List of saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Last updated

A Serbian Orthodox icon depicting St. Sava I along with other Serbian saints and notable Serbs Saint Sava and notable Serbs.jpg
A Serbian Orthodox icon depicting St. Sava I along with other Serbian saints and notable Serbs

This is a list of saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church.



The Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) venerates all Eastern Orthodox saints, regardless of ethnic background (e.g. John the Baptist, Maximus the Greek and Nicholas II of Russia). However, this list specifically includes saints who were either of Serbian descent and/or members of the SOC (or one of its historical predecessors, e.g. Serbian Patriarchate of Peć).

Listed below are only those officially recognised by the SOC. Folk saints not yet canonised by the Church (e.g. Patriarch Pavle, Milica Rakić and Thaddeus of Vitovnica) are not included.

The list below provides each saint's name (typically the one given at the saint's canonisation) in English, Serbian Cyrillic and Latin, year of death, feast day (on both the Julian calendar and Revised Julian calendar), saint titles and notes on the saint's notable actions, other names and relations with other saints. An icon or photograph is also provided if available.

ImageNameDied (Year)Feast Day (NS/OS)Notes
Svjetlopis zhivopisa sv.momishitshkikh muchenika u serbskom pravoslavnom khramu Khrisovog Vaskrsenja u Podgoritsi.jpg 42 Martyrs of Momišići  [ sr ]
42 Мученика Момишићка
42 Mučenika Momišićka
168822 March [ O.S. 9 March ] New Martyrs, who consisted of 2 priest-teachers and their 40 students and were martyred by the Ottomans in Momišići [1] [2]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Svetikh Srpskikh Novomuchenika Jasenovachkikh u kripti khrama Svetog Save u Biogradu.jpg 700,000 New Martyrs of Jasenovac [a]
700.000 Јасеновачких Новомученика
700.000 Jasenovačkih Novomučenika
1941–194513 September [ O.S. 31 August ]New Martyrs, who were martyred by the Ustaše in and around Jasenovac concentration camp [3] [4]
Svjetlopis mozaika Prep. Anastasije u khramau Prepodobnog Simeona mitotochivog na N.Bgd.jpg Anastasia of Serbia
Анастасија Српска
Anastasija Srpska
12004 July [ O.S. 21 June ] Right-Believing, Grand Princess consort of Serbia, Venerable, wife of Stefan Nemanja; native name Ana Vukanović [5]
AngjelinaArianiti.jpg Angelina of Serbia
Ангелина Српска
Angelina Srpska
152014 July [ O.S. 1 July ]
12 August [ O.S. 30 July ]
23 December [ O.S. 10 December ]
Right-Believing, Despotess consort of Serbia, Venerable, wife of John Branković; surnamed Branković [6]
Saint Arsenije I Sremac.jpeg Arsenius I the Syrmian
Арсеније I Сремац
Arsenije I Sremac
126610 November [ O.S. 28 October ]2nd Archbishop of Serbia (r.1233–1263), Venerable, disciple of St. Sava I [7]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Sv. ispovjednika Varnave Nastitsha u srb. pr. tsr. Sv. Vasilija O. u N. Banovtsima.jpg Barnabas the New Confessor
Варнава Нови Исповедник
Varnava Novi Ispovednik
196412 November [ O.S. 30 October ] Titular Bishop of Hvosno, New Hieroconfessor; surnamed Nastić [8]
Saint Basil of Ostrog.jpg Basil of Ostrog
Василије Острошки
Vasilije Ostroški
167112 May [ O.S. 29 April ] Bishop of Zahumlje, Wonderworker, Venerable; who founded Ostrog Monastery [9]
Visarion Oprea Sofronie.jpg Bessarion Sarai
Висарион Сарај
Visarion Saraj
17443 November [ O.S. 21 October ]New Venerable Hieroconfessor, Hieromonk [10]
Svjetlopis mozaika Svetog Branka, svjeshtenomuchenika veljunskog, khram Sv. Save, Bgd.jpg Branko of Veljun
Бранко Вељунски
Branko Veljunski
19417 May [ O.S. 24 April ]New Hieromartyr, parish priest of Veljun; surnamed Dobrosavljević [11]
No image.png Budimir of Dobrun  [ sr ]
Будимир Добрунски
Budimir Dobrunski
194511 July [ O.S. 28 June ]New Hieromartyr, one of the New Martyrs of Dabro-Bosnia and Mileševa  [ sr ]; surnamed Sokolović [12] [13]
No image.png Cyril I
Кирило I
Kirilo I
1418 / 141912 September [ O.S. 30 August ]8th Patriarch of Serbia (r.1407–1419), Venerable [14]
No image.png Damian of Grahovo
Дамјан Граховски
Damjan Grahovski
194113 June [ O.S. 31 May ]
First Saturday after Elijah's day
New Hieromartyr; surnamed Štrbac [15] [16]
DaniloII.jpg Daniel II
Данило II
Danilo II
13372 January [ O.S. 20 December ]11th Archbishop of Serbia (r.1324–1337), Venerable; who wrote many hagiographies of Serbian saints [17]
No image.png David of Serbia
Давид Српски
David Srpski
12867 October [ O.S. 24 September ] Venerable, who founded the Davidovica Monastery  [ sr; fr ]; birth name Dmitar Nemanjić [18]
Metropolitan Dosifej Zagreb.jpg Dositheus of Zagreb
Доситеј Загребачки
Dositej Zagrebački
194513 January [ O.S. 31 December ] Metropolitan of Zagreb, New Venerable Hieroconfessor; surnamed Vasić [19]
Serbian Patriarch Jefrem.jpg Ephraim of Serbia
Јефрем Српски
Jefrem Srpski
140028 June [ O.S. 15 June ]3rd Patriarch of Serbia (r.1375–1379, 1389–1392), Venerable [20] [21]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Svetog Jevstatija prevlakog i nadvladike srbskog u kapeli u porti khrama Sv. Jovana Vladimira u Baru.jpg Eustathius I
Јевстатије I
Jevstatije I
128617 January [ O.S. 4 January ]6th Archbishop of Serbia (r.1279–1286), Venerable [22]
No image.png Eustathius II
Јевстатије II
Jevstatije II
130929 August [ O.S. 16 August ]8th Archbishop of Serbia (r.1292–1309), Venerable; who established seven new eparchies [23] [24] [25]
No image.png Euthymius of Dečani
Јефтимије Дечански
Jeftimije Dečanski
1501–160024 November [ O.S. 11 November ] Venerable Martyr [26]
No image.png Gabriel I
Гаврило I Српски
Gavrilo I Srpski
165926 December [ O.S. 13 December ]22nd Patriarch of Serbia (r.1648–1655), Venerable Hieromartyr; surnamed Rajić [27] [28]
Djordje Bogic.jpg George of Slavonia
Георгије Славонски
Georgije Slavonski
194117 July [ O.S. 4 July ]New Hieromartyr; native name Đorđe Bogić [29] [30]
No image.png Gregory of Gornjak
Григорије Горњачки
Grigorije Gornjački
c.140620 December [ O.S. 7 December ]Venerable, Hesychast; a.k.a.Gregory the Younger, Gregory the Hesychast and Gregory the Silent [31] [32] [33]
No image.png Gregory II of Ras
Григорије II Рашки
Grigorije II Raški
132112 September [ O.S. 30 August ] Bishop of Raška, Venerable;[ citation needed ] a monk-scribe who transcribed the nomocanon Raška krmčija [34]
Djakon Avakum.JPG Habakkuk the Deacon
Ђакон Авакум
Đakon Avakum
181430 December [ O.S. 17 December ] Hierodeacon, New Venerable Hieromartyr, who was martyred with St. Paisius; birth name Lepoje Prodanović [35]
Anna Neda of Serbia.jpg Helena of Dečani
Јелена Дечанска
Jelena Dečanska
c.13573 June [ O.S. 21 May ]Right-Believing, Empress consort of Bulgaria, Venerable, daughter of St. Milutin; regnal name Ana-Neda [36] [37]
Serbian Queen Helen of Anjou Nemanjic Sopocani Monastery.jpg Helena of Serbia
Јелена Српска
Jelena Srpska
131412 November [ O.S. 30 October ]Right-Believing, Venerable, Queen consort of Serbia, wife of St. Uroš the Great, Ktetor, who founded Gradac Monastery; a.k.a.Helena of Anjou [38] [39]
Siklos, serb.-orth. Kirche, hl. Stefan Stiljanovic und Jelena Stiljanovic.jpg Helena Štiljanović
Јелена Штиљановић
Jelena Štiljanović
154617 October [ O.S. 4 October ]Venerable, wife of St. Stefan Štiljanović; tonsured as Jelisaveta [40]
Saint Hipomini icon.jpg Hypomone
145011 June [ O.S. 29 May ]Venerable, Empress consort of the Byzantine Empire, wife of St. Manuel II Palaiologos; birth name Jelena Dragaš [41]
Manastir Ostrog 3.JPG Isaiah of Onogošt
Исаија од Оногошта
Isaija od Onogošta
1601–162511 May [ O.S. 28 April ]Venerable hermit, who built a cave church in what is now Ostrog Monastery; a.k.a.Isaiah of Ostrog [42]
No image.png Jacob the New of Tuman
Јаков Нови Тумански
Jakov Novi Tumanski
194621 August [ O.S. 8 August ]New Venerable Confessor; tortured by the Communists for distributing 8,000 copies of the Lord's Prayer at a train station in Požarevac [43]
No image.png Jacob of Serbia
Јаков Српски
Jakov Srpski
129216 February [ O.S. 3 February ]7th Archbishop of Serbia (r.1286–1292), Venerable [44] [45]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Svete muchenitse Jaglike Adzhitsh u kapeli pored srbske pravoslavne Saborne tsrkve u Baru.jpg Jaglika of Piva
Јаглика Пивска
Jaglika Pivska
194328 July [ O.S. 15 July ]New Martyr, one of the 46 New Martyrs of Plužine in the Doli Pivski massacre [46]
No image.png Joannicius of Devič
Јоаникије Девички
Joanikije Devički
146415 December [ O.S. 2 December ]Wonderworker, Venerable; a.k.a.Janićije [47]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa svjeshtenomuchenika Joanikija, mitropolit tsg-primorskog, ubijenog od judeo-komunistichkikh okupatora.jpg Joannicius I of Montenegro
Јоаникије I Црногорско-Приморски
Joanikije I Crnogorsko-Primorski
194517 June [ O.S. 4 June ] Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, New Venerable Hieromartyr; surnamed Lipovac [48]
Joanikije II.jpg Joannicius II of Serbia
Јоаникије II Српски
Joanikije II Srpski
135416 September [ O.S. 3 September ]1st Patriarch of Serbia, previously 12th Archbishop of Serbia,(r.1338–1346, 1346–1354), Venerable; the Serbian Church was made autocephalous and declared a Patriarchate during his reign in 1346 [49]
Megala4.png Joasaph of Meteora
Јоасаф Метеорски
Joasaf Meteorski
1422 / 14233 May [ O.S. 20 April ]Venerable, titular Emperor of Serbs and Greeks; native name Jovan Uroš Nemanjić; a.k.a.John Ouresis Doukas Palaiologos [50]
Jovan Brankovic, by Andreja Raicevic (cropped).jpg John the New
Јован Нови
Jovan Novi
150223 December [ O.S. 10 December ]Right-Believing, Despot of Serbia, husband of St. Angelina; surnamed Branković [51]
JovanVladimirSlika.jpg John Vladimir
Јован Владимир
Jovan Vladimir
10164 June [ O.S. 22 May ]Wonderworker, Myroblyte, Great Martyr, King of Duklja [52]
No image.png Joseph of Timișoara  [ sr; ro ]
Јосиф Темишварски
Josif Temišvarski
165628 September [ O.S. 15 September ]Metropolitan of Timișoara, Venerable; a.k.a.Joseph the New [53]
Manastir Celije 042 Crop.jpg Justin of Ćelije
Јустин Ћелијски
Justin Ćelijski
197914 June [ O.S. 1 June ] Hegumen of Ćelije Monastery, Venerable, who wrote against communism and ecumenism; surnamed Popović [54] [55]
Prince Lazar (Ravanica Monastery).jpg Lazarus of Serbia
Лазар Српски
Lazar Srpski
138928 June [ O.S. 15 June ]Right-Believing, Great Martyr, Prince of Serbia, who was martyred at the Battle of Kosovo [56]
Patriarch Makarije, Budisavci, late 17th century.jpg Macarius of Serbia
Макарије Српски
Makarije Srpski
157412 September [ O.S. 30 August ]13th Patriarch of Serbia (r.1557–1571), Venerable; surnamed Sokolović [57]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Svetog Mardarija ljeshanskog i libertivilskog u kapeli u porti khrama Sv. Jovana Vladimira u Baru.jpg Mardarius of Lješanska, Libertyville and All America
Мардарије Љешанско–Либертивилски и Свеамерикански
Mardarije Lješansko–Libertivilski i Sveamerikanski
193512 December [ O.S. 29 November ]First Bishop of America and Canada, Venerable; native name Mardarije Uskoković [58]
Krusedol monastery 50.JPG Maximus of Ungro-Wallachia
Максим Влахозапланински
Maksim Vlahozaplaninski
151631 January [ O.S. 18 January ] Metropolitan of Belgrade, Metropolitan of Ungro-Wallachia, Venerable, Despot of Serbia; who founded Krušedol Monastery; birth name Đorđe Branković [59] [60]
Kneginja Milica freska.jpg Milica of Serbia
Милица Српска
Milica Srpska
140512 September [ O.S. 30 August ] (Serbian Orthodox)
1 August [ O.S. 19 July ] (Russian Orthodox)
Right-Believing, Hegumenia of Ljubostinja Monastery, which she founded, Venerable, Tsaritsa of Serbia; first tonsured as Jevgenija and later Jefrosina [61] [62]
Le roi Milutin de serbie.jpg Milutin
132112 November [ O.S. 30 October ]Right-Believing, King of Serbia, Ktetor; regnal name Stefan Uroš II [63]
No image.png Nestor of Dečani  [ sr ]
Нестор Дечански
Nestor Dečanski
1501–160024 November [ O.S. 11 November ]Venerable [26]
Svjetlopis svjetlopisa igumana Milesheve Nestora Trkulje ubijenog od komunistichkog okupatora.jpg Nestor of Mileševa  [ sr ]
Нестор Милешевски
Nestor Mileševski
194111 July [ O.S. 28 June ]Hegumen of Mileševa Monastery, New Venerable Hieromartyr, one of the New Martyrs of Dabro-Bosnia and Mileševa  [ sr ]; surnamed Trkulja [64]
No image.png New Martyrs of Dabro-Bosnia and Mileševa  [ sr ]
Свети новомученици Дабробосански и Милешевски
Sveti novomučenici Dabrobosanski i Mileševski
1941–194611 July [ O.S. 28 June ]New Martyrs; who consisted of many clergymen and monastics and were martyred by the Ustaše (1941) and later by the Yugoslav Partisans (1945–1946) [65] [66] [67]
No image.png Nicanor of Hilandar  [ sr; bg ]
Никанор Хиландарски
Nikanor Hilandarski
19904 March [ O.S. 19 February ] Hegumen of Hilandar Monastery, Venerable; a.k.a.Nicanor the New; surnamed Savić [68] [69]
Tresnjevica, Crkva Svetog Nikolaja Zickog 02.jpg Nicholas of Ohrid and Žiča
Николај Охридски и Жички
Nikolaj Ohridski i Žički
195631 March [ O.S. 18 March ]
3 May [ O.S. 20 April ]
Bishop of Ohrid and Žiča, Venerable, the New Chrysostom; who wrote the Prologue of Ohrid ; surnamed Velimirović [70] [71] [72]
No image.png Nicodemus I of Peć
Никодим I Пећки
Nikodim I Pećki
132524 May [ O.S. 11 May ]10th Archbishop of Serbia (r.1316–1324), Venerable, who co-founded Vratna Monastery with St. Milutin; a.k.a.Nicodemus of Hilandar [73] [74]
Reverend Nicodemus Prilepsky and Tismanski.jpg Nicodemus of Tismana
Никодим Тисмански
Nikodim Tismanski
14068 January [ O.S. 21 December ]Venerable; Hesychast; who founded three monasteries, one in Serbia and two in Romania; a.k.a.Nicodemus the Sanctified, surnamed Grčić [75]
No image.png Nikon I
Никон I
Nikon I
143512 September [ O.S. 30 August ]9th Patriarch of Serbia (r.1420–1435), Venerable [76] [77]
Freska svetog mucenika igunama Pajsija, freska u Vavedenju.JPG Paisius the Hegumen
Игуман Пајсије
Iguman Pajsije
181430 December [ O.S. 17 December ]Hegumen of Mošatanica Monastery  [ sr ], New Venerable Martyr, who was martyred with St. Habakkuk; surnamed Ristović [35]
PatrijarhPajsije.jpg Paisius of Janjevo
Пајсије Јањевац
Pajsije Janjevac
164715 October [ O.S. 2 October ]21st Patriarch of Serbia (r.1614–1647), Venerable [78] [79]
StPeter ofCetinje.jpg Peter of Cetinje
Петар Цетињски
Petar Cetinjski
183031 October [ O.S. 18 October ] Prince-Bishop of Montenegro, Venerable, Wonderworker, Myroblyte; regnal name Petar I Petrović-Njegoš [80] [81]
Freska svetog Petra Dabrobosanskog.JPG Peter of Dabar-Bosnia
Петар Дабробосански
Petar Dabrobosanski
194117 September [ O.S. 4 September ] Metropolitan of Dabar-Bosnia, New Hieromartyr; surnamed Zimonjić [82]
No image.png Peter of Koriša
Петар Коришки
Petar Koriški
1275–130018 June [ O.S. 5 June ]Wonderworker, Venerable; the first Serbian hermit, who practiced asceticism in the Hermitage of St. Peter of Koriša [83]
Bishop Platon (Jovanovic).jpg Platon of Banja Luka
Платон Бањалучки
Platon Banjalučki
19415 May [ O.S. 22 April ] Bishop of Banja Luka, New Venerable Hieromartyr; surnamed Jovanović [84]
No image.png Raphael of Banat  [ sr; el ]
Рафаило Банатски
Rafailo Banatski
1601–170029 August [ O.S. 16 August ]Venerable [85]
Rafailo Momcilovic.jpg Raphael of Šišatovac
Рафаило Шишатовачки
Rafailo Šišatovački
19413 September [ O.S. 21 August ] Prior of Šišatovac Monastery, New Venerable Hieromartyr; surnamed Momčilović [86]
Sveti Sava Kraljeva Crkva.jpg Sava I
Сава I
Sava I
123727 January [ O.S. 14 January ] (Saint Sava Day) Equal-to-the-Apostles, Enlightener of the Serbs, first Archbishop of Serbia (r.1219–1233), Venerable Hieroconfessor, son of Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming, patron saint of Serbia, Serbs and Serbian education and medicine; birth name Rastko Nemanjić [87] [88]
Loza Nemanjica Decani e 5.jpg Sava II
Сава II
Sava II
127121 February [ O.S. 8 February ]3rd Archbishop of Serbia (r.1263–1271), Venerable, nephew of St. Sava I; birth name Predislav Nemanjić [89]
No image.png Sava II Branković
Сава II Бранковић
Sava II Branković
16837 June [ O.S. 24 May ]Metropolitan of Transylvania, Venerable Hieroconfessor; a.k.a.Sabbas Brancovici in Romanian [90]
No image.png Sava III
Сава III
Sava III
13168 August [ O.S. 26 July ]
12 September [ O.S. 30 August ]
9th Archbishop of Serbia (r.1309–1316), Venerable [91]
Sveti Sava Gornjokaarlovacki.jpg Sava of Gornji Karlovac
Сава Горњокарловачки
Sava Gornjokarlovački
194117 July [ O.S. 4 July ] Bishop of Gornji Karlovac, New Venerable Hieromartyr; surnamed Trlajić [92]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Svetog Sebastijana dzheksonskog u kapelitsi pored Saborne tsrkve Sv. Jovana Vladimira u Baru.jpg Sebastian of Jackson
Севастијан Џексонски
Sevastijan Džeksonski
194030 November [ O.S. 17 November ]Missionary, Archimandrite, Venerable; surnamed Dabović [93]
No image.png Seraphim of the Trinity  [ sr ]
Серафим Тројички
Serafim Trojički
194111 July [ O.S. 28 June ]Hegumen of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity of Pljevlja, New Venerable Hieromartyr, one of the New Martyrs of Dabro-Bosnia and Mileševa  [ sr ]; surnamed Džarić
Sv.SimeonDajbabski.jpg Simeon of Dajbabe
Симеон Дајбабски
Simeon Dajbabski
19411 April [ O.S. 19 March ]Hegumen of Dajbabe Monastery, Venerable, Hieromonk; surnamed Popović [94] [95]
Fresco of Stefan Nemanja in King's church Studenica.jpg Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming
Симеон Мироточиви
Simeon Mirotočivi
120026 February [ O.S. 13 February ]Right-Believing, Venerable, Myroblyte, Grand Prince of Serbia, father of St. Sava I; and Simeon the Monk; birth name Stefan Nemanja [96]
Stefan the First-Crowned.jpg Simeon the Monk
Симеон Монах
Simeon Monah
12287 October [ O.S. 24 September ]Right-Believing, Venerable, Grand Prince of Serbia, son of St. Simeon the Myroblyte; regnal name Stefan the First-Crowned and birth name Stefan Nemanjić [97]
Svjetlopis zhivopisa Sv. novomuchenika Slobodana donjekamenichkog, m.Vavedenje, Bgd.jpg Slobodan of Donjo Kamenica  [ sr ]
Слободан Доњокаменички
Slobodan Donjokamenički
199227 July [ O.S. 14 July ]New Child Martyr, who was martyred by a Kosovar Albanian woman named Elfeta Veseli  [ sr ] after searching for his dog during the Bosnian War; surnamed Stojanović [98]
Serbian Patriarch Spiridon.jpg Spyridon of Serbia
Спиридон Српски
Spiridon Srpski
138928 June [ O.S. 15 June ]4th Patriarch of Serbia (r.1380–1389), Venerable [99]
Stefan Brankovic, Esphigmenou charter (1429).jpg Stephen the Blind
Стефан Слепи
Stefan Slepi
147622 October [ O.S. 9 October ]
23 December [ O.S. 10 December ]
Right-Believing, Despot of Serbia; birth name Stefan Branković [100]
Stefan Uros III.jpg Stephen of Dečani
Стефан Дечански
Stefan Dečanski
133124 November [ O.S. 11 November ]Martyr, King of Serbia, Ktetor, who founded Visoki Dečani; regnal name Stefan Uroš III [101]
Saint Stephen of Piperi.jpg Stephen of Piperi
Стефан Пиперски
Stefan Piperski
16972 June [ O.S. 20 May ] Hegumen of Morača Monastery, Venerable [102] [103]
Freska despota Steana Lazarevica u biogradskoj Lazarici.JPG Stephen the Tall
Стефан Високи
Stefan Visoki
14271 August [ O.S. 19 July ]Right-Believing, Righteous, Despot of Serbia, Ktetor, patron saint of the Serbian Armed Forces; birth name Stefan Lazarević [104] [105]
Stefan Stiljanovic.jpg Stephen Štiljanović
Стефан Штиљановић
Stefan Štiljanović
154317 October [ O.S. 4 October ]Right-Believing, Righteous, last Despot of Serbia, husband of Helena Štiljanović [40]
Stefan Dragutin, Arilje.jpg Theoctistus of Serbia
Теоктист Српски
Teoktist Srpski
131612 November [ O.S. 30 October ]King of Serbia, Venerable; regnal name Stefan Dragutin [63] [106]
No image.png Theodore of Vršac
Теодор Вршачки
Teodor Vršački
159429 May [ O.S. 16 May ] Bishop of Vršac, Venerable Hieromartyr, patron saint of Vršac; surnamed Nestorović [107] [108]
No image.png Theodore of Komogovo
Теодор Комоговински
Teodor Komogovinski
1788First Saturday of Great Lent (Theodore's Saturday)Venerable Martyr; surnamed Sladić [109] [110]
Loza Nemanjica Decani d 6.jpg Uroš the Great
Урош Велики
Uroš Veliki
12771 May [ O.S. 19 April ]Right-Believing, King of Serbia, Ktetor; regnal name Stefan Uroš I [111]
UrosV.jpg Uroš the Weak
Урошица Нејаки
Uroš Nejaki
137115 December [ O.S. 2 December ]Right-Believing, King of Serbia, Ktetor; regnal name Stefan Uroš V [112]
Urosic Nemanjic.jpg Urošica
1285–131624 November [ O.S. 11 November ]Venerable, Myroblyte; birth name Stefan Urošic Nemanjić [113]
Fresco of Stefan Vladislav, Mileseva, edited (cropped).jpg Vladislav
c.12697 October [ O.S. 24 September ]
12 August [ O.S. 30 July ]
Right-Believing, King of Serbia, Ktetor; regnal name Stefan Vladislav [114]
Frescoe of Vukasin Jasenovacki in Saint Sava temple in Belgrade (cropped).jpg Vukašin of Klepci
Вукашин Клепачки
Vukašin Klepački
194329 May [ O.S. 16 May ]
13 September [ O.S. 31 August ]
New Martyr; a.k.a.Vukašin of Jasenovac, surnamed Mandrapa [115]


  1. This figure is given by St. Nikolaj Velimirović in his entry on the Jasenovac Martyrs in the Prologue of Ohrid . Various figures are given for the number of Serbs killed, ranging from 100,000 to 750,000.

See also


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