Abortion in Zimbabwe is available under limited circumstances. Zimbabwe's current abortion law, the Termination of Pregnancy Act, was enacted by Rhodesia's white minority government in 1977. The law permits abortion if the pregnancy endangers the life of the woman or threatens to permanently impair her physical health, if the child may be born with serious physical or mental defects, or if the fetus was conceived as a result of rape or incest. [1] [2] Nevertheless, an estimated 70,000+ illegal abortions are performed in Zimbabwe each year, resulting in around 20,000 maternal deaths. [1] [3]
The Termination of Pregnancy Act defines abortion as "the termination of a pregnancy otherwise than with the intention of delivering a live child." [4]
Before 1977, abortion in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) was governed Roman-Dutch common law and English case law, namely the 1861 Offences Against the Person Act, which permitted abortion only to save the life of the pregnant woman. [5] [6] [7] [8] This principle was clarified in the 1938 case Rex v. Bourne , in which Justice Malcolm Macnaghten ruled that abortion could be legally performed to save the mother's life. [8] At the time, Bulawayo was the "abortion centre" of Rhodesia, with most abortion procedures being performed by gynaecologists at Bulawayo Central Hospital. [8]
With the advent of the women's liberation movement in Rhodesia in the early 1970s, debate over the country's abortion law increased. [8] [9] [10] In July 1976, the government's Commission of Inquiry into the Termination of Pregnancy in Rhodesia published its recommendations that some restrictions on abortion be loosened. [10] In the report, the commission acknowledged that "perhaps the majority of younger Rhodesians wish to see abortion laws liberalized." [10] The commission recommended that abortion be permitted under the following conditions: [8]
The commission's report, and the proposed legislation in Parliament that followed, sparked public debate on the issue, and in the months that followed, The Rhodesia Herald regularly published letters from white Rhodesians on what it described as "a key social issue in Rhodesian society." [10]
In the journal Zambezia, Diana Seager, a sociology lecturer at the University of Rhodesia, expressed dissatisfaction with the commission's finding, writing that while they made a "seemingly liberal gesture... in substance [their] recommendations are no different from previous legislation." [8] [10] Jacquie Stafford, president of the National Organisation for Women, wrote to The Herald that "the recommendations of the Commission... were quite conservative... not going as far as many women would have liked." [10] Political activist Diana Mitchell asked in a letter, "why are the women of Rhodesia not consulted on this controversial subject?" She opined that abortion "should be left to the individuals concerned." [10] At the same time, other letters to The Herald expressed opposition to liberalized abortion laws. Roy Buckle, a Salisbury resident, argued that expanded access to legal abortion represented the "thin end of the wedge and that further liberalization will follow." [10] None of the writers were black Rhodesians, and none of the letters addressed how black women might be affected. [10]
As much as abortion was a social and moral issue, it was also a racial issue in Rhodesia. Many on the far-right of the white population viewed abortion primarily as a means to combat the rapid growth of the black population. [9] As a result, liberalized abortion laws might be viewed by black Rhodesians as a means for genocide of their race. [9]
In December 1976, acting on the commission's findings, the Parliament introduced legislation addressing abortion. The Termination of Pregnancy Act (No. 29 of 1977 [5] ), which took effect on 1 January 1978, expanded abortion access, allowing the procedure under three conditions: if the pregnancy endangers the life of the woman or threatens to permanently impair her physical health, if the child may be born with serious physical or mental defects, or if the fetus was conceived as a result of rape or incest. [1] [5] [6] Under the former law, the latter two conditions were not circumstances under which a legal abortion could be obtained. [6] Although the new law expanded abortion access, [5] [6] [7] it did not go far enough for some: Jacquie Stafford, president of the National Organisation for Women, wrote in a letter to The Herald that the law "showed nothing but contempt for the women of this country, and makes me wonder at the sanity of our parliamentary representatives." [10]
After Zimbabwe's independence in 1980, the new black government retained the Termination of Pregnancy Act. [7]
In recent years, there has been growing vocal support to amend the law and expand legal abortion access. [6] [11] [12] Many support expanded legal abortion access in order to end unsafe illegal abortions which often threatens the health of the mother, or results in maternal death. [6] [11] [12] Zimbabwean women are 200 times more likely to die from an abortion procedure than women in South Africa, where obtaining an abortion is easier. [4] And Zimbabwe's maternal mortality rate is three times higher than South Africa. [12] One abortion-rights group active in Zimbabwe is Right Here Right Now (RHRN), which advocates for a review of the Termination of Pregnancy Act, which they consider "archaic". [11] Other calls to expand access to legal abortion came from the organization Zimbabwe Doctors for Human Rights, as well as former Minister of Finance Tendai Biti. [13]
Abortion is legally permitted under limited circumstances. In accordance with the Termination of Pregnancy Act, an abortion may be legally performed if the pregnancy seriously endangers the mother's life or threatens to permanently impair her physical health, if there is a significant risk that the child would be born with serious physical or mental defects, or if the fetus was conceived as a result unlawful intercourse, defined as rape, incest, or intercourse with a mentally handicapped woman (other sexual offenses, like statutory rape, are not legal grounds for an abortion). [4] [7] [14]
An abortion may only be performed by a medical practitioner in an institution designated by the Ministry of Health and Child Care, with the written permission of the hospital superintendent or administrator. [4] [14] In order for the abortion procedure to be performed, two medical practitioners who are not from the same medical partnership or institution must certify that the requisite conditions indeed exist. [4] In cases of unlawful intercourse, (rape, incest, or intercourse with a mentally handicapped woman), a court magistrate of the jurisdiction in which the abortion would take place must issue a certificate certifying that the pregnancy was probably that the result of unlawful intercourse as defined in the Act. [4] Abortion services are provided by the Ministry of Health and Child Care, and are free to low-income and unemployed women. [14]
Illegal abortion carries a penalty of imprisonment up to five years and/or a fine. [4] [11] [14] The Termination of Pregnancy Act set the fine at Z$5,000 (approx. US$563 in 1997). [4] [11] [14] However, Zimbabwe no longer uses the Zimbabwean dollar. Under section 60 of the Criminal Law and Codification Reform Act, illegal abortion is punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a fine not exceeding level 10. [15]
A UNICEF report in 2005 estimated that around 70,000 illegal abortions take place in Zimbabwe each year. [1] Government estimates indicate that more than 80,000 illegal abortions happen every year, resulting in around 20,000 maternal deaths. [3] [16] In 2017, Ministry of Health and Child Care official Dr. Bernard Madzima estimated that illegal abortions causes 16% of maternal deaths, half of whom were adolescents. [17] Most illegal abortions obtained by adolescent mothers occur in rural areas. [17] Illegal abortions are also often performed illegally by city doctors. [15] In 2014, over 2,000 young women ages 17 to 25 sought post-abortion care at Harare Hospital, and at Parirenyatwa Hospital treats over 100 women per month seeking post-abortion care. [15]
2018 survey, question on whether the Constitution should protect abortion rights
A 2018 survey on the Constitution of Zimbabwe found that 40% of respondents favored full constitutional abortion rights, 39% supported abortion rights in certain instances, and 19% were completely opposed to any constitutional abortion rights. [6] The survey results showed that Zimbabwean men were more supportive of abortion rights than women, with 46% of men supporting full rights for women to an abortion, compared to 39% of women holding the same view. [6]
Abortion in the United Kingdom is de facto available through the Abortion Act 1967 in Great Britain, and the Abortion (No.2) Regulations 2020. The Abortion Act 1967 provides a legal defence for doctors to perform abortions, though abortion also remains a criminal offence under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. Although a number of abortions did take place before the 1967 Act, there have been around 10 million abortions in the United Kingdom. Around 200,000 abortions are carried out in England and Wales each year and just under 14,000 in Scotland; the most common reason cited under the ICD-10 classification system for around 98% of all abortions is "risk to woman's mental health."
Abortion laws vary widely among countries and territories, and have changed over time. Such laws range from abortion being freely available on request, to regulation or restrictions of various kinds, to outright prohibition in all circumstances. Many countries and territories that allow abortion have gestational limits for the procedure depending on the reason; with the majority being up to 12 weeks for abortion on request, up to 24 weeks for rape, incest, or socioeconomic reasons, and more for fetal impairment or risk to the woman's health or life. As of 2022, countries that legally allow abortion on request or for socioeconomic reasons comprise about 60% of the world's population.
Abortion in Israel is permitted when determined by a termination committee, with the vast majority of cases being approved as of 2019. The rate of abortion in Israel has steadily declined since 1988, and compared to the rest of the world, abortion rates in Israel are moderate. According to government data, in Israel, abortion rates in 2016 dropped steadily to 9 per 1,000 women of childbearing age, lower than England (16.2) and the United States (13.2). 99% of abortions are carried out in the first trimester. Despite allegations of permitting abortion under limited circumstances, Haaretz noted in 2019 that this is not the case and abortion is almost always permitted in Israel.
Abortion in South Africa is legal on request during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and under certain conditions afterwards. Abortion is provided free at government hospitals and a tele-medical or 'pills by post' service is provided by Marie Stopes South Africa and Women on Web International Foundation, partnered with Abortion Support South Africa. Abortion was legal only under very limited circumstances until 1 February 1997, when the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act came into force, providing elective abortion for a variety of cases.
Abortion in India has been legal under various circumstances with the introduction of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Regulations, 2003 were issued under the Act to enable women to access safe and legal abortion services.
Abortion in Colombia is legal on request for any reason and without restrictions up to the 24th week of pregnancy, due to a ruling by the Constitutional Court on February 21, 2022. Later in pregnancy, it is only allowed in cases of risk of death to the mother, fetal malformation, or rape, according to a Constitutional Court ruling in 2006.
In Trinidad and Tobago, abortion is illegal save for few exceptions. The respective laws are in place since 1925.
Abortion in Namibia is restricted under the Abortion and Sterilisation Act of South Africa (1975), which Namibia inherited at the time of Independence from South Africa in March 1990. The act only allows for the termination of a pregnancy in cases of serious threat to the maternal or fetal health or when the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest.
Abortion in Turkey has been legal on request since May 27, 1983. Abortion is legal up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, and in special circumstances it can be extended if there is danger to the woman's life or the life of the fetus. During the ten weeks, an abortion is allowed for the following reasons: the pregnancy threatens the woman's mental and/or physical health, the fetus would be physically or mentally impaired, if the conception occurred through rape or incest, and economic or social reasons. The woman's consent is required. If the woman is under the age of 18, then parental consent is required. If the woman is married, the consent of the husband is also required. Single women over the age of 18 can choose to have an abortion on their own.
Abortion in Spain is legal upon request up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, and at later stages for serious risk to the health of the woman or fetal defects.
Abortion-rights movements, also referred to as pro-choice movements, advocate for the right to have legal access to induced abortion services including elective abortion. They seek to represent and support women who wish to terminate their pregnancy without fear of legal or social backlash. These movements are in direct opposition to anti-abortion movements.
Abortion in Uganda is illegal unless performed by a licensed medical doctor in a situation where the woman's life is deemed to be at risk.
Abortion in Samoa is only legal if the abortion will save the mother's life or preserve her physical or mental health and only when the gestation period is less than 20 weeks. In Samoa, if an abortion is performed on a woman for any other reason, or if a woman performs a self-induced abortion, the violator is subject to seven years in prison.
Saudi Arabia has more permissive abortion laws compared to other countries of the Middle East and North Africa region, according to the US-based Centre for Reproductive Studies. Abortion is legal in cases of risk to a woman’s life, fetal impairment, or to protect her physical and mental health. Pregnancy arising from incest or rape also qualify for a legal abortion under the mental health exemption The fetus must be less than four months old, and if longer, requires a panel of approved specialists to declare that the pregnancy will result in the death of the woman or serious damage to her health. Any approved abortion requires consent from three physicians as well as the patient and her partner. If an abortion is performed on a woman for any other reason, the violator may be required to pay blood money to the unborn child's family. Laws explicitly deny abortion to families who fear financial instability or an inability to provide the child with education. The selling of pills which are used for the process of abortion is illegal and has resulted in arrest.
Abortion in Botswana is only legal if the abortion will save the woman's life, if the pregnancy gravely endangers the woman's physical or mental health, or if it is a result of rape or incest. In Botswana, abortions that meet these requirements must be performed within the first 16 weeks of pregnancy in a government hospital and must be approved by two physicians.
Abortion in Belize is restricted by criminal law, but permitted under certain conditions.
Pregnancy options counseling is a form of counseling, aimed to help women come to a decision regarding a troubling or unintended pregnancy.
The Termination of Pregnancy Act is a law in Zimbabwe governing abortion. Enacted in 1977 by the Parliament of Rhodesia and effective starting 1 January 1978, it was retained after Zimbabwe's independence in 1980. The law expanded abortion access, permitting it under three circumstances: if the pregnancy endangers the life of the woman or threatens to permanently impair her physical health, if the child may be born with serious physical or mental defects, or if the fetus was conceived as a result of rape or incest.
The status of women in Zambia has improved in recent years. Among other things, the maternal mortality rate has dropped and the National Assembly of Zambia has enacted multiple policies aimed at decreasing violence against women. However, progress is still needed. Most women have limited access to reproductive healthcare, and the total number of women infected with HIV in the country continues to rise. Moreover, violence against women in Zambia remains common. Child marriage rates in Zambia are some of the highest in the world, and women continue to experience high levels of physical and sexual violence.
Despite a wide variation in the restrictions under which it is permitted, abortion is legal in most European countries. 95% of European women of reproductive age live in countries which allow elective abortions or for broad socioeconomic reasons. The exceptions are Malta, Vatican City, Liechtenstein, Andorra, and Poland, where abortion is illegal or severely restricted. The other state with existent, but less severe restrictions is Monaco. Abortion was also banned in San Marino, but a referendum on 26 September 2021 legalised abortion for women up until the twelfth week of pregnancy.
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