List of arcade video games: G

Last updated

This is a list of arcade video games organized alphabetically by name. It does not include PC or console games unless they were also released in video arcades. See Lists of video games for related lists.

TitleAlternate Title(s)YearManufacturerGenre(s)Max. PlayersPCB Model
G-Darius ver.2
1997 Taito Scrolling shooter 2
G-LOC: Air Battle 1990 Sega Rail shooter 1
G-Stream G 2020 2002 Oriental Soft
G.I. Joe (arcade game) 1992 Konami 4
G.T. Block Challenger1978Sun Electronics
Gachaga Champ1999 Konami
Gaelco Championship Tuning Race2005Gaelco
Gaelco FOOTBALL2002Gaelco
GAHAHA Ippatsu-Dou2000Metro Corp.
GAHAHA Ippatsu-Dou 22001Metro Corp.
Gaia: The Last Choice of Earth1999SemiCom
Gaia Crusaders 1999 Noise Factory
Gaiapolis - Koganedaka no KenJP
1993 Konami Beat 'em up 2
Gain Ground 1988 Sega 3
Galactic Storm1992 Taito
Galactic Warriors 1985 Konami Fighting 2
Galaga 1981 Namco Fixed shooter 2
Galaga '88 1987 Namco Fixed shooter 2 Namco System 1
Galaxian 1979 Namco Fixed shooter 2
Galaxian 3: Project Dragoon
Galaxian 3JP
1992 Namco First-person shooter
Galaxian 3: Attack of the Zolgear 1994 Namco First-person shooter
Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors 1995 Sunsoft Fighting 2
Galaxy Force II 1988 Sega Shooter 1
Galaxy Game 1971 Computer Recreations Shooter 2
Galaxy Games: Multi-Game Video System1998CES1
Galaxy Games: Starpak 21998CES1
Galaxy Games: Starpak 31998CES1
Galaxy Games: Starpak 41998CES1
Galaxy Gunners1989Electronic Devices Shooter 1
Galaxy Wars
Star BlazerJP
1979 Universal Fixed shooter 2
Galivan - Cosmo Police 1985 Nichibutsu 2
Gallagher's Gallery1992 American Laser Games
Gallop Racer 1996 Tecmo ZN-1
Gallop Racer 2 1997 Tecmo
Gallop Racer 3 1999 Tecmo
Galmedes 1993 Visco Scrolling Shooter 2
Gals Hustler1997Ace International
Gals Panic 1990 Kaneko
Gals Panic II 1993 Kaneko
Gals Panic II Quiz Version 1993 Kaneko
Gals Panic II' Special Version 1993 Kaneko
Gals Panic 3 1995 Kaneko
Gals Panic 4 1997 Kaneko
Gals Panic EX 2000 Kaneko
Gals Panic DX 2001 Kaneko
Gals Panic S 1997 Kaneko
Gals Panic S: Extra Edition 1997 Kaneko
Gals Panic S2 1999 Kaneko
Gals Panic S3 2003 Kaneko
Gals Panic SU 1999 Kaneko
Gals Pinball 1996 Comad
Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise1995 Jaleco
Game Tree1978Project Support Engineering
Games1991US Games, Inc.
Gamshara 2002 Capcom
Ganbare Chinsan! Ooshoubu1987Sanritsu
Ganbare Ginkun - Action Minigame Shuu1995Tecmo
Ganbare Jajamaru Saisho wa Goo1990Jaleco
Ganbare Marin-kun2000Capcom
Gang Busters
Crazy Cop
1988 Konami
Gang Wars 1989 Alpha/SNK
Galaga 3
1984 Namco Fixed shooter 2
Gardia 1986 Scrolling shooter 2
Garou: Mark of the Wolves (see Fatal Fury)1999 SNK
Garogun Seroyang2000Yun Sung
Garyo Retsuden 1987 Data East
Gate-In! - Wai Wai Jockey
Photo Finish
1984 Jaleco
Gate of Doom
Dark SealJP
1990 Data East Beat 'em up 2
Gauntlet 1985 Atari Games Hack and slash 4
Gauntlet II 1986 Atari Games Hack and slash 4
Gauntlet Legends 1998 Atari Games Hack and slash 4
Gauntlet Dark Legacy 2000 Midway Games Hack and slash 4
Gee Bee 1978 Namco Breakout / Video pinball 2
Gekirindan 1995 Taito Scrolling shooter 2
Violent Run
Gekitoride-Jong Space2001 Namco
Gekitou Pro Yakyuu: Mizushima Shinji All Stars vs. Pro Yakyuu2003 Sega
Gemini Wing 1987Tecmo
Genie198?Video Fun Games
Genix Family 1994 NIX
Genpei Tōma Den 1986 Namco Beat 'em up 2 Namco System 86
Get Bass: Sega Bass Fishing1997 Sega
Get Bass: Sega Bass Fishing Deluxe1997 Sega
Get Outta My Face2008Snowrunner Productions
Ghost Hunter 1994 Sega
Ghost Pilots 1991 SNK Scrolling shooter 2
Ghost Squad 2004 Sega
Ghost Squad Evolution 2007 Sega
Ghosts'n Goblins
1985 Capcom Platform game 2
Ghoul Panic1999Raizing
Ghouls'n Ghosts
1988 Capcom Platform game 2 CPS1
Ghox 1991 Toaplan
Giant Gram 2: All Japan Pro Wrestling In Nippon Budokan1999 Sega NAOMI cart.
Giant Gram 2000: All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Brave Men of Glory2000 Sega NAOMI cart.
Giga Wing 1999 Capcom Scrolling shooter 2 CPS2
Giga Wing 2 2000 Capcom Scrolling shooter 2
Giga Wing Generations 2004 Taito
Gigandes 1989 East Technology Scrolling shooter 2
Gigas 1986 Sega Breakout 2
Gigas Mark II 1986 Sega Breakout 2
Gimme A Break 1985 Bally Sente Sports 2
Gindama Shoubu1998Nakanihon
Gindama Shoubu Deluxe1998Nakanihon
Ginga Ninkyouden 1987 Jaleco
Gitadora Fuzz-Up2022 Konami Music 2
Ougon no ShiroJP
Great GurianosJP
1986 Taito Beat 'em up 2
The Gladiator
Shen Jian
The Road of The SwordJP [1]
2003IGS [2]
Gladiator 1984 1984 SNK
Glass1993 Gaelco 2
The GlobBeastie Feastie
Super Glob
1983 Epos
GO 20002000SA
Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi: Jungle Survival1985 Taito
Goal To Go1983Stern Electronics
Goal! Goal! Goal! 1995 Visco 2
Goal IV 1975 Atari Sports 4
Goalie Ghost 1984 Bally Sente Sports 2
Godzilla1993 Banpresto
Gogetsuji Legends
Gouketsuji Ichizoku Saikyou DensetsuJP
1995Atlus Fighting 2
Goindol 1987 Sun A Electronics
Gold Bug1982Century Electronics
Gold Medalist 1988 SNK
Golden Axe 1989 Sega Hack and slash 2
Golden Axe: The Duel 1994 Sega Fighting 2
Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder 1992 Sega Hack and slash 4
Golden Fire II 1992TopisPuzzle/Erotic2
Golden Par Golf1992Strata
Golden Tee '97 1997Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee '97 Tournament Edition 1997Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee '98 1998Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee '98 Tournament Edition 1998Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee '99 1999Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee '99 Tournament Edition 1999Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee 2K 2000Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee 3D Golf 1995Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee 3D Golf: Tournament Version 1995Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Classic 2001Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! 2002Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! 2002 2002Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! 2003 2003Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! 2004 2004Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! 2004 Extra 2004Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! 2005 2004Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Fore! Complete 2004Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Golf1990Strata Group
Golden Tee Golf II1991Strata Group
Golden Tee Royal Edition Tournament 1999Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Supreme Edition Tournament 2002Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Tournament: Diamond Edition 1998Incredible Technologies
Golfing Greats
Golgo 13 1999 Namco Shooter 2
Golgo 13 2: Kiseki no Dandou2000 Namco Shooter 2
Golgo 13 3: Juusei no Chinkonka2001 Namco Shooter 2
Golly! Ghost! 1990 Namco Shooter 2
Golly! Ghost! 2
Bubble Trouble : Golly! Ghost! 2
1992 Namco Shooter 2
Makyou Senshi
1987 Data East
Gomoku Narabe Renju1981 Nichibutsu 1
Gone Fishing 22005IGS1
Good E Jong: Kachinuki Mahjong Syoukin Oh!!1991Seibu Kaihatsu
Goori Goori1999Unico Electronics
Gorf 1981 Midway Fixed shooter 2
Got-cha: Mini Game Festival
Pasha Pasha Champ: Mini Game Festival
1997Dongsung Wonder Park
Gotcha 1973 Atari Maze 2
Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3: Groove on Fight1997Atlus Sega ST-V
Gouketsuji Ichizoku Senzo Kuyou 2009Atlus
Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryouri-ou CooKing
The Hand
GP Rider 1990 Sega Racing 2
GP World 1984 Sega Racing
1985 Konami Scrolling shooter 2
Gradius II
Vulcan Venture
1988 Konami Scrolling shooter 2
Gradius III 1989 Konami Scrolling shooter 2
Gradius IV: Fukkatsu 1998 Konami Scrolling shooter 2
Gran Trak 10 1974 Atari Racing 1
Gran Trak 20 1974 Atari Racing 2
Grand Champion 1981 Taito Racing 1
Grand Cross
Grand Striker - Human Cup
Grand Striker 2
Grand Tour
Grasspin1983 Jaleco
Gratia - Second Earth 1996 Jaleco
Lunar Battle
(prototype title)
1982 Atari Multi-directional shooter 2
Great 1000 Miles Rally
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles RallyEU
1994 Kaneko Racing 1
Great 1000 Miles Rally 2
Mille Miglia 2 - Great 1000 Miles RallyJP
1995 Kaneko Racing 2
Great Bishi Bashi Champ2002 Konami
Great Guns1983Stern Electronics
Great Sluggers - New World Stadium 1993 Namco Sports 2
Great Sluggers - Featuring 1994 Team Rosters 1994 Namco Sports 2
Great Swordsman 1984 Allumer /
Fighting 2
Green Beret (Irem)1980 Irem
The Grid 2000 Midway Games 4
Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer 1992 Taito Scrolling shooter 2
Gridiron Fight 1985
Grobda 1984 Namco Shooter 2
1991 Taito Beat 'em up 2
Ground Effects1992 Taito Racing 1
Grudge Match (Yankee Game Technology)1989Yankee Game Technology Fighting 1
GTI Club Corso Italiano 2000 Konami
GTI Club Rally Cote D'azur 1996 Konami
Get StarJP
1986 Taito
Guardian Force 1998 Success
Guardians 1995 Banpresto Beat 'em up
Guardians of the 'Hood 1992 Atari Games Beat 'em up 3
Guerrilla War
Guided Missile 1977 Bally Midway
Guilty Gear Isuka 2004 Sammy Corporation Fighting
Guilty Gear X2000 Sega Fighting NAOMI cart.
Guilty Gear X Version 1.52003 Sammy Corporation Fighting
Guilty Gear XX2002 Sammy Corporation Fighting NAOMI GD-ROM
Guilty Gear XX #Reload2003 Sammy Corporation Fighting NAOMI GD-ROM
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core2006 Sega Fighting NAOMI GD-ROM
Guilty Gear XX Slash2005 Sammy Corporation Fighting NAOMI GD-ROM
Guitar Freaks 1999 Konami
GuitarFreaks 2ndMix 1999 Konami
GuitarFreaks 2ndMix Link Version 1999 Konami
GuitarFreaks 3rdMix 2000 Konami
GuitarFreaks 4thMix 2000 Konami
GuitarFreaks 5thMix 2001 Konami
GuitarFreaks 6thMix 2001 Konami
GuitarFreaks 7thMix 2002 Konami
GuitarFreaks 8thMix 2002 Konami
GuitarFreaks 9thMix 2003 Konami
GuitarFreaks 10thMix 2003 Konami
GuitarFreaks 11thMix 2004 Konami
GuitarFreaks V 2005 Konami
GuitarFreaks V2 2005 Konami
GuitarFreaks V3 2005 Konami
Guitar Hero Arcade 2009 Raw Thrills
Gulf. Storm
Gulf War-II1991Comad Scrolling shooter 2
Gun Champ1980Model Racing
Gun Dealer1990Dooyong
Gun Dealer 941994Dooyong
Gun Fight 1975 Bally Midway
Gun Force - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island 1991 Irem Scrolling shooter 2
Gun Force II
Geo Storm
1994 Irem Scrolling shooter 2
Gun Frontier 1990 Taito Scrolling shooter 2
Gun Mania 2000 Konami
Gun Survivor 2 BIOHAZARD -Code:Veronica-2001 Namco Rail shooter 2
Gun.Smoke 1985 Capcom Scrolling shooter 2
Gunbarich 2001 Psikyo Breakout 2
Mobile Light ForceUS
1994 Psikyo Scrolling shooter 2
Gunbird 2 1998 Psikyo Scrolling shooter 2
Gunblade NY 1996 Sega Light gun 2
Gunbuster 1992 Taito Light gun 2
Gundam Battle Operating Simulator2005 Banpresto 1
Gundhara - Juudan Arashi 1995 Banpresto
Gunmen Wars1998 Namco
GunNail NMK Scrolling shooter 2
Gunpey 1999
Gururin 1994
Guts'n2000 Kaneko
Guwange 1999 CAVE Scrolling shooter 2
Guzzler 1983 Tehkan 2
Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho
Gypsy Juggler 1978 Meadows Games
1984 Taito Scrolling shooter 2 Kyugo
Gyruss 1983 Konami Tube shooter 2


  1. "てあたりしだいゲームリスト". Monthly Arcadia (in Japanese). No. 35. Enterbrain. 4 April 2003. p. 46.
  2. "The Gladiator". IGS CO.,LTD. Archived from the original on 14 July 2003. Retrieved 8 November 2024.