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Cheskers is a variant of checkers and chess invented by Solomon Golomb in 1948. [1] [2]


Chess Ndt45.svg
Chess kdt45.svg
Chess kdt45.svg
Chess bdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess blt45.svg
Chess klt45.svg
Chess klt45.svg
Chess Nlt45.svg
Start position
Chess bdt45.svg
Chess xxt45.svg
Chess xxt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess xxt45.svg
Chess xot45.svg
Chess xot45.svg
Chess oot45.svg
Chess oot45.svg
Chess xxt45.svg
Chess klt45.svg
Chess oxt45.svg
Chess oxt45.svg
Chess oot45.svg
Chess oot45.svg
Chess xxt45.svg
Chess oxt45.svg
Chess xxt45.svg
Chess Nlt45.svg
Moves without the capture. White can move the king to any of the four squares with a white dot, or the camel to any square with a white cross. Black can move the bishop to any of the squares with a black cross (as well as the f4-square), the black pawn can move to either of the squares with a black dot.




When a pawn reaches the last row of the board its move is ended, and the pawn can promote to king, bishop or camel.

Starting position

Black moves first.

Victory conditions

The player that captures all opponent's kings wins the game. Also, a player that is stalemated (cannot move) loses the game.

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  1. Chess Variants.
  2. Pritchard, D.B. (1994). The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Surrey, UK: Games and Puzzles Publications. ISBN   0-9524142-0-1.