Indians in Venezuela

Last updated
Indians in Venezuela
Flag of India.svg Flag of Venezuela.svg
India Venezuela Locator.png
Total population
Regions with significant populations
Caracas, Valencia.
English  · Venezuelan Spanish  · Indian languages
Hinduism  · Catholicism  · Islam  · Sikhism  · Religions of India
Related ethnic groups
Indo-Caribbean people

Indians in Venezuela form one of the smaller populations of the Indian diaspora. According to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (IMEA), among the approximately 690 East Indians living in Venezuela, 400 were Venezuelans of East Indian origin, 280 were Indian citizens and 10 were stateless residents. [1] However, unofficial records put the Indo-Caribbean community from Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago over 50,000. [2]


Migration History

During the oil-related high-income years of the 1970s, there were around 400 NRIs in Venezuela.[ citation needed ] The Indian community consisted of personnel from the petroleum and petrochemical sectors, as well as a large number of traders. Many of them had taken their families with them to Venezuela. Most of the traders belonged to the Sindhi community but there were also some persons from Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Punjab.[ citation needed ]

When the oil boom ended in 1982, followed by devaluation of the local currency, many of the NRIs decided to seek their fortunes elsewhere.[ citation needed ] Currently, the diaspora has been whittled down to half its former size.

See also

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  1. "Venezuela: Treatment of citizens of East Indian descent by the police and general population". Refworld. Retrieved 2004-06-28.
  2. "Thriving Guyanese community in Puerto Ordaz seeking consular services from Guyana". 6 November 2009.