List of Magic: The Gathering artists

Last updated

This is a list of artists who have contributed art to the game of Magic: The Gathering . While 25 artists contributed art to the original Alpha Magic set, 418 different artists illustrated Magic cards through Shards of Alara . Ron Spencer, Mark Tedin, and Pete Venters were the final original artists from Alpha to be active (each had their most recent new piece in Magic 2011 ). Spencer is also among the eleven artists that have contributed more than 200 pieces for Magic, notable others being Greg Staples, Pete Venters, and Kev Walker. As of 2020, Walker is the most-featured artist, with 436 cards featuring his art as of the Double Masters set.


The list refers to the earliest printing of a given piece of art.

Split cards with both sides by the same artist count as 2 separate pieces.

Aaron Boyd 52000Prophecy20017th Edition
Aaron Miller782013Theros2020Core Set 2021
Adam Paquette 1212012Avacyn Restored2020Core Set 2021
Adam Rex 1261996Mirage2008Shadowmoor
Adi Granov 52009Zendikar2010Rise of the Eldrazi
Adrian Majkrzak52017Amonkhet2017Ixalan
Adrian Smith 261996Mirage2011New Phyrexia
Ai Desheng 61999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Al Davidson 21996Miragen/a
Alan Pollack 1311997Tempest2015Commander 2015
Alan Rabinowitz441995Homelands2004Unhinged
Alayna Danner292017Hour of Devastation2020Core Set 2021
Alejandro Mirabal 72015Fate Reforged2016Shadows over Innistrad
Aleksi Briclot 822004Champions of Kamigawa2019War of the Spark
Alex Brock32019Throne of Eldraine
Alex Horley-Orlandelli 1052001Apocalypse2014Commander 2014
Alex Konstad352017Hour of Devastation2019Throne of Eldraine
Alexander Forssberg92018Commander 20182020Core Set 2021
Alisa Lee12015Commander 2015
Allen Williams291997Tempest2019Throne of Eldraine
Allison Carl12017Commander 2017
Alton Lawson 12000Invasion
Amy Weber621993Alpha1997Fifth Edition
Anastasia Ovchinnikova 392014Khans of Tarkir2019Throne of Eldraine
Andi Rusu 141993Alpha1996Alliancesn/a
Andrea Radeck112017Unstable2020Unsanctioned
Andreas Rocha 112013Commander 20132016Shadows over Innistrad
Andrew Goldhawk 261998Urza's Saga2003Eight Edition
Andrew Murray12008Shards of Alara
Andrew Robinson551996Mirage2010Rise of the Eldrazi
Andrey Kuzinskiy52020Lair of Behemoths2020Core Set 2021
Anna Podedworna62019Core Set 20202019Commander 2019
Anna Steinbauer 182015Magic Origins2017Ixalan
Anson Maddocks 1121993Alpha2006Time Spiral
Anthony Francisco352008Shards of Alara2012Avacyn Restored
Anthony Jones42011Innistrad2011Graveborn
Anthony Palumbo822010Magic 20112019Core Set 2020
Anthony S. Waters 1141994Legends2009Alara Reborn until Alliances credited as Anthony Waters
Antonio José Manzanedo222019Core Set 20202020Core Set 2021
April Lee 31997Tempest
Ariel Olivetti12009Conflux
Arnie Swekel 861999Mercadian Masques2006Time Spiraln/a
Ash Wood32008Shards of Alara2009Core Set 2010
Austin Hsu 332009Magic 20102012Dark Ascension
Babyson Chen & Uzhen Lin22018Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yanling
Bartłomiej Gaweł22020Ikoria Commander2020Core Set 2021
Bastien L. Deharme 552015Magic Origins2020Core Set 2021
Bayard Wu182018Rivals of Ixalan2020Theros: Beyond Death
BD12012Return to Ravnica
Ben Maier 182015Battle for Zendikar2019Throne of Eldraine
Ben Thompson 701999Mercadian Masques2007Lorwyn
Ben Wootten182017Mind vs. Might2019Ravnica Allegiance
Berry71998Urza's Saga2003Eighth Edition
Bill Sienkiewicz 21996Alliances
Billy Christian562020Theros: Beyond Death2024Duskmourn: House of Horror
Blackie del Rio 21997Visions19975th Editionn/a
Bob Eggleton 181996Mirage1998Urza's Saga
Bob Petillo112001Seventh Edition2005Ninth Edition
Brad Rigney 232011New Phyrexia2015Battle for Zendikar
Bradley Williams401999Urza's Legacy2004Unhinged in Portal Second Age credited as Brad Williams
Bram Sels342017Hour of Devastation2020Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
Brandon Dorman 62007Lorwyn2008Morningtide
Brandon Kitkouski 352005Ravnica2009Alara Reborn
Brian Despain 261998Urza's Saga2009Magic 2010
Brian Durfee 31997Portal2000Starter 2000n/a
Brian Horton41997Visions1997Weatherlight
Brian Snøddy 1251993Alpha2008Morningtide
Brian Valeza52020Theros: Beyond Death2020Commander 2020
Brom421997Weatherlight2005Ninth Edition
Bryan Sola62020Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths2020Core Set 2021
Bryan Talbot 81997Visions1997Weatherlight
Brynn Metheney42013Commander 20132017Unstable
Bryon Wackwitz 211994Legends1996Alliances
Bud Cook122007Future Sight2016Shadows over Innistrad
Cai Tingting 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Caio Monteiro192019Core Set 20202020Zendikar Rising
Campbell White182020Commander 20202020Zendikar Rising
Cara Mitten 22005Betrayers of Kamigawa
Carl Critchlow 2181998Urza's Saga2022Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
Carl Frank 151997Tempest2015Commander 2015
Carol Heyer 41996Alliances
Catherine Buck 11995Ice Agen/a
Cecil Fernando 41997Visions1997Weatherlightn/a
Charles Gillespie191996Mirage1997Tempest
Chase Stone 642012Magic 20122017Ixalan
Chen Weidong 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Chengo McFlingers 12005Ravnican/a
Chris Appelhans 22004Champions of Kamigawa2005Betrayers of Kamigawa
Chris Dien 22005Ravnica
Chris Rahn 1612008From the Vault: Dragons2018Core Set 2019
Chris Rallis 582015Fate Reforged2018Signature Spellbook: Jace
Christine Choi 422012Return to Ravnica2017Amonkhet
Christopher Burdett 112013Theros2017Amonkhet
Christopher Moeller 2551998Urza's Saga2016Kaladesh
Christopher Rush 1231993Alpha2006Time Spiral
Chuck Lukacs 202007Lorwyn2013Magic 2014
Ciruelo Cabral 261998Exodus2002Torment
Cliff Childs 542011Innistrad2017Amonkhet
Cliff Nielsen 101996Mirage1997Weatherlightn/a
Clint Cearley 802011Commander2017Amonkhet
Clint Langley 819975th Edition2006Time Spiral
Clyde Caldwell 61999Mercadian Masques2002Torment
Cole Eastburn 62008Eventide2008Shards of Alara
Colin MacNeil 131997Portal1998Stronghold
Corey D. Macourek 42002Onslaught2004Unhinged
Cornelius Brudi 91993Alpha1995Ice Agen/a
Craig Hooper11997Visionsn/a
Craig J. Spearing 342014Magic 20152016Kaladesh
Craig Mullins 52006Time Spiral
Cris Dornaus 11998Portal Second Agen/a
Cynthia Sheppard 502011Innistrad2016Eldritch Moon
Cyril van der Haegen 392004Fifth Dawn2014Khans of Tarkir
D. Alexander Gregory 881996Mirage2012Magic 2013
D. J. Cleland-Hura 102000Invasion20017th Edition
Daarken 1992007Future Sight2018Core Set 2019
Dameon Willich 261993Alpha1995Ice Agen/a
Dan Dos Santos 182006Coldsnap2009Alara Reborn
Dan Frazier 1531993Alpha2006Time Spiral
Dan Scott2752004Champions of Kamigawa2022Double Masters 2022
Dan Seagrave 22008Eventide2008Shards of Alara
Dana Knutson 231999Mercadian Masques2006Dissension
Daniel Gelon 621993Alpha2006Time Spiraln/a
Daniel Ljunggren1032010Worldwake2016Kaladesh
Daniel R. Horne 11999Mercadian Masques
Darbury Stenderu 11997Weatherlight
Darek Zabrocki 152016Oath of the Gatewatch2017Amonkhet
Daren Bader 1681997Tempest2010Worldwake
Darrell Riche 932000Nemesis2009Magic 2010
Dave Allsop 552004Champions of Kamigawa2011New Phyrexia
Dave DeVries 32007Planar Chaos2008Shadowmoor
Dave Dorman 991999Mercadian Masques2008Shadowmoor
Dave Kendall1262006Coldsnap2016Eldritch Moon
Dave Seeley 11997Visions
David A. Cherry 261995Homelands1998Unglued
David Day72000Invasion2007Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblinsn/a
David Gaillet 392014Khans of Tarkir2017Amonkhet
David Ho 21996Mirage1998Portal: Second Age
David Horne41998Portal Second Age
David Hudnut 22007Future Sight
David Martin 821999Mercadian Masques2008Eventide
David Monette21999Mercadian Masques
David O'Connor 111996Mirage19975th Editionn/a
David Palumbo 792008Shards of Alara2016Kaladesh
David Rapoza 372010Scars of Mirrodin2013Dragon's Maze
David Seguin 22015Fate Reforged (Ugin's Fate)2016Shadows over Innistrad
Dennis Detwiller 121994The Dark1995Homelands
Dermot Power 221996Mirage1998Urza's Saga
Deruchenko Alexander 232015Magic Origins2017Amonkhet
Diana Vick 21996Alliancesn/a
Ding Songjian 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Dom! 41996Mirage
Dominick Domingo 102007Lorwyn2009Alara Reborn
Don Hazeltine 351999Urza's Legacy2007Planar Chaos
Donato Giancola 1071996Mirage2011Magic 2012
Doug Chaffee 481997Tempest2006Time Spiral
Douglas Shuler 1221993Alpha2005Ninth Edition Often as "Douglas Schuler" on early cards.
Drew Tucker 551993Alpha2008Eventide
Dylan Martens 21997Weatherlightn/a
E. M. Gist 102006Coldsnap2009Magic 2010
Edward P. Beard Jr. 1241994Legends2005Ravnica
Efflam Mercier 42016Kaladesh2016Aether Revolt
Efrem Palacios 122010Scars of Mirrodin2015Dragons of Tarkir
Eric David Anderson 31997Tempest
Eric Fortune 162007Future Sight2009Magic 2010
Eric Peterson731997Visions2003Mirrodin
Eric Polak 32005Saviors of Kamigawan/a
Eric Velhagen 72012Return to Ravnica2015Magic Origins
Erica Yang 402010Rise of the Eldrazi2015Khans of Tarkir - Ugin's Fate
Esad Ribic 12007Future Sightn/a
Evan Shipard 82014Journey into Nyx2016Conspiracy: Take the Crown
Eytan Zana 282011Innistrad2016Kaladesh
Fang Yue31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Fay Jones 11993Alphan/a
Filip Burburan 252014Magic 20152017Amonkhet
Florian de Gesincourt 172014Conspiracy2017Amonkhet
Francis Tsai 52004Fifth Dawn2008Shards of Alara
Frank Kelly Freas 21999Mercadian Masques Archived 2011-11-13 at the Wayback Machine
Franz Vohwinkel 1071997Weatherlight2016Shadows over Innistrad
Fred Fields 141999Mercadian Masques2009Zendikar
Fred Harper22008Eventide
Fred Rahmqvist 12002Judgmentn/a
Gabor Szikszai 1152005Ravnica2010Magic 2011 Often with Zoltan Boros
Gao Jianzhang 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Gao Yan 101999Portal Three Kingdoms2000Nemesisn/a
Garry Leach 211996Mirage1997Tempestn/acredited as Gary Leach
Gary Ruddell 361999Mercadian Masques2002Judgmentn/a
Geofrey Darrow 101996Mirage1997Visionsn/a
George Pratt 141997Visions1999Mercadian Masques
Brom 421997Weatherlight2003Mirrodin
Gerry Grace 191996Mirage19996th Edition
Glen Angus 751999Mercadian Masques2007Future Sight
Glenn Fabry 82005Ravnica2006Guildpact
Goran Josic 102011Zendikar2015Magic Origins
Greg Bobrowski82022Unfinity2022Unfinity
Greg Hildebrandt 1681999Urza's Destiny2009Alara Reborn
Greg Opalinski 222015Battle for Zendikar2017Amonkhet
Greg Simanson 251996Alliances1998Urza's Saga
Greg Spalenka 51997Visions
Greg Staples 2721998Urza's Saga2016Eldritch Moon
Grzegorz Rutkowski 342017Amonkhet2018Core Set 2019
Hannibal King271996Mirage2000Invasionn/a
Harold McNeill 271994Legends1997Tempest
He Jiancheng 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Erica Gassalasca-Jape 22003Scourgesee H. Hudson
Heather Hudson 1861994Legends2008Eventide
Henry G. Higgenbotham 41998Urza's Saga
Henry van der Linde 71998Portal: Second Age1999Urza's Legacy
Hideaki Takamura 222004Champions of Kamigawa2008Shards of Alara
Hiro Izawa 22004Champions of Kamigawa
Hong Yan 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Howard Lyon 922007Lorwyn2016Kaladesh
Huang Qishi 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Hugh Jamieson 102003Mirrodin20059th Edition
I. Rabarot 61997Visions
Iain McCaig 92002Onslaught2016Conspiracy: Take the Crown
Ian Miller 241996Mirage1997Weatherlight
Igor Kieryluk 1312009Zendikar2017Amonkhet
Ilse Gort 182020Magic 20212021Kaldheim
Isis Sangaré22021Innistrad: Midnight Hunt2021"Secret Lair" edition on Stranger Things Artstation
Ittoku242004Darksteel2007Future Sight
Izzy "Izzy" Medrano 1522008Shadowmoor2018Core Set 2019
Jack Wang442012Magic 20132016Shadows over Innistrad
Jack Wei 31999Portal Three Kingdoms
Jacques Bredy 12000Invasionn/a
Jaime Jones 1022008Eventide2017Aether Revolt
Jakub Kasper 242015Fate Reforged2017Amonkhet
Jama Jurabaev 122015Battle for Zendikar2016Conspiracy: Take the Crown
James Ernest 11995Ice Age
James Kei 32007Future Sight
James Paick 1012009Zendikar2018Dominaria
James Ryman 872010Rise of the Eldrazi2016Kaladesh
James Zapata 162013Magic 20142016Oath of the Gatewatch
Janet Aulisio 41997Tempestn/a
Janine Johnston 141996Mirage2006Time Spiral
Jarreau Wimberly 32008Shards of Alara
Jason A. Engle 682010Worldwake2018Core Set 2019
Jason Alexander Behnke 31997Tempest1998Stronghold
Jason Chan752007Future Sight2015Commander 2015
Jason Felix 1012009Zendikar2018Core Set 2019
Jason Kang 182016Oath of the Gatewatch2018Dominaria
Jason Rainville 362014Conspiracy2016Kaladesh
Jasper Sandner 122012Modern Masters2015Magic Origins
Jean-Sébastien Rossbach 72007Future Sight2009Alara Reborn
Jeff A. Menges 561993Alpha1997Tempestn/a
Jeff Easley 491999Mercadian Masques2008Eventide
Jeff Laubenstein 241997Tempest1999Mercadian Masquesn/a
Jeff Miracola 1101996Mirage2008Eventide
Jeff Nentrup 22006Coldsnaphere
Jeff Reitz 11997Tempest
Jeff Remmer 22001Odyssey
Jeff Simpson122014Journey into Nyx2016Kaladesh
Jeffrey R. Busch 101998Portal Second Agen/a
Jehan Choo 42018Masters 252018Dominaria
Jen Page 12005Ravnican/a
Jennifer Law 21996Miragen/a
Jeremy Enecio 52008Shadowmoor2008Eventide
Jeremy Jarvis 482003Mirrodin2009Conflux
Jerry Tiritilli 371997Visions2002Onslaughtn/a
Jesper Ejsing 1312007Lorwyn2018Core Set 2019
Jesper Myrfors 561993Alpha1994Fallen Empires
Ji Yong 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Jiaming 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Jiang Zhuqing 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Jim Murray732004Darksteel2015Magic Origins
Jim Nelson 1271997Tempest2010Magic 2011
Jim Pavelec 222004Champions of Kamigawa2011Magic 2012
Mark "JOCK" Simpson 31996Mirage
Joel Biske 111997Tempest2000Prophecyn/a
Joel Thomas 112004Champions of Kamigawa2006Coldsnap
Johann Bodin 982010Worldwake2018Core Set 2019
Johannes Voss 602010Scars of Mirrodin2016KaladeshWith Jana Schirmer through Innistrad block.
John Avon 2081996Mirage2017Aether Revolt
John Bolton 111996Mirage2004Champions of Kamigawa
John Coulthart 231996Mirage1997Weatherlight
John Donahue22007Future Sightn/a
John Gallagher 320017th Edition2001Apocalypsen/a
John Howe 132000Prophecy2008Eventide
John Malloy 21996Mirage
John Matson 1061996Alliances2006Time Spiral
John Severin Brassell 232013Dragon's Maze2017Amonkhet
John Stanko 402010Magic 20112016Kaladesh
John Zeleznik 101999Urza's Destiny2006Time Spiral
Jon Foster 192003Mirrodin2009Magic 2010
Jon J. Muth 51997Visions1998Urza's Saga
Jonas De Ro 372014Born of the Gods2017Amonkhet
Jonathan Kuo 102017Ixalan2018Core Set 2019
Jose Cabrera32016Shadows over Innistrad2016Eldritch Moon
Joseph Meehan252015Dragons of Tarkir2016Kaladesh
Josh Hass 82016Eldritch Moon2017Amonkhet
Joshua Hagler 72008Eventide2008Shards of Alara
Josu Hernaiz 172015Magic Origins2017Amonkhet
Julie Baroh 241993Alpha1997Tempest
Jung Park 522009Zendikar2016Kaladesh
Junich Inoue 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Junior Tomlin 41996Miragen/a
Junko Taguchi 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Justin Hampton 171994Antiquities1995Ice Age
Justin Murray22007Future Sight
Justin Sweet 662001Odyysey2010Magic 2011
Kaja Foglio 631993Arabian Nights2004Darksteel
Kang Yu 41999Portal Three Kingdoms
Kari Johnson21996Mirage
Karl Kopinski 1782008Shards of Alara2020Commander Legends
Karla Ortiz192013Dragon's Maze2016Eldritch Moon
Kathryn Rathke 31996Mirage
Keith Garletts 182001Odyssey2005Ravnica
Keith Parkinson 161998Stronghold1998Portal Second Age
Ken Meyer Jr151994Arabian
Kensuke Okabayashi 72004Champions of Kamigawa2006Coldsnap
Kerstin Kaman 31994Antiquitiesn/a
Kev Brockschmidt 41993Alpha
Kevin "Kev" Walker 4361996Mirage2020Double Mastersn/a
Kevin Dobler 32003Mirrodin2004Unhinged
Kevin Murphy21999Mercadian Masquesn/a
Khang Le 42004Champions of Kamigawa2007Future Sight
Kieran Yanner 492009Magic 20102016Kaladesh
Kipling West 21997Weatherlight
Kirsten Zirngibl 32016Kaladesh2016Aether Revolt
Koji21999Portal Three Kingdoms
Kristen Bishop 11993Arabian Nights
Ku Xueming 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Kuang Sheng 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
L. A. Williams 281995Ice Age1999Mercadian Masques
LHQ 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Lake Hurwitz 202015Fate Reforged2017Amonkhet
Larry Elmore 102000Invasion2001Odyssey
Larry MacDougall 272007Lorwyn2008Eventiden/a
Lars Grant-West 832003Legions2017Amonkhet
Lawrence Snelly 81996Alliances1998Urza's Saga
Li Tie41999Portal Three Kingdoms2000Nemesis
Li Wang 41999Portal Three Kingdoms
Li Xiaohua 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Li Youliang 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Li Yousong 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Lie Tiu 11999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Lin Yan 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Lindsey Look 142014Commander 20142017Amonkhet
Liu Jianjian 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Liu Shangying 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Lius Lasahido 332015Fate Reforged2017Amonkhet
Livia Prima662018Battlebond2024Modern Horizons 3
Liz Danforth 341994Legends2006Time Spiral
Lou Harrison12000Nemesisn/a
Lubov 51998Portal Second Age
Luca Zontini 631999Mercadian Masques2007Planar Chaosn/a
Lucas Graciano 592012Dark Ascension2017Amonkhet
Lucio Parrillo 102007Future Sight2008Shadowmoor
M. W. Kaluta 21998Stronghold
Magali Villeneuve 952013Commander 20132018Core Set 2019
Marc Fishman 131999Urza's Destiny2001Odyssey
Marc Simonetti 72010Scars of Mirrodin2015Dragons of Tarkir
Marcelo Vignali 72003Scourge2006Coldsnap
Marco Nelor 282012Magic 20132016Shadows over Innistrad
Margaret Organ-Kean 271994Antiquities1997Tempest
Mark Brill381999Urza's Legacy2008Shards of Alara
Mark Harrison 31997Weatherlight2003Mirrodinn/a
Mark A. Nelson 91998Urza's Saga2005Ravnica credited as Mark Nelson for early illustrations
Mark Poole 1111993Alpha2015Fate Reforged
Mark Romanoski 271999Mercadian Masques2006Coldsnap
Mark Rosewater 11998UngluedN/A
Mark Tedin 2031993Alpha2022Double Masters 2022
Mark Winters362013Gatecrash2016Kaladesh
Mark Zug 1501998Stronghold2016Kaladesh
Martin McKenna 51996Mirage
Massimilano Frezzato 91999Mercadian Masques20017th Editionn/a
Mathias Kollros 592012Return to Ravnica2016Conspiracy: Take the Crown
Matt Cavotta 1791999Mercadian Masques2011Mirrodin Besieged
Matt Stawicki 21998Portal Second Age
Matt Stewart 1282007Future Sight2016Kaladesh
Matt Thompson 242002Onslaught2006Guildpactn/a
Matthew D. Wilson 591997Tempest2004Fifth Dawn
Matthew Mitchell 42002Judgment2002Onslaughtn/a
Melissa A. Benson 621993Alpha1998Portal: Second Age
Miao Aili 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Michael Bruinsma 92007Future Sight2008Alara Reborn
Michael Danza 31997Visions
Michael Koelsch420017th Editionn/a
Michael Komarck 472007Future Sight2015Battle for Zendikar
Michael Phillippi 122005Ravnica2007Future Sight
Matteo Bassini62019Zendikar Rising2022Streets of New Capenna
Michael Ryan 32008Shards of Alara
Michael Sutfin 811998Stronghold2008Shadowmoor
Michael Weaver 51998Portal Second Age
Michael Whelan 11994Other
Mike Bierek 722009Magic 20102017Amonkhet
Mike Dringenberg 411996Mirage2008Eventiden/a
Mike Kerr51996Mirage19975th Editionn/a
Mike Kimble 191994Legends1996Miragen/a
Mike Ploog 301999Mercadian Masques2002Judgmentn/a
Mike Raabe 411995Ice Age2001Planeshift
Mike Sass 220017th Edition2001Apocalypse
Min Yum 482011New Phyrexia2016Kaladesh
Miranda Meeks 12021Planeswalker
Mitch Cotie 72004Champions of Kamigawa2009Alara Reborn
Mitsuaki Sagiri 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Monte Michael Moore 820017th Edition2002Onslaught
Naomi Baker62017Ixalan2018Battlebond
Nathalie Hertz 31997Visionsn/a
Nelson DeCastro 151999Mercadian Masques2002Onlsaught
Nene Thomas 211994Antiquities1995Homelands
Nick Percival 132005Ravnica2006Coldsnap
Nicola Leonard 211994Legends1997Tempest
Nils Hamm 1512007Future Sight2022Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
Noah Bradley 922012Return to Ravnica2018Core Set 2019
Nottsuo 132004Darksteel2006Guildpact
Omaha Pérez 11997Visions
Omar Rayyan 162007Future Sight2008Shadowmoor
Paolo Parente1251997Tempest2006Guildpact Often as "Parente"
Pat Lee 112004Champions of Kamigawa2006Guildpact
Pat Morrissey311994Fallen Empires1999Mercadian Masquesn/a
Patrick Beel 21996Mirage
Patrick Ho41999Urza's Desinyn/a
Patrick Kochakji 21997Weatherlight
Paul Bonner 162008Eventide2010Worldwake
Paul Chadwick 12007Lorwyn
Paul Lee 31997Visions2009Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Lilianan/a
Pete Venters 2821994Antiquities2010Magic 2011n/a
Peter Bollinger 72001Planeshift20017th Editionn/a
Peter Mohrbacher 492011Commander2015Battle for Zendikar
Phil Foglio 481994Antiquities1998Portal: Second Age
Philip Mosness 11995Ice Agen/a
Philip Straub 142007Future Sight2015Battle for Zendikar
Philip Tan 22007Lorwyn
Phill Simmer 102013Theros2015Dragons of Tarkir
Piotr Dura 502019War of the Spark2021Strixhaven
Puddnhead 1620038th Edition2006Time Spiraln/a
Qi Baocheng 71999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Qiao Dafu 81999Portal Three Kingdoms1999Mercadian Masquesn/aalso referred to as Zhao Dafu
Qin Jun 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Qu Xin 61999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Quan Xuejun 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Quinton Hoover 731993Alpha2008Morningtide
Raf Sarmento 32015FNM Promo2015Dragons of Tarkir
Ralph Horsley 562004Champions of Kamigawa2015Commander 2015
Randy Asplund-Faith 241994Antiquities1996Alliances
Randy Elliott191997Tempest2006Time Spiral
Randy Gallegos 2041995Ice Age2023Doctor Who
Randy "rk" Post 1171998Exodus2015Commander 2015
Randy Vargas 162017Hour of Devastation2018Core Set 2019
Raoul Vitale 302013Dragon's Maze2016Kaladesh
Ray Lago 271999Urza's Destiny2004Unhingedn/a
Raymond Swanland 1692007Future Sight2018Duel Decks: Elves vs. Inventors
Rebecca Guay 1511996Alliances2009Magic 2010
Rebekah Lynn 12006Coldsnap
Richard Kane Ferguson 621994Legends2008Eventiden/a
Richard Sardinha 162003Scourge2008Shadowmoor
Richard Thomas 441993Alpha1997Tempestn/e
Richard Whitters 72008Shadowmoor2011New Phyrexia
Richard Wright 362005Ravnica2016Kaladeshn/a
Rick Berry 71998Urza's Saga
Rick Emond 71995Ice Agen/a
Rick Farrell 42001Odysseyn/a
Rob Alexander 1451993Alpha2016Eternal Masters
Robert Bliss 151996Mirage1998Strongholdn/a
Robh Ruppel 51998Urza's Saga2010Magic 2011
Roger Raupp 421996Mirage2002Onslaught
Rogério Vilela 21997Weatherlightn/a
Romas Kukalis 31997Visions
Ron Brown62008Shadowmoor2008Eventide
Ron Chironna 41997Tempest
Ron Spencer 2341993Alpha2010Magic 2011
Ron Walotsky 42001Planeshift20017th Editionn/a
Ruth Thompson101995Ice Age1996Alliances
Ryan Alexander Lee 392014Born of the Gods2017Amonkhet
Ryan Barger 512012Return to Ravnica2016Oath of the Gatewatch
Ryan Pancoast 752009Magic 20102016Kaladesh
Ryan Yee 552010Magic 20112016Kaladesh
Sal Villagran 42008Shards of Alara2009Alara Reborn
Sam Guay42021Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
Sam Wood 171998Portal Second Age2009Magic 2010n/a
Sandra Everingham 421993Alpha1996Alliancesn/a
Sara Winters 282016Kaladesh2018Battlebond
Scott Altmann 102007Future Sight2008Eventidehre
Scott Bailey131999Mercadian Masques20017th Edition
Scott M. Fischer 1441996Mirage2015Commander 2015
Scott Hampton 181997Visions2008Morningtide
Scott Kirschner 431994Legends1998Urza's Sagan/a
Scott Murphy182014Born of the Gods2016Kaladesh
Sean McConnell11999Mercadian Masques
Sean Murray 12016Kaladesh
Sean Sevestre 32016Shadows over Innistrad2016Kaladesh
Seb McKinnon 932012Magic 20132019Throne of Eldraine
Shang Huitong 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Shelly Wan 172008Morningtide2011Mirrodin Besieged
Shishizaru 252004Champions of Kamigawa2007Future Sight
Sidharth Chaturvedi 122016Eldritch Moon2017Amonkhet
Slawomir Maniak 1342011Innistrad2018Core Set 2019
Solomon Au Yeung 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Song Shikai 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Stephanie Pui-Mun Law 32000Invasion credited as Stephanie Law
Stephen Daniele 291997Tempest2004Unhinged
Stephen L. Walsh 21997Weatherlightn/a
Steve Argyle 842008Shards of Alara2018Battlebond
Steve Ellis102007Planar Chaos2008Ikoria
Steve Firchow 31998Urza's Saga
Steve Luke291996Mirage1997Tempestn/a
Steve Prescott 2032007Planar Chaos2022Dominaria united
Steve White 131996Mirage1998Urza's Sagan/a
Steven Belledin 1352006Coldsnap2017Amonkhet
Stuart Griffin171996Mirage2006Time Spiraln/a
Sue Ellen Brown 51997Tempest
Sun Nan31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Sung Choi 62016Kaladesh2017Amonkhet
Susan Van Camp 471993Arabian Nights1997Tempest
Svetlin Velinov 2142010Worldwake2018Core Set 2019
Tang Xiaogu 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Ted Naifeh 111997Portal1997Weatherlight
Terese Nielsen 1881996Alliances2016Eldritch Moon
Terry Springer 51999Mercardian Masques
Thomas M. Baxa 1101997Tempest2009Zendikar
Thomas Denmark 122007Lorwyn2008Eventide
Thomas Gianni 301996Mirage2007Future Sight
Tianhua Xu 92015Battle for Zendikar2016Eldritch Moon
Tim Hildebrandt 1071999Urza's Destiny2007Future Sight
Titus Lunter 832014Khans of Tarkir2018Battlebond
Todd Lockwood 731999Urza's Legacy2016Kaladesh
Tom Babbey 12016Kaladesh
Tom Fleming51998Urza's Saga1999Urza's Legacy
Tom Kyffin 161996Mirage1997Tempest
Tom Wänerstrand 691993Alpha2006Time Spiraln/a
Tomas Giorello 112004Fifth Dawn2007Planar Chaosn/a
Tomasz Jedruszek 632009Worldwake2017Amonkhet
Tommy Arnold 62016Kaladesh2017Amonkhet
Tony DiTerlizzi 891997Visions2004Unhinged
Tony Foti 102016Kaladesh2017Amonkhet
Tony Roberts 151996Mirage19975th Edition
Tony Szczudlo 771999Mercadian Masques2006Time Spiraln/a
Torstein Nordstrand 62014Khans of Tarkir2015Magic Origins
Trevor Claxton 422008Shards of Alara2014Magic 2015
Trevor Hairsine 262002Onslaught2008Shards of Alaran/a
Tsutomu Kawade 192004Champions of Kamigawa2007Future Sightn/a
Tyler Jacobson 672012Return to Ravnica2017Amonkhet
Una Fricker 431996Mirage2006Time Spiraln/a
Val Mayerik 361997Tempest2008Morningtide
Vance Kovacs 482004Darksteel2014Born of the Gods
Victor Adame Minguez 612015Magic Origins2018Core Set 2019
Viktor Titov242014Khans of Tarkir2016Kaladesh
Vincent Evans41998Urza's Sagan/a
Vincent Proce 692009Zendikar2016Kaladesh
Volkan Baga1402006Coldsnap2018Core Set 2019
Wang Chuxiong 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Wang Feng31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Wang Yuqun 51999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Warren Mahy 652006Guildpact2012Return to Ravnica
Wayne England 1112000Prophecy2016Shadows over Innistradn/a
Wayne Reynolds 1532004Champions of Kamigawa2018Dominaria
Wesley Burt 5220122017 AvacynRestoredAmonkhet
William Donohoe 31996Miragen/a
William O'Connor 181997Tempest2008Eventide
William Simpson 211997Portal2015Magic Origins
Willian Murai 512013Gatecrash2016Kaladesh
Winona Nelson 1152011Innistrad2018Core Set 2019
Wylie Beckert 42020Core Set 20212020Zendikar Rising
Xi Zhang 22018Kaladesh2018Masters 25
Xu Tan 41999Portal Three Kingdoms
Xu Xiaoming61999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
YW Tang 92014Khans of Tarkir2015Dragons of Tarkir
Yan Li 12015Magic Origins
Yang Guangmai 31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Yang Hong31999Portal Three Kingdoms
Yang Jun Kwon 41999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Yefim Kligerman 62014Journey into Nyx2016Oath of the Gatewatch
Yeong-Hao Han 892011Commander2018Dominaria
Yohann Schepacz 102014Journey into Nyx2016Eldritch Moon
Yokota Katsumi 22006Coldsnap
Zack Stella 812013Modern Masters2018Core Set 2019
Zak Plucinski 71996Alliances19975th Edition
Zezhou Chen 112016Shadows over Innistrad2017Amonkhet
Zhang Jiazhen31999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Zhao Dafu 81999Portal Three Kingdoms1999Mercadian Masquessee Qiao Dafu
Zhao Tan 21999Portal Three Kingdomsn/a
Zina Saunders 291996Mirage1997Tempest
Zoltan Boros1992005Ravnica2017Amonkhet (often with Gabor Szikszai)

# = Number of artworks of the artist used for Magic cards (as found at Gatherer); First = Year and set of first artwork in Magic; Last = Year and set of most recent new artwork in Magic.

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