List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Alberta

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This is a list of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Alberta, Canada.

Group or formationPeriodStageDominant lithology Depositional
Alberta Group/Waipiabi Formation Late Cretaceous Cenomanian to Santonian shale marine
Alexo Formation Late Devonian Frasnian to Famennian dolomitic limestone marine
Bad Heart Formation Late Cretaceous Turonian shale marine
Banff Formation Mississippian Tournasian limestone marine
Battle Formation (Edmonton Group) Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian mudstone nonmarine
Bearpaw Formation (Edmonton Group) Late Cretaceous Campanian Campanian shale marine
Beaverfoot Formation Ordovician to Silurian Ashgillian to Llandoverian dolomite marine
Beaverhill Lake Group Devonian late Givetian to early Frasnian limestone marine
Beaverhill Lake Group/Slave Point Formation Late Devonian Frasnian limestone marine
Beaverhill Lake Group/Waterways Formation Middle Devonian to Late Devonian late Givetian to Frasnian limestone, calcareous shalemarine
Belcourt Formation Early Permian Asselian to Sakmarian dolomite, limestone marine
Belle Fourche Formation (Colorado Group) Cretaceous Cenomanian shalemarine
Belloy Formation Permian Artinskian to Rodian dolomite, sandstone marine
Belly River Formation (Judith River Formation) Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Belly River Group/Allison Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Belly River Group/Dinosaur Park Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Belly River Group/Foremost Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Belly River Group/Oldman Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Bison Creek Formation Late Cambrian shalemarine
Blackstone Formation Late Cretaceous Cenomanian to Turonian shalemarine
Blairmore Group/Luscar Group Early Cretaceous Aptian to Albian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Blood Reserve Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstonenonmarine
Brazeau Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian to Maastrichtian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Burgess Shale Formation (Stephen Formation) Middle Cambrian shalemarine
Cadomin Formation Early Cretaceous Barremian to Aptian conglomerate, sandstone nonmarine
Cairn Formation Late Devonian Frasnian calcareous dolomite marine
Cardium Formation (Colorado Group) Late Cretaceous Turonian to Coniacian sandstone, siltstonemarine
Clearwater Formation (Mannville Group) Early Cretaceous Albian shalemarine
Coalspur Formation Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Maastrichtian to Danian sandstone, siltstone, coalnonmarine
Colorado Group/Belle Fourche Formation Cretaceous Cenomanian shalemarine
Colorado Group/Cardium Formation Late Cretaceous Turonian to Coniacian sandstone, siltstonemarine
Colorado Group/Second White Speckled Shale Late Cretaceous Cenomanian to Turonian shalemarine
Colorado Group/Westgate Formation Late Cretaceous Turonian shalemarine
Cooking Lake Formation Late Devonian Frasnian limestonemarine
Deadwood Formation Middle to Late Cambrian sandstonemarine
Dessa Dawn Formation (obsolete) Mississippian limestonemarine
Dinosaur Park Formation (Belly River Group) (Judith River Group) Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Dunvegan Formation Late Cretaceous Cenomanian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Duvernay Formation Late Devonian Frasnian bituminous limestone, argillaceous limestone marine
Edmonton Group Late Cretaceous to early Paleocene Campanian to Danian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Edmonton Group/Battle Formation Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian mudstone nonmarine
Edmonton Group/Horseshoe Canyon Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian to early Maastrichtian sandstone, siltstone, coalnonmarine
Edmonton Group/Scollard Formation Late Cretaceous to early Paleocene Maastrichtian to Danian sandstone, siltstone, coalnonmarine
Edmonton Group/Whitemud Formation Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian sandstone, siltstone, claystonenonmarine
Etherington Formation Mississippian Serpukhovian dolomitic limestone marine
Exshaw Formation Late Devonian to Early Mississippian late Famennian to middle Tournasian shalemarine
Fairholme Group Late Devonian Frasnian dolomite marine
Fairholme Group/Mount Hawk Formation Devonian Frasnian dolomite marine
Fernie Formation Jurassic Hettangian to middle Tithonian shale, siltstonemarine
Flume Formation Late Devonian Frasnian dolomite marine
Foremost Formation (Belly River Group) Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Fort St. John Group Cretaceous Albian to Cenomanian sandstone, siltstone, shalenonmarine and marine
Fort St. John Group/Shaftesbury Formation Cretaceous Albian to Cenomanian shalemarine
Gates Formation Early Cretaceous Albian sandstone, siltstone, coalnonmarine
Ghost River Formation (obsolete) Cambrian to Middle Devonian
Gog Group Early Cambrian quartzose sandstone, conglomerate
Grand Rapids Formation (Mannville Group) Early Cretaceous Albian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Hasler Formation Early Cretaceous Albian shalemarine
Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Edmonton Group) Late Cretaceous Campanian to early Maastrichtian sandstone, siltstone, coalnonmarine
Ireton Formation Late Devonian Frasnian shalemarine
Judith River Formation (Belly River Formation) Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Judith River Group/Dinosaur Park Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstone nonmarine
Kananaskis Formation Late Carboniferous Late Pennsylvanian limestone, dolomite, chert marine
Kaskapau Formation Late Cretaceous Cenomanian to Turonian shalemarine
Lea Park Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian shalemarine
Leduc Formation Late Devonian Frasnian dolomitemarine
Livingstone Formation (Rundle Group) Mississippian Tournasian to Visean dolomitic limestonemarine
Loon River Formation (obsolete) Early Cretaceous Albian shalemarine
Lyell Formation Late Cambrian Dresbachian limestone, dolomitemarine
Mannville Group Early Cretaceous Barremian to Albian sandstone, siltstone, shalenonmarine and marine
Mannville Group/Clearwater Formation Early Cretaceous Albian shalemarine
Mannville Group/Grand Rapids Formation Early Cretaceous Albian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Mannville Group/McMurray Formation Early Cretaceous late Barremian to Aptian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine, marginal marine
McMurray Formation (Mannville Group) Early Cretaceous late Barremian to Aptian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine, marginal marine
Mikkwa Formation Middle Devonian Givetian dolomitic limestonemarine
Milk River Formation Late Cretaceous Santonian to Campanian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Mistaya Formation Late Cambrian limestonemarine
Montney Formation Early Triassic Olenekian siltstone, shalemarine
Mount Hawk Formation (Fairholme Group) Late Devonian Frasnian to Famennian dolomite, limestonemarine
Mount Head Formation (Rundle Group) Mississippian Visean dolomitic limestonemarine
Mowitch Formation Permian Guadalupian sandstone, calcareous sandstonemarine
Mural Formation Early Cambrian limestone, dolomitemarine
Nikanassin Formation Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Portlandian to Barremian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Nisku Formation Late Devonian Frasnian dolomitemarine
Nordegg Formation (Fernie Group) Jurassic limestonemarine
Norquay Formation (obsolete) Permian
Oldman Formation (Belly River Group) Late Cretaceous Campanian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Outram Formation Early Ordovician limestone, shalemarine
Pakowki Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian shale, siltstonemarine
Palliser Formation Late Devonian Famennian limestonemarine
Paskapoo Formation late Paleocene Thanetian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Peace River Formation Early Cretaceous Albian sandstone, siltstone, shalemarine and nonmarine
Peechee Formation late Devonian Frasnian dolomite, calcareous dolomitemarine
Perdrix Formation Late Devonian Frasnian calcareous shalemarine
Porcupine Hills Formation late Paleocene Danian sandstone, siltstone, shalenonmarine
Puskwaskau Formation Late Cretaceous Santonian to Campanian shalemarine
Ranger Canyon Formation Permian Guadalupian to Lopingian sandstone, dolomitemarine
Rocky Mountain Group Permian dolomite, sandstonemarine
Rundle Group/Etherington Formation Mississippian Serpukhovian dolomitic limestonemarine
Rundle Group/Livingstone Formation Mississippian Tournasian to Visean dolomitic limestonemarine
Rundle Group/Mount Head Formation Mississippian Visean dolomitic limestonemarine
Rundle Group/Tunnel Mountain Formation Mississippian sandstone, dolomitic sandstonemarine
Scollard Formation (Edmonton Group) Late Cretaceous to early Paleocene Maastrichtian to Danian sandstone, siltstone, coalnonmarine
Second White Speckled Shale (Colorado Group) Late Cretaceous Cenomanian to Turonian shalemarine
Shaftesbury Formation Cretaceous Albian to Cenomanian shalemarine
Simla Formation Late Devonian Frasnian siltstone, dolomitic limestonemarine
Skoki Formation Middle Ordovician dolomitemarine
Slave Point Formation (Beaverhill Lake Group) Middle Devonian Givetian limestonemarine
Smoky Group/Bad Heart Formation Late Cretaceous Turonian shalemarine
Smoky Group/Kaskapau Formation Late Cretaceous Cenomanian to Turonian shalemarine
Southesk Formation Late Devonian Frasnian dolomitemarine
Spray River Formation Triassic siltstone, shale, dolomitemarine and nonmarine
St. Mary River Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian to Maastrichtian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Stephen Formation Middle Cambrian shalemarine
Sulphur Mountain Formation Triassic siltstone, dolomite, shalemarine
Survey Peak Formation Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician calcareous shale, limestonemarine
Swan Hills Formation Middle Devonian late Givetian limestonemarine
Tunnel Mountain Formation (Rundle Group) Mississippian sandstone, dolomitic sandstonemarine
Two Medicine Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian claystone, sandstonenonmarine
Wabamun Formation Late Devonian Famennian limestone, dolomitemarine
Wapiabi Formation Late Cretaceous Coniacian to Campanian shale, siltstonemarine
Wapiti Formation Late Cretaceous Campanian to Maastrichtian sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Waterways Formation (Beaverhill Lake Group) Middle Devonian to Late Devonian late Givetian to Frasnian limestone, calcareous shalemarine
Westgate Formation (Colorado Group) Late Cretaceous Turonian shalemarine
Whitemud Formation (Edmonton Group) Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian sandstone, claystonenonmarine
Willow Creek Formation Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian to Paleocene sandstone, siltstonenonmarine
Woodbend Group/Duvernay Formation Late Devonian Frasnian bituminous limestone, argillaceous limestonemarine
Woodbend Group/Leduc Formation Late Devonian Frasnian dolomitemarine
Yahatinda Formation Middle Devonian Givetian dolomitic sandstone, conglomerate, mudstonenonmarine and marine

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