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Q-learning is a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that teaches an agent to assign values to each action it might take, conditioned on the agent being in a particular state. It does not require a model of the environment (hence "model-free"), and it can handle problems with stochastic transitions and rewards without requiring adaptations. [1]
For any finite Markov decision process, Q-learning finds an optimal policy in the sense of maximizing the expected value of the total reward over any and all successive steps, starting from the current state. [2] Q-learning can identify an optimal action-selection policy for any given finite Markov decision process, given infinite exploration time and a partly random policy. [2] "Q" refers to the function that the algorithm computes – the expected rewards for an action taken in a given state. [3]
Reinforcement learning involves an agent, a set of states, and a set of actions per state. By performing an action , the agent transitions from state to state. Executing an action in a specific state provides the agent with a reward (a numerical score).
The goal of the agent is to maximize its total reward. It does this by adding the maximum reward attainable from future states to the reward for achieving its current state, effectively influencing the current action by the potential future reward. This potential reward is a weighted sum of expected values of the rewards of all future steps starting from the current state. [1]
As an example, consider the process of boarding a train, in which the reward is measured by the negative of the total time spent boarding (alternatively, the cost of boarding the train is equal to the boarding time). One strategy is to enter the train door as soon as they open, minimizing the initial wait time for yourself. If the train is crowded, however, then you will have a slow entry after the initial action of entering the door as people are fighting you to depart the train as you attempt to board. The total boarding time, or cost, is then:
On the next day, by random chance (exploration), you decide to wait and let other people depart first. This initially results in a longer wait time. However, less time is spent fighting the departing passengers. Overall, this path has a higher reward than that of the previous day, since the total boarding time is now:
Through exploration, despite the initial (patient) action resulting in a larger cost (or negative reward) than in the forceful strategy, the overall cost is lower, thus revealing a more rewarding strategy.
After steps into the future the agent will decide some next step. The weight for this step is calculated as , where (the discount factor) is a number between 0 and 1 (). Assuming , it has the effect of valuing rewards received earlier higher than those received later (reflecting the value of a "good start"). may also be interpreted as the probability to succeed (or survive) at every step .
The algorithm, therefore, has a function that calculates the quality of a state–action combination:
Before learning begins, is initialized to a possibly arbitrary fixed value (chosen by the programmer). Then, at each time the agent selects an action , observes a reward , enters a new state (that may depend on both the previous state and the selected action), and is updated. The core of the algorithm is a Bellman equation as a simple value iteration update, using the weighted average of the current value and the new information: [4]
where is the reward received when moving from the state to the state , and is the learning rate .
Note that is the sum of three factors:
An episode of the algorithm ends when state is a final or terminal state. However, Q-learning can also learn in non-episodic tasks (as a result of the property of convergent infinite series). If the discount factor is lower than 1, the action values are finite even if the problem can contain infinite loops.
For all final states , is never updated, but is set to the reward value observed for state . In most cases, can be taken to equal zero.
The learning rate or step size determines to what extent newly acquired information overrides old information. A factor of 0 makes the agent learn nothing (exclusively exploiting prior knowledge), while a factor of 1 makes the agent consider only the most recent information (ignoring prior knowledge to explore possibilities). In fully deterministic environments, a learning rate of is optimal. When the problem is stochastic, the algorithm converges under some technical conditions on the learning rate that require it to decrease to zero. In practice, often a constant learning rate is used, such as for all . [5]
The discount factor determines the importance of future rewards. A factor of 0 will make the agent "myopic" (or short-sighted) by only considering current rewards, i.e. (in the update rule above), while a factor approaching 1 will make it strive for a long-term high reward. If the discount factor meets or exceeds 1, the action values may diverge. For , without a terminal state, or if the agent never reaches one, all environment histories become infinitely long, and utilities with additive, undiscounted rewards generally become infinite. [6] Even with a discount factor only slightly lower than 1, Q-function learning leads to propagation of errors and instabilities when the value function is approximated with an artificial neural network. [7] In that case, starting with a lower discount factor and increasing it towards its final value accelerates learning. [8]
Since Q-learning is an iterative algorithm, it implicitly assumes an initial condition before the first update occurs. High initial values, also known as "optimistic initial conditions", [9] can encourage exploration: no matter what action is selected, the update rule will cause it to have lower values than the other alternative, thus increasing their choice probability. The first reward can be used to reset the initial conditions. [10] According to this idea, the first time an action is taken the reward is used to set the value of . This allows immediate learning in case of fixed deterministic rewards. A model that incorporates reset of initial conditions (RIC) is expected to predict participants' behavior better than a model that assumes any arbitrary initial condition (AIC). [10] RIC seems to be consistent with human behaviour in repeated binary choice experiments. [10]
Q-learning at its simplest stores data in tables. This approach falters with increasing numbers of states/actions since the likelihood of the agent visiting a particular state and performing a particular action is increasingly small.
Q-learning can be combined with function approximation. [11] This makes it possible to apply the algorithm to larger problems, even when the state space is continuous.
One solution is to use an (adapted) artificial neural network as a function approximator. [12] Another possibility is to integrate Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI) and use sparse fuzzy rule-bases [13] instead of discrete Q-tables or ANNs, which has the advantage of being a human-readable knowledge representation form. Function approximation may speed up learning in finite problems, due to the fact that the algorithm can generalize earlier experiences to previously unseen states.
Another technique to decrease the state/action space quantizes possible values. Consider the example of learning to balance a stick on a finger. To describe a state at a certain point in time involves the position of the finger in space, its velocity, the angle of the stick and the angular velocity of the stick. This yields a four-element vector that describes one state, i.e. a snapshot of one state encoded into four values. The problem is that infinitely many possible states are present. To shrink the possible space of valid actions multiple values can be assigned to a bucket. The exact distance of the finger from its starting position (-Infinity to Infinity) is not known, but rather whether it is far away or not (Near, Far). [14]
Q-learning was introduced by Chris Watkins in 1989. [15] A convergence proof was presented by Watkins and Peter Dayan in 1992. [16]
Watkins was addressing “Learning from delayed rewards”, the title of his PhD thesis. Eight years earlier in 1981 the same problem, under the name of “Delayed reinforcement learning”, was solved by Bozinovski's Crossbar Adaptive Array (CAA). [17] [18] The memory matrix was the same as the eight years later Q-table of Q-learning. The architecture introduced the term “state evaluation” in reinforcement learning. The crossbar learning algorithm, written in mathematical pseudocode in the paper, in each iteration performs the following computation:
The term “secondary reinforcement” is borrowed from animal learning theory, to model state values via backpropagation: the state value of the consequence situation is backpropagated to the previously encountered situations. CAA computes state values vertically and actions horizontally (the "crossbar"). Demonstration graphs showing delayed reinforcement learning contained states (desirable, undesirable, and neutral states), which were computed by the state evaluation function. This learning system was a forerunner of the Q-learning algorithm. [19]
In 2014, Google DeepMind patented [20] an application of Q-learning to deep learning, titled "deep reinforcement learning" or "deep Q-learning" that can play Atari 2600 games at expert human levels.
The DeepMind system used a deep convolutional neural network, with layers of tiled convolutional filters to mimic the effects of receptive fields. Reinforcement learning is unstable or divergent when a nonlinear function approximator such as a neural network is used to represent Q. This instability comes from the correlations present in the sequence of observations, the fact that small updates to Q may significantly change the policy of the agent and the data distribution, and the correlations between Q and the target values. The method can be used for stochastic search in various domains and applications. [1] [21]
The technique used experience replay, a biologically inspired mechanism that uses a random sample of prior actions instead of the most recent action to proceed. [3] This removes correlations in the observation sequence and smooths changes in the data distribution. Iterative updates adjust Q towards target values that are only periodically updated, further reducing correlations with the target. [22]
Because the future maximum approximated action value in Q-learning is evaluated using the same Q function as in current action selection policy, in noisy environments Q-learning can sometimes overestimate the action values, slowing the learning. A variant called Double Q-learning was proposed to correct this. Double Q-learning [23] is an off-policy reinforcement learning algorithm, where a different policy is used for value evaluation than what is used to select the next action.
In practice, two separate value functions and are trained in a mutually symmetric fashion using separate experiences. The double Q-learning update step is then as follows:
Now the estimated value of the discounted future is evaluated using a different policy, which solves the overestimation issue.
This algorithm was later modified in 2015 and combined with deep learning, [24] as in the DQN algorithm, resulting in Double DQN, which outperforms the original DQN algorithm. [25]
Delayed Q-learning is an alternative implementation of the online Q-learning algorithm, with probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. [26]
Greedy GQ is a variant of Q-learning to use in combination with (linear) function approximation. [27] The advantage of Greedy GQ is that convergence is guaranteed even when function approximation is used to estimate the action values.
Distributional Q-learning is a variant of Q-learning which seeks to model the distribution of returns rather than the expected return of each action. It has been observed to facilitate estimate by deep neural networks and can enable alternative control methods, such as risk-sensitive control. [28]
Q-learning has been proposed in the multi-agent setting (see Section 4.1.2 in [29] ). One approach consists in pretending the environment is passive. [30] Littman proposes the minimax Q learning algorithm. [31]
The standard Q-learning algorithm (using a table) applies only to discrete action and state spaces. Discretization of these values leads to inefficient learning, largely due to the curse of dimensionality. However, there are adaptations of Q-learning that attempt to solve this problem such as Wire-fitted Neural Network Q-Learning. [32]
Reinforcement learning (RL) is an interdisciplinary area of machine learning and optimal control concerned with how an intelligent agent should take actions in a dynamic environment in order to maximize a reward signal. Reinforcement learning is one of the three basic machine learning paradigms, alongside supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
In probability theory and statistics, the gamma distribution is a versatile two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. The exponential distribution, Erlang distribution, and chi-squared distribution are special cases of the gamma distribution. There are two equivalent parameterizations in common use:
Multi-task learning (MTL) is a subfield of machine learning in which multiple learning tasks are solved at the same time, while exploiting commonalities and differences across tasks. This can result in improved learning efficiency and prediction accuracy for the task-specific models, when compared to training the models separately. Inherently, Multi-task learning is a multi-objective optimization problem having trade-offs between different tasks. Early versions of MTL were called "hints".
Markov decision process (MDP), also called a stochastic dynamic program or stochastic control problem, is a model for sequential decision making when outcomes are uncertain.
Temporal difference (TD) learning refers to a class of model-free reinforcement learning methods which learn by bootstrapping from the current estimate of the value function. These methods sample from the environment, like Monte Carlo methods, and perform updates based on current estimates, like dynamic programming methods.
A Bellman equation, named after Richard E. Bellman, is a necessary condition for optimality associated with the mathematical optimization method known as dynamic programming. It writes the "value" of a decision problem at a certain point in time in terms of the payoff from some initial choices and the "value" of the remaining decision problem that results from those initial choices. This breaks a dynamic optimization problem into a sequence of simpler subproblems, as Bellman's “principle of optimality" prescribes. The equation applies to algebraic structures with a total ordering; for algebraic structures with a partial ordering, the generic Bellman's equation can be used.
In (unconstrained) mathematical optimization, a backtracking line search is a line search method to determine the amount to move along a given search direction. Its use requires that the objective function is differentiable and that its gradient is known.
The principle of detailed balance can be used in kinetic systems which are decomposed into elementary processes. It states that at equilibrium, each elementary process is in equilibrium with its reverse process.
In probability theory and machine learning, the multi-armed bandit problem is a problem in which a decision maker iteratively selects one of multiple fixed choices when the properties of each choice are only partially known at the time of allocation, and may become better understood as time passes. A fundamental aspect of bandit problems is that choosing an arm does not affect the properties of the arm or other arms.
A partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a generalization of a Markov decision process (MDP). A POMDP models an agent decision process in which it is assumed that the system dynamics are determined by an MDP, but the agent cannot directly observe the underlying state. Instead, it must maintain a sensor model and the underlying MDP. Unlike the policy function in MDP which maps the underlying states to the actions, POMDP's policy is a mapping from the history of observations to the actions.
Expected shortfall (ES) is a risk measure—a concept used in the field of financial risk measurement to evaluate the market risk or credit risk of a portfolio. The "expected shortfall at q% level" is the expected return on the portfolio in the worst of cases. ES is an alternative to value at risk that is more sensitive to the shape of the tail of the loss distribution.
State–action–reward–state–action (SARSA) is an algorithm for learning a Markov decision process policy, used in the reinforcement learning area of machine learning. It was proposed by Rummery and Niranjan in a technical note with the name "Modified Connectionist Q-Learning" (MCQ-L). The alternative name SARSA, proposed by Rich Sutton, was only mentioned as a footnote.
In cryptography, learning with errors (LWE) is a mathematical problem that is widely used to create secure encryption algorithms. It is based on the idea of representing secret information as a set of equations with errors. In other words, LWE is a way to hide the value of a secret by introducing noise to it. In more technical terms, it refers to the computational problem of inferring a linear -ary function over a finite ring from given samples some of which may be erroneous. The LWE problem is conjectured to be hard to solve, and thus to be useful in cryptography.
Constructing skill trees (CST) is a hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm which can build skill trees from a set of sample solution trajectories obtained from demonstration. CST uses an incremental MAP change point detection algorithm to segment each demonstration trajectory into skills and integrate the results into a skill tree. CST was introduced by George Konidaris, Scott Kuindersma, Andrew Barto and Roderic Grupen in 2010.
In machine learning, automatic basis function construction is the mathematical method of looking for a set of task-independent basis functions that map the state space to a lower-dimensional embedding, while still representing the value function accurately. Automatic basis construction is independent of prior knowledge of the domain, which allows it to perform well where expert-constructed basis functions are difficult or impossible to create.
In mathematics, Ricci calculus constitutes the rules of index notation and manipulation for tensors and tensor fields on a differentiable manifold, with or without a metric tensor or connection. It is also the modern name for what used to be called the absolute differential calculus, tensor calculus or tensor analysis developed by Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro in 1887–1896, and subsequently popularized in a paper written with his pupil Tullio Levi-Civita in 1900. Jan Arnoldus Schouten developed the modern notation and formalism for this mathematical framework, and made contributions to the theory, during its applications to general relativity and differential geometry in the early twentieth century. The basis of modern tensor analysis was developed by Bernhard Riemann in his a paper from 1861.
In computer science, a suffix automaton is an efficient data structure for representing the substring index of a given string which allows the storage, processing, and retrieval of compressed information about all its substrings. The suffix automaton of a string is the smallest directed acyclic graph with a dedicated initial vertex and a set of "final" vertices, such that paths from the initial vertex to final vertices represent the suffixes of the string.
In machine learning, Manifold regularization is a technique for using the shape of a dataset to constrain the functions that should be learned on that dataset. In many machine learning problems, the data to be learned do not cover the entire input space. For example, a facial recognition system may not need to classify any possible image, but only the subset of images that contain faces. The technique of manifold learning assumes that the relevant subset of data comes from a manifold, a mathematical structure with useful properties. The technique also assumes that the function to be learned is smooth: data with different labels are not likely to be close together, and so the labeling function should not change quickly in areas where there are likely to be many data points. Because of this assumption, a manifold regularization algorithm can use unlabeled data to inform where the learned function is allowed to change quickly and where it is not, using an extension of the technique of Tikhonov regularization. Manifold regularization algorithms can extend supervised learning algorithms in semi-supervised learning and transductive learning settings, where unlabeled data are available. The technique has been used for applications including medical imaging, geographical imaging, and object recognition.
Deep reinforcement learning is a subfield of machine learning that combines reinforcement learning (RL) and deep learning. RL considers the problem of a computational agent learning to make decisions by trial and error. Deep RL incorporates deep learning into the solution, allowing agents to make decisions from unstructured input data without manual engineering of the state space. Deep RL algorithms are able to take in very large inputs and decide what actions to perform to optimize an objective. Deep reinforcement learning has been used for a diverse set of applications including but not limited to robotics, video games, natural language processing, computer vision, education, transportation, finance and healthcare.
Proximal policy optimization (PPO) is a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for training an intelligent agent's decision function to accomplish difficult tasks. PPO was developed by John Schulman in 2017, and had become the default RL algorithm at the US artificial intelligence company OpenAI. Since 2018, PPO has seen success in a wide variety of applications, such as controlling a robotic arm, beating professional players at Dota 2, and excelling in Atari games. Many experts called PPO the state of the art, due to its ability to strike a balance between performance and comprehension. Compared with other algorithms, the three main advantages of PPO are simplicity, stability, and sample efficiency.
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