Diencephalic syndrome | |
Other names | Diencephalic syndrome of emaciation |
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The diencephalon, which is affected by diencaphalic syndrome, consists of the thalamus, the subthalamus, the hypothalamus, and the epithalamus. | |
Specialty | Neurology |
Diencephalic syndrome, or Russell's syndrome, is a rare neurological disorder seen in infants and children and characterised by failure to thrive and severe emaciation despite normal or slightly decreased caloric intake. Classically there is also locomotor hyperactivity and euphoria. Less commonly diencephalic syndrome may involve skin pallor without anaemia, hypoglycaemia, and hypotension. [1] The syndrome is a rare but potentially fatal cause of failure to thrive in children. Failure to thrive presents on average at seven months of age. [1] Of note the syndrome is not associated with developmental delay. [2] There may be associated hydrocephalus.[ citation needed ]
Diencephalic syndrome was first described by Dr. A. Russell in 1951. [3] It is usually caused by a brain tumor such as a low-grade glioma or astrocytoma located in the hypothalamic-optic chiasmatic region. [1] It is not yet understood how diencephalic syndrome causes the effects on appetite and metabolism which are seen, though inappropriately high growth hormone release has been proposed, [4] as has excessive β-lipotropin secretion [1] and overall increased metabolic demand. [5] It is treated with nutritional optimisation while the underlying lesion is treated with chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy.[ citation needed ]
Turner syndrome (TS), also known as 45,X, or 45,X0, is a genetic disorder in which cells have only one X chromosome or are partially missing an X chromosome leading to the complete or partial deletion of the pseudoautosomal regions in the affected X chromosome. Most people have two sex chromosomes. The chromosomal abnormality is often present in just some cells, in which case it is known as Turner syndrome with mosaicism. 45,X0 with mosaicism can occur in males or females, but Turner syndrome without mosaicism only occurs in females. Signs and symptoms vary among those affected. Often, a short and webbed neck, low-set ears, low hairline at the back of the neck, short stature, and swollen hands and feet are seen at birth. Typically, those affected do not develop menstrual periods or breasts without hormone treatment and are unable to have children without reproductive technology. Heart defects, diabetes, and hypothyroidism occur in the disorder more frequently than average. Most people with Turner syndrome have normal intelligence; however, many have problems with spatial visualization that may be needed in order to learn mathematics. Vision and hearing problems also occur more often than average.
Growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin, also known as human growth hormone in its human form, is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. It is thus important in human development. GH also stimulates production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and increases the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids. It is a type of mitogen which is specific only to the receptors on certain types of cells. GH is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide that is synthesized, stored and secreted by somatotropic cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland.
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is thyroid hormone deficiency present at birth. If untreated for several months after birth, severe congenital hypothyroidism can lead to growth failure and permanent intellectual disability. Infants born with congenital hypothyroidism may show no effects, or may display mild effects that often go unrecognized as a problem. Significant deficiency may cause excessive sleeping, reduced interest in nursing, poor muscle tone, low or hoarse cry, infrequent bowel movements, significant jaundice, and low body temperature.
Growth hormone deficiency (GHD), or human growth hormone deficiency, is a medical condition resulting from not enough growth hormone (GH). Generally the most noticeable symptom is that an individual attains a short height. Newborns may also present low blood sugar or a small penis size. In adults there may be decreased muscle mass, high cholesterol levels, or poor bone density.
Sheehan's syndrome, also known as postpartum pituitary gland necrosis, occurs when the pituitary gland is damaged due to significant blood loss and hypovolemic shock or stroke, originally described during or after childbirth leading to decreased functioning of the pituitary gland (hypopituitarism). Classically, in the milder partial form, the mother is unable to breastfeed her baby, due to failure of the pituitary to secrete the hormone prolactin, and also has no more periods, because FSH and LH are not secreted. Although postmenopausal, the mother with this milder form of Sheehan's syndrome does not experience hot flushes, because the pituitary fails to secrete FSH. The failure to breastfeed and amenorrhea no more periods, were seen as the syndrome, but we now view Sheehan's as the pituitary failing to secrete 1-5 of the 9 hormones that it normally produces (the anterior lobe of the pituitary produces FSH, LH, prolactin, ACTH ,TSH and GH ; the posterior pituitary produces ADH and Oxytocin, i.e. the pituitary is involved in the regulation of many hormones. It is very important to recognise Sheehan' stroke as, the ACTH deficiency Sheehan's in the presence of the stress of a bacterial infection, such as a urine infection, will result in death of the mother from Addisonian crisis. This gland is located on the under-surface of the brain, the shape of a cherry and the size of a chickpea and sits in a pit or depression of the sphenoid bone known as the sella turcica. The pituitary gland works in conjunction with the hypothalamus, and other endocrine organs to modulate numerous bodily functions including growth, metabolism, menstruation, lactation, and even the "fight-or-flight" response. These endocrine organs,, release hormones in very specific pathways, known as hormonal axes. For example, the release of a hormone in the hypothalamus will target the pituitary to trigger the release thyroid stimulating hormone, and the pituitary's released hormone will target the next organ in the pathway i.e. the thyroid to release thyroxin. Hence, damage to the pituitary gland can have downstream effects on any of the aforementioned bodily functions.
Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (OMS), also known as opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia (OMA), is a rare neurological disorder of unknown cause which appears to be the result of an autoimmune process involving the nervous system. It is an extremely rare condition, affecting as few as 1 in 10,000,000 people per year. It affects 2 to 3% of children with neuroblastoma and has been reported to occur with celiac disease and diseases of neurologic and autonomic dysfunction.
Miller–Dieker syndrome, Miller–Dieker lissencephaly syndrome (MDLS), and chromosome 17p13.3 deletion syndrome is a micro deletion syndrome characterized by congenital malformations. Congenital malformations are physical defects detectable in an infant at birth which can involve many different parts of the body including the brain, hearts, lungs, liver, bones, or intestinal tract. MDS is a contiguous gene syndrome – a disorder due to the deletion of multiple gene loci adjacent to one another. The disorder arises from the deletion of part of the small arm of chromosome 17p, leading to partial monosomy. There may be unbalanced translocations, or the presence of a ring chromosome 17.
Pituitary adenomas are tumors that occur in the pituitary gland. Most pituitary tumors are benign, approximately 35% are invasive and just 0.1% to 0.2% are carcinomas. Pituitary adenomas represent from 10% to 25% of all intracranial neoplasms, with an estimated prevalence rate in the general population of approximately 17%.
The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), also known as the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD), is characterized by a physiologically inappropriate release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) either from the posterior pituitary gland, or an abnormal non-pituitary source. Unsuppressed ADH causes a physiologically inappropriate increase in solute-free water being reabsorbed by the tubules of the kidney to the venous circulation leading to hypotonic hyponatremia.
Failure to thrive (FTT), also known as weight faltering or faltering growth, indicates insufficient weight gain or absence of appropriate physical growth in children. FTT is usually defined in terms of weight, and can be evaluated either by a low weight for the child's age, or by a low rate of increase in the weight.
Cystinosis is a lysosomal storage disease characterized by the abnormal accumulation of cystine, the oxidized dimer of the amino acid cysteine. It is a genetic disorder that follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. It is a rare autosomal recessive disorder resulting from accumulation of free cystine in lysosomes, eventually leading to intracellular crystal formation throughout the body. Cystinosis is the most common cause of Fanconi syndrome in the pediatric age group. Fanconi syndrome occurs when the function of cells in renal tubules is impaired, leading to abnormal amounts of carbohydrates and amino acids in the urine, excessive urination, and low blood levels of potassium and phosphates.
McCune–Albright syndrome is a complex genetic disorder affecting the bone, skin and endocrine systems. It is a mosaic disease arising from somatic activating mutations in GNAS, which encodes the alpha-subunit of the Gs heterotrimeric G protein.
Bartter syndrome (BS) is a rare inherited disease characterised by a defect in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, which results in low potassium levels (hypokalemia), increased blood pH (alkalosis), and normal to low blood pressure. There are two types of Bartter syndrome: neonatal and classic. A closely associated disorder, Gitelman syndrome, is milder than both subtypes of Bartter syndrome.
Aarskog–Scott syndrome (AAS) is a rare disease inherited as X-linked and characterized by short stature, facial abnormalities, skeletal and genital anomalies. This condition mainly affects males, although females may have mild features of the syndrome.
Microvillus inclusion disease, previously known as Davidson's disease, congenital microvillus atrophy and, less specifically, microvillus atrophy, is a rare genetic disorder of the small intestine that is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.
Marshall-Smith Syndrome, discovered in 1971, is characterized by unusual accelerated skeletal maturation and symptoms like conspicuous physical characteristics, respiratory difficulties, and intellectual disability. Cases described in the literature show a clinical variability regarding related symptoms. For instance, respiratory difficulties are ranging from absent to severe difficulties.
A micropenis or microphallus is an unusually small penis. A common criterion is a dorsal penile length of at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean human penis size for age. A micropenis is stretched penile length equal to or less than 1.9 cm in term infants, and 9.3 cm in adults. The condition is usually recognized shortly after birth. The term is most often used medically when the rest of the penis, scrotum, and perineum are without ambiguity, such as hypospadias. Traditionally, a microphallus describes a micropenis with hypospadias. Micropenis incidence is about 1.5 in 10,000 male newborns in North America.
Silver–Russell syndrome, also called Silver–Russell dwarfism, is a rare congenital growth disorder. In the United States it is usually referred to as Russell–Silver syndrome, and Silver–Russell syndrome elsewhere. It is one of 200 types of dwarfism and one of five types of primordial dwarfism.
Eiken syndrome, also known as "Eiken skeletal dysplasia", is a rare autosomal bone dysplasia with a skeletal phenotype which has been described in a unique consanguineous family, where it segregates as a recessive trait. First described in 1985, the syndrome primarily affects the development of bones, leading to short stature, long limbs, and joint dislocations. Eiken syndrome is caused by mutations in the PTH1R gene, located on chromosome 3, and is involved in skeletal development.
Gynecomastia is the abnormal non-cancerous enlargement of one or both breasts in males due to the growth of breast tissue as a result of a hormone imbalance between estrogens and androgens. Gynecomastia can cause significant psychological distress or unease.