IEC 61968

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IEC 61968 is a series of standards under development that will define standards for information exchanges between electrical distribution systems. [1] These standards are being developed by Working Group 14 of Technical Committee 57 of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC TC 57 WG14). IEC 61968 is intended to support the inter-application integration of a utility enterprise that needs to collect data from different applications that are legacy or new and each has different interfaces and run-time environments. IEC 61968 defines interfaces for all the major elements of an interface architecture for distribution management systems (DMS) and is intended to be implemented with middleware services that broker messages among applications.



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  1. "IEC 61968-1:2020 | IEC Webstore | cyber security, smart city". International Electrotechnical Commission. Retrieved 24 April 2024.