation, Coherent anti-Stokes Raman or two-photon-excited fluorescence. The fascinating in Ultrafast scanning electron microscopy is how powerful it obtains by combining high spatial resolution of the electrons and temporal resolution of ultra-fast pump-probe microscopy. [14]

Measurement methodology

The fundamental idea that measurement has been built to exploit the Spatial resolution of electron microscopy and temporal resolution for ultrafast optical pump probe. [15] The setup simply consists of scanning electron microscopy machine always works in ultra-high vacuum that regarding on electron beam as a probe and ultrashort laser beam as pump. [16] Firstly, Schottky emission gun is almost common to use as source of primary beam due to high beam brightness after passing through electromagnetic lens. Secondly, femtosecond Powerful fibre laser with repetition rates from KHZ to few of MHz splits by nonlinear process into third and fourth harmonic generation 343 nm and 257 nm, respectively. During the measurement, the tip emission is less than thermal emission limit to acquire photoemission mode. That photoemission mode improves by allow forth harmonic generation beam to interact the tip which generates more electrons. On the other hand, another third harmonic generation will be used to excite the sample itself. The time-resolved measurement will be acquired by detecting the secondary electron emission in image shape at different delay time between third and fourth harmonic beam. The final acquired intensity must be normalized by subtraction from the background. It is important to acquire the measurement at different delay time forward and reverse that a good tool for checking the stability and reproducibility. [17]


The powerfulness of that technique meets the requirement for investigation of innovative materials for electronics, sustainable energy harvesting and photonics that enables us to study the charge dynamic in deep for semiconductors materials which have been stimulated by ultrashort laser beam. It has powerful accessibility to carrier recombination and trapping in condensed matter physics that allows more progress in photovoltaics fabrication.

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Wide-field multiphoton microscopy refers to an optical non-linear imaging technique tailored for ultrafast imaging in which a large area of the object is illuminated and imaged without the need for scanning. High intensities are required to induce non-linear optical processes such as two-photon fluorescence or second harmonic generation. In scanning multiphoton microscopes the high intensities are achieved by tightly focusing the light, and the image is obtained by beam scanning. In wide-field multiphoton microscopy the high intensities are best achieved using an optically amplified pulsed laser source to attain a large field of view (~100 μm). The image in this case is obtained as a single frame with a CCD without the need of scanning, making the technique particularly useful to visualize dynamic processes simultaneously across the object of interest. With wide-field multiphoton microscopy the frame rate can be increased up to a 1000-fold compared to multiphoton scanning microscopy. Wide-field multiphoton microscopes are not yet commercially available, but working prototypes exist in several optics laboratories.

A probe tip is an instrument used in scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) to scan the surface of a sample and make nano-scale images of surfaces and structures. The probe tip is mounted on the end of a cantilever and can be as sharp as a single atom. In microscopy, probe tip geometry and the composition of both the tip and the surface being probed directly affect resolution and imaging quality. Tip size and shape are extremely important in monitoring and detecting interactions between surfaces. SPMs can precisely measure electrostatic forces, magnetic forces, chemical bonding, Van der Waals forces, and capillary forces. SPMs can also reveal the morphology and topography of a surface.

Pump–probe microscopy is a non-linear optical imaging modality used in femtochemistry to study chemical reactions. It generates high-contrast images from endogenous non-fluorescent targets. It has numerous applications, including materials science, medicine, and art restoration.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scanning helium microscopy</span>

The scanning helium microscope (SHeM) is a novel form of microscopy that uses low-energy (5–100 meV) neutral helium atoms to image the surface of a sample without any damage to the sample caused by the imaging process. Since helium is inert and neutral, it can be used to study delicate and insulating surfaces. Images are formed by rastering a sample underneath an atom beam and monitoring the flux of atoms that are scattered into a detector at each point.


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