The Colangüil Batholith is a group of plutons in western Argentina between the latitudes of 29 and 31° S. [1] The plutons of the batholith were emplaced and cooled in the Late Paleozoic and the Triassic. Runs in a north-south direction. The plutons of the batholith are intruded into volcanic rocks produced by the same plutons plus some earlier deformed basement. The most common rocks in the batholith are granodiorite, granite and leucogranite. [2] The batholith contains also a dyke swarm of north-south trending dykes. Compared to other subduction-related batholiths around the Pacific Ocean Colangüil Batholith is more felsic. [1]
Together with the Chilean Coastal Batholith and the Elqui-Limarí Batholith the Colangüil Batholith is a remnant of the volcanic arcs that erupted the volcanic material of the Choiyoi Group. [3]
The batholith is made up six major units: [1]
Part of the batholith is though to be covered by thick sedimentary deposits such as those of Iglesia Basin. [4]
Quetrupillán is a stratovolcano located in Los Ríos Region of Chile. It is situated between Villarrica and Lanín volcanoes, within Villarrica National Park. Geologically, Quetrupillán is located in a tectonic basement block between the main traces of Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault and Reigolil-Pirihueico Fault.
The Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault is major geological fault that runs a length of roughly 1,200 kilometres (750 mi) in a NNE-SSW orientation and exhibits current seismicity. It is located in the Chilean Northern Patagonian Andes. It is a dextral intra-arc strike-slip fault. Most large stratovolcanoes of the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes are aligned by the fault which allows for the movement of magma and hydrothermal fluids.
The Cañadón Asfalto Formation is a geological formation from the Lower to Middle Jurassic. The Cañadón Asfalto Formation is located in the Cañadón Asfalto Basin, a rift basin in the Chubut Province of northwestern Patagonia, southern Argentina. The basin started forming in the earliest Jurassic.
The Famatinian orogeny is an orogeny that predates the rise of the Andes and that took place in what is now western South America during the Paleozoic, leading to the formation of the Famatinian orogen also known as the Famatinian belt. The Famatinian orogeny lasted from the Late Cambrian to at least the Late Devonian and possibly the Early Carboniferous, with orogenic activity peaking about 490 to 460 million years ago. The orogeny involved metamorphism and deformation in the crust and the eruption and intrusion of magma along a Famatinian magmatic arc that formed a chain of volcanoes. The igneous rocks of the Famatinian magmatic arc are of calc-alkaline character and include gabbros, tonalites, granodiorites and trondhjemites. The youngest igneous rocks of the arc are granites.
The Golfo San Jorge Basin is a hydrocarbon-rich sedimentary basin located in eastern Patagonia, Argentina. The basin covers the entire San Jorge Gulf and an inland area west of it, having one half located in Santa Cruz Province and the other in Chubut Province. The northern boundary of the basin is the North Patagonian Massif while the Deseado Massif forms the southern boundary of the basin. The basin has largely developed under condition of extensional tectonics, including rifting.
The San Rafael orogeny was an orogeny that affected parts of western Argentina and Chile during the Late Paleozoic. The resulting orogenic belt has a NW-NNW curved form. The San Rafael orogeny might have been linked with the roughly contemporary Gondwanide orogeny of eastern Argentina. Parts of the Choiyoi Group sediments were deformed by the San Rafael orogeny. During the Neogene ancient faults related to the San Rafael orogeny conditioned the geometry of the blocks affected by the Andean orogeny.
The Gondwanide orogeny was an orogeny active in the Permian that affected parts of Gondwana that are by current geography now located in southern South America, South Africa, Antarctica, Australia and New Guinea. The zone of deformation in Argentina extends as a belt south and west of the cratonic nucleus of Río de la Plata–Pampia. The deformation of the orogeny is visible in the Sierra de la Ventana mountains in Argentina and the Cape Fold Belt in South Africa. The Gondwanide orogeny might have been linked with the roughly contemporary San Rafael orogeny of western Argentina.
Choiyoi Group is a Permian and Triassic-aged group of volcano-sedimentary formations in Argentina and Chile. The group bears evidence of bimodal-style volcanism related to an ancient subduction zone that existed along the western margin of the supercontinent Gondwana.
The Elqui-Limarí Batholith is a group of plutons in the Andes of Chile and Argentina between the latitudes of 28 and 30° S. The plutons of the batholith were emplaced and cooled in the Late Paleozoic and the earliest Mesozoic. Some of the plutons were emplaced in a context of crustal thickening related to the San Rafael orogeny.
The Coastal Batholith of central Chile is a group of plutons in the Chilean Coast Range of Central Chile appearing contiguously from 33° S to 38° S. At a latitude of 40° S an outlying group of plutons of the batholith appear in a more eastward position in the Andes.
Laguna del Maule is a volcanic field in the Andes mountain range of Chile, close to, and partly overlapping, the Argentina–Chile border. The bulk of the volcanic field is in the Talca Province of Chile's Maule Region. It is a segment of the Southern Volcanic Zone, part of the Andean Volcanic Belt. The volcanic field covers an area of 500 km2 (190 sq mi) and features at least 130 volcanic vents. Volcanic activity has generated cones, lava domes, lava coulees and lava flows, which surround the Laguna del Maule lake. The field gets its name from the lake, which is also the source of the Maule River.
La Negra Formation is a geologic formation of Jurassic age, composed chiefly of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, located in the Coast Range of northern Chile. The formation originated in marine and continental (terrestrial) conditions, and bears evidence of submarine volcanism as well as large explosive eruptions. The volcanism of La Negra Formation is thought to have lasted for about five million years.
The Vicuña Mackenna Batholith is a group of plutons in the Chilean Coast Range of northern Chile. The plutons of the batholith formed between the Early Jurassic and the Late Cretaceous. The magmas that formed the batholith originated in Earth's mantle and have not suffered any significant crustal contamination. A group of Early Cretaceous plutons were intruded syn-tectonically on the Atacama Fault.
Farellones Formation is a geological formation of Miocene age in the Andes of Central Chile made up almost entirely of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. At some location reaches thicknesses in excess of 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). It overlies the Oligo–Miocene Abanico Formation across a diachronous unconformity. The best exposure of the formation is said to be at the ski resort of Farellones east of Santiago.
Cola de Zorro Formation is a geological formation cropping out along the Argentina-Chile border and composed of volcano-sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks. It extends along the Andes between the latitudes of 36 and 39° S.
The Achala Batholith is a group of plutons in the Sierras de Córdoba in central Argentina. With a mapped surface of over 2500 km2 it constitutes the largest group of intrusions exposed in the Sierras Pampeanas. The oldest reference to the batholith dates to 1932.
Cerro Aspero Batholith is a group of plutons in southern Sierras Pampeanas in central Argentina. The batholith covers an approximate area of 440 km2 and lies about 50 km south of the larger Achala Batholith. The batholith contains various circular plutons emplaced by stoping at pressures of 2 kbar or less. Alpa Corral, El Talita and Los Cerros are the three largest individual plutons and together they make up the bulk of the batholith. The most common rock type is monzogranite with biotite and an igneous texture that is equigranular but varies from coarse grained to porphyritic.
Cueros de Purulla is a volcano in Argentina. It consists of a lava dome and an associated ignimbrite. A large eruption dated to c. 7820 BP deposited ash into the Valles Calchaquies.
Iglesia Basin is a sedimentary basin located in northern San Juan Province, western Argentina. It is thought to be a piggyback basin. Its sedimentary fill is of Neogene to Pleistocene age and has an estimated maximum thickness of 3.5 km. There are hot springs in the eastern part of the basin. The rock under the sedimentary fill is interpreted to be in part composed of plutonic intrusions belonging to the Tocota pluton, which in turn is a part of a larger group of plutonic intrusions known as the Colangüil Batholith.
The Pampean Pegmatite Province is a geological area in central and northwestern Argentina rich in pegmatites. The province has the shape of a north-south belt located east of the Andes. Most of the pegmatites crop out in the Sierras Pampeanas. These pegmatites have been mined for ores of niobium, tantalum, lithium, bismuth, uranium as well as for the minerals of beryl, mica, feldspar and quartz. The pegmatites cut through metamorphic rocks of medium grade and medium pressure.