Kahuripan (train)

Last updated
PapanKeretaApi Kahuripan 2022.svg
KA Kahuripan di Jembatan Gembongan.jpg
Kahuripan train (to Blitar) passing Gembongan Bridge in Kulon Progo
Service type Inter-city rail
Locale West Java and East Java, Indonesia
First service26 July 1995;29 years ago (1995-07-26)
Current operator(s) KAI Operational Area II Bandung
Termini Kiaracondong
Distance travelled700 km (430 mi)
Service frequencyDaily each way
Train number(s)237-238
273-274 (from 1 February)
On-board services
Class(es) Economy class
Seating arrangements3-2
Catering facilitiesOn-board café
Baggage facilitiesOverhead racks.
Other facilitiesLight fire extinguisher, emergency brake, air conditioner, and toilet.
Track gauge 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in)
Operating speed50–90 km/h

Kahuripan is an economy class train that serves the Kiaracondong-Blitar route via the southern railway lines of Java Island.


The name of this train comes from a Hindu-Buddhist kingdom that was established in East Java in the 11th century precisely in 1009 called Kahuripan, which was founded by Airlangga as a continuation of the Medang Kingdom which collapsed three years earlier. [1]


This train first operated on the Kediri-Pasar Senen route via Kiaracondong before changing before changing its terminus station to Padalarang and since 2013 the route has been cut again to Kiaracondong although four years later it was extended to Blitar. [2]

Changes in Operational Pattern

Since December 1, 2019, this train has changed operators from Operational Area VII Madiun to Operational Area II Bandung to exchange train sets with the Pasundan train so that the train sets were transferred to the Bandung Train Depot. [3]

Recent period

Based on the latest schedule, this train adds a stop at Leles from both Blitar and Kiaracondong directions since 1 June 2023. [4]



Station nameDistance from (km)Location
Previous stationKiaracondongRegency/CitiesProvince
Kiaracondong 1 Bandung West Java
Leles 42.836 Garut
Cipeundeuy 31.57874.414
Tasikmalaya 35.655110.069 Tasikmalaya
Ciamis 18.503128.572 Ciamis
Banjar 22.273150.845 Banjar
Sidareja 35.676186.521 Cilacap Central Java
Gandrungmangun 7.396193.917
Maos 36.031229.948
Kroya 12.698242.646
Gombong 3 28.489271.135 Kebumen
Karanganyar 2 7.689278.824
Kebumen 11.778290.602
Kutoarjo 28.113318.715 Purworejo
Wates 35.643354.358 Kulon Progo Special Region of Yogyakarta
Lempuyangan 29.283383.641 Yogyakarta
Klaten 27.281410.922 Klaten Central Java
Purwosari 27.743438.665 Surakarta
Sragen 31.795470.460 Sragen
Walikukun 23.564494.024 Ngawi East Java
Ngawi 18.490512.514
Magetan 15.375527.889 Magetan
Madiun 10.549538.438 Madiun
Caruban 16.214554.652 Madiun Regency
Nganjuk 30.727585.379 Nganjuk
Kertosono 21.954607.333
Papar 13.142620.475 Kediri Regency
Kediri 15.471635.946 Kediri
Tulungagung 30.046665.992 Tulungagung
Blitar 1 33.925699.917 Blitar


^1 Termini.
^2 Stop only on the route to Kiaracondong.
^3 Stop only on the route to Blitar.


Starting from 1 February, Kahuripan train will be stop at station below.

Station nameLocationNotes
Ciawi Tasikmalaya Regency West Java Route to Blitar only.
Bojong Ciamis
Sikampuh Cilacap Central Java Route to Kiaracondong only.



  1. Akung (30 December 2017). "Menarik!, Sejarah penamaan Kereta Api di Indonesia" (in Indonesian). ANTARA North Sumatra. Retrieved 22 January 2025.
  2. "KA Kahuripan Perpanjang Rute dari Bandung Hingga ke Blitar" (in Indonesian). Kumparan. 27 March 2017. Retrieved 23 January 2025.
  3. Bandung, Seputar (1 October 2024). "4 Perbedaan Kereta Kahuripan dan Pasundan yang Perlu Diketahui" (in Indonesian). Kumparan. Retrieved 23 January 2025.
  4. Purnama, Feri (18 May 2023). "PT KAI tambah layanan KA jarak jauh di Stasiun Leles dan Cibatu" (in Indonesian). ANTARA. Retrieved 22 January 2025.
  5. Aditya, Reza (22 May 2016). "Locomotive Sunday : Saksi Bisu Dua Lokomotif Tragedi Cirahayu – Part 1" (in Indonesian). KAORI Nusantara. Retrieved 22 January 2025.
  6. Romadhon, Vandi (13 September 2022). "Truk Muatan Pupuk Tertabrak KA Kahuripan di Cilacap" (in Indonesian). detiknews. Retrieved 22 January 2025.
  7. Wicaksono, R Bony Eko (1 October 2023). "Tersambar KA Kahuripan, Warga Pucangsawit Solo Meninggal" (in Indonesian). Solo Pos. Retrieved 22 January 2025.