List of children's hospitals in the United States

Last updated

A children's hospital is a medical facility that offers its services exclusively to children and adolescents. Most children's hospitals can serve children from birth up to the age of 21. The number of children's hospitals proliferated in the 20th century, as pediatric medical and surgical specialties separated from internal medicine and adult surgical specialties.

Children's hospitals are characterized by greater attention to the psychosocial support of children and their families. Some children and young people have to spend relatively long periods in the hospital, so having access to play and teaching staff can also be an important part of their care. With local partnerships, this can include trips to local botanical gardens, the zoo, and public libraries, for instance.

In addition to psychosocial support, children's hospitals have the benefit of being staffed by professionals who are trained in treating children. A medical doctor who undertakes vocational training in pediatrics must also be accepted for membership by a professional college before they can practice pediatrics. While many general hospitals can treat children adequately, pediatric specialists may be a better choice when it comes to treating rare afflictions that may prove fatal or severely detrimental to young children, in some cases before birth. Also, many children's hospitals will continue to see children with rare illnesses into adulthood, allowing for continuity of care.

Notable children's hospitals

HospitalCityStateBeds [1] Pediatric trauma level NICU level [2] # of specialties nationally ranked per US News & World Report [3] Picture
Children's of Alabama Birmingham Alabama 341Level I Pediatric [4] 49 Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children.jpg
Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children Huntsville Alabama51k
USA Children's and Women's Hospital Mobile Alabama1383
The Children's Hospital at Providence Anchorage Alaska 114Level II Pediatric3
Arkansas Children's Hospital Little Rock Arkansas 336Level I Pediatric44 ArkansasChildrensHospitalFront.jpg
Banner Children's at Desert Mesa Arizona 1623
Phoenix Children's Hospital Phoenix Arizona 457Level I Pediatric410 Phoenix Children's Hospital.jpg
Children's Center at Sutter Medical Center Sacramento California 1213
Children's Hospital Los Angeles Los Angeles California401Level I Pediatric410 Childrenshospitallosangeles.jpg
Children's Hospital of Orange County Mission Viejo California316Level II Pediatric37
Lauren Small Children's Center at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Bakersfield California74Level I Pediatric3
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital Loma Linda California325Level I Pediatric41 Lomalindauniversitychildren's.jpg
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford Palo Alto California361Level I Pediatric410
Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA Los Angeles California156Level I Pediatric36 Mattel UCLA Hospital.jpg
Miller Children's Hospital Long Beach California155Level II Pediatric31
Rady Children's Hospital San Diego California337Level I Pediatric410 Rady-children's-picture.jpg
Shriners Children's Northern California Sacramento California802
Shriners Children's Southern California Pasadena California
UC Davis Medical Center Sacramento California125Level I Pediatric44 UC Davis Medical Center.jpg
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital San Francisco California189310 UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, Mission Bay (July 2020) -2.jpg
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Oakland California135Level I Pediatric410 UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland.jpg
Valley Children's Hospital Madera California358Level II Pediatric47 Valley-childrens-from-afar.jpg
Children's Hospital Colorado Aurora Colorado 434Level I Pediatric310 ChildrensHospital.jpg
Children's Hospital Colorado Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Colorado 118Level I Pediatric Children's Hospital Colorado Colorado Springs.JPG
Memorial Hospital for Children Colorado Springs Colorado3
Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children Denver Colorado157Level IV Pediatric3
Connecticut Children's Medical Center Hartford Connecticut 185Level I Pediatric45
Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital New Haven Connecticut202Level I Pediatric46 Aerial closeup YNHH 2010.jpg
Children's National Hospital Washington District of Columbia 313Level I Pediatric410 CNMCentrance (cropped).jpg
Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children Wilmington Delaware 208Level I Pediatric44 NemoursAlfredduPontHospitalforChildren2016.jpg
AdventHealth For Children Orlando Florida 19831
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children OrlandoFlorida210Level I Pediatric35
Golisano Children's Hospital of Southwest Florida Fort Myers Florida1283
Holtz Children's Hospital Miami Florida21731
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Hollywood Florida215Level II Pediatric32
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital St. Petersburg Florida259Level II Pediatric48 JHACH Exterior Night.jpg
Nemours Children's Hospital Orlando Florida92 Nemours-childrens-hospital-florida.jpg
Nicklaus Children's Hospital Miami Florida281Level I Pediatric35
Palm Beach Children's Hospital West Palm Beach Florida1343
Salah Foundation Children's Hospital Fort Lauderdale Florida1353
Shriners Children's Florida Tampa Florida
St. Joseph's Children's Hospital Tampa Florida2183
Studer Family Children's Hospital Pensacola Florida1063
UF Health Shands Children's Hospital Gainesville Florida20848 Shands Childrens and Cancer Hospitals at Sunset.jpg
Wolfson Children's Hospital Jacksonville Florida272Level I Pediatric43
Wolfson Children's Hospital 2022.jpg
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Atlanta Georgia 614Level I Pediatric10 Henrietta Egleston Hospital for Children.JPG
The Children's Hospital at The Medical Center of Central Georgia Macon Georgia733
Dwaine & Cynthia Willett Children's Hospital of Savannah Savannah Georgia3
Children's Hospital of Georgia Augusta Georgia117Level II Pediatric3
Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children Honolulu Hawaii 1443
Shriners Children's Hawaii HonoluluHawaii24
St. Luke's Children's HospitalBoiseIdaho1134
Advocate Children's Hospital Oak Lawn and Park Ridge Illinois 25031 Advocate Lutheran General Hospital.jpg
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Chicago Illinois360Level I Pediatric [5] 310 Ann ^ Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital - panoramio.jpg
The Children's Hospital of Illinois Peoria Illinois144Level I Pediatric [5] 31
La Rabida Children's Hospital ChicagoIllinois30
Rush University Children's Hospital ChicagoIllinois1153 RUMC - new tower.jpg
St. John's Children's Hospital Springfield Illinois78Level II Pediatric3
Shriners Children's Chicago ChicagoIllinois60
University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital ChicagoIllinois161Level I Pediatric [5] 42 Kiar 04-25-05 9027RT.jpg
Beacon Children's Hospital South Bend Indiana853
Riley Hospital for Children Indianapolis Indiana354Level I Pediatric49 Riley Hospital for Children.jpg
Peyton Manning Children's Hospital IndianapolisIndianaLevel I Pediatric4
Blank Children's Hospital Des Moines Iowa 1083
MercyOne Children's Hospital Des Moines Iowa91Level II Pediatric4
University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital Iowa City Iowa187Level I Pediatric45
Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas Overland Park Kansas 3
Norton Children's Hospital Louisville Kentucky 300Level I Pediatric42 Norton Children's Hospital Exterior.jpg
Shriners Children's Lexington Lexington Kentucky501
University of Kentucky Children's Hospital LexingtonKentucky157Level I Pediatric32
Children's Hospital of New Orleans New Orleans Louisiana 2294
Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital Baton Rouge Louisiana90
Ochsner Hospital for Children New OrleansLouisiana11341
Shriners Children's Shreveport Shreveport Louisiana45
Barbara Bush Children's Hospital Portland Maine 924
The Herman & Walter Samuelson Children's Hospital at Sinai Baltimore Maryland 223
Johns Hopkins Children's Center BaltimoreMaryland196Level I Pediatric410 Johns-hopkins-hospital.jpg
Kennedy Krieger Institute BaltimoreMaryland
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital BaltimoreMaryland67
University of Maryland Children's Hospital BaltimoreMaryland11741 UMMC.jpg
Baystate Children's Hospital Springfield Massachusetts Level II Pediatric3
Boston Children's Hospital Boston Massachusetts475Level I Pediatric410 Tch-boston.jpg
Floating Hospital for Children BostonMassachusetts62Level I Pediatric3 Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston Massachusetts.jpg
Franciscan Hospital for Children BostonMassachusetts74
MassGeneral Hospital for Children BostonMassachusetts100Level I Pediatric35
North Shore Children's Hospital Salem Massachusetts2
Shriners Children's Boston BostonMassachusetts30
Shriners Children's New England SpringfieldMassachusetts40
UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center Worcester Massachusetts101Level I Pediatric3
Ascension St. John Children's Hospital Detroit Michigan 83Level II Pediatric3
Bronson Methodist Children's Health Kalamazoo Michigan
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Ann Arbor Michigan244Level I Pediatric410 C.S. Mott Children's & Women's Hospital Ann Arbor Michigan 2.JPG
Children's Hospital of Michigan Detroit Michigan227Level I Pediatric46 Children's Hospital of Michigan EmergRoom.jpg
Helen DeVos Children's Hospital Grand Rapids Michigan241Level I Pediatric47 Medical Mile Station, Silver Line, Grand Rapids, Michigan.JPG
Hurley Children's Hospital Flint Michigan42Level II Pediatric3
Children's Minnesota St. Paul and
Minnesota 384Level I Pediatric32
Essentia Health-St. Mary's Children's Hospital Duluth MinnesotaLevel II Pediatric3
Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare St. PaulMinnesota60Level I Pediatric
Mayo Eugenio Litta Children's Hospital Rochester Minnesota148Level I Pediatric48
M Health Fairview Masonic Children's Hospital MinneapolisMinnesota212Level III Pediatric
Level IV Neonatal
The Children's Hospital at HCMC MinneapolisMinnesotaLevel I Pediatric3
Shriners Children's Twin Cities Woodbury Minnesota
Children's of Mississippi Jackson Mississippi 2564 Children's-of-Mississippi.jpg
Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital St. Louis Missouri 17646 Kid statues.jpg
Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas City Missouri364Level I Pediatric49 Children's Mercy Hospital Adele Hall Campus, Kansas City, Mo., 2014.jpg
Mercy Kids Children's Hospital St. Louis St. Louis Missouri2483
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital Maryland Heights Missouri34 SE ext.JPG
St. Louis Children's Hospital St. LouisMissouri390Level I Pediatric410 Slch-photo.jpg
Shriners Children's St. Louis St. LouisMissouri121
University of Missouri Women's and Children's Hospital Columbia Missouri1263 ColumbiaRegional.JPG
Montana Children's Medical Center Kalispell Montana 20
Children's Nebraska Omaha Nebraska 140Level II Pediatric44
Children's Hospital of Nevada Las Vegas Nevada 77Level II Pediatric3
Renown Children's Hospital Reno Nevada833
Sunrise Children's Hospital Las VegasNevada3
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD) Lebanon New Hampshire 51Level II Pediatric3
Bristol Myers Squibb Children's Hospital New Brunswick New Jersey 105Level II Pediatric3 Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital Front.jpg
The Children's Hospital at Saint Peter's University Hospital New BrunswickNew Jersey31 Saint Peters University Hospital women and children's pavilion.jpg
Children's Hospital of New Jersey Newark New Jersey3
Children's Specialized Hospital New BrunswickNew Jersey140 The Entire Children's Specialized Hospital New Jersey building.jpg
Goryeb Children's Hospital Morristown New Jersey694
Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital Hackensack New Jersey10531 Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital front entrance.png
K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital Neptune New Jersey88Level II Pediatric31 K hovnanian ch at JSUMC.jpg
St. Joseph's Children's Hospital Paterson New Jersey3
Children's Regional Hospital at Cooper CamdenNew Jersey61Level II Pediatric3
University Hospital Pediatrics NewarkNew Jersey3
Unterberg Children Hospital Long Branch New Jersey703
University of New Mexico Children's Hospital Albuquerque New Mexico 130Level I Pediatric4
Blythedale Children's Hospital Valhalla New York 86 Blythedale childrens hospital Valhalla jeh.jpg
Children's Hospital at Montefiore New York City (The Bronx)New York19335
Golisano Children's Hospital Rochester New York190Level I Pediatric41
Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital SyracuseNew York Upstate-Childrens-Hospital-2016-05.jpg
Hassenfeld Children's Hospital New York City (Manhattan)New York1023 NYU Langone Medical Center (41246168170)-Kimmel-Pavilion.jpg
Komansky Center for Children's Health New York City (Manhattan)New York103Level II Pediatric48
Kravis Children's Hospital New York City (Manhattan)New York1024
Maria Fareri Children's Hospital ValhallaNew York136Level I Pediatric4 Maria Fareri Children's Hospital.png
Memorial Sloan Kettering Children's Cancer Center New York City (Manhattan)New York1
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital New York City (Manhattan)New York193Level I Pediatric38 Columbia University Medical Center Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital.jpg
St. Mary's Hospital for ChildrenNew York City (Queens)New York103
Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York New Hyde Park New York146Level I Pediatric49
Stony Brook Children's Hospital Stony Brook New York106Level I Pediatric3
John R. Oishei Children's Hospital Buffalo New York250Level I Pediatric4 Oishei1.jpg
Duke Children's Hospital Durham North Carolina 15149
Jeff Gordon's Children's Hospital Concord North Carolina3
Levine Children's Hospital Charlotte North Carolina247Level I Pediatric48
Hemby Children's Hospital CharlotteNorth Carolina4
UNC Children's Hospital Chapel Hill North Carolina150Level I Pediatric47 Northcarolinach.jpeg
Maynard Children's Hospital Greenville North Carolina130Level II Pediatric3
Brenner Children's Hospital Winston-Salem North Carolina137Level I Pediatric4 BrennerED Exterior.jpg
Akron Children's Hospital Akron Ohio 434Level II Pediatric34
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati Ohio634Level I Pediatric410 William Cooper Procter Pavilion, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Corryville, Cincinnati, OH (47282022261).jpg
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital Cleveland Ohio389310 Cleveland Clinic Miller Family Pavilion.jpg
Dayton Children's Hospital Dayton Ohio167Level I Pediatric32 NEW ext photo.JPG
Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Ohio673Level I Pediatric310 Nationwide Childrens Hospital, Exterior from Fragrance Maze, May 2013.jpg
Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital ClevelandOhio237Level I Pediatric48 Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital.jpg
Shriners Children's Ohio DaytonOhio
Toledo Children's Hospital ToledoOhio99Level II Pediatric3
Mercy Health — Children's Hospital ToledoOhioLevel II Pediatric3
The Children's Hospital at Saint Francis Tulsa Oklahoma 1443
The Children's Hospital of Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma246Level I Pediatric4 Childrens Hosp Nima1.JPG
Doernbecher Children's Hospital Portland Oregon 145Level I Pediatric35 Doernbecher Childrens Hospital - from east - Portland Oregon.jpg
Randall Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel PortlandOregon181Level I Pediatric3 Randall Children's Hospital landscape - Portland, Oregon.JPG
Shriners Children's Portland PortlandOregon29 Portland Shriner Hospital full - Oregon.JPG
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia Pennsylvania 541Level I Pediatric310 Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.jpg
Janet Weis Children's Hospital Danville Pennsylvania91Level II Pediatric4
Lehigh Valley Reilly Children's Hospital Allentown Pennsylvania85Level II Pediatric4 Lehigh-Valley-Hospital.x.jpg
Penn State Children's Hospital Hershey Pennsylvania145Level I Pediatric45 Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center (50852928922).jpg
St. Christopher's Hospital for Children PhiladelphiaPennsylvania119Level I Pediatric4
Shriners Children's Erie Erie Pennsylvania
Shriners Children's Philadelphia PhiladelphiaPennsylvania49
UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh PittsburghPennsylvania302Level I Pediatric410 Pittsburgh Childrens Hospital.jpg
Puerto Rico Children's Hospital Bayamón Puerto Rico 1503
San Jorge Children's Hospital San Juan Puerto Rico87
University Pediatric Hospital (Medical Science Campus)San JuanPuerto Rico543
Hasbro Children's Hospital Providence Rhode Island 63Level I Pediatric Hasbro Childrens Hospital, Providence Rhode Island.jpg
Bradley Hospital (Children's Psychiatric)ProvidenceRhode Island16
Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island ProvidenceRhode Island804 Women and Infants Hospital.jpg
AnMed Health Women's and Children's Hospital Anderson South Carolina 72
Prisma Health Children's Hospital–Upstate (formerly Children's Hospital of Greenville Health System) Greenville South Carolina1703
MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital Charleston South Carolina250Level I Pediatric44 MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital.jpg
Prisma Health Children's Hospital–Midlands (formerly Palmetto Health Children's Hospital) Columbia South Carolina163Level II Pediatric3
Shriners Children's Greenville GreenvilleSouth Carolina50
Sanford Health Children's Hospital Sioux Falls South Dakota 118Level II Pediatric3
Sanford Childrens Hospital.JPG
Children's Hospital at Erlanger Chattanooga Tennessee 1283 Children's Hospital at Erlanger.jpg
East Tennessee Children's Hospital Knoxville Tennessee1523
Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center Memphis Tennessee250Level I Pediatric47
Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Nashville Tennessee267Level I Pediatric410 Vanderbiltchildrens.JPG
Niswonger Children's Hospital Johnson City Tennessee733
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital MemphisTennessee691 St Judes grass.jpg
Children's Hospital of San Antonio San Antonio Texas 198Level I Pediatric Children's Hospital of San Antonio (22292849120).jpg
Children's Medical Center Dallas Dallas Texas496Level I Pediatric410 Dallas Children's Medical Center Nima2.jpg
Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital Houston Texas310Level I Pediatric42 Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital.jpeg
Cook Children's Healthcare System Fort Worth Texas391Level II Pediatric42
Covenant Children's Hospital Lubbock Texas275Level II Pediatric4
Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas Austin Texas212Level I Pediatric3 Dell-childrens-dallas-outside.jpg
Driscoll Children's Hospital Corpus Christi Texas1914
Edinburg Children's Hospital Edinburg Texas1073
El Paso Children's Hospital El Paso Texas1223 El Paso Children's, University Medical Center of El Paso 2022-05-29.jpg
John Sealy Children's Hospital Galveston Texas4
Medical City Children's Hospital DallasTexas181Level II Pediatric3
Methodist Children's Hospital San AntonioTexas3
Providence Memorial Children's Hospital El PasoTexas3
McLane Children's Hospital TempleTexas112Level II Pediatric4
Shriners Children' Texas GalvestonTexas30 Shriners Hospital, Galveston.jpg
Texas Children's Hospital HoustonTexas973Level I Pediatric410 Texas Childrens Hospital Houston at Night.jpg
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children DallasTexas521
Primary Children's Hospital Salt Lake City Utah 289Level I Pediatric38 Primary Children's Hospital 1.jpg
Shriners Children's Salt Lake City Salt Lake CityUtah451
University of Vermont Children's Hospital Burlington Vermont 58Level II Pediatric3
Carilion Clinic Children's Hospital Roanoke Virginia 923
Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU Richmond Virginia102Level 1 Pediatric4
Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters Norfolk Virginia185Level 1 Pediatric4 CHKD picture.jpg
INOVA Children's Hospital Falls Church Virginia24141
University of Virginia Children's Hospital Charlottesville Virginia11145 University of Virginia Battle Building 3.jpg
Saint Mary's Children's Hospital RichmondVirginia3
Mary Bridge Children's Hospital Tacoma Washington 75
Sacred Heart Children's Hospital Spokane Washington1603
Seattle Children's Seattle Washington360410 Seattle Children's hospital, 2014-10-13.jpg
Shriners Children's Spokane SpokaneWashington30
CAMC Women and Children's Hospital Charleston West Virginia 3
West Virginia University Children's Hospital Morgantown West Virginia105Level II Pediatric41
American Family Children's Hospital Madison Wisconsin 101Level I Pediatric41
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Wauwatosa Wisconsin184Level I Pediatric46 Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and Froedtert, two teaching hospitals affiliated with MCW.JPG
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin-Fox Valley Neenah Wisconsin3
Saint Joseph's Children's Hospital Marshfield Wisconsin3

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Johns Hopkins Hospital</span> Hospital in Maryland, U.S.

The Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH) is the teaching hospital and biomedical research facility of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Founded in 1889, Johns Hopkins Hospital and its school of medicine are considered to be the founding institutions of modern American medicine and the birthplace of numerous famed medical traditions, including rounds, residents, and house staff. Several medical specialties were founded at the hospital, including neurosurgery by Harvey Cushing and Walter Dandy, cardiac surgery by Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas, and child psychiatry by Leo Kanner. Johns Hopkins Children's Center, which serves infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21, is attached to the hospital.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children's hospital</span> Hospital that offers its services exclusively to children

A children's hospital(CH) is a hospital that offers its services exclusively to infants, children, adolescents, and young adults from birth up to until age 18, and through age 21 and older in the United States. In certain special cases, they may also treat adults. The number of children's hospitals proliferated in the 20th century, as pediatric medical and surgical specialties separated from internal medicine and adult surgical specialties.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children's Medical Center Dallas</span> Hospital

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children's Hospital Colorado</span> Hospital in Colorado, United States

Children's Hospital Colorado is an academic pediatric acute care children's hospital system with its flagship hospital located in the Anschutz Medical Campus near the interchange of I-225 and Colfax Avenue in Aurora, Colorado. The hospital system has more than 600 pediatric beds at its four hospitals located in Aurora, Colorado Springs, Highlands Ranch and Broomfield. As Children's Colorado is a teaching hospital, it operates a number of residency programs, which train newly graduated physicians in various pediatric specialties and subspecialties. The hospital is affiliated with the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 and sometimes until 25 throughout Colorado and the Midwest. The hospital also sometimes treats adults that require pediatric care. Children's Colorado is the only children's hospital in Colorado. Additionally, the hospital has outpatient centers, campuses, and doctors offices around Colorado. The hospital features an ACS verified Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center and features a rooftop helipad to transport critically ill patients.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center</span> Hospital in Ohio, United States

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is an academic pediatric acute care children's hospital located in the Pill Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. The hospital has 652 pediatric beds and is affiliated with the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to pediatric patients aged 0–21 throughout southern Ohio and northern Kentucky, as well as patients from around the United States and the world. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center also treats adults, including adults with congenital heart disease and young adults with blood disease or cancer. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center also features a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, 1 of 4 in the state. Cincinnati Children's is home to a large neonatology department that oversees newborn nurseries at local hospitals around Ohio. The hospital features an AAP verified 89-bed Level IV (highest possible) Newborn Intensive Care Unit.

Adolescent medicine, also known as adolescent and young adult medicine, is a medical subspecialty that focuses on care of patients who are in the adolescent period of development. This period begins at puberty and lasts until growth has stopped, at which time adulthood begins. Typically, patients in this age range will be in the last years of middle school up until college graduation. In developed nations, the psychosocial period of adolescence is extended both by an earlier start, as the onset of puberty begins earlier, and a later end, as patients require more years of education or training before they reach economic independence from their parents.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital</span> Hospital in New York, United States

Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian is a women's and children's hospital at 3959 Broadway, near West 165th Street, in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. It is a part of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The hospital treats patients aged 0–21 from New York City and around the world. The hospital features a dedicated regional ACS designated pediatric Level 1 Trauma Center and is named after financial firm Morgan Stanley, which largely funded its construction through philanthropy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital</span> Hospital in Ohio, United States

Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital is a pediatric acute care children's teaching hospital located in Cleveland, Ohio. It is affiliated with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and has a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), and level 1 pediatric trauma center.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">University of Virginia Health System</span> Hospital in Virginia, United States

The University of Virginia (UVA) Health System is an academic health care center associated with the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The health system includes a medical center, school of medicine, school of nursing, and health sciences library. The health system provides inpatient and outpatient care and patient education and conducts medical research and education.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nationwide Children's Hospital</span> Hospital in Ohio, United States

Nationwide Children's Hospital is a nationally ranked pediatric acute care teaching hospital located in the Southern Orchards neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. The hospital has 673 pediatric beds and is affiliated with the Ohio State University College of Medicine. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 throughout Ohio and surrounding regions. Nationwide Children's Hospital also sometimes treats adults that require pediatric care. Nationwide Children's Hospital also features an ACS-verified Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, one of four in the state. The hospital has affiliations with the nearby Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Nationwide Children's Hospital is located on its own campus and has more than 1,379 medical staff members and over 11,909 total employees.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">University of Maryland Medical Center</span> Hospital in Maryland, United States

The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) is a teaching hospital with 806 beds based in Baltimore, Maryland, that provides the full range of health care to people throughout Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region. It gets more than 26,000 inpatient admissions and 284,000 outpatient visits each year. UMMC has approximately 9,050 employees at the UMMC Downtown Campus, as well as 1,300 attending physicians and 950 resident physicians across the Downtown and the Midtown campuses. UMMC provides training for about half of Maryland's physicians and other health care professionals. All members of the medical staff are on the faculty of the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children's Hospital of Michigan</span> Hospital in Michigan, United States

Children's Hospital of Michigan (CHM) is a for-profit, pediatric acute care hospital located in Detroit, Michigan. The hospital has 227 beds and is affiliated with both the Wayne State University School of Medicine and the Michigan State University Medical School. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to pediatric patients aged 0–21 throughout eastern Michigan and the Detroit area and is a part of the Detroit Medical Center. The hospital features the only freestanding pediatric Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center in the Detroit region, 1 of 3 in the state. It is an international provider of pediatric neurology, neurosurgery, cardiology, oncology and diagnostic services including Positron Emission Tomography and MRI.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital</span> Hospital in California, United States

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital is a children's hospital system in San Francisco and Oakland, California, affiliated to the University of California, San Francisco. The hospital is a quaternary research and teaching hospital, and is the largest public recipient of NIH funding worldwide for 17 consecutive years, with $789,196,651 in total funding for FY 2023. A quaternary care hospital is the highest designation for facilities that can treat the most complex and specialized conditions. It has three campuses: the Parnassus Heights Campus, the Mount Zion Campus, and the Mission Bay Campus, and three UCSF Affiliates: the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, as well as the San Francisco VA Medical Center. The research campus within the Mission Bay Campus has over one million GSF of research space, in addition to the over one million GSF hospital complex, comprising the Benioff Children's Hospital, Betty Irene Moore Women's Hospital, Gateway Medical Building, and the UCSF Bakar Precision Cancer Medicine Building.

Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center at Long Island Jewish Medical Center (CCMC), formerly Schneider Children's Hospital and North Shore-LIJ Children's Hospital is a pediatric acute care children's teaching hospital located in New Hyde Park, New York. The hospital has 202 pediatric beds and is affiliated the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. The hospital is a member of Northwell Health and is the only children's hospital in the network. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 throughout Long Island and New York state. Cohen Children's also sometimes treats adults that require pediatric care. Cohen Children's Medical Center also features the largest ACS verified Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center in the region. Cohen Children's Medical Center is the largest provider of pediatric health services in New York state. The hospital is attached to Long Island Jewish Medical Center and adjacent to the Ronald Mcdonald House of Long Island.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children's Hospital at Montefiore</span> Hospital in New York, United States

The Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) is a nationally ranked pediatric acute care children's teaching hospital located in the Bronx, New York. The hospital has 193 pediatric beds and is affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The hospital is a member of the Montefiore health network and is the only children's hospital in the network. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 throughout the Bronx and New York state. Children's Hospital at Montefiore also sometimes treats adults that require pediatric care. While CHAM does have a pediatric emergency department, they do not have a pediatric trauma center and sends all pediatric trauma cases to the nearby Jacobi Medical Center's level II pediatric trauma center. The Children's Hospital at Montefiore is one of the largest providers of pediatric health services in New York state. The hospital is attached to Montefiore Medical Center and is affiliated with the Ronald McDonald House of New York.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Comer Children's Hospital</span> Hospital in Illinois, United States

The University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital (UC CCH) formerly University of Chicago Children's Hospital is a nationally ranked, freestanding, 172-bed, pediatric acute care children's hospital adjacent to University of Chicago Medical Center. It is affiliated with the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and is a member of the UChicago health system, the only children's hospital in the system. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 throughout Chicago and features an ACS verified level I pediatric trauma center. Its regional pediatric intensive-care unit and neonatal intensive care units serve the Chicago region.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Johns Hopkins Children's Center</span> Hospital in Maryland, United States

Johns Hopkins Children's Center (JHCC) is a nationally ranked, pediatric acute care children's teaching hospital located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States, adjacent to Johns Hopkins Hospital. The hospital has 196 pediatric beds and is affiliated with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The hospital is the flagship pediatric member of Johns Hopkins Medicine and is one of two children's hospitals in the network. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 throughout Baltimore and the wider United States. Johns Hopkins Children's Center also sometimes treats adults who require pediatric care. Johns Hopkins Children's Center also features the only ACS verified Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center in the state. The hospital is directly attached to Johns Hopkins Hospital and is situated near the Ronald McDonald House of Maryland.

OSF HealthCare Children's Hospital of Illinois known simply as Children's Hospital of Illinois is a nationally ranked pediatric acute care children's hospital located within OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois. The hospital has 144 pediatric beds. It is affiliated with The University of Illinois College of Medicine, and is a member of OSF HealthCare.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital</span> Hospital in Texas, United States

Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital (CMHH) is a nationally ranked women's and pediatric acute care teaching hospital located in Houston, Texas. The hospital has 234 pediatric beds and 76 beds for women. CMHH is affiliated with the John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and is a part of the Memorial Hermann Health System. The hospital provides comprehensive pediatric specialties and subspecialties to infants, children, teens, and young adults aged 0–21 throughout Houston and surrounding regions. Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital also sometimes treats adults that require pediatric care. CMHH also features an American College of Surgeons designated Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, 1 of 5 in the state. The hospital is located within the vast Texas Medical Center.


  1. "Children's Hospital Directory". Children's Hospital Association. Archived from the original on 2020-02-21. Retrieved 2020-03-19.
  2. "NICUSearch". Archived from the original on 2020-03-03. Retrieved 2020-04-04.
  3. "Find a Children's Hospital". U.S. News & World Report. Archived from the original on 26 September 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2020.
  4. "Trauma Centers | Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH)". Archived from the original on 2020-03-21. Retrieved 2020-03-19.
  5. 1 2 3 "Illinois Hospital Report Card and Consumer Guide to Health Care". Archived from the original on 2020-04-11. Retrieved 2020-03-19.