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Some Tetrastigma species
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Vitales
Family: Vitaceae
Tribe: Cayratieae
Genus: Tetrastigma
(Miq.) Planch. [1]

Tetrastigma is a genus of plants in the grape family, Vitaceae. The plants are lianas that climb with tendrils and have palmately compound leaves. Plants are dioecious, with separate male and female plants; female flowers are characterized by their four-lobed stigmas. [2] The species are found in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Malaysia, and Australia, where they grow in primary rainforest, gallery forest and monsoon forest and moister woodland. Species of this genus are notable as being the sole hosts of parasitic plants in the family Rafflesiaceae, one of which, Rafflesia arnoldii , produces the largest single flower in the world. [3] Tetrastigma is the donor species for horizontal gene transfer to Sapria and Rafflesia due to multiple gene theft events. [4]


Within the Vitaceae, Tetrastigma has long been considered closely related to Cayratia and Cyphostemma [5] and is now placed in the tribe Cayratieae.

Fossil record

A fossil seed fragment from the early Miocene of Tetrastigma sp., has been found in the Czech part of the Zittau Basin. [6] Tetrastigma macrofossils have been recovered from the late Zanclean stage of Pliocene sites in Pocapaglia, Italy. [7]


Tetrastigma is derived from Greek and means 'four stigmas', in reference to its four-lobed stigma. [8]


Plants of the World Online currently includes: [9]

  1. Tetrastigma amboinense (Miq.) Planch.
  2. Tetrastigma andamanicum (King) Suess.
  3. Tetrastigma angustifolium (Roxb.) Planch.
  4. Tetrastigma annamense Gagnep.
  5. Tetrastigma apiculatum Gagnep.
  6. Tetrastigma aplinianum (Collett & Hemsl.) Momiy.
  7. Tetrastigma articulatum (Miq.) Planch.
  8. Tetrastigma assimile (Kurz) C.L.Li ex Kochaiph. & Trias-Blasi
  9. Tetrastigma backanense Gagnep.
  10. Tetrastigma bambusetorum Craib
  11. Tetrastigma beauvaisii Gagnep.
  12. Tetrastigma bracteolatum (Wall.) Planch.
  13. Tetrastigma brunneum Merr.
  14. Tetrastigma burmanicum (Collett & Hemsl.) Momiy.
  15. Tetrastigma calcicola Kochaiph. & Trias-Blasi
  16. Tetrastigma cambodianum Pierre ex Gagnep.
  17. Tetrastigma campylocarpum (Kurz) Planch.
  18. Tetrastigma caudatum Merr. & Chun
  19. Tetrastigma cauliflorum Merr.
  20. Tetrastigma ceratopetalum C.Y.Wu
  21. Tetrastigma chapaense Merr.
  22. Tetrastigma clementis Merr.
  23. Tetrastigma coriaceum (DC.) Gagnep.
  24. Tetrastigma corniculatum Merr.
  25. Tetrastigma crenatum Jackes
  26. Tetrastigma cruciatum Craib & Gagnep.
  27. Tetrastigma curtisii (Ridl.) Suess.
  28. Tetrastigma delavayi Gagnep.
  29. Tetrastigma dichotomum (Miq.) Planch.
  30. Tetrastigma diepenhorstii (Miq.) Latiff
  31. Tetrastigma dubium (M.A.Lawson) Planch.
  32. Tetrastigma eberhardtii Gagnep.
  33. Tetrastigma ellipticum Merr.
  34. Tetrastigma enervium Ridl.
  35. Tetrastigma erubescens Planch.
  36. Tetrastigma everettii Merr.
  37. Tetrastigma formosanum (Hemsl.) Gagnep.
  38. Tetrastigma funingense C.L.Li
  39. Tetrastigma gamblei B.V.Shetty & P.Singh
  40. Tetrastigma gaudichaudianum Planch.
  41. Tetrastigma gibbosum Lauterb.
  42. Tetrastigma gilgianum Lauterb.
  43. Tetrastigma harmandii Planch. – Ayo, ariuat, kalit, iyo
  44. Tetrastigma havilandii Ridl.
  45. Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels & Gilg
  46. Tetrastigma heterophyllum Gagnep.
  47. Tetrastigma hookeri Planch.
  48. Tetrastigma hypoglaucum Planch.
  49. Tetrastigma jaichagunii C.L.Li ex Kochaiph. & Trias-Blasi
  50. Tetrastigma jingdongense C.L.Li
  51. Tetrastigma jinghongense C.L.Li
  52. Tetrastigma jinxiuense C.L.Li
  53. Tetrastigma kwangsiense C.L.Li
  54. Tetrastigma laevigatum (Blume) Gagnep.
  55. Tetrastigma lanyuense C.E.Chang
  56. Tetrastigma latiffii Veldkamp
  57. Tetrastigma lauterbachianum Gilg
  58. Tetrastigma laxum Merr.
  59. Tetrastigma lenticellatum C.Y.Wu
  60. Tetrastigma leucostaphylum (Dennst.) Alston
  61. Tetrastigma lincangense C.L.Li
  62. Tetrastigma lineare W.T.Wang ex C.Y.Wu & C.L.Li
  63. Tetrastigma littorale Merr.
  64. Tetrastigma liukiuense T.Yamaz.
  65. Tetrastigma loheri Gagnep.
  66. Tetrastigma longipedunculatum C.L.Li
  67. Tetrastigma longisepalum Gagnep.
  68. Tetrastigma macrocorymbum Gagnep. ex J.Wen, Boggan & Turland
  69. Tetrastigma magnum Merr.
  70. Tetrastigma megacarpum Latiff
  71. Tetrastigma mindanaense Merr.
  72. Tetrastigma mutabile (Blume) Planch.
  73. Tetrastigma nilagiricum (Miq.) B.V.Shetty
  74. Tetrastigma nitens (F.Muell.) Planch. [10]
  75. Tetrastigma obovatum Gagnep.
  76. Tetrastigma obtectum (Wall. ex M.A.Lawson) Planch. ex Franch.
  77. Tetrastigma oliviforme Planch.
  78. Tetrastigma pachyphyllum (Hemsl.) Chun
  79. Tetrastigma papillatum (Hance) C.Y.Wu
  80. Tetrastigma papillosum (Blume) Planch.
  81. Tetrastigma papuanum (Miq.) Planch.
  82. Tetrastigma pedunculare (Wall. ex M.A.Lawson) Planch.
  83. Tetrastigma pergamaceum (Blume) Planch.
  84. Tetrastigma petraeum Jackes
  85. Tetrastigma petrophilum Lauterb.
  86. Tetrastigma pilosum C.L.Li
  87. Tetrastigma planicaule (Hook.f.) Gagnep.
  88. Tetrastigma poilanei Gagnep.
  89. Tetrastigma pseudocruciatum C.L.Li
  90. Tetrastigma pubiflorum (Miq.) Suess.
  91. Tetrastigma pubinerve Merr. & Chun
  92. Tetrastigma pullei Lauterb.
  93. Tetrastigma pycnanthum (Collett & Hemsl.) P.Singh & B.V.Shetty
  94. Tetrastigma pyriforme Gagnep.
  95. Tetrastigma quadrangulum Gagnep. & Craib
  96. Tetrastigma quadridens Planch.
  97. Tetrastigma rafflesiae (Miq.) Planch.
  98. Tetrastigma ramentaceum Planch.
  99. Tetrastigma retinervium Planch.
  100. Tetrastigma robinsonii Merr.
  101. Tetrastigma robustum Planch.
  102. Tetrastigma rumicispermum (M.A.Lawson) Planch.
  103. Tetrastigma rupestre Planch.
  104. Tetrastigma scariosum (Blume) Planch.
  105. Tetrastigma schlechteri Lauterb.
  106. Tetrastigma schraderi-montis Lauterb.
  107. Tetrastigma scortechinii (King) Gagnep.
  108. Tetrastigma sepulchrei Merr.
  109. Tetrastigma serrulatum (Roxb.) Planch.
  110. Tetrastigma sessilifolium Lauterb.
  111. Tetrastigma siamense Gagnep. & Craib
  112. Tetrastigma sichouense C.L.Li
  113. Tetrastigma silvestrei Elmer ex J.Wen & Boggan
  114. Tetrastigma simplicifolia (Merr.) J.Wen & Boggan
  115. Tetrastigma steenisii Latiff
  116. Tetrastigma subsuberosum Planch.
  117. Tetrastigma subtetragonum C.L.Li
  118. Tetrastigma sulcatum (M.A.Lawson) Gamble
  119. Tetrastigma taeniatum C.L.Li
  120. Tetrastigma tamilnadense N.Balach. & K.Ravik.
  121. Tetrastigma tavoyanum Gagnep.
  122. Tetrastigma tetragynum (Miq.) Planch.
  123. Tetrastigma thomsonianum Planch.
  124. Tetrastigma thorsborneorum Jackes
  125. Tetrastigma tonkinense Gagnep.
  126. Tetrastigma touranense Gagnep.
  127. Tetrastigma trifoliolatum Merr.
  128. Tetrastigma triphyllum (Gagnep.) W.T.Wang
  129. Tetrastigma tsaianum C.Y.Wu
  130. Tetrastigma venulosum C.Y.Wu
  131. Tetrastigma vitiense (A.Gray) A.C.Sm.
  132. Tetrastigma voinierianum (Sallier) Pierre ex Gagnep.
  133. Tetrastigma warburgii Lauterb.
  134. Tetrastigma xishuangbannaense C.L.Li
  135. Tetrastigma xizangense C.L.Li
  136. Tetrastigma yiwuense C.L.Li
  137. Tetrastigma yunnanense Gagnep.

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  1.   GRIN (April 3, 2006). "Tetrastigma information from NPGS/GRIN". Taxonomy for Plants. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland: USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Archived from the original on 2012-10-11. Retrieved June 18, 2011.
  2. Chen, Pingting; Chen, Longqing; Wen, Jun (2011). "The first phylogenetic analysis of Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch., the host of Rafflesiaceae". Taxon. 60 (2): 499–512. doi:10.1002/tax.602017.
  3. "Forest Department, Sarawak". Archived from the original on 2011-09-27. Retrieved 2008-06-11.
  4. Cai, Liming; Arnold, Brian J.; Xi, Zhenxiang; Khost, Danielle E.; Patel, Niki; Hartmann, Claire B.; Manickam, Sugumaran; Sasirat, Sawitree; Nikolov, Lachezar A.; Mathews, Sarah; Sackton, Timothy B. (January 2021). "Deeply Altered Genome Architecture in the Endoparasitic Flowering Plant Sapria himalayana Griff. (Rafflesiaceae)". Current Biology. 31 (5): 1002–1011.e9. Bibcode:2021CBio...31E1002C. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.12.045 . ISSN   0960-9822. PMID   33485466.
  5. Soejima, A.; Wen, J. (2006). "Phylogenetic analysis of the grape family (Vitaceae) based on three chloroplast markers". American Journal of Botany. 93 (2): 278–87. doi: 10.3732/ajb.93.2.278 . PMID   21646189.
  6. Acta Palaeobotanica - 43(1): 9-49, January 2003 - Early Miocene carpological material from the Czech part of the Zittau Basin - Vasilis Teodoridis
  7. Messian to Zanclean vegetation and climate of Northern and Central Italy by Adele Bertini & Edoardo Martinetto, Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 47 (2), 2008, 105-121. Modena, 11 lugio 2008.
  8. Gledhill, David (2008). "The Names of Plants". Cambridge University Press. ISBN   9780521866453 (hardback), ISBN   9780521685535 (paperback). pp 376
  9. Plants of the World Online: Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (retrieved 24 December 2021)
  10.   "Name - Tetrastigma nitens (F.Muell.) Planch". Tropicos. Saint Louis, Missouri: Missouri Botanical Garden . Retrieved June 18, 2011.