List of AMD Athlon 64 processors

Last updated

The Athlon 64 microprocessor from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is an eighth-generation central processing unit (CPU). Athlon 64 was targeted at the consumer market.


Features overview

Some features for Athlon 64 X2 processors include: [1]

Single-core desktop processors

Athlon 64

"Code name" (Steppings, Process)

"ClawHammer" (C0 & CG, 130 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 2800+1.85128009x1.5089 754 April 27, 2004ADA2800AEP4AP (C0)
Athlon 64 3000+2.051280010x1.5089754December 15, 2003ADA3000AEP4AP (C0)
Athlon 64 3200+2.0102480010x1.5089754September 23, 2003ADA3200AEP5AP (C0)
Athlon 64 3200+2.251280011x1.5089754ADA3200AEP4AP (C0)
Athlon 64 3400+2.451280012x1.5089754ADA3400AEP4AP (C0) [b]
Athlon 64 3400+2.2102480011x1.5089754January 6, 2004ADA3400AEP5AP (C0)
Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.5089 939 June 1, 2004ADA3500DEP4AS (CG)$500
Athlon 64 3600+2.4102480012x1.5089754~2004ADA3600AEP5AR (CG)
Athlon 64 3700+2.4102480012x1.5089754June 1, 2004ADA3700AEP5AP (C0) [b] [c]
Athlon 64 3800+2.4512100012x1.5089939June 1, 2004ADA3800DEP4AS (CG)$720
Athlon 64 4000+2.41024100012x1.5089939October 19, 2004ADA4000DEP5AS (CG)$729

"Newcastle" (CG, 130 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 2800+1.85128009x1.5089754April 27, 2004ADA2800AEP4AX$178
Athlon 64 3000+2.051280010x1.5089754December 15, 2003ADA3000AEP4AX$218
Athlon 64 3000+1.851210009x1.5089939ADA3000DEP4AW
Athlon 64 3200+2.251280011x1.5089754ADA3200AEP4AX$278
Athlon 64 3200+2.0512100010x1.5089939ADA3200DEP4AW
Athlon 64 3300+ [d] 2.425680012x1.5089754ADA3300AEP3AX
Athlon 64 3400+2.451280012x1.5089754ADA3400AEP4AX
Athlon 64 3400+ [d] 2.251280011x1.5089939early 2004ADA3400DEP4AZ
Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.5089939June 1, 2004ADA3500DEP4AW$500
Athlon 64 3800+2.4512100012x1.5089939June 1, 2004ADA3800DEP4AW$720

"Winchester" (D0, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 3000+1.851210009x1.4067939October 14, 2004ADA3000DIK4BI$163
Athlon 64 3200+2.0512100010x1.4067939October 14, 2004ADA3200DIK4BI$208
Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.4067939October 14, 2004ADA3500DIK4BI$288

"Venice" (E3 & E6, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 1500+ [d] 1.05128005x0.909754November 7, 2005ADC1500B2X4BX (E6)
Athlon 64 3000+2.051280010x1.3551754ADA3000AKK4BX (E6)
Athlon 64 3000+2.051280010x1.4051754ADA3000AIK4BX (E6)
Athlon 64 3000+1.851210009x1.35–1.4067939April 4, 2005ADA3000DAA4BP (E3)
ADA3000DAA4BW (E6)
Athlon 64 3200+2.251280011x1.4059754ADA3200AIO4BX (E6)
Athlon 64 3200+2.0512100010x1.35–1.4067939April 4, 2005ADA3200DAA4BP (E3)
ADA3200DAA4BW (E6)
Athlon 64 3400+ [e] 2.451280012x1.4067754ADA3400AIK4BO (E3)
Athlon 64 3400+ [d] 2.251280011x1.35–1.4067939ADA3400DAA4BZ (E3)

ADA3400DAA4BY (E6)

Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.35–1.4067939April 4, 2005ADA3500DAA4BP (E3)
ADA3500DAA4BW (E6)
Athlon 64 3800+2.4512100012x1.35–1.4089939April 4, 2005ADA3800DAA4BP (E3)
ADA3800DAA4BW (E6)

"Manchester" (E4, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 3200+2.0512100010x1.3567939May 31, 2005ADA3200DKA4CG$194
Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.3567939May 31, 2005ADA3500DKA4CG$272

"San Diego" (E4, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.35–1.4067939May 4, 2005ADA3500DAA4BN$272
Athlon 64 3700+2.21024100011x1.35–1.4089939May 4, 2005ADA3700DAA5BN$329
Athlon 64 4000+2.41024100012x1.35–1.4089939May 4, 2005ADA4000DAA5BN$482

"Toledo" (E6, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 3700+2.21024100011x1.3589939ADA3700DKA5CF$272
Athlon 64 4000+2.41024100012x1.3589939ADA4000DKA5CF$375

"Orleans" (F2 & F3, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Standard power
Athlon 64 3000+1.851210009x1.35–1.4062 AM2 May 23, 2006ADA3000IAA4CN (F2)
ADA3000IAA4CW (F2)
Athlon 64 3200+2.0512100010x1.35–1.4062AM2May 23, 2006ADA3200IAA4CN (F2)
ADA3200IAA4CW (F2)
Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.25–1.4062AM2May 23, 2006ADA3500IAA4CN (F2)
ADA3500IAA4CW (F2)
Athlon 64 3500+ (F3)2.2512100011x1.25–1.4062AM2February 20, 2007ADA3500IAA4DH (F3)$88
Athlon 64 3800+2.4512100012x1.25–1.4062AM2May 23, 2006ADA3800IAA4CN (F2)
ADA3800IAA4CW (F2)
Athlon 64 3800+ (F3)2.4512100012x1.25–1.4062AM2February 20, 2007ADA3800IAA4DH (F3)$93
Athlon 64 4000+ (F3)2.6512100013x1.25–1.4062AM2February 20, 2007ADA4000IAA4DH (F3)$102
Athlon 64 LE-16002.21024100011x1.25–1.4045AM2October 8, 2007ADH1600IAA5DH (F3)$47
Athlon 64 LE-16202.41024100012x1.25–1.4045AM2October 8, 2007ADH1620IAA5DH (F3)$53
Athlon 64 LE-16402.61024100013x1.25–1.4045AM2January 7, 2008ADH1640IAA5DH (F3)$53
Energy-efficient small form factor
Athlon 64 3500+2.2512100011x1.20–1.2535AM2May 23, 2006ADD3500IAA4CN (F2)$231

"Lima" (G1 & G2, 65 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 2650e (G2)1.651210008x1.20–1.2515Socket AM2Q4, 2008ADG2650IAV4DP (G2)
Athlon 64 2850e (G2)1.89x22ADJ2850IAA4DP (G2)
Athlon 64 3500+2.211x1.20–1.2545February 20, 2007ADH3500IAA4DE (G1)$88
Athlon 64 3800+2.412x1.25–1.40February 20, 2007ADH3800IAA4DE (G1)$93
Athlon LE-1640B (G2) [f] 2.713.5x1.25–1.40April 28, 2008ADH164BIAA4DP (G2)
Athlon LE-1640 (G2)2.713.5x1.25–1.40ADH1640IAA4DP (G2)
Athlon LE-1660 (G2)2.814x1.25–1.402008ADH1660IAA4DP (G2)
Embedded energy-efficient
Athlon 64 2000+1.051210005x0.908Socket AM2 ??ADF2000IAV4DRE (G2)
Athlon 64 2600+1.68x ?15 ??ADG2600IAV4DRE (G2)
Athlon 64 3100+2.010x ?25 ??ADS3100IAR4DRE (G2)

Athlon 64 FX

"SledgeHammer" (C0 & CG, 130 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 FX-512.2102480011x1.5089 940 September 23, 2003ADAFX51CEP5AK (C0)
Athlon 64 FX-532.4102480012x1.5089940March 18, 2004ADAFX53CEP5AT (CG)$733

"ClawHammer" (CG, 130 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 FX-532.41024100012x1.5089939June 1, 2004ADAFX53DEP5AS$799
Athlon 64 FX-552.61024100013x1.50104939October 19, 2004ADAFX55DEI5AS$827

"San Diego" (E4, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 FX-552.61024100013x1.35–1.40104939ADAFX55DAA5BN$827
Athlon 64 FX-572.81024100014x1.35–1.40104939June 27, 2005ADAFX57DAA5BN$1,031

Dual-core desktop processors

Athlon 64 X2

"Manchester" (E4, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 X2 3600+2.02 × 256100010x1.30–1.3589–110939ADA3600DAA4BV
Athlon 64 X2 3800+2.02 × 512100010x1.30–1.3589939August 1, 2005ADA3800DAA5BV$354
Athlon 64 X2 4200+2.22 × 512100011x1.30–1.3589939May 31, 2005ADA4200DAA5BV$581
Athlon 64 X2 4600+2.42 × 512100012x1.30–1.35110939May 31, 2005ADA4600DAA5BV$803

"Toledo" (E6, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 X2 3800+2.02 × 512100010x1.30–1.3589939August 1, 2005ADA3800DAA5CD$354
Athlon 64 X2 4200+2.22 × 512100011x1.30–1.3589939May 31, 2005ADA4200DAA5CD$537
Athlon 64 X2 4400+2.22 × 1024100011x1.30–1.35110939May 31, 2005ADA4400DAA6CD$581
2.22 × 1024100011x1.30–1.3589939ADV4400DAA6CD
Athlon 64 X2 4600+2.42 × 512100012x1.30–1.35110939May 31, 2005ADA4600DAA5CD$803
Athlon 64 X2 4800+2.42 × 1024100012x1.30–1.35110939May 31, 2005ADA4800DAA6CD$1001

"Windsor" (F2 & F3, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Standard power
Athlon 64 X2 3800+2.02 × 512100010x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA3800IAA5CU (F2)$303
Athlon 64 X2 4000+2.02 × 1024100010x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA4000IAA6CS (F2)$328
Athlon 64 X2 4200+2.22 × 512100011x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA4200IAA5CU (F2)$365
Athlon 64 X2 4400+2.22 × 1024100011x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA4400IAA6CS (F2)$470
Athlon 64 X2 4600+2.42 × 512100012x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA4600IAA5CU (F2)$558
Athlon 64 X2 4800+2.42 × 1024100012x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA4800IAA6CS (F2)$645
Athlon 64 X2 5000+2.62 × 512100013x1.30–1.3589AM2May 23, 2006ADA5000IAA5CS (F2)
ADA5000IAA5CU (F2)
Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (F3)2.62 × 512100013x1.30–1.3589AM2ADA5000IAA5CZ (F3)
Athlon 64 X2 5200+2.62 × 1024100013x1.30–1.3589AM2September 6, 2006ADA5200IAA6CS (F2)$403
Athlon 64 X2 5200+ (F3)2.62 × 1024100013x1.20–1.2589AM2ADA5200IAA6CZ (F3)
Athlon 64 X2 5400+ (F3)2.82 × 512100014x1.30–1.3589AM2December 12, 2006ADA5400IAA5CZ (F3)$485
Athlon 64 X2 5600+ (F3)2.82 × 1024100014x1.30–1.3589AM2December 12, 2006ADA5600IAA6CZ (F3)$505
Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (F3)3.02 × 1024100015x1.35–1.40125AM2February 20, 2007ADX6000IAA6CZ (F3)$464
3.02 × 1024100015x1.30–1.3589AM2August 20, 2007ADA6000IAA6CZ (F3)
Athlon 64 X2 6400+ (F3)
Black Edition
3.22 × 1024100016x1.35–1.40125AM2August 20, 2007ADX6400IAA6CZ (F3)$220
Athlon 64 X2 3600+2.02 × 256100010x1.20–1.2565AM2August 2006ADO3600IAA4CU (F2)
Athlon 64 X2 3800+2.02 × 512100010x1.20–1.2565AM2May 23, 2006ADO3800IAA5CS (F2)
ADO3800IAA5CU (F2)
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (F3)2.02 × 512100010x1.20–1.2565AM2February 20, 2007ADO3800IAA5CZ (F3)
Athlon 64 X2 4000+2.02 × 1024100010x1.20–1.2565AM2May 23, 2006ADO4000IAA6CS (F2)$353
Athlon 64 X2 4200+2.22 × 512100011x1.20–1.2565AM2May 23, 2006ADO4200IAA5CU (F2)$417
Athlon 64 X2 4400+2.22 × 1024100011x1.20–1.2565AM2May 23, 2006ADO4400IAA6CS (F2)$514
Athlon 64 X2 4600+2.42 × 512100012x1.20–1.2565AM2May 23, 2006ADO4600IAA5CS (F2)
ADO4600IAA5CU (F2)
Athlon 64 X2 4600+ (F3)2.42 × 512100012x1.20–1.2565AM2February 20, 2007ADO4600IAA5CZ (F3)
Athlon 64 X2 4800+2.42 × 1024100012x1.20–1.2565AM2May 23, 2006ADO4800IAA6CS (F2)$671
Athlon 64 X2 5000+2.62 × 512100013x1.20–1.2565AM2October 30, 2006ADO5000IAA5CS (F2)$301
Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (F3)2.62 × 512100013x1.20–1.2565AM2February 20, 2007ADO5000IAA5CZ (F3)
Athlon 64 X2 5200+ (F3)2.62 × 1024100013x1.20–1.2565AM2February 20, 2007ADO5200IAA6CZ (F3)
Energy-efficient small form factor
Athlon 64 X2 3800+2.02 × 512100010x1.025–1.07535AM2May 23, 2006ADD3800IAA5CU (F2)
ADD3800IAT5CU (F2)

"Brisbane" (G1 & G2, 65 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 X2 3600+1.92 × 51210009.5x1.25–1.3565AM2January 22, 2007ADO3600IAA5DD (G1)
ADO3600IAA5DL (G1)
Athlon 64 X2 4000+2.12 × 512100010.5x1.25–1.3565AM2December 5, 2006ADO4000IAA5DD (G1)$169
Athlon 64 X2 4200+2.22 × 512100011x1.25–1.3565AM22007ADO4200IAA5DD (G1)
2.22 × 512100011x1.325–1.37565AM2ADO4200IAA5DO (G2)
Athlon 64 X2 4400+2.32 × 512100011.5x1.25–1.3565AM2December 5, 2006ADO4400IAA5DD (G1)$214
2.32 × 512100011.5x1.325–1.37565AM2October 8, 2007ADO4400IAA5DO (G2)$89
Athlon 64 X2 4600+2.42 × 512100012x1.325–1.37565AM2ADO4600IAA5DO (G2)
Athlon 64 X2 4800+2.52 × 512100012.5x1.25–1.3565AM2December 5, 2006ADO4800IAA5DD (G1)$271
2.52 × 512100012.5x1.325–1.37565AM2October 8, 2007ADO4800IAA5DO (G2)$104
Athlon 64 X2 5000+2.62 × 512100013x1.25–1.3565AM2December 5, 2006ADO5000IAA5DD (G1)$301
2.62 × 512100013x1.325–1.37565AM2October 8, 2007ADO5000IAA5DO (G2)$115
Athlon 64 X2 5000+
Black Edition
2.62 × 512100013x1.25–1.3565AM2September 25, 2007ADO5000IAA5DS (G2)$136
Athlon 64 X2 5200+2.72 × 512100013.5x1.25–1.3565AM2ADO5200IAA5DD (G1)
2.72 × 512100013.5x1.325–1.37565AM2October 8, 2007ADO5200IAA5DO (G2)$125
Athlon 64 X2 5400+2.82 × 512100014x1.325–1.37565AM2January, 2008ADO5400IAA5DO (G2)
Athlon 64 X2 5400+
Black Edition
2.82 × 512100014x1.325–1.37565AM2June, 2008ADO5400IAA5DS (G2)
Athlon 64 X2 5600+2.92 × 512100014.5x1.325–1.37565AM2February, 2008ADO5600IAA5DO (G2)
Athlon 64 X2 5800+3.02 × 512100015x ?89AM2April, 2008ADA5800IAA5DO (G2)
Athlon 64 X2 6000+3.12 × 512100015.5x1.1–1.4089AM2June, 2008ADV6000IAA5DO (G2)

Athlon X2

Athlon 64 FX

"Toledo" (E6, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 FX-602.62 × 1024100013x1.35–1.40110939January 9, 2006ADAFX60DAA6CD$1,031

"Windsor" (F2, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 FX-622.82 × 1024100014x1.35–1.40125AM2May 23, 2006ADAFX62IAA6CS$1,031

"Windsor" (Quad FX platform, F3, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Athlon 64 FX-702.62 × 1024100013x1.35–1.40125 F (1207 FX)November 30, 2006ADAFX70GAA6DI$599/pair
Athlon 64 FX-722.82 × 1024100014x1.35–1.40125F (1207 FX)November 30, 2006ADAFX72GAA6DI$799/pair
Athlon 64 FX-743.02 × 1024100015x1.35–1.40125F (1207 FX)November 30, 2006ADAFX74GAA6DI$999/pair

Mobile processors

Mobile Athlon 64

"ClawHammer" (C0 & CG, 130 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Desktop replacement
Mobile Athlon 64 2700+1.65128008x1.5019–81.5754AMA2700BEY4AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 2800+1.610248008x1.5019–81.5754AMA2800BEX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3000+1.810248009x1.5019–81.5754September 23, 2003AMA3000BEX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3200+2.0102480010x1.5019–81.5754September 23, 2003AMA3200BEX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3400+2.2102480011x1.5019–81.5754January 6, 2004AMA3400BEX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3700+2.4102480012x1.5019–81.5754August 17, 2004AMA3700BEX5AP (C0)
Standard power
Mobile Athlon 64 2800+1.610248008x1.4062754January 6, 2004AMN2800BIX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3000+1.810248009x1.4062754January 6, 2004AMN3000BIX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3200+2.0102480010x1.4062754January 6, 2004AMN3200BIX5AP (C0)
Mobile Athlon 64 3400+2.2102480011x1.4062754July 18, 2004AMN3400BIX5AR (CG)$432
Low power
Mobile Athlon 64 2700+1.65128008x1.2035754June 1, 2004AMD2700BQX4AR (CG)$209

"Odessa" (CG, 130 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Desktop replacement
Mobile Athlon 64 2800+1.85128008x1.5019–81.5754AMA2800BEX4AX
Low power
Mobile Athlon 64 2700+1.65128008x1.2035754June 1, 2004AMD2700BQX4AX$209
Mobile Athlon 64 2800+1.85128009x1.2035754June 1, 2004AMD2800BQX4AX$241
Mobile Athlon 64 3000+2.051280010x1.2035754AMD3000BQX4AX$241

"Oakville" (D0, 90 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Mobile Athlon 64 2700+1.65128008x1.3535754August 17, 2004AMD2700BKX4LB$209
Mobile Athlon 64 2800+1.85128009x1.3535754August 17, 2004AMD2800BKX4LB$241
Mobile Athlon 64 3000+2.051280010x1.3535754August 17, 2004AMD3000BKX4LB$241

"Newark" (E5, 90 nm, 62W TDP)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Socket Release datePart number(s)Release


Mobile Athlon 64 3000+1.810248009x1.3562754April 14, 2005AMN3000BKX5BU$153
Mobile Athlon 64 3200+2.0102480010x1.3562754April 14, 2005AMN3200BKX5BU$198
Mobile Athlon 64 3400+2.2102480011x1.3562754April 14, 2005AMN3400BKX5BU$228
Mobile Athlon 64 3700+2.4102480012x1.3562754April 14, 2005AMN3700BKX5BU$336
Mobile Athlon 64 4000+2.6102480013x1.3562754August 16, 2005AMN4000BKX5BU$382

Athlon Neo

"Huron" (65 nm, 15W TDP)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
Package Release datePart number(s)
Athlon Neo MV-401.65128008x1.115 ASB1 January 9, 2009AMGMV40OAX4DX (Tray)

"Sherman" (65 nm, 15W TDP)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multi [a] VCore
PackageRelease datePart number(s)
Athlon Neo TF-201.65128008x1.015 S1 Q1 2009AMGTF20HAX4DN

Athlon Neo X2

"Conesus" (65 nm)

Model number Clock
L2 cache
Multiplier [a] Voltage TDP
Socket Release datePart number(s)
Athlon Neo X2 L3251.52 × 5128007.5x0.92518ASB1June 2009AMZL325OAX5DY
Athlon Neo X2 L3351.62 × 2568008x0.92518ASB1June 2009AMZL335OAX5DY
Athlon Neo X2 L5101.62 × 5128008x0.92518ASB1June 2009AMZL510OAX5DY


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Clock multiplier applies to 200 MHz HyperTransport base clock.
  2. 1 2 Processors with these markings are believed to be used only as an engineering sample.
  3. Most likely a fake processor. Possibly a mislabeled mobile processor. [2]
  4. 1 2 3 4 Athlon 64 3300+ is available in Hewlett-Packard and IBM systems only, or as an OEM chip. The Socket 939 3400+ (both Newcastle and Venice versions) is an OEM-only chip and was never directly available from AMD. It shares all Socket 939 3500+ characteristics with the exception of the 800 MHz HyperTransport Link. The 1500+ is only used in the HP BladeSystem bc1500 blade PC.
  5. These Venice-based Socket 754 Athlon 64s are reported to be very rare. The 3400+ version has been verified to exist. They do exist and have been available for OEMs for some time.
  6. AMD Business Class processor, availability guaranteed for 24 months after release.

See also

Related Research Articles

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The Athlon 64 is a ninth-generation, AMD64-architecture microprocessor produced by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), released on September 23, 2003. It is the third processor to bear the name Athlon, and the immediate successor to the Athlon XP. The Athlon 64 was the second processor to implement the AMD64 architecture and the first 64-bit processor targeted at the average consumer. Variants of the Athlon 64 have been produced for Socket 754, Socket 939, Socket 940, and Socket AM2. It was AMD's primary consumer CPU, and primarily competed with Intel's Pentium 4, especially the Prescott and Cedar Mill core revisions.

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Sempron has been the marketing name used by AMD for several different budget desktop CPUs, using several different technologies and CPU socket formats. The Sempron replaced the AMD Duron processor and competed against Intel's Celeron series of processors. AMD coined the name from the Latin semper, which means "always", to suggest the Sempron is suitable for "daily use, practical, and part of everyday life". The last Semprons were launched in April 2014. The brand was retired with the launch of the AMD A-Series APUs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Athlon 64 X2</span> Series of CPUs by AMD

The Athlon 64 X2 is the first native dual-core desktop central processing unit (CPU) designed by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). It was designed from scratch as native dual-core by using an already multi-CPU enabled Athlon 64, joining it with another functional core on one die, and connecting both via a shared dual-channel memory controller/north bridge and additional control logic. The initial versions are based on the E stepping model of the Athlon 64 and, depending on the model, have either 512 or 1024 KB of L2 cache per core. The Athlon 64 X2 can decode instructions for Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3), except those few specific to Intel's architecture. The first Athlon 64 X2 CPUs were released in May 2005, in the same month as Intel's first dual-core processor, the Pentium D.

The AMD Family 10h, or K10, is a microprocessor microarchitecture by AMD based on the K8 microarchitecture. The first third-generation Opteron products for servers were launched on September 10, 2007, with the Phenom processors for desktops following and launching on November 11, 2007 as the immediate successors to the K8 series of processors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">AMD Phenom</span> Series of CPUs by AMD

Phenom is the 64-bit AMD desktop processor line based on the K10 microarchitecture, in what AMD calls family 10h processors, sometimes incorrectly called "K10h". Triple-core versions belong to the Phenom 8000 series and quad cores to the AMD Phenom X4 9000 series. The first processor in the family was released in 2007.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">AMD Turion</span> Low-power mobile processors

AMD Turion is the brand name AMD applies to its x86-64 low-power consumption mobile processors codenamed K8L. The Turion 64 and Turion 64 X2/Ultra processors compete with Intel's mobile processors, initially the Pentium M and the Intel Core and Intel Core 2 processors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Phenom II</span> Family of AMD multi-core 45 nm processors

Phenom II is a family of AMD's multi-core 45 nm processors using the AMD K10 microarchitecture, succeeding the original Phenom. Advanced Micro Devices released the Socket AM2+ version of Phenom II in December 2008, while Socket AM3 versions with DDR3 support, along with an initial batch of triple- and quad-core processors were released on February 9, 2009. Dual-processor systems require Socket F+ for the Quad FX platform. The next-generation Phenom II X6 was released on April 27, 2010.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Athlon II</span> Family of central processing unit models

Athlon II is a family of AMD multi-core 45 nm central processing units, which is aimed at the budget to mid-range market and is a complementary product lineup to the Phenom II.


  1. "AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor Product Data Sheet" (PDF). AMD. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2024-02-11. Retrieved 2024-02-11.
  2. "AMD Athlon 64 3700+ - ADA3700AEP5AP". Retrieved 2025-02-03.
  3. "AMD Processors for Notebooks: AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core, Mobile AMD Sempron Processor". Archived from the original on May 7, 2009. Retrieved 2009-11-05.