This is a list of characters from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic , an animated television series based on the My Little Pony toyline created by American toy manufacturer and multimedia company Hasbro. The series features characters and settings developed by Lauren Faust, who sought to create more in-depth characters than the stereotypical "girly" icons used in previous iterations of the franchise. The series premiered on October 10, 2010, in the United States and concluded on October 12, 2019.
The characters have been generally well-received by television critics and parental groups and are cited as one of the reasons the series' older fans, called "bronies", became attracted to the show. Friendship is Magic characters appear in numerous spin-off franchise media, including a comic book series, a Gameloft My Little Pony video game, a children's book series, a theatrical feature film, and My Little Pony: Pony Life , a reboot focusing on more slice-of-life stories.
Hasbro initially hired Faust to create a pitch bible for the show, allowing her to get additional help with conceptualization. [1] Faust said she was "extremely skeptical" about taking the job at first because she had always found shows based on girls' toys to be boring and unrelatable. [2] She was disappointed that what she thought of the toys at the time was nothing like the animated shows, in which the characters, according to her, "had endless tea parties, giggled over nothing and defeated villains by either sharing with them or crying". With the chance to work on My Little Pony, one of her favorite childhood toys, [3] she hoped to prove that "cartoons for girls don't have to be a puddle of smooshy, cutesy-wootsy, goody-two-shoeness". [2] To do this, she incorporated many elements into the show that subverted stereotypes of girls, such as diverse personalities, character flaws and personality disorders, the message that friends can be different and can get into arguments but still be friends and the idea that girls should not be limited by what others say they can or cannot do. [2] Elements of the characters' personalities and the show's settings were based on her childhood imagination of the ponies' adventures, in part inspired by the animated shows that her brothers would watch while growing up, such as Transformers and G.I. Joe . [4] Faust still aimed for the characters to be "relatable" characters, using stereotypical "icons of girliness" to broaden the appeal of the characters for the young female audience. [5]
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic focuses on six core pony characters, identified as the "Mane Six", [6] a group of friends who are brought together by the "Elements of Harmony", a set of six mystical jewels and an "unstoppable force of good" [7] used to defend Equestria against powerful threats. The seventh main character, Spike, acts as a foil to the Mane Six in terms of personality and he is the only male member of the team. The eighth main character, Starlight, who has redeemed herself and became the special member of the team.
Each pony character was designed to represent a different element and positive aspect of friendship: honesty (Applejack), kindness (Fluttershy), laughter (Pinkie Pie), generosity (Rarity), and loyalty (Rainbow Dash), which come together to form the sixth element of "magic" (Twilight Sparkle). [8]
Princess Twilight Sparkle is the main protagonist of the show. Her cutie mark, a six-pointed star, represents her talent for magic and her love for books and knowledge and the five smaller stars indicate that her destiny is intertwined with her friends. Twilight is depicted in the first three seasons as a light purple unicorn with purple eyes and a pink and purple streaked indigo-blue mane and tail and as a winged unicorn after "Magical Mystery Cure". Twilight is the most intellectual member of the group who leads them during their adventures and helps resolve her friends' differences.
Twilight's most defining character trait is her humility. She is a natural-born leader, an intelligent and dutiful scholar, wise beyond her years, with an avid love of learning and scientific discoveries. Her specialty is advanced unicorn-specific magic; her proficiency in magic is stated to have rivaled that of Star Swirl the Bearded, having already mastered various advanced spells before her ascension to princesshood. Often rational and calm, she has perfectionist tendencies with severe paranoia and never accepts failure. [9] [10] She is also prone to suffer from nervous breakdowns (dubbed "Twilighting" and "Twilyanas" by her friends and family) when confronted with difficult problems or things beyond her understanding, though she gradually overcomes this habit in the final season.
Twilight begins the story as the protégée of Princess Celestia, who tasks her with studying the magical properties of friendship and reporting her findings. Twilight detests her assignment in the two-part series premiere, owing to her reclusiveness to her obsession with books, but comes to form strong friendships with the rest of the group, which she realizes is key to harnessing the Elements of Harmony. She resides with her assistant Spike and pet owl Owlowiscious in Ponyville's Golden Oak Library, where she also serves as town librarian. [11] At the end of season three, her apprenticeship to Princess Celestia ends when she finishes an old spell by creating new magic based on her studies of friendship, transforms into a winged unicorn and becomes a princess. At the end of season four, she becomes the Princess of Friendship, with the responsibility to spread friendship and harmony across Equestria with her friends. In season eight, she opens the School of Friendship to teach ponies and creatures from Equestria and beyond about the benefits of friendship with her friends serving as the teachers. In season nine, she prepares to become the new ruler of Equestria, which she succeeds in the end, while establishing the Council of Friendship to maintain her relationship with her friends over the years.
Spike is a purple baby dragon with green spines. He was orphaned as an egg and hatched by Twilight as part of her entrance exam for Celestia's academy. He was also raised among Twilight's family as her adopted younger brother. Spike fulfills the role of Twilight's "number one assistant" to which he is named for his loyalty and skill at helping Twilight solve problems and learn lessons. He also has a crush on Rarity, an insatiable appetite for sparkly gems, and the ability to send letters via his fiery dragon breath. In "Molt Down", he gains a pair of wings after undergoing a developmental stage for dragons called the "molt". At the end of the show, he becomes Twilight's royal adviser. Spike acts as a foil to Twilight and her friends in terms of personality, size, and shape which "provides plenty of opportunity for exploring this difference in storylines". Spike is the only male member of his team.
Faust envisioned the character as "the sensitive little boy who has a lot of sisters and just seems to get along better with girls". [12] On Spike's role as a dragon outsider living among ponies, Meghan McCarthy says: "He's trying to figure out who he is. What beyond being Twilight's assistant is his role in this world? I think he reflects how everybody feels at some point in their life". [13]
Applejack is an orange earth pony with green eyes and a blonde mane and tail. Her cutie mark, a trio of apples, represents her talent for agriculture and her love for her family. She is characterized as a "farm gal" who sports a cowboy hat and lasso and speaks with a Texan Southern accent. She works as an apple farmer at the Sweet Apple Acres orchard in Ponyville, using her strength to "buck" apples out of trees. She lives with: her grandmother Granny Smith, her older brother Big McIntosh, her younger sister Apple Bloom and her pet Border Collie dog Winona. Applejack's parents, Bright Mac and Pear Butter (voiced by Bill Newton and Felicia Day), first seen in "The Perfect Pear", are deceased. Applejack is: honest, courageous, forthright and the most "down-to-earth" of the group, being a trustworthy friend who is optimistic and has good judgment. She is also "too eager to please" and has a stubborn persona, with several episodes focused on her interaction with the Flim-Flam Brothers who exploit her vulnerabilities or focus on her taking up a "herculean task".
Author Begin says that her apple-themed cutie mark "not only represents her name but also is a symbol of the down-home simplicity found in a classic and common fruit".
Rainbow Dash is a blue pegasus with pink eyes and a rainbow-colored mane and tail. Her cutie mark, a rainbow-colored lightning bolt with a cloud, represents her talent for speed and her obsession with adventure. Her goal at the beginning of the series is to join her "heroes", the elite Wonderbolts aerobatic team. She later joins the Wonderbolts as a trainee in "Wonderbolts Academy". She soon became a reservist in "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3" and then a full-time member in "Newbie Dash". She helps other pegasi manage the weather around Ponyville and spends her time practicing flight maneuvers such as the "Sonic Rainboom", a rainbow-colored sonic boom. In "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom as a filly caused a chain of events that produced the group's cutie marks. She lives with a propeller-fitted pet tortoise named Tank in a floating condominium of clouds called the Cloudominium, which is sparingly seen in the show because she "doesn't sit still for very long", according to the director Jim Miller.
Faust struggled to find a suitable aspect for Rainbow Dash's Element of Harmony, seeing the character as "self-absorbed and rather irresponsible". She eventually settled on the Element of Loyalty because it "brought out [Rainbow Dash's] positive traits". [8]
Pinkie Pie (full name Pinkamena Diane Pie) is a light pink earth pony with light blue eyes and a dark pink balloon-like mane and tail. Her cutie mark, a trio of balloons, represents her talent for spreading hope and joy and her desire to entertain her friends. She is a party planner at Sugarcube Corner, a bakery and confectionery store that resembles a gingerbread house and owns a toothless pet alligator named Gummy. A comic relief character who was raised on a "dreary rock farm", Pinkie is defined as a "hard worker" motivated in seeing people she loves smiling and relieving them of stress, by randomly throwing parties and acting as outlandish as possible; but has a lack of confidence and a fear of being rejected by others. Pinkie is a source of much of the series' humor and several of the show's "wacky gags" are kept exclusive to her (running gags include breaking the fourth wall and "appearing suddenly in unexpected places", as well as an ability to predict future events through various body reactions, which she calls the "Pinkie Sense"). While Pinkie appears to be the naive party animal of the group, she also displays admirable skills in science and engineering. In "Swarm of the Century", she devised a technical solution to Ponyville's infestation problems in a scenario where magic had failed and built a flying machine to keep up with Rainbow Dash in "Griffon the Brush Off".
In early episodes, Faust worked to depict Pinkie as a "free spirit" to address concerns of the character being seen as too "hyper" and "ditzy". As the creative team grew more comfortable with Pinkie's character and humor, she became "really over-the-top strange and bordering on crazy, with a wacky cartoonish magic all her own". [14] Throughout the show, depending on the episode or scene, Pinkie's friends alternate between disliking and enjoying her company, both ignoring her when she tries to speak to them but doing things with her such as pulling pranks or playing buckball. In the future setting of the last episode "The Last Problem", Pinkie is shown to be married to Cheese Sandwich with a child named Li'l Cheese.
Rarity is a white unicorn with dark blue eyes and a curled indigo-purple mane and tail. Her cutie mark, a trio of diamonds, represents her talent for prospecting gemstones and her love of art and beauty. Rarity is a svelte, sophisticated, ladylike fashionista and businessperson who speaks with a mid-Atlantic accent and runs a franchise of brand name flagship stores throughout Equestria; she operates out of an haute couture salon in Ponyville called Carousel Boutique. Despite her arrogant and melodramatic tendencies, she has a generous spirit who loves spoiling her friends and strives to create artistic dresses that capture their wearers' inner beauty. She owns a pet Persian cat named Opalescence who is commonly nicknamed Opal and has a younger sister named Sweetie Belle.
Faust's original idea for Rarity's Element of Harmony was "inspiration", but it was changed to "generosity" after the production team deemed the former "too much of a thinker, especially for kids". Faust was pleased with the change, saying it "really helped pull [Rarity] away from the stereotypical, unlikable debutante". [8] She cites Audrey Hepburn as her biggest influence for Rarity [15] and also says that Tabitha St. Germain's histrionic performance "added a humor to Rarity that was unexpected and wonderful". [16]
Fluttershy is a yellow pegasus with green-blue eyes and a pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark, a trio of butterflies, represents her talent as an animal caretaker and her love for nature. True to her name, she is defined by her "shy sweetness; soft, whispery voice and tender, nurturing nature", as described by author Begin. She possesses a unique affinity for animals that allows her to communicate with them. She lives in a secluded meadow cottage in Ponyville where she cares for forest creatures such as her "conniving and willful" pet rabbit Angel. In many episodes, Fluttershy exhibits a tough personality that emerges whenever a friend or animal is harmed, in contrast to her normally timid and mild-mannered self. Her most prominent ability, "the Stare", causes any creature that meets her gaze to become "powerless and moved to meekness" while it is in effect.
Faust enjoyed writing for Fluttershy the most out of the show's characters due to her "relatable" struggles with fear, which Faust says brings potential "not just for great storytelling but [also for] great filmmaking". [14]
The Royal Family are the highest-ranking ponies in the Equestrian nation. The novel Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell establishes that the Princesses with wings and a horn are "a special breed of pony able to harness the magical powers of the Unicorns, the flight abilities of the Pegasi, and the strength of a good, true heart of an Earth Pony". [17] Faust states that Celestia "embodies the traits of all three [kinds of ponies]".
Princess Celestia is the benevolent ruler of Equestria and Twilight's former mentor. She has ruled Equestria for over a thousand years and uses her magic to raise the sun, while her younger sister Luna uses her magic to raise the moon to ensure a night and day cycle. She is perhaps the most beloved creature in the world, being a staunch proponent of international peace, kindness, and cooperation. Very little of her past before Celestia's victory over Discord is known, except that she and Luna discovered the Elements of Harmony. With these artifacts and their bearers, Princess Celestia has secured millennia-long, relative peace for a nation. Her status as a winged unicorn is seen as a symbol of harmony between earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. [18] She guided Twilight since she was a filly, leading to her eventual destiny as a princess of Equestria. Celestia remains a close friend and ally to Twilight after she gained a pair of wings and became a princess. During season nine, Celestia and Luna prepares to retire from ruling Equestria so that Twilight can take their place. At the end of the show, after Twilight was crowned the new ruler of Equestria, Celestia and Luna retired to Silver Shoals.
Faust's original concept for Celestia was a queen rather than a princess, but she was changed into a princess because Hasbro thought that "girls assume that Queens are evil [...] and Princesses are good", and that "the perceived youth of a Princess is preferable to consumers". [19]
Princess Luna is Princess Celestia's younger sister who serves as co-ruler of Equestria and uses her magic to raise the moon and safeguards her subjects' dreams during nighttime. A thousand years ago, Luna became bitter about everypony playing during the day while they sleep through the night and ignore her. Luna's bitterness transformed her into Nightmare Moon and she attempted to create eternal night all over Equestria. Celestia reluctantly used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon and took responsibility for raising both the sun and the moon and maintaining harmony in Equestria. Nightmare Moon first appears in the first season's two-part premiere "Friendship Is Magic" when she escapes from the moon and attempts to carry out her plan. Twilight and her friends use the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and turn her back into Luna, who reconciles with her sister and resumes her royal duties. During season nine, Luna and Celestia prepares to retire from ruling Equestria so that Twilight can take their place. At the end of the show, after Twilight was crowned the new ruler of Equestria, Luna and Celestia retired to Silver Shoals.
Several episodes depict Luna's "difficulty living in her older sister's shadow", such as adapting to modern Equestrian customs and repairing her public image. [20]
Shining Armor is Twilight's older brother and the former captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard and Princess Cadance (full name Princess Mi Amore Cadenza) is Twilight's sister-in-law and childhood "foal-sitter", whom she has close relationships with. They first appear in season two's two-part finale, "A Canterlot Wedding", when they were getting married. Later in season three, they became the new rulers of the Crystal Empire, with the responsibility to spread hope and love across Equestria. [22] In season six, Cadance gives birth to their baby daughter with wings and a horn, Flurry Heart. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both stated that "the birth of [a winged unicorn] is something Equestria has never seen" and that it was "even beyond their understanding". Cadance does not know who her real parents were, she was found as a foal by two elderly earth ponies and they raised her until Princess Celestia adopted her as her unofficial niece after gaining her cutie mark and ascending into princesshood. [23] Shining is depicted as handsome, courageous, silly, nerdy, and charming; while Cadance is depicted as kind, caring, helpful, romantic and natural as a leader. [24]
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are a club that consists of Apple Bloom, Applejack and Big McIntosh's younger sister, Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister, and Scootaloo, a pegasus filly who suffers from an inability to fly and idolizes Rainbow Dash. After the fillies befriended each other and formed the club in "Call of the Cutie", they went on adventures while trying to discover their special talents and earn their cutie marks. Later in "Crusaders of the Lost Mark", they finally earned their cutie marks, with their talents to help ponies discover their own purposes. In "Marks for Effort", they became tutors for the School of Friendship.
In addition to the main trio, others are accepted into the Cutie Mark Crusaders across the series:
Discord is a draconequus (a dragon-like creature with body parts from different animals) and the spirit of chaos and disharmony. A thousand years ago, Discord once ruled Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone. He first appears in season two's two-part premiere, "The Return of Harmony", when he breaks free of his stone imprisonment and sets out to spread chaos all across Equestria until Twilight and her friends used the Elements to turn him back into stone. In "Keep Calm and Flutter On", Discord is released once again from his stone imprisonment by Twilight and her friends under Celestia's orders to reform him, which succeeds after Fluttershy befriends him. Following this, he appears in subsequent episodes as a reluctant ally of Twilight and her friends, occasionally still causing mischief while struggling to become a better friend to them. [26]
In mythology, Discord or Discordia is a trickster and the Roman goddess of chaos. [27] Faust based Discord's character on Q, an omnipotent trickster played by John de Lancie in Star Trek: The Next Generation . The production team considered casting a soundalike of de Lancie to voice the character but decided to try to get de Lancie himself, who was available. [28] The creative team developed Discord as "the one character who could break all of the rules of the show", by making him put more modernized or contemporary pop culture references than usual in the series' "fantasy storybook" setting. [29] [30] He was not intended to have a recurring role; [29] according to McCarthy, "'reforming' him allows us to tell new stories with his character. He gets to be the not-always-reliable ally instead of the known enemy". [26] Author Begin commented on the "chaotic" settings that accompany the character, such as his home dimension called Chaosville, likening them to "dream-inspired Salvador Dalí paintings". [31]
Big McIntosh (commonly called Big Mac) is Applejack and Apple Bloom's older brother. He does not talk very much and often speaks by saying "ee-yup" and "nope". [32] Starting in "Hard to Say Anything", he starts a romantic relationship with Sugar Belle and they soon get married in. In "The Big Mac Question" and "The Last Problem", Big Mac and Sugar Belle have a son.
Granny Smith is Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big McIntosh's paternal grandmother. She is depicted as a "wise matriarch" who has a sharp wit and a "fuzzy" memory and is stated to be one of Ponyville's first settlers. [32]
Starlight Glimmer is a unicorn with a strong talent for magic and a former villain. She first appears in season five's two-part premiere, "The Cutie Map", when she was the founder and leader of a village where she wishes to build a "perfectly equal society" by magically removing other ponies' cutie marks because she believes differences cause disharmony between friends until Twilight and her friends came to her village and exposed her ruse. She returns in the season's two-part finale, "The Cutie Re-Mark", to get revenge on Twilight by time traveling back to the past and stopping Rainbow Dash from performing her first Sonic Rainboom to prevent Twilight and her friends from coming together. Twilight and Spike follow after her, but they repeatedly fail to stop her from altering the past, which creates numerous alternate versions of Equestria falling into ruin. When they brought her to a future to show her the consequences of her actions, Starlight refuses to accept the truth and shows them her childhood, revealing that she lost touch with her friend Sunburst after he earned his cutie mark and left to study magic in Canterlot, which lead her to believe that cutie marks ruin friendships. However, Twilight convinces Starlight to change her ways and make new friends and even takes her on as her student. In season six, Starlight starts learning the ways of friendship as Twilight's student, until she graduates in season seven, after defeating Queen Chrysalis and bringing harmony to the Changeling Kingdom. In season eight, she becomes the School of Friendship's guidance counselor to help the students with their problems. Later in "A Horse Shoe-In", she becomes the school's new head mare as Twilight was leaving to rule Equestria.
According to Miller, Starlight's design was chosen to parallel her role as a "proto-Twilight character". [33] Her original name during production was "Aurora Glimmer", which was changed due to the Walt Disney Company's trademark of the name "Aurora". [34]
The "Young Six" [35] are six adolescent creatures who attend as students at the School of Friendship run by Twilight and her friends. They consist of:
Most recurring characters established within the fictional universe of the television show are expanded and more prominent in the comics, presented with complex, multi-issue story arcs. The comics provide stories based on the established fictional universe of the television show; the comic faithfully follows the show canon, but the show does not technically follow the comic canon. [36] [37] Though the comic, like the show, is aimed at young children, the writers and artists have consistently taken creative risks, including expanding Sombra's backstory, introducing Scootaloo's aunts as a married LGBT couple and more. [38]
Ponyville is the primary setting of the television series and home of the show's main characters. The town's unique locales were designed to reflect their characters, while the overall style of the town was largely influenced by Pennsylvania Dutch design, steampunk artwork, and European and Bavarian folklore. [40] The town also incorporates pony design elements such as horseshoes, hay bales, and troughs. [41]
The show features an extensive cast of over 200 minor characters, also designated as "background ponies", [49] that are used to fill out crowd scenes and serve as visual gags in episodes. [3] Several background ponies have been well received by the show's brony fanbase, who have assigned names and personalities to them. [3] As a response to fan interest, the series' creative team has given six of the most popular characters expanded roles in later episodes and media, [49] including being featured as the "main characters" in the show's one-hundredth episode "Slice of Life", which presents the characters' daily lives as the episode's central focus. [50]
Canterlot is the mountainside capital of Equestria, named after the castle Camelot of Arthurian legend. The city is home to the country's upper-class elite, including Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who reside in the local castle. Canterlot was designed to give the sense of its residents' royalty and nobility. [62]
Cloudsdale is the home and birthplace of several pegasus characters such as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. It is depicted as a floating city of clouds where pegasi produce Equestria's clouds, weather, and rainbows inside a specialized "weather factory". [66] The city's design was influenced by Greek and Roman architecture, which author Begin states "harks back to the original Olympic Games, [...] a fitting reference for Rainbow Dash". [67]
Hope Hollow is a town in Equestria located some distance from Ponyville, most noted for an annual celebration known as the Rainbow Festival. The town and its inhabitants appear in the TV special My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip .
Tartarus is a supermax penal colony administered by prison warden Cerberus, a monstrous multi-headed dog. Anyone may enter Tartarus, but no one can leave through its entrance doors:"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" are inscribed on them. Tartarus provides housing for extraordinarily dangerous creatures; for these reasons, its exact location is classified.
Dragons are a species of apex predators generally depicted as nomadic, selfish, and reclusive creatures; their level of greed determines their: physical size, power, lifespan, and territory. [88] Many dragons accumulate wealth through the use of force, threats, or coercion to intimidate or aggressively dominate other "lesser species". Due to their egotistical nature, dragons do not have any formal "borders or government" by traditional definitions, functioning rather like adhocracy. Under dragon laws and customs, the term "Dragon Lands" is whenever or wherever a dragon chooses to roost its young or hoard its treasures determines its sovereign territories for centuries. Being kraterocratic however, all dragons acknowledge (and adhere out of fear) to arbitration by the Dragon Lord—the sole monarch of the "Dragon Lands", who is traditionally the oldest, strongest and greediest despot. Begin describes the dragon designs used in the show as "traditional" while finding that their "exaggerated noses and large heads resting on exceptionally skinny necks" is evocative of the show's humor. [89]
These characters lived centuries in the past at a minimum. They are often mentioned posthumously for historical context to the plot.
The Pillars of Old Equestria are six legendary adventurer ponies responsible for creating the Elements of Harmony. With the Tree of Harmony, they strived to ensure future generations could defend Equestria in its darkest hours. In the seventh season's two-part finale, "Shadow Play", the Pillars are brought into the present era after Twilight and her friends release them from millennial imprisonment in limbo alongside the Pony of Shadows, forming a tense alliance with them to defeat and ultimately rekindle the Pillars' friendship with the villain. As with Twilight and her friends, each Pillar represents one of six traits similar to the Elements of Harmony: strength (Rockhoof), healing (Mage Meadowbrook), hope (Somnambula), beauty (Mistmane), bravery (Flash Magnus), and sorcery (Star Swirl the Bearded).
The Tree of Harmony is an entity that protected Equestria for thousands of years and created the Elements of Harmony. It preserves balance and harmony without conscious effort and seldom can be communicated with directly, although it often shows hints of having a will of its own. In "What Lies Beneath", the Tree's roots have expanded well outside the Everfree Forest and its abilities have grown to the point of being able to project a physical form of its consciousness.
In season seven's two-part finale, "Shadow Play", it is revealed that the Tree of Harmony was grown by the Pillars of Old Equestria to protect Equestria in their absence. In "The Mean 6", Chrysalis and the "evil clones" of the Mane Six find the Tree of Harmony, but the Elements destroy the clones when they attempt to use them. In "What Lies Beneath", the Tree is revealed to be sentient and uses a ghostly illusion of Twilight Sparkle to communicate with the Young Six. In season eight's two-part finale, "School Raze", the Tree's magic prevents Starlight, the Young Six, and the magic of Equestria from being sucked into Cozy Glow's vortex.
In season nine's two-part premiere, "The Beginning of the End", King Sombra destroys the Tree of Harmony and the Elements of Harmony shatter along with it. [92] In "Uprooted", the Young Six are called by the Tree to the site of where it was destroyed. After arguing over how to memorialize it, they use the Tree's broken pieces to build a small treehouse, and the Tree's magic transforms it into a grand treehouse at the center of the Castle of the Two Sisters' ruins.
"The Return of Harmony" is the collective name for the first and second episodes of the second season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, as well as the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth episodes of the series overall. Both episodes were directed by Jayson Thiessen and written by M.A. Larson. Part one of the episode aired in the United States on September 17, 2011 on the Hub, while part two aired the following week, on September 24. The first received a Nielsen household rating of 0.2, and was viewed by over 339,000 viewers, making it the highest-rated episode ever broadcast by the Hub at that point.
"A Canterlot Wedding" is the title of the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth episodes of the second season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The fifty-first and fifty-second episodes overall, they were directed by James Wootton and written by Meghan McCarthy. "A Canterlot Wedding" premiered as an hour-long event on The Hub on April 21, 2012. In these episodes, Twilight Sparkle learns her brother, Shining Armor, will be marrying Princess Cadance. The news excites Twilight, but she becomes concerned about the marriage when she notices Cadance is not behaving like the friendly, caring individual she remembers her to be.
"The Cutie Mark Chronicles" is the twenty-third episode of the first season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The episode was written by M.A. Larson and directed by supervising director Jayson Thiessen. In this episode, the "Cutie Mark Crusaders", three fillies looking to earn their cutie marks, learn from the older mares of how they earned their own cutie marks; in the process, the older mares realize they share a common destiny. The episode has been praised as having a complex plot for a children's program that emphasizes the core values of the overall show.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, simply known as Equestria Girls, is a product line of fashion dolls and a media franchise launched in 2013 by the American toy company Hasbro as a spin-off of the 2010 relaunch of the My Little Pony line of pony toys and its Friendship Is Magic television series. Equestria Girls features anthropomorphized versions of My Little Pony characters from that period; as with My Little Pony, which features a colorful body and mane, non-human skin and hair colors, while incorporating their pony counterpart's cutie marks in their clothing. The franchise includes various doll lines, media tie-ins, and licensed merchandise.
"Magical Mystery Cure" is the thirteenth and final episode of the third season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and the sixty-fifth episode of the series overall. Directed by James Wootton, it was written by M.A. Larson. The episode's title is a reference to the film Magical Mystery Tour by The Beatles.
The first season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, developed by Lauren Faust, originally aired on The Hub in the United States. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works and is often referred by collectors to be the fourth generation, or "G4", of the My Little Pony franchise. Season 1 of the series premiered on October 10, 2010 on The Hub, an American pay television channel partly owned by Hasbro, and concluded on May 6, 2011.
The second season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, developed by Lauren Faust, originally aired on The Hub, an American pay television channel partly owned by Hasbro. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works and is often referred by collectors to be the fourth generation, or "G4", of the My Little Pony franchise. Season 2 of the series premiered on September 17, 2011 and concluded on April 21, 2012.
The third season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, developed by Lauren Faust, originally aired on The Hub in the United States. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works and is often referred by collectors to be the fourth generation, or "G4", of the My Little Pony franchise. Season 3 of the series premiered on November 10, 2012 on The Hub, an American pay television channel partly owned by Hasbro, and concluded on February 16, 2013.
"Twilight's Kingdom" is the collective name for the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth episodes of the fourth season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, as well as the ninetieth and ninety-first episodes of the series overall. The two-part season finale deals with a new threat named Lord Tirek, who wants to rule Equestria by absorbing all magic, as well as Twilight Sparkle trying to learn what she should do with her new role as a princess. "Twilight's Kingdom" was directed by Jayson Thiessen, co-directed by Jim Miller, produced by Sarah Wall and Devon Cody, and written by Meghan McCarthy. It premiered on the Hub Network on May 10, 2014, with both parts airing back-to-back.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games, known simply as Friendship Games, is a 2015 animated musical sports fantasy film which is a part of Hasbro's My Little Pony: Equestria Girls toy line and media franchise, itself a spin-off of the 2010 relaunch of the main My Little Pony franchise. The film was animated using Adobe Flash, directed by Ishi Rudell and written by Josh Haber, and was produced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada for Hasbro Studios in the United States, as a sequel to 2014's Rainbow Rocks film. Unlike the previous two films, Friendship Games had no theatrical run in the United States and Canada, but the film was first shown on Discovery Family, a joint venture between Discovery Communications and Hasbro, on September 26, with a home media release on October 13 that year by Shout! Factory; it also had a limited theatrical run in the United Kingdom, Mexico and Australia beginning in late October 2015.
"Amending Fences" is the twelfth episode of the fifth season of animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as well as the one hundred and third overall. Released on July 4, 2015, the episode was written by M.A. Larson and directed by Jim Miller. It received praise from critics and fans for its plot.
"The Cutie Re-Mark" is the collective name for the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth episodes of the fifth season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as well as the 116th and 117th episodes of the series overall. Written by Josh Haber and directed by Denny Lu, the two episodes center around Starlight Glimmer, who tries to take revenge from the Mane 6 by going back in time and preventing them from ever meeting each other. Released on November 28, 2015, the plot of the episode received mixed reviews from critics.
American toy company Hasbro launched the fourth incarnation of My Little Pony toyline and media franchise in 2010. This generation is not given any name by Hasbro, but some of later releases of toys are labeled with the subtitle "Friendship Is Magic". It is unofficially referred to as the "Fourth Generation", "Generation Four" or "G4" by collectors.
Equestria is a fictional kingdom and the main setting of the fourth and fifth generations of the My Little Pony toy line and media franchise, including the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and My Little Pony: Pony Life. Created by Lauren Faust, the setting incorporates many elements of fantasy, including inspirations from European and Greek mythology.
The eighth season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, developed by Lauren Faust, originally aired on the Discovery Family channel in the United States. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works and is often referred by collectors to be the fourth generation, or "G4", of the My Little Pony franchise. Season 8 of the series premiered on March 24, 2018, on Discovery Family, an American pay television channel partly owned by Hasbro, and concluded on October 13.
Princess Twilight Sparkle is a fictional character who appears in the fourth incarnation of Hasbro's My Little Pony toyline and media franchise, beginning with My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010–2019), and later in the franchise's fifth incarnation as well. She is voiced by Tara Strong; her singing voice is provided by Rebecca Shoichet.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Forgotten Friendship, also known as Most Likely to be Forgotten on the extended YouTube release, is a 2018 animated one-hour television special which is a part of Hasbro's My Little Pony: Equestria Girls toyline and media franchise, itself a spin-off of the 2010 relaunch of the main My Little Pony toyline. The special was animated using Adobe Animate, written and edited by Nick Confalone, and directed by Ishi Rudell and Katrina Hadley, and was produced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada for Hasbro Studios in the United States. Premiered on Discovery Family on February 17, 2018, Forgotten Friendship is the first one-hour Equestria Girls television special, followed up with Rollercoaster of Friendship (2018), Spring Breakdown (2019), Sunset's Backstage Pass (2019), and Holidays Unwrapped (2019).
The three-part series finale of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic consisted of the ninth season's 24th, 25th and 26th episodes as well as the 219th, 220th and 221st overall: the two parts of "The Ending of the End" along with "The Last Problem". Broadcast in prime time on October 12, 2019, on Discovery Family, the finale was 90 minutes long and produced by Allspark Animation. "The Ending of the End" follows Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie—known collectively as the "Mane 6"— and dragon friend Spike defending Equestria from their past enemies who are now united. "The Last Problem" is set years after the events of "The Ending of the End" when one of Twilight's students has a friendship problem. To solve it, Twilight recalls the moments she and the Mane 6 spent together.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle" is the collective name for the first and second episodes of the fourth season of animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as well as the sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh overall. The episodes follow the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle, who travels back to her hometown of Ponyville from Canterlot after Princesses Celestia and Luna disappear, and the Everfree Forest invades Ponyville. As Twilight and her friends try to find the cause of the havoc, they discover the Tree of Harmony, where they give up the Elements of Harmony to save Equestria.
"Friendship Is Magic" is the collective name for the series premiere of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The episodes follow Twilight Sparkle, a studious, antisocial unicorn, who reluctantly travels to the town of Ponyville at the insistence of her mentor, Princess Celestia. There, she meets five ponies—Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie—with whom she becomes close friends. Together, the six defeat Nightmare Moon, a villain who has returned after a thousand years of imprisonment in the moon, with magical artifacts known as the "Elements of Harmony". Many of the creatures that appear in these episodes have designs that convey humor or silliness. Aired in two parts, on October 10 and October 22, 2010, the episodes received positive reviews from critics.