Carleman matrix

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In mathematics, a Carleman matrix is a matrix used to convert function composition into matrix multiplication. It is often used in iteration theory to find the continuous iteration of functions which cannot be iterated by pattern recognition alone. Other uses of Carleman matrices occur in the theory of probability generating functions, and Markov chains.



The Carleman matrix of an infinitely differentiable function is defined as:

so as to satisfy the (Taylor series) equation:

For instance, the computation of by

simply amounts to the dot-product of row 1 of with a column vector .

The entries of in the next row give the 2nd power of :

and also, in order to have the zeroth power of in , we adopt the row 0 containing zeros everywhere except the first position, such that

Thus, the dot product of with the column vector yields the column vector , i.e.,


A generalization of the Carleman matrix of a function can be defined around any point, such as:

or where . This allows the matrix power to be related as:

General Series

Another way to generalize it even further is think about a general series in the following way:
Let be a series approximation of , where is a basis of the space containing
Assuming that is also a basis for , We can define , therefore we have , now we can prove that , if we assume that is also a basis for and .
Let be such that where .
Comparing the first and the last term, and from being a base for , and it follows that


Rederive (Taylor) Carleman Matrix

If we set we have the Carleman matrix. Because

then we know that the n-th coefficient must be the nth-coefficient of the taylor series of . Therefore
Which is the Carleman matrix given above. (It's important to note that this is not an orthornormal basis)

Carleman Matrix For Orthonormal Basis

If is an orthonormal basis for a Hilbert Space with a defined inner product , we can set and will be . Then .

Carleman Matrix for Fourier Series

If we have the analogous for Fourier Series. Let and represent the carleman coefficient and matrix in the fourier basis. Because the basis is orthogonal, we have.


Then, therefore, which is


Carleman matrices satisfy the fundamental relationship

which makes the Carleman matrix M a (direct) representation of . Here the term denotes the composition of functions .

Other properties include:


The Carleman matrix of a constant is:

The Carleman matrix of the identity function is:

The Carleman matrix of a constant addition is:

The Carleman matrix of the successor function is equivalent to the Binomial coefficient:

The Carleman matrix of the logarithm is related to the (signed) Stirling numbers of the first kind scaled by factorials:

The Carleman matrix of the logarithm is related to the (unsigned) Stirling numbers of the first kind scaled by factorials:

The Carleman matrix of the exponential function is related to the Stirling numbers of the second kind scaled by factorials:

The Carleman matrix of exponential functions is:

The Carleman matrix of a constant multiple is:

The Carleman matrix of a linear function is:

The Carleman matrix of a function is:

The Carleman matrix of a function is:

The Bell matrix or the Jabotinsky matrix of a function is defined as [1] [2] [3]

so as to satisfy the equation

These matrices were developed in 1947 by Eri Jabotinsky to represent convolutions of polynomials. [4] It is the transpose of the Carleman matrix and satisfy

which makes the Bell matrix B an anti-representation of .

See also


  1. Knuth, D. (1992). "Convolution Polynomials". The Mathematica Journal. 2 (4): 67–78. arXiv: math/9207221 . Bibcode:1992math......7221K.
  2. Jabotinsky, Eri (1953). "Representation of functions by matrices. Application to Faber polynomials". Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 4 (4): 546–553. doi: 10.1090/S0002-9939-1953-0059359-0 . ISSN   0002-9939.
  3. Lang, W. (2000). "On generalizations of the stirling number triangles". Journal of Integer Sequences. 3 (2.4): 1–19. Bibcode:2000JIntS...3...24L.
  4. Jabotinsky, Eri (1947). "Sur la représentation de la composition de fonctions par un produit de matrices. Applicaton à l'itération de e^x et de e^x-1". Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. 224: 323–324.

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