List of executive actions by George W. Bush

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A presidential proclamation is a statement issued by a president on a matter of public policy issued under specific authority granted to the president by Congress and typically on a matter of widespread interest. [1] An administrative order (i.e., findings, letters, orders) can be issued. [2]


Administrative orders are published in the Federal Register in forms other than those of executive orders, or proclamations, have been denominated as administrative orders when reproduced in CFR Title 3 compilations. [2] A research guide by the National Archives defined administrative orders as "unnumbered signed documents through which the President of the United States conducts the administrative operations of the Federal Government" which "include but are not limited to memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, and messages." [3]

A presidential notice or a presidential sequestration order can also be issued. [4] [5] The newest executive power, national security presidential memoranda, 2 operate like executive orders, but are only in the area of national security. They date back to President Harry S. Truman and have been called many different names. 1 [6]

Executive orders, presidential proclamations, presidential memoranda, presidential determinations, administrative orders, presidential notices, presidential sequestration orders, and national security presidential memoranda are compiled by the Office of the Federal Register (within the National Archives and Records Administration) and are printed by the Government Printing Office. They are published daily, except on federal holidays. A free source of these documents is the Federal Register , which contains government agency rules, proposed rules, and public notices. [7] There are no copyright restrictions on the Federal Register; as a work of the U.S. government, it is in the public domain. [8]

Listed below are executive orders numbered 13198–13488, presidential memoranda, presidential proclamations, presidential determinations, and presidential notices signed by United States President George W. Bush.

Executive orders


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
1 13198 3 Agency Responsibilities With Respect to Faith- Based and Community Initiatives Jan 29, 2001Jan 31, 200166 FR 849701-2851 [9] [10] [11]
2 13199 4 Establishment of White House Office of Faith- Based and Community Initiatives Jan 29, 2001Jan 31, 200166 FR 849901-2852 [12] [13] [14]
3 13200 5 Further Amendment to Executive Order 13035, President's Information Technology Advisory Committee Feb 11, 2001Feb 14, 200166 FR 1018301-3883 [15] [16] [17]
4 13201 6 Notification of Employee Rights Concerning Payment of Union Dues or FeesFeb 17, 2001Feb 22, 200166 FR 1122101-4621 [18] [19] [20]
5 13202 Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction ProjectsFeb 17, 2001Feb 22, 200166 FR 1122501-4622 [21] [22] [23]
6 13203 7 Revocation of Executive Order and Presidential Memorandum Concerning Labor-Management Partnerships Feb 17, 2001Feb 22, 200166 FR 1122701-4623 [24] [25]
7 13204 8 Revocation of Executive Order on Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Certain Contracts Feb 17, 2001Feb 22, 200166 FR 1122801-4624 [26] [27] [28]
8 13205 Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Its Employees Represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Mar 9, 2001Mar 14, 200166 FR 1501101-6558 [29] [30]
9 13206 9 Termination of Emergency Authority for Certain Export ControlsApr 4, 2001Apr 9, 200166 FR 1839701-8835 [31] [32] [33]
10 13207 10 Further Amendment to Executive Order 10000, Regulations Governing Additional Compensation and Credit Granted Certain Employees of the Federal Government Serving Outside the United States Apr 5, 2001Apr 9, 200166 FR 1839901-8836 [34] [35] [36] [37]
11 13208 11 Amendment to Executive Order 13202, Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects Apr 6, 2001Apr 9, 200166 FR 1839901-9086 [38] [39] [40]
12 13209 12 Amendment to Executive Order 13183, Establishment of the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status.Apr 30, 2001May 2, 200166 FR 2210501-11210 [41] [42]
13 13210 13 President's Commission To Strengthen Social Security May 2, 2001May 4, 200166 FR 2210501-11505 [43] [44]
14 13211 Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or UseMay 18, 2001May 22, 200166 FR 2835501-13116 [45] [46]
15 13212 14 Actions To Expedite Energy-Related ProjectsMay 18, 2001May 22, 200166 FR 2835701-13117 [47] [48]
16 13213 15 Additional Measures With Respect To Prohibiting the Importation of Rough Diamonds From Sierra Leone May 22, 2001May 24, 200166 FR 2882901-13381 [49] [50] [51] [52] [53]
17 13214 13 President's Task Force To Improve Health Care Delivery for Our Nation's VeteransMay 28, 2001May 31, 200166 FR 2944701-13869 [54] [55] [56] [57]
18 13215 16 Further Amendment to Executive Order 13035, President's Information Technology Advisory Committee May 31, 2001Jun 5, 200166 FR 3028501-14319 [58]
19 13216 17 Amendment to Executive Order 13125, Increasing Participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Federal Programs Jun 6, 2001Jun 11, 200166 FR 3137301-14862 [59]
20 13217 Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals With DisabilitiesJun 18, 2001Jun 21, 200166 FR 3315501-15758 [60]
21 13218 18 21st Century Workforce InitiativeJun 20, 2001Jun 22, 200166 FR 3362701-15958 [61]
22 13219 19 Blocking Property of Persons Who Threaten International Stabilization Efforts in the Western Balkans Jun 26, 2001Jun 29, 200166 FR 3477501-16668 [62]
23 13220 Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 With Respect to the Republic of Belarus Jul 2, 2001Jul 5, 200166 FR 3552701-17041 [63]
24 13221 Energy Efficient Standby Power Devices Jul 31, 2001Aug 2, 200166 FR 4057101-19562 [64]
25 13222 20 Continuation of Export Control RegulationsAug 17, 2001Aug 22, 200166 FR 4402501-21338 [65]
26 13223 21 Ordering the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty and Delegating Certain Authorities to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation Sep 14, 2001Sep 18, 200166 FR 4820101-23359 [66]
27 13224 22 Blocking property and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorismSep 23, 2001Sep 25, 200166 FR 4907901-24205 [67]
28 13225 23 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory CommitteesSep 28, 2001Oct 3, 200166 FR 5029101-24917 [68]
29 13226 24 President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Sep 30, 2001Oct 3, 200166 FR 5052301-24983 [69]
30 13227 25 President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education Oct 2, 2001Oct 5, 200166 FR 5128901-25344 [70]
31 13228 26 Establishing the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council Oct 8, 2001Oct 10, 200166 FR 5181201-25677 [71]
32 13229 27 Amendment to Executive Order 13045, Extending the Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children Oct 9, 2001Oct 11, 200166 FR 5201301-25788 [72]
33 13230 28 President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans Oct 12, 2001Oct 17, 200166 FR 5284101-26339 [73]
34 13231 29 Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age Oct 16, 2001Oct 18, 200166 FR 5306301-26509 [74]
35 13232 30 Further Amendment to Executive Order 10789, as Amended, To Authorize the Department of Health and Human Services To Exercise Certain Contracting Authority in Connection With National Defense Functions Oct 20, 2001Oct 24, 200166 FR 5394101-26990 [75]
36 13233 31 Further implementation of the Presidential Records Act Nov 1, 2001Nov 5, 200166 FR 5602501-27917 [76]
37 13234 32 Presidential Task Force on Citizen Preparedness in the War on Terrorism Nov 9, 2001Nov 15, 200166 FR 5735501-28762 [77]
38 13235 33 National Emergency Construction AuthorityNov 16, 2001Nov 20, 200166 FR 5834301-29219 [78]
39 13236 Waiver of Dual Compensation Provisions of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 Nov 27, 2001Nov 29, 200166 FR 5967101-29831 [79]
40 13237 34 Creation of the President's Council on Bioethics Nov 28, 2001Nov 30, 200166 FR 5985101-29948 [80]
41 13238 35 Closing of Federal Government Executive Departments and Agencies on Monday, Dec 24, 2001Dec 5, 2001Dec 10, 200166 FR 6390301-30624 [81]
42 13239 Designation of Afghanistan and the Airspace Above as a Combat Zone Dec 12, 2001Dec 14, 200166 FR 6490701-31119 [82]
43 13240 36 Council of Europe in Respect of the Group of States Against Corruption Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6490701-31665 [83]
44 13241 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6625801-31666 [84]
45 13242 37 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Commerce Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6626001-31667 [85]
46 13243 38 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Housing and Urban Development Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6626201-31668 [86]
47 13244 39 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of the Interior Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6626701-31669 [87]
48 13245 40 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Labor Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6626801-31670 [88]
49 13246 41 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of the Treasury Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6627001-31671 [89]
50 13247 42 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Veterans Affairs Dec 18, 2001Dec 21, 200166 FR 6627101-31672 [90]
51 13248 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between United Airlines, Inc., and Its Mechanics and Related Employees Represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Dec 20, 2001Dec 27, 200166 FR 6670501-31959 [91]
52 13249 43 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 28, 2001Jan 7, 200267 FR 63902-448 [92]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
53 13250 44 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Health and Human Services Dec 28, 2001Jan 11, 200267 FR 159702-917 [93]
54 13251 45 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of State Dec 28, 2001Jan 11, 200267 FR 159902-918 [94]
55 13252 46 Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations ProgramJan 7, 2002Jan 11, 200267 FR 160102-919 [95]
56 13253 22 Amendment to Executive Order 13223 Ordering the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty and Delegating Certain Authorities to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation Jan 16, 2002Jan 18, 200267 FR 279102-1594 [96]
57 13254 Establishing the USA Freedom Corps Jan 29, 2002Feb 1, 200267 FR 486902-2638 [97]
58 13255 26 Amendment to Executive Order 13227, President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education Feb 6, 2002Feb 8, 200267 FR 615702-3337 [98]
59 13256 47 President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities Feb 12, 2002Feb 14, 200267 FR 682302-3826 [99]
60 13257 48 President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in PersonsFeb 13, 2002Feb 19, 200267 FR 725902-4071 [100]
61 13258 49 Amending Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review Feb 26, 2002Feb 28, 200267 FR 938502-5069 [101]
62 13259 Designation of Public International Organizations for Purposes of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977Mar 19, 2002Mar 21, 200267 FR 1323902-07085 [102]
63 13260 Establishing the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council and Senior Advisory Committees for Homeland Security Mar 19, 2002Mar 21, 200267 FR 1324102-07086 [103]
64 13261 50 Providing an Order of Succession in the Environmental Protection Agency and Amending Certain Orders on Succession Mar 19, 2002Mar 21, 200267 FR 1324302-7087 [104]
65 13262 51 2002 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States [105] Apr 11, 2002Apr 17, 200267 FR 1877302-9536 [106]
66 13263 52 President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Apr 29, 2002May 3, 200267 FR 2233702-11166 [107]
67 13264 53 Amendment to Executive Order 13180, Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization Jun 4. 2002Jun 7, 200267 FR 3924302-14497 [108]
68 13265 54 President's Council on Physical Fitness and SportsJun 6, 2002Jun 11, 200267 FR 3984102-14807 [109]
69 13266 Activities to Promote Personal FitnessJun 20, 2002Jun 24, 200267 FR 4246702-16040 [110]
70 13267 Establishing a Transition Planning Office for the Department of Homeland Security Within the Office of Management and Budget Jun 20, 2002Jun 24, 200267 FR 4246902-16041 [111]
71 13268 55 Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Taliban and Amendment of Executive Order 13224 of Sep 23, 2001 Jul 2, 2002Jul 3, 200267 FR 4475102-16951 [112]
72 13269 Expedited Naturalization of Aliens and Noncitizen Nationals Serving in an Active-Duty Status During the War on Terrorism Jul 3, 2002Jul 8, 200267 FR 4528702-17273 [113]
73 13270 56 Tribal colleges and universities Jul 3, 2002Jul 8, 200267 FR 4528802-17274 [114]
74 13271 57 Establishment of the Corporate Fraud Task Force Jul 9, 2002Jul 11, 200267 FR 4609102-17640 [115]
75 13272 58 Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency RulemakingAug 13, 2002Aug 16, 200267 FR 5346102-21056 [116]
76 13273 59 Further Amending Executive Order 10173, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Safeguarding of Vessels, Harbors, Ports, and Waterfront Facilities of the United States Aug 21, 2002Sep 3, 200267 FR 5621502-22526 [117]
77 13274 Environmental Stewardship and Transportation Infrastructure Project ReviewsSep 18, 2002Sep 23, 200267 FR 5944902-24252 [118]
78 13275 Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United StatesOct 7, 2002Oct 9, 200267 FR 6286902-25900 [119]
79 13276 60 Delegation of Responsibilities Concerning Undocumented Aliens Interdicted or Intercepted in the Caribbean RegionNov 15, 2002Nov 19, 200267 FR 6998502-29580 [120]
80 13277 61 Delegation of Certain Authorities and Assignment of Certain Functions Under the Trade Act of 2002 Nov 19, 2002Nov 21, 200267 FR 7030502-29832 [121]
81 13278 62 President's Commission on the United States Postal Service Dec 11, 2002Dec 13, 200267 FR 7667102-31624 [122]
82 13279 63 Equal Protection of the Laws for Faith-Based and Community OrganizationsDec 12, 2002Dec 16, 200267 FR 7714102-31831 [123]
83 13280 Responsibilities of the Department of Agriculture and the Agency for International Development With Respect to Faith-Based and Community InitiativesDec 12, 2002Dec 16, 200267 FR 7714502-31832 [124]
84 13281 Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Tuesday, Dec 24, 2002Dec 19, 2002Dec 23, 200267 FR 7831902-32518 [125]
85 13282 64 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 31, 2002Jan 8, 200368 FR 113303-464 [126]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
86 13283 65 Establishing the Office of Global CommunicationsJan 21, 2003Jan 24, 200368 FR 337103-1798 [127]
87 13284 66 Amendment of Executive Orders, and Other Actions, in Connection With the Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security Jan 23, 2003Jan 28, 200368 FR 407503-2069 [128]
88 13285 67 President's Council on Service and Civic Participation Jan 29, 2003Feb 3, 200368 FR 520303-2606 [129]
89 13286 57 Amendment of Executive Orders, and Other Actions, in Connection With the Transfer of Certain Functions to the Secretary of Homeland Security Feb 38, 2003Mar 5, 200368 FR 1061903-5343 [130]
90 13287 Preserve America Mar 3, 2003Mar 5, 200368 FR 1063503-05344 [131]
91 13288 68 Blocking Property of Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe Mar 6, 2003Mar 10, 200368 FR 1145703-5848 [132]
92 13289 69 Establishing the Global War on Terrorism Medals Mar 12, 2003Mar 14, 200368 FR 1256703-6445 [133]
93 13290 70 Confiscating and Vesting Certain Iraqi Property Mar 20, 2003Mar 24, 200368 FR 1430703-7160 [134]
94 13291 71 Further Adjustment of Certain Rates of PayMar 21, 2003Mar 25, 200368 FR 1452503-7313 [135]
95 13292 72 Further amendment to Executive Order 12958, as amended, classified national security information Mar 25, 2003Mar 28, 200368 FR 1531503-7736 [136]
96 13293 73 Amendment to Executive Order 10448, Establishing the National Defense Service Medal Mar 28, 2003Apr 1, 200368 FR 1591703-8108 [137]
97 13294 74 Regulations Relating to Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay, Aviation Career Incentive Pay, and Submarine Duty Incentive Pay Mar 28, 2003Apr 1, 200368 FR 1591903-8109 [138]
98 13295 75 Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases Apr 4, 2003Apr 9, 200368 FR 1725503-8832 [139]
99 13296 76 Amendments to Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks Apr 18, 2003Apr 23, 200368 FR 1993103-10194 [140]
100 13297 Applying the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Amendments of 2000 to Participants in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, the Foreign Service Pension System, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Apr 23, 2003Apr 28, 200368 FR 2256503-10606 [141]
101 13298 77 Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Actions and Policies of UNITA and Revocation of Related Executive Orders May 6, 2003May 8, 200368 FR 2485703-11713 [142]
102 13299 78 Interagency Group on Insular AreasMay 8, 2003May 12, 200368 FR 2547703-11969 [143]
103 13300 Facilitating the Administration of Justice in the Federal Courts May 9, 2003May 13, 200368 FR 2580703-12071 [144]
104 13301 79 Increasing the Number of Members on the Intelligence Oversight Board May 14, 2003May 19, 200368 FR 2698103-12661 [145]
105 13302 80 Amending Executive Order 13212, Actions to Expedite Energy-Related Projects May 15, 2003May 20, 200368 FR 2742903-12766 [146]
106 13303 81 Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and certain other property in which Iraq has an interest May 22, 2003May 28, 200368 FR 3193103-13412 [147]
107 13304 82 Termination of National Emergencies With Respect to Yugoslavia and Modification of Executive Order 13219 of Jun 26, 2001 May 28, 2003May 29, 200368 FR 3231503-13694 [148]
108 13305 83 Extension of the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee and the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology May 28, 2003May 30, 200368 FR 3232303-13750 [149]
109 13306 Establishing the Bob Hope American Patriot Award May 28, 2003Jun 3, 200368 FR 3333703-14116 [150]
110 13307 European Central Bank May 29, 2003Jun 3, 200368 FR 3333803-14117 [151]
111 13308 84 Further Amendment to Executive Order 12580, as Amended, Superfund Implementation Jun 20, 2003Jun 24, 200368 FR 3769103-16102 [152]
112 13309 85 Amendments to Executive Order 12994, and renaming the President's Committee on Mental Retardation as the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities Jul 25, 2003Jul 30, 200368 FR 4485103-19572 [153]
113 13310 86 Blocking Property of the Government of Burma and Prohibiting Certain TransactionsJul 28, 2003Jul 30, 200368 FR 4485303-19573 [154]
114 13311 87 Homeland Security Information Sharing Jul 29, 2003Jul 31, 200368 FR 4514903-19675 [155]
115 13312 88 Implementing the Clean Diamond Trade Act Jul 29, 2003Jul 31, 200368 FR 4515103-19676 [156]
116 13313 Delegation of Certain Congressional Reporting FunctionsJul 31, 2003Aug 5, 200368 FR 4607303-20013 [157]
117 13314 Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 With Respect to Turkmenistan Aug 8, 2003Aug 13, 200368 FR 4824903-20764 [158]
117 13315 89 Blocking Property of the Former Iraqi Regime, Its Senior Officials and Their Family Members, and Taking Certain Other ActionsAug 13, 2003Sep 3, 200368 FR 5231503-22543 [159]
118 13316 90 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory CommitteesSep 17, 2003Sep 23, 200368 FR 5525503-24217 [160]
119 13317 91 Volunteers for Prosperity Sep 25, 2003Sep 30, 200368 FR 5651503-24919 [161]
120 13318 92 Presidential Management Fellows Program Nov 21, 2003Nov 25, 200368 FR 6631703-29644 [162]
121 13319 93 Amendment to Executive Order 13183, Establishment of the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status Dec 3, 2003Dec 8, 200368 FR 6823303-30513 [163]
122 13320 94 Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Friday, Dec 26, 2003Dec 9, 2003Dec 12, 200368 FR 6929503-30913 [164]
123 13321 95 Appointments During National EmergencyDec 17, 2003Dec 23, 200368 FR 7446503-31594 [165]
124 13322 96 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 30, 2003Jan 2, 200469 FR 23103-32328 [166]
125 13323 Assignment of Functions Relating to Arrivals in and Departures From the United StatesDec 30, 2003Jan 2, 200469 FR 24103-32332 [167]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
126 13324 15 Termination of National Emergency With Respect to Sierra Leone and Liberia Jan 15, 2004Jan 20, 200469 FR 282304-1322 [168]
127 13325 97 Amendment to Executive Order 12293, the Foreign Service of the United States Jan 23, 2004Jan 28, 200469 FR 421704-1941 [169]
128 13326 98 President's Commission on implementation of United States space exploration policy Jan 27, 2004Feb 3, 200469 FR 525504-2408 [170]
129 13327 99 Federal Real Property Asset ManagementFeb 4, 2004Feb 6, 200469 FR 589704-2773 [171] [172]
130 13328 100 Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction Feb 6, 2004Feb 11, 200469 FR 690104-3170 [173] [174] [175]
131 13329 101 Encouraging Innovation in ManufacturingFeb 24, 2004Feb 26, 200469 FR 918104-4436 [176]
132 13330 102 Human Service Transportation CoordinationFeb 24, 2004Feb 26, 200469 FR 918504-4451 [177]
133 13331 National and Community Service Programs Feb 27, 2004Mar 3, 200469 FR 991104-4884 [178]
134 13332 103 Further Adjustment of Certain Rates of PayMar 3, 2004Mar 8, 200469 FR 1089104-5322 [179]
135 13333 48 Amending Executive Order 13257 to Implement the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 Mar 18, 2004Mar 23, 200469 FR 1345504-66220 [180]
136 13334 104 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Its Conductors Represented by the United Transportation Union Apr 10, 2004Apr 14, 200469 FR 1991704-8616 [181]
137 13335 Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology and Establishing the Position of the National Health Information Technology Coordinator Apr 27, 2004Apr 30, 200469 FR 2405904-10024 [182]
138 13336 105 American Indian and Alaska Native Education Apr 30, 2004May 5, 200469 FR 2529504-10377 [183]
139 13337 106 Issuance of Permits With Respect to Certain Energy-Related Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings on the International Boundaries of the United StatesApr 30, 2004May 5, 200469 FR 2529904-10378 [184]
140 13338 107 Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting the Export of Certain Goods to Syria May 11, 2004May 13, 200469 FR 2675104-11058 [185]
141 13339 108 Increasing Economic Opportunity and Business Participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders May 13, 2004May 17, 200469 FR 2803704-11271 [186]
142 13340 Establishment of Great Lakes Interagency Task Force and Promotion of a Regional Collaboration of National Significance for the Great LakesMay 18, 2004May 20, 200469 FR 2904304-11592 [187]
143 13341 109 Further Amendment to Executive Order 11023, Providing for the Performance by the Secretary of Commerce of Certain Functions Relating to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration May 20, 2004May 25, 200469 FR 2984304-11991 [188]
144 13342 Responsibilities of the Departments of Commerce and Veterans Affairs and the Small Business Administration With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Jun 1, 2004Jun 3, 200469 FR 3105904-12745 [189]
145 13343 110 Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on Jun 11, 2004Jun 6, 2004Jun 8, 200469 FR 3224504-13123 [190]
146 13344 110 Amending Executive Order 13261 on the Order of Succession in the Environmental Protection Agency Jun 7, 2004Jun 9, 200469 FR 4174704-15787 [191]
147 13345 111 Assigning Foreign Affairs Functions and Implementing the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and the Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998 Jul 8, 2004Jul 13, 200469 FR 4190104-15933 [192]
148 13346 112 Delegation of Certain Waiver, Determination, Certification, Recommendation, and Reporting FunctionsJul 8, 2004Jul 13, 200469 FR 4190504-15934 [193]
149 13347 Individuals With Disabilities in Emergency PreparednessJul 22, 2004Jul 26, 200469 FR 4457304-17150 [194]
150 13348 113 Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting the Importation of Certain Goods from Liberia Jul 22, 2004Jul 27, 200469 FR 4488504-17205 [195]
151 13349 114 Amending Executive Order 13326 to Designate the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology to Serve as the National Nanotechnology Panel Jul 23, 2004Jul 27, 200469 FR 4489104-17204 [196]
152 13350 115 Termination of Emergency Declared in Executive Order 12722 With Respect to Iraq and Modification of EO 13290, EO 13303, and EO 13315 Jul 29, 2004Jul 30, 200469 FR 4605504-17636 [197]
153 13351 116 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Its Conductors Represented by the United Transportation Union Aug 9, 2004Aug 12, 200469 FR 5004704-18575 [198]
154 13352 Facilitation of Cooperative ConservationAug 26, 2004Aug 30, 200469 FR 5298904-19909 [199]
155 13353 Establishing the President's Board on Safeguarding Americans' Civil Liberties Aug 27, 2004Sep 1, 200469 FR 5358504-20049 [200]
156 13354 117 National Counterterrorism Center Aug 27, 2004Sep 1, 200469 FR 5358904-20050 [201]
157 13355 118 Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community Aug 27, 2004Sep 1, 200469 FR 5359304-20051 [202]
158 13356 119 Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information To Protect Americans Aug 27, 2004Sep 1, 200469 FR 5359904-20052 [203]
159 13357 120 Termination of Emergency Declared in Executive Order 12543 With Respect to the Policies and Actions of the Government of Libya and Revocation of Related Executive Orders Sep 20, 2004Sep 22, 200469 FR 5666504-21411 [204]
160 13358 Assignment of Functions Relating to Certain Appointments, Promotions, and Commissions in the Armed ForcesSep 28, 2004Sep 30, 200469 FR 5879704-22212 [205]
161 13359 121 Amendment to Executive Order 13173, Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the Central San Joaquin Valley Oct 20, 2004Oct 25, 200469 FR 6239104-23994 [206]
162 13360 Providing Opportunities for Service-Disabled Veteran Businesses to Increase Their Federal Contracting and SubcontractingOct 20, 2004Oct 26, 200469 FR 6254904-24098 [207]
163 13361 122 Assignment of Functions Under the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 Nov 16, 2004Nov 19, 200469 FR 6763304-25866 [208]
164 13362 123 Designation of Additional Officers for the Department of Homeland Security Order of Succession Nov 29, 2004Dec 2, 200469 FR 7017304-26684 [209]
165 13363 124 Establishing the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals Nov 29, 2004Dec 2, 200469 FR 7017504-26685 [210]
166 13364 125 Modifying the Protection Granted to the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Property in Which Iraq Has an Interest and Protecting the Central Bank of Iraq Nov 29, 2004Dec 2, 200469 FR 7017704-26686 [211]
167 13365 126 2004 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States [105] Dec 3, 2004Dec 8, 200469 FR 7133304-27076 [212]
168 13366 127 Committee on Ocean PolicyDec 17, 2004Dec 21, 200469 FR 7659104-28079 [213]
169 13367 United States-Mexico Border Health Commission Dec 21, 2004Dec 27, 200469 FR 7760504-28404 [214]
170 13368 128 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 30, 2004Jan 5, 200570 FR 114705-306 [215]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
171 13369 129 President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform Jan 7, 2005Jan 12, 200570 FR 232305-771 [216]
172 13370 Providing an Order of Succession in the Office of Management and Budget Jan 13, 2005Jan 19, 200570 FR 313705-1170 [217]
173 13371 130 Amendments to Executive Order 13285, Relating to the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation Jan 27, 2005Jan 31, 200570 FR 504105-1886 [218]
174 13372 131 Clarification of Certain Executive Orders Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain TransactionsFeb 16, 2005Feb 18, 200570 FR 849905-5097 [219]
175 13373 132 Amendments to Executive Order 11926 Relating to the Vice Presidential Service Badge Mar 10, 2005Mar 14, 200570 FR 1257905-5434 [220]
176 13374 133 Amendments to Executive Order 12293 - The Foreign Service of the United States Mar 14, 2005Mar 17, 200570 FR 1296105-6907 [221]
177 13375 134 Amendment to Executive Order 13295 Relating to Certain Influenza Viruses and Quarantinable Communicable Diseases Apr 1, 2005Apr 5, 200570 FR 1729905-6907 [222]
178 13376 135 Amendments to Executive Order 12863, Relating to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Apr 13, 2005Apr 18, 200570 FR 2026105-7830 [223]
179 13377 136 Designating the African Union as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and ImmunitiesApr 13, 2005Apr 18, 200570 FR 2026305-7831 [224]
180 13378 137 Amendments to Executive Order 12788 Relating to the Defense Economic Adjustment Program May 12, 2005May 17, 200570 FR 2841305-9892 [225]
181 13379 138 Amendment to Executive Order 13369, Relating to the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform Jun 16, 2005Jun 20, 200570 FR 3550505-12284 [226]
182 13380 139 Implementing Amendments to Executive Order 13369 on Border Environment Cooperation Commission and North American Development Bank Jun 17, 2005Jun 21, 200570 FR 3550905-12354 [227]
183 13381 140 Strengthening Processes Relating to Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security Information Jun 27, 2005Jun 30, 200570 FR 3795305-13098 [228]
184 13382 141 Blocking Property of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators and Their SupportersJun 28, 2005Jul 1, 200570 FR 3856705-13214 [229]
185 13383 142 Amending Executive Orders 12139 and 12949 in Light of Establishment of the Office of Director of National Intelligence Jul 15, 2005Jul 20, 200570 FR 4193305-14452 [230]
186 13384 Assignment of Functions Relating to Original Appointments as Commissioned Officers and Chief Warrant Officer Appointments in the Armed ForcesJul 27, 2005Jul 29, 200570 FR 4373905-15160 [231]
187 13385 143 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees and Amendments to and Revocation of Other Executive OrdersSep 29, 2005Oct 4, 200570 FR 5798905-19993 [232]
188 13386 144 Further Amendment to Executive Order 13369, Relating to the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform Sep 30, 2005Oct 5, 200570 FR 5828905-20156 [233]
189 13387 145 2005 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States [105] Oct 14, 2005Oct 18, 200570 FR 6069705-20944 [234]
190 13388 146 Further strengthening the sharing of terrorism Information to protect AmericansOct 25, 2005Oct 27, 200570 FR 6202305-21571 [235]
191 13389 147 Creation of the Gulf Coast Recovery and Rebuilding CouncilNov 1, 2005Nov 4, 200570 FR 6732505-22132 [236] [237]
192 13390 148 Establishment of a Coordinator of Federal Support for the Recovery and Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Region Nov 1, 2005Nov 4, 200570 FR 6732705-23412 [238] [239] [240]
193 13391 149 Amendment to EO 13288, Blocking Property of Additional Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe Nov 22, 2005Nov 25, 200570 FR 7120105-23412 [241]
194 13392 Improving Agency Disclosure of InformationDec 14, 2005Dec 19, 200570 FR 7537305-24255 [242] [243]
195 13393 150 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 22, 2005Dec 27, 200570 FR 7665505-24596 [244]
196 13394 151 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense Dec 22, 2005Dec 27, 200570 FR 7666505-24597 [245]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
197 13395 Designating the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunitiesJan 13, 2006Jan 19, 200671 FR 320306-554 [246]
198 13396 Blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in Côte d'Ivoire Feb 7, 2006Feb 10, 200671 FR 738906-1316 [247]
199 13397 Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security with respect to faith-based and community initiatives Mar 6, 2006Mar 9, 200671 FR 1227506-2362 [248]
200 13398 National Mathematics Advisory Panel Apr 18, 2006Apr 21, 200671 FR 2051906-3865 [249]
201 13399 152 Blocking Property of Additional Persons in Connection With the National Emergency With Respect to Syria Apr 25, 2006Apr 28, 200671 FR 2505906-4085 [250]
202 13400 153 Blocking Property of Persons in Connection With the Conflict in Sudan's Darfur Region Apr 26, 2006May 1, 200671 FR 2548306-4121 [251]
203 13401 154 Responsibilities of Federal Departments and Agencies With Respect to Volunteer Community ServiceApr 27, 2006May 1, 200671 FR 2573706-4132 [252]
204 13402 155 Strengthening Federal Efforts to Protect Against Identity Theft May 10, 2006May 15, 200671 FR 2794506-4552 [253]
205 13403 156 Amendments to Executive Orders 11030, 13279, 13339, 13381, and 13389, and Revocation of Executive Order 13011 May 12, 2006May 16, 200671 FR 2854306-4652 [254]
206 13404 Task Force on New AmericansJun 7, 2006Jun 12, 200671 FR 3395306-5351 [255]
207 13405 157 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus Jun 16, 2006Jun 20, 200671 FR 3548506-5592 [256]
208 13406 158 Protecting the Property Rights of the American PeopleJun 23, 2006Jun 28, 200671 FR 3697306-5828 [257]
209 13407 159 Public Alert and Warning SystemJun 26, 2006Jun 28, 200671 FR 3697506-5829 [258]
210 13408 160 Amending Executive Order 13381, as Amended, to Extend its Duration by One Year Jun 29, 2006Jul 3, 200671 FR 3780706-5984 [259]
211 13409 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and its Locomotive Engineers Represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen Jul 3, 2006Jul 7, 200671 FR 3851106-6101 [260]
212 13410 Promoting Quality and Efficient Health Care in Federal Government Administered or Sponsored Health Care ProgramsAug 22, 2006Aug 28, 200671 FR 5108906-7220 [261]
213 13411 Improving Assistance for Disaster VictimsAug 29, 2006Sep 6, 200671 FR 5272906-7492 [262]
214 13412 161 Blocking Property of and Prohibiting Transactions with the Government of Sudan Oct 13, 2006Oct 17, 200671 FR 6136906-8769 [263]
215 13413 162 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Oct 27, 2006Oct 31, 200671 FR 6410506-9020 [264]
216 13414 163 Amendment to Executive Order 13402, Strengthening Federal Efforts to Protect Against Identity Theft Nov 3, 2006Nov 8, 200671 FR 6536506-9148 [265]
217 13415 164 Assignment of Certain Pay-Related FunctionsDec 1, 2006Dec 5, 200671 FR 7064106-9561 [266]
218 13416 165 Strengthening Surface Transportation SecurityDec 5, 2006Dec 7, 200671 FR 7103306-9619 [267]
219 13417 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between Metro-North Railroad and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Certain Labor OrganizationsDec 6, 2006Dec 8, 200671 FR 7145906-9632 [268]
220 13418 166 Amendment to Executive Order 13317, Volunteers for Prosperity Dec 14, 2006Dec 18, 200671 FR 7564706-9770 [269]
221 13419 167 National Aeronautics Research and DevelopmentDec 20, 2006Dec 26, 200671 FR 7756506-9895 [270]
222 13420 168 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 21, 2006Dec 26, 200671 FR 7757106-9896 [271]
223 13421 169 Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on Jan 2, 2007Dec 28, 2006Jan 4, 200772 FR 42506-9993 [272]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
224 13422 170 Further Amendment to Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review Jan 18, 2007Jan 23, 200772 FR 276307-293 [273]
225 13423 171 Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation ManagementJan 24, 2007Jan 26, 200772 FR 391907-374 [274]
226 13424 172 Further Amendment to Executive Order 13285, Relating to the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation Jan 26, 2007Jan 30, 200772 FR 440907-419 [275]
227 13425 173 Trial of Alien Unlawful Enemy Combatants by Military CommissionFeb 14, 2007Feb 20, 200772 FR 773707-780 [276]
228 13426 Establishing a Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors and a Task Force on Returning Global War on Terror HeroesMar 6, 2007Mar 8, 200772 FR 1058907-1137 [277]
229 13427 Extending Privileges and Immunities to the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United NationsMar 7, 2007Mar 9, 200772 FR 1087907-1152 [278]
230 13428 174 Renaming a National Forest in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Apr 2, 2007Apr 4, 200772 FR 1669307-1704 [279]
231 13429 175 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between Metro-North Railroad and Its Maintenance of Way Employees Represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Apr 4, 2007Apr 10, 200772 FR 1810107-1816 [280]
232 13430 176 2007 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States [281] Apr 18, 2007Apr 23, 200772 FR 2021307-2027 [282]
233 13431 Establishment of Temporary Organization to Facilitate United States Government Assistance for Transition in Iraq Apr 18, 2007Apr 23, 200772 FR 2670907-2367 [283]
234 13432 177 Cooperation Among Agencies in Protecting the Environment With Respect to Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Motor Vehicles, Nonroad Vehicles, and Nonroad EnginesMay 14, 2007May 16, 200772 FR 2771707-2462 [284]
235 13433 Protecting American Taxpayers From Payment of Contingency FeesMay 16, 2007May 18, 200772 FR 2844107-2518 [285]
236 13434 National Security Professional DevelopmentMay 17, 2007May 22, 200772 FR 2858307-2570 [286]
237 13435 178 Expanding Approved Stem Cell Lines in Ethically Responsible WaysJun 20, 2007Jun 22, 200772 FR 3459107-3112 [287]
238 13436 179 Further Amending Executive Order 13381, as Amended, to Extend Its Duration by One Year Jun 28, 2007Jul 3, 200772 FR 3633707-3258 [288]
239 13437 Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 With Respect to Turkmenistan Jun 28, 2007Jul 3, 200772 FR 3633907-3259 [289]
240 13438 180 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq Jul 17, 2007Jul 19, 200772 FR 3971907-3552 [290]
241 13439 Establishing an Interagency Working Group on Import SafetyJul 18, 2007Jul 20, 200772 FR 4005307-3593 [291]
242 13440 Interpretation of the Geneva Conventions Common Article 3 as Applied to a Program of Detention and Interrogation Operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Jul 20, 2007Jul 24, 200772 FR 4070707-3656 [292]
243 13441 181 Blocking Property of Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions Aug 1, 2007Aug 3, 200772 FR 4349907-3835 [293]
244 13442 182 Amending the Order of Succession in the Department of Homeland Security Aug 13, 2007Aug 15, 200772 FR 4587707-4023 [294]
245 13443 Facilitation of Hunting Heritage and Wildlife Conservation Aug 16, 2007Aug 20, 200772 FR 4653707-4115 [295]
246 13444 Extending Privileges and Immunities to the African Union Mission to the United StatesSep 12, 2007Sep 14, 200772 FR 5274707-4600 [296]
247 13445 Strengthening Adult Education Sep 27, 2007Oct 2, 200772 FR 5616507-4890 [297]
248 13446 183 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees and Amendments to and Revocation of Other Executive OrdersSep 28, 2007Oct 2, 200772 FR 5617507-4906 [298]
249 13447 184 Further 2007 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Sep 28, 2007Oct 2, 200772 FR 5617907-4907 [299]
250 13448 185 Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Burma Oct 18, 2007Oct 23, 200772 FR 6022307-5270 [300]
251 13449 186 Protection of Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish PopulationsOct 20, 2007Oct 24, 200772 FR 6053107-5299 [301]
252 13450 Improving Government Program PerformanceNov 13, 2007Nov 15, 200772 FR 6451907-5726 [302]
253 13451 Designating the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and ImmunitiesNov 19, 2007Nov 21, 200772 FR 6565307-5816 [303]
254 13452 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Certain Labor OrganizationsNov 28, 2007Nov 30, 200772 FR 6782707-5919 [304]
255 13453 187 Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Monday, Dec 24, 2007Dec 6, 2007Dec 11, 200772 FR 7047707-6022 [305]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
256 13454 188 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayJan 4, 2008Jan 8, 200873 FR 148108-62 [306]
257 13455 Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Financial LiteracyJan 23, 2008Jan 24, 200873 FR 444508-325 [307]
258 13456 189 Further Amendment of Executive Order 11858 Concerning Foreign Investment in the United States Jan 23, 2008Jan 25, 200873 FR 467708-360 [308]
259 13457 Protecting American Taxpayers From Government Spending on Wasteful Earmarks Jan 29, 2008Feb 1, 200873 FR 641708-483 [309]
260 13458 Implementation of the Protocol Additional to the Agreement Between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the United States of AmericaFeb 4, 2008Feb 6, 200873 FR 718108-568 [310]
261 13459 Improving the Coordination and Effectiveness of Youth ProgramsFeb 7, 2008Feb 12, 200873 FR 800308-658 [311]
262 13460 190 Blocking Property of Additional Persons in Connection With the National Emergency With Respect to Syria Feb 13, 2008Feb 15, 200873 FR 899108-761 [312]
263 13461 191 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Health and Human Services Feb 15, 2008Feb 20, 200873 FR 943708-797 [313]
264 13462 192 President's Intelligence Advisory Board and Intelligence Oversight BoardFeb 29, 2008Mar 4, 200873 FR 1180508-970 [314]
265 13463 193 Amending Executive Orders 13389 and 13390 Apr 18, 2008Apr 23, 200873 FR 2204708-1182 [315]
266 13464 Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Burma Apr 30, 2008May 2, 200873 FR 2449108-1215 [316] [317]
267 13465 194 Amending Executive Order 12989, as Amended Jun 6, 2008Jun 11, 200873 FR 3328508-1348 [318]
268 13466 195 Continuing Certain Restrictions With Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals Jun 26, 2008Jun 27, 200873 FR 3678708-1399 [319]
269 13467 196 Reforming Processes Related to Suitability for Government Employment, Fitness for Contractor Employees, and Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security InformationJun 30, 2008Jul 2, 200873 FR 3810308-1409 [320]
270 13468 197 2008 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Jul 24, 2008Jul 28, 200873 FR 4382708-1472 [321]
271 13469 198 Blocking Property of Additional Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe Jul 25, 2008Jul 29, 200873 FR 4384108-1480 [322]
272 13470 199 Further Amendments to Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities Jul 30, 2008Aug 4, 200873 FR 45325E8-17940 [323]
273 13471 200 Further Amendments to Executive Order 13285, President's Council On Service And Civic Participation Aug 28, 2008Sep 2, 200873 FR 51209E8-20436 [324]
274 13472 201 Executive Branch Responsibilities With Respect to Orders of SuccessionSep 11, 2008Sep 15, 200873 FR 53353E8-21651 [325]
275 13473 To Authorize Certain Noncompetitive Appointments in the Civil Service for Spouses of Certain Members of the Armed ForcesSep 25, 2008Sep 30, 200873 FR 56703E8-23125 [326]
276 13474 202 Amendments to Executive Order 12962 Sep 26, 2008Oct 1, 200873 FR 57229E8-23235 [327]
277 13475 203 Further Amendments to EO12139 and EO12949 In Light of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008 Oct 7, 2008Oct 10, 200873 FR 60095E8-24342 [328]
278 13476 204 Facilitation of a Presidential TransitionOct 9, 2008Oct 14, 200873 FR 60605E8-24465 [329]
279 13477 Settlement of Claims Against Libya Oct 31, 2008Nov 5, 200873 FR 65965E8-26531 [330]
280 13478 205 Amendments to Executive Order 9397 Relating to Federal Agency Use of Social Security Numbers Nov 18, 2008Nov 20, 200873 FR 70239E8-27771 [331]
281 13479 206 Transformation of the National Air Transportation SystemNov 18, 2008Nov 20, 200873 FR 70241E8-27777 [332]
282 13480 207 Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations ProgramNov 26, 2008Dec 4, 200873 FR 73991E8-28912 [333]
283 13481 208 Providing An Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice Dec 4, 2008Dec 11, 200873 FR 75531E8-29564 [334]
284 13482 209 Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Friday, Dec 26, 2008Dec 12, 2008Dec 16, 200873 FR 76501E8-30042 [335]
285 13483 210 Adjustments of Certain Rates of PayDec 18, 2008Dec 23, 200873 FR 78587E8-30700 [336]


Rel #Abs #Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
286 13484 211 Amending Executive Order 13241, the Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture Jan 9, 2009Jan 14, 200974 FR 2285E9-811 [337]
287 13485 212 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Transportation, 2009 Jan 9, 2009Jan 14, 200974 FR 2287E9-814 [338]
288 13486 Strengthening Laboratory Biosecurity in the United States Jan 9, 2009Jan 14, 200974 FR 2289E9-818 [339]
289 13487 Establishment of a Temporary Organization to Facilitate United States Government Support for Afghanistan Jan 16, 2009Jan 22, 200974 FR 4097E9-1538 [340]
290 13488 213 Granting Reciprocity on Excepted Service and Federal Contractor Employee Fitness and Reinvestigating Individuals in Positions of Public TrustJan 16, 2009Jan 22, 200974 FR 4111E9-1574 [341]

Presidential memoranda

#Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
2 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations, 2005 Dec 22, 2005Dec 27, 200570 FR 7666905-24599 [342]
3 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations, 2006 Dec 21, 2006Dec 26, 200671 FR 7724306-9891 [343]
4 Designation of Officers of the Department of Justice, 2006 Dec 8, 2006Dec 12, 200671 FR 7475106-9691 [344]
5 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations, 2007 Dec 27, 2007Jan 9, 200873 FR 181108-75 [345]
6 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations, 2008 Dec 23, 2008Dec 30, 200873 FR 79589E8-31140 [346]
7 Designation of Officers to Act as President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation Jan 16, 2009Jan 22, 200974 FR 4101E9-1541 [347]

Presidential determinations

#Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
1Certification for Major Illicit Drug Producing and DrugMar 1, 2001Mar 12, 200166 FR 1445401-6296 [348]
2 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2001 Jun 11, 2001Jun 28, 200166 FR 3435501-16446 [349]
3 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations, 2001 Sep 23, 2001Sep 25, 200166 FR 4907301-24179 [350]
4 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2001 Dec 14, 2001Dec 27, 200166 FR 6670701-31813 [351]
5 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2002 Jun 14, 2002Jun 25, 200267 FR 4270502-16154 [352]
6 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2002 Dec 13, 2002Dec 23, 200267 FR 7812502-32422 [353]
7 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2003 Jun 13, 2003Jun 24, 200368 FR 3738703-16077 [354]
8 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2003 Dec 9, 2003Dec 23, 200368 FR 7445903-31591 [355]
9 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2004 Jun 15, 2004Jun 29, 200469 FR 3879504-14839 [356]
10 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2004 Dec 15, 2004Dec 30, 200469 FR 7885104-28732 [357]
11 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations, 2004 Dec 21, 2004Dec 27, 200469 FR 7760704-28405 [358]
12 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2005 Jun 15, 2005Jun 27, 200570 FR 3680505-12761 [359]
13 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2005 Dec 14, 2005Dec 22, 200570 FR 7592905-24430 [360]
14 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2006 Jun 15, 2006Jun 26, 200671 FR 3643706-5716 [361]
15 Waiving the Prohibition on the Use of Fiscal Year 2006 Economic Support Funds With Respect to Various Parties to the Rome Statute Establishing the International Criminal Court Nov 27, 2006Dec 12, 200671 FR 7445306-9665 [362]
16 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2006 Dec 15, 2006Jan 16, 200772 FR 190107-134 [363]
17 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2007 Jun 1, 2007Jun 25, 200772 FR 3497507-3138 [364]
18 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2007 Dec 12, 2007Jan 22, 200873 FR 384708-240 [365]
19 Waiver of Reimbursement Under the U.N. Participation Act To Support UNAMID Efforts in Darfur Dec 14, 2007Jan 22, 200873 FR 385108-241 [366]
20 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Jun 2008 Jun 4, 2008Jun 11, 200873 FR 3328908-1349 [367]
21 Waiving the Prohibition on the Use of Economic Support Funds With Respect to Various Parties to the Rome Statute Establishing the International Criminal Court Jun 20, 2008Jun 26, 200873 FR 3640108-1393 [368]
22Proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America And the Government of the United Arab Emirates Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear power Nov 14, 2008Nov 21, 200873 FR 70583E8-27870 [369]
23 Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act, Dec 2008 Dec 4, 2008Dec 17, 200873 FR 76503E8-30103 [370]
24Unexpected Urgent Humanitarian Needs Related to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda Dec 18, 2008Dec 31, 200873 FR 80293E8-31237 [371]
25 Waiver of Reimbursement Under the United Nations Participation Act to Support the United Nations/African Union Mission in Darfur Jan 1, 2009Jan 13, 200974 FR 1583E9-598 [372]
26 Limited Waiver of Certain Sanctions Imposed by, and Delegation of Certain Authorities Pursuant to, the Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE (Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008 Jan 15, 2009Jan 21, 200974 FR 3957E9-1362 [373]
27Eligibility of the Southern African Development Community to Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as AmendedJan 16, 2009Jan 29, 200974 FR 5097E9-2066 [374]
28 Waiving the Prohibition on the Use of Economic Support Funds with Respect to Various Parties to the Rome Statute Establishing the International Criminal Court Jan 16, 2009Jan 29, 200974 FR 5099E9-2070 [375]

Presidential proclamations

Presidential notices


#Title/DescriptionDate signedDate publishedFR CitationFR Doc #Ref.
1 Regarding the Continuation of Proclamation 6867 215 Feb 27, 2001Feb 28, 200166 FR 1283901-5067 [376] [377] [378]
2 Regarding the Continuation of Iran Emergency 216 Mar 13, 2001Mar 14, 200166 FR 1501301-6559 [379] [380] [381]

See also

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  1. ^ National security directives are often classified and are not numbered among executive orders.
  2. ^ National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directives address continuity of government in the event of a "catastrophic emergency" disrupting the U.S. population, economy, environment, infrastructure and government policy.
  3. ^ See: EO 13559, Nov 17, 2010.
  4. ^ Amended by: EO 13498, Feb 5, 2009. See: EO 13559, Nov 17, 2010.
  5. ^ Amends: EO 13035, Feb 11, 1997. See: EO 13092, Jul 24, 1998; EO 13113, Feb 10, 1999; EO 13215, May 31, 2001.
  6. ^ Revokes: EO 12836, Feb 1, 1993 (in part). See: EO 12800, Apr 13, 1992. Revoked by: EO 13496, Jan 30, 2009.
  7. ^ Revokes: EO 12871, Oct 1, 1993; Memorandum of Oct 28, 1999. See: EO 12983, Dec 21, 1995; EO 13156, May 17, 2000.
  8. ^ Revokes: EO 12933, Oct 20, 1994. Revoked by: EO 13495, Jan 30, 2009.
  9. ^ Revokes: EO 12924, Aug 19, 1994. See: EO 12002, Jul 7, 1977; EO 12214, May 2, 1980; EO 12938, Nov 14, 1994; EO 12981, Dec 5, 1995; EO 13026, Nov 15, 1996.
  10. ^ Amends: EO 10000, Sep 16, 1948.
  11. ^ Amends: EO 13202, Feb 17, 2001. Revoked by: EO 13502, Feb 6, 2009.
  12. ^ Amends: EO 13183, Dec 23, 2000.
  13. ^ Revoked by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003.
  14. ^ Amended by: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003; EO 13302, May 15, 2003. See: EO 13337, Apr 30, 2004.
  15. ^ Amends: EO 13194, Jan 18, 2001. See: Notice of Jan 15, 2002; Notice of Jan 16, 2003; EO 13312, Jul 29, 2003. Revoked by: EO 13324,Jan 15, 2004.
  16. ^ Amends: EO 13035, Feb 11, 1997. See: EO 13092, Jul 24, 1998; EO 13113, Feb 10, 1999; EO 13200, Feb 11, 2001.
  17. ^ Amends: EO 13125, Jun 7, 1999.
  18. ^ Amends: EO 13111, Jan 12, 1999. Revokes: EO 13174, Oct 27, 2000. See: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003.
  19. ^ Amended by: EO 13304, May 28, 2003. See: Notice of Jun 20, 2003; Notice of Jun 24, 2004; Notice of Jun 23, 2005; Notice of Jun 22, 2006; Notice of Jun 22, 2007; Notice of Jun 24, 2008; Notice of Jun 22, 2009; Notice of Jun 8, 2010.
  20. ^ See: EO 12002, Jul 7, 1977; EO 12214, May 2, 1980; EO 12735, Nov 16, 1990; EO 12755, Mar 12, 1991; EO 12851, Jun 11, 1993; EO 13026, Nov 15, 1996; Notice of Aug 14, 2002 Notice of Aug 7, 2003; Notice of Aug 6, 2004; Notice of Aug 2, 2005; Memorandum of May 12, 2006; PD No. 2006-14 of May 18, 2006; Notice of Aug 3, 2006; Notice of Aug 15, 2007; Notice of Jul 23, 2008; Notice of Aug 13, 2009; Notice of Aug 12, 2010.
  21. ^ Amended by: EO 13253, Jan 16, 2002; EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003. See: Proclamation 7463, Sep 14, 2001 (66 FR 48199); Notice of Sep 12, 2002 (67 FR 58317); Notice of Sep 10, 2003 (68 FR 53665); Notice of Sep 10, 2004 (69 FR 55313); Notice of Sep 8, 2005 (70 FR 54229).
  22. ^ Amended by: EO 13268, Jul 2, 2002; EO 13284, Jan 23, 2003 EO 13372, Feb 16, 2005. See: Proclamation 7463, Sep 14, 2001 (66 FR 48199, Sep 18, 2001); Notice of Sep 19, 2002; Notice of Sep 18, 2003; EO 13338, May 11, 2004; Notice of Sep 21, 2004; Notice of Sep 21, 2005; Notice of Sep 21, 2006; Notice of Sep 20, 2007; Notice of Sep 18, 2008; Notice of Sep 21, 2009; Notice of Sep 16, 2010.
  23. ^ Continues: EO 11183, Oct 3, 1964; EO 11145, Mar 7, .1964; EO 11287, Jun 28, 1966; EO 12131, May 4, 1979; EO 12196, Feb 26, 1980; EO 12216, Jun 18, 1980; EO 12345, Feb 2, 1982; EO 12367, Jun 15, 1982; EO 12382, Sep 13, 1982; EO 12900, Feb 22, 1994; EO 12905, Mar 25, 1994; EO 12994, Mar 21, 1996; EO 13021, Oct 19, 1996. Revokes: EO 13075, Feb 19, 1998; EO 13080, Apr 7, 1998; EO 13090, Jun 29, 1998; EO 13134, Aug 12, 1999 (in part); EO 13168, Sep 22, 2000. Supersedes: EO 13138, Sep 30, 1999 (in part). Superseded by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003.
  24. ^ Revokes: EO 12882, Nov 23, 1993; EO 12907, Apr 14, 1994; EO 13138, Sep 30, 1999 (in part). Amended by: EO 13305, May 28, 2003; EO 13349, Jul 23, 2004; EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005. Continued by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007; EO 13511, Sep 29, 2009. Revoked by: EO 13539, Apr 21, 2010.
  25. ^ Amended by: EO 13255, Feb 6, 2002. Revoked by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003.
  26. ^ Amends: EO 12656, Nov 18, 1988. Amended by: EO 13284, Jan 23, 2003; EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003. See: EO 13231, Oct 16, 2001; EO 13257, Feb 13, 2002.
  27. ^ Amends: EO 13045, Apr 21, 1997.
  28. ^ Revokes: EO 12900, Feb 22, 1994.
  29. ^ Revokes: EO 13130, Jul 14, 1999. Amended by: EO 13284, Jan 23, 2003; EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003; EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003; EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005; EO 13652, Sep 30, 2013. Continued by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007; EO 13511, Sep 29, 2009; EO 13652, Sep 30, 2013; EO 13708, Sep 30, 2015 See: EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981; EO 12382, Sep 13, 1982; EO 12472, Apr 3, 1984; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 13228, Oct 8, 2001; EO 13585, Sep 30, 2011.
  30. ^ Amends: EO 10789, Nov 14, 1958.
  31. ^ Revokes: EO 12667, Jan 18, 1989. Revoked by: EO 13489, Jan 21, 2009.
  32. ^ Federal Register page and date:66 FR 57355, Nov 15, 2001. Amended by: EO 13284, Jan 23, 2003.
  33. ^ See: Notice of Sep 12, 2002 (67 FR 58317); Notice of Sep 10, 2003 (68 FR 53665); Notice of Sep 10, 2004 (69 FR 55313); Notice of Sep 8, 2005 (70 FR 54229).
  34. ^ Amended by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003; EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005. Continued by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007. Superseded by: EO 13521, Nov 24, 2009.
  35. ^ See: EO 11582, Feb 11, 1971.
  36. ^ Revokes: EO 11957, Jan 13, 1977. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002. Revoked by: EO 13542, May 13, 2010.
  37. ^ Revokes: EO 11880, Oct 2, 1975; EO 12608, Sep 9, 1987 (in part); EO 12998, Apr 5, 1996. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002.
  38. ^ Revokes: EO 11274, Mar 30, 1966. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002.
  39. ^ Revokes: EO 11487, Oct 6, 1969. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002.
  40. ^ Revokes: EO 10513, Jan 19, 1954. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002.
  41. ^ Revokes: EO 11822, Dec 10, 1974. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002.
  42. ^ Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002. See: Memorandum of Feb 12, 2003 (68 FR 10141).
  43. ^ Supersedes: EO 13182, Dec 23, 2000.
  44. ^ Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002. Revoked by: EO 13261, Feb 15, 2008.
  45. ^ Revokes: EO 12343, Jan 27, 1982. Amended by: EO 13261, Mar 19, 2002.
  46. ^ Amends: EO 12171, Nov 19, 1979.
  47. ^ Amended by: EO 13261, Sep 17, 2003; EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005. Continued by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007; EO 13511, Sep 29, 2009. Revoked by: EO 13532, Feb 26, 2010. Revokes: EO 12876, Nov 1, 1993.
  48. ^ Amends: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003. See: EO 13228, Oct 8, 2001. Amended by: EO 13333, Mar 18, 2004.
  49. ^ Amends: EO 12866, Sep 30, 1993. Revoked by: EO 13497, Jan 30, 2009.
  50. ^ Amends: EO 13241, Dec 18, 2001; EO 13242, Dec 18, 2001; EO 13243, Dec 18, 2001; EO 13244, Dec 18, 2001; EO 13245, Dec 18, 2001; EO 13251, Dec 28, 2001. Amended by: EO 13344, Jul 9, 2004.
  51. ^ Amends: EO 12473, Apr 13, 1984. See: EO 13447, Sep 28, 2007.
  52. ^ Revoked by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003. See: Proclamation 7804 of Jul 26, 2004.
  53. ^ Amends: EO 13180, Dec 7, 2000.
  54. ^ Amended by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003; EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005; EO 13545, Jun 22, 2010. Continued by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007; EO 13511, Sep 29, 2009; EO 13652, Sep 30, 2013; EO 13708, Sep 30, 2015. Revokes: EO 12345, Feb 2, 1982. See: EO 13585, Sep 30, 2011.
  55. ^ Amends: EO 13224, Sep 23, 2001. See: EO 13129, Jul 4, 1999; EO 13371, Feb 16, 2005.
  56. ^ Amended by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003; EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005. Continued by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007; EO 13511, Sep 29, 2009. Revokes: EO 13021, Oct 19, 1996. See:EO 13585, Sep 30, 2011; EO 13592, Dec 2, 2011
  57. ^ Amended by: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003. Terminated by: EO 13519, Nov 17, 2009.
  58. ^ See: EO 12866, Sep 30, 1993.
  59. ^ See: s:Executive Order 10173EO 10173, Oct 18, 1950.
  60. ^ See: EO 12807, May 24, 1992. Amends: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003.
  61. ^ Amends: EO 11846, Mar 27, 1975. Amended by: EO 13346, Jul 8, 2004.
  62. ^ Revoked by: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003.
  63. ^ Amends: EO 11246, Sep 24, 1965. Amended by: EO 13403, May 12, 2006; EO 13559, Nov 17, 2010.
  64. ^ Superseded by: EO 13322, Dec 30, 2003.
  65. ^ See: EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981. Revoked by: EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005.
  66. ^ Amends: EO 10865, Feb 20, 1960; EO 11423, Aug 16, 1968; EO 11958, Jan 18, 1977; EO 12260, Dec 31, 1980; EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981; EO 12590, Mar 26, 1987; EO 12859, Aug 16, 1993; EO 12881, Nov 23, 1993; EO 12992, Mar 15, 1996; EO 13011, Jul 16, 1996; EO 13048, Jun 10, 1997; EO 13122, May 25, 1999; EO 13151, Apr 27, 2000; EO 13224, Sep 23, 2001; EO 13228, Oct 8, 2001; EO 13231, Oct 16, 2001; EO 13234, Nov 9, 2001. See: EO 12829, Jan 6, 1993; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 12968, Aug 2, 1995; EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003; EO 13371, Feb 16, 2005.
  67. ^ Amended by: EO 13371, Feb 16, 2005; EO 13424, Jan 26, 2007; EO 13471, Aug 28, 2008.
  68. ^ Amended by: EO 13391, Nov 22, 2005. Superseded in part by: EO 13391, Nov 22, 2005. See: Notice of Mar 2, 2004; Notice of Mar 2, 2005; Notice of Feb 27, 2006; Notice of Feb 28, 2007; Notice of Mar 4, 2008; EO 13469, Jul 25, 2008; Notice of Mar 3, 2009; Notice of Mar 1, 2010.
  69. ^ See: EO 10977, Dec 4, 1961; EO 12985, Jan 11, 1996; EO 13363, Nov 29, 2004; EO 13723, Mar 30, 2016.
  70. ^ See: EO 13303, May 22, 2003; Notice of Jul 31, 2003 (68 FR 45739); Notice of May 19, 2005 (70 FR 29435). Amended by: EO 13350, Jul 29, 2004.
  71. ^ Amends: EO 13282, Dec 31, 2002. See:EO 13322, Dec 30, 2003.
  72. ^ Amends: EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995. Revoked by: EO 13526, Dec 29, 2009. See: EO 12356, Apr 6, 1982.
  73. ^ Amends: EO 10448, Apr 22, 1953. See: EO 12776, Oct 8, 1991.
  74. ^ Revokes: EO 11157, Jun 22, 1964; EO 11800, Aug 17, 1974.
  75. ^ Revokes: EO 12452, Dec 22, 1983. Amended by: EO 13375, Apr 1, 2005.
  76. ^ Amends: EO 13045, Apr 21, 1997.
  77. ^ Revokes: EO 12865, Sep 26, 1993; EO 13069, Dec 12, 1997; EO 13098, Aug 18, 1998.
  78. ^ Superseded by: EO 13537, Apr 14, 2010.
  79. ^ Amends: EO 12863, Sep 13, 1993; EO 13070, Dec 15, 1997. See: EO 13376, Apr 13, 2005.
  80. ^ Amends: EO 13212, May 18, 2001.
  81. ^ Amended by: EO 13364, Nov 29, 2004 See: EO 12722, Aug 8, 1990; EO 12724, Aug 9, 1990; EO 13290, Mar 20, 2003; EO 13315, Aug 28, 2003; EO 13350, Jul 29, 2004; EO 13438, Jul 17, 2007; Notice of May 20, 2004; Notice of May 19, 2005; Notice of May 18, 2006; Notice of May 18, 2007; Notice of May 20, 2008; Notice of May 19, 2009; Notice of May 12, 2010; EO 13668,May 27, 2014.
  82. ^ Amends: EO 13219, Jun 26, 2001. Revokes: EO 12808, May 30, 1992; EO 12810, Jun 5, 1992; EO 12831, Jan 15, 1993; EO 13088, Jun 9, 1998; EO 13121, Apr 30, 1999; EO 13192, Jan 17, 2001. See: Notice of Jun 20, 2003; Notice of Jun 24, 2004; Notice of Jun 23, 2005; Notice of Jun 22, 2006; Notice of Jun 22, 2007; Notice of Jun 24, 2008; Notice of Jun 22, 2009; Notice of Jun 8, 2010.
  83. ^ Amends: EO 13035, Feb 11, 1997; EO 13226, Sep 30, 2001.
  84. ^ Amends: EO 12580, Jan 23, 1987.
  85. ^ Amends: EO 12994, Mar 21, 1996.
  86. ^ Amends: EO 13047, May 20, 1997. See: EO 13448, Oct 18, 2007; EO 13464, Apr 30, 2008; Notice of May 17, 2004; Notice of May 17, 2005; Notice of May 18, 2006; Notice of May 17, 2007; Notice of May 16, 2008; Notice of May 14, 2009; Notice of May 13, 2010; EO 13619, Jul 11, 2012. Revoked by: EO 13742, Oct 7, 2016.
  87. ^ Amended by: EO 13388, Oct 25, 2005. See: EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 12968, Aug 2, 1995; EO 13356, Aug 27, 2004.
  88. ^ See: EO 13194, Jan 8, 2001; EO 13213, May 22, 2001.
  89. ^ See: EO 13303, May 22, 2003; EO 13364, Nov 29, 2004; EO 13438, Jul 17, 2007; Notice of May 20, 2004; Notice of May 19, 2005; Notice of May 18, 2006; Notice of May 18, 2007; Notice of May 20, 2008; Notice of May 19, 2009; Notice of May 12, 2010; EO 13668, May 27, 2014. Superseded in part by: EO 13350, Jul 29, 2004.
  90. ^ Amends: EO 12131, May 4, 1979. Revokes: EO 12975, Oct 3, 1995; EO 13147, Mar 7, 2000; EO 13210, May 2, 2001; EO 13214, May 28, 2001; EO 13227, Oct 2, 2001; EO 13263, Apr 29, 2002; EO 13278, Dec 11, 2002. Revokes in part: EO 13111, Jan 12, 1999; EO 13177, Dec 4, 2000. Continues: EO 11145, Mar 7, 1964; EO 11183, Oct 3, 1964; EO 11287, Jun 28, 1966; EO 12196, Feb 26, 1980; EO 12216, Jun 18, 1980; EO 12367, Jun 15, 1982; EO 12382, Sep 13, 1982; EO 12905, Mar 25, 1994; EO 13231, Oct 16, 2001; EO 13237, Nov 28, 2001; EO 13256, Feb 12, 2002; EO 13265, Jun 6, 2002; EO 13270, Jul 3, 2002. See: EO 13018, Sep 16, 1996; EO 13046, May 16, 1997; EO 13137, Sep 15, 1999; EO 13167, Sep 15, 2000; EO 13188, Jan 12, 2001; EO 13218, Jun 20, 2001; EO 13255, Feb 6, 2002. Supersedes: EO 13225, Sep 28, 2001. Superseded in part by: EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005.
  91. ^ Amended by: EO 13418, Dec 14, 2006.
  92. ^ Supersedes: EO 12364, May 24, 1982. Revoked by: EO 13562, Dec 27, 2010.
  93. ^ Amends: EO 13183, Dec 23, 2000.
  94. ^ See: EO 11582, Feb 11, 1971.
  95. ^ See: EO 12396, Dec 9, 1982.
  96. ^ Supersedes: EO 13282, Dec 31, 2002. See: EO 13291, Mar 21, 2003. Superseded by: EO 13332, Mar 3, 2004.
  97. ^ Amends: EO 12293, Feb 23, 1981. Revoked by: EO 13374, Mar 14, 2005.
  98. ^ Revoked by: EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005.
  99. ^ Amended by: EO 13423, Jan 24, 2007; EO 13693, Mar 19, 2015. Revokes: EO 12512, Apr 29, 1985.
  100. ^ Revoked by: EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005.
  101. ^ See: EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995.
  102. ^ See: Proclamation 7804 of Jul 26, 2004.
  103. ^ Supersedes: EO 13322, Dec 30, 2003. Superseded by: EO 13368, Dec 30, 2004.
  104. ^ See: EO 13351, Aug 9, 2004.
  105. ^ See: EO 13175, Nov 6, 2000; EO 13592, Dec 2, 2011. Revokes: EO 13096, Aug 6, 1998.
  106. ^ Amends: EO 11423, Aug 16, 1968. See: EO 10485, Sep 3, 1953; EO 10530, May 10, 1954; EO 13212, May 18, 2001.
  107. ^ Amended by: EO 13460, Feb 13, 2008. See: EO 13224, Sep 23, 2001; Notice of May 5, 2005; EO 13399, Apr 25, 2006; Notice of May 8, 2006; Notice of May 8, 2007; Notice of May 7, 2008; Notice of May 7, 2009; Notice of May 3, 2010; EO 13572, Apr 29, 2011; EO 13573, May 18, 2011; EO 13582, Aug 17, 2011.
  108. ^ Amended by: EO 13403, May 12, 2006. Superseded by: EO 13515, Oct 14, 2009.
  109. ^ Amends EO11023, May 20, 2004.
  110. ^ See: EO 11582, Feb 11, 1971.
  111. ^ See: EO 11269, Feb 14, 1966. Revokes: EO 12757, Mar 19, 1991; EO 12823, Dec 3, 1992; EO 13028, Dec 3, 1996; EO 13131, Jul 22, 1999.
  112. ^ Amends: EO 12163, Sep 29, 1979; EO 13277, Nov 19, 2002. See: EO 13419, Dec 20, 2006.
  113. ^ See: Notice of Jul 19, 2005; Notice of Jul 18, 2006; Notice of Jul 19, 2007; Notice of Jul 16, 2008; Notice of Jul 16, 2009; Notice of Jul 19, 2010. Revoked by: EO 13710, Nov 12, 2015.
  114. ^ Amends: EO 13326, Sep 30, 2001.
  115. ^ Revokes: EO 12722, Aug 2, 1990; EO 12724, Aug 9, 1990; EO 12734, Nov 14, 1990; EO 12743, Jan 18, 1991; EO 12751, Feb 14, 1991; EO 12817, Oct 21, 1992. Amends: EO 13290, Mar 20, 2003. Supersedes in part: EO 13315, Aug 28, 2003. See: EO 13303, May 22, 2003; EO 13364, Nov 29, 2004; EO 13438, Jul 17, 2007; Notice of May 19, 2005; Notice of May 18, 2006; Notice of May 18, 2007; Notice of May 20, 2008; Notice of May 19, 2009; Notice of May 12, 2010.
  116. ^ See: EO 13334, Apr 12, 2004.
  117. ^ Revoked by: EO 13470, Jul 30, 2008, read in conjunction with EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981. See: EO 12333, Dec 12, 1981; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 13470, Jul 30, 2008.
  118. ^ See: EO 13470, Jul 30, 2008. Amends: EO 12333, Dec 12, 1981. Revoked by: EO 13470, Jul 30, 2008, read in conjunction with EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981.
  119. ^ See: EO 12333, Dec 12, 1981; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 13311, Jul 29, 2003. Revoked by: EO 13388, Oct 25, 2005.
  120. ^ Revokes: EO 12538, Nov 15, 1985; EO 12543, Jan 7, 1986; EO 12544, Jan 8, 1986; EO 12801, Apr 15, 1992.
  121. ^ Amends: EO 13173, Oct 25, 2000.
  122. ^ Amends: EO 12163, Sep 29, 1979.
  123. ^ Revoked by: EO 13442, Aug 13, 2007. See: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003.
  124. ^ See: EO 13289, Mar 12, 2003.
  125. ^ Amends: EO 13303, May 22, 2003. See: EO 13315, Aug 28, 2003; EO 13350, Jul 29, 2004; EO 13438, Jul 17, 2007; Notice of May 19, 2005; Notice of May 18, 2006; Notice of May 18, 2007; Notice of May 20, 2008; Notice of May 19, 2009; Notice of May 12, 2010.
  126. ^ Amends: EO 12473, Apr 13, 1984.
  127. ^ Revoked by: EO 13547, Jul 19, 2010.
  128. ^ Supersedes: EO 13332, Mar 3, 2004. Superseded by: EO 13393, Dec 22, 2005.
  129. ^ Amended by: EO 13379, Jun 16, 2005; EO 13386, Sep 30, 2005. Revoked by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007.
  130. ^ Amends: EO 13285, Jan 29, 2003.
  131. ^ Amends: EO 11926, Jul 19, 1976. See: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003.
  132. ^ Amends: EO 12293, Feb 23, 1981. Revokes: EO 13325, Jan 23, 2004.
  133. ^ Amends: EO 13295, Apr 4, 2003.
  134. ^ Amends: EO 13295, Apr 4, 2003.
  135. ^ Amends:EO 12863, Sep 13, 1993. See: EO 13070, Dec 15, 1997; EO 13301, May 14, 2003.
  136. ^ Revokes: EO 11767, Feb 19, 1974.
  137. ^ Amends: EO 12788, Jan 15, 1992.
  138. ^ Amends: EO 13369, Jan 7, 2005. See: EO 13386, Sep 30, 2005; EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007.
  139. ^ Amends: EO 13369, May 13, 1994.
  140. ^ Amends: EO 12171, Nov 19, 1979. See: EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995. Amended by: EO 13403, May 12, 2006; EO 13408, Jun 29, 2006; EO 13436, Jun 28, 2007. Revoked by: EO 13467, Jun 30, 2008.
  141. ^ Amends: EO 12938, Nov 14, 1994. See: EO 12735, Nov 16, 1990; EO 13094, Jul 28, 1998; Notice of Oct 25, 2005; Notice of Oct 27, 2006; Notice of Nov 8, 2007; Notice of Nov 10, 2008; Notice of Nov 6, 2009.
  142. ^ Amends: EO 12139, May 23, 1979; EO 12949, Feb 9, 1995.
  143. ^ Amends: EO 12216, Jun 18, 1980; EO 12367, Jun 15, 1982; EO 13226, Sep 30, 2001; EO 13231, Oct 16, 2001. Supersedes in part: EO 13316, Sep 17, 2003. Revokes: EO 13283, Jan 21, 2003; EO 13326, Jan 27, 2004; EO 13328, Feb 6, 2004. Continues: EO 11145, Mar 7, 1964; EO 11183, Oct 3, 1964; EO 11287, Jun 28, 1966; EO 12131, May 4, 1979; EO 12196, Feb 26, 1980; EO 12382, Sep 13, 1982; EO 12905, Mar 25, 1994; EO 12994, Mar 21, 1996; EO 13231, Oct 16, 2001; EO 13237, Nov 28, 2001; EO 13256, Feb 12, 2002; EO 13265, Jun 6, 2002; EO 13270, Jul 3, 2002. Superseded in part by: EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007.
  144. ^ Amends: EO 13369, Jan 7, 2005. See: EO 13379, Jun 16, 2005; EO 13446, Sep 28, 2007.
  145. ^ Amends: EO 12473, Apr 13, 1984. See: EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995.
  146. ^ Revokes: EO 13356, Aug 27, 2004. Amends: EO 13311, Jul 29, 2003. See: EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995.
  147. ^ Amended by: EO 13403, May 12, 2006; EO 13463, Apr 18, 2008.
  148. ^ Amended by: EO 13463, Apr 18, 2008; EO 13504, Feb 19, 2009; EO 13512, Sep 29, 2009.
  149. ^ Amends: EO 13288, Mar 6, 2003. Supersedes in part: EO 13288, Mar 6, 2003. See: Notice of Feb 27, 2006; Notice of Feb 28, 2007; Notice of Mar 4, 2008; EO 13469, Jul 25, 2008; Notice of Mar 3, 2009; Notice of Mar 1, 2010.
  150. ^ Supersedes: EO 13368, Dec 30, 2004.
  151. ^ Revoked by: EO 13533, Mar 1, 2010. Revokes: EO 13000, Apr 24, 1996; Memorandum of Jun 2, 2005.
  152. ^ See: EO 13338, May 11, 2004; EO 13460, Feb 13, 2008; Notice of May 8, 2006; Notice of May 8, 2007; Notice of May 7, 2008; Notice of May 7, 2009; Notice of May 3, 2010; EO 13572, Apr 29, 2011; EO 13573, May 18, 2011; EO 13582, Aug 17, 2011.
  153. ^ See: EO 13067, Nov 3, 1997; Notice of Nov 1, 2006; Notice of Nov 1, 2007; Notice of Oct 30, 2008; Notice of Oct 27, 2009.
  154. ^ See: EO 12820, Nov 5, 1992.
  155. ^ Amended by: EO 13414, Nov 3, 2006.
  156. ^ Amends: EO 11030, Jun 19, 1962. Amends: EO 13279, Dec 12, 2002; EO 13339, May 13, 2004; EO 13381, Jun 27, 2005; EO 13389, Nov 1, 2005. Revokes: EO 13011, Jul 16, 1996.
  157. ^ See: Notice of Jun 14, 2007; Notice of Jun 6, 2008; Notice of Jun 12, 2009; Notice of Jun 8, 2010.
  158. ^ See: EO 12630, Mar 15, 1988.
  159. ^ Amends: EO 12472, Apr 3, 1984.
  160. ^ Amends: EO 13381, Jun 27, 2005.
  161. ^ See: EO 13067, Nov 3, 1997; Notice of Nov 1, 2006; Notice of Nov 1, 2007; Notice of Oct 30, 2008; Notice of Oct 27, 2009.
  162. ^ See: Notice of Oct 24, 2007; Notice of Oct 22, 2008; Notice of Oct 20, 2009. Amended by: EO 13671, Jul 8, 2014.
  163. ^ Amends: EO 13402, May 10, 2006.
  164. ^ Revokes in part: EO 12748, Feb 1, 1991; EO 12828, Jan 5, 1993.
  165. ^ See: EO 12866, Sep 30, 1993.
  166. ^ Amends: EO 13317, Sep 25, 2003.
  167. ^ See: EO 1288, Nov 23, 1993; EO 13346, Jul 8, 2004; EO 13479, Nov 18, 2008.
  168. ^ Supersedes: EO 13393, Dec 22, 2005. Superseded by: EO 13454, Jan 4, 2008.
  169. ^ See: EO 11582, Feb 11, 1971.
  170. ^ Amends: EO 12866, Sep 30, 1993. Revoked by: EO 13497, Jan 30, 2009.
  171. ^ Amends: EO 13327, Feb 4, 2004. Revokes: EO 13101, Sep 14, 1998; EO 13123, Jun 3, 1999; EO 13134, Aug 12, 1999; EO 13148, Apr 21, 2000; EO 13149, Apr 21, 2000. See: EO 13432, May 14, 2007; EO 13514, Oct 5, 2009. Revoked by: EO 13693, Mar 25, 2015.
  172. ^ Amends: EO 13285, Jan 29, 2003.
  173. ^ Supersedes: Military Order of Nov 13, 2001.
  174. ^ See: EO 7059-A, Jun 4, 1935; EO 10992, Feb 9, 1962.
  175. ^ See: EO 13417, Dec 6, 2006.
  176. ^ Amends: EO 12473, Apr 13, 1984.
  177. ^ Amended by: EO 13693, Mar 19, 2015. See: EO 12866, Sep 30, 1993; EO 13423, Jan 24, 2007.
  178. ^ Revoked by: EO 13505, Mar 9, 2009.
  179. ^ Amends: EO 13381, Jun 27, 2005.
  180. ^ See: EO 13303, May 22, 2003; EO 13315, Aug 28, 2003; EO 13350, Jul 29, 2004; EO 13364, Nov 29, 2004; Notice of May 20, 2008; Notice of May 19, 2009; Notice of May 12, 2010.
  181. ^ See: Notice of Jul 30, 2008; Notice of Jul 30, 2009; Notice of Jul 29, 2010.
  182. ^ Amends: EO 13286, Feb 28, 2003. Revokes: EO 13362, Nov 29, 2004.
  183. ^ Amends: EO 12994, Mar 21, 1996. Continues: EO 11145, Mar 7,1964; EO 11183, Oct 3, 1964; EO 11287, Jun 28, 1966; EO 12131, May 4, 1979; EO 12196, Feb 26, 1980; EO 12216, Jun 19, 1980; EO 12367, Jun 15, 1982; EO 12382, Sep 13, 1982; EO 12905, Mar 25, 1994; EO 12994, Mar 21, 1996; EO 13226, Sep 30, 2001; EO 13231, Oct 16, 2001; EO 13237, Nov 28, 2001; EO 13256, Feb 12, 2002; EO 13265, Jun 6, 2002; EO 13270, Jul 3, 2002. Revokes: EO 13369, Jan 7, 2005. See: EO 13379, Jun 16, 2005; EO 13386, Sep 30, 2005. Supersedes in part: EO 13385, Sep 29, 2005. Superseded in part by: EO 13511, Sep 29, 2009.
  184. ^ See: EO 12473, Apr 13, 1984; EO 13262, Apr 11, 2002.
  185. ^ See: EO 13047, May 20, 1997; EO 13310, Jul 28, 2003; EO 13464, Apr 30, 2008; Notice of May 16, 2008; Notice of May 14, 2009; Notice of May 13, 2010; EO 13619, Jul 11, 2012. Amended by: EO 13619, Jul 11, 2012. Revoked by: EO 13742, Oct 7, 2016.
  186. ^ See: Proclamation 5030, Mar 10, 1983.
  187. ^ See: EO 11582, Feb 11, 1971.
  188. ^ Supersedes: EO 13420, Dec 21, 2006. Superseded by: EO 13483, Dec 18, 2008.
  189. ^ Amends: EO 11858, May 7, 1975. Revokes in part: EO 12919, Jun 3, 1994.
  190. ^ Amends: EO 13338, May 11, 2004. See: EO 13399, Apr 25, 2006; Notice of May 7, 2008; Notice of May 7, 2009; Notice of May 3, 2010; EO 13572, Apr 29, 2011; EO 13573, May 18, 2011; EO 13582, Aug 17, 2011.
  191. ^ Revokes: EO 13250, Dec 28, 2001; Memorandum of Mar 19, 2002.
  192. ^ Amended by: EO 13516, Oct 28, 2009. Revokes: EO 12863, Sep 13, 1993. See: EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 12968, Aug 2, 1995; EO 13470, Jul 30, 2008.
  193. ^ Amends: EO 13389, Nov 1, 2005; EO 13390, Nov 1, 2005.
  194. ^ Amends: EO 12989, Feb 5, 1996.
  195. ^ See: Notice of Jun 24, 2009; Notice of Jun 14, 2010; EO 13551, Aug 30, 2010; EO 13570, Apr 18, 2011; EO 13687, Jan 2, 2015; EO 13722, Mar 15, 2016.
  196. ^ Amends: EO 12171, Nov 19, 1979; EO 12968, Aug 2, 1995. Amend by: EO 13741, Sep 29, 2016; EO 13764, Jan 17, 2017. Revokes: EO 13381, Jun 27, 2005. See: EO 10450, Apr 27, 1953; EO 10577, Nov 23, 1954; EO 10865, Feb 20, 1960; EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981; EO 12829, Jan 6, 1993; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 13476, Oct 9, 2008; EO 13488, Jan 16, 2008; EO 13549, Aug 18, 2010.
  197. ^ See: EO 12473, Apr 13, 1984.
  198. ^ See: EO 13288, Mar 6, 2003; EO 13391, Nov 22, 2005; Notice of Mar 3, 2009; Notice of Mar 1, 2010.
  199. ^ See: EO 12036, Jan 24, 1978; EO 12958, Apr 17, 1995; EO 13354, Aug 27, 2004; EO 13355, Aug 27, 2004; EO 13462, Feb 29, 2008. Amends: EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981. Revokes: EO 13354, Aug 27, 2004, and EO 13355, Aug 27, 2004, read in conjunction with EO 12333, Dec 4, 1981.
  200. ^ Amends: EO 13285, Jan 29, 2003.
  201. ^ See: EO 11030, Jun 15, 1962.
  202. ^ Amends: EO 12962, Jun 7, 1995.
  203. ^ Amends: EO 12139, May 23, 1979; EO 12949, Feb 9, 1995.
  204. ^ See: EO 13467, Jun 30, 2008. Supersedes: EO 13176, Nov 27, 2000.
  205. ^ Amends: EO 9397, Nov 22, 1943.
  206. ^ See: EO 13419, Dec 20, 2006.
  207. ^ Amends: EO 12171, Nov 19, 1979.
  208. ^ Supersedes: Memorandum of Dec 8, 2006. Revoked by: EO 13557, Nov 4, 2010.
  209. ^ See: EO 11582, Feb 11, 1971.
  210. ^ Superseded by: EO 13525, Dec 23, 2009. Supersedes: EO 13454, Jan, 4, 2008.
  211. ^ Amends: EO 13241, Dec 18, 2001.
  212. ^ Supersedes: Memorandum of Mar 19, 2002.
  213. ^ See: EO 10450, Apr 27, 1953; EO 13467, Jun 30, 2008. Amended by: EO 13764, Jan 17, 2017.
  214. ^ In the Federal Register, German-American Day, 2002 is document number 02-25899, and Child Health Day, 2002 is document number 02-25898; however, in NARA, they are reversed for the archival link through GPO.
  215. ^ Continues Proclamation 6867.
  216. ^ Continues EO 12957.


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