CDP-abequose synthase

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CDP-abequose synthase
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CDP-abequose synthase (EC, rfbJ (gene)) is an enzyme with systematic name CDP-alpha-D-abequose:NADP+ 4-oxidoreductase. [1] [2] [3] This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

CDP-alpha-D-abequose + NADP+ CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucose + NADPH + H+

This enzyme is from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Salmonella enterica .

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  3. Phosphoglucosamine mutase (PNGM)
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  1. Kessler AC, Brown PK, Romana LK, Reeves PR (December 1991). "Molecular cloning and genetic characterization of the rfb region from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroup IIA, which determines the formation of the 3,6-dideoxyhexose abequose". Journal of General Microbiology. 137 (12): 2689–95. doi: 10.1099/00221287-137-12-2689 . PMID   1724263.
  2. Wyk P, Reeves P (October 1989). "Identification and sequence of the gene for abequose synthase, which confers antigenic specificity on group B salmonellae: homology with galactose epimerase". Journal of Bacteriology. 171 (10): 5687–93. PMC   210415 . PMID   2793832.
  3. Thorson JS, Lo SF, Ploux O, He X, Liu HW (September 1994). "Studies of the biosynthesis of 3,6-dideoxyhexoses: molecular cloning and characterization of the asc (ascarylose) region from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroup VA". Journal of Bacteriology. 176 (17): 5483–93. PMC   196737 . PMID   8071227.