List of Russian artists

Last updated

This is a list of Russian artists. In this context, the term "Russian" covers the Russian Federation, Soviet Union, Russian Empire, Tsardom of Russia and Grand Duchy of Moscow, including ethnic Russians and people of other ethnicities living in Russia. This list also includes those who were born in Russia but later emigrated, and those who were born elsewhere but immigrated to the country and/or worked there for a significant period of time.


Alphabetical list


Aivazovsky - Self-portrait 1874.jpg Ivan Aivazovsky
seascape and landscape painter, portraitist
The Ninth Wave, 1850 Hovhannes Aivazovsky - The Ninth Wave - Google Art Project.jpg
The Ninth Wave , 1850
Storm, 1886 Aivasovsky Ivan Constantinovich storm 1886 IBI.jpg
Storm, 1886
Brig "Mercury" Attacked by Two Turkish Ships, 1892 Aivazovsky, Brig Mercury Attacked by Two Turkish Ships 1892.jpg
Brig "Mercury" Attacked by Two Turkish Ships , 1892
Alekseev F Ja.jpg Fyodor Alekseyev
cityscape and landscape painter
Red Square in Moscow, 1801 Red Square in Moscow (1801) by Fedor Alekseev.jpg
Red Square in Moscow, 1801
The Foundling Hospital in Moscow Fedor Alekseev - The Foundling Hospital in Moscow.jpg
The Foundling Hospital in Moscow
The view of Nikolaev Alekseev -- Vid goroda Nikolaeva.jpg
The view of Nikolaev
Sara Alexandri
still life and landscape painter.
Nikolay Anokhin.jpg Nikolay Anokhin
still life and landscape painter
In the old house of Rakitins, 1998 V starom dome Rakitinyh 1998 by Nikolay Anokhin.jpg
In the old house of Rakitins, 1998
A village, 2006 Derevnya 2006 by Nikolay Anokhin.jpg
A village, 2006
Chronos, 2007 Hronos 2007 by Nikolay Anokhin.jpg
Chronos , 2007
Evgenia Antipova
portrait, genre, and still life painter
Antokolski by Repin 1914.jpg Mark Antokolski
(portrait by Ilya Repin)
Ivan the Terrible, 1871 MAntokolski IvanIV.JPG
Ivan the Terrible , 1871
Nestor the Chronicler, 1890 MAntokolsky Nestor.JPG
Nestor the Chronicler , 1890
Yermak Timofeyevich Antakolski Yermak.jpg
Yermak Timofeyevich
Antropov Self.jpg Aleksey Antropov
painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1784)
Ataman Krasnoschekov, 1761 F.I.Krasnoschekov by Antropov (1761, Russian museum).jpg
Ataman Krasnoschekov, 1761
Catherine II, 1760s Catherine II by Alexey Antropov (18th c, Tver gallery).jpg
Catherine II, 1760s
Unknown lady, 1760s Antropov Unknown.jpg
Unknown lady, 1760s
Argunov-self.jpg Ivan Argunov
painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, end of the 1750s)
Catherine II, 1762 Catherine II by I.Argunov (1762, Russian museum).jpg
Catherine II, 1762
Kalmyk girl Annushka, 1767 Annushka by I.Argunov (1767, Kuskovo).jpg
Kalmyk girl Annushka, 1767
Unknown peasant girl, 1784 Ivan Argunov - Portret neizvestnoi v russkom kostiume - Google Art Project.jpg
Unknown peasant girl, 1784
Irina Azizyan
landscape painter
Red leaves, 1978 Irina Azizyan Red leaves 1978.jpg
Red leaves, 1978


Bakst self.JPG Léon Bakst
painter, stage and costume designer
(self-portrait, 1893)
Zinaida Gippius, 1906 Bakst Gippius.JPG
Zinaida Gippius , 1906
Terror Antiquus, 1908 Terror Antiquus by L.Bakst (1908).jpg
Terror Antiquus, 1908
Costume of Cleopatre for Ida Rubinstein, 1909 Costume of Cleopatra for Ida Rubinstain.jpg
Costume of Cléopâtre for Ida Rubinstein , 1909
Bashkirtseff.jpg Maria Bashkirtseva
(self-portrait, 1880)
The Studio, 1881 Bashkirtseff - In the Studio.jpg
The Studio, 1881
Autumn, 1883 Bashkirtseva Autimn.JPG
Autumn, 1883
The Meeting, 1884 Bashkirtseff - The Meeting.jpg
The Meeting, 1884
Nikolai Baskakov
portrait, genre, and landscape painter
Benua Bakst.jpg Alexandre Benois
painter, stage designer
(portrait by Léon Bakst, 1898)
Illustration to Pushkin's Bronze Horseman, 1904 Alexandre Benois 004.jpg
Illustration to Pushkin's Bronze Horseman , 1904
Set for Stravinsky's Petrushka, 1911 Petrutxca de Fokine-1911.jpg
Set for Stravinsky's Petrushka , 1911
At the German Quarter, 1911 Nemetskaya.jpg
At the German Quarter , 1911
Alexandre Beridze  [ fr ]
Expressive abstraction painter
Intersection Opus 415, 2014 Intersection opus 415.jpg
Intersection Opus 415, 2014
Intersection Opus 232 Intersection Opus 232.jpg
Intersection Opus 232
Opus Opus 01.05.JPG
Bilibin.jpg Ivan Bilibin
painter, illustrator, stage designer
(portrait by Boris Kustodiev, 1901)
Set for The Golden Cockerel, 1909 Bilibin stage.jpg
Set for The Golden Cockerel , 1909
Ivan Tsarevich catching the Firebird's feather, 1899 Firebird.jpg
Ivan Tsarevich catching the Firebird's feather, 1899
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber Solovej.jpg
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber
Solomatkin 001.jpg Ivan Bogdanov
genre painter
(portrait by Leonid Solomatkin)
For calculation, 1890 Bogdanov 001.jpg
For calculation, 1890
Beginner, 1893 Bogdanov 002.jpg
Beginner, 1893
Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky (self-portret).jpg Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky
realist painter
(self-portrait, 1915)
Reading a letter, 1892 Reading a letter (Bogdanov-Bogdanov-Belsky).jpeg
Reading a letter, 1892
Counting in their heads, 1895 BogdanovBelsky UstnySchet.jpg
Counting in their heads, 1895
Nikolay Yusupov, 1911 BogdanovBelsky NikolayYusupov.jpg
Nikolay Yusupov , 1911
Bogolubov AP.jpg Alexey Bogolyubov
landscape and seascape painter
Battle of Sinop, 1860 BattleOfSinop 2.jpg
Battle of Sinop , 1860
The final moments of the imperial yacht Livadia, 1878 Aleksei Petrovich Bogoliubov - Poslednie minuty imperatorskoi iakhty Livadiia.jpg
The final moments of the imperial yacht Livadia , 1878
Sledging on the Neva, 1854 1894 Bogolubow Schlittenfahrt Neva anagoria.JPG
Sledging on the Neva , 1854
Borisov-Musatov, self-portrait with sister (1898, Russian museum).jpg Victor Borisov-Musatov
symbolist painter
(self-portrait with sister, 1898)
Spring, 1898-1901 Borisovmusatov spring.JPG
Spring, 1898-1901
Daphnis and Chloe, 1901 Borisovmusatov dafnisandcloe.JPG
Daphnis and Chloe , 1901
The Pool, 1902 Borisovmusatov pool.JPG
The Pool, 1902
Borovikovsky By Bugaevsky Blagodatny.jpg Vladimir Borovikovsky
painter, portraitist
(portrait by Bugaevsky-Blagodatny, a pupil of Borovikovsky)
Catherine II in Tsarskoe Selo, 1794 Catherine II walking by V.Borovikovskiy (1794, Tretyakov gallery).jpg
Catherine II in Tsarskoe Selo, 1794
Maria Lopukhina, 1797 Borovikovsky maria Lopukhina.jpg
Maria Lopukhina, 1797
Pavel I, 1800 Borovikovsky Pavel I.jpg
Pavel I, 1800
Braz self-portrait.jpg Osip Braz
painter, portraitist
Portrait of Anton Chekhov, 1898 ChekhovGl 1.jpg
Portrait of Anton Chekhov, 1898
Wife, 1907 Braz 4.png
Wife, 1907
Portrait of painter Sergey Ivanov, 1903 O.E.Braz The portrait of the artist Sergey Vasilievich Ivanov.jpg
Portrait of painter Sergey Ivanov, 1903
Alexander brullov.jpg Alexander Briullov
neoclassical architect and painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1830)
Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, 1823-1826 Alexander Brullov - Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome.jpg
Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, 1823-1826
E.M. Lvova, 1830s S.A. Lvova by A.Brullov.jpg
E.M. Lvova, 1830s
Natalia Pushkina, 1831 Natalia Pushkina by Brullov.jpg
Natalia Pushkina, 1831
Brjullov.jpg Karl Bryullov
neoclassical painter
(self-portrait, 1848)
Italian midday, 1827 Brjullov Italianskij Poldenj.jpg
Italian midday, 1827
A horse rideress, 1832 1832. BRULLOV VSADNICA1.jpg
A horse rideress, 1832
The Last Day of Pompeii, 1830-33 Karl Brullov - The Last Day of Pompeii - Google Art Project.jpg
The Last Day of Pompeii , 1830-33
Alexey Brodovitch
painter, illustrator, graphic designer, photographer
Avtoportret Bruni.jpg Feodor Bruni
neoclassical painter
(self-portrait, 1810s)
Maenad giving drink to Cupid, 1828 Ta, shcho spivaie Amura.jpg
Maenad giving drink to Cupid , 1828
Z.A.Volkonskaya dressed as Tancredi, 1820s Z.Volkonskaya as Tancred by F.Bruni (1820-4, GRM).jpg
Z.A.Volkonskaya dressed as Tancredi , 1820s
Christ Bruni - Christ.jpg


Yury Pen - Portrait of Marc Chagall.jpg Marc Chagall
painter, illustrator, stained glass artist, stage designer, ceramics and tapestries designer
(portrait by Yehuda Pen)
Reclining Nude, 1911 Polulezhashchaia obnazhennaia, 1911 - Mark Shagal.jpg
Reclining Nude, 1911
The Fiddler, 1912 Image-Chagall Fiddler.jpg
The Fiddler, 1912
Chapiro Misha.gif Mikhail Chapiro
artist, painter
Nikolay Chekhov.jpg Nikolai Chekhov
painter, illustrator
Portrait of Anton Chekhov Anton Chekhov, portrayed by Nikolay Chekhov.jpg
Portrait of Anton Chekhov
The Party at Sokolniki Nikolay Chekhov Sokolniki Party.jpg
The Party at Sokolniki
The Young Widow at the Grave of Her Husband Nikolay Chekhov Young Widow.jpg
The Young Widow at the Grave of Her Husband
Mihail Chemiakin.jpg Mihail Chemiakin
sculptor, painter, stage designer
Chistyakov by Repin.jpg Pavel Chistyakov
painter, arts teacher
(portrait by Chistyakov's pupil Ilya Repin)
Sophia of Lithuania at the Wedding of Vasily the Blind, 1861 ChistyakovP SofVitovNaSvGRM.jpg
Sophia of Lithuania at the Wedding of Vasily the Blind , 1861
Giovannina sitting by the window Pawel Petrowitsch Tschistjakow 001.jpg
Giovannina sitting by the window
Patriarch Hermogenes refuses to bless the Poles Chistyakov Germogen.jpg
Patriarch Hermogenes refuses to bless the Poles
Peter Clodt von Jurgensburg.jpg Peter Clodt
The 3rd group of Anichkov Bridge, Saint Petersburg Anichkov bridge horse tamer 3.jpg
The 3rd group of Anichkov Bridge, Saint Petersburg
Ivan Krylov in Summer Garden, Saint Petersburg Krylov summer garden.jpg
Ivan Krylov in Summer Garden, Saint Petersburg
Nicholas I on Isaac's Square, Saint Petersburg Isaak square.jpg
Nicholas I on Isaac's Square, Saint Petersburg
Iwan Nikolajewitsch Kramskoj - Michail Konstantinovich Klodt.jpg Mikhail Clodt von Jürgensburg
realist painter
(portrait by Ivan Kramskoi)
Oak Grove, 1863 Mikhail Clodt Oak Grove.jpg
Oak Grove, 1863
The Volga near Simbirsk, 1881 KlodtM VolgaPodSimbirskIRK.jpg
The Volga near Simbirsk , 1881
Village in Oryol Governorate, 1864 Mikhail Clodt Village in the province of Orel.jpg
Village in Oryol Governorate , 1864


Mechislav Dalkevich
artist and illustrator
Demut-Malinovskii portrait.jpg Vasily Demut-Malinovsky
neoclassical sculptor
Vladimir the Great in Kiev (with Peter Clodt) Vladimir by klodt.jpg
Vladimir the Great in Kiev (with Peter Clodt)
The Chariot of Victory on the Triumphal Arch of General Staff Building, Saint Petersburg Kolesnitsa Pobedy na arke Glavnogo shtaba.jpg
The Chariot of Victory on the Triumphal Arch of General Staff Building, Saint Petersburg
The Chariot of Victory on the Narva Triumphal Gates, Saint Petersburg Narva arc.jpg
The Chariot of Victory on the Narva Triumphal Gates, Saint Petersburg
Alexander Deyneka
social realist painter, graphic artist, sculptor
(c. 1440–1502)
medieval fresco and icon-painter
Hodegetria of Smolensk Odigitriya Smolenskaya Dionisiy.jpg
Hodegetria of Smolensk
Christ's Harrowing of Hell Descent into Hell by Dionisius and workshop (Ferapontov monastery).jpg
Christ's Harrowing of Hell
Metropolitan Peter Mitropolit Piotr s zhitiem.jpg
Metropolitan Peter
Dmitriev by Kramskoi.jpg Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky
genre and battle artist
(portrait by Ivan Kramskoi)
Capture of the Grivitsa redoubt at Plevna, 1885 Zahvat grivickogo reduta.jpg
Capture of the Grivitsa redoubt at Plevna , 1885
Introduction of the Captive Osman Pasha to Alexander II at Plevna, 1898 Dmitriev-Orenburgsky-Osman-pasha.jpg
Introduction of the Captive Osman Pasha to Alexander II at Plevna, 1898
Fire in the village, 1885 Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky The Fire in the village.jpg
Fire in the village, 1885


Alexander Viktorovich Egorov
Symbolist painter
Are we more than the sum of our parts?. Oil on Canvas. Alex Egorov. Oil on Canvas. "Are we more than the sum of our parts".jpg
Are we more than the sum of our parts?. Oil on Canvas.
Talking in the forest, Mixed techniques on canvas, 2005 Alex Egorov. "Talking in the forest", 116x130, mix technicks on canvas, 2005.jpg
Talking in the forest, Mixed techniques on canvas, 2005
Erzya.jpg Stepan Erzia
Art Nouveau sculptor, woodcut artist
(a lithography by an Argentinian artist)
Sculpture in wood 4 Museo Casa Quiroga Mausoleo - Escultura tallada en raiz de algarrobo por Stephan Erzia.JPG
Sculpture in wood
Andrey Esionov
portraitist, cityscape painter, graphic artist
Mikhail Evstafiev
avant-garde painter, writer, photographer
Village under a dream sky Evstafiev-village under a dream sky.jpg
Village under a dream sky
A photo of circus Chimes act (directed by Valentin Gneushev) Evstafiev-circus-chimes.jpg
A photo of circus Chimes act (directed by Valentin Gneushev)


Karl Gustavovich Faberge.jpg Peter Carl Fabergé
Memory of Azov Egg, 1891 Memory of Azov Egg.jpg
Memory of Azov Egg , 1891
Bouquet of Lilles Clock Egg, 1899 Madonna Lily Egg.jpg
Bouquet of Lilles Clock Egg , 1899
Moscow Kremlin egg, 1906 Moscow Kremlin Egg.jpg
Moscow Kremlin egg , 1906
Falconet, Etienne Maurice.jpg Étienne Maurice Falconet
Rococo sculptor
Milo of Croton, 1754 Etienne Maurice Falconet-Milo of Croton-Hermitage.jpg
Milo of Croton , 1754
Cupid menacing, 1757 Falconet-amourmenacant.jpg
Cupid menacing, 1757
Bronze Horseman, 1782 Bronze Horseman002.jpg
Bronze Horseman , 1782
Favorsky1920e01.jpg Vladimir Favorsky
graphic designer, woodcut illustrator, stage designer, painter
(1920s photo)
Self-portrait, Indian ink, 1912 Favorsky Autoporftrait1912.jpg
Self-portrait, Indian ink, 1912
Pavel fedotov 1815 1852.jpg Pavel Fedotov
realist painter
Breakfast of an Aristocrate Fedotov zavt arist.jpg
Breakfast of an Aristocrate
Encore, again Encore! Pavel Fedotov - Encore, again Encore!.jpg
Encore, again Encore!
Young widow, 1851 Pawel Andrejewitsch Fedotow 002.jpg
Young widow, 1851
Bronnikov - Portrait of Konstantin Flavitsky.jpg Konstantin Flavitsky
neoclassical painter
(portrait by Fyodor Bronnikov, 1866)
Pharaoh's daughter finding baby Moses Flavicky nahozhd Moiseya.jpg
Pharaoh's daughter finding baby Moses
Children of Jacob sell their brother Joseph, 1855 Konstantin Flavitsky 001.jpg
Children of Jacob sell their brother Joseph , 1855
Princess Tarakanova, 1864 Tarakanova.jpg
Princess Tarakanova , 1864
Frikke Loggin Khristianovich+.jpg Longin Frikke
landscape painter
View of the Fal estate of Count A. H. Benckendorff near Reval, 1837 Frikke Longin Khristianovich - Vid na myze Fall' grafa A. Kh. Benkendorfa bliz Revelia (1837).jpg
View of the Fal estate of Count A. H. Benckendorff near Reval , 1837
View of the surroundings of Novocherkassk, circa 1885 Frikke Longin Khristianovich - Vid okrestnostei Novocherkasska.jpg
View of the surroundings of Novocherkassk , circa 1885
Landscape with figures, circa 1845 Frikke Longin Khristianovich - Peizazh s figurami (1845).jpg
Landscape with figures, circa 1845


NaumGabo1957.jpg Naum Gabo
constructivist sculptor, kinetic artist
Fountain by St Thomas' Hospital, London Naum Gabo Fountain 02.jpg
Fountain by St Thomas' Hospital, London
Gestileerde bloem, a sculpture in Rotterdam Rotterdam kunstwerk gestileerde bloem detail1.jpg
Gestileerde bloem, a sculpture in Rotterdam
Nikolai Galakhov
landscape painter
Fyodor Gavrilov
1890. Nikolaj Alexandrowitsch Jaroschenko 009.jpg Nikolai Ge
history painter, realist, portraitist
(portrait by Nikolai Yaroshenko)
Peter the Great interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich at Peterhof Palace, 1871 Peter the Great Interrogating the Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich.jpg
Peter the Great interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich at Peterhof Palace , 1871
Leo Tolstoy, 1882 Ge Tolstoy.jpg
Leo Tolstoy , 1882
Head of Jesus, 1893 Ge Christ Head.jpg
Head of Jesus , 1893
Mikhail Gerasimov
archaeologist, anthropologist, forensic sculptor
Reconstruction of Tamerlane Timur reconstruction03.jpg
Reconstruction of Tamerlane
Ivan Godlevsky
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Federation
landscape painter
Feofan Grek
(c. 1340 – c. 1410)
medieval fresco and icon-painter
St. Makarios of Egypt fresco Spas na Ilyine - Saint Macarius the Great.jpg
St. Makarios of Egypt fresco
Our Lady of the Don Feofan Donskaja.jpg
Our Lady of the Don
Transfiguration of Jesus, 1408 Preobrazhenie.jpeg
Transfiguration of Jesus , 1408
S.-Malyutin.-Portrait-of-Chairman-of-the-Association-of-Artists-of-Revolutionary-Russia-Alexander-Grigoryev.-Oil.-1923.-The-State-Tretyakov-Gallery.jpg Alexander Grigoriev
realist painter, public figure
Birch Grove, 1959 Alexander V. Grigoriev - Berezovaya-Rosha.jpg
Birch Grove, 1959
Guro selfport.jpg Elena Guro
futurist painter
Portrait of Mikhail Matyushin, 1903 M.V.Matushin by E.Guro (1903).jpeg
Portrait of Mikhail Matyushin , 1903
Little Deer, 1908/09 Guro olen.jpg
Little Deer, 1908/09


Harlamov portret.jpg Alexei Harlamov
painter, portraitist
A Russian Beauty A Russian Beauty - Alexei Harlamov.jpg
A Russian Beauty
Literary Pursuits of a Young Lady Harlamoff Alexej Literary Pursuits of a Young Lady.jpg
Literary Pursuits of a Young Lady
The Flower Girls The Flower Girls.jpg
The Flower Girls
Viktor Gartman.jpg Viktor Hartmann
painter, ornamentist, architect, Russian Revival style artist
Plan for a City Gate in Kiev Hartmann -- Plan for a City Gate.jpg
Plan for a City Gate in Kiev
Paris Catacombs Hartmann Paris Catacombs.jpg
Paris Catacombs
Naval Russia's pavilion at the 1873 World Fair, design Hartmann Naval Pavilion.jpg
Naval Russia's pavilion at the 1873 World Fair, design


Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov.jpg Alexander Ivanov
neoclassical painter
(portrait by Sergey Postnikov)
Apollo Apollo, Hyacinthus and Cyparis singing and playing by Alexander Ivanov.jpg
The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene, 1834-36 Alexander Ivanov - Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection - Google Art Project.jpg
The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene , 1834-36
The Appearance of Christ before the People, 1836--57 Aleksandr Andreevich Ivanov - Iavlenie Khrista narodu (Iavlenie Messii) - Google Art Project.jpg
The Appearance of Christ before the People, 1836—57
O.E.Braz The portrait of the artist Sergey Vasilievich Ivanov.jpg Sergei Ivanov
history painter, realist, graphic artist, illustrator
(portrait by O.E. Braz, 1909)
Living of East Slavs Living of East Slavs by Ivanov.jpg
Living of East Slavs
Monomachos' Princely Congress at Uvetichi Monomachos at Uvetichi.jpg
Monomachos' Princely Congress at Uvetichi
At the Southern Border of Muscovy S. V. Ivanov. At the guarding border of the Moscow state. (1907).jpg
At the Southern Border of Muscovy
Yakov Andreevich Vasilyev, Mikhail Matveevich Ivanov, 1818, Russian Academy of Arts Museum KP-632 2-20. Zh-214.jpg Mikhail Ivanov
landscape painter, watercolorist
(portrait by Yakov Vasilyev, 1818)
Russian squadron under the command of Vice Admiral F. F. Ushakov, sailing through the strait of Constantinople on 8 September 1798 Russian fleet in the Bosphorus Strait.jpg
Russian squadron under the command of Vice Admiral F. F. Ushakov, sailing through the strait of Constantinople on 8 September 1798
View of the fortress in Bendery Bendery fortress.jpg
View of the fortress in Bendery
View of three churches against the backdrop of Mount Ararat in Armenia Mikhail Ivanov -- View of three churches against the backdrop of Mount Ararat in Armenia.jpg
View of three churches against the backdrop of Mount Ararat in Armenia
Anton Ivanov-Goluboy
neoclassical landscape painter
Italian peasants Anton Ivanov-Goluboy - Italian peasants.jpg
Italian peasants
Fishing Vessels off a Jetty, Kostroma, 1839 Ivanov anton Ivanovich Fishing Vessels Off A Jetty.jpg
Fishing Vessels off a Jetty, Kostroma, 1839
Gorge Anton Ivanov Gorge.jpg


Valery Jacobi.jpg Valery Jacobi
neoclassical and realist painter
Serene holiday of a beggar, 1860 JacobiSereneHoliday.jpg
Serene holiday of a beggar, 1860
Prisoners Stopping Place, 1861 YakobiVI PrivalArestantGTG.jpg
Prisoners Stopping Place, 1861
Jesters at the Court of Empress Anna, 1872 Jesters of empress Anna Ioanovna by V.Jacobi (1872).jpg
Jesters at the Court of Empress Anna, 1872
Alexander Evgenyevich Yakovlev Pierrot Arlecine.jpg Alexandre Jacovleff
neoclassical painter, draughtsman, designer, etcher
(self-portrait Arlecchino and Pierrot ,1914)
Feodor Chaliapin as Don Quichotte, 1916 Yakovlev Shalyapin.jpg
Feodor Chaliapin as Don Quichotte , 1916
Kabuki dancer Yakovlev Kabuki.jpg
Kabuki dancer
Afghans Alexander Yakovlev - Afghans.png


Ilya Kabakov crop.jpg Ilya Kabakov
conceptual installation artist, painter, illustrator
Installation in Munster, Germany Munster Kabakov.jpg
Installation in Münster, Germany
The fallen Chandelier in Zurich, Switzerland Ilya Kabakov-Der gefallene Kronleuchter.jpg
The fallen Chandelier in Zürich, Switzerland
Wordless, on the German-Dutch border Kunstwegen Kabakov 03.JPG
Wordless, on the German-Dutch border
FyodorKamensky.jpg Fyodor Kamensky
Young sculptor, 1866 Kamensky YoungSculptor.JPG
Young sculptor, 1866
First steps, 1872 KamenskyFirstStep.JPG
First steps, 1872
Mushroom girl Girl mushroom.jpg
Mushroom girl
Vassily-Kandinsky.jpeg Wassily Kandinsky
abstractionist painter
Der Blaue Reiter, 1903 Wassily Kandinsky, 1903, The Blue Rider (Der Blaue Reiter), oil on canvas, 52.1 x 54.6 cm, Stiftung Sammlung E.G. Buhrle, Zurich.jpg
Der Blaue Reiter , 1903
Munich-Schwabing with the Church of St. Ursula, 1908 Vassily Kandinsky, 1908 - Munich-Schwabing with the Church of St-Ursula.jpg
Munich-Schwabing with the Church of St. Ursula , 1908
Composition VII, 1913 Vassily Kandinsky, 1913 - Composition 7.jpg
Composition VII, 1913
Mikhail Kaneev
cityscape and landscape painter
Nikolai Kasatkin 7.jpg Nikolay Kasatkin
realist painter
Rival Ladies, 1890 Nikolaj Alexejewitsch Kassatkin - Rival Ladies.jpg
Rival Ladies, 1890
Miner girl, 1894 Shakhterka.jpg
Miner girl, 1894
Who?, 1897 Nikolaj Alexejewitsch Kassatkin - Who%3F.jpg
Who?, 1897
Khrutsky-self.JPG Ivan Khrutsky
still life and genre painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1883)
Flowers and fruits Khrutsky-Flowers and fruits.jpg
Flowers and fruits
Portrait of a boy Khrutsky-Portrait of a boy.jpg
Portrait of a boy
Still life, 1839 Khrutsky-Still-life, 1839.jpg
Still life, 1839
Kiprensky self.jpg Orest Kiprensky
romantic painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1828)
Yevgraf Davydov, 1809 Kiprensky Davydov.jpg
Yevgraf Davydov , 1809
Vasily Zhukovsky, 1815 Zhukovsky 1815.jpg
Vasily Zhukovsky , 1815
Alexander Pushkin, 1827 Kiprensky Pushkin.jpg
Alexander Pushkin , 1827
Vyacheslav Klykov
monument sculptor
A bell-tower in Prokhorovka, monument to the Battle of Kursk ProkhorovkaMonument.jpg
A bell-tower in Prokhorovka, monument to the Battle of Kursk
Boris Kocheishvili
painter and poet
Stepan Kolesnikoff
landscape painter
Sergei Arksentevich Kolyada
painter, landscape artist, Russian avant-garde, portraitist
(Self Portrait, 1934)
Boris Kondrashin
Bath day, 1980 Svinarki (bannyi den').JPG
Bath day, 1980
Sergey Konenkov
(portrait by Pavel Korin)
Kore, 1912 Konenkov Kore.JPG
Kore, 1912
Bather, 1917 Konenkov Bather.JPG
Bather, 1917
The Poor, 1917 Konenkov ThePoor.JPG
The Poor, 1917
P.D. Korin by M.Nesterov.jpg Pavel Korin
history painter, portraitist, art restorer
(portrait by Mikhail Nesterov)
Alexander Nevsky, 1932, on 1967 postage stamp 1967 CPA 3589.jpg
Alexander Nevsky , 1932, on 1967 postage stamp
Portrait of Konstantin Korovin.jpg Konstantin Korovin
impressionist painter
(portrait by Valentin Serov, 1891)
Two Ladies On a Terrace, 1911 Korovin on terrace.jpg
Two Ladies On a Terrace, 1911
Pier in Gurzuf, 1914 Korovin pier in Gurzuf.JPG
Pier in Gurzuf , 1914
Feodor Chaliapin, 1915 Korovin Shalyapin.jpg
Feodor Chaliapin , 1915
A Korzukhin 000.JPG Alexei Korzukhin
genre painter
Fed up, 1886 A Korzukhin 26.jpg
Fed up, 1886
Girlish BBQ, 1889 AlexeyKorzukhin GirlyBBQ 1889.jpg
Girlish BBQ, 1889
Return From the War, 1865 Aleksei Korzukhin. Vozvrashchenie s voiny.jpg
Return From the War, 1865
Nikolai Kuzmin
impressionist painter
M kozlovsky.jpg Mikhail Kozlovsky
neoclassical sculptor
Cupids, a draft Kozlovsky Mikhail - Cupids.jpg
Cupids , a draft
Alexander Suvorov as Mars, Saint Petersburg, 1799--1801 Suvorov spb.jpg
Alexander Suvorov as Mars, Saint Petersburg, 1799—1801
Samson fountain in Peterhof Palace, 1800-02 Samson-Peterhof.jpg
Samson fountain in Peterhof Palace, 1800-02
Kramskoi1.jpg Ivan Kramskoi
painter, portraitist, arts critic
Christ in the Desert, 1872 Christ in the Wilderness - Ivan Kramskoy - Google Cultural Institute.jpg
Christ in the Desert, 1872
Unknown Woman, 1883 Kramskoy Portrait of a Woman.jpg
Unknown Woman, 1883
Alexander III, 1886 Kramskoy Alexander III.jpg
Alexander III , 1886
Jan Kryjevski (1948)
Vasnetsov Kuindzhi.jpg Arkhip Kuindzhi
landscape painter
(portrait by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1869)
The Ladoga Lake, 1873 Archip Iwanowitsch Kuindshi 008.jpg
The Ladoga Lake , 1873
A birch grove, 1879 Archip Iwanowitsch Kuindshi 005.jpg
A birch grove, 1879
Elbrus, 1890-1895 Archip Iwanowitsch Kuindshi 002.jpg
Elbrus , 1890-1895
Kustodiev self portrait.jpg Boris Kustodiev
painter, stage designer
(self-portrait, 1912)
The Merchant's Wife, 1918 Kustodiev Merchants Wife.jpg
The Merchant's Wife, 1918
Bolshevik, 1920 Kustodiev The Bolshevik.jpg
Bolshevik , 1920
Russian Venus, 1926 Kustodiev russian venus.jpg
Russian Venus , 1926


Portret khudozhnika Gennadiia Aleksandrovicha Ladyzhenskogo kisti N. D. Kuznetsova.jpg Gennady Ladyzhensky
landscape painter
(Portrait by Nikolai Kuznetsov)
Landscape near Kologriv Ladyzhensky-Kologriv.jpg
Landscape near Kologriv
Chickens "Kury" Gennadii Aleksandrovich Ladyzhenskii.jpg
Odessa Ladyzhensky-Odessa.jpg
Larionov self portrait.jpg Mikhail Larionov
avant-garde painter
(self-portrait, 1910)
Acacias in Spring, 1904 Larionov akaziivesnoj.jpg
Acacias in Spring, 1904
Red Rayonism, 1913 Larionov red rayonism.jpg
Red Rayonism , 1913
Bull's Head, 1913 Bull's Head (Larionov, 1913).jpg
Bull's Head, 1913
Klavdiy Lebedev.jpg Klavdy Lebedev
history painter
Svyatoslav's meeting with Emperor John Lebedev Svyatoslavs meeting with Emperor John.jpg
Svyatoslav's meeting with Emperor John
Baptism of Kievans Lebedev baptism.jpg
Baptism of Kievans
Dance Pliaska.jpg
Painter Sergei Lednev-Schukin.jpg
Sergei Lednev-Schukin


landscape painter, impressionist

Church in snow (New York Metropolitan Museum) Russian church in snow, painting by Sergei Lednev-Schukin.jpg
Church in snow (New York Metropolitan Museum)
Chapel Zvenigorod Chapel Zvenigorod, painting by Sergei Lednev-Schukin.jpg
Chapel Zvenigorod
Frosty morning at abbey gate Frosty morning at abbey gate, painting by Sergei Lednev-Schukin.jpg
Frosty morning at abbey gate
Lentulov Self-portrait 1915.jpg Aristarkh Lentulov
avant-garde painter
(self-portrait, 1915)
Skybell (Nebozvon) Lentulov Nebozvon.jpg
Skybell (Nebozvon)
Portrait of Artist's Wife and Daughter Lentulov Wife Daughter.jpg
Portrait of Artist's Wife and Daughter
Saint Basil's Cathedral, 1913 Lentulov St Basil.jpg
Saint Basil's Cathedral , 1913
Aleksey Leonov ASTP - cropped.jpg Alexei Leonov
cosmonaut and painter
Selenodesists (On the Moon) on 1967 post stamp 1967 CPA 3546.jpg
Selenodesists (On the Moon) on 1967 post stamp
Human spacewalk on 1972 post stamp (with Andrey Sokolov) 1972 CPA 4164.jpg
Human spacewalk on 1972 post stamp (with Andrey Sokolov)
Lunokhod 1 on 1972 post stamp (with Andrey Sokolov) 1972 CPA 4165.jpg
Lunokhod 1 on 1972 post stamp (with Andrey Sokolov)
Isaac Levitan selfportrait1880.jpg Isaac Levitan
landscape painter
(self-portrait, 1880)
Birch Forest, 1885-1889 1885-1889 Birkenhain.jpg
Birch Forest, 1885-1889
Over Eternal Peace, 1894 Levitan nad vech pok28.jpg
Over Eternal Peace, 1894
March, 1895 Mart levitan.jpg
March, 1895
Levitsky by Repin.jpg Rafail Levitsky
romantic, genre, impressionist painter, photographer
(portrait by Ilya Repin, 1878)
Bridge in the Woods, 1885-86 Rafail Levitsky - Bridge in the Woods.jpg
Bridge in the Woods, 1885-86
View of Mazzolada di Lison, Veneto, Italy, 1896 View of Mazzolada.JPG
View of Mazzolada di Lison, Veneto, Italy, 1896
Morning Impression along a Canal in Venice, Veneto, Italy, 1896 Morning Impression along a Canal in Venice.JPG
Morning Impression along a Canal in Venice, Veneto, Italy, 1896
Levitzky self.jpg Dmitry Levitzky
painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1783)
Prokofiy Demidov, 1773 Levitzky Demidov.jpg
Prokofiy Demidov , 1773
Duchess Ursula Mniszech, 1782 Levitsky mniszek.jpg
Duchess Ursula Mniszech , 1782
Yekaterina Dashkova, 1784 E. Vorontsova-Dashkova by Dm. Levitsky (1784, Hillwood).jpg
Yekaterina Dashkova , 1784
El lissitzky self portrait 1914.jpg El Lissitzky
avant-garde painter, photographer, typographer
(self-photo, 1924)
Suprematistische Komposition, 1919 El Lissitzky 1919 Suprematist composition.jpg
Suprematistische Komposition, 1919
Proun 93 (Konischer), 1923 Lissitzky Proun 93.jpg
Proun 93 (Konischer), 1923
Proun, c. 1925 A Prounen by El Lissitzky c.1925.jpg
Proun, c. 1925
Vladimir Lisunov
nonconformist, mystic symbolist painter
The fugitive, 1976. Canvas, oil. 108x187. Vladimir Lisunov. Beglets.JPG
The fugitive, 1976. Canvas, oil. 108x187.
Epiphany,1996. Canvas, oil. 90kh118. Kreshchenie, maslo, kholst, 1996, 90kh118.jpg
Epiphany,1996. Canvas, oil. 90х118.
Forest visions, 1995. Canvas, oil. 60kh81. Vladimir Lisunov. Lesnye videniia. 1995..jpg
Forest visions, 1995. Canvas, oil. 60х81.
Lomonosovportrait.jpg Mikhail Lomonosov
polymath, scientist, writer, artist
(portrait by L. S. Miropol'sky, 1787, after G. Prenner)
A ship model Gukor.jpg
A ship model
Peter I mosaic, 1754 Lomonosov PeterI mosaic 1754.jpg
Peter I mosaic, 1754
Battle of Poltava mosaic, 1762-64 Lomonosov Poltava 1762 1764.jpg
Battle of Poltava mosaic, 1762-64
Anton Losenko
neoclassical painter, portraitist
Ivan Shuvalov, 1760 Ivan Shuvalov by A.Losenko.jpg
Ivan Shuvalov , 1760
Fyodor Volkov, 1763 F volkov.jpg
Fyodor Volkov , 1763
Vladimir and Rogneda, 1770 Anton Losenko. Vladimir and Rogneda.jpg
Vladimir and Rogneda , 1770


Konstantin Makovsky-Self-Portrait-1856.jpg Konstantin Makovsky
history painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1856)
Boyaryshnya MakovskyK Boyaryshnya5216.jpg
Tamara and Demon, 1889 Kmakovs 107.jpg
Tamara and Demon, 1889
Proclamation of Kuzma Minin, 1896 Appeal of Minin.jpg
Proclamation of Kuzma Minin , 1896
Self-Portrait (1908 or 1910-1911).jpg Kazimir Malevich
suprematist avant-garde painter
(self-portrait, 1912)
Englishman in Moscow, 1914 Englishman in Moscow.jpg
Englishman in Moscow, 1914
Black Square, 1915
Black Square , 1915
Mower, 1930 Malevich142.jpg
Mower, 1930
Sergey Malyutin.jpg Sergey Malyutin
painter, folk artist, architect, portraitist
The first Russian matryoshka doll (carved by Zvyozdochkin), 1890 First matryoshka museum doll open.jpg
The first Russian matryoshka doll (carved by Zvyozdochkin), 1890
Pertsov Building design, Moscow, 1906-1910 Wiki pertsov house.jpg
Pertsov Building design, Moscow, 1906-1910
Dmitry Furmanov, 1922 Furmanov by Malutin.jpg
Dmitry Furmanov , 1922
Ivan Petrovich Martos by Varnek, 1819.jpg Ivan Martos
neoclassical sculptor
(portrait by Alexander Varnek, 1819)
Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square, Moscow, 1818 Moscow 05-2017 img07 Monument to Minin and Pozharsky.jpg
Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square, Moscow, 1818
Duc de Richelieu, Odessa, 1828 Ukraine, Odessa, Duke statue.jpg
Duc de Richelieu , Odessa, 1828
Alexander I, Taganrog, 1830 Taganrog alexanderImonument.jpg
Alexander I , Taganrog, 1830
Michael Matusevitch
Mayakovsky 1912.jpg Vladimir Mayakovsky
avant-garde poet, playwright and propaganda artist
(1912 photo)
Rosta Windows agitprop Maiakovskii. OKNA ROSTA.jpg
Rosta Windows agitprop
Costumes draft for Mystery Buff, 1919 Mistery-buff.jpg
Costumes draft for Mystery Buff, 1919
Rosta Windows agitprop Plakat mayakowski gross.jpg
Rosta Windows agitprop
Leonid Mezheritski. Self Portrait with Whelp.jpg Leonid Mezheritski
landscape, still-life, portrait
(Self Portrait with Dog, 1968.
Art Museum Chernigov, Ukraine)
Beach of Bolshoi Fontan, 1961 Leonid Mezheritsli. Beach of Bolshoi Fontan.jpg
Beach of Bolshoi Fontan, 1961
Springtime Sea Surf, 1970s Leonid Mezheritski-Springtime Sea Surf-1970s-Canvas, Oil, 28,5x43 cm.jpg
Springtime Sea Surf, 1970s
Yevgeniy Migunov
Mikeshin by Repin.jpg Mikhail Mikeshin
neoclassical sculptor
(portrait by Ilya Repin, 1888)
Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod, 1859 Nowgorod 2005 Millenium Monument.jpg
Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod, 1859
Catherine II in Saint Petersburg, 1873 SPB Monument of Catherine II 1890-1900.jpg
Catherine II in Saint Petersburg, 1873
Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kiev, 1888 Denkmal bohdan chmelnyzkyj.jpg
Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kiev, 1888
Minin Efim Semenovich.jpg Efim Minin
Byelorussian artist and graphic artist of Jewish origin
Iafim Minin. Stary. 1928.jpg
Jafim Minin Viciebsk1.jpg
Ekslibrys M. Kaspiarovicha (1925) mastaka Ia. Minina..jpg
1989 CPA 6077.jpg Vera Mukhina
sculptor, social realist
(from portrait by Mikhail Nesterov, 1940)
A man with a sword, 1916 Vera Mukhina A man with a sword (1916).jpg
A man with a sword, 1916


Vladimir Putin 6 October 2000-2.jpg Ernst Neizvestny
(left on photo, receiving Order of Honor from Vladimir Putin, 2000)
Lotus Flower at the Aswan Dam in Egypt, 1971 Lotus Flower sculpture full.jpg
Lotus Flower at the Aswan Dam in Egypt, 1971
Mask of Sorrow, 1996 Memorial'nyi kompleks zhertvam politicheskikh repressii.jpg
Mask of Sorrow , 1996
Portret M.V.Nesterova.jpg Mikhail Nesterov
religious symbolist painter, portraitist
(portrait by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1926)
The Vision to the Youth Bartholomew, 1890-91 Mikhail Nesterov 001.jpg
The Vision to the Youth Bartholomew , 1890–91
Holy Rus', 1901-06 Nesterov SaintRussia.JPG
Holy Rus' , 1901-06
Philosophers Pavel Florensky and Sergei Bulgakov, 1917 Nesterov Florensky Bulgakov.jpg
Philosophers Pavel Florensky and Sergei Bulgakov , 1917
Gury Nikitin
fresco and icon-painter, illustrator
Quiricus and Julietta, c. 1680 Quiricus and Juliet (c.1680, Yaroslavl museum).jpg
Quiricus and Julietta , c. 1680
The head of John the Baptist, c. 1680 Jonh the Baptist 1680.jpg
The head of John the Baptist , c. 1680
The feast of the Cross, c. 1680 Feast of the Cross.jpg
The feast of the Cross, c. 1680
Ivan Nikitin
painter, portraitist
Princess Elizabeth, 1712-1713 Ivan Nikitin - Portrait of Grand Duchess Yelizaveta Petrovna as a Child - WGA16575.jpg
Princess Elizabeth , 1712-1713
Hetman (Pavlo Polubotok?), 1720es Nikitin Getman.jpg
Hetman (Pavlo Polubotok?), 1720es
Peter the Great on his deathbed, 1725 Deathbed portrait of Peter I by I.Nikitin (1725, Russian museum).jpg
Peter the Great on his deathbed, 1725
Usto Mumin.jpg Aleksandr Nikolayev
Nina Niss-Goldman.jpg Nina Niss-Goldman
sculptor, painter
In Nina Niss-Goldman's studio, Moscow, Verkhnyaya Maslovka Street. 1985 Im Atelier von Nina Niss-Goldman nach 1985. Polaroid.jpg
In Nina Niss-Goldman´s studio, Moscow, Verkhnyaya Maslovka Street. 1985
Still life with flowers. Canvas, oil, 48x67 cm. Impressionism painting Nina Niss-Goldman - Still Life with Bouquet (48x67cm).jpg
Still life with flowers. Canvas, oil, 48x67 cm. Impressionism painting
Igor Novikov 2010.jpg Igor Novikov
painter, member of Russian Academy of Arts
Diamond Grove, 2007 Diamond Grove, 2007.JPG
Diamond Grove, 2007
Goodbye Russia, 2003 Goodbye Russia, 2003.jpg
Goodbye Russia, 2003
Miss Switzerland Miss Switzerland by Igor Novikov.jpg
Miss Switzerland


Opekushin.jpg Alexander Opekushin
monument sculptor, architecture decorator
Pushkin, Moscow, 1880 Pushkin Monument in Moscow.jpg
Pushkin , Moscow, 1880
Karl Baer, Tartu, 1886 Monument to K. E. Baer (DSC04780).jpg
Karl Baer , Tartu, 1886
Lemontov Monument, Pyatigorsk Pamiatnik Lermontovu M.Iu.JPG
Lemontov Monument, Pyatigorsk
Boris Orlovsky
neoclassical monument sculptor
Mikhail Kutuzov in front of Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg Koetoezov kazan.jpg
Mikhail Kutuzov in front of Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
Michael Barclay de Tolly in front of Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg Barclay de tolly.jpg
Michael Barclay de Tolly in front of Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
The angel on the Alexander Column, Saint Petersburg Alexander Column top.jpg
The angel on the Alexander Column, Saint Petersburg
Sergei Osipov
landscape and still life painter
Cornflowers, 1976 Osipov-Cornflowers-7oci10bw.jpg
Cornflowers, 1976


Andrey P. Pashkevich.jpg Andrey Pashkevich
cinematographer, film director & producer, and painter
Gennady Pasko
impressionist painter
Leonid Pasternak - self-portrait (1908, Pskov).jpg Leonid Pasternak
post-impressionist painter, graphic artist, illustrator
(self-portrait, 1908)
Moscow in Winter, 1912 Pasternakmoskwazimoj.jpg
Moscow in Winter, 1912
E. Levina, 1916 Pasternak ptlevinoj.jpg
E. Levina, 1916
Rainer Maria Rilke Pasternak-rilke.jpeg
Rainer Maria Rilke
Joseph Pavlishak
painter and teacher, member of the USSR Union of Artists
AndrewPavlovsky.jpg Andrew Pavlovsky
expressionist painter, graphic designer
The beloved, 1994 The-beloved.jpg
The beloved, 1994
The blue bottle, 1998 The-Blue-bottle.jpg
The blue bottle, 1998
Trees at the river, 2001 Trees-at-the-river.jpg
Trees at the river, 2001
Perov Avtoportret 2.png Vasily Perov
realist painter
(self-portrait, 1870)
Troika, 1866 Troika - Vasilii Grigor'evich Perov (1866).jpg
Troika , 1866
The Hunters at Rest, 1871 Wassilij Grigorjewitsch Perow 004.jpg
The Hunters at Rest, 1871
A Governess Arriving at a Merchant's House Perov guvernanka kupe.jpg
A Governess Arriving at a Merchant's House
PetrovVodkin Avtoportret 1918.jpg Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin
symbolist painter
(self-portrait, 1918)
Bathing of a Red Horse, 1912 Bathing of a Red Horse Petrov-Vodkin.jpg
Bathing of a Red Horse, 1912
On the Line of Fire, 1916 On the Line of Fire (Petrov-Vodkin).jpg
On the Line of Fire, 1916
Petrograd Madonna, 1918 Petrograd Madonna (Petrov-Vodkin).jpg
Petrograd Madonna, 1918
Ilyas Phaizulline
classical realist
Stepan Pimenov self-portrait, 1830s.jpg Stepan Pimenov
(self portrait)
Statue of Vladimir the Great, 1807 Kazan Kahedral, Saint-Petersberg (11).JPG
Statue of Vladimir the Great, 1807
Hercules and Antaeus, 1809 Gerakl i Antei(statuia u Gornogo instituta)01.jpg
Hercules and Antaeus, 1809
Chariot of Glory, 1827 Goddess Nika 1828 - panoramio.jpg
Chariot of Glory, 1827
Polenov by Repin.jpg Vasily Polenov
landscape painter, realist
(portrait by Ilya Repin, 1877)
A courtyard in Moscow, 1878 Moscow Courtyard (Polenov, 1878).jpg
A courtyard in Moscow, 1878
Grandma's garden Wassilij Dimitriewitsch Polenow 001.jpg
Grandma's garden
Caesar's amusement Tsezarskaya zabava.JPG
Caesar's amusement
Popov Andrei Andreevich - Avtoportret (1864).jpg Andrei Popov
realist painter
(self-portrait, c.1864)
An Eating House, 1859 Popov Eating House.jpg
An Eating House, 1859
Demyan's Fish Soup, 1865 PopovAA DemyanovaUha.jpg
Demyan's Fish Soup, 1865
Easter Fair in Tula, 1873 Popov Balagany-v-Tule 1873.jpg
Easter Fair in Tula , 1873
Lyubov Popova.jpg Lyubov Popova
cubist abstractionist painter
Air+Man+Space, 1912 Popova Air Man Space.jpg
Air+Man+Space, 1912
The Pianist, 1914 Lyubov Popova - The Pianist.jpg
The Pianist, 1914
Portrait of a Philosopher, 1915 Popova Philosopher.jpg
Portrait of a Philosopher, 1915
Pukirev-Selfportrait.jpg Vasili Pukirev
realist painter
(self-portrait, 1868)
The Unequal Marriage, 1862 Pukirev ner brak.jpg
The Unequal Marriage, 1862
Dowry Wassilij Wladimirowitsch Pukirew 001.jpg
Metropolitan Philip and Ivan IV Filipp and Ivan IV.jpg
Metropolitan Philip and Ivan IV


Charles Radoff
landscape painter, neo-impressionist
REPIN portret REPIN.jpg Ilya Repin
history painter, realist, portraitist
(self-portrait 1878)
Barge Haulers on the Volga, 1870-73 Ilia Efimovich Repin (1844-1930) - Volga Boatmen (1870-1873).jpg
Barge Haulers on the Volga , 1870-73
Cossacks write to the Turkish Sultan, 1880-91 Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin 009.jpg
Cossacks write to the Turkish Sultan , 1880-91
What freedom!, 1903 Ilya Repin-What freedom!.jpg
What freedom!, 1903
1935-alexander rodschenko.jpg Alexander Rodchenko
avant-garde painter, sculptor, photographer, graphic designer
(1935 photo)
Dance, 1913 1915 Dance by Rodchenko.jpg
Dance, 1913
Portrait of N. A. Rusakov, 1915 Portrait of N. A. Rusakov by Aleksandr Rodchenko (1912).jpg
Portrait of N. A. Rusakov, 1915
Workers' Club, 1925 Chess table From the Workers Club.jpg
Workers' Club, 1925
N.Roerich by B.Kustodiev (1913).jpg Nicholas Roerich
painter, philosopher, culture scientist, traveler, public figure
(portrait by Boris Kustodiev, 1913)
Guests from Overseas, 1901 Nicholas Roerich, Guests from Overseas.jpg
Guests from Overseas , 1901
And we see, 1922 N. Roerich - And We See. From the <<Sancta>> Series - Google Art Project.jpg
And we see, 1922
Monhegan, Maine, 1922 N. Roerich - Monhegan. Maine - Google Art Project.jpg
Monhegan, Maine , 1922
Fyodor Rokotov
painter, portraitist
Count I. G. Orlov, c.1762-1765 Rokotov orlov.JPG
Count I. G. Orlov , c.1762-1765
Catherine II, 1770 Catherine II by F.Rokotov after Roslin (1780s, Hermitage) 2.jpg
Catherine II , 1770
Lady in a Pink Dress, 1770s Rokotov Unknown In Rose Dress.jpg
Lady in a Pink Dress, 1770s
Andrei Rublev
(c. 1360–1430)
medieval fresco and icon-painter
(Russian Icon of St. Andrei Rublev, holding one of his works)
Trinity, c. 1410 Andrej Rublev 001.jpg
Trinity , c. 1410
Christ the Redeemer, c. 1410 Rublev's saviour.jpg
Christ the Redeemer , c. 1410
Archangel Michael Rublev Arhangel Mikhail.jpg
Archangel Michael
Alexandra Rozenman
surreal Russian American painter
Lev Russov
portrait, genre, and still life painter
SmatheRyabushkin.jpg Andrei Ryabushkin
history painter
(portrait by Vasiliy Mate)
Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the Boyar Duma, 1893 Tsar boyar duma.jpg
Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the Boyar Duma , 1893
Merchant Family in the 17th century, 1896 Ryabushkin merchant 17.JPG
Merchant Family in the 17th century, 1896
A Young Man Breaking into the Girls' Dance, 1902 Ryabushkin dance.jpg
A Young Man Breaking into the Girls' Dance , 1902


Vasily Sadovnikov
perspective painter
Palace Square, c. 1847 Sadovnikov 1258.jpg
Palace Square , c. 1847
Arch of the General Staff Building, 1956 Sadovnikiov Arch of General Stuff Building 1830s.jpg
Arch of the General Staff Building , 1956
Anichkov Palace, 1862 Anichkov sadovnikov.jpg
Anichkov Palace , 1862
Alexander Samokhvalov

easel and monumental painter, graphic artist, book illustrator
Bogdan Saltanov
icon-painter, illustrator, portraitist
Cross of Kiy of the Crucifix church in Moscow Kremlin, 1670s KiyskiyKrest.jpg
Cross of Kiy of the Crucifix church in Moscow Kremlin, 1670s
Feodor III of Russia (attribution disputed), 1685 Feodor III by Ivan Saltanov.jpg
Feodor III of Russia (attribution disputed), 1685
Savitskii Konstantin Apollonovich.jpg Konstantin Savitsky
realist painter
(portrait by Nikolai Grandkovsky, 1902)
Repairing the Railroad , 1874 Konstantin Apollonowitsch Sawizkij 001.jpg
Repairing the Railroad , 1874
Morning in a Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin, 1886 (Savitsky painted the bears) Utro v sosnovom lesu.jpg
Morning in a Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin, 1886 (Savitsky painted the bears)
To the War, 1888 Savitsky na voinu.jpg
To the War , 1888
Savrasov (by Iosif Volkov).jpg Alexei Savrasov
lyrical landscape painter
(portrait by Iosif Volkov)
The Rooks Have Returned, 1871 RooksBackOfSavrasov.jpg
The Rooks Have Returned , 1871
Sukharev Tower, 1872 Sukharev Tower in Moscow (Savrasov, 1872).jpg
Sukharev Tower , 1872
Rasputitsa (Sea of Mud), 1894 Savrasov rasputitsa.JPG
Rasputitsa (Sea of Mud), 1894
Alexander Semionov
cityscape and landscape painter
Serebryakova SefPortrait.jpg Zinaida Serebriakova
painter, social realist
(self-portrait At the Dressing-Table , 1909)
Bath-house, 1913 Serebryakova Bath house 1913.jpg
Bath-house, 1913
The Shoots of Autumn Crops, 1908 Zinaida Serebriakova The Shoots of Autumn Crops.jpg
The Shoots of Autumn Crops , 1908
Harvest, 1915 Serebryakova Harvest 1915.jpg
Harvest, 1915
Serov Self.jpg Valentin Serov
impressionist painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1880s)
The girl with peaches, 1887 Serov devochka s persikami.jpg
The girl with peaches , 1887
The Kidnapping of Europe Serov -- The Rape of Europe.jpg
The Kidnapping of Europe
Ida Rubinstein, 1910 Portrait of Ida Rubenstein1.jpg
Ida Rubinstein , 1910
Ivan Shadr in studio.jpg Ivan Shadr
(c. 1930s photo)
Stone is a Weapon of the Proletariat Stone is a weapon of the Proletariat (1927, GTG) 01 by shakko.jpg
Stone is a Weapon of the Proletariat
Girl with an Oar, 1936 Ivan Shadr-Russian sculptor.jpg
Girl with an Oar, 1936
Worker, 1922 Shadr Ivan 1922 god Rabochii.jpg
Worker, 1922
Shchedrin self.jpg Silvestr Shchedrin
neoclassical landscape painter
(self-portrait, 1817)
Lake of Albano, 1825 Schedrin Albano.jpg
Lake of Albano , 1825
Moon Night in Naples, 1828 SCHEDR LunNoch.jpg
Moon Night in Naples , 1828
Terrace of the Seashore, 1828 Shchedrin veranda.jpg
Terrace of the Seashore, 1828
Georgy Shishkin
painter, portraitist, graphic artist, architect, stamp designer
400th anniversary of the reunification of the Russian nation Russian Post, 2012 Stamp of Russia 2012 No 1647.jpg
400th anniversary of the reunification of the Russian nation Russian Post, 2012
Iwan Nikolajewitsch Kramskoj 005.jpg Ivan Shishkin
landscape painter
(portrait by Ivan Kramskoi, 1880)
Morning in a Pine Forest, 1886 Utro v sosnovom lesu.jpg
Morning in a Pine Forest , 1886
Rye Ivan Shishkin - Rozh' - Google Art Project.jpg
Rain in an Oak Forest Shishkin DozVDubLesu 114.jpg
Rain in an Oak Forest
USSR stamp 1955 CPA 1856.jpg Fedot Shubin
neoclassical sculptor
(self-portrait, here on 1955 Soviet post mark)
Zakhar Chernyshov Zakhar Chernyshev by F. Shubin (GTG, 1774) by shakko 01.jpg
Zakhar Chernyshov
Antonio Rinaldi, medallion, 1782 Shubin Rinaldi medaillon in Gathina Palace 1782.jpg
Antonio Rinaldi , medallion, 1782
Mikhail Lomonosov, 1792 Shubin Mikhail Lomonosov.jpg
Mikhail Lomonosov , 1792
Syvkov II.jpg Anatolii Ivanovich Sivkov
easel painter, graphic artist, stage designer
Pyotr Sokolov by Tropinin.jpg Pyotr Sokolov
(portrait by Vasily Tropinin, 1833)
Portrait of Idalia-Maria Poletica, 1820s Idalia Poletica portrait.jpg
Portrait of Idalia-Maria Poletica, 1820s
Portrait of Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina, 1828 P.F. Sokolov.jpg
Portrait of Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina, 1828
Alexander II of Russia as a child, 1828 Alexander II by Sokolov.jpg
Alexander II of Russia as a child, 1828
Konstantin Somov.JPG Konstantin Somov
painter, graphic artist, illustrator, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1898)
Alexander Blok's Theatre, 1909 Bloktheatre.jpg
Alexander Blok's Theatre, 1909
A galant scene Somov Marquise.jpg
A galant scene
Sergei Rachmaninoff, 1925 Rachmaninov peinture.jpg
Sergei Rachmaninoff, 1925
Self-portrait by G.Soroka (1840-50s, Russian museum).jpg Grigory Soroka
genre painter, portraitist
Dam in Spasskoye, Tambov Guberniya, 1840s View on the dam in Spasskoe by G.Soroka (1840s, Russian museum).jpg
Dam in Spasskoye, Tambov Guberniya , 1840s
Peasant boy, 1840s Peasant boy by G.Soroka (1840, Russian museum).jpg
Peasant boy, 1840s
Reflection in a mirror, 1850s Reflection in the mirror by G.Soroka (c.1850, Russian museum).jpg
Reflection in a mirror, 1850s
Evgraf Sorokin (Vladimir Makovsky).jpg Evgraf Semenovich Sorokin
painter, professor
Portrait by Vladimir Makovsky, 1891
Crucifixion of Christ, 1873 Evgraf Semenovich Sorokin - Crucifixion.jpg
Crucifixion of Christ, 1873
Rendezvous, 1858 Rendezvous by E.Sorokin (1858, Tretyakov gallery).jpg
Rendezvous, 1858
Spanish Beggar Girl, 1852 Beggar-girl Spaniard (Evgraf Sorokin).jpg
Spanish Beggar Girl, 1852
Stepanov 000.jpg Alexei Stepanov
genre painter
The Swing Aleksei S. Stepanov - Derevenskie kacheli.jpg
The Swing
Morning Greetings Stepanov 004.jpg
Morning Greetings
Moose Herd Stepanov 008.jpg
Moose Herd
A.V. Stupinin by Varnek.jpg Alexander Stupin
Portrait by Alexander Varnek, 1804
Boy with a Leaf Mal'chik s listkom.jpg
Boy with a Leaf
Rafael Stupin
Surikov-Selfportrait2.jpg Vasily Surikov
history painter
Bronze Horseman, 1870 Surikov-Horseman2.jpg
Bronze Horseman , 1870
Boyarynya Morozova, 1887 Boyaryna Morozova by V.Surikov (1884-1887, Tretyakov gallery).jpg
Boyarynya Morozova , 1887
March of Suvorov through the Alps, 1899 Vasily Surikov - Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799 - Google Art Project.jpg
March of Suvorov through the Alps , 1899


Nikolai Timkov
landscape painter
Fedor Petrovich Tolstoy b.jpg Feodor Tolstoy
neoclassical painter, illustrator, medallion and wax-relief artist
(portrait by Sergey Zaryanko, 1850)
People's militia of 1812, 1816 612-1.jpg
People's militia of 1812 , 1816
Family portrait, 1830 Tolstoyfamily.jpg
Family portrait, 1830
An illustration to Dushenka, 1820-33 Dushenka.jpg
An illustration to Dushenka , 1820-33
Nikolai Tomsky
monument sculptor
Statue of Lenin, Berlin, 1970 Bundesarchiv Bild 183-J0505-0054-001, Berlin, Denkmal Lenin am Leninplatz.jpg
Statue of Lenin, Berlin, 1970
Nikolai Gogol, Moscow, 1952 Monument Nikolai Gogol writer of Russia Moscow.jpg
Nikolai Gogol , Moscow, 1952
Tropinin-self.jpg Vasily Tropinin
romantic painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1844)
The Lace Maker, 1823 Tropinin lacemaker.jpg
The Lace Maker, 1823
Alexander Pushkin, 1827 AleksandrPushkin.jpg
Alexander Pushkin , 1827
Woman in the window, 1841 Tropinin zenshina v okne.jpg
Woman in the window, 1841
Zurab Tsereteli.jpg
Zurab Tsereteli
painter, sculptor, architect
Birth of a New Man, 1995 Colon de Tsereteli.jpg
Birth of a New Man , 1995
IsraelTsvaygenbaum.jpg Israel Tsvaygenbaum
People Of Derbent, 1999 PeopleOfDerbentThumb.jpg
People Of Derbent, 1999
Duet, 2000 DuetThumb.jpg
Duet, 2000
Abraham And Isaac, 2001 AbrahamAndIsaacThumb.jpg
Abraham And Isaac, 2001
Alexander Tyshler
modernist painter, stage designer


Portrait-Ugryumov.jpg Grigory Ugryumov
neoclassical history painter
Testing the strength of Jan Usmar, 1796-97 Test force of Jan Usmar (Grigoriy Ugryumov).jpg
Testing the strength of Jan Usmar , 1796-97
Vocation of Mikhail Romanov, before 1800 Vocation of Mikhail Romanov (Grigoriy Ugryumov).jpg
Vocation of Mikhail Romanov , before 1800
Capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, before 1800 Capture of Kazan, Ivan the Terrible (Grigoriy Ugryumov).jpg
Capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible , before 1800
Yevgeny Ukhnalyov
painter, illustrator, designer, heraldic artist
Standard of the president of Russia Standard of the President of the Russian Federation.svg
Standard of the president of Russia
Star of the Order of Service to the Fatherland Star for Orden of Service.png
Star of the Order of Service to the Fatherland
State Prize of Russia medal RusStatePrize.jpg
State Prize of Russia medal
Simon Ushakov
Saviour Not Made by Hands, 1658 Ushakov Nerukotvorniy.jpg
Saviour Not Made by Hands , 1658
Archangel Michael Trampling the Devil Underfoot, 1676 Simon Ushakov Archangel Mikhail and Devil.JPG
Archangel Michael Trampling the Devil Underfoot, 1676
Last Supper, 1685 Simon ushakov last supper 1685.jpg
Last Supper, 1685


Portret 1.tif Nina Tokhtaman Valetova
metaphysical realism, fantasy, and visionary painter
Claustrophobia, 2003 Claustrophobia by Nina Valetova.jpg
Claustrophobia, 2003
Lost Without a Trace, 2008 Lost Without a Trace 66x69.3 (cmxcm) 2008.jpg
Lost Without a Trace, 2008
Ancient Epics of Ancestors, 2008 Ancient Epics of Ancestors by Nina Valetova.jpg
Ancient Epics of Ancestors, 2008
Vasilyev self.JPG Feodor Vasilyev
lyrical landscape painter
(self-portrait, 1873)
After a Thunderstorm, 1868 Vasilyev after thunderstorm.JPG
After a Thunderstorm, 1868
Illumination in St. Petersburg, 1869 Vasilyev illumination spb.JPG
Illumination in St. Petersburg , 1869
Wet Meadow, 1872 Vasilyev wet medow.JPG
Wet Meadow, 1872
Portret khudozhnika A.M. Vasnetsova.jpg Apollinary Vasnetsov
history painter, stage designer
(portrait by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1890)
Arrival of Rurik to Ladoga Prizvanievaryagov.jpg
Arrival of Rurik to Ladoga
Set for Tchaikovsky's opera The Oprichnik, 1911 Oprichnik by Vasnetsov.jpg
Set for Tchaikovsky's opera The Oprichnik , 1911
Moscow Kremlin, 1897 Vasnetsov Moskovsky Kreml.jpg
Moscow Kremlin , 1897
Avtoportret. 1868.jpg Viktor Vasnetsov
mythology and history painter, Russian Revival style artist
(self-portrait, 1868)
Flying Carpet, 1880 Vasnetsov samolet.jpg
Flying Carpet , 1880
Bogatyrs, 1898 Die drei Bogatyr.jpg
Bogatyrs , 1898
The Frog Princess, 1918 Vasnetsov Frog Princess.jpg
The Frog Princess , 1918
Venetsianov self.jpg Alexey Venetsianov
genre painter
(self-portrait, 1810)
In the Ploughed Field: Spring, 1820s Aleksey Venetsianov - Na pashne. Vesna - Google Art Project.jpg
In the Ploughed Field: Spring , 1820s
Girl in a shawl Venetsianov Girl In Shaul.jpg
Girl in a shawl
Fortune telling, 1842 Fortunetelling by A.Venetsianov (1842, Russian museum).jpg
Fortune telling , 1842
Vasili Vereshchagin.jpg Vasily Vereshchagin
battle painter
The Apotheosis of War, 1871 1871 Vereshchagin Apotheose des Krieges anagoria.JPG
The Apotheosis of War , 1871
Suppression of the Indian Revolt by the English, 1884 Vereshchagin-Blowing from Guns in British India.jpg
Suppression of the Indian Revolt by the English , 1884
Peace at all costs (Napoleon in Moscow) Peaceatallcosts.JPG
Peace at all costs (Napoleon in Moscow)
Petr Petrovich Vereshchagin.jpg Pyotr Vereshchagin
landscape and cityscape painter
The Market in Nizhny Novgorod Petr Vereschagin - Rynock v N.Novgorode.jpg
The Market in Nizhny Novgorod
View of the Palace of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, Viceroy of His Imperial Majesty in Tiflis Piotr Veretschagin-Tiflis.jpg
View of the Palace of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, Viceroy of His Imperial Majesty in Tiflis
View of Moscow Kremlin, 1879 Petr Vereshchagin - View of Moscow Cremlin, 1879.jpg
View of Moscow Kremlin , 1879
Ivan Vishnyakov
Petr Ivanovich Panin, 1742 Ivan Vishnyakov 10.jpg
Petr Ivanovich Panin , 1742
A Girl with a Bird Ivan Vishnyakov 03.jpeg
A Girl with a Bird
Sarah Eleonor Fermor, 1750 Vishnakov sara fermor.jpg
Sarah Eleonor Fermor, 1750
Avtoportret, Adrian Volkov.jpg Adrian Volkov
genre painter
(self-portrait, 1868)
The Interrupted Betrothal, 1860 Prervannoe obruchenie, Adrian Volkov.webp
The Interrupted Betrothal, 1860
Obzhorny Ryad in Saint Petersburg, 1858 Obzhornyi riad v Sankt Peterburge, Adrian Volkov 02.jpg
Obzhorny Ryad in Saint Petersburg, 1858
Early snow Rannii sneg, Adrian Volkov.webp
Early snow
Ekaterina Vorona.jpg Ekaterina Vorona
Vrubel Self Portrait 1885.jpg Mikhail Vrubel
symbolist painter
(self-portrait, 1885)
The Demon Seated, 1890 Vrubel Demon.jpg
The Demon Seated , 1890
The Swan Princess, 1900 Swan princess.jpg
The Swan Princess , 1900
Pearl oyster, 1904 <<Zhemchuzhina>>.jpg
Pearl oyster, 1904
Silver 2-ruble coin commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yevgeny Vuchetich.png Yevgeny Vuchetich
monument sculptor
Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, 1946-49 TreptowEhrenmal10.JPG
Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, 1946-49
Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares in the UN garden, New York City, 1957 Swords-Plowshares.jpg
Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares in the UN garden, New York City, 1957
The Motherland Calls, 1967 Mamaev kurgan (OKN).JPG
The Motherland Calls , 1967


Marianne von Werefkin Selbstbildnis um 1910-1.jpg Marianne von Werefkin
avant-garde expressionist painter
(self-portrait, c. 1910)
Autumn. School, 1907 Marianne von Werefkin, Herbst (Schule), 1907.jpg
Autumn. School, 1907
A Red City, 1909 Marianne von Werefkin - Rote Stadt 1909.jpg
A Red City, 1909
Stormwind Marianne von Werefkin - Sturmwind.jpeg
Veschilov KA.jpg Constantin Alexandrovich Westchiloff
impressionist painter
On the Road, 1903 Constantin Westchiloff - On the Road.jpg
On the Road, 1903
Breakthrough of the Cruiser Askold in 1904 in the Yellow Sea, 1906 Constantin Westchiloff - The Askold Cruiser.jpg
Breakthrough of the Cruiser Askold in 1904 in the Yellow Sea , 1906
Still Life on a Terrace Constantin Westchiloff - Still Life on a Terrace.jpg
Still Life on a Terrace


Nikolay YAroshenko Avtoportret.JPG
Nikolai Yaroshenko
realist, genre and landscape painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1895)
Gipsy Woman, 1886 Gypsy Woman.jpg
Gipsy Woman, 1886
On Swing, 1888 Nikolaj Alexandrowitsch Jaroschenko - On swing.jpg
On Swing, 1888
Vladimir Solovyov, 1892 Vladimir Solovyov 1892 by Nikolay Yarochenko.jpg
Vladimir Solovyov , 1892
Konstantin Fyodorovich Yuon.jpg
Konstantin Yuon
painter, stage designer
(self-portrait, 1912)
Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra from Vokzalnaya Street, 1911 Yuon Lavra1911.jpg
Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra from Vokzalnaya Street, 1911
Rostov the Great in Winter, 1906 Yuon Rostov Winter-.jpg
Rostov the Great in Winter, 1906
Blue Bush, 1908 Blue bush.jpg
Blue Bush, 1908


Zagorskii Nikolai Petrovich, khudozhnik.jpg Nikolai Zagorsky
genre painter
David and Saul, 1873 N.Zagorskiy 001.jpg
David and Saul, 1873
At the local hospital, 1886 Zagorskii N. P. U zemskoi bol'nitsy.jpg
At the local hospital, 1886
The Carpenter , 1887 Zagorskii, Plotnik.jpg
The Carpenter , 1887
Piotr Zakharov-Chechenets - Avtoportret (1833-1834).jpg Pyotr Zakharov-Chechenets
painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1842)
Children of Pyotr Yermolov, 1839 ZaharovP PtDetPErmolovaGTG.jpg
Children of Pyotr Yermolov, 1839
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov, 1842 Zakharov-Yermolov.jpg
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov , 1842
Timofey Granovsky, 1845 ZakharovPZ PtTGranovskogoGTG.jpg
Timofey Granovsky , 1845
Karp Zolotaryov
(fl. last quarter of the 17th century)
icon-painter, interior designer, wood carver
Saints Faith, Hope and Charity and their mother Sophia, 1685 Karp Zolotaryov Sophia Faith Hope Charity 1685.jpg
Saints Faith, Hope and Charity and their mother Sophia, 1685
Theotokos and The Child Karp Zolotaryov Theotokos Late 17th century.jpg
Theotokos and The Child
Alexey Zubov
(1682 – c. 1750)
Swedish Ships Brought to Saint Petersburg after the Battle of Gangut, 1715 Zubov1715.jpg
Swedish Ships Brought to Saint Petersburg after the Battle of Gangut , 1715
View of Catherinehof, 1716 Catherinehof.jpg
View of Catherinehof , 1716
Battle of Grengam, end of the 1720s Battle of grengam.jpg
Battle of Grengam , end of the 1720s

See also