Retrieval-augmented generation

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Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a type of information retrieval process. It modifies interactions with a large language model (LLM) so that it responds to queries with reference to a specified set of documents, using it in preference to information drawn from its own vast, static training data. This allows LLMs to use domain-specific and/or updated information. [1] Use cases include providing chatbot access to internal company data, or giving factual information only from an authoritative source. [2]



The RAG process is made up of four key stages. First, all the data must be prepared and indexed for use by the LLM. Thereafter, each query consists of a retrieval, augmentation and a generation phase. [1]


The data to be referenced must first be converted into LLM embeddings, numerical representations in the form of large vectors. RAG can be used on unstructured (usually text), semi-structured, or structured data (for example knowledge graphs). [1] These embeddings are then stored in a vector database to allow for document retrieval.

Overview of RAG process: user input and context from documents are combined into an LLM prompt to get tailored responses RAG diagram.svg
Overview of RAG process: user input and context from documents are combined into an LLM prompt to get tailored responses


Given a user query, a document retriever is first called to select the most relevant documents which will be used to augment the query. [3] This is done by encoding the query as a vector embedding and then comparing it to the vectors of the source documents. [2] This comparison can be done using a variety of methods, which depend in part on the type of indexing used. [1]


The model feeds this relevant retrieved information into the LLM via prompt engineering of the user's original query. [2] Newer implementations (as of 2023) can also incorporate specific augmentation modules with abilities such as expanding queries into multiple domains, and using memory and self-improvement to learn from previous retrievals. [1]


Finally, the LLM can generate output based on both the query and the retrieved documents. [4] Some models incorporate extra steps to improve output such as the re-ranking of retrieved information, context selection and fine tuning. [1]


If the external data source is large, retrieval can be slow. The use of RAG does not completely eliminate the general challenges faced by LLMs, including hallucination. [3]

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gao, Yunfan; Xiong, Yun; Gao, Xinyu; Jia, Kangxiang; Pan, Jinliu; Bi, Yuxi; Dai, Yi; Sun, Jiawei; Wang, Meng; Wang, Haofen (2023). "Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey". eprint arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.10997.
  2. 1 2 3 "What is RAG? - Retrieval-Augmented Generation AI Explained - AWS". Amazon Web Services, Inc. Retrieved 16 July 2024.
  3. 1 2 "Next-Gen Large Language Models: The Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Handbook". 11 June 2024. Retrieved 16 July 2024.
  4. Lewis, Patrick; Perez, Ethan; Piktus, Aleksandra; Petroni, Fabio; Karpukhin, Vladimir; Goyal, Naman; Küttler, Heinrich; Lewis, Mike; Yih, Wen-tau; Rocktäschel, Tim; Riedel, Sebastian; Kiela, Douwe (2020). "Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 33. Curran Associates, Inc.: 9459–9474. arXiv: 2005.11401 .