List of filename extensions (A–E)

Last updated

This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains extensions of notable file formats used by multiple notable applications or services.



Ext.DescriptionUsed by
AArchive file ar (Unix)
AAC Advanced Audio Coding file iOS, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS, YouTube Music
ACCDB [1] Microsoft Access Database Microsoft Access Database (Open XML)
ACCFT [2] Microsoft Access Data Type Template Microsoft Access
ACOAdobe color palette format (.aco) [3] Adobe Photoshop [4]
ADTAbrechnungsdatentransfer, an xDT applicationHealthcare providers in Germany
ADXDocument Archetype Designer
ADZAmiga Disk Zipped (See Amiga Disk File)GZip
AGDA Agda (programming language) source fileAgda typechecker/compiler
AGR ArcView ASCII grid
AHKAutoHotkey script file AutoHotkey
AI [5] Adobe Illustrator Artwork Adobe Illustrator
AIFF [6] Audio Interchange File Format professional audio processing applications and on Macintosh [7]
AIFC [6] Compressed Audio Interchange File Format
AIO APL programming language file transfer format file
AMF [8] [9] Additive Manufacturing File Format Computer Aided Design Software
AMGSystem image fileACTOR
AML [10] AutomationML AutomationML Group
AMLX [10] Compressed and packed AutomationML file AutomationML Group
AMPLAMPL source code file AMPL
AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate audio
AMV Actions Media Video
ANI [11] Animation cursors for WinWin95 - WinNT
ANNAnnotations of old Windows Help file Windows 3.0 - XP
APE Monkey's Audio (Lossless)audio media players
APK Android application package Android
APKAlpine Linux Package Alpine Linux and derivatives
ARC [12] ARC (file format)
ART [13] Gerber format Cadence Allegro, EAGLE
ASAX [14] ASP.NET global application file
ASCX [14] ASP.NET User Control
ASF [15] Advanced Streaming Format (Compressed Windows audio/video)Microsoft Corporation
ASHX [14] ASP.NET handler file
ASMAssembler language source TASM, MASM, NASM, FASM
ASPXActive server page extended fileMicrosoft Corporation
ASX [16] Advanced Stream Redirector file, redirects to an ASF file (see ASF)Microsoft Corporation
ATG [17] Coco/R LL(1) formal grammar Coco/R
AT3 [18] Atrac 3 Sound/music fileAll Sony devices and programs with the Atrac 3+ specification
AUaudio file [19]
AVI [20] [21] Audio Video Interleave Video for Windows
AVIF AV1 Image File Format
AWKAWK script/programawk, GNU Awk, mawk, nawk, MKS AWK, Awka (compiler)
AXDirectShow FilterMicrosoft Corporation (Video Players)
AXF [22] lightweight geodatabase ESRI ArcPad


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
B BASIC language source
B bc arbitrary precision calculator language fileUnix bc tool
B64base64 binary-to-text encoding [23]
BAK backup various
BARBroker Archive. Compressed file containing number of other files for deployment. [24] IBM App Connect
BASBASIC language source QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC - FreeBASIC - others
BAT Batch file MS-DOS, RT-11, DOS-based command processors
BDF Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format, a format used to store bitmap fonts. Adobe
BDTBehandlungsdatentransfer, an xDT applicationHealthcare providers in Germany
BEAM Executable bytecode file in fat binary format BEAM (Erlang virtual machine) [25]
BIBBibliography database BibTex
BINbinary fileEvery OS
BLENDBlender project file Blender
BM3 UIQ3 Phone backup
BMP [26] OS/2 or Win graphics format (BitMap Picture)QPeg - CorelDraw - PC Paintbrush - many
BPSWPS backup file [27] Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works
BSONJSON-like binary serialization [28] MongoDB
BSP Binary space partitioning tree file Quake-based game engines
BYU3D geometry format [29] CAD systems
BZ2 [30] Archive bzip2


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
C-- C-- language sourceSphinx C--
C C language source

Note that on case-sensitive platforms like Unix and with the gcc compiler the uppercase .C extension indicates a C++ source file. [31]

Watcom C/C++, Borland C/C++, gcc and other C compilers
CUnix file archiveCOMPACT
C++ C++ language source
CPP C++ language source
ConfigConfiguration file
C32COMBOOT Executable (32-bit) SYSLINUX
CAB [32] Cabinet archive Windows 95 and later, many file archivers
CBL [33] COBOL language source
CBTCOMBOOT Executable (incompatible with DOS COM files) SYSLINUX
CC C++ language source
CD ASP.NET class diagram file [14]
CDF [34] Common Data Format
CDF [35] Computable Document Format Mathematica
CDP [36] Trainz Railroad Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack Trainz Railroad Simulator
CDR [37] Vector graphics format (drawinF CorelDraw
CDXMLMIME type: chemical/x-cdxmlXML version of the ChemDraw Exchange format, CDX. [38]
CER [39] Security certificate Microsoft Windows
CGM [40] [41] Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphicsA&L - HG - many
CHM [42] Compiled Help File Microsoft Windows, Help Explorer Viewer
CHO [43] ChordPro lead sheet (lyrics and chords) ChordPro and similar tools
CIADecrypted Nintendo 3DS ROM cartridge Nintendo 3DS
CIF [44] [45] Crystallographic Information File RasMol, Jmol
CLASS [46] Java class file Java
CLS ooRexx class file ooRexx
CMD Command Prompt batch fileMicrosoft Windows NT based operating systems
CMD [47] executable programsCP/M-86 operating system
CMLChemical Markup Language, for interchange of chemical information. [48]
CMOD [49] Celestia Model Celestia
CNOFF3D object file format with normals (.noff, .cnoff) [51] NOFF is an acronym derived from Object File Format. Occasionally called CNOFF if color information is present. [52]
COB [53] COBOL language source GnuCOBOL
COE [54] Coefficient file Xilinx ISE
COFF3D object file format (.off, .coff) [55] OFF is an acronym for Object File Format. Used for storing and exchanging 3D models. Occasionally called COFF if color information is present. [56]
COLDIMACS graph data format. [57]
COM DOS program DOS-
COMPILE [14] ASP.NET precompiled stub file
CPC [58] Compressed image Cartesian Perceptual Compression
CPIO cpio archive file cpio
CPL [59] Control panel fileWindows 3.x
CPY [53] COBOL source copybook file
CR2 [60] Raw image format Canon digital cameras
CR3 [61] Raw image format Canon R series cameras
CRAI [62] CRAM index
CRAFTHolds Spacecraft Assembly information Kerbal Space Program
CRT [39] Security certificate Microsoft Windows
CS [63] C# language source
CSPROJ [64] [65] C# project file Microsoft Visual Studio
CSS [66] Cascading style sheet
CSO [67] Compiled Shader Object, extension of compiled HLSL High-Level Shading Language
CSV [68] Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII)
CUBUsed by electronic structure programs to store orbital or density values on a three-dimensional grid. [69]
CUBEsame as .cub
CUR Non-animated cursor (extended from ICO)Windows


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
D D Programming Language source fileDMD
DDirectory containing configuration files (informal standard)Unix
DAA Direct Access Archive
DAFData fileDigital Anchor
DART Dart (programming language) source file
DATAMPL data file AMPL
DATLDraw (Sub)Part File, 3D Model LDraw
DATDataRSNetWorx Project
DATData file in special format or ASCII
DATDatabase file Clarion (programming language)
DATNorton Utilities disc image data. It saves Boot sector, part of FAT and root directory in image.DAT on same drive. Norton Utilities
DATOptical disc image (can be ISO9660, but not restricted to) cdrdao, burnatonce
DAT Video CD MPEG stream
DAT Windows registry hive (REG.DAT Windows 3.11; USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT Windows 95, 98, and ME; NTUSER.DAT Windows NT/2000/XP/7)Microsoft Windows
DATSDynamic sourceATS
DBDatabase file DB Browser for SQLite
DBADarkBasic source code
DBCDatabase Connection configuration fileAbInitio
DBFNative format of the dBASE database management application. [70]
DBGDebugger scriptDOS debug - Watcom debugger
DBGSymbolic debugging informationMicrosoft C/C++
DEB deb software package Debian Linux and derivatives
DEMdigital elevation model (DEM) including GTOPO30 and USGSDEM. GTOPO30 is a distribution format for a global digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-arc-second grid spacing. [71] USGSDEM is the standard format for the distribution of terrain elevation data for the United States. [72]
DGN CAD Drawing Bentley Systems, MicroStation and Intergraph's Interactive Graphics Design System (IGDS) CAD programs
DICOMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) bitmap DICOM Software (XnView)
DIF Data Interchange Format Visicalc
DIFOutput from [diff] command - script for Patch command
DIRED Directory listing (ls format) Dired
DIVX DivX media format
DMG Apple Disk Image macOS (Disk Utility)
DMP memory dump file (e.g. screen or memory)
DNDimension model format Adobe Dimension [73]
DNG [74] Digital Negative, a-publicly available archival format for the raw files generated by digital camerasAt least 30 camera models from at least 10 manufacturers, and at least 200 software products
DOC [75] [76] [77] A Document, or an ASCII text file with text formatting codes in with the text; used by many word processors Microsoft Word and others
DOCMMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Document Microsoft Word
DOCX [78] Microsoft Word Document Microsoft Word
DOT [78] Microsoft Word document template Microsoft Word
DOTX [78] Office Open XML Text document template Microsoft Word
DPX [79] [80] Digital Picture Exchange
DRC Dirac format video
DSC [81] Celestia Deep Space Catalog file Celestia
DTAStata database transport format. [82] Stata
DTD [83] Document Type Definition
DVC [84] Data version control yaml pointer into blob storage
DWFAutodesk Design Web Format Design Review
DWG [85] Drawing AutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PowerCAD, Drafix, DraftSight etc.
DXsame as JDX and JCM.
DXF [86] Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics AutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PowerCAD, etc.


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
EE language source code E
E##EnCase Evidence File chunk EnCase Forensic Analysis Suite entity
E00ArcInfo interchange fileGIS software
E2D2-dimensional vector graphics fileEditor included in JFire
e57A file format developed by ASTM International for storing point clouds and imagesMost software that enables viewing and/or editing of 3D point clouds
EBDversions of DOS system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS, WINBOOT.SYS, etc.) for an emergency boot disk Windows 98, ME
ECSource codeeC
ECCError-checking file dvdisaster
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk imageAWAVE
EDF European data format Medical timeseries storage files
EFIExtensible Firmware Interface
EISEIS Spectrum Analyser Project EIS Spectrum Analyser Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine
EL Emacs Lisp source code file Emacs
ELCByte-compiled Emacs Lisp code Emacs
ELF Executable and Linkable File

EurekaLog File (contains details of an exception)


EurekaLog (

EMAILOutlook Express Email Message Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Microsoft Notepad
EMAKERE language source code (maker) E
EMF Microsoft Enhanced Metafile
EMLEmail conforming to RFC 5322; [87] Stationery Template Email clients;Outlook Express
EMZMicrosoft Enhanced Metafile compressed with ZIP Microsoft Office suite
EOT Embedded OpenType
EP GUI wireframe/prototype projectPrikhi Pencil, Evolus Pencil
EPAAward BIOS splash screen Award BIOS, XnView
EPS Encapsulated PostScript CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher
EPUB Electronic Publication (e-Reader format) Okular (Linux) - Apple Books - Sony Reader - Adobe Digital Editions - Calibre (LMW)
EU4 Europa Universalis 4 save game file Europa Universalis 4
ERL Erlang source code file
ES6 ECMAScript 6 file
ESCPCBData file of "esCAD pcb", PCB Pattern Layout Design SoftwareesCAD pcb provided by Electro-System
ESCSCHData file of "esCAD sch", Drawing Schematics Diagram SoftwareesCAD sch provided by Electro-System
ESD Windows Imaging Format ImageX, DISM, 7-Zip, wimlib
ETLevent trace log fileMicrosoft [88] [89]
EVTWindows Event log fileMicrosoft Windows NT 4.0 - XP; Microsoft Event Viewer
EVTXWindows Event log file XML structuredMicrosoft Windows Vista, 7, 8; Microsoft Event Viewer
EX Elixir source code fileElixir programming language running on BEAM (Erlang virtual machine) [90]
EXE Directly executable program DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian or OS/2
EXPDrawing File format Drawing Express
EXPMelco Embroidery FormatEmbroidermodder
EXROpenEXR raster image format (.exr). [55] Used in digital image manipulation for theatrical film production. EXR is an acronym for Extended Dynamic Range. Stores 16 bit per pixel IEEE HALF-precision floating-point color channels. Can optionally store 32-bit IEEE floating-point "Z" channel depth-buffer components, surface normal directions, or motion vectors. [91]
EXS Elixir script fileInteractive Elixir (IEx) shell [92]

See also


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