List of people executed in the United States in 2007

Last updated

Forty-two people were executed in the United States in 2007. Twenty-six of them were in the state of Texas. One (Daryl Keith Holton) was executed via electrocution. Holton, who waived his appeals and chose the electric chair, was the first person to be electrocuted by the state of Tennessee since 1960. The state of South Dakota carried out its first execution since 1947. In September 2007, executions in the United States were halted, due to certiorari in Baze v. Rees , which questioned the constitutionality of lethal injection. The U.S. Supreme Court stayed all executions until a decision was made. The stay was not lifted until May 2008. [1] [2]


List of people executed in the United States in 2007

No.Date of executionNameAge of personGenderEthnicityStateMethodRef.
At executionAt offenseAge difference
1January 9, 2007Corey Duane Hamilton382315MaleBlack Oklahoma Lethal injection [3]
2January 10, 2007Carlos Alberto Granados36279Hispanic Texas [4]
3January 17, 2007Johnathan Bryant Moore322012White [5]
4January 30, 2007Christopher Jay Swift31283 [6]
5February 7, 2007James Lewis Jackson473710Black [7]
6February 22, 2007Newton Burton Anderson30228White [8]
7February 27, 2007Donald Anthony Miller441925 [9]
8March 6, 2007Robert Anthony Martinez Perez483512Hispanic [10]
9March 7, 2007Joseph Bennard Nichols451926Black [11]
10March 20, 2007Charles Anthony Nealy42339 [12]
11March 28, 2007Vincent Gutierrez281810Hispanic [13]
12March 29, 2007Roy Lee Pippin513912White [14]
13April 11, 2007 James Lee Clark 382513 [15]
14April 24, 2007James J. Filiaggi4128 Ohio [16]
15April 26, 2007Ryan Heath Dickson301812Texas [17]
16May 3, 2007Aaron Lee Jones552629Black Alabama [18]
17May 4, 2007David Leon Woods421923White Indiana [19]
18May 9, 2007 Philip Ray Workman 532825 Tennessee [20]
19May 16, 2007Charles Edward Smith412219Texas [21]
20May 22, 2007Robert Charles Comer503020 Arizona [22]
21May 24, 2007 Christopher J. Newton 37325Ohio [23]
22June 6, 2007Michael Durwood Griffith564412Texas [24]
23June 15, 2007Michael Allen Lambert362016Indiana [25]
24June 20, 2007Lionell Gonzales Rodriguez1917HispanicTexas [26]
25June 21, 2007Gilberto Guadalupe Reyes33249 [27]
26June 22, 2007Calvin Alphonso Shuler4031Black South Carolina [28]
27June 26, 2007Jimmy Dale Bland493910WhiteOklahoma [29]
28Patrick Bryan Knight392316Texas [30]
29John Washington Hightower634320Black Georgia [31]
30July 11, 2007 Elijah Page 25187White South Dakota [32]
31July 24, 2007Lonnie Earl Johnson442717BlackTexas [33]
32July 26, 2007Darrell B. Grayson461927Alabama [34]
33August 15, 2007Kenneth Parr27189Texas [35]
34August 21, 2007Frank Duane Welch462521WhiteOklahoma [36]
35August 22, 2007Johnny Ray Conner32239BlackTexas [37]
36August 23, 2007Luther Jerome Williams472819Alabama [38]
37August 28, 2007DaRoyce Lamont Mosley321913Texas [39]
38August 29, 2007John Joe Amador1812Hispanic [40]
39September 5, 2007Tony Roach30219White [41]
40September 12, 2007 Daryl Keith Holton 4536Tennessee Electrocution [42]
41September 20, 2007Clifford Allan Kimmel3223TexasLethal injection [43]
42September 25, 2007 Michael Wayne Richard 482622Black [44]
Average:40 years26 years14 years


Texas 2662%
Alabama 37%
Oklahoma 37%
Indiana 25%
Ohio 25%
Tennessee 25%
Arizona 12%
Georgia 12%
South Carolina 12%
South Dakota 12%
Lethal injection 4198%
Electrocution 12%

Executions in recent years

Number of executions
2008 37
2006 53

See also

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  1. "Execution List 2007". Death Penalty Information Center . Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  2. "U.S. Executions Since 1976". The Clark County Prosecuting Attorney. Retrieved October 18, 2021.
  3. "Corey Duane Hamilton Executed January 9, 2007 06:14 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  4. "Carlos Alberto Granados Executed January 10, 2007 06:21 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  5. "Johnathan Bryant Moore Executed January 17, 2007 06:21 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  6. "Christopher Jay Swift Executed January 30, 2007 06:20 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  7. "James Lewis Jackson Executed February 7, 2007 06:18 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  8. "Newton Burton Anderson Executed February 22, 2007 06:17 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  9. "Donald Anthony Miller Executed February 27, 2007 06:16 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  10. "Robert Anthony Martinez Perez Executed March 6, 2007 06:17 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  11. "Joseph Bennard Nichols Executed March 7, 2007 06:19 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  12. "Charles Anthony Nealy Executed March 20, 2007 07:20 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  13. "Vincent Gutierrez Executed March 28, 2007 06:23 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  14. "Roy Lee Pippin Executed March 29, 2007 06:42 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  15. "James Lee Clark Executed April 11, 2007 06:17 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  16. "James J. Filiaggi Executed April 24, 2007 11:23 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  17. "Ryan Heath Dickson Executed April 26, 2007 06:17 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  18. "Aaron Lee Jones Executed May 3, 2007 06:29 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  19. "David Leon Woods Executed May 4, 2007 1:35 a.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Indiana".
  20. "Philip Ray Workman Executed May 9, 2007 1:38 a.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Tennessee".
  21. "Charles Edward Smith Executed May 16, 2007 06:41 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  22. "Robert Charles Comer Executed May 22, 2007 by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  23. "Christopher J. Newton Executed May 24, 2007 11:53 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  24. "Michael Durwood Griffith Executed June 6, 2007 06:18 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  25. "Michael Allen Lambert Executed June 15, 2007 12:29 a.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Indiana".
  26. "Lionell Gonzales Rodriguez Executed June 20, 2007 06:19 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  27. "Gilberto Guadalupe Reyes Executed June 21, 2007 06:17 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  28. "Calvin Alphonso Shuler Executed June 22, 2007 06:17 p.m. by Lethal Injection in South Carolina".
  29. "Jimmy Dale Bland Executed June 26, 2007 06:19 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  30. "Patrick Bryan Knight Executed June 26, 2007 06:21 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  31. "John Washington Hightower Executed June 26, 2007 07:59 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  32. "Elijah Page Executed July 11, 2007 10:11 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in South Dakota".
  33. "Lonnie Earl Johnson Executed July 24, 2007 06:44 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  34. "Darrell B. Grayson Executed July 26, 2007 06:16 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  35. "Kenneth Parr Executed August 15, 2007 06:20 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  36. "Frank Duane Welch Executed August 21, 2007 06:20 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  37. "Johnny Ray Conner Executed August 22, 2007 06:20 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  38. "Luther Jerome Williams Executed August 23, 2007 06:21 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  39. "DaRoyce Lamont Mosley Executed August 28, 2007 10:57 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  40. "John Joe Amador Executed August 29, 2007 06:37 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  41. "Tony Roach Executed September 5, 2007 06:22 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  42. "Daryl Keith Holton Executed September 12, 2007 1:25 a.m. CST by Electric Chair in Tennessee".
  43. "Clifford Allan Kimmel Executed September 20, 2007 06:18 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  44. "Michael Wayne Richard Executed September 25, 2007 08:23 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
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