List of Eastern Orthodox saints

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Icon depicting the Synaxis of All Saints; various saints can be identified by their saint attributes, such as Patriarch Abraham (bottom left, silver hair) or Patriarch Jacob (bottom right, seated) All saint.JPG
Icon depicting the Synaxis of All Saints; various saints can be identified by their saint attributes, such as Patriarch Abraham (bottom left, silver hair) or Patriarch Jacob (bottom right, seated)

This is a partial list of canonised saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church.


In Orthodoxy, a saint is defined as anyone who is in heaven, whether recognised here on earth, or not. By this definition, Adam and Eve, Moses, the various prophets, and archangels are all given the title of Saint. Sainthood in the Orthodox Church does not necessarily reflect a moral model, but communion with God; there are many examples of people who lived in great sin and became saints by humility and repentance: Saints Mary of Egypt, Moses the Ethiopian, and Dismas, the repentant thief who was crucified with Jesus Christ. Therefore, a more complete Orthodox definition of what a saint is, has to do with the way that saints, through their humility and their love of mankind, saved inside them the entire Church, and loved all people.

Orthodox belief states that God reveals saints through answered prayers and other miracles. Saints are usually recognised by their local community, often by people who directly knew them. As their popularity grows they are often then recognised by the entire Church through the Holy Spirit. The word canonisation means that a Christian has been found worthy to have his name placed in the canon (official list) of saints of the Church. The formal process of recognition involves deliberation by a synod of bishops. Evidence of a virtuous life and prior local veneration of the saint are required for canonization. [1]

Because the Church shows no true distinction between the living and the dead, as the saints are considered to be alive in heaven, saints are referred to as if they are still alive, and are venerated, not worshipped. They are believed to be able to intercede for the living for salvation or other requests and help mankind either through direct communion with God or by personal intervention.


Some saints listed may also be a part of a larger group of saints also listed (particularly martyrs, such as Saint Laura of Córdoba and the Martyrs of Córdoba).

SaintDied (Year)Feast Day (OS)Notes
3 Magi 1–10025 DecemberKings from the East who brought the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child in Matthew 1, a.k.a. the 3 Wise Men, whose names were Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar [2]
3 Martyrs of Vilnius 134714 AprilMartyrs; whose names were Anthony, John, and Eustathius [3]
7 Brothers of Lazia 30424 JuneMartyrs [4]
7 Maccabean Martyrs 167–160 BC1 AugustMartyrs, sons of St. Solomonia [5]
7 Robbers of Corfu c.6328 April Martyrs [6]
7 Sleepers of Ephesus 4474 August / 22 OctoberHoly Youths [7]
13 Martyrs of Kantara 123119 MayVenerable Martyrs [8]
40 Martyrs of Sebaste 3209 MarchMartyrs [9]
42 Martyrs of Amorium 8456 MarchMartyrs [10]
47 First Martyrs of Rome c.6714 MarchProtomartyrs of the Patriarchate of Rome [11]
48 Martyrs of Córdoba 850–859VariousMartyrs [12]
60 Martyrs of Jerusalem c.639unknownMartyrs, Military Saints
79 Venerable Martyrs of Sinai and Raithu 301–40014 JanuaryVenerable Martyrs; 40 were killed at Mount Sinai and 39 at Raithu [13]
222 Martyrs of China 190011 JuneMartyrs [14]
300 Aragvian Martyrs 179511 SeptemberMartyrs [15]
300 Martyrs of Lazeti 1600–162029 AprilMartyrs [16]
377 Martyrs of Adrianople 81522 JanuaryMartyrs [17]
10,000 Martyrs of Antioch 249–2511 JuneMartyrs [18]
14,000 Holy Innocents c.2 BC29 DecemberFirst Martyrs, Child Martyrs [19]
20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia 301–30528 DecemberMartyrs [20]
100,000 Martyrs of Tbilisi 122631 OctoberMartyrs [21]
700,000 New Martyrs of Jasenovac [a] 1941–194531 August New Martyrs [22] [23]
Aaron c.1569 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Prophet, High Priest, elder brother of Prophet Moses [24]
Aaron of Aleth c.55222 June Bishop of Aleth, Abbot, Venerable [25]
Abbán of Corbmaic 501–60027 OctoberAbbot, Venerable, nephew of St. Kevin [25]
Abbán of Leinster 401–50016 MarchAbbot, Venerable, founder of Kill-Abban Monastery, nephew of St. Ibar [25]
Abbo of Auxerre 8603 December Bishop of Auxerre, Abbot of the Abbey of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre, Venerable [25]
Abbo of Fleury 100413 NovemberAbbot of Fleury Abbey, Venerable Martyr [25]
Abel c.64 AM  – c.130 AM Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Righteous; who was the first man to die, as he was murdered by his older brother Cain [26]
Abgar V of Edessa c.5011 May / 28 OctoberKing of Osroene, first Christian monarch; who according to legend received a letter handwritten by Jesus and the Mandylion
Abibon 33–502 AugustRighteous, son of St. Gamaliel the Rabban; a.k.a.Abibas [27] [28]
Abibos of Nekresi 501–60029 NovemberBishop of Nekresi, Venerable Hieromartyr, one of the 13 Assyrian Apostles [29]
Abibus of Edessa 32215 NovemberDeacon, Hieromartyr [30]
Abo of Tiflis c.7868 January New Martyr; a.k.a.Abo the Perfumer [31]
Abraham Patriarchal Age 9 OctoberPatriarch, Righteous, previously known as Abram [32]
Abraham of Bulgaria 12291 April / 9 MarchMartyr; a convert from Islam killed by his fellow compatriots [33]
Abraham of Ephesus 501–60028 OctoberBishop, Venerable; who founded many monasteries [34]
Abraham of Galich 137520 JulyHegumen, Venerable, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh [35]
Abraham of Mirozha 115824 SeptemberHegumen of Mirozh, Venerable [36]
Abraham of Paleostrov c.146021 AugustVenerable, disciple of St. Cornelius of Paleostrov [37]
Abraham of Rostov 1045–107429 October Archimandrite, Venerable [38]
Abraham of Smolensk 122221 August Hieromonk, Wonderworker, Venerable [39]
Abraham the Laborious 1101–135021 AugustVenerable, the Laborious [40]
Abrahamite Martyrs c.8356 JulyVenerable Martyrs [41]
Acacius of Amida 4259 April (?)Bishop of Amida, Venerable; who ransomed for the freedom of 7000 Persian prisoners
Acacius of Byzantium c.3037 MayMartyr; a.k.a.Acacius the Centurion, Agathius, Achatius, and Agathonas [42]
Acacius of Kavsokalyvia 173012 AprilVenerable, Athonite monk, Righteous; a.k.a.Akakios the Younger and Acacius the New [43] [44]
Acacius of Melitene the Elder 25031 March / 15 SeptemberBishop of Melitene, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Agathangelos, Acathius or Achates [45]
Acacius of Melitene the Younger c.437 – c.50027 AprilBishop of Melitene, Venerable; a.k.a.Acathius or Achates [45]
Acacius of Sebaste c.30427 November Hieromartyr
Achaicus of Corinth 33–10015 June / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Hieromartyr [47]
Achillas of Alexandria 3137 NovemberPatriarch of Alexandria, Venerable [48] [49]
Achillius of Larissa 33015 May Metropolitan of Larissa, Venerable; who condemned Arianism at the First Ecumenical Council; a.k.a.Achilles, Ailus, Achillas, or Achilius [50]
Adam 930 AM Sunday of the Holy Forefathers / Forgiveness Sunday Forefather, Righteous, the Proto-Created, the first man [51]
Adelaide of Italy 99916 December Holy Roman Empress, Righteous [25]
Adeodatus I 6188 November Patriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Adrian of Nicomedia 30626 AugustMartyr, husband of St. Natalia of Nicomedia; a.k.a.Hadrian [53]
Ælfheah of Canterbury 101219 April Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Winchester, Venerable, Abbot of Bath Abbey, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Alphege the Martyr [25]
Ælfric of Abingdon 100516 NovemberArchbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Wilton, Abbot of Abingdon Abbey, Venerable; a.k.a.Alfric [25]
Æthelhard of Canterbury 80512 MayArchbishop of Canterbury, Venerable; a.k.a.Ethelhard [54]
Æthelhelm of Canterbury 9238 JanuaryArchbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Wells, Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, Venerable; a.k.a.Athelm [25]
Æthelnoth of Canterbury 103830 OctoberArchbishop of Canterbury, Venerable, the Good; a.k.a.Ethelnoth, Ednoth and Eadnodus [54]
Afan of Bulith 501–60016 NovemberBishop of Llanbadarn or Builth, Venerable Hieromartyr; founder of the church of Llanafan, Wales [25]
Agabus 33–1008 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Martyr [55]
Agape, Chionia, and Irene 30416 AprilVirgin Martyrs [56]
Agapetus I 53617 April Patriarch of Rome, Venerable [57] [52] [25]
Agapetus of Pechersk 1001–11001 JuneUnmercenary Healer, Venerable, monk in the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra; a.k.a.Agapetus of the Caves [58]
Agatha of Sicily c.2515 FebruaryVirgin Martyr [59] [25]
Agatho of Rome 68120 February Patriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [25]
Agathon of Scetis c.4352 March / 8 January Desert Father, Venerable [60]
Aglaida of Rome c.201 – c.35019 DecemberRighteous, romantic partner of St. Boniface; a.k.a.Aglae [61] [25]
Agnes of Rome c.30521 JanuaryVirgin Martyr [25]
Ahmet the Calligrapher 16823 May / 24 December New Martyr; a convert from Islam killed by his companions [62]
Aidan of Ferns 62631 January Bishop of Ferns, Abbot, Venerable; a.k.a.Máedóc, Madoc and Mogue [25]
Aidan of Lindisfarne 65131 AugustApostle of Northumbria, Venerable [25]
Alena of Belgium c.64018 JuneVirgin Martyr; a.k.a.Alène and Alina [63]
Alexander Hotovitzky 19374 December / 7 AugustNew Hieromartyr [64]
Alexander Nevsky 126323 November / 30 AugustGrand Prince of Vladimir and Novgorod, Right-Believing [65]
Alexander of Constantinople 34030 August Archbishop of Constantinople, Venerable; whose fervent prayer led to the painful death of Arius [66] [67]
Alexander of Jerusalem 25116 May / 12 December Church Father, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Venerable Hieromartyr [68]
Alexander of Rome 284–30513 MayMartyr [69] [25]
Alexander of Svir 153330 AugustHegumen of Alexander-Svirsky Monastery, Venerable; a.k.a.Alexander Svirsky [70]
Alexander I of Alexandria 326 / 32829 May Church Father, Patriarch of Alexandria; who fought against Arianism [71]
Alexander I of Rome c.11616 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52]
Alexander of Munich 194313 July Passion Bearer; the only Orthodox member of the White Rose resistance group; native name Alexander Schmorell [72]
Alexander (Trapitsyn)  [ ru ]193814 JanuaryArchbishop of Pugachyov, New Venerable Hieromartyr [73]
Alexandra the Passion Bearer 191817 JulyPassion Bearer, Empress of Russia as the spouse of St Nicholas II, one of the Romanov Martyrs [74]
Alexei Nikolaevich 191817 JulyPassion Bearer, one of the Romanov Martyrs [74]
Alexis of Wilkes-Barre 19097 MayHieroconfessor, Defender of Orthodoxy; who converted 20,000 Ruthenian Catholics to Orthodoxy; a.k.a.Alexis Toth [75] [76]
Alexis of Rome 401–450 [25] 17 MarchMan of God, Venerable; a.k.a.Alexius [25] [77]
Alypius of the Caves c.111417 August / Second Sunday of Great LentVenerable, Iconographer; a.k.a.Alipy [78]
Alypius the Stylite 64026 November Monastic founder, Stylite, Venerable, intercessor for the infertile, and a protector of children [79]
Alphaeus 33–10026 May / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, father of the Apostles James and Matthew [80]
Alphege the Bald 95112 March Bishop of Winchester, Venerable, the Elder, the Bald [25]
Ambrose Gudko 19189 AugustBishop of Sarapul and Yelabuga, Venerable Hieromartyr [81]
Ambrose of Milan 3977 DecemberChurch Father, Bishop of Milan, Venerable; who opposed Arianism [82] [25]
Ambrose of Optina 189110 OctoberVenerable, Hieroschemamonk, one of the 14 Optina Elders  [ ru ] [83]
Ambrosius of Georgia 192716 March Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Hieroconfessor [84]
Ammon of Egypt 3564 October / 7 DecemberDesert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Amun, Amoun, Ammonas and Ammonius the Hermit [85] [86]
Ammon of Nitria 401–43010 JanuaryDesert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Amtnonas, Ammonius and Ammonas of Egypt
Amos c.787 BC15 JuneProphet; who wrote the Book of Amos [87]
Amphian c.3052 AprilMartyr, disciple of St. Pamphilus [88]
Amphilochius of Iconium 39423 November Church Father, Bishop of Iconium; who fought against Arianism and Macedonianism [89]
Amphilochius of Patmos 197016 AprilVenerable Hieromonk, native name Amphilochios Makris [90]
Amphilochius of Pochayiv 197129 AprilVenerable, Wonderworker [91]
Ampliatus 33–10031 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Diospolis, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Amplias [92]
Anacletus c.9126 AprilPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Cletus [52]
Ananias of Damascus 33–1001 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Damascus, Venerable Hieromartyr [93]
Anastasia of Russia 191817 July Passion bearer; one of the Romanov Martyrs [74]
Anastasius I of Rome 40119 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, father of St. Innocent I [52]
Anastasius II of Rome 4988 September / 19 NovemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Anastasius of Sinai 68520 April / Bright Wednesday Abbot, Venerable [94]
Anathalon of Milan 33–10024 September Bishop of Milan and Brescia, disciple of St. Barnabas, name also spelled Anatalius, Anatolius, Anatalone, Anatalo, and Anatolio [25]
Anatolius of Constantinople 4583 July Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; who condemned Eutyches and Dioscorus of Alexandria for Monophysitism [95]
Andrew of Constantinople 9362 October Fool for Christ, Blessed [96]
Andrew of Crete 712 / 7264 July Archbishop of Crete, homilist, and hymnographer [97]
Andrew the Apostle 6230 November / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr, the First-Called, the All-Praised [98]
Andrew the Commander 30019 AugustMartyr, Military Saint; a.k.a.Andrew the Tribune and Andrew Stratelates [99]
Andrew the Iconographer 1427–143029 January / 4 JulyVenerable, Iconographer, native name Andrei Rublev [100]
Andrew the Martyr of Crete 766 / 76717 OctoberVenerable Martyr, iconodule [101]
Andrew the Prince 11744 JulyRight-Believing, Passion bearer, the Prince, native name Andrey Yuryevich Bogolyubsky [102]
Andronicus of Pannonia 33–10017 May / 30 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Pannonia, Hieromartyr [103] [104]
Anianus of Alexandria 8225 April Patriarch of Alexandria, the first person to be converted by St. Mark the Evangelist
Anicetus of Rome 16617 April [105] Patriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [105]
Anna of Kashin 13682 October / 21 July / 12 JuneRight-Believing, Venerable, Princess of Kashin [106]
Anna of Novgorod 105010 FebruaryRight-Believing, Princess of Novgorod, daughter of St. Olaf, native name Ingegerd Olofsdotter [107]
Anna the Prophetess 1–1003 FebruaryProphetess, Righteous [108]
Anne 1–8025 July / 9 September / 9 December [109] Mother of the Virgin Mary, Righteous [110]
Anoub of Scetis 440–4606 JuneDesert Father, Venerable, a.k.a.Anoub the Anchorite and Anoub the Signbearer [111]
Ansgar 8653 FebruaryApostle of the North, Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen; a.k.a.Oscar and Anskar/Anschar [25]
Antherus 2365 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52]
Anthimus of Nicomedia 303 / 311–3123 SeptemberBishop of Nicomedia, Venerable Hieromartyr [112]
Anthony of Kiev 10732 SeptemberVenerable, founder of the monastic tradition in Kievan Rus'; a.k.a.Anthony of the Caves [113]
Anthony of Rome 11473 August / 17 January / First Friday after 29 JuneHegumen of Novgorod, Venerable; a.k.a.Anthony the Roman [114]
Anthony of Siya 15567 DecemberHegumen of Siya Monastery, Venerable [115]
Anthony the Great 35617 JanuaryFather of Monasticism, Church Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Anthony of Egypt, Anthony the Abbot, Anthony of the Desert, Anthony the Anchorite, Anthony the Hermit, and Anthony of Thebes [116]
Antipas of Pergamum 68 / 9211 AprilBishop of Pergamum, Hieromartyr, disciple of St. John the Apostle [117]
Apelles of Heraklion 33–15022 April / 10 September / 31 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Heraclea [92] [118]
Aphrahat the Persian c.34529 JanuaryChurch Father, Abbot, Venerable, the Persian [119]
Apollinaris of Hierapolis 167–2018 JanuaryChurch Father, Bishop of Hierapolis; a.k.a.Apollinaris Claudius
Apollinaris of Ravenna 33–10023 JulyBishop of Ravenna, Hieromartyr [25]
Apollinaris of Valence c.5205 OctoberBishop of Valence, brother of St. Avitus of Vienne [25]
Apollinaria of Egypt 4705 JanuaryVenerable [120]
Apollos 33–15030 March / 8 December / 10 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Caesarea [121] [122]
Aquila 33–10014 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Asia, Hieromartyr, husband of St. Priscilla [123]
Archippus 33–15019 February / 22 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Laodicea, Hieromartyr [124]
Aredius of Gap 6041 MayBishop of Gap, Venerable [125]
Aredius of Limoges 59125 AugustAbbot, Venerable; a.k.a.Yrieix and Arède [25]
Aristarchus of Thessalonica 33–15015 April / 27 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Apamea [126] [127]
Aristides of Athens 120 [128] 13 SeptemberChurch Father, Martyr, the Athenian [128]
Aristobulus of Britannia 33–15015 March / 16 March / 31 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Britain, possibly a Hieromartyr, brother of St. Barnabas [129] [92] [25]
Arsenios the Cappadocian 192428 October Archimandrite, Venerable, spiritual father of St. Paisios [130]
Arsenius the Great 449 / 4508 May Church Father, Desert Father, Venerable, Deacon, the Great; a.k.a.Arsenius of Scetis and Turah, Arsenius the Roman and Arsenius the Deacon [131]
Artemas of Lystra 33–15030 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Lystra [132]
Asclepiades of Antioch 21718 OctoberPatriarch of Antioch, Venerable Hieromartyr, name also spelled Aslipiades, Askelpiades and Asclepiades
Asenath c.1750 BC – c.1550 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersFair, wife of Patriarch Joseph
Asyncritus of Hyrcania 50–1008 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Hyrcania, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Asynkritos [55]
Athanasius of Alexandria 3732 May / 18 JanuaryChurch Father, Patriarch of Alexandria, the Great [133]
Athanasius the Athonite c.10035 JulyChurch Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Athanasius of Mount Athos [134]
Athenagoras of Athens c.19024 JulyChurch Father, Apologist [135]
Atticus of Constantinople 4258 JanuaryChurch Father, Archbishop of Constantinople, Venerable [136]
Augustine of Canterbury c.60427 MayApostle to the English, first Archbishop of Canterbury, Venerable [25]
Augustine of Hippo 43015 JuneChurch Father, Bishop of Hippo, Venerable, Blessed [137] [25]
Aurelius and Natalia 85227 JulyMartyrs; whose companions were George, Felix, and Liliosa; part of the 48 Martyrs of Córdoba [138]
Aurelius of Carthage 42920 JulyChurch Father, Bishop of Carthage, Venerable [25]
Avilius of Alexandria 9522 February Patriarch of Alexandria, Venerable [139]
Avitus I of Clermont c.60021 AugustBishop of Clermont, Venerable [25]
Avitus II of Clermont 68921 FebruaryBishop of Clermont, Venerable [25]
Avitus of Vienne c.5205 FebruaryChurch Father, Bishop of Vienne, Venerable, brother of St. Apollinaris of Valence [25]
Azariah 600–501 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersHoly Youth, Righteous, given the pagan name Abednego [140]
Barachiel N/A [b] 8 November [141] Archangel [142]
Barbara of Heliopolis c.3064 December Great Martyr, Virgin Martyr [143]
Barbara Yakovleva 191818 JulyNew Venerable Martyr, native name Varvara [144]
Barbatus of Benevento 68219 February Bishop of Benevento, Venerable [145]
Barlaam of India 350–45030 May / 19 November [146] Venerable Hermit; a.k.a.Bilawhar [146]
Barlaam of Kiev 106528 September / 19 November [147] Hegumen, Venerable [147]
Barnabas c.6211 June / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Milan, Hieromartyr, companion of St. Paul, brother of St. Aristobulus [148]
Barsanuphius the Great c.5436 February Desert Father, Venerable; author (together with St. John the Prophet) of over 800 letters giving spiritual direction that influenced Byzantine monasticism [149]
Bartholomew the Apostle c.7011 June / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr [150]
Baruch c.600 BC – c.501 BC28 SeptemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Baruch; a.k.a.Baruch ben Neriah [151]
Basil of Ancyra 36222 MarchHieromartyr; who fought against Arianism [152]
Basil of Ostrog 167129 April Bishop of Zahumlje, Venerable [153]
Basil of Poiana Mărului  [ ro; fr ]176725 AprilHegumen, Venerable, Hesychast, spiritual father of St. Paisius Velichkovsky [154]
Basil the Blessed 1552 / 15572 August Fool for Christ, Blessed [155]
Basil the Great 3791 January Great Hierarch, Church Father, Cappadocian Father, Desert Father, Bishop of Caesarea, the Great; an influential theologian who supported the Nicene Creed and fought against Arianism and Apollinarianism [156]
Basil the Layman of Ancyra 331–3621 JanuaryMartyr [157]
Bede of Jarrow 73527 May Church Father, Venerable, father of English history [145] [158]
Benedict of Aniane 82111 FebruaryVenerable, monastic reformer [145]
Benedict of Nursia 54314 MarchVenerable, founder of the Benedictine Order and Western monasticism [145] [159]
Benedict II of Rome 6857 May Patriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [145]
Benjamin of Nitria c.401 – c.50029 DecemberDesert Father, Venerable [160]
Benjamin of Petrograd 192231 JulyMetropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, New Venerable Hieromartyr [161]
Benjamin the Deacon c.42413 October Deacon, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Benjamin the Deacon of Persia [162]
Bertharius of Monte Cassino c.88422 OctoberAbbot of Monte Cassino, Venerable Martyr [145]
Bessarion the Great 401–5006 JuneDesert Father, Venerable, Wonderworker; a.k.a.Bessarion of Egypt or Bessarion of Scetis [163]
Birinus 649 / 6503 DecemberApostle to the West Saxons, Bishop of Genoa, Venerable [145]
Blaise c.31611 FebruaryBishop of Sebaste, Hieromartyr [164]
Boethius c.5217 DecemberChurch Father; a.k.a.Buithe/Buite [145]
Boniface I of Rome 4224 SeptemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [145]
Boniface IV of Rome 61525 MayPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [145]
Boniface of Mainz 754 / 7555 JuneApostle to the Germans, Enlightener, Bishop of Mainz, Hieromartyr [165] [145]
Boniface of Tarsus c.30719 DecemberMartyr, romantic partner and slave of St. Aglaida [166] [145]
Bonitus of Clermont c.71015 JanuaryBishop of Clermont, Venerable [145]
Bonitus of Monte Cassino c.5827 JulyAbbot of Monte Cassino, Venerable [145]
Boris I of Bulgaria 9072 May King of Bulgaria, Equal-to-the-Apostles, the Baptiser [167]
Boris and Gleb c.1015 – c.101924 July Passion Bearers [168]
Branko Dobrosavljević 194124 AprilNew Hieromartyr [169]
Braulio of Zaragoza 65126 MarchChurch Father, Bishop of Zaragoza, Hieromonk [145]
Brendan of Birr c.57329 NovemberOne of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland, Venerable [145]
Brendan the Navigator 575 / c.58316 MayOne of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland, Venerable, the Navigator [145]
Bregowine of Canterbury 76424 AugustArchbishop of Canterbury, name also spelled Bregwin/Bregwine [145]
Brigid of Kildare 5251 FebruaryAbbess, Venerable, first Irish nun; a.k.a.Brigid of Ireland [145]
Bruno of Querfurt 100919 June / 15 OctoberBishop of Mersburg, Hieromartyr, Second Apostle to the Prussians [145]
Caesaria the Younger c.53012 JanuaryAbbess of Abbey of St Caesarius, Venerable, sister of St. Caesarius of Arles [170]
Caesarius of Arles 54327 AugustChurch Father, Bishop of Arles, brother of St. Caesaria [170]
Caesarius of Nazianzus 368 / 3699 MarchDoctor, brother of St. Gregory of Nazianzus [171]
Caesarius of Terracina c.201 – c.3001 NovemberDeacon, Hieromartyr [170]
Caius of Milan 33–10027 SeptemberBishop of Milan, Venerable; a.k.a.Gaius [138]
Caius of Rome 29622 April [172] Patriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Gaius [52]
Caleb c.1500 BC [173] Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous
Callinicus I of Constantinople 70523 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [174]
Callistratus of Carthage 303–31127 SeptemberMartyr, the Soldier, name also spelled Kallistratos [175]
Callistus I of Constantinople 136320 June [176] Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [177]
Callistus I of Rome 22214 OctoberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Callixtus I [52] [170]
Carpus of Beroea 33–15026 May / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Beroea [178]
Castinus of Byzantium 23725 January Bishop of Byzantium, Venerable [179]
Catherine of Alexandria c.30524 November / 25 NovemberGreat Martyr, Virgin Martyr; a.k.a.Katherine [180]
Celestine I of Rome 4328 AprilPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [170]
Cephas of Iconium 33–15030 March / 8 December / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Iconium [181]
Chad of Mercia 6732 MarchApostle to the Mercians, Bishop of Mercia and York, Abbot, Venerable, Wonderworker [170] [182]
Charitina of Amisus 3045 OctoberVirgin Martyr [183]
Charitina of Lithuania 12815 October Hegumenia, Venerable, Princess of Lithuania [184]
Chariton the Confessor 35028 SeptemberDesert Father, Abbot, Venerable, Confessor [185]
Christopher of Lycia 2509 MayMartyr [186]
Christopher of Trebizond 66818 AugustAbbot of Sumela Monastery, Venerable [187]
Clement of Ohrid 96027 July / 22 November / 25 NovemberOne of the 7 Apostles of Bulgaria, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Bishop of Greater Macedonia, disciple of Saints Cyril and Methodius [188]
Clement of Rome c.10125 November / 22 April / 10 SeptemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, Apostolic Father, Hieromartyr [52] [189]
Clement of Sardice 33–10022 April / 10 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Sardis [118]
Cleopas of Emmaus 33–15030 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, brother of St. Joseph, name also spelled as Cleophas [190]
Cleopas of Sihăstria 19982 DecemberHegumen, Venerable, native name Cleopa Ilie [191]
Cloud of Paris c.5607 SeptemberAbbot, Venerable, the Ascetic; a.k.a.Clodoald [192]
Columba of Iona 5979 JuneApostle of the Picts, Church Father, Abbot, Venerable; a.k.a.Colmcille [170]
Columbanus 61523 NovemberVenerable Missionary [170]
Constantine Brâncoveanu 171416 August Prince of Wallachia, Martyr [193]
Constantine of Murom 112921 MayRight-Believing, Venerable, Wonderworker of Murom; a.k.a.Constantine the Blessed [194]
Constantine the Great 33721 May Equal-to-the-Apostles, Roman Emperor, the Great; who first legalised Christianity in the Roman Empire [195]
Constantine the Younger 6853 SeptemberRight-Believing, Emperor; a.k.a.Constantine IV [196]
Cornelius of Rome 25316 SeptemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52]
Cosmas and Damian of Cilicia 303–31317 October Holy Unmercenaries, Martyrs; brothers who were martyred with their brothers Leontius, Anthimus, and Eutropius; a.k.a.Cosmas and Damian of Arabia [197]
Cosmas and Damian of Mesopotamia c.2871 NovemberHoly Unmercenaries, Wonderworkers, Martyrs, twin sons of St. Theodota; a.k.a.Cosmas and Damian of Asia Minor [198]
Cosmas and Damian of Rome 283–2851 JulyHoly Unmercenaries, Wonderworkers, Martyrs, brothers [199]
Cosmas of Aetolia 177924 August Equal-to-the-Apostles, Hieromonk, New Venerable Hieromartyr, the Aetolian; a.k.a.Kosmas [200]
Cosmas I of Constantinople 10812 JanuaryEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Wonderworker, Venerable, a.k.a.Cosmas I the Jerusalemite [201]
Cosmas of Maiuma 701–80012 October / 14 OctoberBishop of Maiuma, Venerable, the Hymnographer [202]
Credan c.78019 AugustAbbot of Evesham Abbey, Venerable [170]
Crescentian of Sardinia c.13031 MayMartyr [170]
Crescentian, Victor, Rosula and Generalis c.25814 SeptemberMartyrs [170]
Crescentiana of Rome 401–5005 MayMartyr [170]
Crescentinus c.287 / 3031 JuneMartyr, Military Saint [170]
Crescentius of Florence c.39619 April Subdeacon, disiciple of St. Zenobius and St. Ambrose [170]
Crescentius of Rome 30014 September Child Martyr, son of St. Euthymius of Perugia [170]
Crispin and Crispinian c.28525 OctoberMartyrs; the patron saints of shoemakers [170]
Crispin of Pavia c.4667 January Bishop of Pavia, Venerable; who signed the acts of the Council of Milan [170]
Crispina 3045 DecemberMartyr [170]
Crispus, Crispinianus, and Benedicta 36227 JuneMartyrs [170]
Cristiolus 501–6003 NovemberFounder of various churches in Wales; son of St. Hywel and brother of St. Sulien [170]
Crescens of Galatia 98–11730 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Galatia, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Criscus [203]
Crispus of Chalcedon 33–1204 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Chalcedon, Hieromartyr [46]
Cuthbert of Canterbury 76126 OctoberArchbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Hereford, Venerable [170]
Cuthbert of Lindisfarne 68720 March Bishop of Lindisfarne, Venerable [170]
Cyprian of Carthage 25831 AugustChurch Father, Bishop of Carthage, Hieromartyr [204]
Cyprian of Kiev 140627 May / 16 September Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus', Venerable [205]
Cyriacus 3047 JuneDeacon, Hieromartyr; who was martyred 23 others, including Largus, Smaragdus, Crescentianus, Memmia and Juliana; a.k.a.Cyriac [170]
Cyriacus the Anchorite 55729 SeptemberVenerable hermit and anchorite, name also spelled Kyriakos [206]
Cyril the Philosopher 86911 May Equal-to-the-Apostles, Teacher and Enlightener of the Slavs, Hieroconfessor, brother of St. Methodius [207]
Cyril Lucaris 163827 June Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [208]
Cyril of Alexandria 4449 June Patriarch of Alexandria [209]
Cyril of Beloozero 14279 June Hegumen, Venerable, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh [210] [211]
Cyril of Jerusalem 38618 March Patriarch of Jerusalem, Hieroconfessor [212]
Cyril of Turov 118228 AprilBishop of Turov; a.k.a.Kirill of Turov [213]
Damaris of Athens 52–1502 October / 3 OctoberFirst female Athenian convert to Christianity, disciple of St. Paul and St. Dionysius the Areopagite [214] [215]
Damasus I 38411 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Damian of Grahovo 194131 MayNew Hieromartyr, native name Damjan Štrbac [216]
Prophet Daniel c.539 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Prophet; who wrote the Book of Daniel; who was given the pagan name Belteshazzar [217]
Daniel II of Serbia 133720 DecemberArchbishop of Serbia [218]
Daniel of Katounakia 19297 SeptemberVenerable, Athonite monk; a.k.a.Daniel Katounakiotis of Smyrna [219]
Daniel of Moscow 13034 MarchRight-Believing, Prince of Moscow [220]
Daniel of Padua 1683 January Bishop of Padua, Venerable Hieromartyr [221]
Daniel the Hesychast 148818 DecemberVenerable, Wonderworker, Hesychast, spiritual father of St. Stephen the Great [222]
David c.1000 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Prophet, King of Israel; who wrote 73 of the Psalms [223]
David of Gareji 501–7007 MayWonderworker, Venerable, one of the thirteen Assyrian Apostles [224] [225]
David IV of Georgia 112526 JanuaryRight-Believing, Blessed, King of Georgia [226]
David of Serbia 128624 September Venerable [227]
David of Thessalonica 54026 JuneVenerable, the Tree-Dweller [228]
David of Wales c.6001 MarchBishop of Mynyw (St Davids); a.k.a.Dewi [221] [229]
Declán of Ardmore 450–50024 JulyBishop of Ardmore, disciple of St. Colman; who converted the Déisi; name also spelled Déclán [221]
Demetrius of the Don 138919 MayRight-Believing, Grand Prince of Moscow; widely known as Dmitry Donskoy [230]
Demetrius of Sirmium 304 / 3069 AprilMartyr [231] [232]
Demetrius of Rostov 170928 October Metropolitan of Rostov, Venerable [233]
Demetrius of Thessaloniki 30626 OctoberGreat Martyr, the Myrrh-Streaming [234]
Demetrius Stăniloae 19934 OctoberHieroconfessor, native name Dumitru Stăniloae [191]
Denis of Paris 2509 October Bishop of Paris, Hieromartyr [235] [221]
Deusdedit of Canterbury 66414 JanuaryArchbishop of Canterbury [221]
Diomedes of Tarsus 284–30516 AugustUnmercenary Healer, Martyr [236]
Dionysius the Areopagite 64–1003 October Bishop of Athens, Hieromartyr, the Areopagite [237]
Dionysius of Corinth c.18029 November Bishop of Corinth, Hieromartyr [238]
Dionysius Exiguus c.5441 SeptemberVenerable, writer and canonist who invented AD dating [239]
Dionysius the Great 2645 October Patriarch of Alexandria, the Great [240]
Dionysius of Rome 26826 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52]
Dismas c.29Good FridayThe Penitent Thief [241]
Dorotheus of Gaza c.56518 JuneHegumen, Venerable
Dunstan of Canterbury 98819 MayArchbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London, Bishop of Worchester, Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, Venerable [221]
Dymphna 601–70015 MayVirgin Martyr, Lily of Éire [221] [242]
Eadsige of Canterbury 105028 OctoberArchbishop of Canterbury, Venerable, Benedictine monk; a.k.a.Edsige, Eadsimus and Eadsin [54]
Edith of Wilton 98416 SeptemberVenerable, daughter of St. Wilfrida [54]
Edmund the Martyr 86920 November King of East Anglia, Martyr [243] [54]
Edward the Martyr 97918 March King of England, Martyr [244] [54]
Edwin of Northumbria 63312 OctoberKing of Deira and Bernicia, Martyr [54]
Egbert of Northumbria 72924 AprilVenerable [54]
Ekvtime Takaishvili 19533 JanuaryMan of God [245]
Eleazar the Martyr 178–161 BC1 AugustMartyr, teacher of the 7 Maccabean Martyrs [246]
Eleazar the High Priest c.1250 BC – c.1100 BC2 SeptemberHigh Priest, son of Prophet Aaron
Elias the Hermit 301–4008 JanuaryDesert Father, Venerable, the Hermit; a.k.a.Elias of Egypt [247]
Elesbaan 553–55524 OctoberBlessed, King of Ethiopia; a.k.a.Kaleb of Axum [248]
Eleutherius of Illyria 12015 December [249] Bishop of Illyria (Albania), Hieromartyr [54]
Eleutherius of Nicomedia 3032 OctoberMartyr [250]
Eleutherius of Rome 18926 MayPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [54]
Eleutherius of Tournai c.53220 FebruaryBishop of Tournai; who fought against Arianism [54] [251]
Eligius of Noyon 659 / 6601 DecemberBishop of Noyon, Hieroconfessor; who founded the monastery of Solignac; a.k.a.Eloi/Eloy [54]
Elijah c.900 BC20 JulyProphet; a.k.a.Elias [252]
Elisha c.900 BC14 JuneProphet [253]
Elizabeth 5–505 SeptemberRighteous, mother of St. John the Baptist [254]
Elizabeth the New Martyr 19185 July Princess of Hesse, Venerable New Martyr [255]
Emmelia of Caesarea 37530 May / 1 JanuaryMother of Saints Basil of Caesarea, Macrina the Younger, Peter of Sebaste, Gregory of Nyssa, and Naucratius; a.k.a.Emilia and Emily [256]
Emerentiana c.30523 JanuaryMartyr [54]
Enoch 1487 AM 30 July / Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Patriarch, Prophet
Enos c.3769 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersPatriarch, Righteous; a.k.a.Enosh [257]
Epaphras of Colossae 33–10022 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Martyr [46]
Epaphroditus 33–15030 March / 8 December / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Adrianium [258]
Epenetus of Carthage 6430 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Carthage, Hieromartyr [259]
Ephraim of Antioch 5458 JunePatriarch of Antioch, Venerable [260]
Ephraim of Katounakia 199827 FebruaryVenerable, Athonite elder [261]
Ephraim of Nea Makri 14265 May / 3 JanuaryNew Hieromartyr, the Newly-Revealed [262]
Ephraim of Pereyaslavl 109828 January Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus', Bishop of Pereiaslav, Venerable; a.k.a.Ephraim of the Caves [263] [264]
Ephrem the Syrian 37328 January Desert Father, Venerable, Deacon, Hieroconfessor, Hymnographer; a.k.a.Ephraim of Syria and Ephraim of Edessa [265]
Epiphanius of Pavia 49721 JanuaryBishop of Pavia, Venerable [54]
Epiphanius of Salamis 40312 MayChurch Father, Desert Father, Bishop of Cyprus, Venerable [266]
Epiphanius the Wise c.142023 MayVenerable, the Wise, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh [267]
Erastus of Paneas 33–15010 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Deacon [268]
Esther c.500 BC – c.301 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, Queen of Persia [269]
Ethelbert of Kent 61625 FebruaryKing of Kent; a.k.a.Æthelberht, Æthelbert, Aethelberht, and Aethelbert [54]
Etheldreda of Ely 67923 JuneAbbess, Venerable, East Anglian princess; a.k.a.Audrey [25]
Eucherius of Lyons 44916 November Church Father, Archbishop of Lyons, Venerable [54]
Eucherius of Orléans 74320 FebruaryBishop of Orléans, Venerable [54]
Eudokia of Heliopolis 1071 MarchVenerable Martyr [270]
Eudokia of Persia 201–3004 AugustMartyr; a.k.a.Eudokia the Martyr [271]
Eugene I of Rome 6572 JunePatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Eugippius c.53515 JanuaryChurch Father, Abbot, Venerable, disciple of St. Severinus, name also written as Eugyppius [54]
Eulalia of Barcelona c.30412 FebruaryVirgin Martyr [54]
Eulalia of Mérida c.30410 DecemberVirgin Martyr [54]
Eulogius of Alexandria 607 / 60813 FebruaryPatriarch of Alexandria, Venerable Hieroconfessor [272]
Euphrosyne of Alexandria 47025 September / 15 FebruaryVenerable [273]
Euphrosyne of Moscow 14077 July / 17 MayVenerable, Grand Princess of Moscow, secular name Eudoxia of Moscow [274]
Euphrosyne of Polotsk 117323 May Hegumenia, Venerable [275]
Euphrosynus of Palestine  [ ru; sr ]801–90011 SeptemberVenerable; a.k.a.Euphrosynus the Cook [276]
Euphrosynus of Pskov 148115 May Hegumen of the Pskov-Caves Monastery, Venerable [277]
Euprepius of Verona 33–10021 August Bishop of Verona, Venerable [54]
Eusebius of Milan 46512 AugustBishop of Milan, Venerable; who opposed Eutychianism [54]
Eusebius of Rome 31017 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, Hieroconfessor [52]
Eusebius of Vercelli 3712 AugustChurch Father, Bishop of Vercelli; who was exiled for opposing Arianism [54]
Eutychian of Rome 2837 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Euthymius the Athonite c.102413 MayVenerable, Athonite monk; a.k.a.Euthymius of Athos [278]
Euthymius the Great 47320 JanuaryDesert Father, Hegumen, Venerable, the Great [279]
Euthymius II of Novgorod 145811 MarchArchbishop of Novgorod [280]
Euthymius of Perugia 301–40029 AugustFather of St. Crescentius [54]
Euthymius of Sardis 83126 December / 8 March Bishop of Sardis, Venerable Hieromartyr [281]
Euthymius of Tarnovo c.140420 January Patriarch of Bulgaria [282]
Euthymius the Younger 89815 OctoberVenerable, Athonite monk; a.k.a.Euthymius of Thessalonica and Euthymius the New [283]
Evaristus c.10526 OctoberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52]
Eve Before the Great Flood Sunday of the Holy Forefathers / Forgiveness Sunday Foremother, Righteous, the Proto-Created, the first woman [51]
Evodius of Antioch 667 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Patriarch of Antioch, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Eudius/Eudias [284]
Ewald the Black c.6953 OctoberVenerable Martyr, Hieromonk, Hieromartyr, Missionary, brother of St. Ewald the White; a.k.a.Ewald the Dark [54]
Ewald the White c.6953 OctoberVenerable Martyr, Hieromonk, Hieromartyr, Missionary, brother of St. Ewald the Black; a.k.a.Ewald the Fair [54]
Ezekiel c.570 BC21 JulyProphet; who wrote the Book of Ezekiel; a.k.a.Ezechiel [285]
Ezra c.440 BC – c.400 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersProphet, High Priest; who wrote the Book of Ezra and Books of Chronicles; a.k.a.Esdras [286]
Fabian of Rome 2505 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [287]
Fabiola of Rome 39927 DecemberVenerable, Ascetic; a divorcee who married again before the death of her first husband and later repented [287]
Fabius of Caesarea 30031 JulyMartyr, Military Saint; who was martyred for refusing to bear an idolatrous standard [287]
Fabrician and Philibert 201–30022 AugustMartyrs [287]
Faith of Conques 2876 OctoberVirgin Martyr; a.k.a.Foy and Fides [287]
Faith, Hope, and Charity c.13717 SeptemberVirgin Martyrs; the latter saint a.k.a.Love [287] [288]
Felix I 27430 MayPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [287]
Felix III 4921 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [287]
Felix IV 53030 JanuaryPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [287]
Fevronia of Murom 122825 JunePrincess of Murom, Right-Believing, Wonderworker, wife of St. Peter of Murom [289]
Firmilian of Caesarea c.26928 OctoberChurch Father, Bishop of Caesarea, Venerable [290]
Flavian of Constantinople 44918 FebruaryArchbishop of Constantinople, Venerable Hieromartyr or Hieroconfessor [291]
Florentina of Cartagena c.61220 JuneAbbess, Venerable, sister of Saints Isidore and Leander of Seville and Fulgentius of Cartagena; a.k.a.Florence [287]
Fortunatus of the Seventy 33–12015 June / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, companion of St. Achaicus of Corinth [47]
Fortunatus of Spoleto c.4001 JunePriest known for his love for the poor [287]
Fortunatus of Todi 53714 October Bishop of Todi, Venerable [287]
Fructus c.71525 OctoberVenerable [287]
Frideswide c.73519 October Abbess, Venerable, English princess; a.k.a.Frithuswith [287]
Fulgentius of Cartagena c.63316 JanuaryBishop of Écija, Venerable, brother of Saints Isidore and Leander of Seville [287]
Fulgentius of Ruspe 5321 JanuaryChurch Father, Bishop of Ruspe, Abbot, Venerable [287]
Fyodor Ushakov 18172 October / 23 JulyRighteous, Military Saint, considered one of the greatest admirals in history [292]
Gabriel N/A [c] 26 March / 13 July / 8 November [293] Archangel, Taxiarch [142] [294]
Gabriel II of Constantinople 16593 December Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Metropolitan of Prousa, New Venerable Hieromartyr [295]
Gabriel of Białystok 169020 AprilChild Martyr [296]
Gabriel of Georgia 19952 November Fool for Christ, Wonderworker, Venerable, Hieroconfessor, Archimandrite [297]
Gabriel of Lesnovo 1050–110015 JanuaryVenerable, founder of Lesnovo Monastery [298]
Gaius of Ephesus 33–1505 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Ephesus [299]
Gal I of Clermont 5541 JulyBishop of Clermont; a.k.a.Gall [138]
Gall of Switzerland c.64516 OctoberApostle of Switzerland, Venerable, disciple of St. Columbanus [138]
Gamaliel the Rabban 40–1002 AugustRighteous; a pharisee who taught St. Paul the Mosaic Law and later converted to Christianity [28]
Gelasius I of Rome 49621 NovemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable; who fought against Monophysitism [52]
Gelasius of Nilopolis 401–50031 DecemberDesert Father, Venerable [300]
Geminian of Modena 34831 January Bishop of Modena, Venerable; who fought against Arianism and Jovinianism [138]
Genevieve of Paris 51221 NovemberVenerable [138]
Gennadius of Constantinople 47131 AugustPatriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [301]
Gennadius of Novgorod 15054 DecemberArchbishop of Novgorod, Venerable; who fought against the Heresy of the Judaizers; a.k.a.Gennady of Novgorod [302]
Gennadius Scholarius 146425 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; the first one after the Fall of Constantinople [303]
George of Amastris 82521 FebruaryBishop of Amastris, Venerable [304]
George Bogić 19414 JuneNew Hieromartyr; native name Đorđe Bogić [305]
George of Chqondidi 111812 SeptemberArchbishop of Chqondidi, Venerable; who advised St. David IV [306]
George the Confessor 81419 AprilBishop of Antioch of Pisidia, Venerable Hieroconfessor; a.k.a.George of Antioch [307]
George of Drama 195924 OctoberNew Venerable Confessor, Righteous, native name Georgios Karslidis [308]
George the Hagiorite 106527 JuneHegumen of Iviron Monastery, Venerable [309]
George of Kratovo 151511 February / 26 MayNew Martyr; a.k.a.George the New of Sofia [310]
George of Lodève c.88419 FebruaryVenerable [138]
George of Lydda 30323 April Great Martyr, Trophy-Bearer, Victory-Bearer, Wonderworker [311]
George of Mogilev 179512 February / Third Sunday after PentecostArchbishop of Mogilev, Venerable [312]
George the Standard-Bearer 8217 AprilArchbishop of Mytilene, Venerable Hieroconfessor, iconodule [313]
George II of Vladimir 12384 FebruaryGrand Prince of Vladimir, Martyr; a.k.a.Georgy II Vsevolodovich and Yuri II of Vladimir [314]
George of Vienne c.670 / c.6992 November Archbishop of Vienne, Venerable [138]
Georgia of Clermont c.50015 FebruaryVenerable anchoress [138]
Georgy Kossov 19288 September / 9 DecemberPriest, Starets, Hieroconfessor; a.k.a.Yegor Chekryakovsky [315]
Gerasimus II of Alexandria 171415 JanuaryPatriarch of Alexandria, Venerable; a.k.a.Gerasimos Palladas [316]
Gerasimus of the Jordan 4514 MarchHegumen, Venerable, name also spelled Gerasimos and Gerasim [317]
Gerasimus of Vologda 11784 MarchVenerable, Wonderworker; a.k.a.Herasmus of Vologda [318]
Gervasios of Patras 196430 JuneVenerable Hieromonk, native name Gervasios Paraskevopoulos [319]
Ghislain 6809 OctoberAbbot, Venerable Confessor, anchorite [138]
Gideon c.1200 BC – c.1101 BC26 November Judge, Righteous [320]
Gobnait 601–72111 FebruaryAbbess, Venerable, monastic foundress; a.k.a.Gobnat, Mo Gobnat, Abigail and Deborah [138]
Godehard of Hildesheim 10384 MayBishop of Hildesheim, Venerable [138]
Gorazd of Moravia 885–90027 JulyBishop of Moravia, Venerable, one of the 7 Apostles of Bulgaria, disciple of Saints Cyril and Methodius [321]
Gorazd of Prague 194222 August Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, Bishop of Prague, New Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Gorazd Pavlík [322]
Gordius 3203 JanuaryMartyr; a.k.a.Gordinus [323]
Gorgonia 37023 FebruaryRighteous, sister of St. Gregory of Nazianzus [324]
Gobron November 17, 914November 17Martyr [325]
Gorgonius of Nicomedia 3043 SeptemberMartyr [112]
Gregory V of Constantinople 182110 AprilEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable, Hieromartyr [326]
Gregory of Agrigento 63823 November Bishop of Agrigento, Venerable [138]
Gregory of Decapolis 81620 NovemberVenerable, Wonderworker; a.k.a.Gregory the Decapolite [327]
Gregory of Khandzta 8615 OctoberVenerable Hieromonk; who founded many monasteries [328]
Gregory of Nazianzus 39025 JanuaryTheologian, Cappadocian Father, Desert Father, Archbishop of Constantinople, Venerable [329]
Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder 3741 JanuaryBishop of Nazianzus, the Elder, father of St. Gregory of Nazianzus [330]
Gregory of Neocaesarea 27017 NovemberChurch Father, Bishop of Neocaesarea, Wonderworker; a.k.a.Gregory Thaumaturgus [331]
Gregory of Nyssa 39410 JanuaryTheologian, Cappadocian Father, Bishop of Nyssa [332]
Gregory of Sinai 134611 February / 6 April / 8 August / 27 November [333] Venerable [333]
Gregory of Tours 59417 NovemberChurch Father, Bishop of Tours [138]
Gregory Palamas 135914 November Church Father, Pillar of Orthodoxy, Archbishop of Thessalonica; who defended hesychasm [334]
Gregory I of Rome 60412 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, the Great [52]
Gregory II of Rome 73111 FebruaryPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Gregory III of Rome 74110 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Gregory the Illuminator 332 [335] 30 SeptemberEnlightener of Armenia, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Bishop of Armenia, Hieromartyr [336]
Grigol Peradze 19426 DecemberArchimandrite, New Venerable Hieromartyr [337]
Habakkuk 650–570 BC2 DecemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Habakkuk; a.k.a.Habacuc [338]
Haggai 600–501 BC16 DecemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Amos; a.k.a.Aggeus [339]
Hananiah 600–501 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Holy Youth, Righteous, given the pagan name Shadrach [140]
Hannah 1100–1001 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersProphetess, mother of Prophet Samuel [340]
Hegesippus the Nazarene c.1807 AprilChurch Father, the Nazarene; who wrote against Gnosticism and Marcionism [341]
Helladius, Crescentius, Paul and Dioscorides 244 / 32628 MayMartyrs [170]
Helena of Constantinople 32721 MayEqual-to-the-Apostles, Empress of the Roman Empire, mother of St. Constantine [342]
Helier 55516 JulyVenerable Martyr [343]
Heimerad 101928 JuneVenerable, Fool for Christ, Hieromonk; a.k.a.Heimrad, Haimrad and Heimo [343]
Herman of Alaska 18379 AugustVenerable, Wonderworker of all America [344]
Herman of Kazan and Svyazhsk 15676 November / 25 September / 23 JuneArchbishop of Kazan, Venerable [345]
Herman of Solovki 147930 July / 8 AugustVenerable, one of the founders of the Solovetsky Monastery [346]
Herman of Valaam 901–150028 JuneVenerable, co-founder of the Valaam Monastery with St. Sergius of Valaam [347]
Hermas of Dalmatia 33–1008 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Dalmatia, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Hermes [55]
Hermas of Philippopolis 33–15031 May / 5 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Philippopolis; a.k.a.Hermes [348] [299]
Hermione of Ephesus 1174 September Unmercenary Healer, Martyr, daughter of St. Philip the Deacon [349]
Hermogenes Dolganyov 191816 June / 20 AugustBishop of Tobolsk, New Hieromartyr [350]
Herodion of Patras c.64 – c.688 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Patara, Hieromartyr, martyred with St. Olympas; a.k.a.Herodian or Rodion [55]
Hesychius of Jerusalem c.44028 MarchChurch Father; a.k.a.Hesychius the Priest and Hesychios [351]
Hezekiah c.687 BC28 August / Cheesefare Saturday Righteous, King of Judah [352]
Hierotheos the Thesmothete 52–1004 OctoberBishop of Athens, the Thesmothete
Hilarion the Great 37121 October Desert Father, Venerable, founder of Palestinian monasticism [353]
Hilarion of Kiev 1054 / 105521 October Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus', Venerable; first non-Greek to hold the position [354]
Hilarius of Rome 46828 FebruaryPatriarch of Rome, Venerable; who fought against Nestorianism and Eutychianism; a.k.a.Hilary and Hilarus [52] [343]
Hilary of Arles 4495 MayBishop of Arles [343]
Hilary of Galeata 55815 MayVenerable, Hermit; who founded the Monastery of Galeata [343]
Hilary of Poitiers 36813 January or 14 JanuaryChurch Father, Bishop of Poitiers, Hieroconfessor; who fought against Arianism [343]
Hilda of Whitby 68017 NovemberAbbess of Whitby, Venerable [343]
Hippolytus of Rome c.23530 JanuaryChurch Father, Hieromartyr [343] [355]
Honoratus of Amiens c.60016 May Bishop of Amiens, Venerable [343]
Honoratus of Arles 42916 January Bishop of Arles, Venerable, founder of Lérins Abbey [343]
Honorius of Canterbury 65330 SeptemberArchbishop of Canterbury, Venerable [343]
Hormisdas of Rome 5236 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [343]
Hosea 720 BC [356] 17 October [357] Prophet; who wrote the Book of Hosea; a.k.a.Osee [356]
Hubertus 7273 NovemberApostle of the Ardennes, Bishop of Liège, Venerable [343]
Hur c.1569 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersProphet, High Priest, companion of Prophets Moses and Aaron [358]
Hyginus of Rome 14211 JanuaryPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [343]
Iestyn 550–7005 DecemberVenerable Martyr; who founded 2 churches in Gwynedd and Anglesey; a.k.a.Iestin, Justinus and Justinian [359]
Ignatius Brianchaninov 186730 AprilBishop of the Caucasus and Stavropol [360]
Ignatius of Antioch c.10720 DecemberGod-Bearer (Theophoros), Patriarch of Antioch, Hieromartyr [361]
Ignatius of Constantinople 87723 October Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [362]
Igor II of Kiev 114719 SeptemberRight-Believing, Martyr, Grand Prince of Kiev and Chernigov [363]
Ilia Chavchavadze 190720 JulyRighteous, Martyr a.k.a.Elijah the Righteous [364]
Ilya Pechersky  [ ru ]c.120319 DecemberVenerable; most likely historical basis for the legendary Russian hero Ilya Muromets [365]
Innocent of Alaska 187913 April Church Father, Apostle of America, Enlightener of the Aleuts, Metropolitan of Moscow, Venerable [366]
Innocent of Irkutsk 173126 November / 9 February / 2 SeptemberBishop of Irkutsk, Venerable [367]
Innocent I of Rome 41728 JulyPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, son of St. Anastasius I; who condemned Pelagianism [52] [368]
Irenaeus of Lyons 20023 August / 28 JuneChurch Father, Bishop of Lugdunum (now Lyons), Venerable Hieromartyr, disciple of St. Polycarp; who wrote Against Heresies against Gnosticism [369] [368]
Irenarch of Rostov 161613 JanuaryVenerable; a.k.a.Irenarchus and Irenarch the Recluse [370]
Irene of Cappadocia 91228 July Hegumenia of Chrysovolantou, Venerable; a.k.a.Irene Chrysovolantou [371]
Irene of Hungary 113413 AugustByzantine Empress, Venerable [372]
Irene of Lesbos 14639 April / Bright Tuesday New Martyr [373]
Irene of Macedonia  [ ru ]3155 MayGreat Martyr, Virgin Martyr [374]
Irene of Tomar 65320 OctoberVirgin Martyr, Venerable [368]
Irmina of Oeren 708 / 72024 DecemberAbbess of Oeren, Venerable [368]
Isaac Patriarchal Age Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Patriarch, Righteous [375]
Isaac I of Optina 189422 August /Hegumen of Optina Monastery, Archimandrite, Venerable, one of the 14 Optina Elders  [ ru ] [376]
Isaac II of Optina  [ ru ]193826 December /Hegumen of Optina Monastery, Venerable New Martyr, one of the 14 Optina Elders  [ ru ] [377]
Isaac of Armenia 43920 November Patriarch of Armenia, Venerable [378]
Isaac of Córdoba 8513 JuneVenerable Martyr; one of the 48 Martyrs of Córdoba [368]
Isaac of Spoleto 55012 AprilAbbot of Spoleto, Venerable; a.k.a.Isaac the Syrian [379]
Isaac the Confessor 38322 March / 30 May / 3 AugustVenerable Confessor; a.k.a.Isaac of Dalmatia [380]
Isaac the Syrian c.70028 JanuaryChurch Father, Desert Father, Bishop of Nineveh, Venerable Hieromonk [381]
Isaiah 700–601 BC9 MayProphet; who wrote the Book of Isaiah; a.k.a.Isaias [382]
Isaiah of Gaza 4913 JulyDesert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Isaiah the Solitary, Isaias the Solitary, Abba Isaiah, and possibly also Isaiah of Scetis [383]
Isaiah of Rostov 109015 MayBishop of Rostov, Venerable, Wonderworker [384]
Isidora of Tabenna c.36510 MayVenerable, Fool for Christ, Blessed [385]
Isidore of Pelusium c.4504 FebruaryChurch Father, Desert Father, Venerable Hieromonk; a.k.a.Isidore the Priest [386]
Isidore of Seville 6364 AprilChurch Father, Bishop of Seville, Venerable, brother of Saints Leander of Seville and Fulgentius of Cartagena [368]
Íte of Killeedy c.57015 JanuaryVenerable; a.k.a.Ytha and Meda [368]
Jacob Patriarchal Age13 DecemberPatriarch, Righteous; a.k.a.Israel [387]
James Intercisus 42027 NovemberGreat Martyr, Military Saint; a.k.a.James the Mutilated, James the Persian or Jacob the Persian and Akouphos [388]
James the Deacon c.671 – c.77118 OctoberDeacon, Missionary, companion of St. Paulinus on the Gregorian mission [389]
James the Great 4430 April / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr, son of Zebedee [390]
James the Just 62 / 6923 October / 4 January [46] Brother of the Lord, Apostle of the Seventy, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Hieromartyr, the Just; who wrote the Epistle of James [391]
James the Less c.629 October / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr, the Less, son of Alphaeus [392]
Jason of Thessalonica 33–15028 April / 29 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Tarsus [393]
Jegudiel N/A [d] 8 November [141] Archangel [142]
Jeremiah c.570 BC1 MayProphet; who wrote the Book of Jeremiah, Book of Lamentations and the Books of Kings; a.k.a.Jeremias [394]
Jeremiah I of Constantinople 154613 JanuaryEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable, name also spelled Jeremias [395]
Jeremiel N/A [e] 8 November [141] Archangel [142]
Jerome of Pavia 78719 JulyBishop of Pavia, Venerable [359]
Jerome of Stridon 42015 June Church Father, Blessed [359]
Joachim c.15 BC9 SeptemberFather of the Virgin Mary, Righteous [110]
Joachim of Korsun 103019 JuneArchbishop of Novgorod, Venerable [396]
Joanna 36–10027 June / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Myrrhbearer, wife of Chuza [397]
Joasaph of Belgorod 175410 DecemberBishop of Belgorod, Venerable
Job c.1350 BC [398] 6 MayRighteous, the Long-suffering [398]
Job of Manyava 162124 June Hegumen, Venerable; who founded of Manyava Skete [399]
Job of Moscow 160719 June Patriarch of Moscow [400]
Job of Pochayiv 165128 OctoberHegumen, Venerable, Wonderworker [401]
Joel 750 BC19 OctoberProphet; who wrote the Book of Joel [402]
John and Paul 361–36326 June [359] [403] Martyrs [359]
John Angeloptes 43327 NovemberBishop of Ravenna, Venerable [359]
John Angelus 105031 JanuaryVenerable [359]
John Calybite c.45015 JanuaryVenerable, the Hut-Dweller, name also spelled Calabites, Calibita, Chalybita, Calabytes and Kalabytes [404]
John Cassian 43323 July Church Father, Desert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.John the Ascetic and John Cassian the Roman [359] [405]
John Chrysostom 40727 JanuaryChurch Father, Archbishop of Constantinople, Venerable Hieroconfessor, the Golden-Tongued; a.k.a.John I of Constantinople [406]
John Climacus 60629 February / 28 FebruaryChurch Father, Venerable; a.k.a.John of the Ladder, John Scholasticus and John Sinaites [407]
John Gradenigo 10255 DecemberVenerable, Hermit [359] [408]
John I of Naples 401–50022 JuneBishop of Naples, Venerable [359]
John I of Ravenna 49412 June Bishop of Ravenna, Venerable [359]
John I of Rome 52618 MayPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [359]
John III of Constantinople 57721 FebruaryPatriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; a.k.a.John Scholasticus and John the Scholastic [409]
John IV of Constantinople 5952 September / 30 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; a.k.a.John the Faster and John Nesteutes [410]
John IV of Naples 83522 JuneBishop of Naples, Venerable, the Peacemaker [359]
John V of Constantinople 67418 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [411]
John VIII of Constantinople 107530 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; a.k.a.John Xiphilinos [412]
John Kochurov 191731 OctoberNew Hieromartyr, Protomartyr of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church [413]
John Theristus 112924 FebruaryVenerable, the Harvester [359]
John Vincent 101221 December Archbishop of Ravenna, Venerable, Hermit [359]
John of Autun 33–105429 OctoberBishop of Autun, Venerable [359]
John of Bergamo 69011 JulyBishop of Bergamo, Venerable [359]
John of Beverley 7217 May Bishop of York, Venerable [359]
John of Châlon 4759 May Bishop of Chalon-sur-Saône, Venerable [359]
John of Chinon 501–60027 JuneVenerable, Hermit [359]
John of Constantinople 83927 AprilHegumen, Venerable Confessor, iconodule [414]
John of Damascus 7494 DecemberChurch Father, Venerable Hieromonk, hymnographer and polymath; a.k.a.John (the) Damascene [415]
John of Egypt c.39429 MarchDesert Father, Venerable, Anchorite; a.k.a.John of Lycopolis, John the Hermit and John the Anchorite [416]
John of Gorze 97527 FebruaryAbbot of Gorze Abbey, Venerable [359]
John of Gothia c.79126 JuneBishop of Gothia (Gothic Crimea), Venerable [417]
John of Karpathos 1001–150025 AugustBishop of Karpathos, Venerable [418]
John of Kronstadt 190820 DecemberRighteous, Priest [419]
John of Moscow c.15893 JulyBlessed, Fool for Christ, Wonderworker of Moscow [420]
John of Novgorod 11867 September / 1 December Archbishop of Novgorod, Wonderworker, Venerable [421]
John of Pavia 81327 AugustBishop of Pavia, Venerable [359]
John of Réôme 53928 JanuaryVenerable, Hermit [359]
John of Shanghai and San Francisco 19662 JulyArchbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, Wonderworker, native name John Maximovitch [422]
John of Sonkajanranta 191813 JulyMartyr, Confessor, Enlightener, native name Johannes Karhapää [423]
John of Syracuse 60923 OctoberBishop of Syracuse, Venerable [359]
John of Tobolsk 171510 JuneMetropolitan of Tobolsk and all Siberia, Wonderworker, Venerable, native name Ioann Maksimovich Vasilkovski [424]
John of Tuy 801–90024 JuneHermit [359]
John of Valamo 19585 JuneVenerable [423]
John of Verona 601–7006 June Bishop of Verona, Venerable [359]
John the Apostle 10026 September / 30 JuneApostle, Evangelist, Theologian, Beloved Friend of Christ, son of Zebedee; who wrote the Gospel of John, Johannine epistles, and the Book of Revelation; a.k.a. John of Patmos [425]
John the Baptist 367 January / 24 June / 23 September / 29 AugustProphet, Forerunner, the Baptist [426]
John the Dwarf c.4059 NovemberDesert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.John the Short [427]
John the Good c.66010 January Bishop of Milan, Venerable; who fought against Arianism and Monothelitism; a.k.a.John Camillus [359]
John the Hairy 158012 NovemberBlessed, Fool for Christ, the Hairy; a.k.a.John of Rostov and John the Merciful of Rostov [428]
John the Hieromartyr 36223 June Hieromartyr [359]
John the Merciful 616–62012 NovemberPatriarch of Alexandria; a.k.a.John V Eleemon, John the Almsgiver, John the Almoner and John the Compassionate [429]
John the New Merciful c.119029 April Metropolitan of Thebes, Venerable; a.k.a.John Kaloktenes [430]
John the Prophet c.5436 February Desert Father, Venerable; author (together with St. Barsanuphius the Great) of over 800 letters giving spiritual direction that influenced Byzantine monasticism [149]
John the Russian 173027 May Confessor of the Faith
John the Saxon c.89522 FebruaryAbbot of Athelney, Venerable; a.k.a.John the Saxon, John of Saxony or Scotus [359]
Jonah 800–701 BC21 SeptemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Jonah; a.k.a.Jonas [431]
Jonah of Manchuria 19257 OctoberEnlightener and Bishop of Hankou, Venerable [432]
Jonah of Moscow 146115 June Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus', Venerable [433]
Jonathan c.1010 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, friend of Prophet David [434]
Josaphat of India 350–45026 August / 19 NovemberPrince of India; a.k.a.Budhasaf [146] [435]
Joseph the Betrothed 8–25Sunday after Christmas / Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, the earthly father of Jesus Christ, who was betrothed to the Virgin Mary; a.k.a.Joseph of Nazareth [436]
Joseph, son of Jacob c.1700 BC [437] 31 March / Sunday of the Holy Forefathers / Holy Monday Patriarch, Righteous, the All-comely, the Fair, founder of the Tribe of Joseph and son of Patriarch Jacob [437]
Joseph of Arimathea 33–10031 July / Third Sunday of EasterRighteous, Secret Disciple of Jesus [438]
Joseph of Freising 76417 January Bishop of Freising, Venerable; a.k.a.Joseph of Verona [359]
Joseph the Hesychast 195916 AugustVenerable, Hesychast, the Cave-Dweller [439]
Joseph the Hymnographer 8864 AprilVenerable, Hymnographer [440]
Joseph of Panephysis 301–50017 JuneDesert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Joseph of Panepho and Joseph the Anchorite [441]
Joshua 1544 BC [442] 1 September / Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, son of Nun; who succeeded Prophet Moses as leader of the Israelites [442]
Jude the Apostle 6519 June / 30 June Brother of the Lord, Apostle, Martyr; who wrote the Epistle of Jude; a.k.a.Lebbaeus and Thaddeus [443]
Judith c.550 BC – c.450 BC [444] Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous [445]
Juliana of Lazarevo 16042 JanuaryRighteous [446]
Juliana of Nicomedia c.30421 DecemberVirgin Martyr [447]
Julius and Aaron c.3051 JulyMartyrs [359]
Julius of Novara 390 [359] / 401 [448] 31 JanuaryMissionary Priest [359] [448]
Julius I of Rome 35212 AprilPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [359]
Julius of Rome 19019 AugustMartyr [359]
Julius the Veteran 30427 MayMartyr, the Veteran, Military Saint [449]
Junia 33–10017 MayMartyr [103]
Junian of Mairé 58713 AugustVenerable, Hermit, founder of Mairé monastery [359]
Junian of Saint-Junien 401–50016 OctoberVenerable, Hermit [359]
Justin Martyr 1651 JuneChurch Father, Philosopher, Martyr [359]
Justin of Ćelije 19791 JuneHegumen of Ćelije Monastery, Venerable, native name Justin Popović [450]
Justin of Chieti c.5401 January Bishop of Chieti [359]
Justin the Confessor 25917 SeptemberHieromartyr [359]
Justinian I 56514 November Byzantine Emperor, Champion of Orthodoxy; a.k.a.Justinian the Great [451]
Justinian of Brittany 501–6005 DecemberVenerable Martyr; a.k.a.Iestin [359]
Justus and Pastor c.3046 AugustChild Martyrs [359]
Justus of Beauvais 28718 OctoberChild Martyr [359]
Justus of Canterbury 62710 November Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Rochester [359]
Justus of Eleutheropolis 33–10030 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Eleutheropolis, Hieromartyr, the Just [452]
Justus of Lyons 3902 September / 14 October Bishop of Lyons, Venerable, Hermit [359]
Justus of Trieste 3032 NovemberMartyr [359]
Justus of Urgell c.52728 MayBishop of Urgell; who commentated on the Song of Songs [359]
Juvenaly of Alaska 179624 SeptemberProtomartyr of America, Hieromartyr [453]
Karbelashvili Brothers 1879–19366 SeptemberBrothers; whose names were Pilimon, Andria, Petre, Polievktos and Vasil
Kassia the Hymnographer 8657 SeptemberVenerable, the Hymnographer; a.k.a.Kassiani and Cassia [454]
Kenan 1535 AM Sunday of the Holy ForefathersForefather, Righteous, name also spelled Qenan, Kaynan or Cainan [358]
Kevin of Glendalough 6183 JuneFirst Abbot of Glendalough, Venerable [455]
Kieran the Elder c.5305 MarchBishop of Ossory, one of the twelve Apostles of Ireland, the Elder; a.k.a.Ciarán mac Luaign and Ciarán of Saigir [455]
Kieran the Younger c.5569 September Abbot of Clonmacnoise, Venerable, one of the twelve Apostles of Ireland, the Younger; a.k.a.Ciarán mac an tSaeir, Ceran, Queran and Queranus [455]
Kilian 6898 JulyApostle to the Franconians, Bishop of Würzburg, Hieromartyr, name also spelled Killian and Cillian [455]
Kuksha of the Kiev Caves c.111427 AugustVenerable Martyr, Hieromartyr [456]
Kuksha of Odessa 196416 SeptemberVenerable Hieromonk [457]
Laura of Córdoba 86419 OctoberAbbess, Venerable Martyr; one of the 48 Martyrs of Córdoba [458] [459]
Laurence of Canterbury 6192 FebruaryArchbishop of Canterbury [459]
Laurence of Siponto c.5467 February Bishop of Siponto; a.k.a.Lawrence Majoranus [459]
Laurence the Illuminator  [ nl ]5763 February Bishop of Spoleto; Venerable, he is given the epithet Illuminator for his ability to heal both physical and spiritual blindness, per holy tradition [459]
Lawrence of Novara c.39730 AprilMartyr; who was martyred with a group of children he instructed [459]
Lawrence of Rome 25810 AugustDeacon, Hieromartyr [459]
Lazar of Serbia 138915 June Right-Believing, Great Martyr, Prince of Serbia [460]
Lazarus of Bethany 33–10017 March [461] / 17 October [462] / Lazarus Saturday [463] Friend of Christ, the Four-Days-Dead, Hierarch [461]
Lazarus of Milan c.45011 FebruaryArchbishop of Milan, Venerable [459]
Lazarus the Iconographer 865 / 86717 NovemberVenerable, Iconographer, iconodule; a.k.a.Lazarus Zographos [464]
Leander of Seville 60027 February Bishop of Seville, Venerable, brother of Saints Isidore of Seville and Fulgentius of Cartagena [459]
Leo I of Rome 46118 FebruaryChurch Father, Patriarch of Rome, Venerable; a.k.a.Leo the Great [52] [459]
Leo I the Thracian 47420 January Right-Believing; a.k.a.Leo the Great [465]
Leo II of Rome 6833 JulyPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [459]
Leo III of Rome 81612 JunePatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [459]
Leo and Paregorius c.26018 FebruaryMartyrs [466]
Leo of Catania 78720 February Bishop of Catania, Wonderworker, Hieroconfessor [459]
Leo of Cappadocia c.578 – c.58229 February / 28 FebruaryVenerable; a.k.a.Leo the Cappadocian [467] [468]
Leo of Montefeltro 3661 AugustFirst Bishop of Montefeltro [459]
Leo of Nonantola 100020 NovemberAbbot of Nonantola Abbey, Venerable [459]
Leo of Rouen c.9001 March Bishop of Rouen, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Leo of Carentan [459]
Leo of Sens 54122 April Bishop of Sens [459]
Leo of Troyes c.55025 MayAbbot of Mantenay, Venerable [459]
Leoluca 9001 MarchAbbot of Corleone, Venerable; a.k.a.Leone Luca, Leo Luke of Corleone, or Luke of Sicily [459]
Leodegar of Autun c.6782 OctoberBishop of Autun; Venerable Hieromartyr [459]
Leontius Stasievich 197228 January Archimandrite, New Venerable Hieroconfessor; one of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church [469]
Liberius of Rome 36627 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [459]
Linus of Rome c.785 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Patriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [299] [459]
Longinus the Centurion 33–10016 OctoberThe Centurion, Martyr; who pierced the side of Jesus during the Crucifixion [470]
Lot c.2000 BC – c.1901 BC9 October / Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, nephew of Patriarch Abraham [471]
Lot of Egypt c.40122 OctoberDesert Father, Venerable [472]
Luarsab II of Kartli 162221 JuneMartyr, King of Kartli [473]
Lubentius of Dietkirchen c.37013 OctoberPriest [474]
Lucanus of Sabiona 401–50030 OctoberMartyr; a.k.a.Lucanus of Säben [459]
Lucian of Antioch 31215 OctoberChurch Father, Presbyter, Hieromartyr [475]
Lucius of Adrianople  [ ca ]c.35011 FebruaryBishop of Adrianople, Hieromartyr
Lucius of Britain 101–2003 DecemberKing of the Britons [459]
Lucius of Laodicea 33–15022 April / 10 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Laodicea; a.k.a.Lucius of Cyrene, Luke and Loukias [118]
Lucius I of Rome 2544 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr or Hieroconfessor [52] [459]
Lucretia of Mérida  [ sco ]30623 NovemberVirgin Martyr [459]
Lucy and Geminian c.30016 SeptemberMartyrs [459]
Lucy of Syracuse 30413 DecemberVirgin Martyr [459]
Ludger of Utrecht 80926 MarchApostle of Saxony, first Bishop of Münster, Venerable; who founded Werden Abbey [459]
Ludmila of Bohemia 92116 SeptemberMartyr, Princess of Czechia; a.k.a.Ludmilla [459]
Luka Zhidiata c.1059Third Sunday after Pentecost Archbishop of Novgorod, first Russian to hold the position [476]
Luke of Steiris 9537 FebruaryVenerable, Wonderworker; a.k.a.Luke the Younger, Luke Thaumaturgus and Luke of Hellas [477]
Luke the Evangelist 84–10022 April / 18 October / 4 January [46] Evangelist, Apostle of the Seventy, Martyr; who wrote the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles [478]
Luke the Stylite c.97011 DecemberVenerable, Stylite [479]
Luke the Surgeon 196129 MayBishop of Crimea, Wonderworker, Venerable Confessor, Blessed; a.k.a.Luke of Simferopol and Luke of Crimea; native name Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky [480]
Lullus of Mainz 78616 October Archbishop of Mainz, first Abbot of Hersfeld Abbey, Venerable, Benedictine monk; a.k.a.Lull and Lul [459]
Luxorius 30321 AugustMartyr [459]
Macarius of Alexandria 394–39519 JanuaryChurch Father, Desert Father, Venerable [481]
Macarius of Corinth 180517 April Metropolitan of Corinth, Venerable [482]
Macarius of Jerusalem c.33510 MarchPatriarch of Jerusalem; who fought against Arianism [483]
Macarius of Moscow 156330 December Metropolitan of Moscow and all Rus', Venerable [484]
Macarius of Unzha 144425 JulyHegumen of Zheltovod and Unzha, Venerable [485]
Macarius the Confessor 84018 AugustHegumen of the Monastery of Pelekete, Venerable Confessor, iconodule' a.k.a.Macarius of Pelekete [486]
Macarius the Great 39119 JanuaryChurch Father, Desert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Macarius the Elder and Macarius of Egypt [487]
Macedonius II of Constantinople c.51725 AprilPatriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [488]
Macrina the Younger 379 / 38019 JulyVenerable, sister of St. Basil and St. Gregory [489]
Malachi 500–401 BC3 JanuaryProphet; who wrote the Book of Malachi; a.k.a.Malachias [490]
Manasseh c.1550 BC – c.1440 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersPatriarch, Righteous, son of Patriarch Joseph, founder of the half-tribe of Manasseh; a.k.a.Manasses and Menashe
Manuel II Palaiologos 142521 JulyByzantine Emperor, Venerable Monk [491]
Marcellinus of Rome 3047 JunePatriarch of Rome, Venerable, possibly a hieromartyr [52] [492]
Marcellus I of Rome 3097 JunePatriarch of Rome, Venerable, Hieroconfessor [52] [492]
Mardarije of Lješanska, Libertyville and All America 193512 December Serbian Orthodox Bishop of America and Canada, Venerable; a.k.a.Mardarije Uskoković [493]
Maria Romanova 191817 July Passion bearer, one of the Romanov Martyrs
Mark of the Caves c.1080 – c.112029 December / 28 SeptemberVenerable; a.k.a.Mark the Grave-digger [494]
Mark of Ephesus 144419 JanuaryChurch Father, Pillar of Orthodoxy, Archbishop of Ephesus, Hesychast; who rejected the uniate Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence [495]
Mark of Rome 3367 OctoberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [492]
Mark the Evangelist 6825 April Apostle of the Seventy, Patriarch of Alexandria, Evangelist, Hieromartyr; who wrote the Gospel of Mark [496]
Martha of Bethany 33–1004 June / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Myrrhbearer, sister of St. Lazarus [497]
Martin of Braga 58020 MarchChurch Father, Apostle to the Suevi, Bishop of Mondoñedo and Braga, Hieromonk; a.k.a.Martin of Dumio [492]
Martin of Tours 39712 OctoberChurch Father, Bishop of Tours, Venerable, Military Saint; who opposed Arianism and Priscillianism [492]
Martin of Vertou 60124 OctoberVenerable; who founded the Monastery of Vertou [492]
Martin of Vienne c.1321 July Bishop of Vienne, Venerable [492]
Martin the Confessor 65514 AprilPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr, Hieroconfessor [52] [492]
Martina of Rome 22830 JanuaryMartyr [492]
Mary c.57 [237] 25 March / 15 August / 8 September / 21 November [498] The Most Holy Mother of God (Theotokos, Bogorodica), Queen of Heaven, Panagia, Holy Virgin, Our Lady, Immaculate, Most Pure, Blessed [499]
Mary of Bethany 33–1004 June / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Myrrhbearer, sister of St. Lazarus [497]
Mary of Clopas 33–10023 May / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Myrrhbearer, wife of Clopas, daughter of St. Joseph [500]
Mary Magdalene 33–10022 July / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Equal-to-the-Apostles, Myrrhbearer [501]
Mary of Egypt 4214 AprilVenerable, Ascetic [502]
Mary of Paris 194520 JulyRighteous, Martyr; a.k.a.Maria Skobtsova and Mother Maria [503]
Matrona of Moscow 19527 March / 19 April Unmercenary Healer, Wonderworker, Righteous, Blessed, native name Matrona Nikonova [504]
Matthew the Evangelist c.6816 November / 30 JuneApostle, Evangelist, Martyr; who wrote the Gospel of Matthew [505]
Matthias the Apostle 639 August / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr; who replaced the position of Judas Iscariot after his suicide [506]
Maurice of Agaunum 28722 February / 22 September / 27 December [507] Martyr, leader of the Theban Legion, Military Saint; a.k.a.Moritz, Morris, or Mauritius [508]
Maxim Sandovich 19146 SeptemberHieromartyr, protomartyr of the Lemko people [509]
Maximianus of Constantinople 43421 AprilArchbishop of Constantinople, Venerable; a.k.a.Maximian [510]
Maximilian of Tebessa 29512 MarchMartyr; who was martyred for refusing to do military service [492]
Maximus III of Constantinople 148217 NovemberEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [511]
Maximus of Kiev 13056 December Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus', Venerable [512]
Maximus of Turin 46525 JuneChurch Father, Bishop of Turin, Venerable [492]
Maximus the Confessor 66221 January / 13 AugustTheologian, Church Father, Venerable Confessor; a.k.a.Maximus the Theologian and Maximus of Constantinople [513]
Maximus the Greek 155621 JanuaryVenerable [514]
Meletius of Antioch 38112 FebruaryChurch Father, Patriarch of Antioch, Bishop of Sebaste; who fought against Arianism [515]
Meletius I Pegas 160113 SeptemberPatriarch of Alexandria [516]
Mellitus of Canterbury 62424 April Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London, Abbot, Venerable [492]
Micah c.730 BC14 AugustProphet; who wrote the Book of Micah; a.k.a.Micheas [517]
Melchizedek c.1933 BC – c.1800 BC22 May / Sunday of the Holy ForefathersHigh Priest, Righteous, King of Salem [518]
Melito of Sardis 1801 AprilChurch Father, Bishop of Sardis, Venerable [519]
Menas of Egypt 30411 NovemberGreat Martyr, Military Saint, name also spelled Minas, Mena, Mina and Meena [520]
Mesrop the Translator c.43917 February / 19 FebruaryPriest, linguist and translator; who created the Armenian alphabet and Caucasian Albanian script; widely known as Mesrop Mashtots [521]
Methodius I of Constantinople 84714 JuneEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; name also written as Methodios [522]
Methodius of Olympus c.31120 JuneChurch Father, Bishop of Olympus and Patara, Venerable Hieromartyr [523]
Methodius of Thessaloniki 88511 May Equal-to-the-Apostles, Teacher and Enlightener of the Slavs, Bishop of Sirmium, Venerable, Hieroconfessor, brother of St. Cyril [207]
Metrophanes, Chi Sung 190011 June Hieromartyr, leader of the 222 Chinese Martyrs [524]
Metrophanes of Byzantium 3264 June Bishop of Byzantium, Venerable [525]
Metrophanes of Voronezh 170323 NovemberBishop of Voronezh, Venerable [526]
Michael N/A [f] 8 November [141] Archangel, Taxiarch [142]
Michael of Chernigov 124620 September Right-Believing, Confessor, Martyr, Grand Prince of Kiev, Prince of Novgorod, native name Mikhail Vsevolodovich [527]
Michael I of Kiev 99215 June Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus', Venerable [528]
Michael of Klopsk 145611 January Fool for Christ, Venerable [529]
Michael of Tver 131822 NovemberRight-Believing, Martyr, Prince of Tver, native name Mikhail Yaroslavich [530]
Milburga of Wenlock 71523 FebruaryAbbess of Wenlock, Venerable, Healer, name also spelled Milburgh and Mildburh [492]
Miltiades of Rome 31410 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable when Christianity was legalised in the Roman empire and who fought against Donatism [52]
Miriam c.1500 BC – c.1301 BCSunday of the Holy Forefathers Prophetess, Righteous, older sister of Prophets Moses and Aaron [531]
Mirian III of Iberia 3611 OctoberEqual-to-the-Apostles, King of Georgia [532]
Mishael 600–501 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Holy Youth, Righteous, given the pagan name Meshach [140]
Modestus of Carantania c.720 – c.7725 FebruaryApostle of Carantania, Bishop of Carantania, Venerable [492]
Modestus of Trier 48924 FebruaryBishop of Trier, Venerable [492]
Moses 1569 BC [533] 4 September / Sunday of the Holy ForefathersGod-seer, Prophet, brother of Prophet Aaron and Prophetess Miriam; who wrote the Pentateuch and Psalm 89 (90) [533]
Moses the Black 40528 AugustDesert Father, Venerable Hieromonk, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Moses the Strong, Moses the Robber, Moses the Abyssinian and Moses the Ethiopian [534]
Moses the Hungarian 104326 JulyVenerable, the Hungarian [535]
Moses of Arabia c.3897 FebruaryApostle of the Saracens, Bishop of Arabia, Venerable
Moses of Novgorod  [ ru ]136225 January / 19 AprilBishop of Novgorod, Venerable [536]
Mstislav I of Kiev 113215 AprilRight-Believing, Grand Prince of Kiev; a.k.a.Mstislav the Great [537]
Mstislav Rostislavich of Smolensk 118014 JuneRight-Believing, Prince of Novgorod; a.k.a.Mstislav the Brave [538]
Nahum 700–612 BC1 DecemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Nahum; a.k.a.Naum [539]
Nana of Iberia 301–4001 October Equal-to-the-Apostles, Queen of Georgia [532]
Narcissus of Athens 33–15031 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Athens, Hieromartyr [92]
Narcissus of Jerusalem c.2167 AugustPatriarch of Jerusalem [540]
Narnus of Bergamo 34527 AugustFirst Bishop of Bergamo, Venerable [541]
Natalia of Nicomedia 30626 AugustMartyr, wife of St. Adrian of Nicomedia [53]
Natalis of Milan 75113 MayBishop of Milan, Venerable [541]
Natalis of Ulster 56427 JanuaryAbbot of Cill, Naile and Daunhinis, Venerable [541]
Nathan c.1000 BC – c.901 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Prophet [542]
Nahum of Preslav 91023 DecemberWonderworker, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Apostle of the Slavs [543]
Nectarius of Constantinople 39711 OctoberChurch Father, Archbishop of Constantinople, Venerable [544]
Nehemiah 444–344 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersProphet; who wrote the Book of Nehemiah; a.k.a.Nehemias [545]
Nektarios of Aegina 19209 NovemberMetropolitan of Pentapolis, Wonderworker, Venerable; name also spelled Nectarios or Nectarius [546]
Nemesion c.25710 SeptemberBishop of Numidia, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Nemesian, Nemesius and Nemesis [541]
Neot of Cornwall 87731 JulyVenerable, Hermit [547] [541]
Nephon II of Constantinople 150811 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [548] [549]
Nestor the Chronicler c.111427 OctoberVenerable, the Chronicler [550]
Nicanor the Deacon 33–3628 December / 28 July [551] / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, one of the seven Deacons, Hieromartyr [552]
Nicanor the New  [ sr; bg ]199019 FebruaryHegumen of Hilandar Monastery, Venerable; native name Nikanor Savić [553]
Nicetas of Constantinople 83613 OctoberVenerable Confessor, iconodule; a.k.a.Nicetas the Patrician, Nicetas of Paphlagonia and Nicetas Monomachos [554]
Nicetas of Medikion 8243 AprilHegumen of Medikion, Venerable, Wonderworker, Confessor, iconodule [555]
Nicetas of Novgorod 110931 January / 14 May Archbishop of Novgorod, Venerable, Wonderworker [556]
Nicetas of Remesiana 414–42022 JuneChurch Father, Bishop of Remesiana, Venerable [557]
Nicetas the Stylite 118624 MayVenerable Martyr, Wonderworker of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, the Stylite; a.k.a.Nicetas Stylites [558]
Nicholas of Japan 19123 February Equal-to-the-Apostles, Enlightener and Archbishop of Japan [559]
Nicholas Kabasilas 139220 JuneRighteous, Priest; a.k.a.Nicholas Cabasilas
Nicholas of Lesvos 14639 April / Bright TuesdayNew Martyr [373]
Nicholas of Myra 3436 December Archbishop of Myra, Defender of Orthodoxy, Wonderworker, Venerable; the historical inspiration for Santa Claus; a.k.a.Nicholas of Bari [560]
Nicholas of Ohrid and Žiča 19565 March / 20 April [561] Bishop of Ohrid and Žiča, Venerable, the New Chrysostom, native name Nikolaj Velimirović [561] [562]
Nicholas II of Russia 191817 July Emperor of All Russia, Passion bearer; head of the Romanov Martyrs [74]
Nicholas Salos of Pskov 157628 FebruaryBlessed, Fool for Christ [563]
Nicholas of Trani 10912 JuneFool for Christ, widely known as Nicholas the Pilgrim [541]
Nicodemus 33–1002 August / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Righteous, Myrrhbearer [564]
Nicodemus the Hagiorite 180914 JulyVenerable, Athonite monk; a.k.a.Nikodemos and Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain [565]
Nikephoros I of Constantinople 8282 JuneEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable Hieroconfessor, iconodule [566]
Nikon the Dry 110111 December / 28 September / Second Sunday of Great LentVenerable, the Dry [567]
Nikon the Metanoeite 99826 NovemberVenerable, the Metanoeite (the Preacher of Repentance) [568]
Nikon of Optina  [ ru ]193125 JuneVenerable [569]
Nilus the Younger 1002 / 100526 SeptemberAbbot, Venerable Confessor; a.k.a.Nilus of Calabria [570]
Nilus of Sinai 430 / 45112 NovemberChurch Father, Desert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Nilus the Elder, Neilos, Nilus of Sinai, Nilus of Ancyra and Nil Postnik [571]
Nilus of Sora 15087 MayHegumen, Venerable [572]
Nino of Georgia c.33214 JanuaryEqual-to-the-Apostles, Enlightener of the Georgians; a.k.a.Nina, Nune, and Ninny [573]
Niphont of Novgorod 11568 AprilArchbishop of Novgorod [574]
Noah c.1998 BCSunday of the Holy Forefathers Patriarch, Righteous [575]
Non 501–6003 MarchMother of St. David [541]
Nonna of Nazianzus c.5 AugustMother of St. Gregory Nazianzus [576]
Nonnus of Heliopolis 47110 NovemberDesert Father, Bishop of Heliopolis, Venerable [577]
Nothhelm of Canterbury 73917 October Archbishop of Canterbury, Venerable [541]
Obadiah 900–801 BC19 NovemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Obadiah; a.k.a.Abdias [578]
Odile of Alsace 72013 December Abbess of Hohenburg, Venerable; a.k.a.Odilia and Ottilia [579]
Odo of Cluny 94211 May Abbot of Cluny, Venerable [579]
Olaf II of Norway 103029 July King of Norway, Martyr [579] [580]
Olga Nikolaevna 191817 July Passion bearer; one of the Romanov Martyrs [74]
Olga of Alaska 197928 OctoberRighteous, the first canonised female American Orthodox saint; a.k.a.Olga Michael, Matuska Olga and Olga of Kwethluk [581]
Olga of Kiev 96911 JulyEqual-to-the-Apostles, Blessed, Princess of Kiev [582]
Olympas c.64 – c.6810 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Martyr, martyred with St. Herodion; a.k.a.Olympanus [583]
Olympias the Deaconess 40925 JulyDeaconess; a.k.a.Olympiada [584]
Onesimus 10915 February / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Ephesus, Hieromartyr, former slave of St. Philemon [585]
Onesiphorus 33–1007 September / 8 December [122] / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Colophon and Corinth, Hieromartyr [586]
Onuphrius the Great 40012 JuneDesert Father, Venerable, the Great [587]
Optatus of Milevis c.3874 June Church Father, Bishop of Milevis; who opposed Donatism; a.k.a.Optate [579]
Or of Nitria c.3907 August Desert Father, Venerable [588]
Orsisius 301–40015 June Desert Father, Venerable, disciple of St. Pachomius; a.k.a.Arsisios [589]
Oswald of Northumbria 6425 August King of Northumbria, Martyr [579]
Osyth 6537 OctoberAbbess, Venerable, name also spelled Osith [579]
Ouen 68424 AugustBishop of Rouen; a.k.a.Audoin, Aldwin, Owen and Dado [579]
Pabo Post Prydain c.5109 NovemberKing of the Pennines, Pillar of Britain, Venerable; who founded St Pabo's Church, Llanbabo [590]
Pachomius the Great c.34815 MayChurch Father, Desert Father, Venerable, the Great; who founded coenobitic monasticism
Pacian of Barcelona c.3909 MarchChurch Father, Bishop of Barcelona [590]
Paisios of Mount Athos 199412 JulyVenerable, Athonite ascetic, name also spelled Paisius [591]
Paisius the Great 401–50019 JuneDesert Father, Venerable, name also spelled Paisios and Pishoy/Bishoy [592]
Paisius of Hilendar c.177319 JuneVenerable Hieromonk, native name Paìsiy Hilendàrski [593]
Paisius Velichkovsky 179415 NovemberVenerable [594]
Palladius of Antioch 39028 JanuaryVenerable; a.k.a.Palladius the Desert Dweller and Palladius the Hermit [595]
Palladius of Auxerre 66110 AprilBishop of Auxerre, Abbot of the Abbey of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre, Venerable [590]
Palladius of Embrun 54121 JuneBishop of Embrun [596]
Palladius of Ireland 457–4617 JulyBishop of Ireland, Venerable [590]
Palladius of Saintes c.5907 OctoberBishop of Saintes [590]
Pambo of Nitria c.375 – c.39018 JulyDesert Father, Venerable, disciple of St. Anthony; a.k.a.Pambo the Hermit [597]
Pamphilus of Caesarea 30916 FebruaryChurch Father, Presbyter, Hieromartyr [598] [599]
Pantaleon of Nicomedia 30427 JulyUnmercenary Healer, Great Martyr; a.k.a.Panteleimon [600]
Paphnutius the Ascetic 395–45025 FebruaryDesert Father, Venerable, the Ascetic, disciple of St. Macarius [601]
Paphnutius of Jerusalem 303–31319 AprilBishop, Venerable Hieromartyr [602]
Paphnutius of Thebes 335–40011 SeptemberDesert Father, Bishop of Tais, Venerable [603] [604]
Papias of Hierapolis c.13022 FebruaryChurch Father, Bishop of Hierapolis [605]
Paraskeva of the Balkans 1001–110027 OctoberVenerable, Ascetic, the Younger; a.k.a.Parascheva and Petka [606]
Paraskevi of Rome c.18026 JulyVirgin Martyr; a.k.a.Parasceva [607]
Parmenas the Deacon 98 / 117 [551] 28 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, one of the seven Deacons, Hieromartyr [551]
Parthenius the Martyr 201–30019 MayMartyr
Parthenius III of Constantinople 165724 MarchEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, New Venerable Hieromartyr [608]
Patapios of Thebes 301–5008 DecemberVenerable, Wonderworker, name also spelled Patapius [609]
Patrick of Ireland 461 / 49217 MarchApostle of Ireland, Enlightener of the Irish, Church Father, Bishop of Armagh [610] [590]
Patrobas of Pottole 33–1005 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Neapolis (now Naples) and Puteoli; a.k.a.Patrobos, Patrobus or Parrobus [299]
Paul the Apostle c.6825 January / 10 February / 29 JuneApostle to the Gentiles, Martyr; who wrote the Pauline epistles; previously named Saul [611]
Paul Aurelian c.57512 March Bishop of León, Venerable [590]
Paul I of Constantinople c.3506 NovemberArchbishop of Constantinople, Venerable Hieromartyr or Hieroconfessor; a.k.a.Paul the Confessor [612]
Paul IV of Constantinople 80430 AugustEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable; a.k.a.Paul the Younger and Paul the New [613]
Paul the Simple c.3397 March / 4 OctoberDesert Father, Venerable [614]
Paul of Taganrog 187910 March / 7 JuneBlessed lay starets, Righteous [615]
Paul of Thebes 34115 January Desert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Paul the Anchorite, Paul the Hermit, and Paul the First Hermit [616]
Paulinus of Antioch c.6712 July Bishop of Lucca, Venerable Hieromartyr [590]
Paulinus II of Aquileia 802 / 80411 January Bishop of Aquileia, Venerable [617]
Paulinus of Nola 43122 June Church Father, Bishop of Nola, Venerable, Hermit [590]
Paulinus of Trier 35831 August Bishop of Trier, Venerable; who died in exile due to his opposition to Arianism [590]
Paulinus of York 58410 October Bishop of York, Venerable [590]
Pavin of Le Mans c.70315 NovemberAbbot of St Mary's Monastery, Venerable; a.k.a.Paduinus [590]
Pelagia of Diveyevo  [ ru; pl ]188430 JanuaryFool for Christ, Blessed [618]
Pelagia the Martyr 301–3054 May / 7 OctoberVirgin Martyr; a.k.a.Pelagia of Tarsus [619]
Pelagia the Penitent 301–5008 OctoberVenerable, Ascetic; a.k.a.Pelagia of Antioch and Pelagia the Harlot [620]
Pelagia of Tinos 183423 JulyVenerable; a nun who experienced a Marian apparition guiding her to find the icon of Our Lady of Tinos [621]
Pelagia the Virgin 303–3058 OctoberVirgin Martyr; a.k.a.Pelagia of Antioch [622]
Pelagius of Constance c.28328 AugustDeacon, Hieromartyr [590]
Pelagius of Córdoba 92526 JuneMartyr; a.k.a.Pelayo [590]
Pelagius, Arsenius and Sylvanus c.95030 AugustVenerable Martyrs, Hermits [590]
Peter the Aleut c.181524 SeptemberMartyr of San Francisco, Protomartyr of America, the Aleut, native name Cungagnaq [623]
Peter I of Alexandria 31125 NovemberChurch Father, Patriarch of Alexandria, Hieromartyr [624]
Peter the Apostle c.64 – c.6829 June / 30 JuneLeader of the Apostles, Apostle, Patriarch of Rome, Hieromartyr, the All-Praised; who wrote 1 Peter and 2 Peter; a.k.a.Simon Peter and Simeon [625] [52] [590]
Peter of Atroa 8373 JanuaryHegumen, Venerable [626]
Peter of Braga 45–6026 April Bishop of Braga, Venerable Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Peter of Rates [590]
Peter of Canterbury c.6076 JanuaryAbbot of St Augustine's Abbey, Venerable, Missionary [590]
Peter Chrysologus c.45030 JulyChurch Father, Bishop of Ravenna, Hieroconfessor, the Golden-Worded [590]
Peter of Krutitsy 193710 OctoberMetropolitan of Krutitsy, Venerable Hieromartyr [627]
Peter Mogila 16471 January Metropolitan of Kiev, Venerable [628]
Peter of Moscow 132621 December Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker of All Russia, Venerable [629]
Peter of Murom 122825 JunePrince of Murom, Right-Believing, Wonderworker, husband of St. Fevronia [289]
Peter of Pavia c.7357 MayBishop of Pavia [590]
Peter of Sebaste 3919 JanuaryBishop of Sebaste, Hieromartyr, brother of St. Basil the Great [630]
Peter Urseolus 98710 JanuaryVenerable, Hermit, Doge of Venice [590]
Petroc c.5944 JuneAbbot of Lanwethinoc, Venerable, name also spelled Petrock, Pedrog and Perreux [590]
Phanourios 1306–150027 August Great Martyr, the Newly-Revealed [631]
Philemon 54–6819 February / 22 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Gaza, Hieromartyr, former slavemaster of St. Onesimus [632] [124]
Philetus and companions c.12123 March / 27 MarchMartyrs; whose names were Lydia, Macedo, Theoprepides, Amphilochius and Cronidas [590]
Philibert of Jumièges 68420 AugustAbbot of Jumièges Abbey and Rebais, Venerable; who founded Noirmoutier Abbey and restored other monasteries [590]
Philip of Agira c.401 – c.50012 MayApostle of the Sicilians, Hieromartyr [633] [590]
Philip of Fermo c.27022 October Bishop of Fermo, Hieromartyr [590]
Philip of Gortyna 18011 April / 8 October (Church of Crete)Bishop of Gortyna, Venerable, Apologist; who wrote a now-lost treatise against Gnosticism [634]
Philip of Heraclea c.30422 OctoberBishop of Heraclea, Hieromartyr [635]
Philip II of Moscow 15699 January / 3 JulyMetropolitan of Moscow and all Rus', Venerable Hieromartyr [636]
Philip of Vienne c.5783 FebruaryBishop of Vienne, Venerable [590]
Philip of Zell  [ de ]c.7703 MayVenerable hermit; who founded a monastery in the German town of Zell  [ de ] with his disciples [590]
Philip the Apostle 8014 November / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr [637]
Philip the Evangelist 50–10011 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Evangelist, Bishop of Tralles, one of the seven Deacons [638]
Philologus of Sinope 33–1005 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Sinope [299]
Philothei of Athens 158919 FebruaryNew Venerable Martyr; a.k.a.Philotheia or Philothea [639]
Philotheus I of Constantinople 137911 OctoberEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [640]
Philoumenos of Jacob's Well 197929 NovemberHegumen and Guardian of Jacob's Well, New Venerable Hieromartyr [641]
Phinehas c.1500 BC12 MarchRighteous, High Priest, grandson of Prophet Aaron, name also spelled Phineas [642]
Phlegon of Marathon 33–1008 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Marathon, Hieromartyr [55]
Phoebe the Deaconess 50–1003 SeptemberDeaconess [643]
Photini of Samaria c.6620 MarchThe Samaritan woman at the well, Martyr [644]
Photius the Great 8936 FebruaryChurch Father, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Pillar of Orthodoxy, Venerable Hieroconfessor, the Great; a.k.a.Photios I of Constantinople [645]
Pimen the Faster  [ ru ]11417 August / 28 August Hegumen of the Kiev Caves, Venerable, the Faster; a.k.a.Pimen of the Kiev Caves [646]
Pior of Scetis 350–40017 JuneDesert Father, Venerable, disciple of St. Anthony, name also spelled Prior [647]
Pior Zatvirnyk  [ uk ]1201–13004 OctoberVenerable [648]
Piran c.4805 March Abbot, Venerable, name also spelled Pyran [590]
Pitirim of Porphyry 350–50029 NovemberDesert Father, Venerable [649]
Pius I 15411 JulyPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [590]
Platon Kulbusch 191914 JanuaryBishop of Reval (Tallinn), New Hieromartyr [650]
Plegmund of Canterbury 9142 AugustArchbishop of Canterbury, Venerable [590]
Poemen the Great c.45027 AugustChurch Father, Desert Father, Venerable, the Great, name also spelled Pimen [651] [652]
Polycarp of Smyrna 15523 FebruaryChurch Father, Bishop of Smyrna, Venerable Hieromartyr [653]
Polyeuctus of Constantinople 9705 FebruaryEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable [654]
Polyeuctus of Melitene 2599 January Protomartyr of Melitene [655]
Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia 19912 DecemberVenerable, Wonderworker, Hieromonk, name also spelled Porphyrius [656]
Porphyrius of Gaza 42026 FebruaryBishop of Gaza [657]
Praejectus 67625 January Bishop of Clermont [590]
Praxedes c.16521 JulyVirgin, sister of St. Pudentiana [590]
Prochorus the Deacon c.80 – c.10028 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, one of the seven Deacons, Hieromartyr, disciple of St. John the Apostle whilst he was exiled on the island of Patmos [551]
Proclus of Constantinople 44620 NovemberChurch Father, Archbishop of Constantinople, Venerable [658]
Procopius of Sázava 105316 SeptemberAbbot of Sázava Monastery, Venerable; a.k.a.Procopius the Czech [659]
Procopius of Scythopolis 3038 July / 22 NovemberGreat Martyr, Military Saint [660] [661]
Procopius of Ustyug 13038 JulyFool for Christ, Venerable [662]
Prosper of Aquitaine 4367 JulyChurch Father, Bishop of Aquitaine, Venerable [590]
Prosper of Orléans c.45329 July Bishop of Orléans, Venerable [590]
Prosper of Reggio c.46625 June Bishop of Reggio, Venerable [590]
Publius of Malta 112 [663] / 125 [664] 13 MarchFirst Bishop of Malta and early Bishop of Athens, Venerable Hieromartyr [664] [590]
Pudens 54–6815 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Martyr [665]
Pudentiana 101–20019 May Virgin Martyr, sister of St. Praxedes; a.k.a.Potentiana [590]
Quadratus of Athens 12921 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Church Father, Bishop of Athens, Hieromartyr, apologist [666]
Quadratus of Africa 33–31326 MayMartyr [667] [668]
Quadratus of Corinth 249–25110 MarchMartyr [669] [668]
Quadratus of Herbipolis c.2577 MayMartyr [668]
Quadratus of Nicomedia 253–26010 MarchMartyr [668]
Quadratus of Utica 259 [670] 21 August Bishop of Utica, Hieromartyr [667] [668]
Quartus of Berytus 33–15010 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Berytus, Hieroconfessor [268]
Quodvultdeus 45019 February Church Father, Bishop of Carthage, Venerable [667]
Rabulas of Samosata 53019 FebruaryVenerable, name also written as Rabula and Rabbula [671]
Rachel Patriarchal Age Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, wife of Patriarch Jacob, mother of Patriarchs Benjamin and Joseph [672]
Raphael N/A [g] 8 November [141] Archangel [142]
Raphael of Lesbos 14639 April / Bright Tuesday New Martyr [373]
Raphael of Brooklyn 191527 FebruaryBishop of Brooklyn, Venerable [673]
Rastislav of Moravia 87011 May Equal-to-the-Apostles, Passion bearer, Confessor, Duke of Moravia; who ordered Saints Cyril and Methodius to translate various liturgical books into Slavonic; a.k.a.Rostislav [674]
Rebecca Patriarchal AgeSunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, wife of Patriarch Isaac, mother of Patriarch Jacob and Esau [675]
Reginos of Skopelos 36225 FebruaryBishop of Skopelos, VenerableHieromartyr, name also spelt Riginos [676]
Remigius of Reims 5331 OctoberApostle to the Franks, Bishop of Reims, Hieroconfessor; a.k.a.Remy and Remi [11]
Romanus the Melodist 5561 October Church Father, Melodist, hymnographer, composer of thousands of hymns, name also spelled Romanos [677]
Romuald 10277 FebruaryAbbot, Venerable, founder of the Camaldolese order [678]
Rostislav I of Kiev 116714 MarchRight-Believing, Grand Prince of Kiev [679]
Rufus of Thebes 50–1008 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Thebes, Hieromartyr [55]
Ruth 1100–1001 BC Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Righteous [680]
Sabbas the Sanctified 5325 DecemberHegumen, Venerable, name also spelled Savvas, Savva and Sava [681]
Sabbas of Storozhi 14063 December / 19 January / 10 AugustHegumen of Zvenigorod, Venerable, disciple of St. Sergius [682]
Sabbatius of Solovki 143527 September / 8 AugustWonderworker, Venerable; who founded the Solovki monastery with St. Zosimas [683]
Saethryth 601–7007 JanuaryAbbess, Venerable [684]
Salome 33–1003 August / Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers Myrrhbearer [685]
Sampson the Hospitable c.53027 JuneUnmercenary Healer, Blessed, the Innkeeper [686]
Samson c.1078 BC [687] Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Judge, Righteous, the Strong Man, name also spelled Sampson [688]
Samuel 1012 BC20 AugustProphet, Judge [689]
Sarah Patriarchal Age Sunday of the Holy ForefathersRighteous, wife of Patriarch Abraham, previously known as Sarai [690]
Sava I of Serbia 123714 January Equal-to-the-Apostles, Illuminator of the Serbs, Archbishop of Serbia, Hieroconfessor, Venerable Hieromonk [691]
Sava II of Serbia 127121 FebruaryArchbishop of Serbia, Venerable Hieromonk, nephew of St. Sava [692]
Sava II Branković 168324 AprilMetropolitan of Transylvania, Venerable Hieroconfessor; a.k.a.Sabbas Brancovici [693]
Sava III of Serbia 131626 July / 30 AugustArchbishop of Serbia, Venerable [694]
Scholastica 54310 FebruaryVenerable; foundress of the Benedictine nuns [684]
Sebastian of Esztergom c.103630 December Archbishop of Esztergom, Venerable, Benedictine monk, native name Sebestyén [684]
Sebastian of Jackson 194030 NovemberMissionary, Venerable, native name Sevastijan Dabović [695]
Sebastian of Rome 295–29618 DecemberMartyr [684] [696]
Selaphiel N/A [h] 8 November [141] Archangel [142]
Seraphim of Bogucharsk  [ ru; bg ]195013 FebruaryArchbishop of Bogucharsk, Venerable, Wonderworker of Sofia [697]
Seraphim of Sarov 18332 JanuaryVenerable Confessor, Wonderworker [698]
Serapion of Antioch 21118 OctoberPatriarch of Antioch, Venerable, name also spelled Seraphion [699]
Serapion of Novgorod 151616 March Archbishop of Novgorod, Venerable, Wonderworker [700]
Serapion the Sindonite 3567 AprilDesert Father, Venerable; a.k.a.Serapion of Egypt [701]
Serapion of Thmuis c.36021 MarchDesert Father, Bishop of Thmuis, Venerable; a.k.a.Serapion of Nitria and Serapion the Scholastic [702]
Serapion of Vladimir 127512 JulyBishop of Vladimir, Venerable, Blessed [703]
Sergius I of Rome 7018 SeptemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [684]
Sergius of Radonezh 139225 SeptemberHegumen of Radonezh, Venerable, Wonderworker of all Russia [704]
Sergius of Valaam 901–150028 JuneVenerable, Wonderworker, co-founder of Valaam Monastery with St. Herman of Valaam [347]
Seridus of Gaza c.54313 AugustHegumen, Venerable, confidant of St. Barsanuphius of Gaza [705]
Seth 1142 AM Sunday of the Holy Forefathers Righteous, son of Forefather Adam
Shemaiah c.1000 BC – c.901 BC8 January / Sunday of the Holy ForefathersProphet [706]
Silas 65–10030 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Corinth, Hieromartyr [52] [684]
Silvanus of Thessalonica 33–10030 July / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Thessalonica, Hieromartyr [707]
Silverius of Rome 53720 JunePatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [684]
Simeon Barsabae 34517 April Bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, Hieromartyr [708]
Simeon of Jerusalem c.107 / 11727 April / 4 January [46] Brother of the Lord, Apostle of the Seventy, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Hieromartyr; a.k.a.Simon of Clopas [709]
Simeon Niger 33–15027 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Prophet; a.k.a.Simeon of Antioch [710] [711]
Simeon of Trier 10351 MayVenerable, Hermit [684] [712]
Simeon the God-receiver 1–1003 FebruaryGod-receiver, Righteous [713]
Simeon the Holy Fool 501–60021 July Fool for Christ, Venerable; a.k.a.Simeon Salos/Salus [714]
Simeon the Monk 122824 SeptemberGrand Prince of Serbia, Right-believing, Venerable, more commonly known as Stefan the First-Crowned and Stefan Nemanjić [715]
Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming 120013 February Grand Prince of Serbia, Venerable, the Myrrh-Streaming, regnal name Stefan Nemanja [716]
Simeon Stylites the Elder 4591 SeptemberVenerable, Stylite, the Elder [717]
Simeon Stylites the Younger 59624 MayVenerable, Stylite, Hieromonk, the Younger [718]
Simeon Stylites III 401–4513 JulyArchimandrite, Venerable, Stylite, hermit, possibly a.k.a.Simeon of Aegea or Simeon of Cilicia [719]
Simeon Stylites of Lesbos 8441 FebruaryVenerable, Stylite, iconodule [720]
Simon of Cyrene c.10027 FebruaryThe man who helped carry Jesus' cross in Matthew 27:32 [721]
Simon the Apostle c.6510 May / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr, the Zealot [722]
Simplicius of Rome 48310 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable; who fought against Monophysitism [52] [684]
Siricius of Rome 39926 NovemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [684]
Sisoes the Great 4296 JulyDesert Father, Venerable, the Great [723]
Sixtus I c.1253 AprilPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr, name also spelled Xystus [52] [684]
Sixtus II 25810 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr, name also spelled Xystus [52] [684]
Sixtus III 44028 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, name also spelled Xystus [52] [684]
Slobodan Stojanović  [ sr ]199227 JulyNew Child Martyr [724]
Sofian Boghiu  [ ro ]200216 SeptemberHegumen of St. Anthimos Monastery, Archimandrite, Hesychast, Venerable Confessor [191]
Solomon c.932 BCSunday of the Holy ForefathersProphet, King of Israel, the Wise; who wrote the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs and wrote Psalms 71 (72) and 127 (128) [725]
Solomonia 167–160 BC1 AugustMartyr, mother of the 7 Maccabean Martyrs [726]
Sophia of Milan 101–20017 SeptemberVirgin Martyr, mother of Saints Faith, Hope and Charity; a.k.a.Sophia of Rome [288]
Sophia of Słuck 161219 MarchRighteous, Princess of Slutsk, native name Zofia Radziwiłł [727]
Sophronius of Jerusalem 63811 March Patriarch of Jerusalem, Venerable [728]
Sophrony of Essex 199311 JulyVenerable, Athonite Archimandrite; a.k.a.Sophrony the Athonite and Sophrony Sakharov [729]
Sosipater of Iconium 33–15028 April / 29 April / 10 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Iconium [268] [393]
Sosthenes 33–1508 December / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Caesarea [122]
Soter 17422 April [172] Patriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52]
Soteris 30410 February [730] Virgin Martyr [684]
Spyridon of Tremithus 34812 December / Cheesefare Saturday Desert Father, Bishop of Tremithus, Wonderworker [731]
Stachys the Apostle c.5431 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Byzantium [92]
Stephen the Protomartyr 33–3627 December / 2 August / 15 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Archdeacon, Protomartyr, Hieromartyr, one of the seven Deacons [732]
Stephen I of Rome 2572 AugustPatriarch of Rome, Venerable, Hieromartyr [52]
Stephen of Hungary 103816 August King of Hungary [684]
Stephen of Perm 139626 AprilApostle of the Permians, Enlightener, Bishop of Perm [733]
Stephen of Piperi 169720 MayHegumen of Morača Monastery, Venerable [734]
Stephen the Great 15042 JulyRight-Believing, Prince of Moldavia; regnal name Stephen III [735]
Stylianos of Paphlagonia 401–62126 NovemberVenerable, the Hermit; a.k.a.Stylianus and Stylian [736]
Swithun of Winchester 8622 July Bishop of Winchester, Venerable [684]
Sylvester I of Rome 3352 JanuaryPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52]
Symmachus of Rome 51419 JulyPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [684]
Symeon the Metaphrast c.960 – c.10009 November Church Father, Venerable, author of the 10-volume medieval Greek menologion [737]
Symeon the New Theologian 102212 March / 12 OctoberTheologian, Church Father, Venerable, the New [738]
Symeon the Studite 986 / 98712 MarchVenerable, spiritual father of St. Symeon the New Theologian; a.k.a.Symeon the Pious and Symeon the Devout, [739]
Tarasius of Constantinople 80625 FebruaryEcumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Venerable Hieroconfessor, name also spelled Tarasios [740]
Tatiana of Russia 191817 July Passion bearer; one of the Romanov Martyrs [74]
Telesphorus of Rome c.138 [741] 22 FebruaryPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [741]
Tertius of Iconium 33–10030 October / 10 November / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Iconium, Hieromartyr [742] [268]
Thaddeus of Edessa 4421 August / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy; a.k.a.Addai [743]
Theodora of Sihla 1665–17707 AugustVenerable [744]
Theodora the Empress 500–54814 November Empress of the Byzantine Empire [745]
Theodore I of Alexandria 6093 DecemberPatriarch of Alexandria, Hieromartyr [746]
Theodore of Amasea 30617 FebruaryGreat Martyr, the Recruit, Military Saint; a.k.a.Theodore Tyron/Tiron [747]
Theodore of Heraclea 3198 FebruaryGreat Martyr, the General, Military Saint; a.k.a.Theodore Stratelates [748]
Theodore of Komogovina 1788First Saturday of Great LentVenerable Martyr [749]
Theodore of Marseille 59426 December Bishop of Marseille, the Sacrist [750]
Theodore of Octodurum 301–40017 AugustBishop of Octodurum and Valais; a.k.a.Theodolus, Theodulus and Yoder/Joder [750]
Theodore of Pavia 77820 MayBishop of Pavia [750]
Theodore, Philippa and companions 22019 AprilMartyrs [750] [751]
Theodore of Sykeon 61322 AprilBishop of Anastasiopolis; a.k.a.Theodore the Sykeote [752]
Theodore of Tabennese 36816 MayVenerable, the Sanctified, disciple of St. Pachomius [753]
Theodore of Tarsus 69019 SeptemberArchbishop of Canterbury, Venerable [750]
Theodore of Tomsk 186420 January / 22 JuneRighteous, Wonderworker, starets; who is rumoured to be Tsar Alexander I; native name Fyodor Kuzmich [754]
Theodore of Vienne 57529 OctoberAbbot, Hieromonk; a.k.a.Theudurius, Theudar, Cherf and Chef [750]
Theodore the Black 129919 SeptemberRight-Believing, Prince of Smolensk and Yaroslav, Venerable [755]
Theodore the Presbyter and Pausilippus 13015 AprilMartyrs [756]
Theodore the Studite 82611 November Church Father, Hegumen, Venerable Confessor [757]
Theodore the Varangian and his son John 978–98812 JulyMartyrs [758]
Theodore the Venerable 82027 DecemberVenerable, iconodule
Theodorus the Branded 84227 DecemberVenerable Confessor, the Branded, brother of St. Theophanes of Nicaea [759]
Theodosia of Constantinople 72929 MayVirgin Martyr, iconodule [760]
Theodosius of Kiev 10743 May / 14 August / 2 September / 28 SeptemberVenerable, father of Russian monasticism [761]
Theodosius of Manyava 162924 June Hegumen, Venerable of Manyava Skete [399]
Theodota of Philippi 31829 SeptemberMartyr [762]
Theognostus of Kiev 135314 March Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus', Venerable [763]
Theophan the Recluse 18946 January or 10 January Church Father, [764] Bishop of Tambov and Shatsk, the Recluse, well known for his writings on the spiritual life [765]
Theophanes of Nicaea 84511 October Bishop of Nicaea, brother of St. Theodorus the Branded [759]
Theophanes the Confessor 810–81912 MarchVenerable Confessor, iconodule [766]
Theophilus of Antioch c.1836 DecemberChurch Father, Patriarch of Antioch, Venerable [767]
Theophylact of Bulgaria 112631 DecemberArchbishop of Ohrid and Bulgaria, Blessed; a.k.a.Theophylact of Ohrid [626] [768]
Theotimos of Tomi 41020 AprilBishop of Tomi [769]
Thomas the Apostle 726 October / 30 JuneApostle, Martyr [770]
Thyrsus 25114 DecemberMartyr; a.k.a.Thyrse [771]
Tiburtius c.28611 AugustMartyr [750]
Tikhon of Kaluga 149216 JuneVenerable; who founded the Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Kaluga [772]
Tikhon of Moscow 19257 April Patriarch of Moscow, Apostle of America, Venerable Hieroconfessor [773]
Tikhon of Zadonsk 178313 AugustBishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk, Venerable [774]
Timon the Deacon 33–10030 December / 28 July [551] / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, one of the seven Deacons, Bishop of Bosra, Hieromartyr [775]
Timothy I of Alexandria 38413 FebruaryPatriarch of Alexandria, Venerable [776]
Timothy of Ephesus 9322 January / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Ephesus, Hieromartyr [777]
Timothy of Prusa 362 [778] 10 JuneBishop of Prusa, Venerable Hieromartyr [779]
Tiridates III of Armenia c.33029 NovemberKing of Armenia; who made the Kingdom of Armenia the first nation in history to make Christianity the official religion [780] [781]
Titus 96 / 10725 August / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Archbishop of Crete [782]
Tobias of Jerusalem c.11717 December Patriarch of Jerusalem, Venerable
Trophimus 33–10015 April / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, disciple of St. Paul [783]
Trophimus of Arles c.28029 December Bishop of Arles, Venerable [750]
Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedon c.27819 SeptemberMartyrs [784]
Tryphon of Campsada 2501 FebruaryGreat Martyr, Unmercenary Healer, Wonderworker [785]
Tryphon of Pechenga 158315 DecemberEnlightener of the Lapps, Hegumen of Pechenga Monastery, Venerable [786]
Tychicus 33–1508 December / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Caesarea [122]
Ulrich of Augsburg 9734 July Bishop of Augsburg, Venerable [787]
Urban of Langres c.3902 April Bishop of Langres, Venerable [787]
Urban of Macedonia 33–10031 October / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Apostle of Macedonia, Bishop of Macedonia, Hieromartyr [92]
Urban I of Rome 23025 MayPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [787]
Uriel N/A [i] 8 November [141] Archangel [142]
Ursula of Cologne c.38321 OctoberVirgin Martyr [787]
Valentine of Passau c.4707 JanuaryAbbot, Venerable [788]
Valentine of Terni 26914 February / 6 July / 30 July Bishop of Terni, Hieromartyr; eponym of St. Valentine's Day [788]
Varnava the New Confessor 196412 NovemberBishop of Hvosno, New Hieroconfessor, native name Varnava Nastić [789]
Venantius Fortunatus 600 / 60914 December Church Father, Bishop of Poitiers, Venerable [790]
Victor I of Rome 19828 JulyPatriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [788]
Victor of Capua 55417 OctoberChurch Father, Bishop of Capua [788]
Victor of Damascus c.17011 NovemberMartyr, Military Saint [791]
Victorinus of Pettau 303 / 3042 NovemberChurch Father, Bishop of Pettau, Hieromartyr [788]
Vigilius of Trent 40526 June Bishop of Trent, Venerable [788]
Vincent of Lérins c.44524 MayChurch Father, Bishop of Lérins [788]
Vitalian of Capua 680–70016 July Bishop of Capua, Venerable; a.k.a.Vitalianus [788]
Vitalian of Osimo 77616 July Bishop of Osimo, Venerable [788]
Vitalian of Rome 67223 JulyPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [788]
Vitus of Sicily 30315 JuneMartyr; whose companions were Modestus and Crescentia; a.k.a.Guy and Guido [788]
Vladimir the Great 101515 JulyEqual-to-the-Apostles, Enlightener of Rus', Grand Prince of Kiev [792]
Vladimir of Novgorod 10524 OctoberRight-believing, Wonderworker, Prince of Novgorod, native name Vladimir Yaroslavich [793]
Vukašin of Klepci 194316 MayNew Martyr [794]
Wenceslaus I of Bohemia 93528 September Duke of Bohemia, Martyr; patron saint of Czechia [795]
Werburgh 6993 FebruaryVenerable, Anglo-Saxon princess [795]
Wilfrid of Ripon 70912 OctoberBishop of York [795]
Wilfrid the Younger 74429 AprilVenerable, disciple of St. John of Beverley [795]
Wilfrida of Wilton c.98813 SeptemberAbbess, mother of St. Edith of Wilton [795]
William of Dijon 10311 JanuaryVenerable, founder of the Abbey of Fruttuaria; a.k.a.William of Volpiano, William of Saint-Benignus and William of Fécamp [795]
William of Gellone 81228 MayVenerable; who founded Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert Abbey [795]
William of Peñacorada 104220 MarchVenerable; who founded the Priory of Saint William of Peñacorada  [ es ] [795]
Willibrord 7397 NovemberApostle to the Frisians [795]
Winibald 76118 December Bishop of Eichstätt, Abbot of Heidenheim, Venerable [795]
Winifred 601–7003 NovemberVirgin Martyr; a.k.a.Winefride [795]
Wolfeius 1001–11009 DecemberHermit [795]
Wolfgang of Regensburg 99431 October Bishop of Regensburg, the Almoner [795]
Xenia of Saint Petersburg 180324 JanuaryBlessed, Fool for Christ [796]
Xenia of Rome 401–50024 JanuaryVenerable, Righteous, Deaconess [797]
Xenophon of Robika 126226 JanuaryVenerable [798]
Yaropolk Izyaslavich 108722 November King of Rus, Blessed, great-grandson of St. Vladimir [799]
Yaroslav the Wise 105420 FebruaryEqual-to-the-Apostles, Grand Prince of Kiev [800]
Ymar 83012 November Venerable Martyr [801]
Yrchard 401–50024 AugustBishop, name also spelled Irchard, Yarchard, Merchard, Erchard and Erthad [801]
Ysarn 104824 SeptemberAbbot of the Monastery of St. Victor, Venerable, name also spelled Isarn [801]
Ywi 6908 OctoberVenerable, Deacon [801]
Zachariah the Recluse 301–40024 March Desert Father, Venerable, the Recluse [802]
Zachary of Rome 75215 MarchPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [803]
Zachary of Vienne c.10626 MayBishop of Vienne, Hieromartyr [803]
Zama of Bologna c.26824 JanuaryBishop of Bologna [803]
Zebennus 201–30013 November Bishop of Eleutheropolis, Hieromartyr
Zechariah c.600 BC – c.501 BC8 FebruaryProphet, the Sickle-Seer; who wrote the Book of Zechariah; a.k.a.Zacharias [804]
Zechariah, father of John the Baptist c.10 – c.505 SeptemberProphet, High Priest, Hieromartyr [254]
Zechariah of Lyons 20228 JuneBishop of Lyons, Venerable [805]
Zenaida and Philonella c.10011 OctoberHoly Unmercenaries, cousins of St. Paul [806]
Zenas the Lawyer 33–10027 September / 4 January [46] Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of Lydda [807]
Zeno of Gaza c.36221 SeptemberDesert Father, Venerable Martyr, brother of Saints Eusebius and Nestabus [808]
Zeno the Hermit c.41630 JanuaryVenerable, Hermit, disciple of St. Basil the Great; a.k.a.Zeno of Antioch [809]
Zeno the Prophet c.45119 June Desert Father, Venerable, Wonderworker [810]
Zeno of Verona 37112 April Church Father, Bishop of Verona, Hieromartyr; who opposed Arianism [811] [803]
Zenobius of Florence 41725 MayBishop of Florence [803] [812]
Zephaniah c.641 BC – c.520 BC2 DecemberProphet; who wrote the Book of Zephaniah; a.k.a.Sophanias [813]
Zephyrinus of Rome 21726 AugustChurch Father, Patriarch of Rome, Venerable Hieromartyr [52] [803]
Zoe of Rome 28618 DecemberMartyr [812]
Zoilus of Córdoba c.30127 JuneMartyr [803]
Zosimas of Palestine c.5604 April Venerable [814]
Zosimas of Solovki 147817 April / 8 AugustHegumen, Venerable; who founded the Solovki Monastery with St. Sabbatius [815]
Zosimus of Cilicia c.284 – c.3504 JanuaryVenerable Confessor, the Hermit [816]
Zosimus of Spoleto 11019 JuneMartyr [803]
Zosimus of Syracuse 66221 January / 30 MarchBishop of Syracuse, Abbot, Venerable [817] [803]
Zosimus of Rome 41826 DecemberPatriarch of Rome, Venerable [52] [803]
Zoticus of Comana 20421 JulyBishop of Comana, Hieromartyr [812]

See also


  1. This figure is given by St. Nikolaj Velimirović in his entry on the Jasenovac Martyrs in the Prologue of Ohrid . Various figures are given for the number of Serbs killed, ranging from 100,000 to 750,000.
  2. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  3. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  4. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  5. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  6. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  7. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  8. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.
  9. According to Christian theology, angels do not die.


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