The commodification of water refers to the process of turning water, especially freshwater, from a public good into a tradable commodity also known as an economic good. This transformation introduces water as a product into a market which previously did not have water as a tradable item. Usually, this is done in the hope of seeing the resource be managed more efficiently[ citation needed ]. The commodification of water has increased significantly during the 20th century, along with the concerns for water scarcity and environmental degradation.
The emergence of the commodification of water was centered around two main views[ citation needed ]: that people might soon struggle to access water, and that government regulation of environmentally damaging behavior was ineffective. Commodification is theoretically rooted in the neoclassical discourse which says that by assigning an economic value to a good or service, one can prevent misuse. The commodification of water, although not new[ citation needed ], is considered part of a more recent market-based approach to water governance and provokes both approval and disapproval from stakeholders.
Through the establishment of Western private property rights and market mechanisms, some argue that water will be allocated more efficiently. Karen Bakker [1] describes this market-based approach proposed by neoliberals as "market environmentalism": a method of resource regulation that promises economic and environmental objectives can be met in tandem. [2] To this extent the commodification of water can be viewed as an extension of capitalist and market tendencies into new spaces and social relations. [3] Karl Marx termed this phenomenon, "primitive accumulation". [4] For this reason there remains serious doubt as to whether commodification of water can help improve access to freshwater supplies and conserve water as a resource.
Water is a basic need of life and presently, an estimated one billion persons do not have access to safe drinking water, and even more have inadequate sanitation. [5] Global institutions, including the United Nations, warn of the impact of a growing global population and the effects of climate change on the ability of people to access freshwater. [3] This is especially concerning considering that the bottled water market has consistently earned more than four billion U.S. Dollars a year since the turn of the century[ citation needed ]. This makes the debate over improving current and future water provision an urgent one and therefore thrusts discussion over approaches to water governance into the foreground to avert a looming crisis. This theory was phrased in Fortune Magazine as:
"Water promises to be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th century: the precious commodity that determines the wealth of nations" [6]
Issues surrounding the provision of water are nothing new; however, the approach to the problematic has changed dramatically during the last century. For the majority of the 20th century water was publicly provisioned in an era of the Keynesian welfare state. [3] The state incurred high capital costs in building long-lasting infrastructure that could readily supply the population with universal access to water in the pursuit of economic growth and industrialisation. The emphasis was on social equity, with water resources state owned and centrally regulated through command and control regulation. [7] The emphasis was on providing universal access and supply led solutions. This approach was heavily criticized during the late 20th century and under the prevailing ethos of neoliberal economic globalization, commodification of water was increasingly presented as the answer. [3] The ability of the state to continue provision of water efficiently was questioned in the latter half of the 20th century in parallel with the environmentalist movement which raised awareness of the resulting environmental degradation and ecological disturbances. [1] The fiscal crisis of the 1970s decreased public spending in most developed nations, leading to further deterioration of state-run infrastructure and further exacerbating problems of provision. Together with critics' insistence on state inability to operate efficiently [3] these factors created an impetus for change in water governance. [8] The precipitated change in attitude as to how water should be governed was market-based governance, proposed by neoliberals, and becoming the dominant approach to environmental problems. This shift in attitude led to the intensification of the commodification of water.
In neoclassical terms, a commodity is a good or service that can be traded or exchanged in the marketplace for another commodity or money. [9] Commodification is rooted in Marxist political theory and entails the creation of an economic good that previously was not prescribed an economic value. This takes place through the application of market mechanisms with the intended result being a standardized class of goods or services. [8] Once commodified an economic good can be bought or sold at a price determined by market exchange, and as such market values replace social values previously attached to the good. [1] It is this transformation from a public good to an economic good that neoliberals claim leads to better management and allocation of a resource, such as water. In accordance with welfare economics, this view infers the more efficiently managed a resource is the higher a society's welfare. [1] This neoliberal sentiment of water as an economic good not unlike any other is visible in a quote from The Economist: "Only by accepting water as a tradable commodity will sensible decisions be possible" (The Economist, 1992).
The theoretical reasoning for proposing commodification as an answer to environmental problems can be related back to Garrett Hardin's work "The Tragedy of the Commons". [10] In this he proposed that environmental problems do not have a technical solution because they are common resource problems. Water has historically been classified a "common good" or part of the global commons which has led to overexploitation and poor management. According to Hardins' theory multiple individuals acting both independently and rationally will continue to deplete common resources in the pursuit of self-interest. Concerns surrounding the overexploitation of water created it as a scarce resource prompting commodification as an effort to protect it. [11] For a commodification to be achieved the commons are enclosed into private property which provides the motivating force for conservation and efficient management in the absence of strong collective action. [12] Commodification places an economic value on an environmental resource which seeks to include and internalize the costs of using it within economic calculations. The logic proceeds, if a resource can be valued correctly it can be protected. To ascertain an economic value and produce a tradable commodity, commodification requires the natural object to be removed from its biophysical context thus transforming its identity and value. [1] [11] Through commodification water becomes responsive to market forces which are assumed to be better equipped at allocating resources and regulating environmentally damaging behavior than command and control regulation thus providing justification for the shift in attitude.
The creation of water as a private good and a scarce resource enabled a market-based approach to be put forward as the best available solution to protect it. [3] This shift towards market-based solutions was not limited to water and was typical of a macroeconomic neoliberal approach to the environment. The market approach assumes that private actors will act rationally to maximize self-interest given the best information available. Markets are proposed to effectively pool knowledge allowing interaction between many stakeholders, and as a result are more effective at producing collective action and promoting public interest when compared to regulatory control. [12] Through commodification water is paid for on the basis of market determined supply and demand instead of ability to pay. The supposed ability of market mechanisms to realize a resource's true 'value' is assumed to lead to its protection and conservation. [3] "Market environmentalism" [1] best describes this sentiment and emerged from the same line of thinking as ecological modernization, proposing the market as the solution and not the cause of the problem whereby the previously antagonistic relationship between economic growth and environmental protection is reconciled allowing both objectives to be achieved. [2] [13] This is appealing to policymakers and private interests alike in that it envisages solutions within the capitalist system.
In light of this, the commodification of water can be viewed as a market-based governance approach which seeks to confront conflicts between public and private interests and as such part of a broader shift in focus 'government' to 'governance'. [14] Governance represents a new method by which society is governed which seeks to involve more stakeholders in decision making. [11] The release of the water sector from state ownership and subsequent efforts to commodify water allow for more individual actors to participate in decision making thereby increasing the probability of consensual decisions being produced, which would not have been possible when decisions were previously made by one actor, the government. [15] The states role in environmental problems was realigned and scaled down to be positioned as just one of many stakeholders aligned along horizontal networks. [15] Through public/private partnerships it is hoped that resource management will take place more effectively through the pooling of more knowledge from a wider range of stakeholders. [5]
Although the extent to which water has been commodified is of debate, [1] [3] attempts to do so have led to improvements in biological and chemical water quality [16] as the environment has been prioritised to a greater degree in decision making. The benefits of commodification are well documented by its neoliberal proponents however criticisms concerning commodification and market environmentalism as a solution to environmental problems are less considered. Commodification inherently requires the enclosure of public assets to allow trade within the market place as economic goods. Criticism of this process identifies commodification as a systemic flaw within the capitalist system. Marx's theory of primitive accumulation describes how the capitalist system needs to continually expand into non-capitalist sectors which would have originally taken place through imperialism. [3] [4] Marx's criticism of commodification refers to this reckless addiction to growth and extends to the manner in which it changes a good's materiality so that natural objects lose their use value simply in exchange for a price. He believed that commodification transformed not only goods but relationships previously untouched by commerce, harming society in the process. [5] David Harvey built upon Marx's theory and coined the phrase "accumulation by dispossession" [17] which refers to this notion of expansion but considers it inherent within the capitalist system, which will find ways other than imperialism to achieve its goal. This form of capital accumulation tends to direct wealth away from the poor towards the elite and direct capital from the public to the private sector. This has exacerbated social inequality and directed natural resources away from their geographical context causing damage to ecosystems across the globe. [5]
The commodification of water has created a situation whereby the provision of the resource is in the hands a select few multinationals, with the top two multinationals controlling approximately 75% of the industry. [18] This 'looting of the commons' has led to amplification of already existing problems within water governance. Commodification necessitates a full recovery price and the removal of cross-subsidies to ensure free market trade. In South Africa this has led to thousands of disconnections from the water supply for those who cannot pay; commentators fear that this has harmed the health of the nation's people and decreased social equality further. [17]
The formation of private public partnerships (PPP) is the standard model for transferring public goods to private goods with the aim to reconcile conflict between the public and private sector. [5] They are promoted by global institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as the best available way to manage water resources efficiently and are rapidly increasing in number providing evidence for the global trend of commodification. The aforementioned institutions promote such behaviour by imposing lending agreements on developing nations requiring them to adopt their neoliberal principles, which leaves national governments in the developing world little choice but to adopt such practices. [18] PPPs are intended to increase the involvement of a wider range of stakeholders through horizontal networks including NGOs, civil society, and the public and private sector, [19] however the increasing influence of multinational companies may serve to undermine this. Multinational water companies due to their enormous size are able to exert strong pressure on national governments to cooperate with their demands. PPPs have recently been implicated in projects that have overexploited natural resources in the name of profit. [17] The relative power of multinationals in comparison to other stakeholders engineers a dominant bargaining power in decision making. With the support of various institutions together with the intrinsic urge of capitalism to expand into new areas this trend looks set to continue.
Conferences formed to address the issues in water governance such as the Third World Water Forum are becoming more apparent in the 21st century; however these can often fall foul to the same endemic problems outlined above. NGOs and members of civil society criticised the Third World Water Forum for failing to declare water a human right and continuing to prefer commodification as the solution to the current water crisis. [18] They argue that the world's poor stand to become worse off as a result of commodification as objectives of social equality and universal access are traded in for economic efficiency and profit. [1] The social inequality and environmental degradation that have arisen are proof that economic valuation failed to take into account key social and environmental costs of using water.[ citation needed ] Nevertheless, there is opposition to the continued commodification which Karl Polanyi [20] termed ‘counter movement’. In this case they are concerned with returning water back to the global commons. [17] NGOs and members of civil society have formed voluntary networks with the aim of banning future decisions to further commodify water. [21] These movements have arisen in opposition to capitalist accumulation through globalisation and are serving to decrease the trend in commodification. Full commodification faces difficulties theoretically as it relies on an economic good or service being standardised and readily exchangeable in the market place irrespective of its spatial and temporal dimensions. Bakker [1] argues that this is nearly impossible for water due to its biophysical characteristics that contravene all efforts to fully commodify. Capitalism depends on a changing balance between (re-)commodification and decommodification, which as Bob Jessop [14] points out means that the processes of commodification, decommodification and recommodification will continue to appear in ‘waves’ due to capitalism's continual pursuit of accumulation by dispossession.[ citation needed ]
Only one half of one percent of water on earth is fresh, liquid, and accessible. Some communities in the Middle East, South-Central Africa, Northern China, Western United States, and Mexico live in areas completely devoid of fresh water. More than half of the completely dry countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa, affecting a total of nearly one billion people. Despite this, water bottling corporations, energy development companies, and mining operations continue to siphon water from politically or economically poorer nearby communities. Using water in that way at this rate is primarily detrimental to poorer marginalized and indigenous communities. Examples of this are common worldwide, but are especially dangerous when the oppressive companies set their sights on drier regions of the world. Water colonization expresses itself in ways similar to grander colonization. The capturing and acquisition of land by violence or coercion, adaptation to the culture or proceedings of the nearby people, and misguided post-hoc justification are all aspects of colonization, even on this smaller scale. The consequences are also very similar. At threat of state violence, the residents of the community are rendered politically powerless, often end up paying for the colonization in all ways, and are left with the political, economic, and environmental consequences. The major difference is that this colonization is usually conducted by the local or state governments or corporations. Although these operations don't often include violence, there have been examples of paramilitary groups being hired to defend corporations. These paramilitary groups have been known to kill protesters, community members, and accidental trespassers. They are also mostly purchased by the large corporations, especially for mining operations.[ citation needed ]
The commodification of water has resulted in limited consumer choice due to corporate concentration and retail channel restrictions. In the water industry, corporate consolidation has led to exclusive distribution contracts, restricting the availability of diverse water brands in retail spaces, schools, and restaurants in the USA and Canada. [22]
Consumers often lack the opportunity to exercise choice or express resistance through their purchasing decisions. [22] Unlike commodities such as coffee or organic vegetables where consumers can opt for ethically sourced or fair-traded options, the commodification of water often restricts consumer agency. Limited shelf space, exclusive contracts, and narrow retail channels limit the availability of alternative, ethically conscious water choices. Most consumers face constraints when attempting to resist bottled water commodification. The act of opting for tap water or using refillable bottles can be inconspicuous, while the prevalence of bottled water usage is overtly visible in daily litter and consumer behavior. [22]
Despite these limitations, there are emerging voices of resistance against the commodification of water. A survey conducted among young adults revealed that about 34 percent chose not to purchase bottled water due to concerns about pricing, environmental impact, and objections to supporting large corporations. [22]
Online platforms, including websites and blogs, serve as arenas for voicing resentment and suspicion towards the commodification of water. Criticism is aimed at the concept of paying for water, the environmental impact of plastic usage, and the profit motives of corporations. [22] This emotional response highlights broader societal concerns about corporate manipulation and exploitation within consumer culture. Notably, instances such as the recall of a popular water brand, which was revealed to be filtered tap water, exemplify public sentiments against perceived corporate deceit and manipulation, contributing to a broader sense of mistrust within consumer culture. [22]
Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. The defining characteristics of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, work ethic, consumer sovereignty, decentralized decision-making, profit motive, a financial infrastructure of money and investment that makes possible credit and debt, entrepreneurship, commodification, voluntary exchange, wage labor, production of commodities and services, and a strong emphasis on innovation and economic growth. In a market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by owners of wealth, property, or ability to maneuver capital or production ability in capital and financial markets—whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets.
Environmental economics is a sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issues. It has become a widely studied subject due to growing environmental concerns in the twenty-first century. Environmental economics "undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world. ... Particular issues include the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies to deal with air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, and global warming."
In economics, an externality or external cost is an indirect cost or benefit to an uninvolved third party that arises as an effect of another party's activity. Externalities can be considered as unpriced components that are involved in either consumer or producer market transactions. Air pollution from motor vehicles is one example. The cost of air pollution to society is not paid by either the producers or users of motorized transport to the rest of society. Water pollution from mills and factories is another example. All (water) consumers are made worse off by pollution but are not compensated by the market for this damage. A positive externality is when an individual's consumption in a market increases the well-being of others, but the individual does not charge the third party for the benefit. The third party is essentially getting a free product or service. An example of this might be the apartment above a bakery receiving some free heat in winter. The people who live in the apartment do not compensate the bakery for this benefit.
This aims to be a complete article list of economics topics:
In Marxist philosophy, commodity fetishism is the perception of the economic relationships of production and exchange as relationships among things rather than among people. As a form of reification, commodity fetishism presents economic value as inherent to the commodities, and not as arising from the workforce, from the human relations that produced the commodity, the goods and the services.
Free-market environmentalism argues that the free market, property rights, and tort law provide the best means of preserving the environment, internalizing pollution costs, and conserving resources.
Commodification is the process of transforming inalienable, free, or gifted things into commodities, or objects for sale. It has a connotation of losing an inherent quality or social relationship when something is integrated by a capitalist marketplace. Concepts that have been argued as being commodified include broad items such as the body, intimacy, public goods, animals and holidays.
Eco-capitalism, also known as environmental capitalism or (sometimes) green capitalism, is the view that capital exists in nature as "natural capital" on which all wealth depends. Therefore, governments should use market-based policy-instruments to resolve environmental problems.
An economic system, or economic order, is a system of production, resource allocation and distribution of goods and services within a society. It includes the combination of the various institutions, agencies, entities, decision-making processes, and patterns of consumption that comprise the economic structure of a given community.
A theory of capitalism describes the essential features of capitalism and how it functions. The history of various such theories is the subject of this article.
The culture of capitalism or capitalist culture is the set of social practices, social norms, values and patterns of behavior that are attributed to the capitalist economic system in a capitalist society. Capitalist culture promotes the accumulation of capital and the sale of commodities, where individuals are primarily defined by their relationship to business and the market. The culture is composed of people who, behaving according to a set of learned rules, act as they must act in order to survive in capitalist societies.
Criticism of capitalism typically ranges from expressing disagreement with particular aspects or outcomes of capitalism to rejecting the principles of the capitalist system in its entirety. Criticism comes from various political and philosophical approaches, including anarchist, socialist, Marxist, religious, and nationalist viewpoints. Some believe that capitalism can only be overcome through revolution while others believe that structural change can come slowly through political reforms. Some critics believe there are merits in capitalism and wish to balance it with some form of social control, typically through government regulation.
In economics, a market is a composition of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations or infrastructures whereby parties engage in exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter, most markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services to buyers in exchange for money. It can be said that a market is the process by which the value of goods and services are established. Markets facilitate trade and enable the distribution and allocation of resources in a society. Markets allow any tradeable item to be evaluated and priced. A market emerges more or less spontaneously or may be constructed deliberately by human interaction in order to enable the exchange of rights of services and goods. Markets generally supplant gift economies and are often held in place through rules and customs, such as a booth fee, competitive pricing, and source of goods for sale.
Overaccumulation is one of the potential causes of the crisis of capital accumulation. In crisis theory, a crisis of capital occurs due to what Karl Marx refers to as the internal contradictions inherent in the capitalist system which result in the reconfiguration of production. The contradiction in this situation is realized because of the condition of capitalism that requires the accumulation of capital through the continual reinvestment of surplus value.
Heritage commodification is the process by which cultural themes and expressions come to be evaluated primarily in terms of their exchange value, specifically within the context of cultural tourism. These cultural expressions and aspects of heritage become "cultural goods," transformed into commodities to be bought, sold and profited from in the heritage tourism industry. In the context of modern globalization, complex and often contradictory layers of meaning are produced in local societies, and the marketing of one's cultural expressions can degrade a particular culture while simultaneously assisting in its integration into the global economy. The repatriation of profits, or "leakage", that occurs with the influx of tourist capital into a heritage tourist site is a crucial part of any sustainable development that can be considered beneficial to local communities. Modern heritage tourism reproduces an economic dynamic that is dependent upon capital from tourists and corporations in creating sustained viability. Tourism is often directly tied to economic development, so many populations see globalization as providing increased access to vital medical services and important commodities.
Production for use is a phrase referring to the principle of economic organization and production taken as a defining criterion for a socialist economy. It is held in contrast to production for profit. This criterion is used to distinguish communism from capitalism, and is one of the fundamental defining characteristics of communism.
The commodification of nature is an area of research within critical environmental studies that is concerned with the ways in which natural entities and processes are made exchangeable through the market, and the implications thereof.
In Karl Marx's critique of political economy and subsequent Marxian analyses, the capitalist mode of production refers to the systems of organizing production and distribution within capitalist societies. Private money-making in various forms preceded the development of the capitalist mode of production as such. The capitalist mode of production proper, based on wage-labour and private ownership of the means of production and on industrial technology, began to grow rapidly in Western Europe from the Industrial Revolution, later extending to most of the world.
A knowledge regime is a type of system involving a specific set of actors, organizations, and institutions that create policy ideas used to alter the organization and overall operation of the policy-making and production process. Knowledge regimes are beneficial for the implementation of public policy because they introduce new sets of data, research, theories, recommendations, and many other influential ideas directed towards an end goal of economic competition.
Progressive capitalism is an economic framework that seeks to recalibrate the roles of the market, state, and civil society to enhance societal well-being. This approach advocates for a new social contract that leverages market forces and entrepreneurship while addressing issues such as market dominance, inequality, and the consequences of globalization. Progressive capitalism emphasizes the need for government investment in technology, education, healthcare, and green infrastructure, alongside implementing public options for essential services.
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