Copper – P (penny), D (denarius), CU (chemical symbol), PC (police constable)
Corner – .SE, NW, NE, SW
Councillor – CL, CLR, CLLR
Court – CT
Credit – CR
Criminal – CON
Cross – X
Current – AC (alternating current), DC (direct current), I (The conventional symbol for current is I, which originates from the French phrase intensité du courant), AD (Anno Domini) or AMP (Ampere)
Medic – DOC (short for doctor), BM (Bachelor of Medicine), MB (Medicinae Baccalaureus), MD (Medicinae Doctor), MO (medical officer), GP (General Practitioner), DR (short for doctor)
Note – NB (from the Latin nota bene), PS (from postscript at the end of a letter) or A, B, C, D, E, F, G (musical notes) or DO, RE, MI, FA, SO/SOH, LA, TE/TI (musical notes). LA is most commonly referenced.
Nothing – O (the letter O looks like the number 0), FA (from Fanny Adams)
Zero – O (the letter O looks like the number 0) or Z
Further reading
Cox, Emily; Rathvon, Henry (1995). "Appendix B: Abbreviations, etc.". The Random House Guide to Cryptic Crosswords (1sted.). New York: Random House. pp.260–261. ISBN0-8129-2621-8.
Manley, Don (1996) [1992]. "Appendix 1: Some common indicators for one, two and three letters". Chambers Crossword Manual (2nded.). Edinburgh: Chambers. pp.290–296. ISBN0-550-19052-X.
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