List of paintings by Charles Marion Russell

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These are paintings by the American artist Charles Marion Russell

Paintings by Charles Marion Russell
When the Land Belonged to God by C.M. Russell.jpg When the Land Belonged to God, 1914
MVI 2805 Russell's For Supremacy.jpg For Supremacy, 1895 (Intertribal warfare among the Blackfeet, Crow, and Sioux)
Charles Marion Russell - The Tenderfoot (1900).jpg The Tenderfoot, 1900
Charles Marion Russell - Smoke of a .45 - Google Art Project.jpg Smoke of a .45 (A shootout at a saloon)
Russell Loops and Swift Horses are Surer than Lead 1916.jpg Loops and Swift Horses Are Surer than Lead (Cowboys in Montana catch a bear harassing the herd.)
Lewis and clark-expedition.jpg Lewis and Clark on the Lower Columbia
ARTrussellCfullsize.jpg Herd Quitters
Russellwarcouncil.jpg War Council on the Plains
To The Victor Belongs The Spoils by Charles Marion Russell.jpg To The Victor Belongs The Spoils
Charles Marion Russell - In Without Knocking - Google Art Project.jpg In Without Knocking, 1909
Cowpunching Sometimes Spells Trouble.jpg Cowpunching Sometimes Spells Trouble, 1889, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
The Bucker.jpg The Bucker, 1904, Watercolor, pencil & gouache on paper, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
When Cowboys Get in Trouble (The Mad Cow).jpg When Cowboys Get in Trouble (The Mad Cow), 1899, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
The Marriage Ceremony (Indian Love Call).jpg The Marriage Ceremony (Indian Love Call), 1894, Oil on cardboard, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
Utica (A Quiet day in Utica).jpg Utica (A Quiet day in Utica), 1907, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
Deer in Forest (White Tailed Deer).jpg Deer in Forest (White Tailed Deer), 1917, Oil on canvasboard, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
Maney Snows Have Fallen...(Letter from Ah-Wa-Cous (Charles Russell) to Short Bull).jpg Maney Snows Have Fallen...(Letter from Ah-Wa-Cous (Charles Russell) to Short Bull), ca.1909-1910, watercolor, pen & ink on paper, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
Bringing Up the Trail.jpg Bringing Up the Trail, 1895, oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (