In the field of machine learning and specifically the problem of statistical classification, a confusion matrix, also known as error matrix, [1] is a specific table layout that allows visualization of the performance of an algorithm, typically a supervised learning one; in unsupervised learning it is usually called a matching matrix.
Each row of the matrix represents the instances in an actual class while each column represents the instances in a predicted class, or vice versa – both variants are found in the literature. [2] The diagonal of the matrix therefore represents all instances that are correctly predicted. [3] The name stems from the fact that it makes it easy to see whether the system is confusing two classes (i.e. commonly mislabeling one as another).
It is a special kind of contingency table, with two dimensions ("actual" and "predicted"), and identical sets of "classes" in both dimensions (each combination of dimension and class is a variable in the contingency table).
Given a sample of 12 individuals, 8 that have been diagnosed with cancer and 4 that are cancer-free, where individuals with cancer belong to class 1 (positive) and non-cancer individuals belong to class 0 (negative), we can display that data as follows:
Individual Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Actual Classification | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Assume that we have a classifier that distinguishes between individuals with and without cancer in some way, we can take the 12 individuals and run them through the classifier. The classifier then makes 9 accurate predictions and misses 3: 2 individuals with cancer wrongly predicted as being cancer-free (sample 1 and 2), and 1 person without cancer that is wrongly predicted to have cancer (sample 9).
Individual Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Actual Classification | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Predicted Classification | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Notice, that if we compare the actual classification set to the predicted classification set, there are 4 different outcomes that could result in any particular column. One, if the actual classification is positive and the predicted classification is positive (1,1), this is called a true positive result because the positive sample was correctly identified by the classifier. Two, if the actual classification is positive and the predicted classification is negative (1,0), this is called a false negative result because the positive sample is incorrectly identified by the classifier as being negative. Third, if the actual classification is negative and the predicted classification is positive (0,1), this is called a false positive result because the negative sample is incorrectly identified by the classifier as being positive. Fourth, if the actual classification is negative and the predicted classification is negative (0,0), this is called a true negative result because the negative sample gets correctly identified by the classifier.
We can then perform the comparison between actual and predicted classifications and add this information to the table, making correct results appear in green so they are more easily identifiable.
Individual Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Actual Classification | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Predicted Classification | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Result | FN | FN | TP | TP | TP | TP | TP | TP | FP | TN | TN | TN |
The template for any binary confusion matrix uses the four kinds of results discussed above (true positives, false negatives, false positives, and true negatives) along with the positive and negative classifications. The four outcomes can be formulated in a 2×2 confusion matrix, as follows:
Predicted condition | |||
Total population = P + N | Positive (PP) | Negative (PN) | |
Actual condition | Positive (P) | True positive (TP) | False negative (FN) |
Negative (N) | False positive (FP) | True negative (TN) | |
Sources: [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] |
The color convention of the three data tables above were picked to match this confusion matrix, in order to easily differentiate the data.
Now, we can simply total up each type of result, substitute into the template, and create a confusion matrix that will concisely summarize the results of testing the classifier:
Predicted condition | |||
Total 8 + 4 = 12 | Cancer 7 | Non-cancer 5 | |
Actual condition | Cancer 8 | 6 | 2 |
Non-cancer 4 | 1 | 3 |
In this confusion matrix, of the 8 samples with cancer, the system judged that 2 were cancer-free, and of the 4 samples without cancer, it predicted that 1 did have cancer. All correct predictions are located in the diagonal of the table (highlighted in green), so it is easy to visually inspect the table for prediction errors, as values outside the diagonal will represent them. By summing up the 2 rows of the confusion matrix, one can also deduce the total number of positive (P) and negative (N) samples in the original dataset, i.e. and .
In predictive analytics, a table of confusion (sometimes also called a confusion matrix) is a table with two rows and two columns that reports the number of true positives, false negatives, false positives, and true negatives. This allows more detailed analysis than simply observing the proportion of correct classifications (accuracy). Accuracy will yield misleading results if the data set is unbalanced; that is, when the numbers of observations in different classes vary greatly.
For example, if there were 95 cancer samples and only 5 non-cancer samples in the data, a particular classifier might classify all the observations as having cancer. The overall accuracy would be 95%, but in more detail the classifier would have a 100% recognition rate (sensitivity) for the cancer class but a 0% recognition rate for the non-cancer class. F1 score is even more unreliable in such cases, and here would yield over 97.4%, whereas informedness removes such bias and yields 0 as the probability of an informed decision for any form of guessing (here always guessing cancer).
According to Davide Chicco and Giuseppe Jurman, the most informative metric to evaluate a confusion matrix is the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC). [11]
Other metrics can be included in a confusion matrix, each of them having their significance and use.
Predicted condition | Sources: [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] | ||||
Total population = P + N | Predicted positive | Predicted negative | Informedness, bookmaker informedness (BM) = TPR + TNR − 1 | Prevalence threshold (PT) = √TPR × FPR - FPR/TPR - FPR | |
Actual condition | Positive (P) [a] | True positive (TP), hit [b] | False negative (FN), miss, underestimation | True positive rate (TPR), recall, sensitivity (SEN), probability of detection, hit rate, power = TP/P= 1 − FNR | False negative rate (FNR), miss rate type II error [c] = FN/P= 1 − TPR |
Negative (N) [d] | False positive (FP), false alarm, overestimation | True negative (TN), correct rejection [e] | False positive rate (FPR), probability of false alarm, fall-out type I error [f] = FP/N= 1 − TNR | True negative rate (TNR), specificity (SPC), selectivity = TN/N= 1 − FPR | |
Prevalence = P/P + N | Positive predictive value (PPV), precision = TP/TP + FP= 1 − FDR | False omission rate (FOR) = FN/TN + FN= 1 − NPV | Positive likelihood ratio (LR+) = TPR/FPR | Negative likelihood ratio (LR−) = FNR/TNR | |
Accuracy (ACC) = TP + TN/P + N | False discovery rate (FDR) = FP/TP + FP= 1 − PPV | Negative predictive value (NPV) = TN/TN + FN= 1 − FOR | Markedness (MK), deltaP (Δp) = PPV + NPV − 1 | Diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) = LR+/LR− | |
Balanced accuracy (BA) = TPR + TNR/2 | F1 score = 2 PPV × TPR/PPV + TPR= 2 TP/2 TP + FP + FN | Fowlkes–Mallows index (FM) = √PPV × TPR | Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) = √TPR × TNR × PPV × NPV- √FNR × FPR × FOR × FDR | Threat score (TS), critical success index (CSI), Jaccard index = TP/TP + FN + FP |
Confusion matrix is not limited to binary classification and can be used in multi-class classifiers as well. The confusion matrices discussed above have only two conditions: positive and negative. For example, the table below summarizes communication of a whistled language between two speakers, with zero values omitted for clarity. [20]
Perceived vowel Vowel produced | i | e | a | o | u |
i | 15 | 1 | |||
e | 1 | 1 | |||
a | 79 | 5 | |||
o | 4 | 15 | 3 | ||
u | 2 | 2 |
Accuracy and precision are two measures of observational error. Accuracy is how close a given set of measurements are to their true value. Precision is how close the measurements are to each other.
Binary classification is the task of classifying the elements of a set into one of two groups. Typical binary classification problems include:
A decision tree is a decision support recursive partitioning structure that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. It is one way to display an algorithm that only contains conditional control statements.
A receiver operating characteristic curve, or ROC curve, is a graphical plot that illustrates the performance of a binary classifier model at varying threshold values.
Bootstrap aggregating, also called bagging or bootstrapping, is a machine learning (ML) ensemble meta-algorithm designed to improve the stability and accuracy of ML classification and regression algorithms. It also reduces variance and overfitting. Although it is usually applied to decision tree methods, it can be used with any type of method. Bagging is a special case of the ensemble averaging approach.
The positive and negative predictive values are the proportions of positive and negative results in statistics and diagnostic tests that are true positive and true negative results, respectively. The PPV and NPV describe the performance of a diagnostic test or other statistical measure. A high result can be interpreted as indicating the accuracy of such a statistic. The PPV and NPV are not intrinsic to the test ; they depend also on the prevalence. Both PPV and NPV can be derived using Bayes' theorem.
Cohen's kappa coefficient is a statistic that is used to measure inter-rater reliability for qualitative (categorical) items. It is generally thought to be a more robust measure than simple percent agreement calculation, as κ takes into account the possibility of the agreement occurring by chance. There is controversy surrounding Cohen's kappa due to the difficulty in interpreting indices of agreement. Some researchers have suggested that it is conceptually simpler to evaluate disagreement between items.
Given a population whose members each belong to one of a number of different sets or classes, a classification rule or classifier is a procedure by which the elements of the population set are each predicted to belong to one of the classes. A perfect classification is one for which every element in the population is assigned to the class it really belongs to. The bayes classifier is the classifier which assigns classes optimally based on the known attributes of the elements to be classified.
In statistical analysis of binary classification and information retrieval systems, the F-score or F-measure is a measure of predictive performance. It is calculated from the precision and recall of the test, where the precision is the number of true positive results divided by the number of all samples predicted to be positive, including those not identified correctly, and the recall is the number of true positive results divided by the number of all samples that should have been identified as positive. Precision is also known as positive predictive value, and recall is also known as sensitivity in diagnostic binary classification.
In medicine and statistics, sensitivity and specificity mathematically describe the accuracy of a test that reports the presence or absence of a medical condition. If individuals who have the condition are considered "positive" and those who do not are considered "negative", then sensitivity is a measure of how well a test can identify true positives and specificity is a measure of how well a test can identify true negatives:
In machine learning, multi-label classification or multi-output classification is a variant of the classification problem where multiple nonexclusive labels may be assigned to each instance. Multi-label classification is a generalization of multiclass classification, which is the single-label problem of categorizing instances into precisely one of several classes. In the multi-label problem the labels are nonexclusive and there is no constraint on how many of the classes the instance can be assigned to.
In pattern recognition, information retrieval, object detection and classification, precision and recall are performance metrics that apply to data retrieved from a collection, corpus or sample space.
In statistics, the phi coefficient is a measure of association for two binary variables.
In machine learning and statistical classification, multiclass classification or multinomial classification is the problem of classifying instances into one of three or more classes. For example, deciding on whether an image is showing a banana, an orange, or an apple is a multiclass classification problem, with three possible classes, while deciding on whether an image contains an apple or not is a binary classification problem.
In medical testing with binary classification, the diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) is a measure of the effectiveness of a diagnostic test. It is defined as the ratio of the odds of the test being positive if the subject has a disease relative to the odds of the test being positive if the subject does not have the disease.
The Fowlkes–Mallows index is an external evaluation method that is used to determine the similarity between two clusterings, and also a metric to measure confusion matrices. This measure of similarity could be either between two hierarchical clusterings or a clustering and a benchmark classification. A higher value for the Fowlkes–Mallows index indicates a greater similarity between the clusters and the benchmark classifications. It was invented by Bell Labs statisticians Edward Fowlkes and Collin Mallows in 1983.
Evaluation of a binary classifier typically assigns a numerical value, or values, to a classifier that represent its accuracy. An example is error rate, which measures how frequently the classifier makes a mistake.
The accuracy paradox is the paradoxical finding that accuracy is not a good metric for predictive models when classifying in predictive analytics. This is because a simple model may have a high level of accuracy but too crude to be useful. For example, if the incidence of category A is dominant, being found in 99% of cases, then predicting that every case is category A will have an accuracy of 99%. Precision and recall are better measures in such cases. The underlying issue is that there is a class imbalance between the positive class and the negative class. Prior probabilities for these classes need to be accounted for in error analysis. Precision and recall help, but precision too can be biased by unbalanced class priors in the test sets.
Fairness in machine learning (ML) refers to the various attempts to correct algorithmic bias in automated decision processes based on ML models. Decisions made by such models after a learning process may be considered unfair if they were based on variables considered sensitive.
P4 metric (also known as FS or Symmetric F ) enables performance evaluation of the binary classifier. It is calculated from precision, recall, specificity and NPV (negative predictive value). P4 is designed in similar way to F1 metric, however addressing the criticisms leveled against F1. It may be perceived as its extension.