Gaan-Ngai | |
![]() Gaan-Ngai celebration | |
Observed by | Zeliangrong |
Significance | Post-Harvest festival |
Date | November–December |
Frequency | Annual |
Gaan-Ngai is a festival of the Zeliangrong people (indigenous Zeme, Liangmei and Rongmei tribes) of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states in North Eastern India. Gaan-Ngai is a festival of light, celebrating the victory of light over evil and the commemoration of the coming of light or fire. It is a post harvest festival celebrated to thank the God Tingkao Ragwang for a good harvest season and heralds the beginning of a new year. The festival is celebrated for five days with various rituals, prayers and festivities such as music, dance and feast accompanying the same.
Gaan-Ngai translates to "winter festival" in the Zemeic languages with Gaan meaning "winter" or "dry season" and Ngai meaning festival. [1]
According to legend and folklore, life began after the creation of the universe including earth by Tingkao Ragwang, the creator and almighty god. [2] Gods and humans shared a common dormitory called khangchu in the house of Tingpu Rengsonnang, where they were not on friendly terms and men were often at the mercy of gods. Later, some of the men appeared in the physical form of khodiai (bee) and bit the gods, which led to the gods fleeing away. [2]
Cooked rice on paddy plants was granted to be readily consumed as a food. There was abundance of rice, so that there was always surplus after consumption. [3] While humans achieved peace initially, they multiplied as ages passed and the cooked rice was no more available post the fleeing of the gods. [3] Thingpu Rengsonnang, the householder of the dormitory, visited the surroundings and found fertile soil, conducive for vegetation and proclaimed that the villagers should go for cultivation. As only raw rice could be obtained from paddy, they prayed to Tingkao Rangwang for help. [3] After a long time of prayers, they saw smoke emanating from the ground, which was generated from a earthen pot in which a fire was burning. [3] The fire was used to cook the raw rice and the humans were able to consume cooked rice again. The festival is celebrated as to commemorate the coming of light or fire. [3]
Gaan-Ngai is celebrated on the 13th day of the month of Wakching of the Metei Manipuri calendar. [4] [1] The Kabui Naga people celebrate the Gang Ngai festival during the month of Gaan Bu. [4] It usually falls in the month of November or December in the Gregorian calendar though might some times be celebrated earlier in October or later in January. [1] [5]
Gaan-Ngai is celebrated by the Zeliangrong people in Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states in North Eastern India. [6] [7] [8] [9] Zeliagrong is an acronym for the indigenous Zeme, Liangmei and Rongmei tribes, who follow the indigenous religions Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak ("the religion of the heavenly god") and Heraka ("pure"). [10] [11] The festival is also called as Hega Ngi by Zeme tribe and Chaga Ngi or Chaga Gadi by the Liangmei tribe. [11] The festivities are coordinated by a common religious authority called Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak Phom, which was formed in 1994. [11]
Gaan-Ngai is a festival of light, celebrating the victory of light over evil. [12] It is a post harvest festival celebrated to thank the God Tingkao Ragwang for a good harvest season and heralds the beginning of a new year. [1] [13]
It was declared as a public holiday in Manipur from 1997, a restricted holiday in Assam and a holiday in October in Nagaland. [1] [11] It is celebrated in indigenous villages with significant population of Zeliangrong people. [4]
The festival is celebrated for five days. [1] The festival involves congregational prayers and invocation to the almighty god Tingkao Ragwang. [14] Tingkao Rangwang is offered the first taste of meals and drinks, prepared during the festival and the festival also involves sacrifice and rituals to the other gods and goddesses of the lower realm. [15] [2]
On the first day of the festival, Gucheng Phaimei ritual is conducted where pieces of ginger, believed to be the fingers of Tingkao Ragwang, are thrown at the ends of the village to ward off evil forces. [2] Later, Gakpai Jaomei is performed by the members of Chinch and elders of the village where future predictions are made using a spleen of a pig offered to Tingkao Raglan for his blessing after which a feast called Jeigan Tumei is held. [2] In the afternoon, post a ceremonial march called Hoi Gammei is held till the selected place for conducting sports and games. Various games and sports such as stone throwing and races are organized for the youth of the village on the opening day of the festival. [16] The winners of the games are not given prizes but are required to pay Shon, a fees for acknowledging his power and ability. [2]
In the evening, to mark the beginning of fire, a new fire is produced using wood such as bamboo or flints. [1] During the festival, bachelors produce the fire known as Mairapmei in the dormitory and then go house to house, producing the fire and praying for health, peace and prosperity of the community. This practice of producing a bright fire, signifies the beginning of a peaceful and bright future. [17] Following the same, in the event Napcha Tukaronmei, unmarried men (from the dormitory Chinch) and women (from the dormitory Loch) visit every house to enjoy the delicious food cooked under the new fire. As a part of Kaidapmei, persons chosen by the leaders go to each house to announce a punishment if they are found to be disturbing the festivities. [2]
On the second day, the women perform Tamchan Jouchanmei, wherein meat, drinks and other food is distributed accompanied by dances (Tamchan lam) and songs (Tam Chanlu), performed by the girls. [4] Tuna Gaan Lam is performed on the third day wherein a dance is performed in recognition of newly admitted members to the dormitories and to honor those who have been promoted to the higher ranks. It is also performed as a tribute to the dead known as Thei Kadimei. [2] Napchanmei is performed wherein a pig is offered to Tingkao for blessings and cooked pork is distributed to every family. [2] Tuna Gaan-Ngai is conducted on the fourth day of the festival with the unmarried jointly making a gathering and distribute pieces of meat, small packet of salt and chilli along with rice beer. The practice signifies the pronouncement of each member in the ceremony to meet in another world Taroilam after death and members make a commitment to safeguard his or her character concerning for the journey of soul to Taroilam. [2] On the last day of the festival, ritual and sacrifice are performed to the eight brother gods, namely Raguang, Vishnu, Naptime, Karagong, Koloa, Chongchai Charakilongmei and Dimei, led by the eldest Pekoe. [2]
The festival also honors those who died in previous year. Their graves are decorated with flowers with people dancing and offering a feast to the dead. [1] As per traditional beliefs, souls after the separation from body live in Taroilam, presided over by god Taroigong and packets of food called Thei Napdom are buried along with the dead bodies for the journey. [2] The soul of a person who had passed away after the preceding year's festival has not yet made to the final destination and homage to the departed souls are done by the individual families to enable the souls to reach the final destination. [2]
Pongal, also referred to as Thai Pongal, is a multi-day Hindu harvest festival celebrated by Tamils. It is observed in the month of Thai according to the Tamil solar calendar and usually falls on 14 or 15 January. It is dedicated to Surya and corresponds to Makar Sankranti, the Hindu observance celebrated under many regional names throughout the Indian subcontinent. The festival is celebrated over three or four days with Bhogi, Surya Pongal, Mattu Pongal and Kanum Pongal, observed on consecutive days.
Keikhu is a village, itself consisting of two twin villages, in the Imphal East district of Manipur, India. The village in the south, known as Keikhu Kabui, is inhabited by the Kabui tribes, the early settlers of the place. The one in the north, known as Keikhu Muslim, belongs to a mixed tribe who identifies themselves as Pangal, a collective term used for Manipuri-Muslims.
Gaidinliu Pamei popularly known as Rani Gaidinliu was an Indian Naga spiritual and freedom fighter, political leader who led a revolt against British rule in India. At the age of 13, she joined the Heraka religious movement of her cousin Haipou Jadonang. The movement later turned into a political movement seeking to drive out the British from Manipur. Within the Heraka faith, she came to be considered an incarnation of the Goddess Cherachamdinliu. Gaidinliu was arrested in 1932 at the age of 16, and was sentenced to life imprisonment by the British rulers. Jawaharlal Nehru met her at Shillong Jail in 1937, and promised to pursue her release. Nehru gave her the title of "Rani" ("Queen"), and she gained local popularity as Rani Gaidinliu.
The Rongmeis are one of the Naga ethnic communities of North-East India. They are recognised as a scheduled tribe (STs) in the Constitution of India.
Wangala is also called the festival of "The Hundred Drums", a harvest festival celebrated by the Garo tribe, who live in Meghalaya, Nagaland and Assam in India and Greater Mymensingh in Bangladesh. In this post harvest festival, they give thanks to Misi Saljong the sun god, for blessing the people with a rich harvest. Wangala is celebrated in the months from September to December, with different villages setting different dates for the occasion.
Tokhü Emong is a harvest festival celebrated by the Lotha Nagas in the Indian state of Nagaland. The nine day Fall festival celebrates the end of the harvest season.
The Sümis are a major Naga ethnic group native to the northeast Indian state of Nagaland. Anthropological study of the Sümis is documented in the book The Sema Nagas by J. H. Hutton, who was a Professor of Social Anthropology in the University of Cambridge. The Sümi people are recognised as a Scheduled Tribe (ST's) by India.
The Zeliangrong people are one of the major indigenous Naga communities living in the tri-junction of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland in India. They are the descendants of Nguiba. The term "Zeliangrong" refers to the Zeme, Liangmai and Rongmei Kindred tribes combined. Earlier, the term also covered the Inpui tribe. The descendants of Hoi of Makuilongdi (Makhel) were divided and were made peripheral appendages to three political entities - Nagaland, Manipur and the Dima Hasao of Assam. The Zeliangrong may be classified as an ethno-cultural entity. The Zeliangrong belong to the larger Southern Mongoloid population and their language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages.
Here is a list of glossary of culture of India in alphabetical order:
Jadonang Malangmei (1905–1931), popularly known as Haipou Jadonang, was a Naga spiritual leader and political activist from Manipur, British India. He established the Heraka religious movement, which was based on the ancestral Naga religion, and declared himself to be the "messiah king" of the Nagas. His movement was widespread in the Zeliangrong territory before the conversion to Christianity. He also espoused the cause of an independent Naga kingdom, which brought him in conflict with the colonial British rulers of India. He was hanged by the British in 1931, and succeeded by his cousin Rani Gaidinliu.
Lui Ngai Ni is the seed-sowing festival celebrated by the Naga tribes of Manipur India. The festival heralds the season of seed sowing and marks the start of the year for the Nagas and the festival was declared a state holiday since 1988.
Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak (TRC) is one of the two traditional religions followed by the Zeliangrong people of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states in North Eastern India. It is a polytheistic religion based on the fundamental belief of Tingkao Ragwang, the supreme god or almighty and other smaller brotherly gods.
The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of India is an attempt to recognize the diversity of Indian culture embedded in its intangible heritage. It aims to raise awareness about the various intangible cultural heritage elements from different states of India at national and international level and ensure their protection.
Chiithuni Festival is a major festival celebrated by the Mao Naga tribe. The festival is usually held for 6 days from the 25th day of Chuthunikhro (January). The festival is held to mark the end of the harvest period and the beginning of a new period.
Rice has religious significance and spiritual heritage in India, and is considered a sacred grain in Hindu scriptures such as the Vedas, Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, Shatapatha Brahmana, the Mahabharata epic, and in archaeological finds in places such as the holy city of Kashi.
The Ougri Hangen or the Ougri Hangken is a Meitei cultural ritual song with various appellations of the sun and the mythology of creation. It is often sung in the conclusion of the Lai Haraoba festival. Its theme is closely associated with the creation myth of the earth itself. It is also regarded as the song of thanksgiving to the Almighty God. It is always sung in the chorus formed by the male singers with the maiba as the precentor and is strongly enjoined that the chains of the singers forming a circle should never be snapped. It is also known for its incantatory power, for with the alteration of a few lines, it is believed to have been able to cause either prosperity or destruction of the kingdom and the people.
A Maiba or an Amaiba (literally, "priest") is a male religious leader authorised to perform the sacred rites and rituals of Sanamahism (Meitei religion), especially as a mediatory agent between human beings and one or more deities. They have the authority or power to administer religious rites as well as sacrifices to gods. Their office or institution is called Maiba Loishang (Maiba Loisang), later renamed as Pandit Loisang, during Aryanisation of Meitei culture. They also served as healers, doctors, magicians, medicine men, physicians and shamans. They play important roles in the ancestor worship (apokpa khurumjaba) ceremony. Chief priest or chief among the maibas is called Maichou, a term formed with the amalgamation of two words ("maiba"- priest, "achouba"- big, chief, great). Since their position is not hereditary, they acquire their positions through talent and skills. The female counterpart of a Maiba is a Maibi.
Tingkao Ragwang or Tingwang is a god of the Zeliangrong people of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states in North Eastern India. He is considered as the almighty god who created the universe including the sun, moon and the earth, after which life began. Heraka and Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak are the two traditional religions based on the fundamental belief of Tingkao Ragwang, followed by the Zeliangrong people. The annual Gaan-Ngai festival is dedicated to Tingwang.