List of executive actions by Woodrow Wilson

Last updated

There are various kinds of executive actions that United States presidents may take.


Executive orders are issued to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. [1] Presidential memoranda are closely related, and have the force of law on the Executive Branch, but are generally considered less prestigious. Presidential memoranda do not have an established process for issuance, and unlike executive orders, they are not numbered. A presidential determination is a determination resulting in an official policy or position of the executive branch of the United States government. [2] A presidential proclamation is a statement issued by a president on a matter of public policy issued under specific authority granted to the president by Congress and typically on a matter of widespread interest. [3] Administrative orders are signed documents such as notices, letters, and orders that can be issued to conduct administrative operations of the federal government. [4] [5] A presidential notice or a presidential sequestration order can also be issued. [6] [7]

Listed below are executive orders numbered 17443415andpresidential proclamations signed by United States President Woodrow Wilson (19131921). He issued 1803 executive orders. [8] His executive orders are also listed on Wikisource, along with his presidential proclamations.

Signature of Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson Signature 2.svg
Signature of Woodrow Wilson

Executive orders


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
11744Mabel P. Leroy, Clerk in the Interior Department, Again Designated to Sign President's Name to Land PatentsMarch 10, 1913
21745Charles Earl, Solicitor of the Commerce Dept. Designated to Act as Labor Secretary During the Absence of the Labor Secretary and the Assistant SecretaryMarch 11, 1913
31746 Executive Order No. 1438 of November 23, 1911, Placing Certain Lands Between Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon, Alaska, Under the Control of the Interior Secretary Revoked; and Said Lands Reserved for the Use of the Signal Corps.March 14, 1913
41747Pine Mountain Administrative Site, Oregon, Created as a Ranger Station in the Administration of Deschutes National ForestMarch 17, 1913
51748Edward H. Hayden made eligible for appointment to position in classified service of Treasury Department without regard to Civil Service RulesMarch 18, 1913
6 1749 Providing for the Protection of Birds and Their Nests in the Canal ZoneMarch 19, 1913
7 1750 Modification In Application of Safety Appliance ActsMarch 19, 1913
8 1751 To Amend an Executive Order Approved February 5, 1912, Providing an Inexpensive Method for the Administration of the Estates of Deceased and Insane Persons in Certain Cases, Etc.March 20, 1913
9 1752 Relating to Foreign CorporationsMarch 20, 1913
101752½Revoking Executive Order No. 1718 of February 26, 1913, Changing Gregory Land Office to Carter, South DakotaMarch 21, 1913
111753Designating Martin A. Knapp as Chairman of the Interstate Commerce CommissionMarch 22, 1913
121754Designating Mary K. Gulick as Land Patent Signer in the Interior DepartmentMarch 22, 1913
13 1755 Suspending Executive Order No. 1722½ of February 26, 1913, Concerning Claims for Injuries to Employees on the Panama CanalMarch 24, 1913
141756Executive Order No. 1719 of February 26, 1913, Transferring Certain Lands from the Chamberlain Land District, S. Dakota, to the Pierre Land District, Amended to Diminish the Lands So TransferredMarch 24, 1913
151757Penal Bonds of the Receivers of Public Moneys for Specified Places PrescribedMarch 26, 1913
161758Charles P. Neill, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Designated to Act as Labor Secretary During the Absence of the Labor Secretary and the Assistant SecretaryMarch 31, 1913
171759Transferring Certain Described Lands in North Dakota from Fargo Land District to the Devil's Lake Land DistrictApril 15, 1913
181760Consolidating Fargo Land District with Bismarck Land District, North DakotaApril 15, 1913
19 1761 To Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal ZoneApril 15, 1913
201762Withdrawing Certain Described Lands in Oregon Pending Legislation to Grant Them to the State for Park PurposesApril 18, 1913
211763Establishing Walker Lake Reservation, Arkansas, as a Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native BirdsApril 21, 1913
221764Certain Described Lands Near Kluckwan, Alaska, Reserved for Use of Natives of the Indigenous Alaskan RaceApril 21, 1913
231765Modification of Executive Order No. 1661 of December 12, 1912, Reserving Certain Lands at Port Angeles, WashingtonApril 21, 1913
241766Theodore T. Kirk Made Eligible for Appointment as Mechanical Draftsman in the Navy Dept. Without Regard to Civil Service RulesApril 21, 1913
251767Enlarging Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Oahu, Territory of HawaiiApril 28, 1913
26 1768 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Noncompetitive Examinations for Interstate Commerce Commission PersonnelApril 23, 1913
27 1769 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Positions Excepted from Examination for Interstate Commerce Commission PersonnelApril 23, 1913
281770Mary E. Netherland Made Eligible for Transfer from Clerk to Sign Tribal Deeds to a Regular Clerkship in the Interior Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesMay 1, 1913
291771Authorizing Swend. A. Swendsen to Position in Competitive Classified ServiceMay 5, 1913
30 1772 Reserving Land in California for Use of Nevada or Colony IndiansMay 6, 1913
311773Certain Described Lands in Montana Transferred, with the Business and Archives Pertaining Thereto, from the Helena Land District, to the Kalispell Land DistrictMay 6, 1913
32 1774 Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use of Navajo IndiansMay 6, 1913
331775Petit Bois Island Reservation, Gulf of Mexico, Established as a Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native BirdsMay 6, 1913
34 1776 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Competitive Status for Fourth Class PostmastersMay 7, 1913
35 1777 Amending Civil Service Rules to Omit Chief Post-Office Inspector from Excepted PositionsMay 7, 1913
36 1778 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Appointment for Fourth Class PostmastersMay 7, 1913
371779John E. Hollingsworth Made Eligible for Reinstatement as Post Office Inspector Without Regard to Length of Separation from the ServiceMay 7, 1913
381780Romus F. Stuart Made Eligible for Reinstatement as Post Office Inspector Without Regard to Length of Separation from the ServiceMay 7, 1913
391781Albert Lee Thurman, Solicitor of the Commerce Department, Designated to Act as Commerce Secretary During the Absence of the Commerce Secretary and the Assistant SecretaryMay 27, 1913
40 1782 Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, EnlargedJune 2, 1913
411783June 5, 1913
42 1784 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Excepted Positions for Clerks to Heads of Bureaus Appointed by the PresidentJune 6, 1913
431785June 9, 1913
44 1786 Withdrawing Public Lands in Arizona for Purpose of ClassificationJune 11, 1913
451787June 17, 1913
461788June 17, 1913
471789June 23, 1913
481790June 27, 1913
491791June 27, 1913
50 1792 Jury Trials in the Canal ZoneJune 30, 1913
511793July 3, 1913
521794Certain Described Lands in Alabama Withdrawn Pending Classification and Designation as a Nucleus for a Forest Purchase AreaJuly 3, 1913
531795July 3, 1913
541796July 14, 1913
551797July 15, 1913
56 1798 Revoking Executive Order of May 29, 1912, Which Reserved Lands for Walapai IndiansJuly 18, 1913
571799July 18, 1913
581800July 21, 1913
591801July 21, 1913
601802July 21, 1913
61 1803 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Private Secretary to Public Printer from ExaminationJuly 23, 1913
621804July 24, 1913
631805July 26, 1913
641806July 26, 1913
651807July 30, 1913
66 1808 Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Temporary Detective Employees in Internal Revenue Service from ExaminationAugust 2, 1913
671809August 6, 1913
681810To Prohibit the Unauthorized Use of Flying MachinesAugust 7, 1913
691811August 9, 1913
70 1812 Appointing Richard Lee Metcalfe to the Isthmian Canal CommissionAugust 9, 1913
711813August 20, 1913
721814August 25, 1913
731815August 25, 1913
741816August 25, 1913
75 1817 Relating to Bail Bonds and Money Deposits in Lieu Thereof, and to Amend Section 310 of Criminal Procedure of the Canal ZoneAugust 29, 1913
761818August 29, 1913
77 1819 Establishing Anaho Island Reservation as Preserve for Native BirdsSeptember 4, 1913
781820September 4, 1913
791821September 4, 1913
801822September 11, 1913
811823September 17, 1913
821824September 17, 1913
831825September 17, 1913
841826September 17, 1913
851827September 18, 1913
861828September 18, 1913
87 1829 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Employees Exempted from Examination in Agriculture DepartmentSeptember 22, 1913
881830September 24, 1913
891831September 25, 1913
90 1832 To Punish Deported Persons Who Return to the Canal ZoneSeptember 25, 1913
911833September 29, 1913
921833½Use of Roller Towels and Other Towels for Use by More than One Person in Federal Buildings DiscontinuedSeptember 30, 1913
931834October 1, 1913
941835October 1, 1913
951836October 1, 1913
96 1837 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Noncompetitive Examinations for Junior Clerks in Office of Indian AffairsOctober 14, 1913
971838October 16, 1913
981839October 17, 1913
991840October 17, 1913
1001841October 21, 1913
1011842October 21, 1913
1021843October 22, 1913
1031844October 22, 1913
1041845October 22, 1913
1051846October 24, 1913
1061847October 29, 1913
1071848October 29, 1913
1081849October 29, 1913
1091850October 29, 1913
110 1851 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Positions Excepted from Examination for Interstate Commerce Commission PersonnelOctober 29, 1913
1111852October 30, 1913
1121853October 30, 1913
1131854November 1, 1913
1141855November 3, 1913
1151856November 5, 1913
116 1857 To Regulate the Carrying of Arms in the Canal ZoneNovember 7, 1913
1171858November 8, 1913
1181859November 8, 1913
119 1860 Fixing the Rate of Interest on MoneyNovember 11, 1913
1201861November 18, 1913
121 1862 Ordering that New Structures Erected in District of Columbia and Other Matters Related to Art Be Submitted to Commission of Fine ArtNovember 28, 1913
1221863December 1, 1913
1231864December 1, 1913
1241865December 5, 1913
1251866December 5, 1913
1261867December 10, 1913
1271868December 15, 1913
1281869December 15, 1913
1291870December 15, 1913
1301871December 18, 1913
1311872December 22, 1913
1321873December 22, 1913
1331874Albert K. Brown, Made Eligible for Promotion Without Regard to Civil Service Rules on ExaminationDecember 22, 1913
1341875Anita H. Stephens, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on ExaminationDecember 22, 1913


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
1351876Oregon, Withdrawal of Certain Described Lands for Classification and Pending LegislationJanuary 14, 1914
1361877Creation of Allen Administrative Site, Montana, for Use in the Administration of UnascertainedJanuary 14, 1914
1371878Colorado, Withdrawal of Certain Described Lands Pending Legislation Creating a Protected Water Supply for the City of Black HawkJanuary 16, 1914
1381879Edith P. Johnson, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on Eligibility of RetentionJanuary 19, 1914
139 1880 Canal Zone Regulations to Prevent the Corrupt Influencing of Agents, Employees or ServantsJanuary 21, 1914
1401881Francis H. Duehay, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on Eligibility for AppointmentJanuary 24, 1914
1411882Eliza Ryon, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on Eligibility for ReinstatementJanuary 24, 1914
1421883Revoking Portions of Executive Order No. 1324½ of March 28, 1911, Reserving Public Lands Within National Forest, AlaskaJanuary 24, 1914
143 1884 To Prevent Fire-Hunting at Night, and Hunting by Means of a Spring or Trap in the Canal Zone, and to Repeal the Executive Order No. 1106 of September 8, 1909January 27, 1914
144 1885 To Establish a Permanent Organization for the Panama CanalJanuary 27, 1914
1451886January 30, 1914
1461887January 31, 1914
147 1888 Providing Conditions of Employment for the Permanent Force for the Panama CanalFebruary 2, 1914
1481889February 3, 1914
1491890February 5, 1914
1501896February 24, 1914
151 1897 To Establish a Washington Office of The Panama CanalMarch 2, 1914
152 1898 Relating to the Canal Zone JudiciaryMarch 12, 1914
153 1902 Providing Method for Determination and Adjustment of All Claims Arising out of Personal Injuries to Employees Engaged in Actual Work on Panama Canal or Panama RailroadMarch 20, 1914
1541903Certain Described Lands in Utah Reserved for the Goshute and Other IndiansMarch 23, 1914
1551909March 30, 1914
1561910April 2, 1914
157 1917 Establishing Regulations Relative to the Payment of Tolls and of Bills for Materials, Supplies, Repairs, Harbor Pilotage, Towage, and Other Services, Furnished to Vessels by the Panama CanalApril 16, 1914
1581919½Certain Described Lands in Alaska Reserved for Townsite PurposesApril 21, 1914
159 1920 Reserving Land Near Klawak, Alaska, for Use of the United States Bureau of Education and Indigenous AlaskansApril 21, 1914
1601920½April 21, 1914
161 1926 Relating to Salaries of Consular OfficersApril 30, 1914
1621927May 2, 1914
1631930May 5, 1914
164 1938 Relating to Pardons, the Remission of Fines and Forfeitures and Other Subjects \May 13, 1914
165 1944 To Create a Committee to Formally and Officially Open the Panama CanalMay 20, 1914
1661947May 26, 1914
167 1948 Balboa Naval Radio StationMay 26, 1914
1681951May 29, 1914
1691951½Modification of Previous Orders Fixing Royalty Rates for Oil Produced in Osage Indian Reservation, ArkansasJune 1, 1914
1701952June 2, 1914
1711959Establishing Smith Island Reservation for the Protection of Native BirdsJune 6, 1914
172 1964 Amending the Civil Service Transfer RulesJune 15, 1914
1731967June 19, 1914
1741967-AJune 23, 1914
1751968June 27, 1914
176 1975 Relating to Certain Duties of the Clerk of the District Court and His AssistantJuly 3, 1914
177 1988 To Require Ocean-Going Vessels to be Fitted With Wireless ApparatusJuly 9, 1914
178 1989 Authorizing the Board of Admeasurement to Administer Oaths to Witnesses and to Compel their AttendanceJuly 9, 1914
179 1990 Rules and Regulations for the Operation and Navigation of the Panama CanalJuly 9, 1914
1801991July 9, 1914
181 1995 Military Reservation for National GuardJuly 23, 1914
182 1997 Amending the Civil Service Rules Providing for the Appointment of Aliens When No Citizens Are AvailableJuly 25, 1914
183 1999 Governing the Inspection of Returns of Corporations, Joint Stock Companies, Associations, or Insurance CompaniesJuly 28, 1914
184 2002 Authorizing Teinstatement of J.N. Gilbert to Position of Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service in TennesseeJuly 28, 1914
185 2006 Darien Naval Radio StationJuly 30, 1914
186 2007 Prescribing the Duties of ConstablesAugust 3, 1914
187 2011 To Enforce Neutrality of Wireless StationsAugust 5, 1914
1882012For the Relief, Protection and Transportation Home of Americans in Europe at the Outbreak of the European War of 1914August 5, 1914
189 2013 Establishing Board of Relief for Benefit of Americans Stranded Abroad During the European War of 1914August 6, 1914
190 2014 To Reorganize the Board of Health of The Canal ZoneAugust 6, 1914
1912015August 7, 1914
192 2016 Relating to the Customs ServiceAugust 8, 1914
193 2017 Giving the Treasury Department Full Authority to All Customs Officers in the Enforcement of the Neutrality Laws During EmergencyAugust 8, 1914
194 2018 Relating to Postal Crimes in the Canal ZoneAugust 14, 1914
195 2019 To Require Security for Costs in Civil CasesAugust 14, 1914
196 2020 To Amend the Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal ZoneAugust 14, 1914
197 2021 Amending the Rules Governing the Granting of PassportsAugust 14, 1914
198 2022 Temporary Waiver of Fees for Visaing and Issuing Emergency PassportsAugust 14, 1914
1992023ChuckekanzieAugust 14, 1914
200 2024 For a Lookout Station at Twin Sisters Administrative Site (Near Colorado National Forest), ColoradoAugust 17, 1914
2012026Regulating Operation of Street Railway Cars at CrossingsAugust 22, 1914
202 2029 Transferring Deadmans Island to the Health ServiceAugust 26, 1914
203 2031 Designating Customs Collection DistrictsAugust 27, 1914
204 2037 To Amend the Rules and Regulations for the Operation and Navigation of the Panama Canal, Etc.September 3, 1914
205 2039 Admitting Foreign-Built Ships to American RegistrySeptember 4, 1914
206 2040 To Repeal the Executive Order Establishing the Postal Savings System in the Canal ZoneSeptember 5, 1914
207 2042 Taking Over High-Power Radio Station for Use of the GovernmentSeptember 5, 1914
208 2043 Further Amendment of Regulations Governing the Punishment of Enlisted Men and General PrisonersSeptember 5, 1914
209 2044 Appointing Experts for War Risk Insurance in Treasury DepartmentSeptember 10, 1914
210 2045 Combining Manzano and Zuni National Forests in Arizona and New MexicoSeptember 10, 1914
211 2046 Ranger Station for Clear Creek Administrative Site Near Coconino National Forest, ArizonaSeptember 15, 1914
212 2047 Setting Aside Public Land for an Elk RefugeeSeptember 15, 1914
213 2048 To Divide Administrative Site Within Oregon National Forest, OregonSeptember 15, 1914
214 2051 To Amend the Canal Zone Law Against GamblingSeptember 18, 1914
215 2052 To Amend the Executive Order Relating to Compensation to be Paid to Injured Employees of the Panama CanalSeptember 19, 1914
216 2060 Alaskan Townsite Withdrawal No. 4October 8, 1914
217 2062 Providing for License Taxes and FeesOctober 13, 1914
218 2067 Gray's Lake Administrative Site (Near Caribou National Forest) IdahoOctober 28, 1914
2192069½October 28, 1914
2202071October 31, 1914
221 2073 Amending "Rules and Regulations for the Operation and Navigation of the Panama Canal"November 4, 1914
222 2090 Consolidating Customs Collection Districts Nos. 2 and 3, in the State of Vermont, With Headquarters at St. Albans and Prescribing the Salary of the CollectorNovember 21, 1914
2232113Calvin Satterfield Made Eligible for Appointment as Chief of the Accounts Division, Justice Dept., Without Regard to Civil Service RulesDecember 30, 1914


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
2242114Fred W. Carrington Made Eligible for Promotion from Assistant Messenger in the Pensions Bureau to the Clerical Grade Without ExaminationJanuary 5, 1915
2252115January 7, 1915
2262116January 7, 1915
2272117January 9, 1915
228 2118 Amendment of Executive Order No. 1761 of April 15, 1913, Prescribing Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal ZoneJanuary 11, 1915
2292119January 12, 1915
230 2119-A Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports in the United StatesJanuary 12, 1915
231 2120 Conditions of Employment [Governing Employees of the Panama Canal]January 15, 1915
232 2121 Amending the Civil Service RulesJanuary 19, 1915
233 2135 Establishing Regulations Governing the Accounting to the Treasury of the United States for Panama Canal CollectionsFebruary 4, 1915
234 2138 Military Reservation for National GuardFebruary 19, 1915
235 2142 Relative to the Production, Etc. of Opium and Coca Leaves in the Canal ZoneMarch 1, 1915
236 2152 Reinstatement of Dr. Edward P. Beverley in the Panama Canal ServiceMarch 23, 1915
2372154March 25, 1915
238 2164 Vessel RegistrationsMay 15, 1915
239 2185 Renaming the Panama Canal's Culebra Cut to Gaillard CutJune 8, 1915
240 2204 Panama Canal Employee Rent/Fuel RegulationsMay 25, 1915
241 2208 Flag of the Governor of the Panama Canal ZoneJune 8, 1915
242 2212 White River National Forest, ColoradoJune 15, 1915
2422230Establishing Big Lake Reservation, Arkansas, as a Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native BirdsAugust 2, 1915
2432230½Authorizing Eligibility for Appointment of Norma H. Spencer as a Classified Clerk in the Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesAugust 5, 1915
2442231Authorizing Eligibility for Appointment of Francis J. Reinhard as a Law Clerk in the Office of the Solicitor of Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesAugust 6, 1915
2452233Coos Bay, Oregon, Withdrawal of Certain Described Lands for Military PurposesAugust 6, 1915
2462234Philippine Islands, Withdrawal of Certain Described Lands for Military PurposesAugust 13, 1915
2472245Authorizing Eligibility for Appointment of James O. Brockenshire as Inspector of Musical Instruments in the Army Quartermaster Corps. Without ExaminationSeptember 14, 1915
2482245½Civil Service Rules Waived for the AppointmentSeptember 14, 1915
2492245-ASeptember 14, 1915
2502245-BSeptember 14, 1915
2512246Certain Described Lands in Alabama, Bordering on the Tennessee River, Temporarily Withdrawn for Use by the War Dept. for Improvement of the Navigation of Said RiverSeptember 17, 1915
2522247September 20, 1915
2532247½Authorizing Eligibility for Appointment of Edith Gilbert Leadly to a Clerical Position in the Commerce Department Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 22, 1915
2542248Authorizing Eligibility for Appointment of Shelley Inch as a Clerk in the Placerville, California, Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 23, 1915
2552252October 6, 1915
256 2262 Prescribing Consular Regulations for Maintaining the Rights and Enforcing the Duties of American Sailors in Foreign PortsOctober 21, 1915
257 2268 Establishing a United States Sheep Experiment StationOctober 30, 1915
258 2269 Suspending Operation of the Act to Promote the Welfare of American Seamen and to Forbid Their Arrest and Imprisonment for DesertionNovember 2, 1915
2592281Certain Described Lands in Alabama Reserved for Military PurposesDecember 6, 1915
260 2285 Requiring American Citizens Traveling Abroad to Procure PassportsDecember 15, 1915
2612286Authorizing Eligibility for Reinstatement of Arabella N. McDonald as an Operative in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Without Regard to Length of Separation From the ServiceDecember 16, 1915
2622286-APrescribing Regulations Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports in the United StatesDecember 16, 1915
2632287Diminishment of Coconino National Forest, ArizonaDecember 18, 1915
2642294Certain Described Lands in Oklahoma Reserved for Agency and Educational Purposes in Connection With the Administration of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian AgencyDecember 29, 1915


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
2652295Certain Described Lands in Arizona Reserved as a Rifle Range for the Tucson and University of Arizona Rifle ClubsJanuary 1, 1916
2662296January 6, 1916
2672297January 11, 1916
2682298January 11, 1916
2692300Further Reserving Additional Described Lands for Use by the Papago Indians, ArizonaJanuary 14, 1916
2702303Abolishing Port of Entry at Charlotte, N. Y., Located in Customs Collection District 8January 28, 1916
2712304Order of Withdrawal of a Strip of Land from Sturgeon Bay Government Reservation for Extension of Public Road; Door County, WisconsinJanuary 28, 1916
2722316Camp Eldridge, Philippine Islands, Reserving Additional Described Lands for Military PurposesFebruary 14, 1916
2732322Porto Rico, Transfer of Certain Described Lands from War Department to Navy Department for Naval Radio PurposesFebruary 21, 1916
2742323Fort Armstrong, Hawaii, Transfer of Certain Described Lands from Navy Department to War DepartmentFebruary 21, 1916
2752325Amending Executive Order of February 14, 1912February 23, 1916
2762328Fort Rosencrans, California, Inter-Transfer of Certain Described Lands Between Navy Department and War DepartmentFebruary 25, 1916
2772335Restoring Certain Reserved Lands for Military Purposes to the Government of the Territory of HawaiiMarch 6, 1916
278 2341 Relating to Cancellation and Reissue of PassportsMarch 13, 1916
279 2345 Increasing the Strength of the Regular ArmyMarch 21, 1916
2802357Amending Civil Service Rules [Revoking Rule 5, Sec. 3, So as to Admit Enlisted Men to Examinations]April 11, 1916
2812357-AApril 11, 1916
2822358April 12, 1916
2832362April 17, 1916
2842362-AAmending Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of PassportsApril 17, 1916
2852362April 20, 1916
2862377Restoring Control of Fort Brown, Texas Military Reservation to the War DepartmentMay 2, 1916
287 2382 Protection of the Panama Canal During Time of WarMay 17, 1916
288 2390 Flag of the United States, and Flag of the President of the United StatesMay 29, 1916
2892392Restoring Certain Described Lands and Transferring Control of Such to Interior DepartmentJune 5, 1916
2902405June 19, 1916
2912405-AJune 19, 1916
2922406June 23, 1916
293 2410 Authorizing Appointments of Warren J. Brown, Henry C. Mansfield, and Florence E. Cleveland as Clerks in Classified ServiceJune 30, 1916
294 2413 Waving Citizenship Requirements for Specified Federal AppointmentJune 30, 1916
2952414June 30, 1916
2962415Further Modifying Boundaries of Datil National Forest, N. Mex., by Excluding Therefrom Part of Former Hot Springs Indian ReservationJuly 3, 1916
297 2418 Regulations for Sale of the Federal and Cliff Additions to Seward Townsite, AlaskaJuly 11, 1916
298 2428 Establishing Regulations Providing Conditions under which The Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company Employees on the Isthmus of Panama may be Allowed the Use of Quarters, Fuel and Electric CurrentJuly 25, 1916
299 2240 Modification of Executive Order No. 2428, dated July 25, 1916, Establishing Regulations Providing Conditions Under which the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Employees on the Isthmus of Panama May be Allowed the Use of Quarters, Fuel and Electric CurrentAugust 10, 1916
300 2451 Relating to Motor Vehicles, and Their Operation in the Roads of the Canal ZoneSeptember 5, 1916
301 2455 Transferring to the Governor of The Panama Canal the Administration of the Act Approved September 7, 1916, So Far as Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Employees Are ConcernedSeptember 15, 1916
302 2456 Philippines—Requiring Governor General to Report to Secretary of WarSeptember 19, 1916
303 2461 Amending Consular Regulations 172September 28, 1916
304 2462 Amending Consular Regulations 692September 28, 1916
3052465September 30, 1916
3062465-ASeptember 30, 1916
3072466October 2, 1916
308 2475 Authorizing the Commutation of Leave Privileges in Certain CasesOctober 17, 1916
309 2479 Providing for the Payment of Interest on Deposit Money Orders Issued in the Canal ZoneOctober 22, 1916
3102493Extension of Trust Period on Allotments for Absentee Shawnee and Citizen Pottawatomie Indians, OklahomaNovember 24, 1916
3112496Diminishment of Coronado National Forest, ArizonaDecember 7, 1916
3122497Wyoming, Land Withdrawal for Water Supply PurposesDecember 7, 1916
313 2498 Prescribing Army Punishment Regulations During Time of PeaceDecember 16, 1916
3142499William C. Rader, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentDecember 20, 1916
3152500Hattie M. Miller, Made Eligible for Promotion, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on ExaminationDecember 20, 1916
3162501December 20, 1916
3172502December 28, 1916


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
3182503Dolley Farrior, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentJanuary 3, 1917
3192504Unascertained Abolished as A Port of Entry in Customs Collection District No. 38January 3, 1917
3202505Extension of Trust or Any Other Period of Restriction Against Alienation in Patents Issued to Any Indian Indian for land on the Public DomainJanuary 3, 1917
3212506January 3, 1917
3222507Diminishment of Sierra National Forest, California, and Said Lands Made Open for SettlementJanuary 3, 1917
323 2508 Establishment of Norton Bay Reservation, AlaskaJanuary 3, 1917
3242509Frank Kearney Made Eligible for Promotion from Messenger to Clerk in Treasury Department without Regard to Civil Service RulesJanuary 5, 1917
3252510Diminishment of Petroleum Reserve Nos. 15 and 30, CaliforniaJanuary 9, 1917
3262511Withdrawing Certain Described Lands in New Mexico for Classification and Possible Inclusion Within the Gran Quivira National ReserveJanuary 11, 1917
3272512Extending Trust Period on Allotments Expiring in 1917 for Ten Years in OklahomaJanuary 15, 1917
3282513Reserving Certain Described Lands in New Mexico for Use by...January 15, 1917
329 2514 Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Panama Canal ServiceJanuary 15, 1917
330 2515 Creating an Inter-Departmental Board on Location of Nitrate PlantsJanuary 15, 1917
3312516Ordering Mourning Formalities for Death of Admiral George DeweyJanuary 17, 1917
3322517Reserving Certain Described Lands in New Mexico for Military PurposesJanuary 18, 1917
3332518January 19, 1917
3342519Corry, Pa., Abolished as Port of Entry in Customs Collection District No. 41January 23, 1917
3352519-APrescribing Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports in the United StatesJanuary 24, 1917
3362520January 25, 1917
3372521January 26, 1917
3382522January 30, 1917
3392523January 30, 1917
3402524Reserving Certain Lands in the State of Arizona for the Papago Indians in ArizonaFebruary 1, 1917
341 2525 Amending Executive Order No. 2508 of January 3, 1917, Entitled ‘‘Norton Bay Reservation’’February 6, 1917
342 2526 Relating to the Exclusion of Chinese from the Panama Canal ZoneFebruary 6, 1917
3432527February 6, 1917
3442528February 14, 1917
3452529February 14, 1917
3462530February 14, 1917
3472531February 16, 1917
3482532February 17, 1917
349 2533 Naval Radio Stations for AlaskaFebruary 20, 1917
3502534February 20, 1917
3512535February 21, 1917
3522536February 21, 1917
353 2537 Naval Radio Stations for AlaskaFebruary 21, 1917
3542538February 26, 1917
3552539February 26, 1917
3562540February 27, 1917
3572541February 27, 1917
3582542February 28, 1917
3592542-AMarch 4, 1917
3602543March 13, 1917
3612544March 15, 1917
3622545March 17, 1917
3632546March 21, 1917
3642547March 21, 1917
3652548March 21, 1917
3662549March 21, 1917
3672550March 21, 1917
3682551March 21, 1917
3692552Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Lighthouse Purposes; AlaskaMarch 21, 1917
3702553March 21, 1917
371 2554 Allowing More than Eight Hours of Labor in a Day for Workers in Navy YardsMarch 22, 1917
3722555March 22, 1917
3732556March 22, 1917
3742557March 23, 1917
3752558March 23, 1917
376 2559 Increasing Authorized Enlisted Strength of the NavyMarch 24, 1917
377 2559-A Allowing More than Eight Hours of Labor in a Day for Persons Working on Contracts for Military Ordnance, Supplies, Arsenal Buildings, and FortificationsMarch 24, 1917
3782560Authorizing Civil Service Commission to Fill Position for Which There is No Suitable Eligible, by Appointment of Person Under Noncompetitive ExaminationMarch 26, 1917
379 2561 Increasing Authorized Enlisted Strength of the Marine CorpsMarch 26, 1917
3802562Authorizing Examination of Matthew E. Hanna for Secretaryship in Diplomatic ServiceMarch 27, 1917
3812563Vacating Executive Order of January 4, 1911, and Placing Control of Military Reservation of Fort Ringgold, Texas Under Control of War Department for Military PurposesMarch 27, 1917
3822564Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Military Purposes; Nanakuli, HawaiiMarch 28, 1917
3832565Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Military Purposes; Waimanalo, HawaiiMarch 28, 1917
3842566Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Military Purposes; Aiea, HawaiiMarch 28, 1917
3852567Authorizing Appointment of Claude T. Worford as Draftsman in Naval Intelligence OfficeMarch 29, 1917
3862568Extension of Credit for Governor of Virgin Islands to be Expended for All Necessary Expenses and to Meet Any Deficit in RevenuesMarch 29, 1917
3872569Authorizing Reinstatement of Lorraine J. Markwardt as Engineer in Forest Products in Agriculture DepartmentMarch 31, 1917
388 2569-A Establishing Civil Service in First, Second and Third Classes of Post OfficesMarch 31, 1917
389 2570 Directing Civil Service Commission to Refuse Transfer Examinations Without Permission of Current EmployerApril 2, 1917
390 2571 Constituting the Public Health Service a Part of the Military Forces of the United States in Times of WarApril 3, 1917
391 2572 Temporarily Suspending Eight-Hour Law Provisions in the Department of AgricultureApril 3, 1917
3922573Authorizing Appointment of Gilbert J. Murray as Assistant to Director of War Risk Insurance Bureau in Treasury DepartmentApril 3, 1917
3932574Designating Ellie D. Bouldin of General Land Office to Sign Land Patents During Absence of Clerk Regularly Designated for that ServiceApril 4, 1917
394 2575 Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Military Purposes; New MexicoApril 4, 1917
3952576April 4, 1917
3962577April 4, 1917
3972578April 4, 1917
3982579April 4, 1917
3992580April 4, 1917
4002581April 4, 1917
4012582April 5, 1917
4022583April 5, 1917
403 2584 Establishing Defensive Sea AreasApril 5, 1917
404 2585 Taking Over Necessary and Closing Unnecessary Radio StationsApril 6, 1917
4052586April 6, 1917
406 2587 Directing the Coast Guard Operate as a Part of the NavyApril 7, 1917
407 2587-A Federal Employees Removal on Security GroundsApril 7, 1917
408 2588 Transferring to the Service and Jurisdiction of the War and Navy Departments Certain Vessels, Equipment, Stations, and Personnel of the Lighthouse ServiceApril 11, 1917
4092589Alaskan Timber Reserve No. 1, EnlargementApril 11, 1917
4102590Alabama, Land Withdrawal for Classification and Pending Legislation for Forest Reserve PreserveApril 11, 1917
4112591Ottawa, Seneca and Wyandotte Indians, Extension of Trust Period on AllotmentsApril 11, 1917
4122592Mr. Henry J. Cantey, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on PromotionApril 11, 1917
4132593St. Francis River Basin, Arkansas, Land Withdrawal for Examination and SurveyApril 13, 1917
414 2594 Creating Committee on Public InformationApril 13, 1917
4152595April 14, 1917
416 2596 Allowing Treasury Department Employees to be Appointed on Defense OrganizationsApril 14, 1917
417 2597 Establishing Additional Defensive Sea AreasApril 14, 1917
4182598Mr. Henry Fox, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on ReinstatementApril 16, 1917
4192599Montana, Land Withdrawal for Classification and Pending Legislation for Game PreserveApril 16, 1917
420 2600 Exempting Council of National Defense from Civil Service Rules for Period of WarApril 17, 1917
4212601April 18, 1917
422 2602 Cooperation Among Civil Service CommissionsApril 18, 1917
4232603April 19, 1917
424 2604 Establishing Censorship of Submarine Cables, Telegraph and Telephone LinesApril 28, 1917
425 2605 Suspending Eight-Hour Law in Contracts Under the War DepartmentApril 28, 1917
426 2605-A Executive Order Assuming Control of Radio CommunicationsApril 30, 1917
4272606May 4, 1917
4282607May 4, 1917
4292608May 4, 1917
4302609May 7, 1917
4312610May 7, 1917
4322611May 7, 1917
433 2612 Military Reservation for the National GuardMay 7, 1917
4342612-AMay 8, 1917
4352613May 9, 1917
4362614May 9, 1917
4376215May 9, 1917
438 2616 Directing Transmission of Lists of Interned Alien Enemies Through the Red CrossMay 9, 1917
439 2617 Civil Service Commission Authorized to Permit Appointment of CiviliansMay 11, 1917
4402618May 11, 1917
441 2619 Amending Consular Regulations and FormsMay 11, 1917
442 2619-A German BoatsMay 14, 1917
443 2620 Administration of Customs Laws in Virgin IslandsMay 15, 1917
444 2621 German BoatsMay 16, 1917
4452622May 17, 1917
4462623May 19, 1917
447 2624 German BoatsMay 22, 1917
448 2625 German BoatsMay 22, 1917
449 2626 Reinstating Certain Persons Formerly in the Competitive ServiceMay 22, 1917
4502627May 27, 1917
451 2628 Authorizing Employment of Foreign Inspectors in Munitions FactoriesJune 4, 1917
4522629June 6, 1917
4532630June 6, 1917
4542631June 6, 1917
4552632June 6, 1917
4562633June 6, 1917
4572634June 8, 1917
4582635German BoatsJune 12, 1917
4592636June 12, 1917
4602637June 12, 1917
4612638June 12, 1917
4622639June 18, 1917
4632640June 18, 1917
464 2641 Amending Alaskan Railroad Townsite Regulations [9] June 18, 1917
4652642June 20, 1917
4662643June 20, 1917
4672644June 20, 1917
468 2645 Establishing the Exports CouncilJune 22, 1917
4692646Transferring Certain Land on Ediz Hook Spit, Port Angeles Harbor. Wash., from Control of Commerce Department to Navy DepartmentJune 27, 1917
4702647Military Reservation at Eureka. Alaska, Set Apart by Executive Order of June 6, 1914, Placed Under Control of Secretary of InteriorJune 28, 1917
4712648Authorizing Reinstatement of H. H. Chapman as Assistant District Forester Under Agriculture DepartmentJune 28, 1917
472 2649 Designation of Anchorage Grounds at Quarantine Station on Cauit Island, Cebu, Philippine IslandsJune 28, 1917
4732650Amending Civil Service Rules as to Except from Examination Watchmen at Warehouses, Depots, Wharves, and Piers Belonging to or Controlled by War DepartmentJune 29, 1917
474 2651 Authorizing Shipping Board to Take Over 87 German Vessels Now Within Jurisdiction of United StatesJune 30, 1917
475 2652 Executive Order Regarding Watch Officers of American Vessels Registered for Foreign TradeJuly 3, 1917
476 2653 Authorizing Shipping Board to Take Over German Vessel Prinz Eitel Friedrlch Now at Hoboken, N.J.July 3, 1917
477 2654 Authorizing Appointment of J. M. Shaffer to Classified Position in the Treasury DepartmentJuly 5, 1917
478 2655 Authorizing Appointment of Mary C. Ritenour to Clerical Position in Classified ServiceJuly 5, 1917
479 2656 Suspending the Eight-Hour Act of June 19, 1912, Construction of Post Office Equipment ShopsJuly 6, 1917
4802656-AJuly 6, 1917
481 2657 Authorizing Reinstatement of George B. Taylor to Position in War DepartmentJuly 10, 1917
482 2658 Agricultural Experiment Station, Matanuska Valley, AlaskaJuly 10, 1917
483 2659 Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Working Forces for Operating Piers at Hoboken, N.J., and at Other SeaportsJuly 10, 1917
484 2660 Authorizing Appointment of Benajah D. Dyas as Stock Keeper in Competitive Classified Service in Government Printing OfficeJuly 11, 1917
485 2661 Authorizing Appointment of George Simmons as Messenger Boy in Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Navy DepartmentJuly 11, 1917
486 2662 Authorizing Appointment of Mary C. Bryan to Position in Labor DepartmentJuly 11, 1917
487 2663 Suspending the Eight-Hour Act of June 19, 1912, Alaska Railroad No. 8July 11, 1917
488 2664 Exercise of Authority Under the Emergency Shipping Fund ActJuly 11, 1917
489 2665 Temporarily Withdrawing Certain Public Lands in New Mexico from Settlement Pending Determination of TitleJuly 17, 1917
490 2666 Authorizing Reinstatement of E. C. Yeats as Postal Clerk in Postal ServiceJuly 17, 1917
491 2667 Setting Aside Certain Lands in Arizona for Use of Kaibab and Other IndiansJuly 17, 1917
492 2668 Authorizing Reinstatement of Walter W. Grose as Clerk in Quartermaster Corps of ArmyJuly 17, 1917
493 2669 Granting Leave of Absence With Pay for Civil War Veterans to Attend Grand Army of the Republic EncampmentJuly 19, 1917
494 2670 Taking Over Lighthouses in Virgin Islands for Use and Purposes of United StatesJuly 20, 1917
495 2671 Revoking Executive Order of October 17, 1916, Which Reserved Certain Lands in Arizona for Townsite PurposesJuly 23, 1917
496 2672 Restoring to Entry and Settlement Certain Lands Reserved for Townsite Purposes by Executive Order of February 16, 1916July 23, 1917
4972673July 28, 1917
498 2673-A Explaining Exemption of Indispensable Government Employees From the Selective DraftJuly 28, 1917
4992674July 30, 1917
5002675July 30, 1917
5012676July 31, 1917
5022676-AAugust 1, 1917
5032677August 3, 1917
5042678August 3, 1917
5052679August 3, 1917
5062679-AEstablishment of the U.S. Food AdministrationAugust 10, 1917
5072680August 13, 1917
508 2681 Authority to Organize Food Administration Grain CorporationAugust 14, 1917
5092682August 16, 1917
5102683August 16, 1917
5112684August 16, 1917
5122685August 16, 1917
5132686August 21, 1917
514 2686-A Fixing Provisional Prices for Bituminous Coal at the MineAugust 21, 1917
515 2687 Exercise of Authority Under the ‘‘Naval Emergency Fund Act,’’ and OthersAugust 21, 1917
516 2687-A Establishing an Exports Administrative Board and an Exports CouncilAugust 21, 1917
5172688August 23, 1917
5182689August 23, 1917
519 2690 Appointing Harry A. Garfield as Fuel AdministratorAugust 23, 1917
520 2690-A Regulating Jobbers' Margins on Coal in Intrastate, Interstate, and Foreign Commerce of the United StatesAugust 23, 1917
521 2691 Rules for the Government of the Virgin IslandsAugust 24, 1917
522 2692 Establishing Defensive Sea Areas for Terminal Ports of The Panama Canal, and Providing Regulations for the Government of Persons and Vessels Within Said AreasAugust 27, 1917
5232692-AFormer German Vessels, Leviathan, Mount Vernon, ...August 29, 1917
5242693August 30, 1917
5252694August 30, 1917
526 2694-A Authority to Exercise Powers Bestowed by Sections 15 and 16 of the Food Control ActSeptember 2, 1917
5272695September 6, 1917
528 2696 Executive Order Regarding Measurement of Foreign Ships Admitted to American RegistrySeptember 7, 1917
529 2697 Regulations Relating to the Exportation of Coin, Bullion, and CurrencySeptember 7, 1917
5302698September 7, 1917
5312699September 7, 1917
5322700Amending Civil Service Rules Pertaining to Positions Exempt from ExaminationSeptember 7, 1917
5332701September 7, 1917
5342702September 12, 1917
5352703Grace Matthews Trescot Made Eligible for Reinstatement for Government ServiceSeptember 12, 1917
5362704Modification of Military Camps to Conform With War Department DefinitionSeptember 17, 1917
537 2705 Suspending the Eight-Hour Day in the Bureau of Standards [10] September 20, 1917
5382706Authorizing Appointment of Mabel Money Kitchin Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 22, 1917
5392707Pertaining to Group Transfer of PersonnelSeptember 24, 1917
540 2708 Creating Divisions of Pictures, Films and Publications under the Committee on Public InformationSeptember 25, 1917
541 2709 Seizure of German BoatsSeptember 27, 1917
5422710New Mexico, Restoration of Lands Withdrawn for Townsite Purposes by Executive Order No. 2459 of September 22, 1916September 27, 1917
5432711September 27, 1917
5442712Amendment of Executive Order No. 1794 of July 3, 1913, and Executive Order of April 28, 1917September 27, 1917
5452713Reserving Certain Lands in Montana for Administration of Beaverhead and Deerlodge National ForestsSeptember 27, 1917
5462714September 27, 1917
5472715Authorizing Commerece Secretary to Appoint Employees Without ExaminationSeptember 27, 1917
5482716Authorizing Certain Food Administration Employees to be Appointed Without ExaminationSeptember 27, 1917
549 2717 Assigning Quarantine Duties in the Virgin Islands to the Treasury DepartmentSeptember 27, 1917
550 2718 Suspending the Eight-Hour Day in Construction of Immigrant Station at Baltimore, Md.September 27, 1917
5512719Authorizing Appointment of Frank H. Schloer Without Regard to Civil Service RulesSeptember 28, 1917
552 2720 Giving Chief of Staff Control over the War Department in the Absence of the Secretary of War and Assistant Secretary of WarSeptember 29, 1917
5532721Amending Civil Service Rules Pertaining to Positions Exempt from ExaminationOctober 3, 1917
5542722Authorizing Appointment of Lillian Schmidt Without Regard to Civil Service RulesOctober 6, 1917
5552723Authorizing Appointment of Harry C. Bradley Without Regard to Civil Service RulesOctober 6, 1917
5562724October 6, 1917
5572725October 6, 1917
5582726Colorado, Restoration of Lands Withdrawn by Executive Order No. 2466 of October 2, 1916October 6, 1917
5592727Establishing Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 16October 8, 1917
5602728Establishing Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal No. 17October 8, 1917
5612729Mabel E. Albertson Made Eligible for Appointment in Government Printing OfficeOctober 9, 1917
562 2729-A Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under Trading With The Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917October 12, 1917
563 2730 Ordering Free Consular Services for Duration of WarOctober 13, 1917
5642731Withdrawing Lands in Utah for Classification Pending Legislation for its DispositionOctober 13, 1917
5652732Transferring Honolulu Buoy Depot, Oahu from War Department to Commerce DepartmentOctober 13, 1917
5662733Amending Civil Service Rules Pertaining to Positions Exempt from ExaminationOctober 13, 1917
567 2734 Suspending Civil Service Rules in Training Camp ActivitiesOctober 15, 1917
5682735Reserving Huckleberry Island in Padilla Bay, Washington for Lighthouse PurposesOctober 18, 1917
569 2736 Providing for Requisitioning of Foods and FeedsOctober 23, 1917
570 2737 Correcting Executive Order No. 2692, Establishing Defensive Sea Areas for Terminal Ports of the Panama CanalOctober 24, 1917
571 2738 Temporarily Withdrawing Two Islands in Straits of Juan de Fuca, Washington, to Determine Portion to be Reserved for Lighthouse PurposesOctober 24, 1917
572 2739 Humboldt National Forest, NevadaOctober 24, 1917
573 2740 Authorizing Certain Fuel Administration Employees to be Appointed Without ExaminationOctober 25, 1917
574 2741 Waiving Civil Service Regulations for Confidential Positions under the Trading with the Enemy ActOctober 25, 1917
575 2742 Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow War Department Production Experts in Signal Service to be Filled Upon Noncompetitive ExaminationOctober 27, 1917
576 2743 Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow Army Transport Service Clerks to be Exempt from ExaminationOctober 27, 1917
5772743-AModifying the Scale of Prices of Bituminous Coal at the MineOctober 27, 1917
578 2744 Fixing Salary Of, And Vesting Certain Power And Authority In, The Alien Property Custodian Appointed Under Trading With The Enemy ActOctober 29, 1917
579 2745 Authorizing Appointment of Virginia M. Spinks to Position in Department of Labor Without Regard to Civil Service RulesNovember 1, 1917
580 2746 Authorizing Appointment of William P. Henshaw as Clerk in the Panama Canal Service Without Regard to Civil Service RulesNovember 2, 1917
581 2747 Extending Trust Period on Allotments of Prairie Band of Pottawatomi Indians in KansasNovember 2, 1917
582 2748 Ordering Seizure of German Vessel Pollux by Shipping BoardNovember 2, 1917
5832749Reserving Certain Described Lands in Florida for Lighthouse PurposesNovember 5, 1917
5842750Reserving Moro Rock, Redding Rock and Prince Island Off the Pacific Coast of California for Lighthouse PurposesNovember 5, 1917
5852751Amendment of Executive Order No. 2707 of September 24, 1917November 7, 1917
586 2752 Authorizing Reinstatement of Printers' Assistants and Operatives in Bureau of Engraving and Printing Without Regard to Eligibility Limit During WarNovember 9, 1917
5872753Amending Civil Service Rules in Regards to TransfersNovember 10, 1917
588 2754 Exempting Food Administration and Fuel Administration from Civil Service RulesNovember 10, 1917
5892755Reserving Blakely Rock, in Puget Sound, Washington for Lighthouse PurposesNovember 14, 1917
5902755-ANovember 22, 1917
591 2756 Authorizing Appointment Without Examination for Secretaries of Explosives InspectorsNovember 22, 1917
592 2757 Reserving Certain Lands in Alaska for Use of Bureau of Education and Indigenous NativesNovember 22, 1917
593 2758 Amending Civil Service Rules in Regards to Messenger GirlsNovember 22, 1917
594 2759 Reserving Sister Islands in Green Bay, Wisconsin for Lighthouse PurposesNovember 22, 1917
595 2760 Returning William V. Hagar to Service in the United States Coast and Geodetic SurveyNovember 23, 1917
5962761Authorizing Interior Secretary to Appoint Persons in the Mine Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service RulesNovember 23, 1917
597 2762 Restricting Transfer of Government Employees During WarNovember 24, 1917
598 2763 Authorizing Aeronautic Draftsmen in the Navy Department to be Filled upon Noncompetitive ExaminationNovember 24, 1917
599 2764 Modifying Boundaries of Harney National Forest to Exclude Certain Lands in South DakotaNovember 26, 1917
600 2765 Determination of a Just, Fair, and Reasonable Profit Under Section 5 of the Food Control ActNovember 27, 1917
6012765-ANovember 30, 1917
602 2766 Authorizing Appointment of Temporary Carriers on Rural Routes Without Regard to Civil Service RulesDecember 1, 1917
603 2767 Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Interior DepartmentDecember 5, 1917
604 2768 Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Employees of Army Ordnance Department in CanadaDecember 5, 1917
605 2769 Suspending the Eight-Hour Day in Construction of Buildings on Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C.December 6, 1917
606 2770 Supplemental to Executive Order of October 12, 1917, Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under Trading With the Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917December 7, 1917
607 2771 Returning Aaron L. Shalowitz to Service in Department of CommerceDecember 8, 1917
608 2772 Temporarily Reserving Certain Lands in New Mexico for Military PurposesDecember 12, 1917
6092773Eliminating Certain Lands from Executive Orders Nos. 1 and 2 of Alaska Townslte Withdrawals, Dated April 21 and June 23, 1914, Withdrawing Certain Lands for Townslte and Railroad PurposesDecember 12, 1917
6102774Authorizing Appointment of O. C. Husting to Appropriate Position in Competitive Classified Service Without ExaminationDecember 17, 1917
611 2774-A Creating Division of Foreign Picture Service Under Committee on Public InformationDecember 17, 1917
6122775Modifying Executive Order of September 24, 1917, So as to Strike Name of John T. Watkins from List of Coast and Geodetic Survey Officers Therein Named to Serve with War Department and Add It to List of Those Named to Serve With Navy Department; (Dec. 19)December 19, 1917
6132776Authorizing Appointment of Frederick S. Taylor to Subclerical Position in Classified Service of Treasury Department; (Dec. 26)December 26, 1917
614 2777 Prescribing Rules Regarding Repeals, Alterations and Amendments of Local Laws and Expenditure of Duties and Taxes in Virgin IslandsDecember 26, 1917
6152778Indians, Extension of Trust Period on AllotmentsDecember 31, 1917


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
6162779Amending Executive Order of August 11, 1916, Concerning Rations of Enlisted Men of Army, Navy, and Marine Corps under Treatment or On Duty at Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, ArkansasJanuary 3, 1918
6172780Amendment to Civil Service Rules Relating to Commerce Department by Striking Out Paragraph Concerning Shipping CommissionersJanuary 7, 1918
6182781Authorizing Transfer of Charles W. Olvey from Skilled Laborer to Clerkship in Office of Secretary of CommerceJanuary 8, 1918
6192782Ordering Certain Persons Who Were Transferred to Service and Jurisdiction of War Department by Executive Order of September 24, 1917, be Returned to Their Former Status in Coast and Geodetic SurveyJanuary 9, 1918
6202783Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Classified Positions Excepted from Examination That Can Not be Filled from Registers of Eliglbles by Rescinding Portion of Rule Relating to Revenue-Cutter ServiceJanuary 10, 1918
6212784Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to War Department So as to Except from Examination All Persons Employed by Quartermaster Corps of Army in Connection With Prosecution of Construction WorkJanuary 10, 1918
6222785Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to War Department by Revoking Executive Order of January 10, 1918, Concerning Persons Employed by Quartermaster Corps of Army in Connection with Prosecution of Construction WorkJanuary 15, 1918
6232786Authorizing Secretary of Treasury, During Continuance of Present War, to Make Appointments to Various Positions in Bureau of Engraving and Printing Without Regard to Requirements of Civil Service CommissionJanuary 15, 1918
624 2789 Military Reservation for the National GuardJanuary 19, 1918
625 2790 Allotting Appropriation Under Trading With the Enemy ActJanuary 22, 1918
626 2796 Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 5 of the Trading with the Enemy Act and Supplementing Rules and Regulations Heretofore Prescribed Under Title 7 of the Espionage ActJanuary 26, 1918
627 2801 Amending Executive Order Dated October 12, 1917February 5, 1918
6282809Certain Described Lands in Utah Reserved for the Use of Certain Skull Valley, and Other Indians
629 2813 Prescribing Rules and Regulations Respecting the Exercise of the Powers and Authority and the Performance of the Duties of the Alien Property CustodianFebruary 26, 1918
6302819Amending Executive Order No. 1572 of February 14, 1912, to Include Federal Employees Residing in Laurel, Md.March 9, 1918
6312820March 15, 1918
6322820-AMarch 18, 1918
6332821March 19, 1918
6342822March 19, 1918
6352822-AMarch 19, 1918
6362823March 20, 1918
6372823-AMarch 21, 1918
6382824March 23, 1918
6392825Certain Described Lands Granted to the United States by the Republic of Panama in the Treaty of February 26, 1904, Reserved for Military PurposesMarch 25, 1918
640 2825-A Executive Order Taking Possession of Equipment on Board Netherlands VesselsMarch 28, 1918
6412826March 29, 1918
642 2832 Concerning Certain Sales to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofApril 2, 1918
643 2837 Revoking Power and Authority in Designated Offices Under the Trading With the Enemy ActApril 11, 1918
644 2843 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofApril 24, 1918
645 2844 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofApril 24, 1918
646 2845 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofApril 24, 1918
647 2846 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofApril 24, 1918
648 2847 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofApril 24, 1918
649 2857 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofMay 7, 1918
650 2858 Concerning a Sale to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofMay 9, 1918
651 2859 National Research Council of the National Academy of SciencesMay 11, 1918
6522859-ADirecting the Shipping Board to Take Control of Austria-Hungarian Vessel Martha WashingtonMay 11, 1918
6532860Authorizing the Eligibility for Promotion of Joseph H. MillsMay 14, 1918
6542861Vessels Explorer and Batterson Transferred from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the Navy DepartmentMay 16, 1918
6552862Creation of Bureau of Aircraft ProductionMay 20, 1918
6562863May 20, 1918
6572863-AMay 21, 1918
6582864May 24, 1918
6592869Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Military Purposes; Panama Canal ZoneMay 28, 1918
660 2877 Ordering Most Law Officers of the Government Shall Exercise their Functions Under the Supervision and Control of the Head of the Department of JusticeMay 31, 1918
661 2882 Leave for the Spanish War Veterans to Attend ReunionJune 13, 1918
6622282-AJune 13, 1918
6632883June 14, 1918
6642284June 21, 1918
665 2885 With Respect to Orenstein and Koppel-Arthur Koppel Actiengesellschaft Commonly Known as Orenstein-Koppel CompanyJune 15, 1918
666 2889 Delegating War Housing Functions to the Secretary of LaborJune 18, 1918
667 2890 Leave for Grand Army Men to Attend ReunionJune 21, 1918
668 2899 Directing All Sanitary or Public Health Activities of Certain Executive Agencies be Exercised Under Control of Public Health ServiceJuly 1, 1918
6692900Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Military Purposes; Oahu, Territory of HawaiiJuly 2, 1918
670 2903 Transferring a Portion of the Coal Section of the Federal Trade Commission to the United States Fuel AdministrationJuly 3, 1918
671 2907 Superseding Executive Order of May 18, 1918, Authorizing Governor of Panama Canal Zone to Exercise Authority of Espionage ActJuly 9, 1918
6722907-AJuly 9, 1918
6732908July 10, 1918
674 2914 Concerning Certain Sales to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the "Trading With the Enemy Act" And Amendments ThereofJuly 15, 1918
675 2916 Prescribing Additional Rules and Regulations, and Making Certain Determinations Respecting the Exercise of the Powers and Authority and the Performance of the Duties of the Alien Property CustodianJuly 16, 1918
676 2917 Extension of Civil Service Reinstatement Time to Service MenJuly 18, 1918
677 2918 Allowing More than Eight Hours of Labor in a Day for Work Relating to War Housing NeedsJuly 18, 1918
678 2926 Executive Order Amending Paragraph 20 of the Navigation Rules and Regulations of the Panama CanalJuly 26, 1918
679 2929 Authorizing the United States Fuel Administrator to Prepare and Adopt Specifications for the Supply of Petroleum and Its Products Through a Committee on Standardization of Petroleum SpecificationsJuly 31, 1918
680 2932 Prescribing Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of Permits to Enter and Leave the United StatesAugust 8, 1918
6812934August 13, 1918
6822934-AAugust 13, 1918
6832935August 14, 1918
684 2940 Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under Trading With The Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917August 20, 1918
685 2949 Concerning Certain Sales to be Conducted by the Alien Property Custodian Pursuant to the "Trading With the Enemy Act" and Amendments ThereofAugust 29, 1918
6862951Authorizing Reinstatement of Wilmot H. MacDonald in Classified ServiceSeptember 4, 1918
6872952Rescinding Executive Order Issued July 15, 1918September 6, 1918
688 2953 Authorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Sell Certain Property at Private SaleSeptember 12, 1918
689 2954 Cancelling Sale of Froehlich and Kuttner Made to Compania Mercantil de Filipinas by the Alien Property Custodian's Representative Pursuant to the “Trading with the Enemy Act” and Amendments ThereofSeptember 13, 1918
690 2955 Cancelling Sale of Part of Germann & Company, Ltd., Inc., Made to the Oxy-Acetylene Welding & Cutting Company, Changed to Philippine Engineering Company, Inc., by the Alien Property Custodian's Representative Pursuant to the "Trading with the Enemy Act" and Amendments ThereofSeptember 13, 1918
691 2956 Cancelling Sale of Part of A. Richter & Company, Known as "El Siglo" Made to Lorza & Lozano, by the Alien Property Custodian's Representative Pursuant to the "Trading with the Enemy Act" and Amendments ThereofSeptember 13, 1918
692 2957 Cancelling Sale of Part of A. Richter & Company, Known as ‘‘La Sombreria” Made to E. P. Brias y Roxas, by the Alien Property Custodian's Representative Pursuant to the “Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofSeptember 13, 1918
693 2958 Cancelling Sale of "Helios" Cigar Factory, Part of Germann & Company, Inc., Made to Walter E. Olsen and Company, by the Alien Property Custodian's Representative, Pursuant to the "Trading with the Enemy Act" and Amendments ThereofSeptember 13, 1918
694 2959 Vesting Power and Authority in a Designated Official or His Successors in Office, Subject to the Supervision of the Alien Property CustodianSeptember 13, 1918
6952964September 16, 1918
6962964-ASeptember 19, 1918
6972965September 20, 1918
698 2968 Rejecting the Bid of Theodore Friedeburg of $145,000 for the Property of The Partnership of A. W. Faber, Offered for Sale at Public Auction on September 17, 1918, Pursuant to the ‘‘Trading with the Enemy Act’’ and Amendments ThereofSeptember 30, 1918
6992968-AProviding for the Censorship of Foreign Mails in the Panama Canal ZoneMarch 10, 1918
7002969October 7, 1918
7012970October 8, 1918
702 2971 Providing for the Licensing of Chauffeurs in Canal ZoneOctober 9, 1918
7032979October 22, 1918
7042979-AOctober 22, 1918
7052980October 24, 1918
7062984October 25, 1918
7072984-AOctober 25, 1918
7082985October 28, 1918
7092985-AOctober 29, 1918
7102986November 1, 1918
711 2987 Placing Certain Land and Water Areas Under the Control of the Secretary of Navy for Use as a Naval Air StationNovember 4, 1918
712 2991 Prescribing Additional Rules and Regulations, And Making Certain Determinations Respecting the Exercise of the Powers and Authority and the Performance of the Duties of the Alien Property CustodianNovember 12, 1918
713 2993 Authorizing the Granting of Sick Leave to Alien Employees in Panama Canal and Panama Railroad ServiceNovember 14, 1918
714 2996 Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Clerical Positions on the Isthmus of PanamaNovember 16, 1918
7153008Exemption of Persons Certified as Loyal by Attorney General from Classification as Enemy Aliens Authorized for Naturalization PurposesNovember 26, 1918
7163009Sevier National Forest, Utah, DiminishedNovember 27, 1918
717 3010 Battlement National Forest, ColoradoNovember 27, 1918
7183010-ANovember 27, 1918
719 3011 Authorizing Reappointment to Competitive Classified Service of Certain Persons Separated from Service by Reduction of ForceNovember 29, 1918
7203012November 29, 1918
7213013November 30, 1918
7223014November 30, 1918
7233015December 2, 1918
724 3016 Vesting Certain Powers Under the Trading-With-the-Enemy Act In Property Custodian and Frank L. PolkDecember 3, 1918
7253016-AAuthorizing Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for 2000 Shares of Capital Stock of International Insurance Co. of New YorkDecember 3, 1918
7263017December 3, 1918
7273018December 3, 1918
7283019December 3, 1918
7293019-ADecember 31, 1918
7303019-BDecember 30, 1918


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
7313020Erroneously Allowed Entry in Former Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, Ordered Confirmed in Accordance With Proclamation No. 1361 of March 21, 1917January 1, 1919
7323021January 7, 1919
7333016-BAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Transfer to Henry Schniewind, Jr., of New York, N.Y., All Rights in Susquehanna Silk Mills, the Property of H.E. Schniewind, Sr., Willy Schniewind, and Hans Schniewind of Elberfield GermanyJanuary 11, 1919
7343022January 11, 1919
7353023January 11, 1919
7363024January 11, 1919
7373024-AJanuary 17, 1919
7383024-BJanuary 21, 1919
7393024-CJanuary 16, 1919
7403025January 25, 1919
7413026January 25, 1919
742 3027 Revoking Executive Orders Establishing Defensive Sea AreasJanuary 25, 1919
7433028..., to Coast and Geodetic SurveyJanuary 25, 1919
7443029Retransfer of Certain Named Individuals from War Department to Coast and Geodetic SurveyJanuary 25, 1919
7453030Revoking Executive Order of ..., Regarding Submarine Cables and Telegraph and Telephone LinesJanuary 25, 1919
746 3031 Leave Due Canal Zone Employees Returning from Military or Naval ServiceJanuary 25, 1919
747 3032 Revoking Executive Order of April 9, 1917, Placing Control of the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone Under Army ControlJanuary 25, 1919
7483033..., AlaskaFebruary 5, 1919
749 3035 Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to ReinstatementFebruary 7, 1919
7503035-AFebruary 14, 1919
751 3035-B Appointing Herbert Hoover as Director General of American Relief AdministrationFebruary 24, 1919
7523042February 25, 1919
7533016-CAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Sell Certain Trademark and Patent Rights of Enemy Alien Firms to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., DelawareFebruary 26, 1919
7543043Diminishment of Cabinet National Forest, Montana Mexico; Excluded Lands Reserved for Townsite PurposesFebruary 26, 1919
7553044Return of Certain Vessels, Equipment and Personnel ...February 26, 1919
7563045Clara Bell Suit, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentFebruary 26, 1919
7573046Authorizing Industrial Board within Commerce Department to Employ Qualified Personnel Without Regard to Civil Service RulesFebruary 26, 1919
7583049Amendment of Executive Order No. 2903 of July 3, 1918, Returning Materials Pertaining to the Coal Industry to the Federal Trade Commission from the Fuel AdministrationFebruary 27, 1919
7593050Individual, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentFebruary 27, 1919
7603051Miss Bert M. Williams, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentFebruary 27, 1919
7613052Revoking Executive Order Nos. 3000 and 3006 of Nov 18 and 26, 1918, Respectively, Establishing Liquor Control Zones in Tenn. & Pa.February 28, 1919
7623053Montana, Temporary Withdrawal of Certain Described Lands Pending LegislationFebruary 28, 1919
7633053-AFebruary 28, 1919
764 3054 Rescinding Executive Order of April 2, 1917, Requiring Assent of Head of Department for Civil Service ExaminationMarch 2, 1919
7653055Extending Withdrawal of Certain Lands in Idaho by Proclamation No. 1397 of October 9, 1917, Pending LegislationMarch 3, 1919
7663056... Restored to the Government of the PhilippinesMarch 3, 1919
7673057Authorizing Appointment of Charles Aurthur Richards as A Member for Additional Representation of the Food Administrator on the War Trade BoardMarch 3, 1919
7683058March 3, 1919
7693059Ordering Chairman of War Trade Board the Transfer of Functions and Records of Said Board to State DepartmentMarch 3, 1919
7703060Prescribing Regulations for Sale of Lots Within Girdwood TownsiteMarch 3, 1919
7713060-AMarch 3, 1919
7723016-DAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Specified Capital Stock and Property of the Golde Patent Manufacturing CompanyMarch 4, 1919
7733016-EAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Specified Common Capital Stock of New Brunswick Chemical Company, a New Jersey Corporation.March 4, 1919
7743061California, Creation of Laguna Mountain Administrative Site for Use as a Ranger Station in the Administration of Cleveland National ForestMarch 4, 1919
775 3062 Form of Panama Canal Tonnage Certificates AmendedMarch 4, 1919
7763063Certain Powers of the Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Pertaining to Emergency Shipping Fund Withdrawn and Delegated to ...March 13, 1919
7773064Certain Powers of the Shipping Board Pertaining to Emergency Shipping Fund and Delegated to War SecretaryMarch 12, 1919
7783016-FAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Certain Capital Stock and Certain Other Properties of Gerhard and Hey, Inc.March 13, 1919
7793016-GAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Specified Stock of Hayden Chemical Works, All Rights Granted to the Chemische Fabrik von Hayden A.G., Radebeul, Germany, by the Said Chemical Works, and for Certain Patents and Trademarks held by Chemische Fabrik van Hayden A.G. and Fr. von Hayden Nachfolger, Radebuel, GermanyMarch 14, 1919
7803016-HAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Certain Property of International Textile Company, Inc.March 15, 1919
7813065Amending Regulations Governing Appointments and Promotions in the Diplomatic ServiceMarch 15, 1919
7823066Abolishing the Aircraft BoardMarch 19, 1919
7833016-IAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Transfer to the American Radio Company All Rights and Property of Rudolph Goldschmidt and of the Hochfrequenz-Maschienen Aktiongeseschaft for Drahtlose TelegraphieMarch 24, 1919
7843016-JAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Sell at Private Sale All Rights and Patents of the Schmidt-sche Heissdampf Gesellschaft, of Germany to the Locomotive Superheater Co.March 24, 1919
7853067Executive Order No. 2978 of October 21, 1918, Withdrawing Certain Lands Adjacent to Fort De Rusey, Kalia, Oahu, T.H., RevokedMarch 25, 1919
7863068March 25, 1919
7873069Individual, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on ReinstatementMarch 25, 1919
7883016-KAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Sell at Private Sale Certain Patent and Trademark Rights of Enemy Aliens to the Chemical Foundation, Inc.April 5, 1919
7893016-LAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Specified Shares of Capital Stock of K. & E. Neumond, Inc., New Orleans, LouisianaApril 5, 1919
7903016-MAuthorizing the Alien Property Custodian to Reject All Bids for Specified Capital Stock of the Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Co. and Certain TrademarksApril 8, 1919
7913070Restoring Certain Described Lands Reserved by Executive Order No. 2900 of July 2, 1918, for Military Purposes to the Government of Territory of HawaiiApril 8, 1919
7923071April 8, 1919
793 3074 Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Qualification of ApplicantsApril 16, 1919
794 3075 Amending Civil Service Rules Relating to Reinstatement, and Revoking Executive Orders of July 18, 1918, and February 7, 1919April 16, 1919
7953076April 16, 1919
7963077April 16, 1919
7973016-NApril 18, 1919
7983078April 22, 1919
7993085May 4, 1919
8003016-OMay 7, 1919
8013086May 11, 1919
8023086-AMay 12, 1919
8033086-BMay 12, 1919
8043087May 14, 1919
8053087-AMay 14, 1919
8063088May 17, 1919
807 3091 Authorizing Secretary of Navy to Transfer Certain Vessels to Other Executive DepartmentsMay 24, 1919
8083016-PMay 28, 1919
8093016-QMay 28, 1919
8103016-RMay 28, 1919
8113092May 31, 1919
812 3093 Authorizing Reinstatement of Frank H. Wang as a Postal Clerk at the Panama CanalMay 31, 1919
8133094May 31, 1919
8143094-AJune 5, 1919
8153094-BJune 7, 1919
8163095June 8, 1919
8173016-SJune 10, 1919
8183096June 12, 1919
819 3097 Amending Consular Regulations of 1896 Concerning Payment of Wages at PortsJune 17, 1919
8203016-TJune 18, 1919
8213016-UJune 18, 1919
8223098June 19, 1919
8233099June 23, 1919
8243016-VJune 24, 1919
8253099-AJune 24, 1919
8263100June 25, 1919
8273108June 30, 1919
8283016-WJuly 8, 1919
8293016-XJuly 8, 1919
8303109July 10, 1919
8313110July 10, 1919
8323111July 10, 1919
8333111-AJuly 11, 1919
8343112July 12, 1919
835 3113 Vesting in Attorney General all Power and Authority Conferred upon the President by Section 9 of the Trading with the Enemy ActJuly 15, 1919
836 3126 Transferring Records of War Industries Board to Council of National DefenseJuly 22, 1919
837 3130 Setting Apart Certain Land in Canal Zone for use as Fort Amador and Fort Grant Military ReservationsJuly 25, 1919
838 3142 Suspending Provisions of Law Requiring Inspection of Foreign-Built Ships for Eighteen MonthsAugust 8, 1919
839 3154 Dissolving Committee on Public Information and Transferring Assets to Council of National DefenseAugust 21, 1919
8403158August 27, 1919
841 3159 Directing General Supply Committee of Treasury Department to Maintain Records of Surplus Material for Use by Government AgenciesAugust 27, 1919
842 3172 Annulling Orders of Fuel Administration in Order to Restore Bituminous Coal RegulationsOctober 30, 1919
843 3176 Authorizing Title of All German Vessels Seized During War to be Taken Over in Accordance with Joint ResolutionNovember 24, 1919
844 3182 Amending Section 3 of the Executive Order of February 2, 1914, Providing Conditions of Employment for the Permanent Force for the Panama CanalNovember 25, 1919
8453188Oregon, Land Withdrawal for Classification and Pending LegislationDecember 2, 1919
8463189Related to Cited Executive Order No. 2593 of April 13, 1917December 2, 1919
8473190December 2, 1919
8483191December 2, 1919
8493192Restoring Certain Described Lands Reserved by Executive Order of November 4, 1885, for the Improvement of the Columbia RiverDecember 2, 1919
8503193Restoring Certain Described Lands Formerly Reserved by Executive Order No. 2581 of April 4, 1917, to the Government of the Territory of HawaiiDecember 2, 1919
851 3202 Setting Aside Certain Land in Canal Zone for Use as Quarry Heights Military ReservationDecember 22, 1919
852 3203 Setting Aside Certain Land in Canal Zone for Use as Fort William D. Davie Military ReservationDecember 22, 1919
853 3207 Setting Aside Certain Land in Canal Zone for Use as Military ReservationDecember 30, 1919


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
8543208January 2, 1920
855 3210 Establishing Regulations for the Canal Zone Relative to the Sale, Possession, and Disposition of Liquors For Sacramental, Scientific, Industrial, Pharmaceutical, and Medicinal PurposesJanuary 7, 1920
856 3211 Requiring Executive Departments to Furnish Information to Bituminous Coal CommissionJanuary 8, 1920
857 3213 Concerning Costs and Security for Costs in the District Court and the Magistrates' Courts in the Panama Canal ZoneJanuary 9, 1920
858 3222 Applying Executive Order No. 3091 of May 24, 1919, to the Panama CanalFebruary 3, 1920
859 3226 Authorizing Charges for Services Rendered by the Quarantine Division of The Panama CanalFebruary 11, 1920
860 3232 Establishing a Maximum Rate of Pay for Alien Employees of The Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of PanamaFebruary 20, 1920
861 3237 Reserving Certain Lands of the Punta Mala Lighthouse for Use as Naval Radio StationMarch 1, 1920
862 3243 Carrying and Keeping of Arms in the Canal ZoneMarch 6, 1920
863 3247 Restoring Rules and Regulations of Fuel AdministrationMarch 19, 1920
864 3249 Dissolving the United States Bituminous Coal CommissionMarch 24, 1920
865 3255 Establishing Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal Zone and Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of PanamaMarch 31, 1920
866 3257 Reserving Certain Lands in the Canal Zone for Fort Randolph and France Field Military Reservations, and Coco Solo Naval ReservationApril 9, 1920
867 3268 Transferring Records of War Labor Board to Council of National DefenseMay 5, 1920
868 3278-A Regulations Regarding Reinstatement of Former Employees Nearing Retirement AgeJune 2, 1920
869 3283 Suspending Provision 3 of Executive Order of March 24, 1920, until Conclusion of Work of Anthracite Coal CommissionJune 16, 1920
870 3297 Temporarily Withdrawing Land in South Dakota for Determination of Availability for Permanent ReservationJune 30, 1920
871 3308 Temporarily Withdrawing Land in South Dakota to Protect Water Supply of Wind Cave National ParkJuly 14, 1920
872 3313 Amending Consular Regulations Concerning Payment of WagesJuly 21, 1920
873 3314 Temporarily Withdrawing Land in Arizona to Determine Advisability for Inclusion in Tumacacori National MonumentJuly 26, 1920
874 3317 Holy Cross-Sopris National Forest, ColoradoAugust 7, 1920
875 3322 Paitilla Point Military ReservationSeptember 1, 1920
876 3332 Authorizing Retention for Certain Period of Certain Hoboken Piers by War DepartmentOctober 2, 1920
877 3345 Temporarily Withdrawing Land in Arizona for Examination of Ruins and HieroglyphicsOctober 20, 1920
878 3347 Licensing of Chauffeurs in the Canal ZoneOctober 30, 1920
879 3352 Expanding the Fort Sherman Military Reservation in the Canal ZoneNovember 6, 1920
8803358In General Relates to Marginal Wharf Area to Sand Island Military Reservation, Territory of HawaiiNovember 24, 1920
8813359November 25, 1920
882 3360 Prescribing Design and Dimensions for an Official Flag for the Office of Secretary of StateNovember 28, 1920
8833361Constance Kerschner, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentNovember 30, 1920
8843362Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Crow Creek Reservation, South DakotaNovember 30, 1920
8853363Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Ponca Indians of OklahomaDecember 1, 1920
8863364Diminishment of Some Military ReservationDecember 1, 1920
8873365Extension of Trust or Other Period of Restriction Against Alienation Contained in Any Patent Issued to Any Indian for Lands on the Public DomainDecember 7, 1920
8883366Diminishment of Alaska Townsite and Railroad Withdrawal [No. 2] and Such Lands Opened to EntryDecember 8, 1920
889 3367 Prescribing Army Regulations Governing Maximum Limits of PunishmentDecember 10, 1920
8903368Natalie Summers, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentDecember 11, 1920
8913369December 11, 1920
8923370December 16, 1920
8933371December 17, 1920
8943372December 21, 1920
8953373December 22, 1920
8963374Somehow Related to Executive Order No. 2903 of July 3, 1918December 22, 1920
8973375December 24, 1920
8983376Amendment to Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, Subdivision III, Paragraph 7December 24, 1920
8993377Somehow Related to Executive Order No. 2738 of October 24, 1917December 24, 1920
9003378Ernest D. Pickell, Exemption From Civil Service Rules on AppointmentDecember 26, 1920
9013379Transfer of Certain Described Lands from Chelan National Forest to Wenatchee National Forest, WashingtonDecember 31, 1920
9023380Modifying Boundaries of Chelan and Wenatchee National Forests, Washington, to Reflect Intertransfer of LandsDecember 31, 1920


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
9033381Vancouver or Columbia River Land District, Washington, Abolished and Lands, Business, and Archives Thereof Transferred to the Olympia Land DistrictJanuary 4, 1921
904 3382 Amendment of Executive Order of April 16, 1914, So as to Include Mints and Assay Offices and Federal Reserve Banks to Which the Duties and Functions of Assistant Treasurers of the United States are Transferred by the Secretary of the Treasury Under the Act of May 29, 1920January 5, 1921
9053383Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the ... and Sycuan Mission Reservations, CaliforniaJanuary 7, 1921
9063384Alaska, Certain Lands Withdrawn for Use As Agricultural Experiment Stations Restored and Returned to Public DomainJanuary 12, 1921
9073385January 12, 1921
9083386January 21, 1921
9093387January 22, 1921
9103388Order of Withdrawal of Certain Public Lands for Municipal Purposes; Phoenix, ArizonaJanuary 22, 1921
9113398Prescribing the Transfer of Certain Records to the Public Health ServiceJanuary 24, 1921
9123390Abolishment of Portland, Oregon as a Port of Entry in Customs Collection District No. 29 and Prescribing new Limits for Establishing New Port of EntryJanuary 24, 1921
9133391January 27, 1921
9143392Emma V. Morgan, Exemption from Civil Service Rules on AppointmentJanuary 28, 1921
9153393January 28, 1921
916 3394 Withdrawing Land in Wyoming for Classification and Pending Legislation for its DispositionJanuary 28, 1921
917 3395 Withdrawing Land in California for Classification and Pending Legislation for its DispositionJanuary 28, 1921
9183396Relates to Some Action Concerning Railway Labor BoardJanuary 29, 1921
9193397January 31, 1921
9203398Amendment to Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, Subdivision III, Paragraph 9February 2, 1921
9213399Individual, Exemption from Civil Service Rules on AppointmentFebruary 2, 1921
9223400Amendment to Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, Subdivision III, Paragraph 7February 3, 1921
9233401Arthur Byrd, Exemption from Civil Service Rules on AppointmentFebruary 10, 1921
9243402New Mexico, Land Withdrawal for ...February 11, 1921
9253403Excusing Federal Per Diem Employees and Day Laborers in the District of Columbia from Work on Inauguration Day, March 4, 1921February 12, 1921
9263404Alaska, Certain Lands Withdrawn for Use in Warm Springs Bay Lighthouse ReserveFebruary 12, 1921
9273405Reserving Sheep Administrative Site, Arizona, for Use in the Administration of Prescott National ForestFebruary 12, 1921
9283406February 13, 1921
9293407February 15, 1921
9303408Authorizing the Creation of the ... Housing Corporation of Pennsylvania by the Secretary of LaborFebruary 16, 1921
9313409Margaret Reardon and Joeseph F. Murphy, Exemption from Civil Service Rules on AppointmentFebruary 18, 1921
9323410Wyoming, Certain Described Lands Previously Withdrawn for Powersite Purposes Further Reserved for Classification and Pending Legislation for Possible Inclusion in Shoshone National ForestFebruary 22, 1921
9333411Idaho, Certain Described Lands Withdrawn for Classification and Pending Legislation for Possible Inclusion in Minidoka National ForestFebruary 22, 1921
9343412February 25, 1921
9353413Diminishment of Shasta National Forest, California, and Such Lands Opened to Entry Limited to Certain IndividualsFebruary 27, 1921
9363414Excluding Certain Employees in Reclamation Service from Provisions of Civil Service Retirement ActMarch 1, 1921
9373415Half-Mast Flag Display Ordered on March 5, 1921, at Washington, D. C., and March 7, 1921, at Bowling Green, Mo., for Services for the Late Champ Clark, Former Speaker of the House of RepresentativesMarch 3, 1921

Presidential proclamations


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
11237Convening Extra Session of CongressMarch 17, 1913
2 1258 Rules for the Measurement of Vessels for the Panama CanalNovember 21, 1913


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
3 1268 Mother's Day Proclamation, 1914May 9, 1914
4 1287 Declaring Rules for Maintenance of Neutrality of Panama Canal and Panama Canal ZoneNovember 13, 1914


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
5 1318 Setting Aside the Walnut Canyon National Monument, Ariz.November 30, 1915


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
61340Setting Aside the Capulin Mountain National Monument, N. Mex.August 9, 1916


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
7 1364 Declaring that a State of War Exists Between the United States and GermanyApril 6, 1917
8 1370 Designating June 1, 1917, as Registration Day, Etc.May 18, 1917
91371Declaring Rules for Maintenance of Neutrality of Panama Canal and Panama Canal ZoneMay 23, 1917


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
101423Setting Apart the Alabama National Forest AlabamaJanuary 15, 1918
111480Designating September 12, 1918, as Registration Day for Persons Between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty-FiveAugust 31, 1918
121481Determining the Price of Wheat for 1919September 2, 1918
131482Announcing the Licensing of Stockyards and Dealers in Products, Etc.September 6, 1918
141483Prohibiting the Use of Foods Etc., in Production of Malt LiquorsSeptember 16, 1918
151484Announcing the Licensing of Trading in Fuel Oil, Etc.September 16, 1918
161485Designating October 15 to December 16, 1918, as Period for Registration for Persons Between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty-Five in AlaskaSeptember 18, 1918
171486Appointing Saturday, October 1, 1918, as Liberty DaySeptember 19, 1918
181487Setting Aside the Katmai National Monument, AlaskaSeptember 24, 1918
191488Designating October 26, 1918, as Registration Day for Persons Between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty-Five in HawaiiOctober 10, 1918
201489Designating October 26, 1918, as Registration Day for Persons Between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty-Five in Porto RicoOctober 10, 1918
211490Announcing Additional Regulations for Protecting Migratory BirdsOctober 25, 1918
221491Announcing Licensing of Trading in Designated Edibles and Cereal BeveragesNovember 2, 1918
231492Taking Possession of Certain Lands in Virginia for Navy Mine Depot PurposesNovember 2, 1918
241492ATaking Possession and Control of Marine Cable SystemsNovember 2, 1918
251493Taking Immediate Possession of Certain Described Lands for Naval PurposesNovember 4, 1918
261494Taking of Additional Land in Virginia for Naval Ordnance Proving GroundNovember 4, 1918
271495Calling Virginia Coast Artillery Into Military Service of United StatesNovember 7, 1918
281496Designating Thursday, November 28, 1918, as a Day of General ThanksgivingNovember 16, 1918
291497Taking Possession and Control of American Railway Express CompanyNovember 16, 1918
301498Calling Part of Philippine Guard Into Military Service of United StatesNovember 18, 1918
311499Diminishing Area of Ozark National Forest, ArkansasNovember 27, 1918
321500Modifying Areas of the Blackfeet and Flathead National Forests, MontanaNovember 27, 1918
331501Diminishing Area of the Custer National Forest, MontanaNovember 27, 1918
341502Diminishing Area of the Deschutes National Forest, OregonNovember 27, 1918
351503Designating Additional Persons Subject to Restrictions on Trading with the EnemyNovember 29, 1918
361504Taking Possession of Land at Cape May, N.J., for Naval Air StationDecember 2, 1918
371504ADetermining Compensation for Certain German Dock Properties at Hoboken, N.J.December 3, 1918
381505Rescinding Prohibition Against Holding Aircraft ExpositionsDecember 16, 1918
391506Revoking Specified Regulations as to Conduct of Alien EnemiesDecember 23, 1918


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
401506ACanceling the Licenses of Designated Food Products No Longer EssentialJanuary 7, 1919
41 1506B Announcing Death of Former President Theodore Roosevelt January 7, 1919
421507Appointing Walker D. Hines Director General of RailroadsJanuary 10, 1919
431508Taking Possession of Additional Lands in Maryland for Army Ordnance Proving GroundJanuary 25, 1919
441509Diminishing Area of the Nevada National Forest, NevadaJanuary 25, 1919
451510Announcing the Licensing of Designated Products as No Longer EssentialJanuary 25, 1919
461511Permitting Use of Grain for Non-Intoxicating BeveragesJanuary 30, 1919
471511AAnnouncing the Licensing of Specified Necessaries as No Longer EssentialFebruary 11, 1919
481512Reserving Portion of Guano Islands, in Caribbean Sea, or Lighthouse PurposesFebruary 25, 1919
491513Diminishing Area of the Helena National Forest, MontanaFebruary 25, 1919
501514Acquiring Additional Land in Maryland for Navy Proving GroundMarch 4, 1919
511515Modifying Order on Use of Foods, Etc., to Intoxicating LiquorsMarch 4, 1919
521516Announcing the Licensing of Designated Products as No Longer EssentialMarch 19, 1919
531517Restoring Lighthouse Reservation on Maui Island to Territory of HawaiiApril 8, 1919
541518Diminishing Area of the Inyo National Forest, California and NevadaApril 8, 1919
551519Diminishing Area of the Chugach National Forest, AlaskaApril 16, 1919
561519AModifying Boundaries of the Chugach National Forest, AlaskaMay 1, 1919
571520Recommending Observance of Boy Scout Week, June 8 to 14, 1919May 1, 1919
581520AConvening Extra Session of CongressMay 7, 1919
591521Announcing the Licensing of Designated Cottonseed Products as No Longer EssentialMay 31, 1919
601522Restoring Lighthouse Land in Honolulu to HawaiiJune 2, 1919
611522AReserving Roncador Cay, Caribbean Sea, for Lighthouse PurposesJune 5, 1919
621523Modifying Area of the Humboldt National Forest, NevadaJune 12, 1919
631524Diminishing Area of the La Sal National Forest, Utah and ColoradoJune 19, 1919
641525Diminishing Area of the Tahoe National Forest, California and NevadaJune 19, 1919
651526Canceling Licenses for Rice and Rice Flour Dealers as No Longer EssentialJune 19, 1919
661527Announcing the Licensing of Wheat and Flour Storage, Etc., as EssentialJune 23, 1919
671528Prohibiting the Importation and Exportation of Wheat and Wheat FlourJune 24, 1919
681528ACanceling Requirement for Licenses for Exporting Coin, Bullion, and CurrencyJune 26, 1919
691529Enlarging Area of the Wyoming National Forest, WyomingJuly 10, 1919
701530Prohibiting Illegal Export of Arms, Etc., to MexicoJuly 12, 1919
711531Prescribing Additional Regulations for Protection of Migratory BirdsJuly 28, 1919
721532Abrogating Restrictions on Flying by Aircraft, Etc.July 31, 1919
731533Enlarging Area of the Crook National Forest, ArizonaAugust 6, 1919
741534Diminishing Area of the Caribou National Forest, Idaho and WyomingAugust 21, 1919
751535Terminating the Capital Issues CommitteeAugust 30, 1919
761536Diminishing Area of the Sioux National Forest, South Dakota and MontanaSeptember 3, 1919
771537Modifying Area of the Prescott National Forest, ArizonaSeptember 29, 1919
781538Modifying Area of the Coconino National Forest, ArizonaSeptember 29, 1919
791539Designating Thursday, November 27, 1919, as a Day of General ThanksgivingNovember 5, 1919
801540Urging Prompt and Accurate Answers to Census InquiriesNovember 10, 1919
811541Canceling Restrictions on Importing and Exporting Wheat and Wheat FlourNovember 21, 1919
821542Transferring Duties of Food Administration, Except Wheat and Wheat Products, to the Attorney GeneralNovember 21, 1919
831543Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Coal in Alaska for Local UseNovember 22, 1919
841544Diminishing Area of the Nebraska National Forest, NebraskaNovember 25, 1919
851545Enlarging Area of the Gran Quivira National Monument, New MexicoNovember 25, 1919
861546Extending Area of the Lincoln National Forest, New MexicoDecember 2, 1919
871547Setting Aside Scotts Bluff National Monument, NebraskaDecember 11, 1919
881548Enlarging Area of the Shenandoah National Forest, Virginia and West VirginiaDecember 18, 1919
891549Setting Aside the Yucca House National Monument, ColoradoDecember 19, 1919
901550Relinquishing Federal Control of Railroads, Etc.December 24, 1919
911551Relinquishing Federal Control of American Railway Express CompanyDecember 24, 1919
921552Extending Area of the Idaho and Payette National Forests, IdahoDecember 27, 1919


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
931553Setting Apart the Boone National Forest, North CarolinaJanuary 16, 1920
941554Setting Apart the Nantahala National Forest, Georgia, North Carolina, and South CarolinaJanuary 29, 1920
951555Designating Agency to Receive Reimbursement from Railroads, Etc., for Equipment Furnished While Under Federal ControlFebruary 12, 1920
961556Transferring Certain Property to Territory of HawaiiFebruary 17, 1920
971557Copyright Benefits to Sweden Extended to Mechanical Musical ReproductionsFebruary 27, 1920
981558Designating Director General of Railroads Agent to Terminate Federal Control of Transportation Systems, Etc.February 28, 1920
991559Designating Director General of Railroads Agent in Actions Arising from Federal Control of Transportation SystemsMarch 11, 1920
1001560Copyright Benefits to Great Britain for Works Published Therein, Etc., Since August 1, 1914, and Not in United StatesApril 10, 1920
1011561Setting Apart the Mononagahela National Forest, Virginia and West VirginiaApril 28, 1920
1021562Extending Time for Paying Installments for Ceded Lands of Crow Indian Reservation, MontanaMay 5, 1920
1031563Appointing John Barton Payne Director General of RailroadsMay 14, 1920
1041564Designating John Barton Payne as Agent in Actions Arising from Federal Control of Transportation Systems, Etc.May 14, 1920
1051565Canceling Licenses of Dealers in Designated Cereals, Etc., as No Longer EssentialMay 25, 1920
1061566Appointing Anthracite Coal Mining CommissionJune 3, 1920
1071567Authorizing Coal Mining in Matanuska Field, Alaska, for Naval UsesJune 12, 1920
1081568Setting Apart the Cherokee National Forest, Georgia and TennesseeJune 14, 1920
1091569Prescribing Additional Regulations for Protection of Migratory BirdsJuly 9, 1920
110 1570 Declaring the Formal Opening of the Panama Canal July 12, 1920
1111571Setting Apart the Unaka National Forest, North Carolina, Tennessee, and VirginiaJuly 24, 1920
1121572Recommending Observance of Tercentenary of Landing of the PilgrimsAugust 4, 1920
113 1573 Designating October 9, 1920, as Fire Prevention DaySeptember 7, 1920
1141574Diminishing Area of the Trinity National Forest, CaliforniaOctober 1, 1920
1151575Enlarging Area of the Modoc National Forest, CaliforniaOctober 1, 1920
1161576Setting Aside Custer State Park Game Sanctuary, South DakotaOctober 9, 1920
1171577Extending Area of the Arkansas National Forest, ArkansasOctober 19, 1920
1181578Modifying Area of the Santa Fe National Forest, New MexicoOctober 30, 1920
1191579Announcing the Licensing of Sugar, Etc., as No Longer EssentialOctober 30, 1920
1201580Designating Thursday, November 25, 1920, as a Day of General ThanksgivingNovember 12, 1920
1211581Enlarging Area of the Florida National Forest, FloridaNovember 25, 1920
1221582Copyright Benefits to Denmark for Works Published Therein, Etc., Since August 1, 1914, and Not in United StatesDecember 9, 1920
1231583Enlarging Area of the Caribou National Forest, Idaho and WyomingDecember 9, 1920


Relative No.Absolute No.Title/DescriptionDate signed
1241584Convening Special Session of the SenateFebruary 3, 1921
1251585Transferring Certain Lands to Porto Rico for Highway PurposesFebruary 14, 1921
1261586Modifying Area of the Gila National Forest, New MexicoMarch 3, 1921
1271587Modifying Area of the Datil National Forest, New MexicoMarch 3, 1921
1281588Prescribing Further Regulations for Protection of Migratory Game BirdsMarch 3, 1921

Related Research Articles

In the United States, a presidential directive, or executive action, is a written or oral instruction or declaration issued by the president of the United States, which may draw upon the powers vested in the president by the Constitution of the United States, statutory law, or, in certain cases, congressional and judicial acquiescence.

Executive orders are issued to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Presidential memoranda are closely related, and have the force of law on the Executive Branch, but are generally considered less prestigious. Presidential memoranda do not have an established process for issuance, and unlike executive orders, they are not numbered. A presidential determination is a determination resulting in an official policy or position of the executive branch of the United States government. A presidential proclamation is a statement issued by a president on a matter of public policy issued under specific authority granted to the president by Congress and typically on a matter of widespread interest. Administrative orders are signed documents such as notices, letters, and orders that can be issued to conduct administrative operations of the federal government. A presidential notice or a presidential sequestration order can also be issued. National security directives1 operate like executive orders, but are only in the area of national security. They have been issued by different presidents under various names.


  1. Schmidt, Steffen W.; Shelley, Mack C.; Bardes, Barbara A.; Ford, Lynne E. (2013). American Government and Politics Today, 2013-2014. American and Texas Government (16th ed.). Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN   978-1133602132.
  2. Office of the Press Secretary (January 4, 1996). "Suspending Restrictions on U.S. Relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization". Yale Law School . Yale University. White House . Retrieved February 23, 2017.
  3. Hartman, Gary R. (2004). Landmark Supreme Court cases : the most influential decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. New York: Facts on File. p. 545. ISBN   9781438110363.
  4. Relyea, Harold C. (November 26, 2008). "Presidential Directives: Background and Overview" (PDF). Congressional Research Service . Washington, D.C.: United States Congress. p. 4. Order Code 98-611 GOV. Retrieved October 8, 2017.
  5. "Presidential Documents Guide". National Archives and Records Administration . Washington, D.C.: United States Government. August 15, 2016. Retrieved October 8, 2017.
  6. Relyea, Harold C. (February 10, 2003). "Presidential Directives: Background and Overview" (PDF). Congressional Research Service . Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress . Retrieved March 24, 2017.
  7. Johnson, Paul M. "Sequestration". Department of Political Science. Auburn, Alabama: Auburn University . Retrieved May 29, 2017.
  8. "Executive Orders". July 20, 2024. Retrieved July 28, 2024.
  9. "Executive Order 2641".
  10. "Executive Order 2705".