Emet V'Emunah (True and faithful) is the paragraph that is recited immediately following Shema during Maariv, two fundamental prayers of virtually all forms of Judaism practiced today. Its recitation fulfills the obligation to recall the Exodus from Egypt during the evening. [1]
Emet V'Emunah is a parallel prayer to Emet Vayatziv, which is recited during Shacharit immediately following Shema. But unlike Emet Vayatziv, which speaks of the redemptions from the past of the Jewish ancestors, Emet V'Emunah relates the future redemption of the Jewish people. [2]
Emet V'Emunah describes the chosenness of the Jewish people. The prayer describes the Jewish people as unique and distinctive, and with a mission to God. [3]
In the Italian rite (based on the Siddur of Rav Saadya Gaon), there is an alternative version of this blessing for the Sabbath, beginning with "emet ve-emunah ba-shevii". [4]
A siddur is a Jewish prayer book containing a set order of daily prayers. The word siddur comes from the Hebrew root ס־ד־ר, meaning 'order.'
Aleinu or Aleinu leshabei'ach, meaning "it is upon us" or "it is our obligation or duty" to "praise God," is a Jewish prayer found in the siddur, the classical Jewish prayerbook. It is recited in most communities at the end of each of the three daily Jewish services and in the middle of the Rosh Hashanah mussaf. It is also recited in many communities following Kiddush levana and after a circumcision is performed. It is second only to the Kaddish as the most frequently recited prayer in current synagogue liturgy.
Shema Yisrael is a Jewish prayer that serves as a centerpiece of the morning and evening Jewish prayer services. Its first verse encapsulates the monotheistic essence of Judaism: "Hear, O Israel: YHWH our God, YHWH is one", found in Deuteronomy 6:4.
The Fast of Gedalia (; צוֹם גְּדַלְיָה Tzom Gedalya), also transliterated from the Hebrew language as Gedaliah or Gedalya(h), is a minor Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of Gedaliah, the governor of what was the Kingdom of Judah. His death ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple and the fall of King Zedekiah.
Ahava rabbah is the name given in Ashkenazi Jewish custom to the blessing recited immediately before the Shema as part of the Shacharit (morning) prayer. The name is taken from the first words of the prayer.
Shacharit, or Shacharis in Ashkenazi Hebrew, is the morning tefillah (prayer) of Judaism, one of the three daily prayers.
Berakhot is the first tractate of Seder Zeraim of the Mishnah and of the Talmud. The tractate discusses the rules of prayers, particularly the Shema and the Amidah, and blessings for various circumstances.
In Judaism, confession is a step in the process of atonement during which a Jew admits to committing a sin before God. In sins between a Jew and God, the confession must be done without others present. On the other hand, confession of sins done to another person may be done publicly, and in fact Maimonides calls such confession "immensely praiseworthy".
Kedushah is the name of several prayers recited during Jewish prayer. They have in common the recitation of two Biblical verses, Isaiah 6:3 and Ezekiel 3:12. These verses come from prophetic visions in which angels sing praises to God.
Nusach Ashkenaz is a style of Jewish liturgy conducted by Ashkenazi Jews. It is primarily a way to order and include prayers, and differs from Nusach Sefard and Baladi-rite prayer, and still more from the Sephardic rite proper, in the placement and presence of certain prayers.
Baruch HaShem Le'Olam is a compilation of 18 verses from Tanach that is recited by some Jewish communities during weekday Maariv between Shema and Amidah. Its name is from the first 3 words of the first verse.
Maariv or Maʿariv, also known as Arvit, or Arbit, is a Jewish prayer service held in the evening or night. It consists primarily of the evening Shema and Amidah.
Yotzer ohr, also known as Birkat yotzer or Birkat Yotzer Or, is the first of the two blessings recited before the Shema during Shacharit, the morning religious services of Judaism.
Emet Veyatziv is a blessing recited by Jews during Shacharit, the daily morning prayer. It immediately follows the Shema and precedes the Amidah.
HaMaariv Aravim, or simply Maariv Aravim, is the first blessing before the Shema and generally the opening prayer during Maariv. It is considered to be the parallel prayer to Yotzer ohr, which is recited in the same place at Shacharit. Just as Yotzer Ohr speaks of the coming of light, HaMaariv Aravim speaks of the coming of darkness.
Ahavat Olam is the second prayer that is recited during Maariv. It is the parallel blessing to Ahava Rabbah that is recited during Shacharit, and likewise, is an expression to God for the gift of the Torah.
In Judaism, Hashkiveinu is the second blessing following the Shema during Maariv. It is a petitionary prayer to lie down in peace at night and return to life the following day.
The Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, also known as Avinu Shebashamayim, is a prayer said in most Jewish denominations in Israel and a lot of denominations in the Jewish Diaspora as part of the prayer service on Shabbat and Jewish holy days. The prayer requests divine providence for the State of Israel and its leaders, and that the exiled Jewish people be gathered in to the Land of Israel.
Ana BeKoach is a medieval Jewish piyyut called by its incipit. This piyyut, the acronym of which is said to be a 42-letter name of God, is recited daily by those Jewish communities which include a greatly expanded version of Korbanot in Shacharit and more widely as part of Kabbalat Shabbat. Some also recite it as part of Bedtime Shema or during the Omer.