Mamba (deep learning architecture)

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Mamba is a deep learning architecture focused on sequence modeling. It was developed by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Princeton University to address some limitations of transformer models, especially in processing long sequences. It is based on the Structured State Space sequence (S4) model. [1] [2] [3]



To enable handling long data sequences, Mamba incorporates the Structured State Space sequence model (S4). [1] S4 can effectively and efficiently model long dependencies by combining the strengths of continuous-time, recurrent, and convolutional models, enabling it to handle irregularly sampled data, have unbounded context, and remain computationally efficient both during training and testing. [4]

Mamba, building on the S4 model, introduces significant enhancements, particularly in its treatment of time-variant operations. Central to its design is a unique selection mechanism that adapts structured state space model (SSM) parameters based on the input. [5] [1] This enables Mamba to selectively focus on relevant information within sequences, effectively filtering out less pertinent data. The model transitions from a time-invariant to a time-varying framework, which impacts both the computation and efficiency of the system. [1] [6]

To address the computational challenges introduced by this time-variance, Mamba employs a hardware-aware algorithm. This algorithm enables efficient computation on modern hardware, like GPUs, by using kernel fusion, parallel scan, and recomputation. [1] The implementation avoids materializing expanded states in memory-intensive layers, thereby optimizing performance and memory usage. The result is an architecture that is significantly more efficient in processing long sequences compared to previous methods. [1] [6]

Additionally, Mamba simplifies its architecture by integrating the SSM design with MLP blocks, resulting in a homogeneous and streamlined structure, furthering the model's capability for general sequence modeling across various data types, including language, audio, and genomics, while maintaining efficiency in both training and inference. [1]

Key components

Comparison to Transformers

Inference SpeedO(n)O(1)
Training SpeedO(n2)O(n)


Token-free language models: MambaByte

Operating on byte-sized tokens, transformers scale poorly as every token must "attend" to every other token leading to O(n2) scaling laws, as a result, Transformers opt to use subword tokenization in order to reduce the number of tokens in text, however this leads to very large vocabulary tables and word embeddings.

This research investigates a novel approach to language modeling, MambaByte, which departs from the standard token-based methods. Unlike traditional models that rely on breaking text into discrete units, MambaByte directly processes raw byte sequences. This eliminates the need for tokenization, potentially offering several advantages: [8]

Subword tokenisation introduces a number of quirks in LLMs, such as failure modes where LLMs can't spell words, reverse certain words, handle rare tokens, which are not present in byte-level tokenisation. [9]

Andrej Karpathy, a founder behind OpenAI has stated "Eternal glory to anyone who can delete tokenization as a required step in LLMs. [9]

Mamba Mixture of Experts (MOE)

MoE Mamba represents a pioneering integration of the Mixture of Experts (MoE) technique with the Mamba architecture, enhancing the efficiency and scalability of State Space Models (SSMs) in language modeling. This model leverages the strengths of both MoE and SSMs, achieving significant gains in training efficiency—requiring 2.2 times fewer training steps than its predecessor, Mamba, while maintaining competitive performance. MoE Mamba showcases improved efficiency and effectiveness by combining selective state space modeling with expert-based processing, offering a promising avenue for future research in scaling SSMs to handle tens of billions of parameters. The model's design involves alternating Mamba and MoE layers, allowing it to efficiently integrate the entire sequence context and apply the most relevant expert for each token. [10] [11]

Vision Mamba

Vision Mamba (Vim) integrates SSMs with visual data processing, employing bidirectional Mamba blocks for visual sequence encoding. This method reduces the computational demands typically associated with self-attention in visual tasks. Tested on ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20k semantic segmentation, Vim showcases enhanced performance and efficiency, capable of handling high-resolution images with lower computational resources. This positions Vim as a scalable model for future advancements in visual representation learning. [12]


Jamba is a novel new architecture built on a hybrid transformer and mamba SSM architecture developed by AI21 Labs with 52 billion parameters, making it the largest Mamba-variant created so far. It has a context window of 256k tokens. [13]

Impact and Future Directions

Mamba LLM represents a significant potential shift in large language model architecture, offering faster, more efficient, and scalable models.

Its potential impact is vast, including applications in real-time language translation, content generation, long-form text analysis, audio, and speech processing. Further research is ongoing to explore Mamba's capabilities and potential for even more diverse applications.

See also

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  10. Pióro, Maciej; Ciebiera, Kamil; Król, Krystian; Ludziejewski, Jan; Jaszczur, Sebastian (2024-01-08), MoE-Mamba: Efficient Selective State Space Models with Mixture of Experts, arXiv: 2401.04081 , retrieved 2024-02-23
  11. Nikhil (2024-01-13). "This AI Paper Proposes MoE-Mamba: Revolutionizing Machine Learning with Advanced State Space Models and Mixture of Experts MoEs Outperforming both Mamba and Transformer-MoE Individually". MarkTechPost. Retrieved 2024-02-23.
  12. Zhu, Lianghui; Liao, Bencheng; Zhang, Qian; Wang, Xinlong; Liu, Wenyu; Wang, Xinggang (2024-02-10), Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model, arXiv: 2401.09417 , retrieved 2024-02-23
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