Slime flux | |
![]() Slime flux on a Camperdown Elm caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum . Note the ooze (dark ring in the center) and the discoloration of the bark. | |
Causal agents | Bacteria (Brevundimonas bullata, Paracoccus alcaliphilus, P. marcusii and Luteimonas aestuarii, and Pectobacterium carotovorum ) |
Hosts | Trees (elm, cottonwood, poplar, boxelder, ash, aspen, fruitless mulberry and oak) |
Slime flux, also known as bacterial slime or bacterial wetwood, is a bacterial disease of certain trees, primarily elm, cottonwood, poplar, boxelder, ash, aspen, fruitless mulberry and oak. A wound to the bark, caused by pruning, insects, poor branch angles or natural cracks and splits, causes sap to ooze from the wound. Bacteria may infect this sap causing it to darken and stain the bark, eventually taking on a foamy appearance and unpleasant odor. This slimy ooze becomes toxic to the bark and eats into the tree. The fermented sap attracts insects like flies, ants, and maggots.
Slime flux occurs when a wound is made in a tree trunk through things such as natural growth cracks, frost, insects, birds, lawn mowers, cat scratches, or pruning wounds, which causal bacteria can enter. Once inside the xylem, the internal pressure of the tree is raised, from the normal range of 5 to 10 psi (0.3 to 0.7 bar) up to 60 psi (4 bar), due to bacteria fermenting and emitting a gas mixture of methane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. This accumulation of liquid and gas causes that part of the tree to have a damp, dark brown appearance known as wetwood. [1] Eventually, the pressure will cause the sap and gasses to burst through the xylem and out of cracks in the trunk and ooze down the side of the tree. This sap flux may be further infected by other pathogens once exposed to the air such as air-borne bacteria, yeast, and other fungi, at which point it is known as slime flux. [2]
Causal bacteria for the initial wetwood varies depending on the species of tree. The bacteria are commonly found in water and soils. [1] Enterobacter spp., Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp. [3] Xanthomonas spp., Agrobacterium spp., Acinetobacter spp., Corynebacterium spp., Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp., Edwardsiella spp., Klebsiella spp., Lactobacillus spp., Methanobacterium spp., [4] Brevundimonas bullata , Paracoccus spp. and Luteimonas aestuarii have been isolated from wetwood in various tree species. [5]
Species of Prototheca have been isolated from slime fluxes. [6]
Family | Genus | Species | Notes |
Altingiaceae | Liquidambar [7] | ||
Asparagaceae | Cordyline [8] | In the United Kingdom, the Royal Horticultural Society noted an increase in the number of affected Cordyline following the cold winter of 2010/2011. [8] | |
Betulaceae | Betula (birch) [9] [10] | Paper birches are known to be affected. [11] | |
Elaeagnaceae | Elaeagnus | E. angustifolia (Russian-olive) [12] | |
Cornaceae | Cornus (dogwood) [9] | ||
Fabaceae | Cercis (redbud) [9] [10] | ||
Prosopis | Mesquites are known to be affected. [13] | ||
Robinia | R. pseudoacacia (black locust) [7] | ||
Fagaceae | Fagus (beech) [9] [10] | ||
Quercus (oak) [9] [10] | White oaks are known to be affected. [14] | ||
Juglandaceae | Carya (hickory) [10] | ||
Juglans (walnut) [10] | J. cinerea (butternut) [10] | ||
Magnoliaceae | Liriodendron (tulip tree) [9] | ||
Magnolia [7] | |||
Malvaceae | Tilia (lime, linden) [9] | ||
Moraceae | Morus (mulberry) [15] | ||
Nyssaceae | Nyssa | N. sylvatica (sourgum) [7] | |
Oleaceae | Fraxinus (ash) [10] | ||
Pinaceae | Abies (fir) [10] | ||
Pinus (pine) [9] | |||
Tsuga (hemlock) [7] | |||
Platanaceae | Platanus [7] | Platanus × hispanica (London plane) [7] | |
Ranunculaceae | Clematis [16] | In the United Kingdom, Clematis are the plants most commonly affected by slime flux. [8] | |
Rosaceae | Malus (apple; crabapple) [9] [10] | M. domestica (apple) [17] (apple). [18] | |
Prunus (cherry; plum) [10] | |||
Sorbus [12] | |||
Salicaceae | Populus (poplar; aspen; cottonwood) [9] [10] [19] | P. tomentosa [20] | The majority of poplar species are known to be affected. [9] |
Salix (willow) [10] | |||
Sapindaceae | Acer (maple) [19] [10] | A. negundo (boxelder maple) [21] A. saccharinum (silver maple) [14] | |
Aesculus (horse-chestnut) [9] | |||
Ulmaceae | Ulmus (elm) [9] [10] [19] | U. americana (American elm) [22] [23] U. parvifolia (Chinese elm) [24] | The majority of elm species are known to be affected. [9] |
Fire blight, also written fireblight, is a contagious disease affecting apples, pears, and some other members of the family Rosaceae. It is a serious concern to apple and pear producers. Under optimal conditions, it can destroy an entire orchard in a single growing season.
A leaf spot is a limited, discoloured, diseased area of a leaf that is caused by fungal, bacterial or viral plant diseases, or by injuries from nematodes, insects, environmental factors, toxicity or herbicides. These discoloured spots or lesions often have a centre of necrosis. Symptoms can overlap across causal agents, however differing signs and symptoms of certain pathogens can lead to the diagnosis of the type of leaf spot disease. Prolonged wet and humid conditions promote leaf spot disease and most pathogens are spread by wind, splashing rain or irrigation that carry the disease to other leaves.
Stewart's wilt is a bacterial disease of corn caused by the bacterium Pantoea stewartii. The disease is also known as bacterial wilt or bacterial leaf blight and has been shown to be quite problematic in sweet corn. The causal organism is a facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium. The disease is endemic in the mid-Atlantic and Ohio River Valley regions and in the southern portion of the Corn Belt. Stewart's Wilt causes minor reductions in field corn yield, despite common occurrence, because most hybrids grown in the Midwest have adequate resistance. However, the disease can be problematic in seed production because many countries have restrictions on maize seed from areas where the Stewart's Wilt occurs.
Citrus canker is a disease affecting Citrus species caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas. Infection causes lesions on the leaves, stems, and fruit of citrus trees, including lime, oranges, and grapefruit. While not harmful to humans, canker significantly affects the vitality of citrus trees, causing leaves and fruit to drop prematurely; a fruit infected with canker is safe to eat, but too unsightly to be sold. Citrus canker is mainly a leaf-spotting and rind-blemishing disease, but when conditions are highly favorable, it can cause defoliation, shoot dieback, and fruit drop.
Dickeya dadantii is a Gram-negative bacillus that belongs to the family Pectobacteriaceae. It was formerly known as Erwinia chrysanthemi but was reassigned as Dickeya dadantii in 2005. Members of this family are facultative anaerobes, able to ferment sugars to lactic acid, have nitrate reductase, but lack oxidases. Even though many clinical pathogens are part of the order Enterobacterales, most members of this family are plant pathogens. D. dadantii is a motile, nonsporing, straight rod-shaped cell with rounded ends, much like the other members of the genus, Dickeya. Cells range in size from 0.8 to 3.2 μm by 0.5 to 0.8 μm and are surrounded by numerous flagella (peritrichous).
Protothecosis, otherwise known as Algaemia, is a disease found in dogs, cats, cattle, and humans caused by a type of green alga known as Prototheca that lacks chlorophyll and enters the human or animal bloodstream. It and its close relative Helicosporidium are unusual in that they are actually green algae that have become parasites. The two most common species are Prototheca wickerhamii and Prototheca zopfii. Both are known to cause disease in dogs, while most human cases are caused by P. wickerhami. Prototheca is found worldwide in sewage and soil. Infection is rare despite high exposure, and can be related to a defective immune system. In dogs, females and Collies are most commonly affected.
Xylella fastidiosa is an aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium of the genus Xylella. It is a plant pathogen, that grows in the water transport tissues of plants and is transmitted exclusively by xylem sap-feeding insects such as sharpshooters and spittlebugs. Many plant diseases are due to infections of X. fastidiosa, including bacterial leaf scorch, oleander leaf scorch, coffee leaf scorch (CLS), alfalfa dwarf, phony peach disease, and the economically important Pierce's disease of grapes (PD), olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS), and citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC). While the largest outbreaks of X. fastidiosa–related diseases have occurred in the Americas and Europe, this pathogen has also been found in Taiwan, Israel, and a few other countries worldwide.
Ophiostoma ulmi is a species of fungus in the family Ophiostomataceae. It is one of the causative agents of Dutch elm disease. It was first described under the name Graphium ulmi, and later transferred to the genus Ophiostoma.
Ralstonia solanacearum is an aerobic non-spore-forming, Gram-negative, plant pathogenic bacterium. R. solanacearum is soil-borne and motile with a polar flagellar tuft. It colonises the xylem, causing bacterial wilt in a very wide range of potential host plants. It is known as Granville wilt when it occurs in tobacco. Bacterial wilts of tomato, pepper, eggplant, and Irish potato caused by R. solanacearum were among the first diseases that Erwin Frink Smith proved to be caused by a bacterial pathogen. Because of its devastating lethality, R. solanacearum is now one of the more intensively studied phytopathogenic bacteria, and bacterial wilt of tomato is a model system for investigating mechanisms of pathogenesis. Ralstonia was until recently classified as Pseudomonas, with similarity in most aspects, except that it does not produce fluorescent pigment like Pseudomonas. The genomes from different strains vary from 5.5 Mb up to 6 Mb, roughly being 3.5 Mb of a chromosome and 2 Mb of a megaplasmid. While the strain GMI1000 was one of the first phytopathogenic bacteria to have its genome completed, the strain UY031 was the first R. solanacearum to have its methylome reported. Within the R. solanacearum species complex, the four major monophyletic clusters of strains are termed phylotypes, that are geographically distinct: phylotypes I-IV are found in Asia, the Americas, Africa, and Oceania, respectively.
A branch collar is the "shoulder" between the branch and trunk of woody plants; the inflammation formed at the base of the branch is caused by annually overlapping trunk tissue. The shape of the branch collar is due to two separate growth patterns, initially the branch grows basipetally, followed by seasonal trunk growth which envelops the branch.
Brenneria salicis is a Gram-negative bacterium that is pathogenic on plants.
Xanthomonas fragariae is a species of bacteria. It causes a leaf spot disease found in strawberries. The type strain is NCPPB1469 from Fragaria chiloensis var. ananassa.
Xylophilus ampelinus is a species of bacteria that can cause plant disease. It is available from the NCPPB in the United Kingdom and other international culture collections such as ICMP in New Zealand, and LMG/BCCM in Belgium.
Bacterial leaf scorch is a disease state affecting many crops, caused mainly by the xylem-plugging bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. It can be mistaken for ordinary leaf scorch caused by cultural practices such as over-fertilization.
A wilt disease is any number of diseases that affect the vascular system of plants. Attacks by fungi, bacteria, and nematodes can cause rapid killing of plants, large tree branches or even entire trees.
In biology, a pathogen, in the oldest and broadest sense, is any organism or agent that can produce disease. A pathogen may also be referred to as an infectious agent, or simply a germ.
Bacterial wilt of carnations is a bacterial disease caused by the plant pathogen Paraburkholderia caryophylli. Previously named Pseudomonas caryophilli, the pathogen is an aerobic gram negative bacteria known for only being capable of entering its host through wounds. Once inside the host, it colonizes the vascular system and roots causing symptoms such as, internal stem cracking, yellowing of the leaves, wilting, and the development of cankers. As a bacterial disease, bacterial wilt of carnations can also be characterized by signs such as bacterial streaming, and bacterial ooze.
The foamy bark canker is a disease affecting oak trees in California caused by the fungus Geosmithia sp. #41 and spread by the Western oak bark beetle. This disease is only seen through the symbiosis of the bark beetles and the fungal pathogen. The bark beetles target oak trees and bore holes through the peridermal tissues, making tunnels within the phloem. The fungal spores are brought into these tunnels by the beetles and begin to colonize the damaged cells inside the tunnels. Symptoms of the developing fungus include wet discoloration seeping from the beetle entry holes as the fungus begins to consume phloem and likely other tissues. If bark is removed, necrosis of the phloem can be observed surrounding the entry hole(s). As the disease progresses, a reddish sap and foamy liquid oozes from entry holes, thus giving the disease the name foamy bark canker. Eventually, after the disease has progressed, the tree dies. This disease is important because of its detrimental effects on oak trees and its ability to spread to several new Californian counties in just a couple of years.
Eve Billing (1923–2019) was a UK plant pathologist specialising in diseases of fruit trees especially fire blight caused by Erwinia amylovora bacteria. She introduced a modelling system to predict the likelihood of outbreaks of fire blight and also methods for pathogen identification and treatment.
Clavibacter sepedonicus is a species of bacteria in the genus Clavibacter. C. sepedonicus is a high-profile alien plant pathogen of A2 Quarantine status affecting only potatoes. It causes a disease in potatoes known as 'ring rot' due to the way it rots vascular tissue inside potato tubers It is present in parts of Europe but is under statutory control under 'Council Directive 93/85/EEC' of 4 October 1993 on the control of potato ring rot. This means that if an outbreak occurs, the outbreak must be controlled and if possible the disease has to be eradicated. If necessary, prohibitions are put into place to prevent further spread.