List of Norwegian monarchs

Last updated

Coat of arms of the King Royal CoA of Norway.svg
Coat of arms of the King
King Harald V and Queen Sonja Royal Wedding Stockholm 2010-Konserthuset-411.jpg
King Harald V and Queen Sonja

The list of Norwegian monarchs (Norwegian : kongerekken or kongerekka) begins in 872: the traditional dating of the Battle of Hafrsfjord, after which victorious King Harald Fairhair merged several petty kingdoms into that of his father. Named after the homonymous geographical region, Harald's realm was later to be known as the Kingdom of Norway. [1]


Traditionally established in 872 and existing continuously for over 1,100 years, the Kingdom of Norway is one of the oldest states of Europe: King Harald V, who has reigned since 1991, is the 64th monarch according to the official list. [2] During interregna, Norway has been ruled by variously titled regents.

Several royal dynasties have possessed the Throne of the Kingdom of Norway: the more prominent include the Fairhair dynasty (872–970), the House of Sverre (1184–1319), the House of Oldenburg (1450–1481, 1483–1533, 1537–1818, and from 1905),including branches Holstein-Gottorp (1814–1818) and Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg (from 1905), and the House of Bernadotte (1818-1905). During the civil war era (1130–1240), several pretenders fought each other, and as a consequence, some rulers from this era are not traditionally considered lawful kings and are usually omitted from lists of monarchs. Between 1319 and 1905, Norway was at times part of various unions with neighbouring countries, like The First Swedish–Norwegian union, The Kalmar Union, Denmark-Norway and Sweden–Norway.

Kings of Norway used many additional titles between 1450 and 1905, such as King of the Wends, King of the Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Duke of Holstein, Prince of Rügen, and Count of Oldenburg. They called themselves Konge til Norge ("King of Norway"), usually with the style His Royal Majesty.[ citation needed ] With the introduction of constitutional monarchy in 1814, the traditional style "by the Grace of God" was extended to "by the Grace of God and the Constitution of the Kingdom", but was only briefly in use.[ citation needed ] The last king to use the by the grace of God style was Haakon VII, who died in 1957. The King's title today is formally Norges Konge ("Norway's King"), with the style "His Majesty".


For lists of the prehistoric kings of Norway see List of legendary kings of Norway

IIndependent period
DUnion with Denmark (1537 – 1814 as Denmark–Norway)
SUnion with Sweden (1814 – 1905 as Sweden–Norway)
DSUnion with Denmark and Sweden (1397 – 1523 as Kalmar Union)
R Interregnum/Regency

Fairhair dynasty

Besides becoming sole king after his father Harold's death, Eric Bloodaxe was king jointly with his father for three years before the latter's death. After Harald's death, Eric ruled as "overking" of his brothers, who also held status as kings and had control over certain regions. [3] Harald Greycloak also ruled as "overking" of his brothers. [4] All dates for the kings of the Fairhair dynasty are approximate and/or just scholarly estimates. Slight differences might therefore occur between different sources. The following table uses the dates given in Norsk biografisk leksikon / Store norske leksikon .

I Harald I Halfdansson [5]
Harald Fairhair
c. 872–932
Flateyjarbok Haraldr Halfdan.jpg
c. 850/860
Son of Halfdan the Black and Ragnhild
At least nine sons
c. 932
Eric I Haraldsson [3]
Eric Bloodaxe
c. 932–934
Eric Bloodaxe Norse king of York 952 954.jpg c. 895
Son of Harald I and Ragnhild Eriksdotter
Gunnhild Gormsdóttir
Eight children
c. 952/954
Haakon I Haraldsson [6]
Haakon the Good
c. 934–960
Peter Nicolai Arbo-Haakon den gode.jpg
c. 915–920
Son of Harald I and Tora Mosterstong
Never marriedc. 960/961
Håkonshella (near Bergen)
Harald II Ericsson [4] [7]
Harald Greycloak
c. 961–970
c. 935
Son of Eric I and Gunnhild Gormsdóttir
Never marriedc. 970
Limfjord, Denmark

House of Gorm/Earl of Lade

The Danish king Harald Bluetooth had himself hailed as king of Norway after the Battle of Fitjar (c. 961). Besides gaining direct control of Viken in south-eastern Norway, he let Harald Greycloak rule the rest of Norway as king, nominally under himself.[ citation needed ] Harald Bluetooth later switched his support to Harald Greycloak's rival, Haakon Sigurdsson, Earl of Lade, who eventually captured Harald Greycloak's kingdom. Haakon thereafter ruled Norway (except Viken), at first nominally under Harald. All dates are estimates and subject to interpretation. [8] Haakon is generally held as the ruler of Norway from 970 to 995. [9]

D Harald Bluetooth [10] [11]
961 – c. 980 [12]
(de jure)
Harald Blaatand.jpg
c. 925/35[ citation needed ]
Son of Gorm the Old and Thyra
[ citation needed ] Tove of the Obotrites
Four or six children
987 latest
REarl Haakon Sigurdsson [9]
965/70–995 [12]
(de facto)
Hakon jarl.jpg
c. 935
Son of Sigurd Haakonsson and Bergljot Toresdatter
Tora Skagesdatter
Nine children[ citation needed ]

Fairhair dynasty (restored)

I Olaf I Tryggvason [13]
Olav Tryggvason coin (front).png 968
Son of Tryggve Olafsson and Astrid Eiriksdottir
Variousc. 1000

House of Gorm/Earls of Lade (restored)

After the Battle of Svolder, the Danes recaptured Norway under Sweyn Forkbeard. As before, the Danes controlled the petty kingdoms of Viken as vassals, while the two Earls of Lade, Eric Haakonsson and Sweyn Haakonsson, ruled Western Norway and Trøndelag, nominally as earls under Sweyn. [14] Eric is generally held as the de facto ruler of Norway from 1000 to 1015, together with his brother Sweyn, a lesser known figure, with whom he shared his power. [15]

D Sweyn Forkbeard [16] [17]
1000–1013 [12]
(de jure)
Sweyn Forkbeard coin (cropped).jpg 17 April 963
Son of Harald Bluetooth and Tove of the Obotrites
(1 & 2) Gunhild of Wenden or Sigrid the Haughty
Eight or more children[ citation needed ]
3 February 1014 [18]
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
REarl Eric Haakonsson [15]
1000–1015 [12]
(de facto)
c. 964
Son of Haakon Sigurdsson and Gunhild Mieszcosdatter
Gytha Svendsdatter
One son[ citation needed ]
c. 1024
Earl Sweyn Haakonsson [19]
1000–1015 [12]
(de facto)
c. 970
Son of Haakon Sigurdsson and Thora Skagesdatter
Holmfrid Eriksdatter
Two daughters[ citation needed ]
c. 1016

St. Olav dynasty

I Olav II Haraldsson [20] [21]
Saint Olav
( Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae )
Olav der Heilige07.jpg c. 995
Son of Harald Grenske and Åsta Gudbrandsdatter
Astrid Olofsdotter
One daughter
29 July 1030
Aged 34–35

House of Gorm/Earl of Lade (restored, second time)

D Cnut the Great [12] [22] [23]
(de jure)
Cnut the Great Obverse.jpg c. 995
Son of Sweyn Forkbeard
(1) Ælfgifu of Northampton
Two children
(2) Emma of Normandy
Two children
12 November 1035
REarl Haakon Ericsson [24] [25] [26]
(de facto)
Sm 76, Komstad.JPG c. 998
Son of Eric Haakonsson and Gytha Svendsdatter
One daughter[ citation needed ]
Pentland Firth
D Sweyn Knutsson (with Ælfgifu ) [12] [27]
(de facto)
c. 1015
Son of Cnut and Ælfgifu of Northampton
Never marriedc. 1035

St. Olav dynasty (restored)

I Magnus I Olavsson [28] [29]
Magnus the Good
Magnus den gode mynt p (obverse).jpg c. 1024
Illegitimate son of Olaf II and Alfhild
Never married25 October 1047
Aged 23

Hardrada dynasty

PortraitBirth, parentsMarriage(s)
I Harald III Sigurdsson [30] [31]
Harald Hardrada
Harold-III-Coin.png c. 1015
Son of Sigurd Syr and Åsta Gudbrandsdatter
(1) Elisiv of Kiev
Two daughters
(2) Tora Torbergsdatter (bigamously)
Two sons
25 September 1066
Stamford Bridge, England
Aged 50–51
Magnus II Haraldsson [32]
c. 1049
Eldest son of Harald III and Tora Torbergsdatter
Never married28 April 1069
Aged 19–20
Olav III Haraldsson [32]
Olaf Kyrre
Olav Kyrre mynt 1 (obverse).jpg c. 1050
Youngest son of Harald III and Tora Torbergsdatter
Ingerid of Denmark
No issue
22 September 1093
Haukbø, Rånrike (now Håkeby, Sweden)
Aged 42–43
Haakon (II) Magnusson [33]
Haakon Toresfostre
c. 1069
Illegitimate son of Magnus II
Never married1095
Aged 25–26
Magnus III Olavsson [34]
Magnus Barefoot
Magnus III Barefoot of Norway coin 1865.png c. 1073
Illegitimate son of Olav III and unknown
Margaret Fredkulla
No issue
24 August 1103
Aged 29–30
Olav (IV) Magnusson [35]
Ol-Oys-Sig 8.png c. 1098
Illegitimate son of Magnus III and Sigrid Saxesdatter
Never married22 December 1115
Aged 16–17
Eystein I Magnusson [36]
Oeystein.jpg c. 1088
Illegitimate son of Magnus III
Ingebjørg Guttormsdatter
Two children[ citation needed ]
29 August 1123
Hustad, Fræna
Aged 34–35
Sigurd I Magnusson [37]
Sigurd the Crusader
c. 1089
Illegitimate son of Magnus III and Tora
(1) Bjaðmunjo Mýrjartaksdóttir
No issue
(2) Malmfred of Kiev
One daughter
(3) Cecilia[ dubious discuss ]
No issue
26 March 1130
Aged 40–41
Magnus IV Sigurdsson [38]
Magnus the Blind
c. 1115
Illegitimate son of Sigurd I and Borghild Olavsdatter
Christina of Denmark
c. 1133
No issue
12 November 1139
Aged 23–23

Gille dynasty

PortraitBirth, parentsMarriage(s)
I Harald IV Magnusson [39]
Harald Gille
c. 1102
Alleged illegitimate son of Magnus III
Ingrid of Sweden
c. 1134
One son
14 December 1136
Aged 32–33
Sigurd II Haraldsson [40]
Sigurd Munn
c. 1133
Illegitimate son of Harald IV and Thora Guttormsdatter
Never married10 June 1155
Aged 21–22
Inge I Haraldsson [41]
Inge the Hunchback
c. 1135
Only son of Harald IV and Ingrid of Sweden
Never married4 February 1161
Aged 25–26
Eystein II Haraldsson [42]
c. 1125
Illegitimate son of Harald IV and Biadoc
Ragna Nikolasdatter
No issue
21 August 1157
Rånrike (now Bohuslän)
Aged 31–32
Magnus (V) Haraldsson [43] [44] [45]
c. 1135
Illegitimate son of Harald IV
Never marriedc. 1145
Haakon II Sigurdsson [46]
Haakon the Broadshouldered
c. 1147
Illegitimate son of Sigurd II and Thora
Never married7 July 1162
Sekken, Romsdalen
Aged 14–15

Hardrada dynasty (restored), cognatic branch

PortraitBirth, parentsMarriage(s)
I Magnus V Erlingsson [47]
c. 1156
Son of Erling Skakke and Kristin Sigurdsdatter
Estrid Bjørnsdotter (possible)
Two daughters[ citation needed ]
15 June 1184
Aged 27–28

Sverre dynasty

PortraitBirth, parentsMarriageDeath
I Sverre Sigurdsson [48]
Sverre Sigurdsson (Nidaros Cathedral).jpg c. 1151
Alleged illegitimate son of Sigurd II and Gunnhild
Margaret of Sweden
One daughter
9 March 1202
Aged 50–51
Haakon III Sverresson [49]
Before 1185
Illegitimate son of Sverre
Never married1 January 1204
Aged 20-21
Guttorm Sigurdsson [50]
c. 1199
Illegitimate son of Sigurd Lavard
Never married11 August 1204
Aged 4–5

House of Godwin (Gille dynasty, cognatic branch)

I Inge II Bårdsson
Inge Bardsson seal.jpg c. 1185
Son of Bård Guttormsson and Cecilia Sigurdsdatter
never married23 April 1217
Aged 31–32

Sverre dynasty (restored)

I Haakon IV Haakonsson
Haakon the Old
Kong Haakon Haakonsson PI III 1.jpg c. 1204
Illegitimate son of Haakon III and Inga of Varteig
Margaret Skulesdatter
25 May 1225
Four children
16 December 1263
Aged 58–59
Haakon (V) Haakonsson
Haakon the Young
Kong Haakon den Unge PI IV 1.jpg 10 November 1232
Second son of Haakon IV and Margaret Skulesdatter
Rikissa Birgersdotter
c. 1251
One son
5 May 1257
Aged 24
Magnus VI Haakonsson
Magnus the Law-mender
Kong Magnus Haakonsson PI VI 1.jpg 1 May 1238
Third son of Haakon IV and Margaret Skulesdatter
Ingeborg of Denmark
11 September 1261
Four sons
9 May 1280
Aged 42
Eric II Magnusson

Regent: Queen Mother Ingeborg (1280–1283)

Kong Eirik Magnusson PI VII 1.jpg c. 1268
Third son of Magnus VI and Ingeborg of Denmark
(1) Margaret of Scotland
September 1281
One daughter
(2) Isabel Bruce
bef. 25 September 1293
One daughter
15 July 1299
Aged 30–31
Haakon V Magnusson

Haakon Magnusson the Elder

Kong Haakon V Magnusson PI XIII 1.jpg 10 April 1270
Fourth son of Magnus VI and Ingeborg of Denmark
(1) Isabelle de Joigny
No issue
(2) Euphemia of Rügen
c. 1299
One daughter
8 May 1319
Aged 49
RInterregnum (8 May 1319 – August 1319)

Ingeborg of Norway as regent

House of Bjälbo

S Magnus VII Eriksson
August 1319 – 1355 (abdicated, de facto)

(circa 24 years, 14 days,
de jure)
Regents: Queen Mother Ingeborg (1319–1323) and Erling Vidkunsson (1323–1332)

Magnus Eriksson (cropped).jpg
c. 1316
Only son of Duke Erik Magnusson and Ingeborg of Norway
Blanche of Namur
5 November 1335
Bohus Castle
Two sons
1 December 1374
Aged 58
Haakon VI Magnusson

Haakon Magnusson the Younger
15 August 1343 – 11 September 1380
(37 years, 27 days)

Kong Haakon VI Magnusson PI XVII 1.jpg 15 August 1340
Second son of Magnus VII and Blanche of Namur
Margaret of Denmark
9 April 1363
Church of Our Lady
One son
11 September 1380
Akershus Castle
Aged 40
D Olav IV Haakonsson
11 September 1380 –23 August 1387

(6 years, 346 days)

Oluf 2 of Denmark (Kronborg tapestries) cropped.jpg
December 1370
Akershus Castle
Only son of Haakon VI and Margaret I
never married23 August 1387
Falsterbo Castle
Aged 16
RInterregnum (23 August 1387 – 2 February 1388)

Margaret Estridsen as regent

House of Estridsen

DS Margaret

the Semiramis of the North
2 February 1388 – 28 October 1412
(24 years, 269 days)
with Eric III (1389–1412)

Margaret of Denmark, Norway & Sweden (1389) effigy 2010 (2).jpg c.  1353
Vordingborg Castle
youngest daughter of Valdemar IV and Helvig of Schleswig
Haakon VI of Norway
9 April 1363
Church of Our Lady
One son
28 October 1412
Ship on Flensburg Fjord
Aged 58–59

House of Griffin

8 September 1389 – 4 June 1442 (deposed)

(52 years, 269 days)
Regents: Philippa of England (1423-1425) and Sigurd Jonsson (1439–1442)

Erik-af-Pommern 1424 (cropped).jpg c. 1381/82
Rügenwalde Castle
Only son of Wartislaw VII, Duke of Pomerania and Mary of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Philippa of England
26 October 1406
Lund Cathedral
No issue
3 May 1459
Rügenwalde Castle
Aged 76–78

House of Palatinate-Neumarkt

DS Christopher
4 June 1442 – 5 January 1448

(5 years, 215 days)

Christopher of Bavaria crop.jpg 26 February 1416
Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
Fifth son of John, Count Palatine of Neumarkt and Catherine of Pomerania
Dorothea of Brandenburg
12 September 1445
No issue
5/6 January 1448
Kärnan Castile
Aged 31
RInterregnum (5/6 January 1448 – 20 November 1449)
Sigurd Jonsson as regent

House of Bonde

S Charles I
20 November 1449 – 13 May 1450 (abdicated/deposed)

(174 days)

Carl II of Sweden 15th century by Bernt Notke 1982 .jpg 5 October 1409
Ekholmen Castle
Only son of Knut Tordsson Bonde and Margareta Karlsdotter Sparre
(1) Birgitta Bielke
before 1 March 1429
Two children
(2) Katarina Gumsehuvud
5 October 1438
Nine children
(3) Christina Abrahamsdotter
c. 1470
Stockholm Castle
Two children
14 May 1470
Stockholm Castle
Aged 60

House of Oldenburg

DS Christian I
13 May 1450 – 21 May 1481

(31 years, 8 days)

Christian-I-DenmarkNorwaySweden.JPG February 1426
Eldest son of Dietrich, Count of Oldenburg and Hedvig of Holstein
Dorothea of Brandenburg
28 October 1449
Church of Our Lady
Five children
21 May 1481
Copenhagen Castle
Aged 55
RInterregnum (21 May 1481 – 20 July 1483)
Jon Svaleson Smør as regent
DS John
20 July 1483 – 20 February 1513

(29 years, 215 days)

1455 Johann.JPG 2 February 1455
Aalborghus Castle
Third son of Christian I and Dorothea of Brandenburg
Christina of Saxony
6 September 1478
Five children
20 February 1513
Aalborghus Castle
Aged 58
RInterregnum (20 February 1513 – 22 July 1513)
DS Christian II
22 July 1513 – 20 January 1523 (deposed)

(9 years, 182 days)

ChristianII of denmark.jpg 1 July 1481
Nyborg Castle
Second son of John and Christina of Saxony
Isabella of Austria
12 August 1515
Six children
25 January 1559
Kalundborg Castle
Aged 77
RInterregnum (20 January 1523 – 5 August 1524)
D Frederick I
5 August 1524 – 10 April 1533

(8 years, 248 days)

Frederik1dk.jpg 7 October 1471
Haderslevhus Castle
Fourth son of Christian I and Dorothea of Brandenburg
(1) Anna of Brandenburg
10 April 1502
Two children
(2) Sophie of Pomerania
9 October 1518
Kiel Castle
Six children
10 April 1533
Gottorp Castle
Aged 61
RInterregnum (10 April 1533 – 1 April 1537)
Olav Engelbrektsson as regent
D Christian III
1 April 1537 – 1 January 1559

(21 years, 275 days)

Christian III of Denmark.jpg 12 August 1503
Gottorp Castle
Only son of Frederick I and Anna of Brandenburg
Dorothea of Saxe-Lauenburg
29 October 1525
Lauenburg Castle
Five children
1 January 1559
Koldinghus Castle
Aged 55
Frederick II
1 January 1559 – 4 April 1588

(29 years, 94 days)

1581 Lorck Frederik 2.(crop).jpg 1 July 1534
Haderslevhus Castle
Eldest son of Christian III and Dorothea of Saxe-Lauenburg
Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
20 July 1572
Eight children
4 April 1588
Antvorskov Castle
Aged 53
Christian IV
4 April 1588 – 28 February 1648

(59 years, 330 days)
Regency Council led by: Niels Kaas (1588–1594) and Jørgen Rosenkrantz (1594–1596)

Kristian IV av Danmark, malning av Pieter Isaacsz 1611-1616.jpg 12 April 1577
Frederiksborg Palace
Eldest son of Frederick II and Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
(1) Anne Catherine of Brandenburg
27 November 1597
Haderslevhus Castle
Seven children
(2) Kirsten Munk
31 December 1615
Twelve children
28 February 1648
Rosenborg Castle
Aged 70
RInterregnum (28 February 1648 – 6 July 1648)
Hannibal Sehested as Governor-general
D Frederick III
6 July 1648 – 9 February 1670

(21 years, 218 days)

Frederik 3 by window.jpg 18 March 1609
Haderslevhus Castle
Third son of Christian IV and Anne Catherine of Brandenburg
Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg
1 October 1643
Glücksburg Castle
Eight children
9 February 1670
Copenhagen Castle
Aged 60
Christian V
9 February 1670 – 25 August 1699

(29 years, 197 days)

Christian V of Denmark.jpg 15 April 1646
Duborg Castle
Eldest son of Frederick III and Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Kassel
25 June 1667
Nykøbing Castle
Eight children
25 August 1699
Copenhagen Castle
Aged 53
Frederick IV
25 August 1699 – 12 October 1730

(31 years, 48 days)
Regent: Queen Consort Louise (1708–1709)

Frederik den 4.jpg 11 October 1671
Copenhagen Castle
Eldest son of Christian V and Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Kassel
(1) Louise of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
5 December 1695
Five children
(2) Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg
6 September 1703
One son
(3) Anne Sophie Reventlow
4 April 1721
Three children
12 October 1730
Odense Palace
Aged 59
Christian VI
12 October 1730 – 6 August 1746

(15 years, 298 days)

Christian 6.jpg 30 November 1699
Copenhagen Castle
Second son of Frederick IV and Louise of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
Sophia Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kulmbach
7 August 1721
Pretzsch Castle
Three children
6 August 1746
Hirschholm Palace
Aged 46
Frederick V
6 August 1746 – 14 January 1766

(19 years, 161 days)

Pilo - Frederik V of Denmark.jpg 31 March 1723
Copenhagen Castle
Only son of Christian VI and Sophia Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kulmbach
(1) Louise of Great Britain
11 December 1743
Five children
(2) Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
8 July 1752
Frederiksborg Palace
One son
14 January 1766
Christiansborg Palace
Aged 42
Christian VII
14 January 1766 – 13 March 1808

(42 years, 59 days)
Regents: Hereditary Prince Frederick (1772–1784) and Crown Prince Frederick (1784–1808)

Christian VII 1772 by Roslin.jpg 29 January 1749
Christiansborg Palace
Second son of Frederick V and Louise of Great Britain
Caroline Matilda of Great Britain
8 November 1766
Christiansborg Palace
Two children
13 March 1808
Aged 59
Frederick VI
13 March 1808 – 7 February 1814 (abdicated)

(5 years, 331 days)

Fiedrichvidenmark.jpg 28 January 1768
Christiansborg Palace
Only son of Christian VII and Caroline Matilda of Great Britain
Marie Sophie of Hesse-Kassel
31 July 1790
Gottorp Castle
Eight children
3 December 1839
Amalienborg Palace
Aged 71
RInterregnum (7 February 1814 – 17 May 1814)
Hereditary Prince Christian Frederick as regent
I Christian Frederick
17 May 1814 – 10 October 1814 (abdicated)

(146 days)

Christian Frederik J. L. Lund.jpg 18 September 1786
Christiansborg Palace
Eldest son of Frederick, Hereditary Prince of Denmark and Norway and Sophia Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
(1) Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
21 June 1806
Ludwigslust Castle
Two sons
(2) Caroline Amalie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
22 May 1815
Augustenborg Palace
No issue
20 January 1848
Amalienborg Palace
Aged 61
RInterregnum (10 October 1814 – 4 November 1814)
Marcus Gjøe Rosenkrantz as Prime Minister

House of Holstein-Gottorp

S Charles II
4 November 1814 – 5 February 1818

(3 years, 93 days)
Regent: Crown Prince Charles John Bernadotte

Charles XIII of Sweden.jpg 7 October 1748
Stockholm Palace
Second son of Adolf Frederick of Sweden and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp
7 July 1774
Stockholm Cathedral
Two children
5 February 1818
Stockholm Palace
Aged 69

House of Bernadotte

S Charles III John
5 February 1818 – 8 March 1844

(26 years, 32 days)

Marechal-Bernadotte.jpg 26 January 1763
Son of Jean Henri Bernadotte and Jeanne de Saint Vincent;

Adopted by Charles II on 21 August 1810

Désirée Clary
17 August 1798
One son
8 March 1844
Stockholm Palace
Aged 81
Oscar I
8 March 1844 – 8 July 1859

(15 years, 122 days)
Regent: Crown Prince Charles (1857–1859)

Oscar I of Sweden & Norway c 1855 by Augusta Akerlof.jpg 4 July 1799
Only son of Charles III John and Désirée Clary
Josephine of Leuchtenberg
19 June 1823
Stockholm Cathedral
Five children
8 July 1859
Stockholm Palace
Aged 60
Charles IV
8 July 1859 –

18 September 1872
(13 years, 102 days)

Carl XV of Sweden c 1870 (2).jpg 3 May 1826
Stockholm Palace
Eldest son of Oscar I and Josephine of Leuchtenberg
Louise of the Netherlands
19 June 1850
Stockholm Cathedral
Two children
18 September 1872
Aged 46
Oscar II
18 September 1872 – 7 June (deposed) or 26 October 1905 (abdicated)

(32 years, 262 days or 33 years, 38 days)

Oscar II of Sweden painted by Oscar Bjorck in 1893.jpg 21 January 1829
Stockholm Palace
Third son of Oscar I and Josephine of Leuchtenberg
Sophia of Nassau
6 June 1857
Biebrich Palace
Four children
8 December 1907
Stockholm Palace
Aged 78
R Dissolution of the Union (7 June 1905 – 26 October 1905)
Interregnum (26 October 1905 – 18 November 1905)
Christian Michelsen as Prime Minister

House of Glücksburg

Carl of Denmark was approved in a referendum as King of Norway on 13 November 1905 and then elected by the Storting on 18 November 1905. He took the regnal name Haakon VII. With him the House of Oldenburg, in the form of its junior branch, resumed occupancy of the throne of Norway.[ citation needed ]

I Haakon VII
18 November 1905 – 21 September 1957

(51 years, 307 days)
Regent: Crown Prince Olav (1955 – 1957)

King Haakon VII of Norway.jpg
3 August 1872
Charlottenlund, Denmark
Second son of Frederik VIII of Denmark and Louise of Sweden
Maud of Wales
22 July 1896
1 son
21 September 1957
(85 years, 49 days)
Olav V
21 September 1957 – 17 January 1991

(33 years, 118 days)
Regent: Crown Prince Harald (1958, 1990 – 1991)

Olav V of Norway.jpg
2 July 1903
Norfolk, England
Only child of Haakon VII and Maud of Wales
Märtha of Sweden
21 March 1929
3 children
17 January 1991
(87 years, 199 days)
Harald V
17 January 1991 – Present

(34 years, 42 days)
Regent: Crown Prince Haakon Magnus (2003 – 2004, 2005, 2020, 2024)

King Harald V 2021.jpg 21 February 1937
Only son of Olav V and Princess Märtha of Sweden
Sonja Haraldsen
29 August 1968
2 children
(88 years, 7 days)

See also


  1. "The unification of Norway". Retrieved 2024-05-07.
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  34. Krag, Claus. "Magnus 3 Olavsson Berrføtt". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  35. Arstad, Knut Peter Lyche. "Olav Magnusson". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  36. Krag, Claus. "Øystein 1 Magnusson". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  37. Krag, Claus. "Sigurd 1 Magnusson Jorsalfare". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
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  40. Helle, Knut. "Sigurd 2 Haraldsson Munn". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
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  43. Helle, Knut (1995). Aschehougs norgeshistorie : 1130–1350. 3 : Under kirke og kongemakt 1130–1350, p. 14. Aschehoug.
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  45. Barber, Malcolm (2004). Two Cities: Medieval Europe, 1050–1320 . Routledge. p.  347.
  46. Brathetland, Bente Opheim. "Håkon 2 Sigurdsson Herdebrei". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  47. Helle, Knut. "Magnus 5 Erlingsson". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  48. Helle, Knut. "Sverre Sigurdsson". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  49. Bjørgo, Narve. "Håkon 3 Sverresson". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.
  50. Helle, Knut. "Guttorm Sigurdsson". Norsk biografisk leksikon (in Norwegian). Retrieved 6 November 2012.

Works cited

Further reading