List of Amanita species

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The following is a list of species of the agaric genus Amanita . This genus contains over 500 named species and varieties and follows the classification of subgenera and sections of Amanita outline by Corner and Bas; Bas, [1] [2] as used by Tulloss (2007) and modified by Redhead & al. (2016) [3] for Amanita subgenus Amanitina and Singer for Amanita section Roanokenses. Bolding of the species name and an asterisk (*) following indicates the species is the type species of that section, with a double asterisk (**) indicating the type species of the entire genus. The use of common names follows Tulloss (2007), Holden (2003), Arora (1986), and Lincoff (1981). The names of the remainder of the species in the genus not assigned to subgenera by those authors are sourced from Index Fungorum and have been appended to the end of the list. [4]


Section Amanita

A. muscaria Amanita muscaria 3 vliegenzwammen op rij.jpg
A. muscaria

Section Vaginatae

A.vaginata Amanita vaginata 10109.jpg

Section Caesareae

A. caesarea Amanita caesarea cropped.jpg
A. caesarea

Subgenus Amanitina

Section Phalloideae

A. phalloides Amanita phalloides 1.JPG
A. phalloides

Section Validae

A. flavoconia Amanita flavoconia 50403.jpg
A. flavoconia

Section Roanokenses

A. abrupta Amanita abrupta 54083.jpg
A. abrupta

Section Amidella

Subgenus Lepidella (= Saproamanita )

Section Lepidella (= Saproamanita )

Subgenus unknown

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<i>Amanita ceciliae</i> Species of fungus

Amanita ceciliae, commonly called snakeskin grisette, strangulated amanita, and the Cecilia's ringless amanita, is a basidiomycete fungus in the genus Amanita. First described in 1854 by Miles Joseph Berkeley and Christopher Edmund Broome, it was given its current name by Cornelis Bas in 1984. It is characterized by bearing a large fruit body with a brown cap 5–12 cm (2.0–4.7 in) across. The cap has charcoal-grey patches, which are easily removable. The stipe is 7–18 cm (2.8–7.1 in) long, white in colour, and there is no ring on it. It is slightly tapered to the top and has irregular cottony bands girdling the base. The universal veil is grey. Spores are white, spherical in shape, non-amyloid, and measure 10.2–11.7 micrometres. The mushrooms are considered edible, but field guides typically advise caution in selecting them for consumption, due to risks of confusion with similar toxic species. A. ceciliae is found in woods throughout Europe and North America, where it fruits during summer and autumn.

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<i>Saproamanita</i> Genus of fungi

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  1. Corner EJ, Bas C (1962). "The genus Amanita in Singapore and Malaya". Persoonia. 2: 241–304.
  2. Bas C. (1969). "Morphology and subdivision of Amanita and a monograph of its section Lepidella". Persoonia. 5: 285–579.
  3. Redhead SA, Vizzini A, Drehmel DC, Contu M (2016). "Saproamanita, a new name for both Lepidella E.-J. Gilbert and Aspidella E.-J. Gilbert (Amaniteae, Amanitaceae)" (PDF). IMA Fungus. 7 (1): 119–129. doi:10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.01.07. PMC   4941681 . PMID   27433443. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-08-04.
  4. "Species Fungorum - Search Page". Retrieved 2024-03-01.
  5. 1 2 Yang ZL, Weiss M, Oberwinkler F (2004). "New species of Amanita from the eastern Himalaya and adjacent regions". Mycologia. 96 (3): 636–646. doi:10.2307/3762180. JSTOR   3762180. PMID   21148883.
  6. "Amanita hygroscopica – – Taxonomy and Morphology of Amanita and Limacella". Retrieved 2023-01-07.
  7. "Amanita veldiei - - Taxonomy and Morphology of Amanita and Limacella". Retrieved 2023-01-08.
  8. "Amanita canescens – – Taxonomy and Morphology of Amanita and Limacella". Retrieved 2023-01-08.
  9. "Amanita chlorinosma - - Taxonomy and Morphology of Amanita and Limacella". Retrieved 2023-01-08.
  10. Hosen MI, Li TH, Deng WQ (2015). "Amanita cinereovelata, a new species of Amanita section Lepidella from Bangladesh". Mycological Progress. 14: 36 (6): 35. Bibcode:2015MycPr..14...35H. doi:10.1007/s11557-015-1058-7. S2CID   17380355.
  11. "Amanita lesueurii - - Taxonomy and Morphology of Amanita and Limacella". Retrieved 2023-01-08.
  12. Deng WQ, Li TH, Li P, Yang ZL (2014). "A new species of Amanita section Lepidella from South China". Mycological Progress. 13 (2): 211–217. Bibcode:2014MycPr..13..211D. doi:10.1007/s11557-013-0906-6. S2CID   17117540.