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Beaumontia grandiflora (1).jpg
Beaumontia grandiflora
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Subfamily: Apocynoideae
Tribe: Apocyneae
Genus: Beaumontia
Synonyms [1]
  • MuantumPichon

Beaumontia is a small genus of evergreen woody vines in the milkweed family. It is native to China, the Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia. [2] [3] [4]



Beaumontia plants are often rampant climbers and vines. They are mostly evergreen, though in subtropical gardens Beaumontia grandiflora loses many leaves in winter. Leaves are large, smooth and opposite with sticky white sap from petiolar glands.

The large white fragrant flowers are borne in corymbs terminal and in the leaf axils. The calyx is 5-lobed and the corolla is dark funnel-or bell-shaped with 5 lobes. Stamens are attached near the base of the corolla tube and have slender filaments with arrow-shaped anthers. They are very showy when in full bloom and are regarded as among the most outstanding vines of the world.

The fruits (seed capsules) comprises a pair of thick woody follicles. The seeds are compressed, apex gradually narrows with a silky coma (a tuft of hairs). [5]


The genus was circumscribed by Nathaniel Wallich in Tent. Fl. Napal. on page 14 in 1824. [6]

The genus name of Beaumontia is in honour of Diana Wentworth Beaumont (1765–1831), who was an English gardener and married to Colonel Thomas Richard Beaumont (1758–1829) of Bretton Hall, Wakefield, Yorkshire. She had an estate with massive dome-shaped glasshouse for exotic plants at Bretton Hall. [7]


The Beaumontia species are cultivated as ornamental plants, with Beaumontia grandiflora widely grown by the nursery trade. They prefer good soil, adequate water and hot moist conditions. They are found planted and trained as vines in subtropical climate gardens, such as in Southern California. [8] [9]

They are propagated from seed or half-hardened cuttings taken with a heel, rooted in sandy soil under mist. [10]


As accepted by Kew; [6]

  1. Beaumontia brevituba Oliv. - Guangxi, Hainan
  2. Beaumontia grandiflora Wall. - Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Assam, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sikkim, Nepal, Guangxi, Yunnan; naturalized in Central America
  3. Beaumontia jerdoniana Wight - S India, Andaman Islands, Myanmar
  4. Beaumontia khasiana Hook.f - Yunnan, Assam, Myanmar
  5. Beaumontia longituba Craib - Nagaland
  6. Beaumontia macrantha (Ridl.) Rudjiman - S Myanmar, S Thailand
  7. Beaumontia multiflora Teijsm. & Binn. - Java, Bali, W Malaysia, Sumatra; naturalized in Thailand, Hawaii
  8. Beaumontia murtonii Craib - Yunnan, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, W Malaysia
  9. Beaumontia pitardii Tsiang - N Vietnam, Guangxi, Yunnan [2]

formerly included

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  1. Premna acuminataR.Br. - Australia, New Guinea
  2. Premna acutataW.W.Sm. - southwestern China
  3. Premna albaH.J.Lam - Palau
  4. Premna ambongensisMoldenke - Madagascar
  5. Premna amplectensWall. ex Schauer - Thailand, Myanmar
  6. Premna angolensisGürke - tropical Africa
  7. Premna angustifloraH.J.Lam - Palau
  8. Premna annulataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand, Laos, Vietnam
  9. Premna aureolepidotaMoldenke - Madagascar
  10. Premna balakrishnaniiA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Tamil Nadu
  11. Premna balansaeDop - Vietnam
  12. Premna barbataWall. ex Schauer - Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar
  13. Premna bengalensisC.B.Clarke - Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar, Vietnam
  14. Premna bequaertiiMoldenke - Uganda, Rwanda, Zaïre
  15. Premna bracteataWall. ex C.B.Clarke - Himalayas, Tibet, Yunnan, Nepal, Assam, Bhutan, Myanmar
  16. Premna cambodianaDop - Cambodia, Vietnam
  17. Premna cavalerieiH.Lév - China
  18. Premna chevalieriDop - Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China
  19. Premna chrysoclada(Bojer) Gürke - Kenya, Tanzania, Guinea-Bissau
  20. Premna collinsaeCraib - Thailand
  21. Premna confinisC.Pei & S.L.Chen ex C.Y.Wu - China
  22. Premna congolensisMoldenke - Zaïre, Angola, Cabinda
  23. Premna cordifoliaRoxb. - Thailand, Vietnam, Malaya
  24. Premna coriaceaC.B.Clarke - Indian Subcontinent, Thailand, Andaman Islands
  25. Premna corymbosaRottler - India, Sri Lanka, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  26. Premna crassaHand.-Mazz. - Vietnam, China
  27. Premna debianaA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Arunachal Pradesh
  28. Premna decaryiMoldenke - Madagascar
  29. Premna decurrensH.J.Lam - Indonesia
  30. Premna discolorVerdc. - Kenya
  31. Premna dubiaCraib - Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
  32. Premna esculentaRoxb. - Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand
  33. Premna fohaiensisC.Pei & S.L.Chen ex C.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
  34. Premna fordiiDunn - China
  35. Premna fulvaCraib - Indochina, Indonesia, China
  36. Premna garrettiiH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
  37. Premna glaberrimaWight - southern India
  38. Premna glandulosaHand.-Mazz. - China (Yunnan)
  39. Premna gracillimaVerdc. - Kenya, Tanzania
  40. Premna grandifoliaA.D.J. Meeuse, illegitimate name, = Premna hutchinsonii
  41. Premna grossaWall. ex Schauer - Myanmar
  42. Premna guillauminiiMoldenke - New Caledonia
  43. Premna hainanensisChun & F.C.How - China (Hainan)
  44. Premna hans-joachimiiVerdc. - Tanzania
  45. Premna henryana(Hand.-Mazz.) C.Y.Wu - China
  46. Premna herbaceaRoxb. - Himalayas, Yunnan, Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea, northern Australia
  47. Premna hildebrandtiiGürke - Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
  48. Premna hispidaBenth. - West Africa
  49. Premna humbertiiMoldenke - Madagascar
  50. Premna hutchinsoniiMoldenke - Ivory Coast
  51. Premna interruptaWall. ex Schauer - southern China, Himalayas, Indochina
  52. Premna jalpaigurianaT.K.Paul - West Bengal
  53. Premna khasianaC.B.Clarke - Assam, Thailand
  54. Premna lepidellaMoldenke - Madagascar
  55. Premna ligustroidesHemsl - China
  56. Premna longiacuminataMoldenke - Madagascar
  57. Premna longifoliaRoxb. - Himalayas
  58. Premna longipetiolataMoldenke - Madagascar
  59. Premna lucensA.Chev. - West Africa
  60. Premna macrophyllaWall. ex Schauer - Assam, Indochina
  61. Premna madagascariensisMoldenke - Madagascar
  62. Premna mariannarumSchauer - Mariana Islands
  63. Premna matadiensisMoldenke - Zaïre, Angola
  64. Premna maximaT.C.E. Fr. - Kenya
  65. Premna mekongensisW.W.Sm. - China (Yunnan)
  66. Premna micranthaSchauer - India, Assam, Bangladesh
  67. Premna microphyllaTurcz. - Japan, Ryukyu Islands, China
  68. Premna millefloraC.B.Clarke - Assam
  69. Premna milneiBaker - Nigeria, Bioko
  70. Premna minorDomin - Queensland
  71. Premna mollissimaRoth - Indian Subcontinent, Yunnan, Indochina, Philippines
  72. Premna mooiensis(H.Pearson) W.Piep - Mozambique, Eswatini, South Africa
  73. Premna mortehaniiDe Wild - Zaïre
  74. Premna mundanthuraiensisA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Tamil Nadu
  75. Premna neurophyllaChiov. - Ethiopia
  76. Premna oblongataMiq. - Indonesia, Philippines
  77. Premna odorataBlanco - - Indian Subcontinent, Yunnan, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, northern Australia; naturalized in Miami-Dade County in Florida
  78. Premna oliganthaC.Y.Wu - China
  79. Premna oligotrichaBaker - Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania
  80. Premna orangeanaCapuron - Madagascar
  81. Premna paisehensisC.Pei & S.L.Chen - China (Guangxi)
  82. Premna pallescensRidl.- Borneo, Indonesia
  83. Premna parasiticaBlume - Indonesia
  84. Premna parvilimbaC.Pei - China (Yunnan)
  85. Premna paucinervis(C.B.Clarke) Gamble - Kerala, Tamil Nadu
  86. Premna paulobarbataH.J.Lam - Mariana Islands
  87. Premna perplexansMoldenke - Madagascar
  88. Premna perrieriMoldenke - Madagascar
  89. Premna pinguisC.B.Clarke - Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Java
  90. Premna politaHiern - Angola
  91. Premna procumbensMoon - India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
  92. Premna protrusaA.C.Sm. & S.Darwin - Fiji
  93. Premna puberulaPamp. - China
  94. Premna pubescensBlume - Indonesia, Philippines, Christmas Island
  95. Premna puerensisY.Y.Qian - China (Yunnan)
  96. Premna punduanaWall. ex Schauer - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bangladesh
  97. Premna puniceaC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
  98. Premna purpurascensThwaites - Sri Lanka
  99. Premna quadrifoliaSchumach. & Thonn. - West Africa
  100. Premna rabakensisMoldenke - Cambodia
  101. Premna regularisH.J.Lam - Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea
  102. Premna repensH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
  103. Premna resinosa(Hochst.) Schauer - East Africa, Arabian Peninsula, India
  104. Premna richardsiaeMoldenke - Tanzania
  105. Premna rubroglandulosaC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
  106. Premna scandensRoxb. - China (Yunnan), Himalayas, Andaman Island, Indochina
  107. Premna schimperiEngl - East Africa
  108. Premna schliebeniiWerderm. - Tanzania, Mozambique
  109. Premna scoriarumW.W.Sm. - Tibet, Yunnan, Myanmar
  110. Premna senensisKlotzsch - eastern + central Africa
  111. Premna serrataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
  112. Premna serratifoliaL. - widespread in East Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, northern Australia, islands of Pacific + Indian Oceans
  113. Premna siamensisH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
  114. Premna stenobotrysMerr. - Vietnam
  115. Premna steppicolaHand.-Mazz. - China
  116. Premna sterculiifoliaKing & Gamble - Malaya but extinct
  117. Premna straminicaulisC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
  118. Premna subcapitataRehder - China
  119. Premna sulphurea(Baker) Gürke - Angola
  120. Premna sunyiensisC.Pei - China (Guangdong)
  121. Premna szemaoensisPei - China (Yunnan)
  122. Premna tahitensisJ.Schauer - many islands of the Pacific
  123. Premna tanganyikensisMoldenke - Tanzania, Mozambique
  124. Premna tapintzeanaDop - China (Yunnan)
  125. Premna teniiC.Pei - China (Yunnan)
  126. Premna thoreliiDop - Laos
  127. Premna thwaitesiiC.B.Clarke - Sri Lanka
  128. Premna tomentosaWilld. - Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Queensland, Solomon Islands
  129. Premna trichostomaMiq. - Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea
  130. Premna urticifoliaRehder - China (Yunnan)
  131. Premna velutinaGürke - Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique
  132. Premna venulosaMoldenke - Madagascar
  133. Premna wightianaSchauer - India, Sri Lanka
  134. Premna wuiBoufford & B.M.Barthol. - China (Yunnan)
  135. Premna yunnanensisW.W.Sm - China
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<i>Chonemorpha</i> Genus of plants

Chonemorpha is a genus that consists of large evergreen vigorous woody vines with milky sap from India, Sri Lanka, to Southeast Asia, the Philippines and South China. Growing dormant in sub-tropical and tropical climates and usually losing leaves if temperature gets below 60F. The plants have pubescent to almost tomentose branches, leaves and inflorescences. Large, corrugated, ovate leaves to 40 cm long, deep glossy green, opposite, pale and hairy beneath. Very fragrant, funnel-shaped, showy flowers to 8 cm across with long-peduncled and terminal cymes. Corolla cream with yellow center. Disk cupular with many seeds, ovate-shaped, compressed, with scanty endosperm, with a tuft of hairs at one end, dark brown. The plant is widely grown as a fence cover.

  1. Chonemorpha assamensisFurtado - Assam, Bangladesh
  2. Chonemorpha eriostylisPit. in H.Lecomte - Yunnan, Guangdong, Vietnam
  3. Chonemorpha floccosaTsiang & P.T.Li - Guangxi
  4. Chonemorpha fragrans(Moon) Alston - China, Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines
  5. Chonemorpha megacalyxPierre ex Spire - Yunnan, Laos, Thailand
  6. Chonemorpha mollisMiq. - Java
  7. Chonemorpha parvifloraTsiang & P.T.Li - Yunnan, Guangxi
  8. Chonemorpha pedicellataRao - W Himalayas
  9. Chonemorpha splendensChun & Tsiang - Yunnan, Hainan
  10. Chonemorpha verrucosa(Blume) D.J.Middleton - Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Bhutan, Assam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Indochina
<i>Peliosanthes</i> Genus of flowering plants

Peliosanthes is a genus of flowering plants found in eastern Asia. In the APG III classification system, it is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae.

Stahlianthus is a genus of plants in the ginger family. It is native to southern China, the Himalayas, and Indochina.

<i>Disporopsis</i> Genus of flowering plants

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Hymenopyramis is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae, first described in 1843. It is native to Indochina and to the Hainan Province of southern China.

  1. Hymenopyramis acuminataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand, Vietnam
  2. Hymenopyramis brachiataWall. ex Griff. - Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar; naturalized in India
  3. Hymenopyramis canaCraib - Hainan, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand
  4. Hymenopyramis parvifoliaMoldenke - Thailand
  5. Hymenopyramis pubescensMoldenke - Thailand
  6. Hymenopyramis siamensisCraib - Laos, Cambodia, Thailand
  7. Hymenopyramis vesiculosaH.R.Fletcher - Thailand

Dischidia tonkinensis is an epiphytic plant in the genus Dischidia. It is distributed mainly in the south China provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou, at altitudes of 300 to 1,200 m above sea level. It normally grows in mountain forests and on rocks. Dischidia esquirolii is a synonym. It has not been cultivated.

<i>Ilex umbellulata</i> Species of holly

Ilex umbellulata is an evergreen tree species related to holly, generally four to fifteen metres in height. It is found in Southeast Asia. This tree is most often found growing in forests.

Zanthoxylum laetum is a species of woody plant from the Rutaceae family.


  1. "World Checklist of Selected Plant Families" . Retrieved May 21, 2014.
  2. 1 2 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  3. "中国高等植物图鉴 中国植物志 Flora of China 手机植物志APP 中国高等植物 泛喜马拉雅植物志 中国在线植物志Beaumontia Wallich 清明花属 qing ming hua shu". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-09-07.
  4. Botanica Sistematica
  5. "Beaumontia in Flora of China @". Retrieved 23 December 2022.
  6. 1 2 "Beaumontia Wall. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 23 December 2022.
  7. Burkhardt, Lotte (2022). Eine Enzyklopädie zu eponymischen Pflanzennamen [Encyclopedia of eponymic plant names](pdf) (in German). Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2022. ISBN   978-3-946292-41-8. S2CID   246307410 . Retrieved January 27, 2022.
  8. Graf, Alfred Byrd (1986) Tropica: color cyclopedia of exotic plants and trees for warm-region horticulture—in cool climate the summer garden or sheltered indoors; 3rd ed. East Rutherford, N.J.: Roehrs Co
  9. Lord, Tony (2003) Flora : The Gardener's Bible : More than 20,000 garden plants from around the world. London: Cassell. ISBN   0-304-36435-5
  10. Ellison, Don (1999) Cultivated Plants of the World. London: New Holland (1st ed.: Brisbane: Flora Publications International, 1995)