List of Hymenoptera (Apocrita) of Ireland

Last updated

This article contains a list of Hymenoptera Apocrita of Ireland.


Superfamily Chrysidoidea

Family Dryinidae

Family Bethylidae

Family Chrysididae (cuckoo wasps)

Superfamily Vespoidea

Family Tiphiidae (tiphiid wasps)

Family Mutillidae (velvet ants)

Family Formicidae (ants)

Family Pompilidae (spider wasps)

Sub-family Ceropalinae

Genus Ceropales

Sub-family Pepsinae

Genus Dipogon

Genus Priocnemis

Sub-family Pompilinae

Genus Anoplius

Genus Episyron

Genus Evagetes

Genus Pompilus

Family Vespidae

Subfamily Eumeninae (potter and mason wasps)

Genus Odynerus

Subgenus Odynerus

Genus Ancistrocerus

Genus Symmorphus

Subfamily Vespinae (social wasps)

Genus Dolichovespula

Subgenus Pseudovespula

Genus Vespula (typical social wasps)

Subgenus Vespula
Subgenus Paravespula

Family Sphecidae

Genus Ammophila

Genus Podalonia

Family Crabronidae

Genus Argogorytes

Genus Astata

Genus Crabro

Genus Crossocerus

Genus Ectemnius

Genus Lindenius

Genus Mellinus

Genus Mimumesa

Genus Nysson

Genus Oxybelus

Genus Passaloecus

Genus Pemphredon

Genus Psenulus

Genus Rhopalum

Genus Spilomena

Genus Tachysphex

Genus Trypoxylon

Superfamily Apoidea

Family Colletidae

Genus Colletes (plasterer bees)

Genus Hylaeus

Family Andrenidae (mining bees)

Genus Andrena (mining bee)

Family Halictidae (sweat bees)

Genus Halictus

Genus Lasioglossum

Genus Sphecodes

Family Megachilidae

Genus Osmia (mason bee)

Genus Megachile (leafcutter bees)

Genus Coelioxys (leaf-cutting cuckoo bees, sharp-tailed bees)

Family Apidae

Genus Nomada

Genus Bombus (bumblebees)

Subgenus Bombus

Subgenus Megabombus

Subgenus Melanobombus

Subgenus Psithyrus

Subgenus Pyrobombus

Subgenus Subterraneobombus

Subgenus Thoracombus

Genus Apis (honey bees)

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  1. An Irish record of Bombus vestalis (Geoffroy, 1785) (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Apinae), after 88 years. Irish Naturalists' Journal Volume 35, Part 1 2016
  2. O'Donnell, M., 2018 Tree Bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum) (Hymenoptera, Apidae): a bumblebee new to Ireland Irish Naturalists' Journal Volume 36, Part 1 (published 22 June 2018, print circulation August 2018)