1973 Macdonald Brier

Last updated
1973 Macdonald Brier
Host city Edmonton, Alberta
Arena Klondike Gardens
DatesMarch 5–11
WinnerFlag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan
Curling club Regina CC, Regina
Skip Harvey Mazinke
Third Bill Martin
Second George Achtymichuk
Lead Dan Klippenstein
«  1972
1974  »

The 1973 Macdonald Brier , the Canadian men's national curling championship was held from March 5 to 11, 1973 at the Klondike Gardens [1] in Edmonton, Alberta. The total attendance for the week was 37,575.


The event was memorable for having particularly bad ice conditions, considered by some as the "worst (Brier ice) ever manufactured". There was a great thickness of frost on the ice, which was also dotted by tiny pools of water. [2]

Despite not being considered favourites, Team Saskatchewan, who was skipped by Harvey Mazinke adapted best to the poor ice conditions and captured the Brier tankard as they finished round robin play with a 9–1 record. This was Saskatchewan's sixth Brier title overall and the only title that Mazinke skipped.

Mazinke's rink would go onto represent Canada in the 1973 Air Canada Silver Broom, the men's world curling championship on home soil in Regina, Saskatchewan where they won the silver medal.

This was the first Brier in which teams were allowed to concede games before all ends were complete as long as ten ends were played. [3]

Saskatchewan's 7–5 victory over Manitoba in Draw 5 was the fourth time in Brier history in which a game went into a second extra end. The other three instances were in 1955 and twice in 1965.

The Draw 7 matchup between New Brunswick and Northern Ontario saw five consecutive blank ends beginning in the fourth end, setting a then Brier record for most consecutive blank ends in one game. [4] This remains a Macdonald era record (until 1979) and wouldn't be broken in any Brier until 1989.


The teams were listed as follows: [5]

AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitoba
Fairview CC, Fairview

Fourth: Mel Watchorn
Skip: Jim Fox
Second: Terry Watchorn
Lead: Merv Watchorn

Richmond WC, Richmond

Skip: Jack Tucker
Third: Bernie Sparkes
Second: Jim Armstrong
Lead: Gerry Peckham

Granite CC, Winnipeg

Skip: Danny Fink
Third: Rod Hunter
Second: Jim Pettapiece
Lead: John Hunter

New BrunswickNewfoundlandNorthern Ontario
CFB Curtis Park CC, Chatham

Skip: Louis Dugre
Third: Joe Klein
Second: Dave Romkey
Lead: Doug Wiggins

Carol CC, Labrador City

Skip: Jim Ward
Third: Mike Brennan
Second: Dick Narduzzi
Lead: Jim Noble

Sudbury CC, Sudbury

Skip: Don Harry
Third: Morley Harry
Second: Peter Wong
Lead: Art Mousseau

Nova ScotiaOntarioPrince Edward Island
Dartmouth CC, Dartmouth

Skip: Peter Hope
Third: Jim Florian
Second: Gene Mattatall
Lead: Bob Margeson

Scarboro G&CC, Scarborough

Skip: Paul Savage
Third: Bob Thompson
Second: Ed Werenich
Lead: Ron Green

Charlottetown CC, Charlottetown

Skip: Bob Dillon
Third: Doug Cameron
Second: John Fortier
Lead: Merrill Wiginton

Caledonia CC, Westmount

Skip: Dave Moon
Third: Andre Emong
Second: Ken Graham
Lead: Claude Coursol

Regina CC, Regina

Skip: Harvey Mazinke
Third: Bill Martin
Second: George Achtymichuk
Lead: Dan Klippenstein

Map of teams

Round Robin standings

Brier champion
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan Harvey Mazinke 918858
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario Paul Savage 649384
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia Peter Hope 649072
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia Jack Tucker 558992
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta Mel Watchorn 559581
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick Louis Dugre 556676
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island Bob Dillon 557792
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland Jim Ward 4675107
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba Danny Fink 469589
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec Dave Moon 379091
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario Don Harry 377389

Round Robin Results

All draw times are listed in Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00). [5] [6]

Draw 1

Monday, March 5, 2:30 pm

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)0200100020106
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)1011010002017
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)01110010000X4
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)20001202104X12
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)20101011102110
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)0104010001007
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)33010100012112
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)00203032100011
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)01012000110410
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)1010010100307

Draw 2

Monday, March 5, 7:30 pm

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)00100121040211
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)2101100010309
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)30011233021X16
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)01100000100X3
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)1000210000XX4
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)0111001422XX12
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)2010113000109
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)03010002120110
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)2012100110008
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)0100011001127

Draw 3

Tuesday, March 6, 9:00 am

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)00010001010X3
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)10002110101X7
Sheet B12345678910111213Final
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)100400102001110
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)00100402011009
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)01000220020X7
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)20121002101X10
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)00010101021X6
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)22202020100X11
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)01001003010X6
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)20010120103X10

Draw 4

Tuesday, March 6, 2:00 pm

Sheet A12345678910111213Final
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)01121002000018
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)20000200110107
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)11101130002X10
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)00020001120X6
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)10112010100X7
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)02000400032X11
Sheet D12345678910111213Final
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)10101001002118
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)01020010210007
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)0100101001XX4
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)1031010220XX10

Draw 5

Wednesday, March 7, 2:00 pm

Sheet A1234567891011121314Final
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)000010101002005
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)010001010200027
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)00201020100X6
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)10050101040X12
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)20102013222X15
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)02020100000X5
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)02100100010X5
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)30002011101X9
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)20100200020310
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)0001102020208

Draw 6

Wednesday, March 7, 7:30 pm

Sheet A12345678910111213Final
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)00002100012219
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)02400000200008
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)00041220120X12
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)03100001001X6
Sheet C12345678910111213Final
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)00102020012019
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)01000301100208
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)20010002011X7
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)01302340100X14
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)0110021001107
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)20041001200111

Draw 7

Thursday, March 8, 2:00 pm

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)14020000502X14
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)00202110020X8
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)0011201012008
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)11000201003210
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)03001010202110
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)2002010202009
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)0020000001003
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)2100000010015
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)10140102301X13
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)00000020010X3

Draw 8

Thursday, March 8, 7:30 pm

Sheet A12345678910111213Final
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)10010020100117
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)00100101012006
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)00100101100X4
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)10001030023X10
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)10102030400X11
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)01020101002X7
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)3010101001108
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)01030202100110
Sheet E12345678910111213Final
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)00100300200309
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)010120010220110

Draw 9

Friday, March 9, 2:00 pm

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)10030020000X6
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)02101000341X12
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)10010200101X6
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)02101002030X9
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)0000023000207
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)0200200201018
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)11011010101X7
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)00100102010X5
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)30201001103X11
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)01020120010X7

Draw 10

Friday, March 9, 7:30 pm

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)0051024150XX18
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)3100100002XX7
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)00011131420X13
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)10100000002X4
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)21200020103314
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)00031103020010
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)30020204132X17
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Newfoundland (Ward)00101010000X3
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)0100002000339
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)1010010002005

Draw 11

Saturday, March 10, 11:00 am

Sheet A123456789101112Final
Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta (Watchorn)10200030200X8
Flag of Quebec.svg  Quebec (Moon)02000101011X6
Sheet B123456789101112Final
Flag of Prince Edward Island.svg  Prince Edward Island (Dillon)1110110300008
Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick (Dugre)0001001003117
Sheet C123456789101112Final
Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan (Mazinke)10010210110X7
Northern Ontario curling flag.png  Northern Ontario (Harry)00101001001X4
Sheet D123456789101112Final
Flag of Nova Scotia.svg  Nova Scotia (Hope)02100201002311
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia (Tucker)30012020110010
Sheet E123456789101112Final
Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario (Savage)03103010310X12
Flag of Manitoba.svg  Manitoba (Fink)00040302001X10


All-Star Team

The media selected the following curlers as All-Stars. [7]

Skip Harvey Mazinke Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan
Third Bill Martin Flag of Saskatchewan.svg  Saskatchewan
Second Dave Romkey Flag of New Brunswick.svg  New Brunswick
Lead Ron Green Flag of Ontario.svg  Ontario

Ross G.L. Harstone Award

The Ross Harstone Award was presented to the player chosen by their fellow peers as the curler who best represented Harstone's high ideals of good sportsmanship, observance of the rules, exemplary conduct and curling ability. [8] [7]

Mel Watchorn Flag of Alberta.svg  Alberta Skip


  1. "Brier by the Numbers: Brier Records 1927 to Present" (PDF). Soudog's Curling History Site. March 12, 2007. p. 9.
  2. The Brier, Bob Weeks, pg 121
  3. The Brier, Bob Weeks, pg 122
  4. "Macdonald Brier Records". Curling Canada Stats Archive. Curling Canada. Retrieved 2 March 2023.
  5. 1 2 "1973 Macdonald Brier". Curling Canada Stats Archive. Curling Canada. Retrieved 1 March 2023.
  6. "Brier draw". Edmonton Journal. Newspapers.com. March 5, 1973. p. 45. Retrieved 2 March 2023.
  8. "EE22_BrierSouvenirProgramFinal.pdf" (PDF). Curling Canada. p. 52. Archived (PDF) from the original on 25 April 2022. Retrieved 22 June 2022.