List of paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

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The following is a list of paintings by the Dutch and Flemish Renaissance painter and printmaker, Pieter Bruegel the Elder. These Catalog Numbers correspond to the numbering in Roger Hendrik Marijnissen's book, "Bruegel", with photographs by the Swiss art historian, Max Seidel (New York: Harrison House, 1984).

ImageTitleYearTechniqueDimensions (cm)GalleryCatalog number
Landschaft mit Segelschiffen und einer brennenden Stadt.jpg Seascape with Ships and a Burning City (disputed attribution)1553Oil on panel22.4 × 34.8Private collection, Switzerland MS 1
Christus und die Apostel am See Genezareth (Bruegel 1553).jpg Landscape with Christ and the Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias1553Oil on panel67 x 100Private collection, New York MS 2
Anbetung der Konige (Bruegel, um 1564).jpg The Adoration of the Kingsc.1556-1562 [1] Tempera on canvas124 × 169 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium MS 4
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 030.jpg Parable of the Sower 1557Oil on panel73.7 × 102.9 Timken Museum of Art MS 5
Zwolf Sprichworter (Bruegel).jpg Twelve Proverbs1558Oil on panel75 × 98 Museum Mayer van den Bergh
Pieter Brueghel the Elder - The Dutch Proverbs - Google Art Project.jpg Netherlandish Proverbs 1559Oil on panel117 × 163 Berlin State Museums MS 6
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 066.jpg The Fight Between Carnival and Lent 1559Oil on panel118 × 164 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 7
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Children's Games - Google Art Project.jpg Children's Games 1560Oil on panel118 × 161 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 8
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 031.jpg Naval Battle in the Gulf of Naples c.1560Oil on panel42.2 × 71.2 Doria Pamphilj Gallery MS 9
Pieter Bruegel de Oude - De val van Icarus.jpg Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (copy)1560sOil on canvas73.5 × 112 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium MS 3
Pieter Bruegel d. A. Selbstmord Sauls.jpg The Suicide of Saul 1562Oil on panel33.5 × 55 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 10
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Fall of the Rebel Angels - Google Art Project.jpg The Fall of the Rebel Angels 1562Oil on panel117 × 162 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium MS 12
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 023.jpg Mad Meg (Dulle Griet) 1562Oil on panel117.4 × 162 Museum Mayer van den Bergh MS 13
The Triumph of Death P001393.jpg The Triumph of Death с. 1562Oil on panel117 × 162 Prado MS 14
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 095.jpg Two Monkeys 1562Oil on panel20 × 23 Berlin State Museums MS 15
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Tower of Babel (Vienna) - Google Art Project.jpg The Tower of Babel 1563Oil on panel114 × 155 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 16
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Tower of Babel (Rotterdam) - Google Art Project - edited.jpg The Tower of Babel 1563–1565Oil on panel59.9 × 74.6 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen MS 17
Pieter Bruegel der Altere - Landschaft mit der Flucht nach Agypten.jpg Landscape with the Flight into Egypt 1563Oil on panel37.1 × 55.6 Courtauld Institute Galleries MS 18
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 001.jpg Portrait of an Old Woman1563Oil on panel22 × 18 Alte Pinakothek MS 38
Bruegel Yawning Man.jpg Yawning Man (disputed attribution)c.1563Oil on panel12.6 x 9.2 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Anbetung der Konige (Bruegel, 1564) - cropped.jpg The Adoration of the Kings 1564Oil on panel111.1 × 83.2 The National Gallery, London MS 19
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 007.jpg The Procession to Calvary 1564Oil on panel124 × 170 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 20
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Death of the Virgin - WGA03468.jpg Death of the Virgin 1564Oil on panel36 × 55 Upton House MS 21
Die Heuernte.jpg Haymaking 1565Oil on panel117 × 161Lobkowicz Palace at the Prague Castle ComplexMS 22
Pieter Bruegel the Elder- The Harvesters - Google Art Project.jpg The Harvesters 1565Oil on panel116.5 × 159.5 Metropolitan Museum of Art MS 23
La rentree des troupeaux Pieter Brueghel l'Ancien.jpg The Return of the Herd 1565Oil on panel117 × 159 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 24
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Hunters in the Snow (Winter) - Google Art Project.jpg The Hunters in the Snow 1565Oil on panel117 × 162 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 25
Pieter Bruegel de Oude - De sombere dag (vroege voorjaar).jpg The Gloomy Day 1565Oil on panel118 × 163 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 26
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Massacre of the Innocents - Google Art Project.jpg Massacre of the Innocents 1565–1567Oil on panel109.2 × 158.1 Royal Collection
and at Upton House, Warwickshire
MS 27
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 107.jpg Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap 1565Oil on panel37 × 55.5 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, and many copies; it is Bruegel's most copied workMS 28
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery - WGA03469.jpg Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery c.1565Oil on panel24 × 34 Courtauld Institute Galleries MS 29
El vino de la fiesta de San Martin (Pieter Brueghel el Viejo) (restaurada).jpg The Wine of Saint Martin's Day 1565–1568Tempera on canvas148 × 270.5 Prado
Le vin de la Saint-Martin - d'apres Pieter Bruegel I.jpg The Wine of Saint Martin's Day (copy)1565–1568Oil on canvas147 × 269.5 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Numbering at Bethlehem - Google Art Project.jpg The Census at Bethlehem 1566Oil on panel115.5 × 163.5 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium MS 30
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Sermon of Saint John the Baptist - Google Art Project.jpg The Sermon of Saint John the Baptist1566Oil on panel95 × 160.5 Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest) MS 31
Pieter Bruegel de Oude - De bruiloft dans (Detroit).jpg The Wedding Dance c.1566Oil on panel119.4 × 157.5 Detroit Institute of Arts MS 32
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 037-color.jpg The Land of Cockaigne 1566Oil on panel52 × 78 Alte Pinakothek MS 37
Anbetung der Konige im Schnee.jpg Adoration of the Kings in the Snow 1567Tempera on panel35 × 55 Oskar Reinhart Collection 'Am Römerholz', Winterthur MS 33
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 019.jpg Conversion of Paul 1567Oil on panel108 × 156 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 34
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Peasant Wedding - Google Art Project 2.jpg The Peasant Wedding 1568Oil on panel114 × 164 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 35
Pieter Bruegel The Peasant Dance.jpg The Peasant Dance 1568Oil on panel114 × 164 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 36
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 036.jpg The Peasant and the Nest Robber 1568Oil on panel59.3 × 68.3 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 39
Pieter Bruegel d. A. 035-2.jpg The Misanthrope 1568Tempera on canvas86 × 85 Museo di Capodimonte MS 40
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Cripples - WGA3518.jpg The Beggars 1568Oil on panel18.5 × 21.5 Louvre MS 41
Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind - WGA3511.jpg Parable of the Blind 1568Tempera on canvas85.5 × 154 Museo di Capodimonte MS 42
Die Elster auf dem Galgen.jpg The Magpie on the Gallows 1568Oil on panel45.9 × 50.8 Hessisches Landesmuseum MS 43
Pieter Bruegel de Oude - De drie soldaten.jpg The Three Soldiers1568Oil on panel20.3 × 17.8 The Frick Collection
Pieter Brueghel the elder - 1568 - The Drunkard pushed into the pigsty.jpg The Drunkard pushed into the Pigsty1568Oil on panel18 cm. diam.Private Collection (Sold at Christies in 2002)
Joos de Momper the Younger - Storm at Sea - WGA3342.jpg The Storm at Sea (disputed attribution)1569Oil on panel70.3 × 97 Kunsthistorisches Museum MS 44


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