List of Russian-language novelists

Last updated

"Russian Writers" by Sergei Levitsky, 1856 Russian writers by Levitsky 1856.jpg
"Russian Writers" by Sergei Levitsky, 1856

This is a list of authors who have written works of fiction in the Russian language. The list encompasses novelists and writers of short fiction.


Alphabetical list


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Narine Abgaryan 04.jpg Narine Abgaryan
Three Apples Fell From the Sky
Fyodor Abramov
The New Life
Wooden Horses
Two Winters and Three Summers
Memorial plaque in St. Petersburg Doska Abramov F A writer.jpg
Memorial plaque in St. Petersburg
M. Ageyev
Novel with Cocaine
First edition cover Roman s kokainom.jpg
First edition cover
Tschingis Ajtmatow.jpg Chinghiz Aitmatov
The White Ship
The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years
At a book signing in St. Petersburg, 2007 Chinghiz Aitmatov.jpg
At a book signing in St. Petersburg, 2007
Aitmatov (left) at the 2007 Cologne Literature Festival with Publishing Director Lucien Leitess (center) and Mongolian writer Galsan Tschinag (right) Aitmatow leitess tschinag 2007.jpg
Aitmatov (left) at the 2007 Cologne Literature Festival with Publishing Director Lucien Leitess (center) and Mongolian writer Galsan Tschinag (right)
David Aizman.jpg David Aizman
The Countrymen
Sergey Timofeyevich Aksakov 2.jpg Sergey Aksakov
The Scarlet Flower
The Family Chronicle
Years of Childhood
A Russian Schoolboy
Memorial to Aksakov Memorial desk. S.T.Aksakov's estate location. Aksakovo railway station wall, Kujbishevskaya railway. Russia.JPG
Memorial to Aksakov
The Aksakov Family Coat of Arms Aksakovy COA.jpg
The Aksakov Family Coat of Arms
Vasily Aksyonov
The Burn
Generations of Winter
The Winter's Hero
MIBF2013 img 02 Boris Akunin.jpg Boris Akunin
(born 1956)
Erast Fandorin series
Nicholas Fandorin series
Sister Pelagia series
Akunin at the HeadRead literary festival, 2011 Akunin, Boriss.IMG 3646.JPG
Akunin at the HeadRead literary festival, 2011
Albov Mihail Nilovich.jpeg Mikhail Albov
On the New Road
YuzAleshkovsky.jpg Yuz Aleshkovsky
(born 1929)
The Hand
Aleksandr Amfiteatrov.jpg Alexander Amfiteatrov
The Fire Flower
Napoleon Bonaparte David - Napoleon crossing the Alps - Malmaison1.jpg
Napoleon Bonaparte
Painting of Napoleon by David, 1812 Jacques-Louis David 017.jpg
Painting of Napoleon by David, 1812
Daniil Andreev Front.jpg Daniil Andreyev
Roza Mira
Daniil's parents Leonid Andreyev and Countess Anna Wielhorska Bulla Andreyev.jpg
Daniil's parents Leonid Andreyev and Countess Anna Wielhorska
Andreyev by Repin.jpg Leonid Andreyev
The Abyss
The Red Laugh
The Seven Who Were Hanged
1909 book cover Seven Hanged.jpg
1909 book cover
Yuri Annenkov (self-portrait, 1910 GRM).jpg Yury Annenkov
A Tale of Trivia
Annenkov's 1917 self-portrait Yuri Annenkov - self-portrait (1917).jpg
Annenkov's 1917 self-portrait
Apukhtin Aleksey.jpg Aleksey Apukhtin
From Death to Life
The Archive of Countess D
Illustration from Apukhtin's novel From Death to Life From Death to Life.jpg
Illustration from Apukhtin's novel From Death to Life
Memorial plaque in Bolkhov Apuhtin.JPG
Memorial plaque in Bolkhov
Maria Arbatova RuNet-2009.jpg Maria Arbatova
(born 1957)
My name is Woman
Maria Arbatova in 2009 Arbatova m i.jpg
Maria Arbatova in 2009
Mikhail Petrovich Artsybashev 2.jpg Mikhail Artsybashev
Ivan Lande
Breaking Point
Tales of the Revolution
Artsybashev with the actress Yavorskaya, 1915 Artsybashev & Yavorskaya.jpg
Artsybashev with the actress Yavorskaya, 1915
Drawing of Artsybashev Artsybashev.jpg
Drawing of Artsybashev
Monument in Krasnoyarsk. Astafiyev cropped.JPG
Monument in Krasnoyarsk.
Viktor Astafyev
Queen Fish
Sad Detective
To Live Your Life
The Cursed and the Slain
Vladimir Putin speaking with Astafyev's widow, 2004 Astafyev-dom-muzey.jpg
Vladimir Putin speaking with Astafyev's widow, 2004
Arkady Averchenko 7.gif Arkady Averchenko
Drawing of Averchenko Arkady Averchenko.jpg
Drawing of Averchenko
Averchenko, c. 1905 Averchenko.jpg
Averchenko, c. 1905


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Isaac Babel.png Isaak Babel
Red Cavalry
The Odessa Tales
Red Cavalry poster, 1919 Russian Revolutionary Poster, Red Cavalry.jpg
Red Cavalry poster, 1919
Red Cavalry poster, 1920 Vstupaite v krasnuiu konnitsu, 1920.jpg
Red Cavalry poster, 1920
G. Baklanow.jpg Grigory Baklanov
The Foothold
Forever Nineteen
South of the Main Offensive
Natalya Baranskaya
A Week Like Any Other
Pavel Petrovich v 1911 godu.jpg Pavel Bazhov
The Malachite Box
Commemorative coin featuring Bazhov RR5110-0001R 115-letie so dnia rozhdeniia P.P. Bazhova.png
Commemorative coin featuring Bazhov
Bazhov in his youth Pavel Bazhov vo vremia ucheby v Permskoi dukhovnoi seminarii.jpg
Bazhov in his youth
Vanmeetin-Begichev dn.jpg Dmitry Begichev
The Kholmsky Family
Alexander Bek
And Not to Die
The Story of an Inventor
The New Appointment
Belyi Andrei 1916.JPG Andrei Bely
Kotik Letaev
The Silver Dove
First edition of Petersburg, 1916 AndreiBelyPetersburg.jpg
First edition of Petersburg, 1916
First edition of The Silver Dove, 1910 Silver Dove.jpg
First edition of The Silver Dove, 1910
Alexander Belayev.jpg Alexander Belyaev
Professor Dowell's Head
Amphibian Man
Drawing by Belyayev Illustrations in science fiction 02.jpg
Drawing by Belyayev
Another of his drawings Illustrations in science fiction 01.jpg
Another of his drawings
Nina Berberova
The Accompanist
The Tattered Cloak
The Italics are Mine
The Book of Happiness
With her husband, 1925 Hodasevich Berberova.jpg
With her husband, 1925
Bestushev Marlinsky 1.jpg Alexander Bestuzhev
The Test
On Bivouac
1823 title page from Bestuzhev's magazine Polar Star Poliarnaia Zvezda.Titul'nyi list.1823.jpg
1823 title page from Bestuzhev's magazine Polar Star
An engraving of Bestuzhev Bestuzhev Alexandr Alexandrovich.jpg
An engraving of Bestuzhev
Vitaly Bianki
Whose Nose is Better?
Alexey Bibik.jpg Aleksei Bibik
Andrei Bitov.jpg Andrei Bitov
Pushkin House
The Monkey Link
Life in Windy Weather
A Captive of the Caucasus
Nikolai Blagoveshchensky
Before the Dawn
Pyotr Dmitryevich Boborykin.jpg Pyotr Boborykin
China Town
A A Bogdanov.jpg Alexander Bogdanov
Red Star
A drawing of Bogdanov Alexander Bogdanov.jpg
A drawing of Bogdanov
Vladimir Bogomolov
The Moment of Truth
Yuri Bondarev
The Shore
The Hot Snow
Leonid Borodin
The Third Truth
The Story of a Strange Time
The Year of Miracle and Grief
Brusov1920.jpg Valery Bryusov
The Fiery Angel
The Republic of the Southern Cross
A drawing of Bryusov Vrubel Bryusov.jpg
A drawing of Bryusov
An Armenian stamp featuring Bryusov ArmenianStamps-156.jpg
An Armenian stamp featuring Bryusov
Yury Buida.jpg Yury Buida
(born 1954)
The Zero Train
The Prussian Bride
Sinbad the Sailor
Bulgakov1910s.jpg Mikhail Bulgakov
The White Guard
The Master and Margarita
Heart of a Dog
The Fatal Eggs
Soviet stamp featuring Behemoth 1991 CPA PC 221 Stamp.jpg
Soviet stamp featuring Behemoth
Kir Bulychev 1997.jpg Kir Bulychev
Half a Life
Great Gusliar
Earth and Elsewhere
Alisa Selezneva
Buninturzhansky.jpg Ivan Bunin
Dry Valley
The Village
Dark Avenues
The Life of Arseniev
Soviet Nobel Laureates in Literature The Soviet Union 1990 CPA 6256 stamp (Nobel laureate in Literature Ivan Bunin. A scene based on the novel The Life of Arseniev).jpg
Soviet Nobel Laureates in Literature


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Aleksey Pavlovich Chapygin.jpg Aleksey Chapygin
Stepan Razin
Stepan Razin, picture by Kustodiev Kustodiev razin.jpg
Stepan Razin, picture by Kustodiev
Sergei Charchoun
Lidiia Charskaia.jpg Lidia Charskaya
Princess Dzhavakha
Charskaya, c. 1910 Lidia Charskaya 1.jpg
Charskaya, c. 1910
Alexander Chekhov.jpg Alexander Chekhov
The Chekhov family Chekhov family.jpg
The Chekhov family
Alexander's son Michael Chekhov Michael Chekhov 1910kh.jpg
Alexander's son Michael Chekhov
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.jpg Anton Chekhov
A Dreary Story
Ward No. 6
The Duel
Title page from Collected Works Volume 2 Polnoe sobranie sochinenii A. P. Chekhova. T. 2 (1903).djvu
Title page from Collected Works Volume 2
An example from one of Chekhov's manuscripts Manuscrito de Chejov.jpg
An example from one of Chekhov's manuscripts
Chernychevsky.jpg Nikolay Chernyshevsky
What Is to Be Done?
Title page of What Is to Be Done? What is to be Done.jpg
Title page of What Is to Be Done?
Yevgeny Nikolayevich Chirikov.jpg Evgeny Chirikov
The Magician
Strained Relations
Marka of the Pits
At his desk, 1904 Kulikov Writer E.N.Chirikov 1904.jpg
At his desk, 1904
Portrait by Repin, 1906 Chirikov by Repin.jpg
Portrait by Repin, 1906
Lydia Chukovskaya
Sofia Petrovna
Georgy Chulkov.jpg Georgy Chulkov
Chulkov (left), with fellow Soviet writers Chulkov Petrovykh Akhmatova Mandelstam.jpg
Chulkov (left), with fellow Soviet writers


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Yuli Daniel
This is Moscow Speaking
Grigory Danilevsky.jpg Grigory Danilevsky
Moscow in Flames
The Princess Tarakanova
Moscow in Flames Moscow In Flames.jpg
Moscow in Flames
Princess Tarakanova by Konstantin Flavitsky Tarakanova.jpg
Princess Tarakanova by Konstantin Flavitsky
Demidovtsev.jpg Grigoriy Demidovtsev
(born 1960)
Certificate of membership in the Union of Russian Writers Soyuzpisateley.png
Certificate of membership in the Union of Russian Writers
Demidovtsev in 2007 Demidovtsev2.jpg
Demidovtsev in 2007
Valentina I Dmitryeva.jpg Valentina Dmitryeva
Hveska, The Doctor's Watchman
Dmitryeva, c. 1890 Valentina Iovovna Dmitryeva 7.jpg
Dmitryeva, c. 1890
Dmitryeva, 1895 Valentina Iovovna Dmitryeva 2.jpg
Dmitryeva, 1895
Dobychin.jpg Leonid Dobychin
The Town of N
Encounters with Lise
First edition cover Dobychin Gorod En 1935.jpg
First edition cover
Dombrovskiy UO.jpg Yury Dombrovsky
The Faculty of Useless Knowledge
The Keeper of Antiquities
Vlas Mikhailovich Doroshevich 3.jpg Vlas Doroshevich
Legends and Stories of the East
Doroshevich c.1910 Vlasdor.jpg
Doroshevich c.1910
Lyubov Dostoyevskaya.jpg Lyubov Dostoyevskaya
The Emigrant
Anna Dostoyevskaya (wife of Fyodor Dostoyevsky) with their daughter Lyubov and son Fyodor Dostchildren.jpg
Anna Dostoyevskaya (wife of Fyodor Dostoyevsky) with their daughter Lyubov and son Fyodor
Anna Dostoyevskaya Annagrigdost.jpg
Anna Dostoyevskaya
Dostoevsky.jpg Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Notes from Underground
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
The Brothers Karamazov
The House of the Dead
The Gambler
"White Nights"
"A Gentle Creature"
"The Dream of a Ridiculous Man"
Raskolnikov and Marmeladov from Crime and Punishment Klodt Michail Petrovich - Raskolnikov and Marmeladov.jpg
Raskolnikov and Marmeladov from Crime and Punishment
Dostoyevsky's notes for chapter 5 of The Brothers Karamazov Bkdraft.jpg
Dostoyevsky's notes for chapter 5 of The Brothers Karamazov
Mikhail Dostoyevsky.jpg Mikhail Dostoyevsky
Vremya (Time), the paper published by Fyodor and Mikhail Dostoyevsky Zhurnal vremya.jpg
Vremya (Time), the paper published by Fyodor and Mikhail Dostoyevsky
Portrait, 1870 Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky.jpg
Portrait, 1870
Sergei Dovlatov
The Zone
PGRS 2 033 Druzhinin - crop.jpg Alexander Druzhinin
Polinka Saks
The Story of Aleksei Dmitrich
Druzhinin (2nd from right), with his fellow writers from Sovremennik Russian writers by Levitsky 1856.jpg
Druzhinin (2nd from right), with his fellow writers from Sovremennik
Druzhinin in 1856 Alexandr Druzhinin.png
Druzhinin in 1856
Vladimir Dudintsev
White Garments
A New Year's Tale
Not by Bread Alone


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Ilja Grigorjewitsch Ehrenburg 1943.jpg Ilya Ehrenburg
Julio Jurenito
The Thaw
Julio Jurenito JulioJurenito.jpg
Julio Jurenito
Photo of Ehrenburg Ilya Ehrenburg Russian writer.jpg
Photo of Ehrenburg
Sergey Yakovlovich Elpatyevsky.jpg Sergey Elpatyevsky
Pity Me!
The Homeless Ones
Asar Eppel by Kubik 01.JPG Asar Eppel
The Grassy Street
Red Caviar Sandwiches
Victor Erofeyev by Anton Nossik cropped.jpg Victor Erofeyev
(born 1947)
Russian Beauty
Life with an Idiot
Aleksandr Ertel 1883 Cropped.png Alexander Ertel
The Specialist
A Greedy Peasant
Ertel, c. 1890 Alexander Ertel.jpg
Ertel, c. 1890
Mikhail Evstafiev
(born 1963)
Two Steps from Heaven


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Alexander Fadeyev
The Rout
The Young Guard
Soviet stamp featuring Fadeyev The Soviet Union 1971 CPA 4067 stamp (Alexander Fadeyev (1901-1956) and Scene from Novel The Rout).jpg
Soviet stamp featuring Fadeyev
Konstantin Fedin
Early Joys
The Conflagration
Cities and Years
No Ordinary Summer
Olga Forsh
Palace and Prison
Pioneers of Freedom
Furmanow painting by Malyutin.jpg Dmitry Furmanov
Photo of Vasily Chapayev Vasily Chapayev 001.jpg
Photo of Vasily Chapayev
Soviet stamp featuring Vasily Chapayev 1938 CPA 594.jpg
Soviet stamp featuring Vasily Chapayev


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Arkady Gaidar
Chuk and Gek
The Blue Cup
Timur and his Gang
Soviet stamp featuring Gaidar Stamp Ag2.JPG
Soviet stamp featuring Gaidar
Garin.jpg Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky
Practical Training
Portrait by Israel Pass, 1905 Nikolay Georgyevich Garin-Mikhailovsky.jpg
Portrait by Israel Pass, 1905
Bas-relief dedication at the Laspi Pass Laspi Pass 011.jpg
Bas-relief dedication at the Laspi Pass
Il'ia Repin - Portret Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin.jpg Vsevolod Garshin
Four Days
The Red Flower
The Red Flower Red Flower Illus.jpg
The Red Flower
Photo of Garshin, 1877 Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin 1877.jpg
Photo of Garshin, 1877
Gaito Gazdanov.jpg Gaito Gazdanov
An Evening with Claire
Night Roads
The Spectre of Alexander Wolf
First edition of An Evening with Claire Gazdanov Claire 1930.jpg
First edition of An Evening with Claire
Yuri German
Ivan Lapshin
The Cause You Serve
Zinaida Nikolaevna Hippius ca. 1900.jpg Zinaida Gippius
The Devil's Doll
Portrait by Ilya Repin Gippius by Repin.jpg
Portrait by Ilya Repin
Anatoly Gladilin.jpg Anatoly Gladilin
Moscow Racetrack
Gladilin in Moscow, 2011 Anatolij Gladilin MOW 03-2011.jpg
Gladilin in Moscow, 2011
The Soviet Union 1963 CPA 2812 stamp (Russian Writers and Poets. Feodor Gladkov (1883-1958), a Soviet and Russian socialist realist writer).jpg Fyodor Gladkov
Restless Youth
Dmitry Glukhovsky MOW 03-2011.jpg Dmitry Glukhovsky
(born 1979)
Metro 2033
Pyotr Gnedich 2.jpg Pyotr Gnedich
The Burden of this World
Gogol Portrait.jpg Nikolai Gogol
Taras Bulba
The Overcoat
Dead Souls
Title page of the first edition of Dead Souls, 1842 Dead Souls (novel) Nikolai Gogol 1842 title page.jpg
Title page of the first edition of Dead Souls, 1842
Nozdryov from Dead Souls Boklevkij nozdrev.jpg
Nozdryov from Dead Souls
Ivan Goncharov.jpg Ivan Goncharov
A Common Story
The Precipice
Title page of Oblomov Oblomov 1915.jpg
Title page of Oblomov
Title page of The Precipice The Precipice 1916.jpg
Title page of The Precipice
Maxim Gorky in 1935.jpg Maxim Gorky
Through Russia
Stories of 1922–1924
The Artamonov Business
The Life of Klim Samgin
With Leo Tolstoy 1900 yasnaya polyana-gorky and tolstoy.jpg
With Leo Tolstoy
First publication of The Life of Klim Samgin in Krasnaya Nov, 1927 The Life of Klim Samghin.jpg
First publication of The Life of Klim Samgin in Krasnaya Nov, 1927
Nina Gorlanova
(born 1947)
Daniil Alexandrovich Granin.jpg Daniil Granin
Into the Storm
Those Who Seek
With Dmitry Medvedev, 2009 Dmitry Medvedev 26 January 2009-1.jpg
With Dmitry Medvedev, 2009
Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich.jpg Dmitry Grigorovich
The Fishermen
Self-portrait of Grigorovich in his 20s Dmitry V Grigorovich Self-Portrait.jpg
Self-portrait of Grigorovich in his 20s
Portrait by Kramskoi Dmitry Grigorovich2.jpg
Portrait by Kramskoi
Alexander Grin
Scarlet Sails
The Seeker of Adventure
The Scarlet Sails celebration in St Petersburg Alyye parusa.jpg
The Scarlet Sails celebration in St Petersburg
From the 2010 celebration Prazdnichnoe oformlenie Sankt-Peterburga na alykh parusakh 2010.JPG
From the 2010 celebration
Isabella Grinevskaya.jpg Isabella Grinevskaya
Grossman V.S.jpg Vasily Grossman
Life and Fate
Forever Flowing
Memorial plaque in Donetsk Donetsk grossman.jpg
Memorial plaque in Donetsk
Guro selfport.jpg Elena Guro
Autumnal Dream
The Hurdy-Gurdy
The Little Camels of the Sky
Guro's portrait of her husband Mikhail Matyushin M.V.Matushin by E.Guro (1903).jpeg
Guro's portrait of her husband Mikhail Matyushin
Elena and Mikhail Matushin Guro.jpeg
Elena and Mikhail
Andrei Gusev.jpg Andrei Gusev
(born 1952)
With Chronos' Permit
On the Edge of Magellanic Clouds
The World According to Novikoff
Andrei Gusev in Moscow, 2009 Andrei E. Gusev in 2009.jpg
Andrei Gusev in Moscow, 2009
Gusev.jpg Sergey Gusev-Orenburgsky
The Land of the Fathers
The Land of the Children


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Herzen ge.jpg Alexander Herzen
Who is to Blame?
Statue of Herzen in Moscow Statue of Herzen in Moscow.JPG
Statue of Herzen in Moscow


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Ilf Petrov.jpg Ilf and Petrov
Ilf (1897–1937)
Petrov (1903–1942)
The Twelve Chairs
The Little Golden Calf
The Twelve Chairs Monument in Odesa The Twelve Chairs monument.jpg
The Twelve Chairs Monument in Odesa
Another view of the Twelve Chairs monument The Twelve Chairs monument in Odessa (Ukraine) 2.jpg
Another view of the Twelve Chairs monument
Fazil Iskander
Chik and His Friends
Sandro of Chegem
The Gospel According to Chegem
The Thirteenth Labour of Hercules
Iskander with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Dmitry Medvedev and Fazil Iskander.jpeg
Iskander with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Abkhazian coin featuring Iskander Abkhazia 10 apsar Ag 2009 Iskander b.jpg
Abkhazian coin featuring Iskander
Alexey Ivanov1.jpg Alexei Ivanov
(born 1969)
Vsevolod Viacheslavovich Ivanov, 1930-e gody.jpg Vsevolod Ivanov
Armoured Train 14-69
The Kremlin
The Secret of Secrets


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Tropinin karamzin.JPG Nikolay Karamzin
Poor Liza
Poor Liza, painting by Orest Kiprensky, 1827 Kiprenskii bednaia liza.jpg
Poor Liza, painting by Orest Kiprensky, 1827
Stamp featuring Karamzin The Soviet Union 1991 CPA 6378 I stamp (Russian Historians. Nikolay Karamzin (1766-1826). Engraving of the XVIII century 'Reception of the Dzungarian Ambassador by Catherine the Great') 1200dpi.jpg
Stamp featuring Karamzin
Nikolay Nikolayevich Karazin.jpg Nikolay Karazin
The Two-Legged Wolf
From North to South
From North to South book cover Karazin north south.jpg
From North to South book cover
Karonin.jpg Nikolay Karonin-Petropavlovsky
First Storm
Vladimir Karpov
The Commander
Anna Kashina In the Name of the Queen
Ivan Kataev.jpg Ivan Kataev
The Wife
Valentin Kataev
Time Forward!
The Embezzlers
A White Sail Gleams
The Cottage in the Steppe
Veniamin Kaverin
Open Book
The Two Captains
The Unknown Artist
Emmanuil Kazakevich
Star: A Story
The Blue Notebook
Yury Kazakov
Going To Town
Adam and Eve
Yuri Khanon no204.jpg Yuri Khanon
(born 1965)
Skryabin As a Face
Antedate Memories
Alphonse, who didn't was
Erik Satie, "Antedate Memories" Satie Erik Buste1913 par Khanon.jpg
Erik Satie, "Antedate Memories"
"Alphonse, who didn't was" Allais Alphonse qui n'existait pas Khanon-209.jpg
Alphonse, who didn't was"
Daniil Kharms in 1932.jpg Daniil Kharms
The Old Woman
Caricature of Kharms by Antonovsky Kharms and Oleynikov (caricature).gif
Caricature of Kharms by Antonovsky
Khvoshchinskaya.jpg Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya
The Boarding School Girl
Photograph, c. 1880s Nadezhda Dmitryevna Khvoshchinskaya.jpg
Photograph, c. 1880s
Engraving c. 1860s Nadezhda Dmitryevna Khvoshchinskaya 2.jpg
Engraving c. 1860s
Sofia Khvoshchinskaya
City Folk and Country Folk
Resized Resized marussia w.jpg Marusya Klimova
(born 1961)
Klimova in 2006 NaNevskom(Stacy color).jpg
Klimova in 2006
Vsevolod Kochetov
The Zhurbin Family
What Do You Want Then?
Ivan Kokorev
Alexandra Kollontai
Red Love
A Great Love
Love of Worker Bees
Soviet stamp featuring Kollontai The Soviet Union 1972 CPA 4088 stamp (Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952), Diplomat (Birth Centenary)).jpg
Soviet stamp featuring Kollontai
Kollontai in her youth AlexandraKollontai.jpg
Kollontai in her youth
Vladimir Galaktyonovich Korolenko 3.jpg Vladimir Korolenko
Bad Company
Makar's Dream
The Blind Musician
The Korolenko Library in Kharkiv Korolenko Library (Kharkiv).jpg
The Korolenko Library in Kharkiv
Sofja Wassiljewna Kowalewskaja 1.jpg Sofia Kovalevskaya
Nihilist Girl
Bust of Kovalevskaya Sofya Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya Bust.jpg
Bust of Kovalevskaya
Commemorative coin RR5110-0034R 150-letie so dnia rozhdeniia S.V. Kovalevskoi.gif
Commemorative coin
Vadim Kozhevnikov
Shield and Sword
Nadezhda Kozhevnikova
(born 1949)
Attorney Alexandra Tikhonovna
Eugene Kozlovsky.jpg Eugene Kozlovsky
(born 1946)
Vesevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky.jpg Vsevolod Krestovsky
Knights of Industry
Krestovsky, c. 1870 Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky.jpg
Krestovsky, c. 1870
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky.jpg Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
Anatoly Kudryavitsky.jpg Anatoly Kudryavitsky
(born 1954)
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin 7.jpg Aleksandr Kuprin
The Duel
Yama: The Pit
The Bracelet of Garnets
A cartoon featuring Kuprin Kuprin cartoon.jpg
A cartoon featuring Kuprin
Photo of Kuprin Kuprin.jpg
Photo of Kuprin
Andrei Kurkow 02.jpg Andrey Kurkov
(born 1961)
Death and the Penguin
Penguin Lost
Ivan Afanasyevich Kushchevsky.jpg Ivan Kushchevsky
Nikolai Negorev
Portrait of Kushchevsky Ivan Afanasyevich Kushchevsky 2.jpg
Portrait of Kushchevsky
Kuzmin.jpg Mikhail Kuzmin
Portrait of Kuzmin by Alexander Golovin, 1910 Mikhail Kuzmin by Alexandr Golovin.jpg
Portrait of Kuzmin by Alexander Golovin, 1910
Photo of Kuzmin Mikhail Kuzmin circa 1911.jpg
Photo of Kuzmin
Anatoly Kuznetsov
Babi Yar


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Lazar Lagin
The Old Genie Hottabych
Latynina Yulia.jpg Yulia Latynina
(born 1966)
The Insider
Boris Lavrenyov
The Forty-First
The Heavenly Cap
Such a Simple Thing
The Courageous Heart
Lazhechnikov.jpg Ivan Lazhechnikov
The Heretic
Portrait of Lazhechnikov Ivan Lazhechnakov 7.jpg
Portrait of Lazhechnikov
Leonov Kardovsky.jpg Leonid Leonov
The Badgers
Soviet River
The Thief
The Pyramid
Mikhail lermontov.jpg Mikhail Lermontov
A Hero of Our Time
Title page from the first edition of A Hero of Our Time, 1840 Geroy nashego vremeni.png
Title page from the first edition of A Hero of Our Time, 1840
Pechorin's Duel from A Hero of Our Time. Picture by Mikhail Vrubel. Mikhail Vrubel Duel Pechorin vs Grushnizky.jpg
Pechorin's Duel from A Hero of Our Time. Picture by Mikhail Vrubel.
Serov Leskov.jpg Nikolai Leskov
The Cathedral Folk
The Sealed Angel
The Enchanted Wanderer
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk
Drawing of Leskov Repin Leskov Nikolaj picture 1988-89years.jpg
Drawing of Leskov
Alexander Ivanovich Levitov.jpg Alexander Levitov
Leatherhide the Cobbler
Levitov, c. 1860s Aleksandr Levitov.jpg
Levitov, c. 1860s
Nikolay Leykin.jpg Nikolay Leykin
Our Folk Abroad
Photo of Leykin Nikolay Leykin 1.jpg
Photo of Leykin
Lichutin.jpg Vladimir Lichutin
(born 1940)
Eduard Limonov.jpg Eduard Limonov
It's Me, Eddie
His Butler's Story
Memoir of a Russian Punk
At a book presentation, 2008 Eduard Limonov4.jpg
At a book presentation, 2008
With Garry Kasparov at the Dissenters March in St. Petersburg, 2008 Marsh nesoglasnykh 20080501 33 Kasparov.jpg
With Garry Kasparov at the Dissenters March in St. Petersburg, 2008
Dmitri Lipskerov
(born 1964)
Sergey Lukyanenko MOW 03-2011.jpg Sergey Lukyanenko
(born 1968)
Night Watch
Day Watch
Twilight Watch
Last Watch
Photo, 2001 Lukianenko, Sergey.jpg
Photo, 2001
LeoLuntz.jpg Lev Lunts
Native Land


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Machtet.jpg Grigori Machtet
Vladimir Makanin.jpg Vladimir Makanin
Baize-Covered Table With Decanter
Om1923.jpg Osip Mandelstam
The Egyptian Stamp
Mandelstam after arrest in 1934 Mandelshtam - gulag.jpg
Mandelstam after arrest in 1934
Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak.jpg Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
Verotchka's Tales
A Gold Nugget
The Privalov Fortune
Cover of Verotchka's Tales Verochka 1.jpg
Cover of Verotchka's Tales
Title page of Verotchka's Tales Verochka 2.jpg
Title page of Verotchka's Tales
Anatolii Mariengof.jpg Anatoly Marienhof
With the poet Sergei Yesenin, 1915 Mariengof, Esenin.jpg
With the poet Sergei Yesenin, 1915
Alexandra Marinina 2010.jpg Alexandra Marinina
(born 1957)
Boleslav Mikhailovich Markevich.jpg Boleslav Markevich
The Turning Point
Vladilen Mashkovtsev
Pavel Melnikov by Kramskoy.jpg Pavel Melnikov
Merezhkovsky.jpg Dmitry Merezhkovsky
Christ and Antichrist (trilogy)
Merezhkovsky (right), with his wife Zinaida Gippius and friend Dmitry Filosofov Gippius filosofov merezhkovskiy.jpg
Merezhkovsky (right), with his wife Zinaida Gippius and friend Dmitry Filosofov
Portrait by Repin, 1900 Merezhkovsky by Repin.jpg
Portrait by Repin, 1900
Daniil Lukich Mordovtsev.jpg Daniil Mordovtsev
The Tsar and the Hetman
Viktor Vasilyevich Muizhel.jpg Viktor Muyzhel
The Year
Viktor Muravin
(born 1929)
The Diary of Vikenty Angarov


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Monument Nabokov Montreux 23.12.2006.jpg Vladimir Nabokov
The Defense
The Gift
Nabokov's first publication Nabokov first.JPG
Nabokov's first publication
Yuri Nagibin
The Pipe
Arise and Walk
Narezhnyi Vasily Trofimovich.jpg Vasily Narezhny
A Russian Gil Blas
Nikolay Ivanovich Naumov.jpg Nikolay Naumov
Strength Breaks the Straw
Andrei Navrozov
(born 1956)
Viktor Nekrasov
Front-line Stalingrad
Kira Georgievna
Vasily Nemirovich Danchenko.jpg Vasily Nemirovich-Danchenko
Peasant Tales of Russia
Alexandr Neverov 1925.jpg Alexander Neverov
City of Bread
Drawing of Neverov Neverov.jpg
Drawing of Neverov
Friedrich Neznansky
Red Square
Night Wolves
Nikolay Nosov
Russian stamp featuring Neznaika Russia stamp 1992 No 17.jpg
Russian stamp featuring Neznaika
1977 CPA 4684.jpg Alexey Novikov-Priboy
The Captain
The Sea Beckons


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
The Soviet Union 1963 CPA 2833 stamp (Members of the Russian Academy of Science. Vladimir Obruchev (1863-1956), a Russian and Soviet geologist).jpg Vladimir Obruchev
Sannikov Land
Odoevsky V F.jpg Vladimir Odoevsky
Two Princesses
The Living Corpse
The Year 4338: Petersburg Letters
Odoevsky's dedication in a book he presented to Lermontov Dedication of V. F. Odoevsky.jpg
Odoevsky's dedication in a book he presented to Lermontov
Odoevsky (at back), with the composers Mily Balakirev (left) and Mikhail Glinka. Painting by Repin. Odoevsky-Balakirev--Glinka-(Repin.jpg
Odoevsky (at back), with the composers Mily Balakirev (left) and Mikhail Glinka. Painting by Repin.
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R1202-0019, Berlin, Palast der Republik, Bulat Okudshawa cropped.jpg Bulat Okudzhava
A Taste of Liberty
Good-bye, Schoolboy!
The Art of Needles and Sins
Stamp featuring Okudzhava Russia stamp B.Okudzhava 1999 2r.jpg
Stamp featuring Okudzhava
Yury Olesha.jpg Yury Olesha
Three Fat Men
The Cherry Pit
1929 edition of Envy Olesha-envy.jpg
1929 edition of Envy
Vladimir Orlov
Danilov, the Violist
N Ostrovskiy.jpg Nikolai Ostrovsky
Born of the Storm
How the Steel Was Tempered
Stamp featuring Ostrovsky The Soviet Union 1964 CPA 3033 stamp (Soviet Writers. Nikolai Ostrovsky (1904-1936). Illustration for the novel 'How the Steel Was Tempered').jpg
Stamp featuring Ostrovsky
Mikhail Osorgin
Quiet Street
My Sister's Story
Valentin Ovechkin
Greetings from the Front


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Marinapalei.jpg Marina Palei
(born 1955)
Palei in Komarovo MarinaPalei in Komarovo.jpg
Palei in Komarovo
Panaev.jpg Ivan Panaev
Lions in the Provinces
Portrait by Levitsky, 1856 1856. Portret I.I.Panaeva.jpg
Portrait by Levitsky, 1856
Avdotya Panaeva.jpg Avdotya Panaeva
A Woman's Lot
Vera Panova
Looking Ahead
The Train
Span of the Year
Plaque for Panova in St. Petersburg 08-09-22 St. Petersburg Panowa.JPG
Plaque for Panova in St. Petersburg
Boris Pasternak 1958b.jpg Boris Pasternak
Doctor Zhivago
The Childhood of Luvers
Soviet Nobel Laureates in Literature The Soviet Union 1990 CPA 6257 stamp (Nobel laureate in Literature Boris Pasternak. A scene based on the novel Doctor Zhivago).jpg
Soviet Nobel Laureates in Literature
Memorial plaque at Pasternak's birthplace in Moscow Boris Pasternak -Moscow 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya,2.jpg
Memorial plaque at Pasternak's birthplace in Moscow
Paustovsky.jpg Konstantin Paustovsky
A Tale of Life (6 novel series)
Pyotr Pavlenko
Steppe Sunlight
The Lost Son
Pavlov Oleg-Russian writer.JPG Oleg Pavlov
Karolina Pavlova 2.jpg Karolina Pavlova
A Double Life
A drawing of Pavlova Karolina Pavlova.jpg
A drawing of Pavlova
Victor Pelevin
(born 1962)
Omon Ra
Petrushevskaya.JPG Lyudmila Petrushevskaya
(born 1938)
The Time: Night
Valentin Pikul
Pilnjak.jpg Boris Pilnyak
The Naked Year
The Death of the Army Commander
The Volga Falls into the Caspian Sea
Pisemsky by Repin.jpg Aleksey Pisemsky
The Simpleton
One Thousand Souls
An Old Man's Sin
Portrait of Pisemsky, c.1860 Pisemskij.jpg
Portrait of Pisemsky, c.1860
Engraving of Pisemsky Aleksey Feofilaktovich Pisemsky.jpg
Engraving of Pisemsky
Andrei Platonov 1934.jpg Andrei Platonov
The Foundation Pit
Happy Moscow
Boris Polevoy
He Came Back
We Are Soviet People
The Story of a Real Man
Nikolai Pomyalovsky by Nikolai Nevrev.jpg Nikolay Pomyalovsky
Seminary Sketches
An engraving of Pomyalovsky Pomyalovsky.jpg
An engraving of Pomyalovsky
Ignaty Nikolayevich Potapenko-cropped.jpg Ignaty Potapenko
A Russian Priest
The General's Daughter
Potapenko (right), with Chekhov and Mamin-Sibiryak. c. 1895 Chekhov Mamin and Potapenko.jpg
Potapenko (right), with Chekhov and Mamin-Sibiryak. c. 1895
Prigov.jpg Dmitri Prigov
Live in Moskow
Zahar Prilepin.jpg Zakhar Prilepin
(born 1975)
Prokhanov3.jpg Alexander Prokhanov
(born 1938)
Empire's Last Soldier
AleksandrPushkin.jpg Alexander Pushkin
The Queen of Spades
The Captain's Daughter
The first page from the serialized version of The Captain's Daughter Captain's Daughter 1837.jpg
The first page from the serialized version of The Captain's Daughter


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Radishchev color.jpg Alexander Radishchev
Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow
Title page from the first edition, 1790 Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu.jpg
Title page from the first edition, 1790
Valentin Rasputin
Money for Maria
Farewell to Matyora
Rasputin receiving an award from Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Valentin-rasputin-putin.jpg
Rasputin receiving an award from Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
Remizov.jpg Aleksey Remizov
The Clock
Sisters of the Cross
The History of the Tinkling Cymbal and Sounding Brass
Fyodor Mikhailovich Reshetnikov 1.jpg Fyodor Reshetnikov
The Podlipnayans
Drawing of Reshetnikov Fyodor Mikhailovich Reshetnikov.jpg
Drawing of Reshetnikov
Pant rom.jpg Panteleimon Romanov
Three Pairs of Silk Stockings
Without Bird-Cherry Blossoms
Mikhail Roshchin
First Love
Twenty Minutes or So
The Devil's Wheel in Kobuleti
Rubina, Dina.IMG 0212.JPG Dina Rubina
(born 1953)
The Blackthorn
Dina Rubina, 2007 Rubina.JPG
Dina Rubina, 2007
Anatoly Rybakov
Children of the Arbat
Dust and Ashes
Vladimir Rybakov
The Brand
The Burden
The Afghans
Rybakov Vyacheslav 2006 11 13 001.jpg Vyacheslav Rybakov
(born 1954)
The Trial Sphere
Maria Rybakova
(born 1973)


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Irina Saburova
Because of the Violets
German Sadulaev
(born 1973)
I am a Chechen!
Ilya Salov.jpg Ilya Salov
Boris Viktorovich Savinkov.jpg Boris Savinkov
The Pale Horse
What Never Happened
Saltykov-Shedrin ME.jpg Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin
The Golovlyov Family
The History of a Town
Modern Idyll
Old Years in Poshekhonye
Title page of the first edition of The Golovlyov Family Gospoda Golovliovy.png
Title page of the first edition of The Golovlyov Family
Ugryum-Burcheyev from The History of a Town Ugryum-Burcheev (Nik.Remizov, 1907).jpg
Ugryum-Burcheyev from The History of a Town
Sapgir.jpg Genrikh Sapgir
Sergey Terentyevich Semyonov 7.jpg Sergey Semyonov
The Servant
Semyonov, c. 1900 Sergey Terentyevich Semyonov.jpg
Semyonov, c. 1900
Yulian Semyonov
Seventeen Instants of Spring
Alexander Serafimovich.jpg Alexander Serafimovich
The Iron Flood
The Little Miner
Sergeyev-Tsensky.jpg Sergey Sergeyev-Tsensky
Brusilov's Break-Through
1988 CPA 5929.jpg Marietta Shaginyan
Varlam Shalamov
The Kolyma Tales
From the Shalamov Memorial Museum in Vologda Shalamovs house.jpg
From the Shalamov Memorial Museum in Vologda
Olga Shapir.jpg Olga Shapir
The Settlement
Schepkina-Kupernik by Repin.jpg Tatiana Shchepkina-Kupernik
Alexander Konstantinovich Sheller.jpg Alexander Sheller
Putrid Moors
MichaelShishkin1209n.jpg Mikhail Shishkin
(born 1961)
In 2006 Mikhail Shishkin in 2006, from the Big Book Prize.jpg
In 2006
In 2010 Mikhail Shishkin.jpg
In 2010
Vyacheslav Shishkov
Children of Darkness
Shmelyov Ivan.jpg Ivan Shmelyov
The Stone Age
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov.jpg Mikhail Sholokhov
And Quiet Flows the Don
Mikhail Sholokhov The Soviet Union 1990 CPA 6258 stamp (Nobel laureate in Literature Mikhail Sholokhov. A scene based on the novel And Quiet Flows the Don).jpg
Mikhail Sholokhov
Ilya Shtemler
(born 1933)
Vasily Shukshin
Stories from a Siberian Village
Konstantin Simonov
Days and Nights
The Living and the Dead
In 1967 Bundesarchiv Bild 183-F1019-0039-001, Berlin, Konstantin Simonow.jpg
In 1967
Andrei Sinyavsky
Fantastic Stories
Stepan Skitalets 3.jpg Stepan Skitalets
The Blacksmith
The Love of a Scene Painter
With Maxim Gorky Gorky-skitalec.jpg
With Maxim Gorky
Skitalets (left) with fellow Sreda members Russian Writers 1.jpg
Skitalets (left) with fellow Sreda members
Vasily Sleptsov 2.jpg Vasily Sleptsov
The Ward
An engraving of Sleptsov Vasily Sleptsov.jpg
An engraving of Sleptsov
Sofia Soboleva
Pros and Cons
Sasha Sokolov
(born 1943)
A School for Fools
Sollogub.jpg Vladimir Sollogub
The Snowstorm
Sollogub with fellow contributors to Sovremennik Sovremennik 1.jpg
Sollogub with fellow contributors to Sovremennik
Fyodor Sologub.jpg Fyodor Sologub
The Petty Demon
The Created Legend
Sologub in 1913 Feodor Sologub.jpg
Sologub in 1913
Sologub and Anastasia Chebotarevskaya Sologub F.K. & Cebotarevskaia A.N. 1910-e Karl Bulla.jpg
Sologub and Anastasia Chebotarevskaya
Vladimir Soloukhin
Leonid Solovyov
Tale of Hodja Nasreddin
Vsevolod Solovyov.jpg Vsevolod Solovyov
A solzhenitsin.JPG Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The First Circle
Cancer Ward
The Red Wheel
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich book cover One day in the life of I D.JPG
Ivan Denisovich book cover
Orest Somov
Mommy and Sonny
Vladimir sorokin 20060313-2.jpg Vladimir Sorokin
(born 1955)
The Queue
Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich.jpg Konstantin Staniukovich
The Convict
Running to the Shrouds
Photo of Stanyukovich Konstantin Staniukovich.jpg
Photo of Stanyukovich
Boris Strugatsky Boris Strugatsky Seminar 20060109 02.jpg
Boris Strugatsky
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Arkady (1925–1991)
Boris (1933–2012)
Prisoners of Power
The Kid from Hell
Hard to Be a God
Roadside Picnic
Mikhail Sushkov
The Russian Werther


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Tarasov-Rodionov.jpg Alexander Tarasov-Rodionov
Nadezhda Teffi
Close Friends
Teffi during World War 1 Teffi during the First World War.jpeg
Teffi during World War 1
Teleshov.jpg Nikolay Teleshov
The Duel
Bust of Teleshov, 1956 Teleshov'sPortrait.jpg
Bust of Teleshov, 1956
Teleshov with members of the Sreda, 1902 Chaliapin F. (Shaliapin F. I.) 1902 with group.jpg
Teleshov with members of the Sreda, 1902
Vladimir Tendryakov
Three, Seven, Ace
Sergey Terpigorev.jpg Sergey Terpigorev
The Ice Broke
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-S98599, Berlin, Deutscher Schriftsteller-Kongress.jpg Nikolay Tikhonov
VladTitov.JPG Vladislav Titov
Tatyana Tolstaya.jpg Tatyana Tolstaya
(born 1951)
The Slynx
White Walls
Brullov AKTolstoy.jpg Aleksey K. Tolstoy
Prince Serebrenni
Portrait by Ilya Repin A.K.Tolstoy by Repin.jpg
Portrait by Ilya Repin
Monument to Tolstoy MonumentTolstoy.JPG
Monument to Tolstoy
ANTolstoy.jpg Aleksey N. Tolstoy
Peter the First
The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin
Stamp featuring the character Buratino Russia stamp 1992 No 15.jpg
Stamp featuring the character Buratino
Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844-1930) - Portrait of Leo Tolstoy (1887).jpg Leo Tolstoy
The Cossacks
War and Peace
Anna Karenina
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
The ninth draft of the beginning of War and Peace Tolstoy - War and Peace - ninth draft.jpg
The ninth draft of the beginning of War and Peace
Title page of the first edition of Anna Karenina, 1878 AnnaKareninaTitle.jpg
Title page of the first edition of Anna Karenina, 1878
Eduard Topol 2010.jpg Edward Topol
(born 1938)
Red Square
Yury Trifonov
Another Life
The Old Man
The Disappearance
The Long Good-Bye
Gavriil Troyepolsky
White Bim Black Ear
Alexei Tsvetkov
(born 1947)
Evgenia Tur.jpg Evgenia Tur
The Shalonski Family
Turgenev Perov scanned.JPG Ivan Turgenev
A Sportsman's Sketches
Home of the Gentry
On the Eve
Fathers and Sons
Title page of Fathers and Sons Fathers and Sons cover - retouched.jpg
Title page of Fathers and Sons
Portrait by Ilya Repin Turgenev by Repin 1879.jpg
Portrait by Ilya Repin
Tiynyanov yuriyi.jpg Yury Tynyanov
Lieutenant Kijé


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
9.13.09AnyaUlinichByLuigiNovi.jpg Anya Ulinich
(born 1973)
Pavel Ulitin 1954.jpg Pavel Ulitin
Bookfest2 (crop).jpg Lyudmila Ulitskaya
(born 1943)
The Funeral Party
Medea and Her Children
Daniel Stein
Ludmila Ulitskaya.JPG
1884 Yaroshenko Portrait Schriftsteller G.I. Uspenskoje anagoria.JPG Gleb Uspensky
The Steam Chicken
Uspensky in his 20s, 1868 Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky 1868.jpg
Uspensky in his 20s, 1868
Soviet stamp featuring Uspensky Gleb Uspensky Stamp.jpg
Soviet stamp featuring Uspensky
Nikolay Vasilyevich Uspensky.jpg Nikolay Uspensky
The Village Schoolmaster


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Valuyev.jpg Pyotr Valuyev
Engraving of Valuev, 1865 PGRS 1 014 Valuev - full.jpg
Engraving of Valuev, 1865
Konstantin Vaginov.jpg Konstantin Vaginov
Goat Song
Works and Days of Svistonov
First edition cover of Goat Song Kozlinaya pesn.jpg
First edition cover of Goat Song
Tatiana Vedenska.jpg Tatiana Vedenska
(born 1976)
Mikhail Veller 2005 09 07.jpg Mikhail Veller
(born 1948)
The Guru
Veltman A.jpg Alexander Veltman
The Wanderer
Veltman, c. 1830 Alexander Fomich Veltman.jpg
Veltman, c. 1830
Anastasya Verbitskaya.jpg Anastasiya Verbitskaya
The Keys to Happiness
Verbitskaya, c. 1900 Anastasia Verbitskaya 2.gif
Verbitskaya, c. 1900
Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev.jpg Vikenty Veresaev
The Deadlock
In the Steppe
With Leonid Andreyev Leonid andreev-veresaev.jpg
With Leonid Andreyev
Painting of Veresayev by Sergey Malyutin, 1919 Vikenty Veresayev by Sergey Malyutin.jpg
Painting of Veresayev by Sergey Malyutin, 1919
Veselitskaya.jpg Lidia Veselitskaya
Mimi's Marriage
Igor Vishnevetsky May 1 2014.jpg Igor Vishnevetsky
(born 1964)
Non-Elective Affinities
Nikolai Virta
Georgi Vladimov
Faithful Ruslan
Vladimir Voinovich2.jpg Vladimir Voinovich
Moscow 2042
Private Ivan Chonkin
Z.Volkonskaya by O.Kiprenskiy (1830, Hermitage).jpg Zinaida Volkonskaya
The Dream: A Letter
A M Volkov.gif Alexander Volkov
The Wizard of the Emerald City
MarkoVovchok2.jpg Marko Vovchok
Ukrainian Folk Tales
Ukrainian stamp featuring Vovchok Stamp of Ukraine s958.jpg
Ukrainian stamp featuring Vovchok
Julia Voznesenskaya
The Women's Decameron
Alexander Vvedensky
Murderers You are Fools
Vvedensky after arrest in 1941 Vvedensky after arrest in 1941.jpg
Vvedensky after arrest in 1941


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Alexander Yakovlev
The Peasant
Alexander Yashin
A Feast of Rowan Berries
Ivan Yefremov
Razor's Edge
The Bull's Hour
The Land of Foam
Dmitri Yemets
(born 1974)
Tanya Grotter series
Venedict Yerofeyev
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Wild Berries
On the right, with Richard Nixon Yevheny Yevtushenko.jpg
On the right, with Richard Nixon
Semyon Yushkevich 7.jpg Semyon Yushkevich
On the right with Yevgeny Chirikov Semyon Solomonovich Yushkevich and E.N. Chirikov.jpg
On the right with Yevgeny Chirikov


PortraitAuthorNotable worksIllustrationIllustration
Mikhail Nikolayevich Zagoskin.jpg Mikhail Zagoskin
Tales of Three Centuries
Engraving of Zagoskin. Vasily Tropinin 15.jpg
Engraving of Zagoskin.
Sergey Zalygin
The South American Variant
Kustodiev Zamyatin.jpg Yevgeny Zamyatin
A Provincial Tale
A Provincial Tale book cover. Mitrohin for Zamiatin's Uezdnoe.jpg
A Provincial Tale book cover.
Zamyatin, c.1919. Zamjatin.jpg
Zamyatin, c.1919.
Boris Zaitsev 7.jpg Boris Zaytsev
Il'ia Zdanevich.jpg Ilia Zdanevich
LavrovNA PtYVZhadovskoyGLM.jpg Yulia Zhadovskaya
The Backward Girl
Image-Vera Zhelikhovsky 4.jpg Vera Zhelikhovsky
The General's Will
Zhitkov Boris.jpg Boris Zhitkov
Viktor Vavich
First edition of Viktor Vavich Viktor Vavich.jpg
First edition of Viktor Vavich
Maria Zhukova
Evenings on the Karpovka
Zinovy Zinik
(born 1945)
The Mushroom-Picker
Zinovieva-Annibal 01.jpg Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal
The Tragic Menagerie
Nikolay Nikolayevich Zlatovratsky.jpg Nikolay Zlatovratsky
Old Shadows
Zoshchenko.jpg Mikhail Zoshchenko
Youth Restored
Blue Book
Before Sunrise
Before Sunrise Pered voskhodom solntsa.jpg
Before Sunrise

See also


  1. The well-known M*A*S*H episode about Captain Tuttle has a storyline based on Lieutenant Kijé.