List of plant hybrids

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An ornamental lily hybrid known as Lilium 'Citronella' Lily Lilium 'Citronella' Flower.jpg
An ornamental lily hybrid known as Lilium 'Citronella'

This is a list of plant hybrids created intentionally or by chance and exploited commercially in agriculture or horticulture. The hybridization event mechanism is documented where known, along with the authorities who described it.



SpeciesCommon nameFamilyHybridizationConfirmed or putative hybridization?Putative parental/ introgressive speciesPolyploid or homoploid?Polyploid chromosome countReferencesNotes
Abelmoschus esculentus OkraMalvaceaeAllopolyploid originPutativeUncertainPolyploid (tetraploid)usually 2n=4x=130Joshi and Hardas, 1956; Schafleitner et al., 2013Variable ploidy
Actinidia deliciosa KiwifruitActinidiaceaeAllopolyploid originPutative Actinidia chinensis and other Actinidia speciesPolyploid (hexaploid)2n=6x=174Atkinson et al., 1997
Agave fourcroydes HenequenAsparagaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmedUncertainPolyploid (usu. pentaploid, triploid)2n=5x(3x)=150(90)Robert et al., 2008; Hughes et al., 2007Variable ploidy, polyploid event not recent
Agave sisalana SisalAsparagaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmedUncertainPolyploid (usu. pentaploid, hexaploid)2n=5x(6x)=150(180)Robert et al., 2008Variable ploidy, polyploid event not recent
Allium ampeloprasum Great headed garlicAmaryllidaceaeIntraspecific hybrid originPutative Allium ampeloprasum HomoploidGuenaoui et al., 2013
Allium cepa Common onionAmaryllidaceaeInterspecific hybrid originPutativeUncertain: Allium vavilovii , A. galanthum or A. fistulosum HomoploidGurushidze et al., 2007
Allium cornutum Triploid onionAmaryllidaceaeTriparental allopolyploid originConfirmed Allium cepa , A. roylei , other Allium speciesPolyploid (triploid)2n=3x=24Fredotovic et al., 2014
Ananas comosus PineappleBromeliaceaeInterspecific introgressionPutative Ananas ananassoides HomoploidDuval et al., 2003
Annona × atemoya AtemoyaAnnonaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Annona cherimola and A. squamosa  ?Perfectti et al., 2004; Jalikop, 2010
Arachis hypogaea PeanutFabaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Arachis duranensis and A. ipaënsis Polypoid (tetraploid)2n=4x=40Kochert et al., 1996; Bertioli et al., 2011
Armoracia rusticana HorseradishBrassicaceaeInterspecific hybrid originPutativeUncertain ?Courter and Rhodes, 1969
Artocarpus altilis BreadfruitMoraceaeInterspecific introgressionPutative Artocarpus mariannensis  ?Zerega et al., 2005; Jones et al., 2013
Avena sativa OatPoaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmedUncertainPolyploid (hexaploid)2n=6x=42Linares et al., 1998; Oliver et al., 2013
Brassica carinata Ethiopian mustardBrassicaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Brassica oleracea and B. nigra Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=19Arias et al., 2014
Brassica juncea Indian mustardBrassicaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Brassica nigra and B. rapa Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=18Arias et al., 2014
Brassica napus Rapeseed, rutabegaBrassicaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Brassica rapa and B. oleracea Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=19Arias et al., 2014
Cajanus cajan Pigeon peaFabaceaeIntraspecific introgression, interspecific introgressionPutativeWild Cajanus cajan and other Cajanus speciesHomoploidKassa et al., 2012
Cannabis sativa HempCannabaceaeIntraspecific introgressionPutative Cannabis sativa 'Indica' and 'Sativa' typesHomoploidde Meijer and van Soest, 1992
Carica pentagona BabacoCaricaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmedUncertain ( Carica stipulata , Vasconcellea pubescens , V. weberbaueri  ?Van Droogenbroeck et al., 2002; Van Droogenbroeck et al., 2006
Carya illinoinensis PecanJuglandaceaeInterspecific hybrid originPutativeUncertain ?Grauke et al., 2011
Castanea dentata American ChestnutFagaceaeInterspecific introgressionConfirmed Castanea pumila HomoploidLi and Dane, 2013Also ongoing efforts to introgress blight resistance from Castanea mollissima (see Jacobs et al., 2013)
Castanea sativa ChestnutFagaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Castanea sativa Eurosiberian and Mediterranean populationsHomoploidVillani et al., 1999; Mattioni et al., 2013
Chenopodium quinoa QuinoaChenopodiaceaeAllopolyploid originPutativeUncertainPolyploid (tetraploid)Heiser, 1974; Ward, 2000; Maughan et al., 2004
Cicer arietinum Chickpea (pea-shaped)FabaceaeIntraspecific hybrid originPutative Cicer arietinum Desi and Kabuli germplasm ?Upadhyaya et al., 2008; Keneni et al., 2011
Cichorium intybus RadicchioAsteraceaeInterspecific introgressionConfirmedWild Cichorium intybusHomoploidKiaer et al., 2009
Citrus aurantiifolia Key limeRutaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Citrus medica and Citrus subg. Papeda  ?Ollitrault and Navarro, 2012; Penjor et al., 2014; Nicolosi et al., 2000; Moore, 2001
Citrus aurantium Sour orangesRutaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Citrus maxima and C. reticulata  ?Wu et al., 2014; Moore, 2001
Citrus clementina ClementineRutaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Citrus sinensis and C. reticulata  ?Wu et al., 2014
Citrus limon Lemon, limeRutaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Citrus medica , C. × aurantiifolia , and other Citrus species ?Nicolosi et al., 2000; Moore, 2001
Citrus paradisi GrapefruitRutaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Citrus sinensis and C. maxima  ?Wu et al., 2014; Moore, 2001
Citrus reticulata MandarinRutaceaeInterspecific introgressionConfirmed Citrus maxima  ?Wu et al., 2014
Citrus sinensis Sweet orange (blood, common)RutaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmedUncertain ?Wu et al., 2014; Moore, 2001
Cocos nucifera CoconutArecaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Cocos nucifera Indo-Atlantic and Pacific lineagesHomoploidGunn et al., 2011
Coffea arabica CoffeeRubiaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Coffea eugenioides and C. canephora Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=44Lashermes et al., 1999
Corylus avellana HazelnutBetulaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmedWild Corylus avellana in southern EuropeHomoploidCampa et al., 2011; Boccacci et al., 2013
Cucurbita pepo Winter squash, pumpkinCucurbitaceaeIntraspecific introgressionPutative Cucurbita pepo var. texanaHomploidKirkpatrick and Wilson, 1988
Daucus carota subsp. sativus Carrot ApiaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Daucus carota subsp. carotaHomoploidIorizzo et al., 2013; Simon, 2000
Dioscorea speciesYamDioscoreaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, introgressionPutativeUncertainVariableTerauchi et al., 1992; Dansi et al., 1999; Bhattacharjee et al., 2011; Mignouna et al., 2002Multiple species of putative hybrid (perhaps allopolyploid) origin including Dioscorea cayennensis subsp. rotundata and D. cayennensis
Diospyros kaki PersimmonEbenaceaeAllopolyploid originPutativeUncertainPolyploid (hexaploid)Yonemori et al., 2008
Ficus carica FigMoraceaeInterspecific introgressionPutativeUncertain ?Aradhya et al., 2010
Fragaria ananassa StrawberryRosaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Fragaria virginiana (octoploid), F. chiloensis (octoploid)Homoploid relative to parentals (octoploid)2n=8x=56Evans, 1977; Hirakawa et al., 2014Uncertain which species formed the octoploid progenitors
Garcinia mangostana MangosteenClusiaceaeAllopolyploid originPutative Garcinia celebica and G. malaccensis Polyploid (tetraploid) ?Richards, 1990Recent work shows this may not be of hybrid origin (Nazre, 2014)
Gossypium hirsutum Upland cottonMalvaceaehybrid originConfirmedUncertain, referred to as 'A' and 'D'Polyploid (formed <1MYA)2n =4x=52Wendel and Cronn 2003Polyploidization likely led to agronomically significant traits (Applequist et al., 2001)
Hibiscus sabdariffa RoselleMalvaceaeAllopolyploid originPutativeUncertainPolyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=72Menzel and Wilson, 1966; Satya et al., 2013
Hordeum vulgare BarleyPoaceaeIntrogressionConfirmed Hordeum spontaneum HomoploidBadr et al., 2000; Dai et al., 2012
Humulus lupulus HopsCannabaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Humulus lupulus North American and European germplasmHomoploidReeves and Richards, 2011; Stajner et al., 2008; Seefelder et al., 2000
Ipomoea batatas Sweet potatoConvolvulaceaeIntraspecific introgression; Interspecific introgression?Putative Ipomoea batatas Central American and South American germplasmHomoploid relative to parentalsRoullier et al., 2013
Juglans regia WalnutJuglandaceaeInterspecific hybridizationConfirmed Juglans sigillata HomoploidGunn et al., 2010
Lactuca sativa LettuceAsteraceaeIntraspecific hybrid originPutative Lactuca serriola and other Lactuca speciesHomoploidde Vries, 1997
Lagenaria siceraria Bottle GourdCucurbitaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Lagenaria siceraria African/American and Asian germplasmHomoploidClarke et al., 2006
Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris Lentil FabaceaeIntraspecific introgressionPutativeWild lentil, Lens culinaris subsp. orientalisHomoploidErskine et al., 2011
Macadamia integrifolia MacadamiaProteaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, interspecific introgressionConfirmed Macadamia tetraphylla and other Macadamia speciesHomoploidHardner et al., 2009; Steiger et al., 2003; Aradhya et al., 1998
Malus domestica AppleRosaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmed Malus sieversii , M. sylvestris , and possibly other Malus speciesHomoploidCornille et al., 2012
Mentha piperita PeppermintLamiaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Mentha aquatica and M. spicata Polyploid (12-ploid)2n=12x=66 or 72Harley and Brighton, 1977; Gobert et al., 2002
Musa paradisiaca BananaMusaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana Polyploid (usually triploid)2n=3x=33Simmonds and Shepherd, 1955; Heslop-Harrison and Schwarzacher, 2007; De Langhe et al., 2010
Nicotiana tabacum TobaccoSolanaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmedUncertain ( Nicotiana sylvestris and N. tomentosiformis )Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=48Kenton et al., 1993; Murad et al., 2002
Olea europaea OliveOleaceaeIntraspecific introgressionPutativeWild Olea europaea , western and eastern germplasmHomoploidKaniewski et al., 2012; Besnard et al., 2013; Breton et al., 2006; Rubio de Casas et al., 2006; Besnard et al., 2007; Besnard et al., 2000
Opuntia speciesOpuntiaCactaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, Allopolyploid originPutativeIncluding Opuntia ficus-indica Polyploid, homoploidHughes et al., 2007; Griffith, 2004
Oryza sativa RicePoaceaeIntraspecific introgression, interspecific introgressionPutative Oryza sativa 'Japonica' and 'Indica' germplasm, Oryza rufipogon HomoploidCaicedo et al., 2007; Gao and Innan, 2008
Oxalis tuberosa OcaOxalidaceaeAllopolyploid originPutativeUncertainPolyploid (octaploid)2n=8x=64Emswhiller and Doyle, 2002; Emshwiller 2002; Emswhiller et al., 2009
Pennisetum glaucum Pearl milletPoaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmedWild Pennisetum glaucum HomoploidOumar et al., 2008
Persea americana Avocado (Hass and other cultivars)LauraceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Persea americana 'Guatamalensis', 'Drymifolia', and 'Americana'HomoploidChen et al., 2008; Davis et al., 1998; Ashworth and Clegg, 2003; Douhan et al., 2011
Phoenix dactylifera Date palmArecaceaeInterspecific hybrid originPutativeUncertainHomoploidEl Hadrami et al., 2011; Bennaceur et al., 1991
Piper methysticum KavaPiperaceaeAllopolyploid originPutative Piper wichmannii and P. gibbiflorum Polyploid (decaploid)2n=10x=130Singh, 2004; Lebot et al., 1991
Pistacia vera PistachioAnacardiaceaeInterspecific introgressionPutative Pistacia atlantica , P. chinensis subsp. integerrimaHomoploidKafkas et al., 2001
Pisum abyssinicum Abyssinian PeaFabaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmedUncertain ( Pisum fulvum and other Pisum species)HomoploidVershinin et al., 2003
Pisum sativum PeaFabaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmedUncertain ( Pisum sativum subsp. elatius and other Pisum species)HomoploidVershinin et al., 2003
Plinia cauliflora JaboticabaMyrtaceaeIntraspecific hybridization, interspecific hybridizationPutative Plinia 'Jaboticaba' and 'Cauliflora' germplasm; P. peruviana HomoploidBalerdi et al., 2006
Prunus cerasus CherryRosaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Prunus avium and P. fruticosa Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=32Tavaud et al., 2004; Olden and Nybom, 1968
Prunus domestica PlumRosaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmedUncertain ( Prunus cerasifera and P. spinosa Polyploid (hexaploid)2n=6x=48Zohary, 1992; Hartmann and Neumuller, 2009Also hybridizes with other cultivated Prunus species
Prunus dulcis AlmondRosaceaeInterspecific introgressionConfirmed Prunus orientalis and other Prunus speciesHomoploidDelplancke et al., 2012; Delplancke et al., 2013
Pyrus speciesPearRosaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmedMany speciesHomoploidSilva et al., 2014Also introgression with semidomesticated populations (see Iketani et al. 2009)
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus Radish BrassicaceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmed Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrumHomoploidRidley et al., 2008
Rheum cultivated speciesRhubarbPolygonaceaeInterspecific hybrid originPutativeUnclearHomoploid relative to parentals (tetraploid)Foust and Marshall, 1991; Kuhl and Deboer, 2008Hybrids include: Rheum rhaponticum L., R. rhabarbarum L., R. palmatum L.
Rubus speciesRed raspberry, blackberry, tayberry, boysenberry, etc.RosaceaeAllopolyploid origin, interspecific hybridizationConfirmedManyPolyploidAlice et al., 2014; Alice and Campbell, 1999
Saccharum speciesSugarcanePoaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum PolyploidVariable, 2n=10-13x=100-130Grivet et al., 1995; D'Hont et al., 1996
Secale cereale RyePoaceaeInterspecific hybrid originConfirmedUncertain ( Secale montanum , S. vavilovii )HomoploidBartos et al., 2008; Korzun et al., 2001; Hillman, 1978; Tang et al., 2011; Salamini et al., 2002
Sechium edule ChayoteCucurbitaceaeInterspecific introgressionPutative Sechium compositum HomoploidNewstrom, 1991
Setaria italica Foxtail milletPoaceaeInterspecific introgressionConfirmed Setaria viridis HomoploidTill-Bottraud et al., 1992
Solanum species section PetotaPotatoSolanaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, allopolyploid origin, interspecific introgressionConfirmedIncluding Solanum tuberosum , S. ajanhuiri , S. curtilobum , S. juzepczukii Homoploid and PolyploidRodriguez et al., 2010; Eggers et al., 2021 [2]
Solanum lycopersicum TomatoSolanaceaeIntraspecific introgression, interspecific introgressionConfirmed Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme and S. pimpinellifolium HomoploidBlanca et al., 2012; Causse et al., 2013; Rick, 1950
Solanum melongena EggplantSolanaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, interspecific introgression, intraspecific introgressionConfirmed Solanum undatum . and other Solanum species; wild S. melongena (= S. insanum)HomoploidKnapp et al., 2013; Meyer et al., 2012Hybrid origin is not confirmed, but introgression is well documented
Solanum muricatum Pepino dulceSolanaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, interspecific introgressionLikely Solanum species in Series CaripensiaHomoploidBlanca et al., 2007Polyphyletic origin and extensive, ongoing introgression with wild species
Solanum tuberosum PotatoSolanaceaeIntraspecific HybridConfirmedDiploid potato lines crossed with S. chacoense containing Sli geneHomoploidLindhout et al., 2011
Spondias purpurea JocoteAnacardiaceaeInterspecific introgressionPutative Spondias mombin HomoploidMiller and Schaal, 2005
Theobroma cacao Cacao (Trinitario-type)MalvaceaeIntraspecific hybrid originConfirmed Theobroma cacao 'Forastero' and 'Criollo' germplasmHomoploidYang et al., 2013
Triticum aestivum Bread wheat, speltPoaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Triticum turgidum (tetraploid) with Aegilops tauschii Polyploid (hexaploid)2n=6x=42Matsuoka, 2011; Dvorak, 2012
Triticum turgidum Emmer wheat, durum wheatPoaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Triticum urartu and Aegilops speltoides Polyploid (tetraploid)2n=4x=28Dvorak et al., 2012; Matsuoka, 2011; Yamane and Kawahara, 2005
Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberryEricaceaeInterspecific hybrid origin, interspecific introgressionPutative Vaccinium tenellum , V. darrowii , ( V. virgatum , V. angustifolium )UncertainVander Kloet, 1980; Bruederle et al., 1994; Lyrene et al., 2003; Boches et al., 2006Possible hybrid origin during the Pleistocene
Vanilla tahitensis Tahitian vanillaOrchidaceaeAllopolyploid originConfirmed Vanilla planifolia and V. odorata PolyploidVariable, 2n=2x(4x)=32(64)Lubinsky et al., 2008
Vitis rotundifolia GrapeVitaceaeInterspecific introgressionConfirmedMany Vitis speciesHomoploid2n=2x=38Reisch et al., 2012; This et al., 2006
Zea mays MaizePoaeceaeIntraspecific introgressionConfirmedWild Zea mays (teosinte, =subsp. parviglumis)HomoploidVan Heerwaarden et al., 2011; Hufford et al., 2013

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  1. "Lilium Hybrids". Pacific Bulb Society. Retrieved 22 March 2015.
  2. Eggers, Ernst-Jan; Burgt, van der; Heusden, van; W., Sjaak A.; Vries, de; E., Michiel; Visser, Richard G. F.; Bachem, Christian W. B.; Lindhout, Pim (2021-07-06). "Neofunctionalisation of the Sli gene leads to self-compatibility and facilitates precision breeding in potato". Nature Communications. 12 (1): 4141. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24267-6. ISSN   2041-1723. PMC   8260583 . PMID   34230471.