Hail, Columbia

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Hail, Columbia
Hail, Columbia - Project Gutenberg eText 21566.jpg
Cover of an 1861 sheet music for "Hail, Columbia"

Personal anthem of the vice president of the United States
Also known as"The President's March"
Lyrics Joseph Hopkinson, 1798
Music Philip Phile, 1789
Adopted1789 (de facto)
RelinquishedMarch 4, 1931
Succeeded by"The Star-Spangled Banner" (as national anthem)
Audio sample
"Hail, Columbia", preceded by four ruffles and flourishes (as would be played for the U.S. vice president), performed instrumentally by the United States Navy Band's ceremonial band

"Hail, Columbia" is an American patriotic song and ceremonial entrance march of the vice president of the United States. It was originally considered to be one of the unofficial national anthems of the United States until 1931, when "The Star-Spangled Banner" was named as the official national anthem. Columbia is the name for the national personification of the United States which originated during the 18th century.



Modernized sheet music arrangement Hail, Columbia.png
Modernized sheet music arrangement

The music was composed by Philip Phile in 1789 for the first inauguration of George Washington and titled "The President's March". It became the song "Hail, Columbia" when arranged with lyrics by Joseph Hopkinson in 1798. The song gained popularity during the XYZ Affair and subsequent Quasi-War with France. [1] The song was used in the United States as a de facto national anthem throughout the 19th century. [2] However, the song lost popularity after World War I until it was replaced by "The Star-Spangled Banner" in 1931.

It was the personal anthem for the president, until it was replaced by the song "Hail to the Chief", [3] and it is now the official vice president's personal anthem. [4] The song is always preceded by four ruffles and flourishes when introducing the vice president. It has also been used as a slow march during military ceremonies, often while the band countermarches.


1. Hail Columbia, happy land!
Hail, ye heroes, heav’n-born band,
Who fought and bled in freedom’s cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom’s cause,
And when the storm of war was gone
Enjoy’d the peace your valor won.
Let independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

2. Immortal patriots, rise once more,
Defend your rights, defend your shore!
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Invade the shrine where sacred lies
Of toil and blood, the well-earned prize,
While off’ring peace, sincere and just,
In Heaven’s we place a manly trust,
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

3. Behold the chief who now commands,
Once more to serve his country stands.
The rock on which the storm will break,
The rock on which the storm will break,
But armed in virtue, firm, and true,
His hopes are fixed on Heav’n and you.
When hope was sinking in dismay,
When glooms obscured Columbia’s day,
His steady mind, from changes free,
Resolved on death or liberty.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

4. Sound, sound the trump of fame,
Let Washington’s great name
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Let ev’ry clime to freedom dear,
Listen with a joyful ear,
With equal skill, with God-like pow’r
He governs in the fearful hour
Of horrid war, or guides with ease
The happier time of honest peace.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

See also

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  1. Herring, George C. (2008). From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 86. ISBN   978-0-19-972343-0. OCLC   299054528.
  2. Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, pp. 98–105.
  3. Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, p. 105.
  4. Citing:

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