Psalm 148

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Psalm 148
"Praise ye the Lord from the heavens"
Russian - "Praise the Lord from the Heavens" - Walters 71256.jpg
Praise the Lord from the Heavens,
17th-century Russian ivory carving
Other name
  • Psalm 148 (Vulgate)
  • "Laudate Dominum de caelis"
LanguageHebrew (original)

Psalm 148 is the 148th psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in English in the King James Version: "Praise ye the Lord from the heavens". In Latin, it is known as "Laudate Dominum de caelis". [1] The psalm is one of the Laudate psalms. Old Testament scholars have also classified it as a creation psalm and a wisdom psalm. [2] [3]


The psalm forms a regular part of Jewish, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and other Protestant liturgies. It has often been set to music, including a four-part metered setting in German by Heinrich Schütz as part of the Becker Psalter, and Psalm 148, a setting for voice and piano of an English metered adaptation written and composed by Leonard Bernstein in 1935, his earliest surviving work.

Background and themes

In the Septuagint, Psalms 145 to 148 are given the title "of Haggai and Zechariah". [4] This psalm takes in all of God's creations, from the heights of the heavens, including the angels, the stars, and the sun and moon, down to the earth, the birds and insects, and the inhabitants of the ocean depths. Then it ascends again to man, and this all-encompassing view of God's creations gives him much to praise God for. [5] [6] Quoting Edinburgh minister John Pulsford, [7] Charles Spurgeon notes that the last three psalms in the Book of Psalms (Psalms 148, 149, and 150) form "a triad of wondrous praise": "Heaven is full of praise, the earth is full of praise, praises rise from under the earth, 'everything that hath breath' joins in the rapture. God is encompassed by a loving, praising creation". [6]

British evangelist G. Campbell Morgan also notes that this is a psalm of praise, writing: "What a wonderful song this is! Look over it again, and note the fact that there is no reference in it, from first to last, to the mercy, or pity, or compassion of God. But that is because there is no reference to evil in any form". [8]

The Midrash Tehillim identifies the entities to which the opening verses are addressed. "Praise you the Lord from the heavens" (v. 1) is addressing the ministering angels; "praise Him all you hosts" (v. 2) is addressed to those who fulfill God's will. "Praise you Him, sun and moon" (v. 3) refers to the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs who are likened to the sun and moon in Joseph's dream (Genesis 37:9). "Praise Him, all you stars of light" (v. 3) refers to righteous individuals, as Daniel said, "And they that turn the many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever" (Daniel 12:3). The Midrash adds, "From this you learn that every [righteous individual] has his own star in heaven, and that his star shines according to his deeds". [9]



The following table shows the Hebrew text [10] [11] of the Psalm with vowels alongside an English translation based upon the JPS 1917 translation (now in the public domain).

VerseHebrewEnglish translation (JPS 1917)
1הַ֥לְלוּ־יָ֨הּ ׀ הַֽלְל֣וּ אֶת־יְ֭הֹוָה מִן־הַשָּׁמַ֑יִם הַֽ֝לְל֗וּהוּ בַּמְּרוֹמִֽים׃Hallelujah. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights.
2הַֽלְל֥וּהוּ כׇל־מַלְאָכָ֑יו הַ֝לְל֗וּהוּ כׇּל־צְבָאָֽו׃Praise ye Him, all His angels; Praise ye Him, all His hosts.
3הַֽ֭לְלוּהוּ שֶׁ֣מֶשׁ וְיָרֵ֑חַ הַֽ֝לְל֗וּהוּ כׇּל־כּ֥וֹכְבֵי אֽוֹר׃Praise ye Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all ye stars of light.
4הַֽ֭לְלוּהוּ שְׁמֵ֣י הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם וְ֝הַמַּ֗יִם אֲשֶׁ֤ר ׀ מֵעַ֬ל הַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, And ye waters that are above the heavens.
5יְֽ֭הַלְלוּ אֶת־שֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָ֑ה כִּ֤י ה֖וּא צִוָּ֣ה וְנִבְרָֽאוּ׃Let them praise the name of the LORD; For He commanded, and they were created.
6וַיַּעֲמִידֵ֣ם לָעַ֣ד לְעוֹלָ֑ם חׇק־נָ֝תַ֗ן וְלֹ֣א יַעֲבֽוֹר׃He hath also established them for ever and ever; He hath made a decree which shall not be transgressed.
7הַֽלְל֣וּ אֶת־יְ֭הֹוָה מִן־הָאָ֑רֶץ תַּ֝נִּינִ֗ים וְכׇל־תְּהֹמֽוֹת׃Praise the LORD from the earth, Ye sea-monsters, and all deeps;
8אֵ֣שׁ וּ֭בָרָד שֶׁ֣לֶג וְקִיט֑וֹר ר֥וּחַ סְ֝עָרָ֗ה עֹשָׂ֥ה דְבָרֽוֹ׃Fire and hail, snow and vapour, Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;
9הֶהָרִ֥ים וְכׇל־גְּבָע֑וֹת עֵ֥ץ פְּ֝רִ֗י וְכׇל־אֲרָזִֽים׃Mountains and all hills, Fruitful trees and all cedars;
10הַחַיָּ֥ה וְכׇל־בְּהֵמָ֑ה רֶ֝֗מֶשׂ וְצִפּ֥וֹר כָּנָֽף׃Beasts and all cattle, Creeping things and winged fowl;
11מַלְכֵי־אֶ֭רֶץ וְכׇל־לְאֻמִּ֑ים שָׂ֝רִ֗ים וְכׇל־שֹׁ֥פְטֵי אָֽרֶץ׃Kings of the earth and all peoples, Princes and all judges of the earth;
12בַּחוּרִ֥ים וְגַם־בְּתוּל֑וֹת זְ֝קֵנִ֗ים עִם־נְעָרִֽים׃Both young men and maidens, Old men and children;
13יְהַלְל֤וּ ׀ אֶת־שֵׁ֬ם יְהֹוָ֗ה כִּֽי־נִשְׂגָּ֣ב שְׁמ֣וֹ לְבַדּ֑וֹ ה֝וֹד֗וֹ עַל־אֶ֥רֶץ וְשָׁמָֽיִם׃Let them praise the name of the LORD, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven.
14וַיָּ֤רֶם קֶ֨רֶן ׀ לְעַמּ֡וֹ תְּהִלָּ֤ה לְֽכׇל־חֲסִידָ֗יו לִבְנֵ֣י יִ֭שְׂרָאֵל עַ֥ם קְרֹב֗וֹ הַֽלְלוּ־יָֽהּ׃And He hath lifted up a horn for His people, A praise for all His saints, Even for the children of Israel, a people near unto Him. Hallelujah.

King James Version

  1. Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.
  2. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.
  3. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.
  4. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
  5. Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.
  6. He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.
  7. Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:
  8. Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:
  9. Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars:
  10. Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl:
  11. Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth:
  12. Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:
  13. Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.
  14. He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the LORD.

Verse 14

He has exalted the horn of His people,
The praise of all His saints—
Of the children of Israel,
A people near to Him.
Praise the Lord! [12]

Matthew Poole notes that in scripture, the "horn" generally denotes "strength, victory, glory, and felicity". [13]



Alexander Kirkpatrick observes that this psalm was "obviously written for liturgical use". [14] It is recited in its entirety during Pesukei Dezimra, the first section of the daily morning prayer service. [15] [16]

Verses 1–6 are recited at the opening to Kiddush Levanah in the Ashkenazi tradition, [15] [17] and during the same prayer in some Sephardic traditions. [18] Verses 1–6 are also recited during Birkat Hachama, the blessing on the sun. [19]

Verse 7 is the verse said by the sea monsters in the ancient text of Perek Shirah. [15] [20]

The first part of verse 13, beginning with the word "Yehallelu", is said by the Hazzan as he returns the Torah scroll to the ark during morning services; the congregation recites the last part of this verse and continues with the recital of verse 14. [16] [21] In the Italian rite, they begin with verse 12. [22]

Catholic Church

Illustration of Psalm 148 in Lesnovo monastery, 14th century Frescos from the Michael the Archangel Church of Lesnovo 014.jpg
Illustration of Psalm 148 in Lesnovo monastery, 14th century

Psalm 148 is one of the Laudate psalms and was sung as one of a trio of psalms, Psalms 148, 149, and 150, during Lauds in the Roman rite. [23] Around 530 A.D., St. Benedict of Nursia chose these three psalms for the office of morning celebrated daily. [24] In the Liturgy of the Hours, Psalm 148 is recited during Sunday Lauds in the third week. [25]

Book of Common Prayer

In the Church of England's Book of Common Prayer , this psalm is appointed to be read on the evening of the thirtieth day of the month. [26]


John Milton paraphrased some of the praises in this psalm in his epic poem Paradise Lost , Book 5. [6]


Church buildings have been decorated with creatures mentioned in Psalm 148, including the Irish Honan Chapel which refers to it in inscription and mosaics, [27] and St John the Evangelist's Church, Crawshawbooth, Scotland, with carvings. [28] The Riverside Church in Manhattan features elements mentioned in Psalm 148 carved in oak on the ends of the choir stalls. [29]

Musical settings

"Erfreue dich, Himmel, erfreue dich, Erde" is a hymn in German, in which Maria Luise Thurmair paraphrased Psalm 148 in 1969, based on an older Christmas carol. [30]

Heinrich Schütz composed a four-part setting of a metric German version for the Becker Psalter, "Lobet, ihr Himmel, Gott den Herrn (Praise, ye Heavens, God the Lord), SWV 253. Marc-Antoine Charpentier set in 1679-1680 one "Laudate Dominum de coelis", H.177, [31] for three voices, two treble instruments, and continuo.

Darwall's 148th is John Darwell's musical setting for Psalm 148, composed for the inauguration of a new organ in Walsall parish church, then in Staffordshire, England. [32] [33]

The first six verses of Psalm 148 have been set to music as a Hebrew song. [34] American composer Leonard Bernstein adapted the text for his Psalm 148, a setting for voice and piano and dated in 1935, his earliest surviving composition. [35] Alan Hovhaness adapted the text in 1958 for his setting for chorus and organ, split as two separate pieces (opus 160 Praise Ye Him, All His Angels and 160a Let Them Praise the Name of the Lord) when published by C.F. Peters. [36]

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  1. Parallel Latin/English Psalter / Psalmus 148
  2. Dunn, Stephen (2009). "Wisdom Editing in the Book of Psalms: Vocabulary, Themes, and Structures". Marquette University. p. 46. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
  3. Mays, James Luther (2011). Psalms. Westminster John Knox Press. p. 445. ISBN   978-0-664-23439-3.
  4. Kirkpatrick, A., Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges on Psalm 146, accessed 6 July 2022
  5. "Tehillim 148". The Jewish Weekly. 2 July 2020. Retrieved 10 December 2020. This text refers to "creations" as a plural
  6. 1 2 3 Spurgeon, Charles (2020). "Charles H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David: Psalm 148". Retrieved 10 December 2020.
  7. Pulsford, J. (1857), Quiet Hours, p. 148, accessed 27 February 2021
  8. "Psalm 148—Let Heaven and Earth Praise the Lord". The Enduring Word Bible Commentary. 2020. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
  9. "Midrash Tehillim / Psalms 148" (PDF). December 2017. Retrieved 10 December 2020. (password:
  10. "Psalms – Chapter 148". Mechon Mamre.
  11. "Psalms 148 - JPS 1917".
  12. Psalm 148:18: New King James Version
  13. Poole, M., Matthew Poole's Commentary on Psalm 148, accessed 8 July 2022
  14. Kirkpatrick, A., Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges on Psalm 148, accessed 8 July 2022
  15. 1 2 3 Brauner, Reuven (2013). "Shimush Pesukim: Comprehensive Index to Liturgical and Ceremonial Uses of Biblical Verses and Passages" (PDF) (2nd ed.). p. 51.
  16. 1 2 Nulman 1996, p. 366.
  17. Scherman 2003, p. 612.
  18. Nulman 1996, p. 101.
  19. Nulman 1996, pp. 100–101.
  20. Slifkin, Nosson (2002). "Perek Shirah" (PDF). Zoo Torah. p. 11. Retrieved 10 December 2020.
  21. Scherman 2003, p. 148.
  22. See this Italian prayer book, page 59.
  23. "Lauds, the Morning Office". Monastery of Christ in the Desert. 2020. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
  24. Règle de saint Benoît, chapitres XII et XIII, traduction de Prosper Guéranger, (Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, réimpression 2007) p 40.
  25. Crumpler, Anne (2003). "The Liturgy of the Hours". Devozine. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
  26. Church of England, Book of Common Prayer: The Psalter as printed by John Baskerville in 1762, p. 308
  27. Katsumi Tsukamoto, Mari Kuroki (eds.): Eels and Humans Springer Science & Business Media 2013 ISBN   978-4-43-154529-3
  28. Brandwood, Geoff; Austin, Tim; Hughes, John; Price, James (2012), The Architecture of Sharpe, Paley and Austin, Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 149, 238–239, ISBN   978-1-84802-049-8
  29. Paris, Peter J., ed. (2004). The History of the Riverside Church in the City of New York. NYU Press. p. 261. ISBN   978-0-8147-6836-5.
  30. Meesters, Maria (5 October 2014). "Erfreue dich, Himmel". SWR (in German). Retrieved 16 November 2020.
  31. Laudate Dominum de caelis. H 177. Bibliothèque nationale de France. 1679. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
  32. "John Darwall (1731–1789)". Archived from the original on 21 February 2012. Retrieved 14 June 2012.
  33. "John Darwall". Archived from the original on 31 July 2012. Retrieved 14 June 2012.
  34. "Haleluyah (Psalm 148)". Zemirot Database. Retrieved 10 December 2020.
  35. "Psalm 148". Milken Archive of Jewish Music. 2020. Retrieved 21 December 2020.
  36. "Alan Hovhaness List of Works by Opus Number". Retrieved 30 October 2022.
