List of people executed in the United States in 2012

Last updated

Forty-three people were executed in the United States in 2012. Fifteen of them were in the state of Texas. [1] [2]


List of people executed in the United States in 2012

No.Date of executionNameAge of personGenderEthnicityStateMethodRef.
At executionAt offenseAge difference
1January 5, 2012Gary Roland Welch493217MaleWhite Oklahoma Lethal injection [3]
2January 26, 2012Rodrigo Hernandez382018Hispanic Texas [4]
3February 8, 2012Edwin Hart Turner382216White Mississippi [5]
4February 15, 2012Robert Brian Waterhouse653332 Florida [6]
5February 29, 2012Robert Henry Moormann633528 Arizona [7]
6 George Angel Rivas Jr. 413011HispanicTexas [8]
7March 7, 2012Keith Steven Thurmond5241White [9]
8March 8, 2012Robert Charles Towery472720Arizona [10]
9March 15, 2012Timothy Shaun Stemple463412Oklahoma [11]
10March 20, 2012Larry Matthew Puckett351817Mississippi [12]
11March 22, 2012William Gerald Mitchell614615Black [13]
12March 28, 2012Jesse Joe Hernandez473611HispanicTexas [14]
13April 12, 2012 David Alan Gore 582929WhiteFlorida [15]
14April 18, 2012Mark Wayne Wiles492227 Ohio [16]
15April 20, 2012 Shannon M. Johnson 286Black Delaware [17]
16April 25, 2012Thomas Arnold Kemp634419WhiteArizona [18]
17April 26, 2012Beunka Adams291910BlackTexas [19]
18May 1, 2012Michael Bascum Selsor572037WhiteOklahoma [20]
19June 5, 2012Henry Curtis Jackson Jr.472621BlackMississippi [21]
20June 12, 2012 Richard Albert Leavitt 532528White Idaho [22]
21Jan Michael Brawner342311Mississippi [23]
22June 20, 2012Gary Carl Simmons Jr.493316 [24]
23June 27, 2012Samuel Villegas Lopez2425HispanicArizona [25]
24July 18, 2012Yokamon Laneal Hearn331914BlackTexas [26]
25August 7, 2012 Marvin Lee Wilson 543420 [27]
26August 8, 2012Daniel Wayne Cook512526WhiteArizona [28]
27August 14, 2012Michael Edward Hooper402119Oklahoma [29]
28September 20, 2012 Donald L. Palmer 472423Ohio [30]
29 Robert Wayne Harris 402812BlackTexas [31]
30September 25, 2012Cleve Foster483810White [32]
31October 10, 2012Jonathan Marcus Green443212Black [33]
32October 15, 2012 Eric Donald Robert 50482White South Dakota [34]
33October 24, 2012Bobby Lee Hines401921Texas [35]
34October 30, 2012 Donald Eugene Moeller 603723South Dakota [36]
35October 31, 2012Donnie Lee Roberts41329Texas [37]
36November 6, 2012Garry Thomas Allen563026BlackOklahoma [38]
37November 8, 2012Mario Rashad Swain332310Texas [39]
38November 13, 2012Brett Xavier Hartman3815WhiteOhio [40]
39November 14, 2012 Ramon Torres Hernandez 413011HispanicTexas [41]
40November 15, 2012Preston Craig Hughes III462224Black [42]
41December 4, 2012George Ochoa381820HispanicOklahoma [43]
42December 5, 2012 Richard Dale Stokley 603822WhiteArizona [44]
43December 11, 2012 Manuel Pardo Jr. 562927HispanicFlorida [45]
Average:47 years29 years18 years


Texas 1535%
Arizona 614%
Mississippi 614%
Oklahoma 614%
Florida 37%
Ohio 37%
South Dakota 25%
Delaware 12%
Idaho 12%
Lethal injection 43100%

Executions in recent years

Number of executions
2013 39
2011 43

See also


  1. "Execution List 2012". Death Penalty Information Center . Retrieved October 17, 2021.
  2. "U.S. Executions Since 1976". The Clark County Prosecuting Attorney. Retrieved October 17, 2021.
  3. "Gary Roland Welch Executed January 15, 2012 06:10 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  4. "Rodrigo Hernandez Executed January 26, 2012, 2012 06:19 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  5. "Edwin Hart Turner Executed February 8, 2012 at 6:21 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  6. "Robert Brian Waterhouse Executed February 15, 2012 08:22 p.m. EST by Lethal Injection in Florida".
  7. "Robert Henry Moorman a/k/a Robert Henry Moormann Executed February 29, 2012 at 10:23 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  8. "George Rivas Executed February 29, 2012 06:22 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  9. "Keith Steven Thurmond Executed March 7, 2012 06:22 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  10. "Robert Charles Towery Executed March 8, 2012 at 11:26 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  11. "Timothy Shaun Stemple Executed March 15, 2012 06:11 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  12. "Larry Matthew Puckett Executed March 20, 2012 at 6:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  13. "William Gerald Mitchell Executed March 22, 2012 at 6:20 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  14. "Jesse Joe Hernandez Executed March 28, 2012 06:18 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  15. "David Alan Gore Executed April 12, 2012 06:19 p.m. EST by Lethal Injection in Florida".
  16. "Mark Wayne Wiles Executed April 18, 2012 10:42 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  17. "Shannon M. Johnson Executed April 20, 2012 2:55 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Delaware".
  18. "Thomas Arnold Kemp Jr. Executed April 25, 2012 10:08 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  19. "Beunka Adams Executed April 26, 2012 06:25 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  20. "Michael Bascum Selsor Executed May 1, 2012 06:06 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  21. "Henry Curtis Jackson Jr. Executed June 5, 2012 at 6:13 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  22. "Richard Albert Leavitt Executed June 12, 2012 10:25 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Idaho".
  23. "Jan Michael Brawner Executed June 12, 2012 at 6:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  24. "Gary Carl Simmons Jr. Executed June 20, 2012 at 6:16 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  25. "Samuel Villegas Lopez Executed June 27, 2012 10:37 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  26. "Yokamon Laneal Hearn Executed July 18, 2012 06:37 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  27. "Marvin Lee Wilson Executed August 7, 2012 06:27 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  28. "Daniel Wayne Cook Executed August 8, 2012 11:03 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  29. "Michael Edward Hooper Executed August 14, 2012 06:14 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  30. "Donald L. "Duke" Palmer Jr. Executed September 20, 2012 10:35 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  31. "Robert Wayne Harris Executed September 20, 2012 06:43 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  32. "Cleve Foster Executed September 25, 2012 06:43 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  33. "Jonathan Marcus Green Executed October 10, 2012 10:45 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  34. "Eric Donald Robert Executed October 15, 2012 10:24 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in South Dakota".
  35. "Bobby Lee Hines Executed October 25, 2012 6:28 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  36. "Donald Eugene Moeller Executed October 30, 2012 10:24 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in South Dakota".
  37. "Donnie Lee Roberts Jr. Executed October 31, 2012 6:39 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  38. "Garry Thomas Allen Executed November 6, 2012 06:10 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  39. "Mario Rashad Swain Executed November 8, 2012 6:39 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  40. "Brett Xavier Hartman Executed November 13, 2012 10:34 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  41. "Ramon Torres Hernandez Executed November 14, 2012 6:38 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  42. "Preston Craig Hughes III Executed November 15, 2012 7:52 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  43. "George Ochoa Executed December 4, 2012 06:07 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  44. "Richard Dale Stokley Executed December 5, 2012 11:12 a.m. MDT by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  45. "Manuel Pardo Jr. Executed December 11, 2012 07:47 p.m. EST by Lethal Injection in Florida".
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