By-election Date Incumbent Party Winner [ 1] [ 2] Party Cause The Province 3 April 1860 Arthur Henry Freeling Edward Castres Gwynne George Marsden Waterhouse George Tinline Resigned Failure to attend The Province 7 August 1863 Thomas Shuldham O'Halloran William Scott George Tinline Edward McEllister Thomas Elder John Baker Resigned Resigned Failure to attend The Province 26 September 1866 Resigned Resigned Died Resigned The Province 26 November 1866 Charles Bonney William Parkin Resigned The Province 6 August 1867 Abraham Scott , Thomas Magarey , George Hall John Crozier , William Morgan , Emanuel Solomon Resigned Resigned Death Uncontested 4 July 1870 John Tuthill Bagot John B. Neales Resigned The Province 4 October 1871 John Henry Barrow Augustine Stow Emanuel Solomon William Storrie Thomas Elder Philip Santo Resigned (3) The Province 22 September 1873 John B. Neales William Sandover Deceased The Province 10 September 1878 Thomas English William Storrie Thomas Elder William Everard Henry Scott Allan Campbell John Hodgkiss Charles Burney Young Resigned Resigned Resigned Failure to attend the Parliament The Province 7 July 1880 Walter Duffield Henry Kent Hughes Charles Burney Young John Dunn Jr. James Garden Ramsay Alexander Borthwick Murray Resigned (3) Central 28 February 1884 Sir William Morgan William Knox Simms Deceased Southern 7 July 1885 Thomas English Samuel Tomkinson Deceased North-Eastern 28 June 1886 George Witherage Cotton John Bosworth Resigned Central 25 June 1887 John Crozier John Brodie Spence Alfred Muller Simpson John Howard Angas Deceased Resigned Northern 6 July 1887 William Dening Glyde William Copley Resigned Northern 11 July 1888 William Wadham Arthur Richman Addison Resigned Southern 28 June 1890 James Garden Ramsay Friedrich Eduard Heinrich Wulf Krichauff Deceased Southern 11 July 1891 W. A. E. West-Erskine John Lancelot Stirling Resigned Central 15 April 1893 George Witherage Cotton William Alfred Robinson Deceased Southern 15 April 1893 John Hannah Gordon John Hannah Gordon [ 3] Resigned due to financial difficulties, but stood for the vacant seat and was elected Central 11 September 1897 David Charleston United Labour Party David Morley Charleston Independent Resigned [ 4] North-Eastern 4 June 1898 William Haslam John Lewis Deceased Northern 26 November 1898 Allan Campbell Andrew Tennant Deceased North East uncontested 31 March 1900 James Martin John James Duncan Deceased Central 22 September 1900 Samuel Tomkinson Charles Cameron Kingston Deceased Central uncontested 9 February 1901 Charles Cameron Kingston John Langdon Parsons Resigned Central uncontested 1 June 1901 David Morley Charleston George Brookman Seated in Federal Parliament Southern 8 June 1901 Gregor McGregor , Richard Chaffey Baker Alfred von Doussa , George Riddoch Seated in Federal Parliament (2) Central 19 September 1903 John Langdon Parsons Hugo Carl Emil Muecke Deceased Southern uncontested 14 December 1903 John Hannah Gordon Louis von Doussa Resigned Central 19 December 1903 Robert Storrie Guthrie Beaumont Arnold Moulden Resigned Central 20 October 1906 Henry Thompson Independent David Jelley Labor Death Central 3 November 1906 Joseph Vardon Independent James Phillips Wilson Labor Resignation Central 2 March 1907 David Jelley Labor Frederick Samuel Wallis Labor Death Central 15 May 1909 Andrew Kirkpatrick Labor Theodore Bruce Independent Death Central 5 August 1911 Theodore Bruce Liberal Charles Morris Liberal Death Midland 15 November 1913 John Duncan Liberal David Gordon Liberal Death Southern 16 August 1915 John Downer Liberal Joseph Botterill Liberal Death Central No. 2 20 August 1915 Ern Klauer Labor William Humphrey Harvey Labor Death Southern 9 October 1920 Joseph Botterill Liberal Thomas McCallum Liberal Death Central No. 1 27 October 1928 Andrew Kirkpatrick Labor Frank Condon Labor Death Central No. 1 17 August 1929 John Carr Labor Stanley Whitford Labor Death Central No. 1 24 October 1931 Tom Gluyas Labor Joseph Anderson Independent Death Southern 17 June 1932 Lancelot Stirling LCL Reuben Cranstoun Mowbray LCL Death Northern 20 October 1934 William Morrow LCL Lyell McEwin LCL Death Central No. 2 14 December 1935 William Humphrey Harvey LCL Edward Holden LCL Death Southern 18 June 1938 Thomas McCallum LCL Alec Bagot Independent Death Northern 2 September 1939 Hartley Gladstone Hawkins LCL James Beerworth Labor Death Midland 1 November 1948 Douglas Peel Gordon LCL Colin Rowe LCL Death Northern 14 May 1949 Percy Blesing LCL Robert Richard Wilson LCL Death Southern 26 May 1949 Norman Brookman LCL John Lancelot Cowan LCL Death Central No. 1 24 October 1951 Oscar Oates Labor Stan Bevan Labor Death Midland 26 February 1955 Reginald Rudall LCL Ross Story LCL Death Central No. 1 16 September 1961 Frank Condon Labor Alfred Kneebone Labor Death Midland 20 October 1962 Alexander Melrose LCL Les Hart LCL Death Southern 15 December 1962 Allan Hookings LCL Ren DeGaris LCL Death Southern 19 June 1964 Geoffrey Giles LCL Henry Kemp LCL Resignation Central No. 2 4 December 1965 Frank Perry LCL Murray Hill LCL Death Northern 29 October 1966 Dudley Octoman LCL Arthur Whyte LCL Resignation Southern 2 June 1967 Les Densley LCL Victor George Springett LCL Resignation Central No. 1 15 May 1970 Stan Bevan Labor Tom Casey Labor Resignation Midland 12 September 1970 Colin Rowe LCL Keith Russack LCL Death Southern 3 July 1971 Norman Jude LCL Martin Cameron LCL Resignation Southern 11 August 1973 Henry Kemp LCL John Burdett LCL Death