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Japan Post Mailbox conveniently located inside a shopping mall Japan Post Convenience Store Mailbox.jpg
Japan Post Mailbox conveniently located inside a shopping mall
Home appliances such as this Follows & Bate Ltd 'Rapid Marmalade Cutter' increase the convenience of home food preparation FollowsAndBateMarmaladeCutter.jpg
Home appliances such as this Follows & Bate Ltd 'Rapid Marmalade Cutter' increase the convenience of home food preparation

Convenient procedures, products and services are those intended to increase ease in accessibility, save resources (such as time, effort [1] and energy) and decrease frustration. A modern convenience is a labor-saving device, service or substance which make a task easier or more efficient than a traditional method. Convenience is a relative concept, and depends on context. For example, automobiles were once considered a convenience, yet today are regarded as a normal part of life.


Because differences in lifestyles around the world, the term is a relative term based upon the conveniences previously available to a person or group. For instance, an American definition of 'modern convenience' is likely different from that of an individual living in a developing country. Most of the time, the term 'modern convenience' is used to express personal lifestyle and home life.


Service conveniences are those that save shoppers time or effort, and includes variables such as credit availability and extended store hours. [1] Service convenience pertains to the facilitation of selling both goods and services, and combinations of the two. [1]

Convenience goods are widely distributed products that "require minimal time and physical and mental effort to purchase." [1]

Ready meals and convenience cooking spare the consumer effort in preparation of a meal while providing high levels of energy and pronounced, if mostly artificial, flavour.

Filling stations sell items that have nothing to do with refuelling a motor vehicle, (e.g. milk, newspapers, cigarettes) but purchasing at that location can save the consumer time compared to making a separate journey to a supermarket. Conveniences such as direct deposit can save companies and consumers money, though this may or may not be passed along to the consumer.[ citation needed ]

Some conveniences can become nuisances when they break down or don't function correctly. It costs time and money to fix items of convenience when they break down, and may cause much greater costs if something else that depends on them cannot take place.


Late 20th century

Household In 1911, architect and author Louis. H. Gibson defined modern conveniences as "those arrangements and appliances which make it possible for people to live comfort ably in a larger house, without seriously increasing the cares which they had in a smaller one". The supposition is that at that time if a family lived in a smaller home, they would have less furniture, appliances and other goods to take care of, and as a result the family's lifestyle and housekeeping would be relatively easy. If, on the other hand, a family moved into a larger home the increase area and furnishings would be much more difficult to manage without labor-saving devices. [2] :21–23

Examples of modern conveniences at that time included: [2] :23–25 [3]

20th century

The homes of the 20th century are much bigger than the homes of our family members from the 19th century, both in terms of square footage and number of rooms. Homes built at the beginning of the 21st century have 2–3 times more rooms than homes at the turn of the 20th century. In terms of square footage, new homes built in 2000 are 50% larger than a home built in the 1960s. [4]

The 20th century also enjoyed a proliferation of home appliances like washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, microwave ovens, frost-free refrigerators, water heaters, air conditioning, vacuum cleaners, and irons. Electricity and innovative electronics products including stereo equipment, color television, answering machine, and video cassette recorders also facilitated modern life. [5] [6]

21st century

Comparison of modern conveniences in new housing construction

In his 2011 book America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb: How the Looming Debt Crisis Threatens the American Dream—and How We Can Turn the Tide Before It's Too Late, Peter Ferrara says that the residential access to modern convenience is markedly different in the 21st century compared to the beginning of the 20th century: [4]

Modern conveniences190019502011
Electricity< 2%Not statedNot stated
Running water
Flush toilets
Vacuum cleaner
Gas or electric heat
< 20%Unknown80–100%
Microwave oven
Air conditioner
None< 20%80–100%
Central air conditioning
Decks and Patios
Swimming pools
Ceiling fans
Extremely rareExtremely rarePrevalent

Upcoming technological advancements David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect (2010), wrote in an article called Tech Targets the Third World projects that technological advancements in education and health care, mobile computing and broadband will empower the poor and provide economic opportunities that they would not otherwise have access. These technologies are relatively easy and cost-effective to implement because of technological advancements that have driven down the costs and because developing countries do not have expensive and outdated legacy systems to manage emerging technology. [7]

Religious groups

Religious groups that shun modern conveniences include Anabaptists (and their direct descendants, the Amish, Hutterites, and Mennonites) and Judaism.


Key beliefs that determine an Anabaptist community's position on use of modern conveniences are: [8] [9] :35

Religion General positionElectricityComments on modern conveniences
AmishGenerally, the Amish avoid use of modern conveniences to limit their contact with the outside world. [10] :54 In recent years, there has been greater openness to strategically select certain modern conveniences to support their businesses, while keeping the spirit of the separateness. Per Donald Kraybill and Steven Nolt: "If it enhances the welfare of the community, new technology is welcomed. Only when it peels away community cohesion does technology face the frown of the church." [10] :67Generally, [11] Amish avoid electricity lines coming directly in their homes, but they may use battery, generators, or pneumatic or hydraulic power, such as for machinery and tools. [10] :54In most cases the Amish do not have cars, telephone lines coming into their home, or farm equipment that they would ride, all of which increase contact with the outside world or be significant advantages from worldly capabilities. There are exceptions, such as use of voicemail and mobile phones for people who own businesses or are in a progressive order, with guidance provided by their church. [10] :67 [11] [12] [13] [10]
MennoniteThere is wide disparity among the Mennonite, from those most Progressive to the strictest Old Order about the use of modern conveniences. For instance, some Progressive Mennonites live in cities and enjoy many of the modern conveniences of their non-Mennonite neighbors. Each Mennonite community determines its right path, but always with the ideal of living "simply and humbly". [9] :13,35See general comment and Old Order information.See general comment and Old Order information.
Old order Anabaptists: Hutterites, Mennonites, Amish and Brethren Although there are some modern conveniences that Old Order members enjoy, they are the most reluctant of the Anabaptists to accept the use of technology, especially direct use. For many of them it is a slippery slope that leads to eternal damnation. [14] :1,259Use of telephone service and electricity lines brought into the home are generally discouraged, decisions are made by the individual religious communities. Like the Amish, they explore creative use of energy, like batteries, generators, etc. [14] :97,248,252–255It is difficult to provide one conclusion for four Old Order religions: Each religious community determines the use of modern conveniences based upon their specific circumstances. [14] :236,252,259

Orthodox and Conservative Judaism

For Orthodox and Conservative Jews, Shabbat is the seventh day of the Jewish week and is a day of rest in Judaism. Shabbat is observed from a few minutes before sunset on Friday evening until a few minutes after the appearance of three stars in the sky on Saturday night. [15] On Shabbat, Jews recall the Genesis creation narrative describing God creating the Heavens and the Earth in six days and resting on the seventh. It also recalls the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, when God commanded the Israelite nation to observe the seventh day and keep it holy. Shabbat is considered a festive day, when a Jew is freed from the regular labors of everyday life, can contemplate the spiritual aspects of life, and can spend time with family.

Orthodox and some Conservative authorities rule that there are 39 prohibited activities of work (referred to as "melakhot"), such as turning electric devices on or off, driving cars, and more, during the Shabbat, as listed in Mishnah Tractate Shabbat. [16] [17] [18]


There are many ramifications of the development of modern conveniences for individuals and their families over the past 150 or more years. The many labor-saving devices have kept pace with growing houses and furnishings and allow for greater leisure. There are also some negative effects, some of which are also as the result of advancements in chemical technology in the food that we eat or products that we use. In these cases there are also conflicting opinions about the extent to which some of the products are harmful. Here are a few examples of positive and negative effects of modern conveniences.

Positive effects

Health care

Some of the major improvements over the past century has been in improved health care. For example, modern medicine has made leaps in preventing infectious diseases in part due to improved water and sewage treatment. This is obvious in the marked rises in life expectancy. [19]

Technological advancement in underdeveloped countries

Some of the most dramatic technological benefits are seen in underdeveloped countries. For instance, cabling for landline telephone service is expensive and requires a lot of time to complete, especially in the most remote areas. Introduction of cellphone service, on the other hand, is much cheaper and dramatically improves individual's ability to be economically productive, often in microbusinesses. It is estimated that 80% of the world's population is now located within range of cellular towers, 1.5 billion cellular phones are in use in developing countries and, in India alone, five million customers sign up for cellular service each week. The Four Asian Tigers—i.e., Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea—are a few of the countries that have leveraged technology to become a presence in the global community. [7]

Another example, led by Nicholas Negroponte of MIT's Media Lab in rural Asia, Latin America and Africa, provides $100 laptop computers to underdeveloped countries. [7]

Negative effects

In 1905, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article titled "Nervous Strain" about how "modern conveniences" make our lives busier and with less direct contact than the preceding generations. As an example, the author compared having a calming cup of tea with a person to the more distant practice of placing a telephone call. Labor-saving devices meant that people now spent more time sitting, breathed machine-generated smoke, and ate food, especially meat, fat and sugars, in greater abundance, changing peoples' diets. These activities were speculated to result in high blood pressure, obesity, and "nervous strain". [20]

Meat consumption

Because of the enormous productivity growth in intensive agriculture and meat industry, meat has become a major part of the diet in most developed countries and is on the rise in developing countries. Red meat consumption has been linked to colon cancer; besides, growth hormone and antibiotics treatment of cattle and poultry has raised serious concerns about the adverse effects of those substances in industrially produced meat. [21]

Processed food and food preparation

Processed foods, high-fructose corn syrup, and increased fat—the greater reliance on processed, packaged, microwaveable food has resulted in a rise in Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other health concerns.[ medical citation needed ] Margarine, once seen as a great alternative to butter, does not help with absorption of nutrients and may contribute to heart disease.[ medical citation needed ]


Styrofoam cups release styrene as the food or drink is consumed. Leaded fuel is another hazardous chemical. Although it has been outlawed in the United States, its use in developing countries impacts the health of local people and the global environment. [19]

See also

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Anabaptism is a Christian movement which traces its origins to the Radical Reformation in the 16th century. Anabaptists believe that baptism is valid only when candidates freely confess their faith in Christ and request to be baptized. Commonly referred to as believer's baptism, it is opposed to baptism of infants, who are not able to make a conscious decision to be baptized.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mennonites</span> Anabaptist groups originating in Western Europe

Mennonites are a group of Anabaptist Christian communities tracing their roots to the epoch of the Radical Reformation. The name Mennonites is derived from the cleric Menno Simons (1496–1561) of Friesland, part of the Holy Roman Empire, present day Netherlands. Menno Simons became a prominent leader within the wider Anabaptist movement and was a contemporary of Martin Luther (1483–1546) and Philip Melanchthon (1497–1560). Through his writings about the Reformation Simons articulated and formalized the teachings of earlier Swiss Anabaptist founders as well as early teachings of the Mennonites founded on the belief in both the mission and ministry of Jesus. Formal Mennonite beliefs were codified in the Dordrecht Confession of Faith (1632), which affirmed "the baptism of believers only, the washing of the feet as a symbol of servanthood, church discipline, the shunning of the excommunicated, the non-swearing of oaths, marriage within the same church", nonresistance, and in general, more emphasis on "true Christianity" involving "being Christian and obeying Christ" as they interpret it from the Holy Bible.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Plain people</span> Simple lifestyle Christians

Plain people are Christian groups in the United States, characterized by separation from the world and by simple living, including plain dressing in modest clothing. Many plain people have an Anabaptist background. These denominations are largely of German, Swiss German and Dutch ancestry, though people of diverse backgrounds have been incorporated into them. Conservative Friends are traditional Quakers who are also considered plain people; they come from a variety of different ethnic backgrounds.

Old Order Mennonites form a branch of the Mennonite tradition. Old Order are those Mennonite groups of Swiss German and south German heritage who practice a lifestyle without some elements of modern technology, still drive a horse and buggy rather than cars, wear very conservative and modest dress, and have retained the old forms of worship, baptism and communion.

The Ordnung is a set of rules for Amish, Old Order Mennonite and Conservative Mennonite living. Ordnung is the German word for order, discipline, rule, arrangement, organization, or system. Because the Amish have no central church government, each assembly is autonomous and is its own governing authority. Thus, every local church maintains an individual set of rules, adhering to its own Ordnung, which may vary from district to district as each community administers its own guidelines. Among the Amish, these rules are largely unwritten, yet they define the very essence of Amish identity. Conservative Mennonites refer to Ordnung by the English terms "discipline" or "standard", and their rules are usually written.

The New Order Amish are a subgroup of Amish that split away from the Old Order Amish in the 1960s for a variety of reasons, which included a desire for "clean" youth courting standards, meaning they do not condone the practice of bundling during courtship. Tobacco and alcohol are also not allowed. They also wished to incorporate more evangelical elements into the church, including Sunday school and mission work. Some scholars see the group best characterized as a subgroup of the Old Order Amish, despite the name.

Donald B. Kraybill is an American author, lecturer, and educator on Anabaptist faiths and culture. Kraybill is widely recognized for his studies on Anabaptist groups and in particular the Amish. He has researched and written extensively on Anabaptist culture. He is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Elizabethtown College and Senior Fellow Emeritus at Elizabethtown's Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies.

Amish Mennonites came into existence through reform movements among North American Amish mainly between 1862 and 1878. These Amish moved away from the old Amish traditions and drew near to the Mennonites, becoming Mennonites of Amish origin. Over the decades, most Amish Mennonites groups removed the word "Amish" from the name of their congregations or merged with Mennonite groups.

Steven M. Nolt is an American scholar who serves as Senior Scholar and Professor of History and Anabaptist Studies at the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College. The author of fifteen books, most of which focus on Amish and Mennonite history and culture, Nolt is a frequent source for journalists and other researching Anabaptist groups. He was often quoted in the aftermath of the 2006 West Nickel Mines School shooting at Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Groffdale Conference Mennonite Church</span>

The Groffdale Conference Mennonite Church, also called Wenger Mennonites, is the largest Old Order Mennonite group to use horse-drawn carriages for transportation. Along with the automobile, they reject many modern conveniences, while allowing electricity in their homes and steel-wheeled tractors to till the fields. Initially concentrated in eastern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, their numbers had grown to 22,305 people resided in eight other states as of 2015. They share the pulpit with the Ontario Mennonite Conference but have some differences in Ordnung.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amish</span> Group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships

The Amish, formally the Old Order Amish, are a group of traditionalist Anabaptist Christian church fellowships with Swiss and Alsatian origins. As they maintain a degree of separation from surrounding populations, and hold their faith in common, the Amish have been described by certain scholars as an ethnoreligious group, combining features of an ethnicity and a Christian denomination. The Amish are closely related to Old Order Mennonites and Conservative Mennonites—denominations that are also a part of Anabaptist Christianity. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, Christian pacifism, and slowness to adopt many conveniences of modern technology, with a view neither to interrupt family time, nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible, and a view to maintain self-sufficiency. The Amish value rural life, manual labor, humility and Gelassenheit.

The Swartzentruber Amish are one of the largest and most conservative subgroups of Old Order Amish. The Swartzentruber Amish are considered a subgroup of the Old Order Amish, although they do not fellowship or intermarry with more liberal Old Order Amish. They speak Pennsylvania German as their mother tongue as well as English.

Conservative Mennonites include numerous Conservative Anabaptist groups that identify with the theologically conservative element among Mennonite Anabaptist Christian fellowships, but who are not Old Order groups or mainline denominations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amish religious practices</span>

Amish religious practices are reflective of traditional Anabaptist Christian theology. The Old Order Amish typically have worship services every second Sunday in private homes. The typical district has 80 adults and 90 children under age 19. Worship begins with a short sermon by one of several preachers or the bishop of the church district, followed by scripture reading and prayer, then another, longer sermon. The service is interspersed with hymns sung without instrumental accompaniment or harmony. This is meant to put the emphasis on what is said, not how it is being said. Many communities use an ancient hymnal known as the Ausbund. The hymns contained in the Ausbund were generally written in what is referred to as Early New High German, a predecessor to modern Standard German.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amish way of life</span>

The Amish believe large families are a blessing from God. Amish rules allow marrying only between members of the Amish Church. The elderly do not go to a retirement facility; they remain at home. As time has passed, the Amish have felt pressures from the modern world; their traditional rural way of life is becoming more different from the modern society. Isolated groups of Amish populations may have genetic disorders or other problems associated with closed communities. Amish make decisions about health, education, and relationships based on their Biblical interpretation. Amish life has influenced some things in popular culture. As the Amish are divided into the Old Order Amish, New Order Amish, and Beachy Amish, the way of life of families depends on the rule of the church community to which they belong.

Over the years, as Amish churches have divided many times over doctrinal disputes, subgroups have developed. The "Old Order Amish", a conservative faction that withdrew in the 1860s from fellowship with the wider body of Amish, are those that have most emphasized traditional practices and beliefs. There are many different subgroups of Amish with most belonging, in ascending order of conservatism, to the Beachy Amish, New Order, Old Order, or Swartzentruber Amish groups.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Weaverland Old Order Mennonite Conference</span>

The Weaverland Conference, also called Horning Church or Black-bumper Mennonites, is a Christian denomination of Old Order Mennonites who use cars.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Old Order Anabaptism</span> Branch of Anabaptist Christianity

Old Order Anabaptism encompasses those groups which have preserved the old ways of Anabaptist Christian religion and lifestyle.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kauffman Amish Mennonite</span> Branch of Amish Mennonites

The Kauffman Amish Mennonites, also called Sleeping Preacher Churches or Tampico Amish Mennonite Churches, are a plain, car-driving branch of the Amish Mennonites whose tradition goes back to John D. Kauffman (1847–1913) and Noah Troyer (1831–1886) who preached while being in a state of trance and who were seen as "sleeping preachers".

Anabaptists and Jews have had interactions for several centuries, since the origins of Anabaptism in the Radical Reformation in early modern Europe. Due to the insularity of many Anabaptist and Jewish communities, Anabaptist–Jewish relations have historically been limited but there are notable examples of interactions between Anabaptists and Jews. Due to some similarities in dress, culture, and language, Amish and Mennonite communities in particular have often been compared and contrasted to Haredi and Hasidic Jewish communities.


  1. 1 2 3 4 Berry, Leonard L.; et al. (July 2002). "Understanding Service Convenience". Journal of Marketing. 66 (3): 1–17. doi:10.1509/jmkg. JSTOR   3203451. S2CID   167639305.
  2. 1 2 Gibson, Louis H. (1889). Convenient Houses, with Fifty Plans for the Housekeeper. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell
  3. Illinois Farmers' Institute (1897). Annual report, Volume 2. Springfield, IL: Phillips Brothers State Printers. 68–73
  4. 1 2 Ferrara, Peter. (2011). America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. pp. 331–332. ISBN   978-0-06-202577-7
  5. U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary's Information Office, "Reports: Needs of Farm Women", Issues 103–106 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1915), p. 23.
  6. Danziger, Pamela M. (2004). Why People Buy Things They Don't Need. Ithaca, NY: Paramount Market Publishing. ISBN   0-9725290-4-7. p.10.
  7. 1 2 3 Kirkpatrick, David. "Tech Targets the Third World", CNNMoney, December 22, 2006.
  8. Institute for Anabaptist and Mennonite Studies. (2001). Anabaptist / Mennonite faith and economics. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ISBN   0-8191-9349-6. 6:268–270.
  9. 1 2 Kenna, Kathleen; Stawicki, Andrew. (1995). A People Apart. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN   0-395-67344-5
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 Kraybill, Donald.; Nolt, Steven M. (2004) [1995]. Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN   0-8018-7805-5
  11. 1 2 Kraybill, Donald B. (2001) [1989]. The riddle of Amish culture. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN   0-8018-6772-X, 9780801867729. pp. 114–115, 136, 313.
  12. See, for example, [Dan Morse "Still Called by Faith to the Booth: As Pay Phones Vanish, Amish and Mennonites Build Their Own"], The Washington Post, September 3, 2006, p. C1
  13. Diane Zimmerman Umble's work Archived 2010-08-11 at the Wayback Machine on the subject of the Amish and telephones
  14. 1 2 3 Kraybill, Donald.; Bowman, Carl Desportes; Bowman, Carl F. (2001) On the Backroad to Heaven: Old Order Hutterites, Mennonites, Amish, and Brethren. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN   0-8018-6565-4
  15. Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 293:2
  16. Neulander, Arthur. (1950). The Use of Electricity on the Sabbath. Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly 14:165-171.
  17. Adler, Morris; Agus, Jacob; Friedman, Theodore. (1950). Responsum on the Sabbath. Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly 14:112–137
  18. Klein, Isaac. (1992) [1979]. A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice. New York: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America. ISBN   0-87334-004-3. pp. 54–55, 57–58, 77. Further reading / detail pp. 78–93.
  19. 1 2 PureHealthMD editors. (2011) 15 Modern Conveniences That Are Bad for Your Health. Discovery Communications, LLC. Fit and Health. Retrieved 9-18-2011.
  20. George H. Simmons (ed.) (1905). Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 45, Part 1. Chicago: American Medial Association Press., p. 404
  21. "10 Reasons To Stop Eating Red Meat". 30 January 2014.

Further reading