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Unsupervised learning is a framework in machine learning where, in contrast to supervised learning, algorithms learn patterns exclusively from unlabeled data. [1] Other frameworks in the spectrum of supervisions include weak- or semi-supervision, where a small portion of the data is tagged, and self-supervision. Some researchers consider self-supervised learning a form of unsupervised learning. [2]
Conceptually, unsupervised learning divides into the aspects of data, training, algorithm, and downstream applications. Typically, the dataset is harvested cheaply "in the wild", such as massive text corpus obtained by web crawling, with only minor filtering (such as Common Crawl). This compares favorably to supervised learning, where the dataset (such as the ImageNet1000) is typically constructed manually, which is much more expensive.
There were algorithms designed specifically for unsupervised learning, such as clustering algorithms like k-means, dimensionality reduction techniques like principal component analysis (PCA), Boltzmann machine learning, and autoencoders. After the rise of deep learning, most large-scale unsupervised learning have been done by training general-purpose neural network architectures by gradient descent, adapted to performing unsupervised learning by designing an appropriate training procedure.
Sometimes a trained model can be used as-is, but more often they are modified for downstream applications. For example, the generative pretraining method trains a model to generate a textual dataset, before finetuning it for other applications, such as text classification. [3] [4] As another example, autoencoders are trained to good features, which can then be used as a module for other models, such as in a latent diffusion model.
Tasks are often categorized as discriminative (recognition) or generative (imagination). Often but not always, discriminative tasks use supervised methods and generative tasks use unsupervised (see Venn diagram); however, the separation is very hazy. For example, object recognition favors supervised learning but unsupervised learning can also cluster objects into groups. Furthermore, as progress marches onward some tasks employ both methods, and some tasks swing from one to another. For example, image recognition started off as heavily supervised, but became hybrid by employing unsupervised pre-training, and then moved towards supervision again with the advent of dropout, ReLU, and adaptive learning rates.
A typical generative task is as follows. At each step, a datapoint is sampled from the dataset, and part of the data is removed, and the model must infer the removed part. This is particularly clear for the denoising autoencoders and BERT.
During the learning phase, an unsupervised network tries to mimic the data it's given and uses the error in its mimicked output to correct itself (i.e. correct its weights and biases). Sometimes the error is expressed as a low probability that the erroneous output occurs, or it might be expressed as an unstable high energy state in the network.
In contrast to supervised methods' dominant use of backpropagation, unsupervised learning also employs other methods including: Hopfield learning rule, Boltzmann learning rule, Contrastive Divergence, Wake Sleep, Variational Inference, Maximum Likelihood, Maximum A Posteriori, Gibbs Sampling, and backpropagating reconstruction errors or hidden state reparameterizations. See the table below for more details.
An energy function is a macroscopic measure of a network's activation state. In Boltzmann machines, it plays the role of the Cost function. This analogy with physics is inspired by Ludwig Boltzmann's analysis of a gas' macroscopic energy from the microscopic probabilities of particle motion , where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature. In the RBM network the relation is , [5] where and vary over every possible activation pattern and . To be more precise, , where is an activation pattern of all neurons (visible and hidden). Hence, some early neural networks bear the name Boltzmann Machine. Paul Smolensky calls the Harmony. A network seeks low energy which is high Harmony.
This table shows connection diagrams of various unsupervised networks, the details of which will be given in the section Comparison of Networks. Circles are neurons and edges between them are connection weights. As network design changes, features are added on to enable new capabilities or removed to make learning faster. For instance, neurons change between deterministic (Hopfield) and stochastic (Boltzmann) to allow robust output, weights are removed within a layer (RBM) to hasten learning, or connections are allowed to become asymmetric (Helmholtz).
Hopfield | Boltzmann | RBM | Stacked Boltzmann |
Helmholtz | Autoencoder | VAE |
Of the networks bearing people's names, only Hopfield worked directly with neural networks. Boltzmann and Helmholtz came before artificial neural networks, but their work in physics and physiology inspired the analytical methods that were used.
1974 | Ising magnetic model proposed by WA Little for cognition |
1980 | Fukushima introduces the neocognitron, which is later called a convolutional neural network. It is mostly used in SL, but deserves a mention here. |
1982 | Ising variant Hopfield net described as CAMs and classifiers by John Hopfield. |
1983 | Ising variant Boltzmann machine with probabilistic neurons described by Hinton & Sejnowski following Sherington & Kirkpatrick's 1975 work. |
1986 | Paul Smolensky publishes Harmony Theory, which is an RBM with practically the same Boltzmann energy function. Smolensky did not give a practical training scheme. Hinton did in mid-2000s. |
1995 | Schmidthuber introduces the LSTM neuron for languages. |
1995 | Dayan & Hinton introduces Helmholtz machine |
2013 | Kingma, Rezende, & co. introduced Variational Autoencoders as Bayesian graphical probability network, with neural nets as components. |
Here, we highlight some characteristics of select networks. The details of each are given in the comparison table below.
Hopfield | Boltzmann | RBM | Stacked RBM | Helmholtz | Autoencoder | VAE | |
Usage & notables | CAM, traveling salesman problem | CAM. The freedom of connections makes this network difficult to analyze. | pattern recognition. used in MNIST digits and speech. | recognition & imagination. trained with unsupervised pre-training and/or supervised fine tuning. | imagination, mimicry | language: creative writing, translation. vision: enhancing blurry images | generate realistic data |
Neuron | deterministic binary state. Activation = { 0 (or -1) if x is negative, 1 otherwise } | stochastic binary Hopfield neuron | ← same. (extended to real-valued in mid 2000s) | ← same | ← same | language: LSTM. vision: local receptive fields. usually real valued relu activation. | middle layer neurons encode means & variances for Gaussians. In run mode (inference), the output of the middle layer are sampled values from the Gaussians. |
Connections | 1-layer with symmetric weights. No self-connections. | 2-layers. 1-hidden & 1-visible. symmetric weights. | ← same. no lateral connections within a layer. | top layer is undirected, symmetric. other layers are 2-way, asymmetric. | 3-layers: asymmetric weights. 2 networks combined into 1. | 3-layers. The input is considered a layer even though it has no inbound weights. recurrent layers for NLP. feedforward convolutions for vision. input & output have the same neuron counts. | 3-layers: input, encoder, distribution sampler decoder. the sampler is not considered a layer |
Inference & energy | Energy is given by Gibbs probability measure : | ← same | ← same | minimize KL divergence | inference is only feed-forward. previous UL networks ran forwards AND backwards | minimize error = reconstruction error - KLD | |
Training | Δwij = si*sj, for +1/-1 neuron | Δwij = e*(pij - p'ij). This is derived from minimizing KLD. e = learning rate, p' = predicted and p = actual distribution. | Δwij = e*( < vi hj >data - < vi hj >equilibrium ). This is a form of contrastive divergence w/ Gibbs Sampling. "<>" are expectations. | ← similar. train 1-layer at a time. approximate equilibrium state with a 3-segment pass. no back propagation. | wake-sleep 2 phase training | back propagate the reconstruction error | reparameterize hidden state for backprop |
Strength | resembles physical systems so it inherits their equations | ← same. hidden neurons act as internal representatation of the external world | faster more practical training scheme than Boltzmann machines | trains quickly. gives hierarchical layer of features | mildly anatomical. analyzable w/ information theory & statistical mechanics | ||
Weakness | hard to train due to lateral connections | equilibrium requires too many iterations | integer & real-valued neurons are more complicated. |
The classical example of unsupervised learning in the study of neural networks is Donald Hebb's principle, that is, neurons that fire together wire together. [8] In Hebbian learning, the connection is reinforced irrespective of an error, but is exclusively a function of the coincidence between action potentials between the two neurons. [9] A similar version that modifies synaptic weights takes into account the time between the action potentials (spike-timing-dependent plasticity or STDP). Hebbian Learning has been hypothesized to underlie a range of cognitive functions, such as pattern recognition and experiential learning.
Among neural network models, the self-organizing map (SOM) and adaptive resonance theory (ART) are commonly used in unsupervised learning algorithms. The SOM is a topographic organization in which nearby locations in the map represent inputs with similar properties. The ART model allows the number of clusters to vary with problem size and lets the user control the degree of similarity between members of the same clusters by means of a user-defined constant called the vigilance parameter. ART networks are used for many pattern recognition tasks, such as automatic target recognition and seismic signal processing. [10]
Two of the main methods used in unsupervised learning are principal component and cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is used in unsupervised learning to group, or segment, datasets with shared attributes in order to extrapolate algorithmic relationships. [11] Cluster analysis is a branch of machine learning that groups the data that has not been labelled, classified or categorized. Instead of responding to feedback, cluster analysis identifies commonalities in the data and reacts based on the presence or absence of such commonalities in each new piece of data. This approach helps detect anomalous data points that do not fit into either group.
A central application of unsupervised learning is in the field of density estimation in statistics, [12] though unsupervised learning encompasses many other domains involving summarizing and explaining data features. It can be contrasted with supervised learning by saying that whereas supervised learning intends to infer a conditional probability distribution conditioned on the label of input data; unsupervised learning intends to infer an a priori probability distribution .
Some of the most common algorithms used in unsupervised learning include: (1) Clustering, (2) Anomaly detection, (3) Approaches for learning latent variable models. Each approach uses several methods as follows:
One of the statistical approaches for unsupervised learning is the method of moments. In the method of moments, the unknown parameters (of interest) in the model are related to the moments of one or more random variables, and thus, these unknown parameters can be estimated given the moments. The moments are usually estimated from samples empirically. The basic moments are first and second order moments. For a random vector, the first order moment is the mean vector, and the second order moment is the covariance matrix (when the mean is zero). Higher order moments are usually represented using tensors which are the generalization of matrices to higher orders as multi-dimensional arrays.
In particular, the method of moments is shown to be effective in learning the parameters of latent variable models. Latent variable models are statistical models where in addition to the observed variables, a set of latent variables also exists which is not observed. A highly practical example of latent variable models in machine learning is the topic modeling which is a statistical model for generating the words (observed variables) in the document based on the topic (latent variable) of the document. In the topic modeling, the words in the document are generated according to different statistical parameters when the topic of the document is changed. It is shown that method of moments (tensor decomposition techniques) consistently recover the parameters of a large class of latent variable models under some assumptions. [15]
The Expectation–maximization algorithm (EM) is also one of the most practical methods for learning latent variable models. However, it can get stuck in local optima, and it is not guaranteed that the algorithm will converge to the true unknown parameters of the model. In contrast, for the method of moments, the global convergence is guaranteed under some conditions.
In machine learning, a neural network is a model inspired by the structure and function of biological neural networks in animal brains.
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction, also known as manifold learning, is any of various related techniques that aim to project high-dimensional data, potentially existing across non-linear manifolds which cannot be adequately captured by linear decomposition methods, onto lower-dimensional latent manifolds, with the goal of either visualizing the data in the low-dimensional space, or learning the mapping itself. The techniques described below can be understood as generalizations of linear decomposition methods used for dimensionality reduction, such as singular value decomposition and principal component analysis.
A Boltzmann machine, named after Ludwig Boltzmann is a spin-glass model with an external field, i.e., a Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model, that is a stochastic Ising model. It is a statistical physics technique applied in the context of cognitive science. It is also classified as a Markov random field.
A Hopfield network is a form of recurrent neural network, or a spin glass system, that can serve as a content-addressable memory. The Hopfield network, named for John Hopfield, consists of a single layer of neurons, where each neuron is connected to every other neuron except itself. These connections are bidirectional and symmetric, meaning the weight of the connection from neuron i to neuron j is the same as the weight from neuron j to neuron i. Patterns are associatively recalled by fixing certain inputs, and dynamically evolve the network to minimize an energy function, towards local energy minimum states that correspond to stored patterns. Patterns are associatively learned by a Hebbian learning algorithm.
The Helmholtz machine is a type of artificial neural network that can account for the hidden structure of a set of data by being trained to create a generative model of the original set of data. The hope is that by learning economical representations of the data, the underlying structure of the generative model should reasonably approximate the hidden structure of the data set. A Helmholtz machine contains two networks, a bottom-up recognition network that takes the data as input and produces a distribution over hidden variables, and a top-down "generative" network that generates values of the hidden variables and the data itself. At the time, Helmholtz machines were one of a handful of learning architectures that used feedback as well as feedforward to ensure quality of learned models.
An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn efficient codings of unlabeled data. An autoencoder learns two functions: an encoding function that transforms the input data, and a decoding function that recreates the input data from the encoded representation. The autoencoder learns an efficient representation (encoding) for a set of data, typically for dimensionality reduction, to generate lower-dimensional embeddings for subsequent use by other machine learning algorithms.
The generalized Hebbian algorithm, also known in the literature as Sanger's rule, is a linear feedforward neural network for unsupervised learning with applications primarily in principal components analysis. First defined in 1989, it is similar to Oja's rule in its formulation and stability, except it can be applied to networks with multiple outputs. The name originates because of the similarity between the algorithm and a hypothesis made by Donald Hebb about the way in which synaptic strengths in the brain are modified in response to experience, i.e., that changes are proportional to the correlation between the firing of pre- and post-synaptic neurons.
Competitive learning is a form of unsupervised learning in artificial neural networks, in which nodes compete for the right to respond to a subset of the input data. A variant of Hebbian learning, competitive learning works by increasing the specialization of each node in the network. It is well suited to finding clusters within data.
There are many types of artificial neural networks (ANN).
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that focuses on utilizing neural networks to perform tasks such as classification, regression, and representation learning. The field takes inspiration from biological neuroscience and is centered around stacking artificial neurons into layers and "training" them to process data. The adjective "deep" refers to the use of multiple layers in the network. Methods used can be either supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised.
A restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is a generative stochastic artificial neural network that can learn a probability distribution over its set of inputs.
The wake-sleep algorithm is an unsupervised learning algorithm for deep generative models, especially Helmholtz Machines. The algorithm is similar to the expectation-maximization algorithm, and optimizes the model likelihood for observed data. The name of the algorithm derives from its use of two learning phases, the “wake” phase and the “sleep” phase, which are performed alternately. It can be conceived as a model for learning in the brain, but is also being applied for machine learning.
An artificial neural network's learning rule or learning process is a method, mathematical logic or algorithm which improves the network's performance and/or training time. Usually, this rule is applied repeatedly over the network. It is done by updating the weight and bias levels of a network when it is simulated in a specific data environment. A learning rule may accept existing conditions of the network, and will compare the expected result and actual result of the network to give new and improved values for the weights and biases. Depending on the complexity of the model being simulated, the learning rule of the network can be as simple as an XOR gate or mean squared error, or as complex as the result of a system of differential equations.
In machine learning (ML), feature learning or representation learning is a set of techniques that allow a system to automatically discover the representations needed for feature detection or classification from raw data. This replaces manual feature engineering and allows a machine to both learn the features and use them to perform a specific task.
In machine learning, a deep belief network (DBN) is a generative graphical model, or alternatively a class of deep neural network, composed of multiple layers of latent variables, with connections between the layers but not between units within each layer.
Quantum machine learning is the integration of quantum algorithms within machine learning programs.
The following outline is provided as an overview of, and topical guide to, machine learning:
In machine learning, a variational autoencoder (VAE) is an artificial neural network architecture introduced by Diederik P. Kingma and Max Welling. It is part of the families of probabilistic graphical models and variational Bayesian methods.
An energy-based model (EBM) is an application of canonical ensemble formulation from statistical physics for learning from data. The approach prominently appears in generative artificial intelligence.
Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a paradigm in machine learning where a model is trained on a task using the data itself to generate supervisory signals, rather than relying on externally-provided labels. In the context of neural networks, self-supervised learning aims to leverage inherent structures or relationships within the input data to create meaningful training signals. SSL tasks are designed so that solving them requires capturing essential features or relationships in the data. The input data is typically augmented or transformed in a way that creates pairs of related samples, where one sample serves as the input, and the other is used to formulate the supervisory signal. This augmentation can involve introducing noise, cropping, rotation, or other transformations. Self-supervised learning more closely imitates the way humans learn to classify objects.