United Nations Administered East Timor

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East Timor
Timor-Leste (Portuguese)
Timor Lorosa'e (Tetum)
تيمور الشرقية (Arabic)
东帝汶 (Chinese)
Timor oriental (French)
Восточный Тимор (Russian)
Timor oriental (Spanish)
East Timor - Location Map (2013) - TLS - UNOCHA.svg
Location of East Timor at the end of the Indonesian archipelago.
Status United Nations protectorate
Capital Dili
Common languages Tetum
Sérgio Vieira de Mello
Chief Minister  
Mari Alkatiri
25 October 1999
20 May 2002
15,007 km2 (5,794 sq mi)
CurrencyUnited States dollar
ISO 3166 code TL
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Flag of Timor Timur.svg Indonesian occupied East Timor
East Timor Flag of East Timor.svg

United Nations Administered East Timor refers to the period between 25 October 1999 and 20 May 2002 when East Timor was administered by the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor as a United Nations protectorate.



East Timor was colonised by Portugal in the mid-16th century and administered as Portuguese Timor. Following the Carnation Revolution in Portugal, East Timor unilaterally declared independence as the Democratic Republic of East Timor on 28 November 1975, but was invaded by Indonesia 7 December 1975. East Timor was occupied by Indonesia and administered as Timor Timur province. The invasion was not recognized as legal by the United Nations, which continued to regard Portugal as the legal Administering Power of East Timor. In 1999, in a UN-sponsored referendum, an overwhelming majority of East Timorese voted for independence from Indonesia. Immediately following the referendum, Pro-Indonesia militias commenced a scorched earth campaign triggering the 1999 East Timorese crisis. An International Force for East Timor was deployed to the territory to bring the violence to an end. Indonesia formally rescinded its annexation on 19 October 1999 and a United Nations transitional administration was subsequently established on 25 October 1999 by Security Council Resolution 1272 to administer the territory until independence on 22 May 2002.

Administrative history

Initial administrative arrangements

A fifteen member National Consultative Council was established in December 1999 by UNTAET REG 1999/2, [1] and served as a forum for East Timorese political and community leaders to advise the Transitional Administrator and discuss policy issues. The Council had eleven Timorese members and four international members. A Transitional Judicial Service Commission was also established to ensure representation of East Timorese leaders in decisions affecting the judiciary in East Timor. The Commission was made up of three Timorese representatives and two international experts. [2]

First transitional administration

In July 2000 the membership of the National Consultative Council was expanded to 36 members including, one representative from each of the 13 districts of East Timor, and the body was renamed the National Council. [3] All the members were now Timorese and represented the main political parties and religious communities of East Timor. The National Council became a legislature style body and had the right to debate any future regulations issued by UNTAET.

On 15 July 2000, an executive body Transitional Cabinet was formed comprising four Timorese members and four international members. [4] [5]

Progress was made in the development of a judicial system with a Prosecutor General's Office and a Defender Service established. District Courts and Court of Appeal were also established.

A voter registration process was completed during this period and preparations were made for elections to a Constituent Assembly that would prepare East Timor for independence expected in 2002.

Second transitional administration

Elections for an 88-member Constituent Assembly [6] were held on 30 August 2001, the second anniversary of the autonomy referendum, which resulted in a majority of seats for the Fretilin party. The Assembly nominated a transitional Council of Ministers [7] the following month. The Council of Ministers had 24 members and was led by transitional Chief Minister Mari Alkatiri.

The Constituent Assembly completed work on a draft constitution and this was promulgated in March 2002, [8] the Assembly would serve as the parliament of East Timor following independence.

Presidential elections were held in April in which Xanana Gusmão was elected president of a future independent East Timor.

East Timor became an independent state on 20 May 2002.

Office holders

Transitional administrator

Sérgio Vieira de Mello served as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for East Timor (Transitional Administrator) during the period East Timor was administered by the United Nations.

ElectionTerm of officePolitical party
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
- 2019-08-26 Ian Martin.jpg Ian Martin
n/a25 October 199919 November 199925 daysn/a
1 Sergio Vieira de Mello.jpg Sérgio Vieira de Mello
n/a19 November 199920 May 20022 years, 182 daysn/a

Chief minister

Mari Alkatiri served as Chief Minister of East Timor between September 2001 and May 2002.

ElectionTerm of officePolitical party
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
1 Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri 2002.jpg Mari Alkatiri
(born 1949)
2001 20 September 200120 May 2002212 days Fretilin


The following elections were held during United Nations administration:

Local government

Map of the districts of East Timor. East Timor municipalities numbers.png
Map of the districts of East Timor.

During the period of United Nations administration, East Timor was divided into thirteen districts: [9]

  1. Lautém
  2. Baucau
  3. Viqueque
  4. Manatuto
  5. Dili
  6. Aileu
  7. Manufahi
  8. Liquiçá
  9. Ermera
  10. Ainaro
  11. Bobonaro
  12. Cova Lima
  13. Oecusse

Each district was headed by an UNTAET appointed District Administrator supported by District Advisory Councils with representation from political parties, the Catholic Church, women and youth groups. [10]

Security and law enforcement

Security was initially provided by the International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) but was assumed by UNTAET Peace-Keeping Force (PKF) in February 2000. The formation of an East Timor Defence Force was approved in September 2000 which was formally established in February 2001. [11] At the same time, the pro-independence guerrilla movement FALINTIL was officially disbanded, with many of its members joining the new defence force.

Initially law and order in East Timor was maintained by an international United Nations Civilian Police Force (CIVPOL). Recruitment and training for a local police force commenced by UNTAET in April 2000 [10] and an East Timor Police Service was established in August 2001. [12] Prisons were established at Dili, Becora and Gleno. A Serious Crimes Unit and Crime Scene Detachment also existed to investigate human rights abuses during the period of Indonesian occupation and its immediate aftermath.

International relations

Liaison Offices

The following countries opened Liaison offices in East Timor during the period of United Nations administration: [13]


Four East Timorese athletes participated in the 2000 Summer Olympics and two athletes participated in the 2000 Summer Paralympics in Sydney. [14]

Media and communications

UNTAET public information

The UN-led interim administration maintained a local FM radio station, "Radio UNTAET", a TV station, "TV UNTAET" and published a fortnightly newsletter known as "Tais Timor" in English, Portuguese, Tetum and Indonesian. [15]

Postal services

The United Nations transitional administration established an East Timor Postal Service in April 2000 with post offices opening in Dili, Baucau and at Comoro Airport. Two postage stamps with the inscription Timor Lorosae / UNTAET were first issued on 29 April 2000, in red for domestic mail and blue for international mail. [16] [17] [13]


Portuguese Timor used the international dialing code +672 until 1975. [18] During Indonesian occupation, the Indonesian country code +62 was used. The code +672 was subsequently reassigned to the Australian External Territories. Initially after the end of Indonesian occupation, the code +672 9 was used following an agreement with the Government of Australia and telecommunications provider Telstra. [19] East Timor was later assigned the code +670.

See also

Related Research Articles

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The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET),, was a United Nations mission in East Timor that aimed to solve the decades-long East Timorese crisis in the area occupied by Indonesian military. UNTAET provided an interim civil administration and a peacekeeping mission in the territory of East Timor, from its establishment on 25 October 1999, until its independence on 20 May 2002, following the outcome of the East Timor Special Autonomy Referendum. The transitional administration was established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1272 in 1999.

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United Nations Security Council resolution 1272 was adopted unanimously on 25 October 1999, after recalling previous resolutions on East Timor, particularly resolutions 384 (1975), 389 (1976), 1236 (1999), 1246 (1999), 1262 (1999) and 1264 (1999). The council established the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) that was responsible for the administration of the territory until its independence in 2002.

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United Nations Security Council resolution 1392, adopted unanimously on 31 January 2002, after recalling previous resolutions on East Timor (Timor-Leste), particularly resolutions 1272 (1999) and 1338 (2001), the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) until 20 May 2002.

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United Nations Security Council resolution 1410, adopted unanimously on 17 May 2002, after recalling previous resolutions on East Timor (Timor-Leste), particularly resolutions 1272 (1999), 1338 (2001) and 1392 (2002), the council established the United Nations Mission of Support to East Timor (UNMISET) to replace the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maria Domingas Alves</span> East Timorese activist

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East Timorese nationality law is regulated by the 2002 Constitution, the Nationality Act of the same year, the regulation of the Nationality Act Decree-Law No. 1 of 2004, as well as various international agreements to which East Timor has been a signatory. These laws determine who is, or is eligible to be, a national of East Timor. The legal means to acquire nationality and formal membership in a nation differ from the relationship of rights and obligations between a national and the nation, known as citizenship. East Timorese nationality is typically obtained either on the principle of jus soli, i.e. by birth in East Timor; or under the rules of jus sanguinis, i.e. by birth abroad to at least one parent with East Timorese nationality. It can also be granted to a permanent resident who has lived in East Timor for a given period of time through naturalization.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">II UNTAET Transitional Government of East Timor</span> UN / East Timorese cabinet led by Mari Alkatiri

The II UNTAET Transitional Government was the second administration or cabinet of United Nations Administered East Timor, a United Nations protectorate that provided an interim civil administration and a peacekeeping mission in the territory of East Timor from 25 October 1999 until 20 May 2002.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">I UNTAET Transitional Government of East Timor</span> UN / East Timorese cabinet led by Sérgio Vieira de Mello

The I UNTAET Transitional Government was the first administration or cabinet of United Nations Administered East Timor, a United Nations protectorate that provided an interim civil administration and a peacekeeping mission in the territory of East Timor from 25 October 1999 until 20 May 2002.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">East Timor independence</span> Milestone in the history of East Timor

East Timor independence formally occurred on 20 May 2002.


  1. UNTAET (2 December 1999). "UNTAET Regulation No. 1999/2 On the establishment of a National Consultative Council". peacekeeping.un.org. Archived from the original on 26 February 2020. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
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